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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:57:53

0001 #include <cstdlib>
0002 #include <cstdio>
0003 #include <fstream>
0004 #include <iostream>
0005 #include <assert.h>
0006 using namespace std;
0008 #include <math.h>
0009 #include <TStyle.h>
0011 #include "TImage.h"
0012 #include "TAttImage.h"
0014 #include "MECanvasHolder.hh"
0016 ClassImp(MECanvasHolder);
0018 MECanvasHolder::MECanvasHolder()
0019     : fCanvas(0), fWelcomePave(0), fWelcomeState(true), fWelcomeTitle(0), fWelcomeL0(0), _h(0), _scale(1), _refw(1092) {}
0021 MECanvasHolder::~MECanvasHolder() { ClearWelcome(); }
0023 void MECanvasHolder::CanvasModified() {
0024   //Something has been modified in fCanvas
0025   TPad* pad = (TPad*)gPad;
0026   fCanvas->cd();
0027   fCanvas->Modified();
0028   fCanvas->Update();
0029   pad->cd();
0030 }
0032 void MECanvasHolder::ClearWelcome() {
0033   if (fWelcomePave) {
0034     delete fWelcomePave;
0035     fWelcomePave = 0;
0036     gPad->Clear();
0037   }
0038 }
0040 void MECanvasHolder::SetCanvas(
0041     TCanvas* canvas, const char* textTL, const char* textBL, const char* textTR, const char* textBR) {
0042   assert(canvas != 0);
0043   //  fCanvas = fEcanvas->GetCanvas();
0044   fCanvas = canvas;
0045   fCanvas->Clear();
0046   fTopXGen = fCanvas->GetWindowTopX();
0047   fTopYGen = fCanvas->GetWindowTopY();
0048   //  fWidthGen  = fCanvas->GetWindowWidth();
0049   //  fHeigthGen = fCanvas->GetWindowHeight();
0050   fWidthGen = fCanvas->GetWw();
0051   fHeigthGen = fCanvas->GetWh();
0053   //  cout << "fTopXGen/fTopYGen/fWidthGen/fHeigthGen " << fTopXGen << "/" << fTopYGen << "/" << fWidthGen << "/" << fHeigthGen << endl;
0055   if (fWidthGen != 0) {
0056     _scale = fWidthGen / _refw;
0057   }
0058   _scale = 1;  // fixme !
0060   // Various settings
0061   Color_t fColCan = 45;
0062   Style_t fStyleCan = 1001;
0063   Color_t fStyleHistColor = 45;
0064   Color_t fStyleTitleColor = 1;
0065   Color_t fStyleTFColor = 191;
0066   Color_t fStyleTTextColor = 1;
0067   Style_t fStylePad1 = 1001;
0068   Int_t fPadLogX = 0;
0069   Int_t fPadLogY = 0;
0070   Color_t fColFrame = 18;
0071   Color_t fColPad1 = 30;
0073   TString fStringTL(textTL);  //        = "Welcome to MusEcal - Monitoring and Useful Survey of Ecal";
0074   TString fStringBL(
0075       textBL);  //        = "Visit our Twiki page at";
0076   TString fStringTR(textTR);  //        = "MusEcal Version 2.0";
0077   TString fStringBR(textBR);  //        = "J. Malcles & G. Hamel de Monchenault, CEA-Saclay";
0079   double fXTexTL = 0.02;
0080   double fYTexTL = 0.975;
0081   double fXTexBL = 0.02;
0082   double fYTexBL = 0.01;
0083   double fXTexBR = 0.65;
0084   double fYTexBR = 0.01;
0085   double fXTexTR = 0.65;
0086   double fYTexTR = 0.975;
0088   Font_t fFontTex = 132;
0089   Float_t fSizeTex = 0.02;
0091   Short_t fBszCan = 4;
0092   Short_t fBszPad = 6;
0093   Width_t fWidthTex = 2;
0095   double fEmptyX = _scale * 0.005;
0096   double fEmptyY = _scale * 0.03;
0097   double wpad = _scale * 0.5 * (1.0 - 4 * fEmptyX);
0098   double fXLowPad1 = fEmptyX;
0099   double fXUpPad1 = fXLowPad1 + wpad;
0100   double fXLowPad2 = fXUpPad1 + 2 * fEmptyX;
0101   double fXUpPad2 = fXLowPad2 + wpad;
0102   double fYLowPad = fEmptyY;
0103   double fYUpPad = 1.0 - fEmptyY;
0105   fCanvas->SetEditable();
0106   fCanvas->Range(0, 0, 1, 1);
0107   fCanvas->SetFillColor(fColCan);
0108   fCanvas->SetFillStyle(fStyleCan);
0109   fCanvas->SetBorderSize(fBszCan);
0110   gStyle->SetOptStat(1111);
0111   gStyle->SetStatFont(22);
0112   gStyle->SetStatColor(18);
0113   if (fHeigthGen >= 700) {
0114     gStyle->SetStatH(0.1);
0115     gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.01);
0116   } else {
0117     gStyle->SetStatH(_scale * 0.15);
0118     gStyle->SetTitleSize(_scale * 0.015);
