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0001 #ifndef HCALConfigDBTools_XMLTools_XMLProcessor_h
0002 #define HCALConfigDBTools_XMLTools_XMLProcessor_h
0003 // -*- C++ -*-
0004 //
0005 // Package:     XMLTools
0006 // Class  :     XMLProcessor
0007 //
0008 /**\class XMLProcessor XMLProcessor.h CalibCalorimetry/HcalTPGAlgos/interface/XMLProcessor.h
0010  Description: Testing Xerces library for processing HCAL DB XML wrappers
0012  Usage:
0013     <usage>
0015 */
0016 //
0017 // Original Author:  Gena Kukartsev
0018 //         Created:  Sun Sep 23 16:57:06 CEST 2007
0019 //
0021 // system include files
0022 #include <vector>
0023 #include <string>
0024 #include <ctime>
0025 #include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
0026 #include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
0027 #include "Utilities/Xerces/interface/Xerces.h"
0028 #include <xercesc/dom/DOMNode.hpp>
0029 #include <xercesc/framework/MemBufInputSource.hpp>
0030 #include <cstdio>
0032 #if defined(XERCES_NEW_IOSTREAMS)
0033 #include <iostream>
0034 #else
0035 #include <iostream.h>
0036 #endif
0038 #include "CalibCalorimetry/HcalTPGAlgos/interface/XMLDOMBlock.h"
0040 class XMLProcessor {
0041 public:
0042   typedef struct _loaderBaseConfig {
0043     _loaderBaseConfig();
0044     std::string extention_table_name;
0045     std::string name;
0046     std::string run_mode;
0047     std::string data_set_id;
0048     std::string iov_id;
0049     std::string iov_begin;
0050     std::string iov_end;
0051     std::string tag_id;
0052     std::string tag_mode;
0053     std::string tag_name;
0054     std::string detector_name;
0055     std::string comment_description;
0056   } loaderBaseConfig;
0058   typedef struct _LMapRowHBEF {
0059     int side;
0060     int eta;
0061     int phi;
0062     int dphi;
0063     int depth;
0064     std::string det;
0065     std::string rbx;
0066     int wedge;
0067     int rm;
0068     int pixel;
0069     int qie;
0070     int adc;
0071     int rm_fi;
0072     int fi_ch;
0073     int crate;
0074     int htr;
0075     std::string fpga;
0076     int htr_fi;
0077     int dcc_sl;
0078     int spigo;
0079     int dcc;
0080     int slb;
0081     std::string slbin;
0082     std::string slbin2;
0083     std::string slnam;
0084     int rctcra;
0085     int rctcar;
0086     int rctcon;
0087     std::string rctnam;
0088     int fedid;
0089   } LMapRowHBEF;
0091   typedef struct _LMapRowHO {
0092     int sideO;
0093     int etaO;
0094     int phiO;
0095     int dphiO;
0096     int depthO;
0097     std::string detO;
0098     std::string rbxO;
0099     int sectorO;
0100     int rmO;
0101     int pixelO;
0102     int qieO;
0103     int adcO;
0104     int rm_fiO;
0105     int fi_chO;
0106     std::string let_codeO;
0107     int crateO;
0108     int htrO;
0109     std::string fpgaO;
0110     int htr_fiO;
0111     int dcc_slO;
0112     int spigoO;
0113     int dccO;
0114     int fedidO;
0115   } LMapRowHO;
0117   typedef struct _DBConfig {
0118     _DBConfig();
0119     std::string version;
0120     std::string subversion;
0121     time_t create_timestamp;
0122     std::string created_by_user;
0123   } DBConfig;
0125   typedef struct _lutDBConfig : public _DBConfig {
0126     int crateNumber;
0127   } lutDBConfig;
0129   typedef struct _checksumsDBConfig : public _DBConfig {
0130     std::string comment;
0131   } checksumsDBConfig;
0133   // this class is a singleton
0134   static XMLProcessor* getInstance() {
0135     if (!instance)
0136       instance = new XMLProcessor();
0137     return instance;
0138   }
0140   XMLProcessor(const XMLProcessor&) = delete;  // stop default
0142   // returns XML std::string if target == "string" otherwise NULL
0143   XMLCh* serializeDOM(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMNode* node, std::string target = "stdout");
0145   inline static XMLCh* _toXMLCh(std::string temp);
0146   inline static XMLCh* _toXMLCh(int temp);
0147   inline static XMLCh* _toXMLCh(double temp);
0148   inline static XMLCh* _toXMLCh(time_t temp);
0149   virtual ~XMLProcessor();
0151   int test(void);
0152   int init(void);
0153   int terminate(void);
0155   XMLDOMBlock* createLMapHBEFXMLBase(std::string templateFileName);
0156   XMLDOMBlock* createLMapHOXMLBase(std::string templateFileName);
0158   int addLMapHBEFDataset(XMLDOMBlock* doc, LMapRowHBEF* row, std::string templateFileName);
0159   int addLMapHODataset(XMLDOMBlock* doc, LMapRowHO* row, std::string templateFileName);
0161   int write(XMLDOMBlock* doc, std::string target = "stdout");
0163 private:
0164   XMLProcessor();
0166   //const XMLProcessor& operator=(const XMLProcessor&); // stop default
0168   // ---------- member data --------------------------------
0169   static XMLProcessor* instance;
0170 };
0172 inline XMLCh* XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(std::string temp) {
0173   XMLCh* buff = XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::XMLString::transcode(temp.c_str());
0174   return buff;
0175 }
0177 inline XMLCh* XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(int temp) {
0178   char buf[100];
0179   int status = snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", temp);
0180   if (status >= 100) {
0181     std::cout << "XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(int temp): buffer overflow, the std::string will be truncated!" << std::endl;
0182   } else if (status < 0) {
0183     std::cout << "XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(int temp): output error" << std::endl;
0184   }
0185   XMLCh* buff = XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::XMLString::transcode(buf);
0186   return buff;
0187 }
0189 inline XMLCh* XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(double temp) {
0190   char buf[100];
0191   int status = snprintf(buf, 100, "%.10e", temp);
0192   if (status >= 100) {
0193     std::cout << "XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(int temp): buffer overflow, the std::string will be truncated!" << std::endl;
0194   } else if (status < 0) {
0195     std::cout << "XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(int temp): output error" << std::endl;
0196   }
0197   XMLCh* buff = XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::XMLString::transcode(buf);
0198   return buff;
0199 }
0201 inline XMLCh* XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh(time_t temp) {
0202   char buf[100];
0203   int status = strftime(buf, 50, "%c", gmtime(&temp));
0204   if (status == 0) {
0205     std::cout << "XML  Processor::_toXMLCh(int temp): buffer overflow, the std::string is indeterminate!" << std::endl;
0206   }
0207   XMLCh* buff = XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::XMLString::transcode(buf);
0208   return buff;
0209 }
0211 #endif