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0001 #ifndef PixelDELAY25CALIB_h
0002 #define PixelDELAY25CALIB_h
0003 /**
0004 *   \file CalibFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelDelay25Calib.h
0005 *   \brief This class manages data and files used in the Delay25 calibration
0006 *
0007 *   A longer explanation will be placed here later
0008 */
0009 #include <vector>
0010 #include <string>
0011 #include <set>
0012 #include <fstream>
0013 #include "CalibFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelCalibBase.h"
0014 #include "CalibFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelConfigBase.h"
0016 namespace pos {
0017   /*!  \ingroup ConfigurationObjects "Configuration Objects"
0018 *    
0019 *  @{
0020 *
0021 *  \class PixelDelay25Calib PixelDelay25Calib.h
0022 *  \brief This class manages data and files used in the Delay25 calibration
0023 */
0024   class PixelDelay25Calib : public PixelCalibBase, public PixelConfigBase {
0025   public:
0026     PixelDelay25Calib(std::string);
0027     PixelDelay25Calib(std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &);
0028     ~PixelDelay25Calib() override;
0030     void writeASCII(std::string dir = "") const override;
0031     void writeXML(pos::PixelConfigKey key, int version, std::string path) const override { ; }
0032     void writeXMLHeader(pos::PixelConfigKey key,
0033                         int version,
0034                         std::string path,
0035                         std::ofstream *out,
0036                         std::ofstream *out1 = nullptr,
0037                         std::ofstream *out2 = nullptr) const override;
0038     void writeXML(std::ofstream *out, std::ofstream *out1 = nullptr, std::ofstream *out2 = nullptr) const override;
0039     void writeXMLTrailer(std::ofstream *out,
0040                          std::ofstream *out1 = nullptr,
0041                          std::ofstream *out2 = nullptr) const override;
0043     std::set<std::string> &portcardList() { return portcardNames_; }
0044     bool allPortcards() { return allPortcards_; }
0045     bool allModules() { return allModules_; }
0046     int getGridSize() { return gridSize_; }
0047     int getGridSteps() { return gridSteps_; }
0048     int getNumberTests() { return numTests_; }
0049     int getRange() { return range_; }
0050     int getOrigSDa() { return origSDa_; }
0051     int getOrigRDa() { return origRDa_; }
0052     int getCommands() { return commands_; }
0053     void openFiles(std::string portcardName, std::string moduleName, std::string path = "");
0054     void writeSettings(std::string portcardName, std::string moduleName);
0055     void writeFiles(std::string tmp);
0056     void writeFiles(int currentSDa, int currentRDa, int number);
0057     void closeFiles();
0059     // Added by Dario April 28th, 2010
0060     std::string getStreamedContent(void) const { return calibFileContent_; };
0062   private:
0063     std::set<std::string> portcardNames_;
0064     bool allPortcards_, allModules_;
0065     int origSDa_, origRDa_, range_, gridSize_, gridSteps_, numTests_, commands_;
0066     std::ofstream graphout_;
0067     std::string graph_;
0069     // Added by Dario April 28th, 2010
0070     std::string calibFileContent_;
0071   };
0072 }  // namespace pos
0073 /* @} */
0074 #endif