0119   }
0120   gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(fStyleTFColor);
0121   gStyle->SetTitleTextColor(fStyleTTextColor);
0122   gStyle->SetTitleW(_scale * 0.76);
0123   gStyle->SetHistFillColor(fStyleHistColor);
0124   gStyle->SetTitleFont(22);
0125   gStyle->SetTitleColor(173);
0126   gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(18);
0127   gStyle->SetTitleColor(fStyleTitleColor);
0128   gStyle->SetTitleTextColor(46);
0129   gStyle->SetLabelSize(_scale * 0.02, "XYZ");
0131   fTexTL = new TLatex(fXTexTL, fYTexTL, fStringTL.Data());
0132   fTexTR = new TLatex(fXTexTR, fYTexTR, fStringTR.Data());
0133   fTexBL = new TLatex(fXTexBL, fYTexBL, fStringBL.Data());
0134   fTexBR = new TLatex(fXTexBR, fYTexBR, fStringBR.Data());
0135   // from DrawLabels()
0136   //Draws the 4 labels on the Canvas
0137   fTexTL->SetTextFont(fFontTex);
0138   fTexTL->SetTextSize(fSizeTex);
0139   fTexTL->SetLineWidth(fWidthTex);
0140   fTexBL->SetTextFont(fFontTex);
0141   fTexBL->SetTextSize(fSizeTex);
0142   fTexBL->SetLineWidth(fWidthTex);
0143   fTexBR->SetTextFont(fFontTex);
0144   fTexBR->SetTextSize(fSizeTex);
0145   fTexBR->SetLineWidth(fWidthTex);
0146   fTexTR->SetTextFont(fFontTex);
0147   fTexTR->SetTextSize(fSizeTex);
0148   fTexTR->SetLineWidth(fWidthTex);
0149   fCanvas->cd();
0150   fTexTL->Draw();
0151   fTexBL->Draw();
0152   fTexBR->Draw();
0153   fTexTR->Draw();
0155   // from BookPad1()
0156   fCanvas->cd();
0157   fPad = new TPad("LeftPad", "Left pad", fXLowPad1, fYLowPad, fXUpPad2, fYUpPad);
0158   fPad->SetNumber(1);
0159   fPad->SetFillColor(fColPad1);
0160   fPad->SetFillStyle(fStylePad1);
0161   fPad->SetBorderSize(fBszPad);
0162   fPad->SetGridx();
0163   fPad->SetGridy();
0164   fPad->SetLogx(fPadLogX);
0165   fPad->SetLogy(fPadLogY);
0166   fPad->SetFrameFillColor(fColFrame);
0167   fPad->SetFillStyle(fStylePad1);
0168   fPad->Draw();
0169   fPad->cd();
0171   setSessionStyle();
0172   ShowWelcome(false);
0173 }
0175 void MECanvasHolder::ShowWelcome(bool image) {
0176   gPad->Clear();
0177   if (image) {
0178     TString imgpath = TString(std::getenv("MECONFIG"));
0179     TImage* img = TImage::Open(imgpath + "/LVB.jpg");
0180     assert(img != 0);
0181     //  img->SetConstRatio(0);
0182     TText* ttext1 = new TText(450, 500, "MusEcal");
0183     ttext1->SetTextSize(0.5);
0184     ttext1->SetTextColor(kRed);
0185     ttext1->SetTextFont(62);
0186     img->SetImageQuality(TAttImage::kImgBest);
0187     img->DrawText(ttext1, 450, 500);
0188     TText* ttext2 = new TText(450, 800, "ECAL Laser Monitoring");
0189     ttext2->SetTextSize(0.3);
0190     ttext2->SetTextColor(kRed);
0191     ttext2->SetTextFont(62);
0192     img->DrawText(ttext2, 450, 800);
0193     img->Draw("xxx");
0194     img->SetEditable(kTRUE);
0195   }
0196   gPad->Modified();
0197   gPad->Update();
0198 }
0200 void MECanvasHolder::setSessionStyle() {
0201   // use plain black on white colors
0202   gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
0203   gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
0204   gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
0205   gStyle->SetPadColor(0);
0206   gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
0207   gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0);
0208   //  gStyle->SetTitleColor(0);
0209   //  gStyle->SetStatColor(0);
0210   //  gStyle->SetFillColor(0);
0212   // set the paper & margin sizes
0213   gStyle->SetPaperSize(20, 26);
0214   //  gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(_scale*0.05);
0215   gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(_scale * 0.10);
0216   gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(_scale * 0.165);
0217   gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(_scale * 0.15);
0218   gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(_scale * 0.135);
