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Warning, /CalibCalorimetry/HcalTPGAlgos/test/FixedPed2_UlutCoder_ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #include "CalibCalorimetry/HcalTPGAlgos/interface/HcaluLUTTPGCoder.h"
0002 #include "Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/src/HcalHardcodeGeometryData.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0006 #include <iostream>
0007 #include <fstream>
0008 #include "DataFormats/HcalDigi/interface/HcalDigiCollections.h"
0009 #include "CalibFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalCoderDb.h"
0010 #include "CalibFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalCalibrations.h"
0011 #include "CalibFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalDbService.h"
0012 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/HcalTopology.h"
0013 #include <cmath>
0015 const float HcaluLUTTPGCoder::nominal_gain = 0.177; 
0017 HcaluLUTTPGCoder::HcaluLUTTPGCoder(const char* filename) {
0018   AllocateLUTs();
0019   getRecHitCalib(filename);
0020 }
0022 HcaluLUTTPGCoder::HcaluLUTTPGCoder(const char* filename, const char* fname2) {
0023   throw cms::Exception("PROBLEM: This constructor should never be invoked!");
0024 }
0026 void HcaluLUTTPGCoder::compress(const IntegerCaloSamples& ics, const std::vector<bool>& featureBits, HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi& tp) const {
0027   throw cms::Exception("PROBLEM: This method should never be invoked!");
0028 }
0030 HcaluLUTTPGCoder::~HcaluLUTTPGCoder() {
0031   for (int i = 0; i < nluts; i++) {
0032     if (inputLUT[i] != 0) delete [] inputLUT[i];
0033   }
0034   delete [] _gain;
0035   delete [] _ped;
0036 }
0038 void HcaluLUTTPGCoder::AllocateLUTs() {
0039   HcalTopology theTopo;
0040   HcalDetId did;
0042   _ped = new float[nluts];
0043   _gain = new float[nluts];
0044   for (int i = 0; i < nluts; i++) inputLUT[i] = 0;
0045   int maxid = 0, minid = 0x7FFFFFFF, rawid = 0;
0046   for (int ieta=-41; ieta <= 41; ieta++) {
0047     for (int iphi = 1; iphi <= 72; iphi++) {
0048       for (int depth = 1; depth <= 3; depth++) {
0049         did=HcalDetId(HcalBarrel,ieta,iphi,depth);
0050         if (theTopo.valid(did)) {
0051           rawid = GetLUTID(HcalBarrel, ieta, iphi, depth);
0052           if (inputLUT[rawid] != 0) std::cout << "Error: LUT with (ieta,iphi,depth) = (" << ieta << "," << iphi << "," << depth << ") has been previously allocated!" << std::endl;
0053           else inputLUT[rawid] = new LUT[INPUT_LUT_SIZE];
0054           if (rawid < minid) minid = rawid;
0055           if (rawid > maxid) maxid = rawid;
0056         }
0058         did=HcalDetId(HcalEndcap,ieta,iphi,depth);
0059         if (theTopo.valid(did)) {
0060           rawid = GetLUTID(HcalEndcap, ieta, iphi, depth);
0061           if (inputLUT[rawid] != 0) std::cout << "Error: LUT with (ieta,iphi,depth) = (" << ieta << "," << iphi << "," << depth << ") has been previously allocated!" << std::endl;
0062           else inputLUT[rawid] = new LUT[INPUT_LUT_SIZE];
0063           if (rawid < minid) minid = rawid;
0064           if (rawid > maxid) maxid = rawid;
0065         }
0066         did=HcalDetId(HcalForward,ieta,iphi,depth);
0067         if (theTopo.valid(did)) {
0068           rawid = GetLUTID(HcalForward, ieta, iphi, depth);
0069           if (inputLUT[rawid] != 0) std::cout << "Error: LUT with (ieta,iphi,depth) = (" << ieta << "," << iphi << "," << depth << ") has been previously allocated!" << std::endl;
0070           else inputLUT[rawid] = new LUT[INPUT_LUT_SIZE];
0071           if (rawid < minid) minid = rawid;
0072           if (rawid > maxid) maxid = rawid;
0073         }
0074       }
0075     }
0076   }
0078 }
0080 int HcaluLUTTPGCoder::GetLUTID(HcalSubdetector id, int ieta, int iphi, int depth) const {
0081   int detid = 0;
0082   if (id == HcalEndcap) detid = 1;
0083   else if (id == HcalForward) detid = 2;
0084   return iphi + 72 * ((ieta + 41) + 83 * (depth + 3 * detid)) - 7777;
0085 }
0087 void HcaluLUTTPGCoder::getRecHitCalib(const char* filename) {
0089    std::ifstream userfile;
0091    int tool;
0092    float Rec_calib_[87];
0094    if (userfile) {
0095                userfile >> tool;
0097                if (tool != 86) {
0098                  std::cout << "Wrong RecHit calibration filesize: " << tool << " (expect 86)" << std::endl;
