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0001 #ifndef HcalLogicalMapGenerator_h
0002 #define HcalLogicalMapGenerator_h
0004 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalLogicalMap.h"
0005 class HcalTopology;
0007 class HcalLogicalMapGenerator {
0008 public:
0009   HcalLogicalMapGenerator();
0010   ~HcalLogicalMapGenerator();
0011   HcalLogicalMap createMap(const HcalTopology* topo, unsigned int mapIOV = 4);
0013 private:
0014   void buildHBEFTMap(const HcalTopology* topo,
0015                      std::vector<HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry>&,
0016                      std::vector<HTLogicalMapEntry>&,
0017                      std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0018                      std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0019                      std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0020                      std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0021                      std::vector<uint32_t>&);
0022   void buildHOXMap(const HcalTopology* topo,
0023                    std::vector<HOHXLogicalMapEntry>&,
0024                    std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0025                    std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0026                    std::vector<uint32_t>&);
0027   void buildCALIBMap(const HcalTopology* topo,
0028                      std::vector<CALIBLogicalMapEntry>&,
0029                      std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0030                      std::vector<uint32_t>&);
0031   void buildZDCMap(const HcalTopology* topo,
0032                    std::vector<ZDCLogicalMapEntry>&,
0033                    std::vector<uint32_t>&,
0034                    std::vector<uint32_t>&);
0035   void ConstructTriggerTower(const HcalTopology* topo,
0036                              std::vector<HTLogicalMapEntry>&,
0037                              int i_side,
0038                              int i_eta,
0039                              int i_phi,
0040                              int i_dphi,
0041                              int i_depth,
0042                              std::string i_det,
0043                              int i_wedge,
0044                              int i_rm,
0045                              int i_pixel,
0046                              int i_qie,
0047                              int i_adc,
0048                              int i_rm_fi,
0049                              int i_fi_ch,
0050                              int i_crate,
0051                              int i_htr,
0052                              std::string i_fpga,
0053                              int i_htr_fi,
0054                              int i_spigot,
0055                              int i_slb,
0056                              std::string i_slbin,
0057                              std::string i_slbin2,
0058                              std::string i_slnam,
0059                              int i_rctcra,
0060                              int i_rctcar,
0061                              int i_rctcon,
0062                              std::string i_rctnam,
0063                              int i_fed);
0065   unsigned int mapIOV_;
0067   /*****************************Constants**************************/
0069   static const int NHBHECR = 9;  //HB HE crates
0070   static const int NHTRS = 3;    //Htrs 0, 1, 2 for HB HE
0071   static const int NHSETS = 4;   //4 sets of HB/HE htrs
0073   static const int NHFCR = 3;  //HF crates
0075   static const int NHOCR = 4;     //HO crates
0076   static const int NHTRSHO = 4;   //Htrs 0-3 for HO
0077   static const int NHSETSHO = 3;  //3 sets of H0 htrs
0078   static const int NHOETA = 16;
0079   static const int NHOPHI = 72;
0081   static const int NCALIBCR = 13;  //CALIB crates
0083   static const int NZDCCAB = 9;  // ZDC cables
0085   static const int NFBR = 8;     //Fibers for htrs
0086   static const int NFCH = 3;     //3 Fiber channels ranging 0-2
0087   static const int NTOPBOT = 2;  //2 FPGAs (top/bottom)
0088   static const int NRMFIBR = 6;  //6 rm fibers ranging 2-7
0089   static const int NRMSLOT = 4;  //4 rm slots ranging 1-4
0091   //Global iterator variables
0092   int i, j;
0094   //Variables that need to be printed
0095   int irm, irm_fi, iwedge, ipixel, iqie, iadc, isector;
0096   int islb, irctcra, irctcar, irctcon, irctnam, idphi;
0097   int iside, ieta, iphi, idepth, icrate, ihtr;
0098   int ihtr_fi, ifi_ch, ispigot, idcc, idcc_sl, ifed;
0099   // indexing number
0100   int inum;
0101   //CALIB channel function
0102   int ich_type;
0103   std::string subdet;
0104   //ZDC channel function
0105   int ix, iy, idx, idet_ch, icab;
0107   std::string rbx, slbin, slbin2, slnam;
0108   std::string det, fpga, rctnam, letter;
0110   int hbhecrate[NHBHECR];
0111   int hfcrate[NHFCR];
0112   int hocrate[NHOCR];
0113   int fedhbhenum[NHBHECR][2];
0114   int fedhfnum[NHFCR][2];
0115   int fedhonum[NHOCR][2];
0116   int ihslot[NHSETS];
0117   int ihslotho[NHSETSHO][NHTRSHO];
0118   int ihbhephis[NHBHECR];
0119   int ihfphis[NHFCR];
0120   int ihophis[NHOCR];
0121   int ihbheetadepth[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2];
0122   int ihfetadepth[NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2];
0123   int irm_rmfiHBHE[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2];
0125   int irm_rmfiHF[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2];
0126   int ipixelHB[NRMFIBR][NFCH][NRMSLOT];
0128   int ipixelHE[NRMFIBR][NFCH][NRMSLOT];
0129   int iadcquiHBHE[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2];
0131   const char* S_slbin_odd[8];
0132   const char* S_slbin_even[8];
0133   const char* rct_rackHBHE[18];
0134   const char* S_slbin_7[4];
0135   const char* S_slbin_3[4];
0136   const char* rct_rackHF[18];
0138   int slb_table[29];
0139   int HO_RM_table[24][16][2];
0140   int HO_RM_fi_eta5to15[11];
0142   int HO_RM_fi_eta16;
0144   int HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15[2][11];
0145   int HO_htr_fi_450eta16M[4];
0146   int HO_htr_fi_450eta16P[4][6];
0147   int HO_htr_fi_eta4[2][6];
0148   int HO_htr_fi_eta123[2][6];
0149   //static const int HO_Block3_LC[][6];
0150   int HO_RM_fi_eta1to4[24][2][2];
0151   int HO_RM_fi_eta1to4_sipm[24][4][2];
0152   int ipixelHO[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2];
0153   std::string letterHO[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2];
0154   int rmspecialeta[6][6];
0155   std::string rmspeciallet_code[6][6];
0156   std::string rmspecialdet[6][6];
0158   //Associated variables
0159   int hfphi;
0160   char sidesign, S_side;
0162   //For slb and rct
0163   int phi, phideg, etaslb, oddcard, eta2, eta3, phimod8, ietamod;
0164   int crazy;
0166   //For HO
0167   int phmod24, phmod6, sidear, iph, iet, isid, ring, sector;
0168   bool phi1458, phi271011, phir0v1, phir0v2, phir0v3, phir0v4;
0169   bool phmod6e450, phmod6e123;
0171   //HO Patch panel
0173   int ic, is, ih, itb, ifb, ifc, ifwtb;
0175   int calibcrate[NCALIBCR];
0176   int fedcalibnum[NCALIBCR][2];
0177   int icalibphis[NCALIBCR];
0178   int icalibsector_min[NCALIBCR];
0179   int icalibsector_max[NCALIBCR];
0180   std::string detIDCALIB[NCALIBCR][NTOPBOT];
0181   int nfbr_max[NCALIBCR][NTOPBOT];
0182   int calibHOinfo[NHOCR][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2];
0183 };
0185 #endif