0220   // use large Times-Roman fonts
0221   gStyle->SetTextFont(132);
0222   gStyle->SetTextSize(0.08);
0223   gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "x");
0224   gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "y");
0225   gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "z");
0226   gStyle->SetTitleFont(132, "x");
0227   gStyle->SetTitleFont(132, "y");
0228   gStyle->SetTitleFont(132, "z");
0229   gStyle->SetTitleFont(132);
0230   gStyle->SetLabelSize(_scale * 0.05, "x");
0231   gStyle->SetLabelOffset(_scale * 0.01, "x");
0232   gStyle->SetTitleOffset(_scale * 1, "x");
0233   gStyle->SetTitleSize(_scale * 0.06, "x");
0234   gStyle->SetLabelSize(_scale * 0.05, "y");
0235   gStyle->SetLabelOffset(_scale * 0.01, "y");
0236   gStyle->SetTitleSize(_scale * 0.06, "y");
0237   gStyle->SetTitleOffset(_scale * 1, "y");
0238   gStyle->SetLabelSize(_scale * 0.05, "z");
0239   gStyle->SetLabelOffset(_scale * 0.01, "z");
0240   gStyle->SetTitleSize(_scale * 0.06, "z");
0241   gStyle->SetTitleOffset(_scale * 1, "z");
0243   // use bold lines and markers
0244   //  gStyle->SetMarkerStyle(8);
0245   gStyle->SetHistLineWidth(2);
0246   gStyle->SetLineStyleString(2, "[12 12]");  // postscript dashes
0248   // do not display any of the standard histogram decorations
0249   //  gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
0250   gStyle->SetOptStat(111111);
0251   gStyle->SetOptFit(0);
0253   // put tick marks on top and RHS of plots
0254   //  gStyle->SetPadTickX(1);
0255   //  gStyle->SetPadTickY(1);
0257   //  TColor::CreateColorWheel();
0259   gStyle->SetPalette(1);
0260   // setHessPalette();
0262   const int ncol = 60;
0263   gStyle->SetNumberContours(ncol);
0265   fCanvas->SetFillColor(kYellow);
0266   fCanvas->SetGridx(0);
0267   fCanvas->SetGridx(1);
0269   fPad->SetFillColor(kWhite);
0270   fPad->SetGridx(0);
0271   fPad->SetGridy(0);
0272   fPad->SetCrosshair(0);
0273   fPad->SetFrameFillColor(kWhite);
0274 }
0276 void MECanvasHolder::setHistoStyle(TH1* h) {
0277   if (h == 0)
0278     return;
0280   h->SetLineColor(4);
0281   h->SetLineWidth(1);
0282   h->SetFillColor(38);
0283   TAxis* axis[3];
0284   axis[0] = h->GetXaxis();
0285   axis[1] = h->GetYaxis();
0286   axis[2] = h->GetZaxis();
0287   for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
0288     TAxis* a = axis[ii];
0289     if (!a)
0290       continue;
0291     a->SetLabelFont(132);
0292     a->SetLabelOffset(0.005);
0293     a->SetLabelSize(0.04);
0294     a->SetTitleFont(132);
0295     a->SetTitleOffset(1);
0296     a->SetTitleSize(0.04);
0297   }
0298   h->SetStats(kTRUE);
0299 }
0301 void MECanvasHolder::SetDate() {
0302   // from F-X Gentit
0303   const Int_t cent = 100;
0304   Int_t date, time;
0305   Int_t day, month, year;
0306   Int_t hour, minute, second;
0307   TDatime td;
0308   date = td.GetDate();
0309   time = td.GetTime();
0310   //
0311   day = date % cent;
0312   date /= cent;
0313   month = date % cent;
0314   date /= cent;
0315   year = date;
0316   second = time % cent;
0317   time /= cent;
0318   minute = time % cent;
0319   time /= cent;
0320   hour = time;
0321   //
0322   fDate = "  ";
0323   fDate += day;
0324   fDate.Append(" / ");
0325   fDate += month;
0326   fDate.Append(" / ");
0327   fDate += year;
0328   fDate.Append("  ");
0329   //
0330   fTime = "";
0331   fTime += hour;
0332   fTime.Append('_');
0333   fTime += minute;
0334 }
0336 void MECanvasHolder::setPxAndPy(int px, int py) {
0337   _px = px;
0338   _py = py;
0339   _x = 0;
0340   _y = 0;
0341   if (_h != 0) {
0342     TString objectInfo;
0343     objectInfo = _h->GetObjectInfo(_px, _py);
0344     //      cout << "_px/_py/_h " << _px << "/" << _py  << endl;
0345     //      _h->Print();
0346     //      cout << objectInfo << endl;
0347     //
0348     // Yuk !!!