0099                }
0100      for (int j=1; j<87; j++) {
0101        userfile >> Rec_calib_[j]; // Read the Calib factors
0102        Rcalib[j] = Rec_calib_[j] ;
0103      }
0105      userfile.close();  
0106    }
0107    else  std::cout << "File " << filename << " with RecHit calibration factors not found" << std::endl;
0108 }
0110 void HcaluLUTTPGCoder::update(const HcalDbService& conditions) {
0111    const HcalQIEShape* shape = conditions.getHcalShape();
0112    HcalCalibrations calibrations;
0113    int id;
0114    float divide;
0115    HcalTopology theTopo;
0117    float cosheta_[41], lsb_ = 1./16.;
0118    for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) cosheta_[i+29] = cosh((theHFEtaBounds[i+1] + theHFEtaBounds[i])/2.);
0120    for (int depth = 1; depth <= 3; depth++) {
0121      for (int iphi = 1; iphi <= 72; iphi++) {
0122        divide = 1.*nominal_gain;
0123        for (int ieta=-16; ieta <= 16; ieta++) {
0124          HcalDetId cell(HcalBarrel,ieta,iphi,depth);
0125          if (theTopo.valid(cell)) {  
0126            id = GetLUTID(HcalBarrel,ieta,iphi,depth);
0127            if (inputLUT[id] == 0) throw cms::Exception("PROBLEM: inputLUT has not been initialized for HB, ieta, iphi, depth, id = ") << ieta << "," << iphi << "," << depth << "," << id << std::endl;
0128            conditions.makeHcalCalibration (cell, &calibrations);
0129            const HcalQIECoder* channelCoder = conditions.getHcalCoder (cell);
0130            HcalCoderDb coder (*channelCoder, *shape);
0131            //float ped_ = (calibrations.pedestal(0)+calibrations.pedestal(1)+calibrations.pedestal(2)+calibrations.pedestal(3))/4;
0133            float gain_= (calibrations.gain(0)+calibrations.gain(1)+calibrations.gain(2)+calibrations.gain(3))/4;     
0134            float ped_ = 0;
0135            HBHEDataFrame frame(cell);
0136            frame.setSize(1);
0137            CaloSamples samples(cell, 1);
0138            _ped[id] = ped_;
0139            _gain[id] = gain_;
0140            for (int j = 0; j <= 0x7F; j++) {
0141              HcalQIESample adc(j);
0142              frame.setSample(0,adc);
0143              coder.adc2fC(frame,samples);
0144              float adc2fC_ = samples[0];
0145              if (ieta <0 )inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int(((adc2fC_*gain_)-ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)]/divide)-2), 0x3FF);
0146              else inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int(((adc2fC_*gain_)-ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+43]/divide)-2), 0x3FF);
0147              //if (ieta <0 )inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int((adc2fC_ - ped_)*gain_*Rcalib[abs(ieta)]/divide)), 0x3FF);
0148              //else inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int((adc2fC_ - ped_)*gain_*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+43]/divide)), 0x3FF);
0149            }
0150          }
0151        }
0152        for (int ieta=-29; ieta <= 29; ieta++) {
0153          HcalDetId cell(HcalEndcap,ieta,iphi,depth);
0154          if (theTopo.valid(cell)) {  
0155            if (abs(ieta) < 21) divide = 1.*nominal_gain;
0156            else if (abs(ieta) < 27) divide = 2.*nominal_gain;
0157            else divide = 5.*nominal_gain;
0158            id = GetLUTID(HcalEndcap,ieta,iphi,depth);
0159            if (inputLUT[id] == 0) throw cms::Exception("PROBLEM: inputLUT has not been initialized for HE, ieta, iphi, depth, id = ") << ieta << "," << iphi << "," << depth << "," << id << std::endl;
0160            conditions.makeHcalCalibration (cell, &calibrations);
0161            const HcalQIECoder* channelCoder = conditions.getHcalCoder (cell);
0162            HcalCoderDb coder (*channelCoder, *shape);
0163            float ped_ = 0;//(calibrations.pedestal(0)+calibrations.pedestal(1)+calibrations.pedestal(2)+calibrations.pedestal(3))/4;
0164            float gain_= (calibrations.gain(0)+calibrations.gain(1)+calibrations.gain(2)+calibrations.gain(3))/4;          
0165            HBHEDataFrame frame(cell);
0166            frame.setSize(1);
0167            CaloSamples samples(cell, 1);
0168            _ped[id] = ped_;
0169            _gain[id] = gain_;
0170            for (int j = 0; j <= 0x7F; j++) {
