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Warning, /CalibFormats/HcalObjects/doc/HcalObjects.doc is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*!
0002 <!-- Substitute SUBSYSTEM and PACKAGE with the proper names! -->
0004 \page CalibFormats_HcalObjects Package CalibFormats/HcalObjects
0006 <center>
0007 <small>
0010 <!-- @PROJ_VERS@ will be substituted at build time, no need to touch -->
0011 <a href=>CVS</a> - 
0012 <a href=>Administrative privileges</a>
0013 </small>
0014 </center>
0017 \section desc Description
0018 <!-- Short description of what this package is supposed to provide -->
0019 High level calibration objects not directly stored in DB
0021 \subsection interface Public interface
0022 <!-- List the classes that are provided for use in other packages (if any) -->
0023 - HcalCalibrations: Gains and pedestals of 4 capIds for given channel - obsolete, better use pedestals and gains 
0024   provided by HcalDbService directly
0025 - HcalCalibrationWidths:  Widths for gains and pedestals of 4 capIds for given channel - obsolete, better use pedestal and gain 
0026   widths provided by HcalDbService directly
0027 - HcalChannelCoder: ADC<->fC parametrization for QIE cards - 4 capid x 4 ranges
0028 - HcalCoderDb: actual codec for ADC<->fC for frames and samples
0029 - HcalCoder: abstract codec for ADC<->fC for frames and samples
0030 - HcalDbRecord: ESRecord containing HCAL calibrations 
0031 - HcalDbService: Referral to all HCAL calibrations
0032 - HcalNominalCoder: codec for ADC<->fC for frames and samples - obsoleet, use hardcoded calibrations instead
0033 - HcalTPGCoder: codec for ADC<-> ET for TPG path
0034 - QieShape: Basic compression curve for QIE card
0036 \subsection modules Modules
0037 <!-- Describe modules implemented in this package and their parameter set -->
0038 None
0040 \subsection tests Unit tests and examples
0041 <!-- Describe cppunit tests and example configuration files -->
0042 None
0044 \section status Status and planned development
0045 <!-- e.g. completed, stable, missing features -->
0046 Stable
0048 <hr>
0049 Last updated:
0050 @DATE@ F.Ratnikov
0051 */