0349     //
0350     int istart1 = objectInfo.Index("(x=");
0351     int iend1 = istart1 + 3;
0352     int istart2 = objectInfo.Index(", y=");
0353     int iend2 = istart2 + 4;
0354     int istart3 = objectInfo.Index(", binx=");  // int iend3 = istart3+7;
0356     _x = TString(objectInfo(iend1, istart2 - iend1)).Atof();
0357     _y = TString(objectInfo(iend2, istart3 - iend2)).Atof();
0359     //      cout << "x/y " << _x << "/" << _y << endl;
0360   }
0361 }
0363 void MECanvasHolder::setPad() {
0364   if (fPad == 0)
0365     return;
0366   fPad->cd();
0367 }
0369 void MECanvasHolder::setHessPalette() {
0370   const int nfix = 5;
0372   const float Pi = acos(-1.);
0374   const int ninter = 10;
0375   int nstep = ninter + 1;
0376   double step = Pi / nstep;
0378   const int ncoltot = (nfix - 1) * ninter + nfix;
0380   TColor* myCol;
0381   Int_t palette[ncoltot];
0382   for (int i = 0; i < ncoltot; i++)
0383     palette[i] = 1;
0385   // 1:black, 4:blue, 2:red, 5:yellow, 10:white
0386   int colfix[nfix] = {1, 4, 2, 5, 10};
0388   int colOff7 = 4300;
0389   int icol = colOff7;  // new color number
0391   float red, green, blue;
0393   int ifix = 0;
0394   for (int ii = 0; ii < nfix; ii++) {
0395     TString myColName("myHessCol_");
0396     myColName += icol;
0397     TColor* theCol = (TColor*)gROOT->GetColor(colfix[ii]);
0398     theCol->GetRGB(red, green, blue);
0399     myCol = new TColor(icol, red, green, blue, myColName);
0400     cout << "ifix " << ifix << " r/g/b  " << red << "/" << green << "/" << blue << endl;
0401     palette[ifix] = icol++;
0402     ifix += nstep;
0403   }
0405   float r1, g1, b1;
0406   float r2, g2, b2;
0407   int ifix1 = 0;
0408   int ifix2 = 0;
0409   for (int ii = 0; ii < nfix - 1; ii++) {
0410     ifix2 = ifix1 + nstep;
0412     int icol1 = palette[ifix1];
0413     int icol2 = palette[ifix2];
0414     TColor* col1 = gROOT->GetColor(icol1);
0415     col1->Print();
0416     col1->GetRGB(r1, g1, b1);
0417     TColor* col2 = gROOT->GetColor(icol2);
0418     col2->Print();
0419     col2->GetRGB(r2, g2, b2);
0421     ifix = ifix1;
0422     double x = -Pi / 2.;
0423     for (int istep = 0; istep < ninter; istep++) {
0424       x += step;
0425       ifix++;
0427       double sinx = sin(x);
0428       red = 0.5 * ((r2 - r1) * sinx + (r1 + r2));
0429       green = 0.5 * ((g2 - g1) * sinx + (g1 + g2));
0430       blue = 0.5 * ((b2 - b1) * sinx + (b1 + b2));
0432       TString myColName("myHessCol_");
0433       myColName += icol;
0434       myCol = new TColor(icol, red, green, blue, myColName);
0435       cout << "ifix " << ifix << " r/g/b  " << red << "/" << green << "/" << blue << endl;
0436       palette[ifix] = icol++;
0437     }
0439     ifix1 = ifix2;
0440   }
0442   gStyle->SetPalette(ncoltot, palette);
0443 }