0171              HcalQIESample adc(j);
0172              frame.setSample(0,adc);
0173              coder.adc2fC(frame,samples);
0174              float adc2fC_ = samples[0];
0175              if ( ieta < 0 ) inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int(((adc2fC_*gain_)-ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+1]/divide)-2), 0x3FF);
0176              else inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int(((adc2fC_*gain_)-ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+44]/divide)-2), 0x3FF);
0177            }
0178          }
0179        }        
0180        for (int ieta=-41; ieta <= 41; ieta++) {
0181          HcalDetId cell(HcalForward,ieta,iphi,depth);
0182          if (theTopo.valid(cell)) {  
0183            id = GetLUTID(HcalForward,ieta,iphi,depth);
0184            if (inputLUT[id] == 0) throw cms::Exception("PROBLEM: inputLUT has not been initialized for HF, ieta, iphi, depth, id = ") << ieta << "," << iphi << "," << depth << "," << id << std::endl;
0185            conditions.makeHcalCalibration (cell, &calibrations);
0186            const HcalQIECoder* channelCoder = conditions.getHcalCoder (cell);
0187            HcalCoderDb coder (*channelCoder, *shape);
0188            float ped_ = 0;//(calibrations.pedestal(0)+calibrations.pedestal(1)+calibrations.pedestal(2)+calibrations.pedestal(3))/4;
0189            float gain_= (calibrations.gain(0)+calibrations.gain(1)+calibrations.gain(2)+calibrations.gain(3))/4;          
0192            HFDataFrame frame(cell);
0193            frame.setSize(1);
0194            CaloSamples samples(cell, 1);
0195            _ped[id] = ped_;
0196            _gain[id] = gain_;
0197            for (int j = 0; j <= 0x7F; j++) {
0198              HcalQIESample adc(j);
0199              frame.setSample(0,adc);
0200              coder.adc2fC(frame,samples);
0201              float adc2fC_ = samples[0];
0202              if (ieta < 0 ) inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int(((adc2fC_*gain_)-ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+2]*gain_/lsb_/cosheta_[abs(ieta)])-2), 0x3FF);
0203              else inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int(((adc2fC_*gain_)-ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+45]*gain_/lsb_/cosheta_[abs(ieta)])-2), 0x3FF);
0204              //if (ieta < 0 ) inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int((adc2fC_ - ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+2]*gain_/lsb_/cosheta_[abs(ieta)])), 0x3FF);
0205              //else inputLUT[id][j] = (LUT) std::min(std::max(0,int((adc2fC_ - ped_)*Rcalib[abs(ieta)+45]*gain_/lsb_/cosheta_[abs(ieta)])), 0x3FF);
0206            }
0207          }
0208        }
0209      }
0210    }
0211  }
0213  void HcaluLUTTPGCoder::adc2Linear(const HBHEDataFrame& df, IntegerCaloSamples& ics) const {
0214    int id = GetLUTID(,,,;
0215    if (inputLUT[id]==0) {
0216      throw cms::Exception("Missing Data") << "No LUT for " <<;
0217    } else {
0218      for (int i=0; i<df.size(); i++){
0219        if (df[i].adc() >= INPUT_LUT_SIZE || df[i].adc() < 0) throw cms::Exception("ADC overflow for HBHE tower: ") << i << " adc= " << df[i].adc();
0220        ics[i]=inputLUT[id][df[i].adc()];
0221      }
0222    }
0223  }
0225  void HcaluLUTTPGCoder::adc2Linear(const HFDataFrame& df, IntegerCaloSamples& ics)  const{
0226    int id = GetLUTID(,,,;
0227    if (inputLUT[id]==0) {
0228      throw cms::Exception("Missing Data") << "No LUT for " <<;
0229    } else {
0230      for (int i=0; i<df.size(); i++){
0231        if (df[i].adc() >= INPUT_LUT_SIZE || df[i].adc() < 0)
0232          throw cms::Exception("ADC overflow for HF tower: ") << i << " adc= " << df[i].adc();
0233        ics[i]=inputLUT[id][df[i].adc()];
0234      }
0235    }
0236  }
0238 unsigned short HcaluLUTTPGCoder::adc2Linear(HcalQIESample sample, HcalDetId id) const {
0239   int ref = GetLUTID(id.subdet(), id.ieta(), id.iphi(), id.depth());
0240   return inputLUT[ref][sample.adc()];
0241 }
0243 float HcaluLUTTPGCoder::getLUTPedestal(HcalDetId id) const {
0244   int ref = GetLUTID(id.subdet(), id.ieta(), id.iphi(), id.depth());
0245   return _ped[ref];
0246 }
0248 float HcaluLUTTPGCoder::getLUTGain(HcalDetId id) const {
0249   int ref = GetLUTID(id.subdet(), id.ieta(), id.iphi(), id.depth());
0250   return _gain[ref];
0251 }