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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process("ProdTPGParam")
0005 # Calo geometry service model
0006 process.load("Geometry.CaloEventSetup.CaloGeometry_cfi")
0007 process.load("Geometry.CaloEventSetup.EcalTrigTowerConstituents_cfi")
0008 process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsIdealGeometryXML_cfi")
0010 # ecal mapping
0011 process.load("Geometry.EcalMapping.EcalMapping_cfi")
0012 process.eegeom = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
0013     recordName = cms.string('EcalMappingRcd'),
0014     iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
0015     firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
0016 )
0018 # Get hardcoded conditions the same used for standard digitization before CMSSW_3_1_x
0019 ## process.load("CalibCalorimetry.EcalTrivialCondModules.EcalTrivialCondRetriever_cfi")
0020 # or Get DB parameters 
0021 process.load('Configuration/StandardSequences/FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cff')
0022 process.GlobalTag.globaltag = "GR09_31X_V2P::All"
0025 #########################
0026 process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource",
0027        firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(100000000) ### need to use latest run to pick-up update values from DB 
0028 )
0031 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0032     input = cms.untracked.int32(1)
0033 )
0035 process.TPGParamProducer = cms.EDFilter("EcalTPGParamBuilder",
0037     #### inputs/ouputs control ####
0038     writeToDB  = cms.bool(False),
0039     allowDBEE  = cms.bool(False),
0041     DBsid   = cms.string('ecalh4db'),
0042     DBuser  = cms.string('test09'),
0043     DBpass  = cms.string('oratest09'),
0044     DBport  = cms.uint32(1521),
0046     TPGWritePed = cms.uint32(1),
0047     TPGWriteLin = cms.uint32(1),
0048     TPGWriteSli = cms.uint32(1),
0049     TPGWriteWei = cms.uint32(1),
0050     TPGWriteLut = cms.uint32(1),
0051     TPGWriteFgr = cms.uint32(1),
0052     TPGWriteBxt = cms.uint32(0),
0053     TPGWriteBtt = cms.uint32(2003),
0055     writeToFiles = cms.bool(True),
0056     outFile = cms.string('TPG_craft.txt'),
0057    #### TPG config tag and version (if not given it will be automatically given ) ####
0058     TPGtag = cms.string('CRAFT'),
0059     TPGversion = cms.uint32(1),
0061    #### TPG calculation parameters ####
0062     useTransverseEnergy = cms.bool(True),   ## true when TPG computes transverse energy, false for energy
0063     Et_sat_EB = cms.double(64.0),           ## Saturation value (in GeV) of the TPG before the compressed-LUT (rem: with 35.84 the TPG_LSB = crystal_LSB)
0064     Et_sat_EE = cms.double(64.0),           ## Saturation value (in GeV) of the TPG before the compressed-LUT (rem: with 35.84 the TPG_LSB = crystal_LSB)
0066     sliding = cms.uint32(0),                ## Parameter used for the FE data format, should'nt be changed
0068     weight_sampleMax = cms.uint32(3),       ## position of the maximum among the 5 samples used by the TPG amplitude filter
0070     forcedPedestalValue = cms.int32(-2),    ## use this value instead of getting it from DB or MC (-1 means use DB or MC. -2 used to cope with FENIX bug)
0071     forceEtaSlice = cms.bool(False),        ## when true, same linearization coeff for all crystals belonging to a given eta slice (tower)
0073     LUT_option = cms.string('Linear'),      ## compressed LUT option can be: "Identity", "Linear", "EcalResolution"
0074     LUT_threshold_EB = cms.double(0.750),   ## All Trigger Primitives <= threshold (in GeV) will be set to 0 
0075     LUT_threshold_EE = cms.double(1.0625),  ## All Trigger Primitives <= threshold (in GeV) will be set to 0 
0076     LUT_stochastic_EB = cms.double(0.03),   ## Stochastic term of the ECAL-EB ET resolution (used only if LUT_option="EcalResolution")
0077     LUT_noise_EB = cms.double(0.2),         ## noise term (GeV) of the ECAL-EB ET resolution (used only if LUT_option="EcalResolution")
0078     LUT_constant_EB = cms.double(0.005),    ## constant term of the ECAL-EB ET resolution (used only if LUT_option="EcalResolution")
0079     LUT_stochastic_EE = cms.double(0.03),   ## Stochastic term of the ECAL-EE ET resolution (used only if LUT_option="EcalResolution")
0080     LUT_noise_EE = cms.double(0.2),         ## noise term (GeV) of the ECAL-EE ET resolution (used only if LUT_option="EcalResolution")
0081     LUT_constant_EE = cms.double(0.005),    ## constant term of the ECAL-EE ET resolution (used only if LUT_option="EcalResolution")
0083     TTF_lowThreshold_EB = cms.double(0.375),   ## EB Trigger Tower Flag low threshold in GeV
0084     TTF_highThreshold_EB = cms.double(0.375),  ## EB Trigger Tower Flag high threshold in GeV
0085     TTF_lowThreshold_EE = cms.double(1.0625),  ## EE Trigger Tower Flag low threshold in GeV
0086     TTF_highThreshold_EE = cms.double(1.0625), ## EE Trigger Tower Flag high threshold in GeV
0088     FG_lowThreshold_EB = cms.double(0.3125),   ## EB Fine Grain Et low threshold in GeV
0089     FG_highThreshold_EB = cms.double(0.3125),  ## EB Fine Grain Et high threshold in GeV
0090     FG_lowRatio_EB = cms.double(0.8),          ## EB Fine Grain low-ratio
0091     FG_highRatio_EB = cms.double(0.8),         ## EB Fine Grain high-ratio
0092     FG_lut_EB = cms.uint32(0x08),              ## EB Fine Grain Look-up table. Put something != 0 if you really know what you do!
0093     FG_Threshold_EE = cms.double(0.0),         ## EE Fine threshold in GeV
0094     FG_lut_strip_EE = cms.uint32(0),           ## EE Fine Grain strip Look-up table
0095     FG_lut_tower_EE = cms.uint32(0)            ## EE Fine Grain tower Look-up table
0096 )
0098 process.p = cms.Path(process.TPGParamProducer)