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0001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
0003 #FrontierProd/CMS_COND_20X_CSC"
0004 #   { string record = "CSCChamberMapRcd"
0005 #          string tag = "CSCChamberMap"},
0006 #   { string record = "CSCCrateMapRcd"
0007 #          string tag = "CSCCrateMap"},
0009 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0011 from CalibMuon.Configuration.getCSCDBConditions_frontier_cff import *
0012 cscConditions.connect = 'frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_20X_CSC'
0013 cscConditions.toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
0014     record = cms.string('CSCDBGainsRcd'),
0015     tag = cms.string('CSCDBGains_mc')
0016 ), 
0017     cms.PSet(
0018         record = cms.string('CSCDBNoiseMatrixRcd'),
0019         tag = cms.string('CSCDBNoiseMatrix_mc')
0020     ), 
0021     cms.PSet(
0022         record = cms.string('CSCDBCrosstalkRcd'),
0023         tag = cms.string('CSCDBCrosstalk_mc')
0024     ), 
0025     cms.PSet(
0026         record = cms.string('CSCDBPedestalsRcd'),
0027         tag = cms.string('CSCDBPedestals_mc')
0028     ), 
0029     cms.PSet(
0030         record = cms.string('CSCChamberIndexRcd'),
0031         tag = cms.string('CSCChamberIndex')
0032     ), 
0033     cms.PSet(
0034         record = cms.string('CSCDDUMapRcd'),
0035         tag = cms.string('CSCDDUMap')
0036     ))