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0001 #!/usr/bin/env python
0002 ## @package crabFunctions
0003 # This module provides common functions for tasks with crab3
0004 #
0005 # This module provides common functions for tasks with crab3.
0006 # You need no create a CrabController object in order to use the functions
0007 from __future__ import print_function
0008 import os,sys,glob
0009 import tarfile
0010 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
0011 import imp
0012 import json
0013 import optparse
0014 import subprocess
0015 import logging
0016 import datetime
0017 import uuid
0018 import time
0019 from http.client import HTTPException
0020 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
0022 from CRABAPI.RawCommand import crabCommand
0023 from CRABClient.UserUtilities import getConsoleLogLevel, setConsoleLogLevel
0024 from CRABClient.ClientUtilities import LOGLEVEL_MUTE
0025 from CRABClient.ClientExceptions import CachefileNotFoundException
0027 ## The CrabController class
0028 #
0029 # This class can be used to manage Analyses using crab3
0031 class CrabController():
0033     ## The constructor.
0034     # @param self: The object pointer.
0035     # @param self: A previously defined logger. Crab log messages will use this logger as their parent logger.
0036     def __init__(self, debug=0, logger = None , workingArea = None, voGroup = None, username = None):
0038         setConsoleLogLevel(LOGLEVEL_MUTE)
0039         self.debug = debug
0040         if workingArea is not None:
0041             self.workingArea = workingArea
0042         else:
0043             self.workingArea = os.getcwd()
0044         self.dry_run = False
0045         if voGroup is not None:
0046             self.voGroup = voGroup
0047         else:
0048             self.voGroup = "dcms"
0049         if username is not None:
0050             self.username = username
0051         else:
0052             self.username = None
0054         if logger is not None:
0055             self.logger = logger.getChild("CrabController")
0056         else:
0057             # add instance logger as logger to root
0058             self.logger = logging.getLogger("CrabController")
0059             # check if handlers are present for root logger
0060             # we assume that the default logging is not configured
0061             # if handler is present
0062             if len(logging.getLogger().handlers) < 1 :
0063                 ch = logging.FileHandler('crabController.log', mode='a', encoding=None, delay=False)
0064                 ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
0065                 # create formatter
0066                 formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' )
0067                 # add formatter to ch
0068                 ch.setFormatter(formatter)
0069                 self.logger.addHandler(ch)
0071         self.crab_q = Queue()
0072     ## Check if crab can write to specified site
0073     #
0074     # @type self: CrabController
0075     # @param self: The object pointer.
0076     # @type site string
0077     # @param site The Site symbol [default:T2_DE_RWTH]
0078     # @type path string
0079     # @param path lfn path to check write permission in. see twiki WorkBookCRAB3Tutorial
0080     # @return boolean which is True if user can write to site and False otherwise
0081     def checkwrite(self,site='T2_DE_RWTH',path='noPath'):
0082         if self.username is None: self.checkusername()
0083         try:
0084    "Checking if user can write to /store/user/%s on site %s with voGroup %s"%(self.username,site , self.voGroup) )
0085             if not 'noPath' in path:
0086                 res = crabCommand('checkwrite','--site',site,'--voGroup',self.voGroup,'--lfn', path)
0087             else:
0088                 res = crabCommand('checkwrite','--site',site,'--voGroup',self.voGroup)
0089             if res['status'] == 'SUCCESS':
0090       "Checkwrite was sucessfully called.")
0091                 return True
0092             else:
0093                 self.logger.error( "The crab checkwrite command failed for site: %s"%site )
0094                 return False
0095         except:
0096             self.logger.error( 'Unable to perform crab checkwrite')
0097             return False
0099     ## Check if crab can write to specified site
0100     #
0101     # @param self: The object pointer.
0102     # @type name string
0103     # @param name The crab3 config file name
0104     def submit(self,name):
0105         if self.dry_run:
0106             res = self.callCrabCommand(('submit', '--dryrun', name))
0107   'Dry-run: You may check the created config and sandbox')
0108         else:
0109             res = self.callCrabCommand(('submit','--wait' , name))
0110   "crab sumbit called for task %s"%name)
0111             if self.debug > 1:
0113         return res
0114     ## Resubmit all failed tasks in job or specified list of jobs in task
0115     #
0116     # @type self: CrabController
0117     # @param self: The object pointer.
0118     # @type name string
0119     # @param name The crab3 request name, a.k.a the sample name
0120     # @type joblist list of strings
0121     # @param joblist The crab3 request name, a.k.a the sample name
0122     def resubmit(self,name,joblist = None):
0123         if self.dry_run:
0124   'Dry-run: Created config file. ')
0125             return {}
0126         #~ if joblist is not None:
0127             #~ jobstring ="%s"%','.join(joblist)
0128             #~ cmd = ('resubmit','--wait', '--jobids=',jobstring, os.path.join(self.workingArea,self._prepareFoldername(name)) )
0129         if False:
0130             pass
0131         else:
0132             cmd = ('resubmit','--wait', os.path.join(self.workingArea,self._prepareFoldername(name)) )
0133         res = self.callCrabCommand( cmd )
0134"crab resumbit called for task %s"%name)
0135         return res
0136     ## Returns the hn name for a user with valid proxy
0137     #
0138     # @type self: CrabController
0139     # @param self: The object pointer.
0140     # @returns users hypernews name
0141     def checkusername(self):
0142         #depreceated string: cmd = 'crab checkHNname --voGroup=dcms'
0143         #~ cmd = 'crab checkusername --voGroup=dcms'
0144         try:
0145             username = os.environ["CERNUSERNAME"]
0146             return username
0147         except:pass
0148         res = crabCommand('checkusername')
0149         try:
0150             self.username = res['username']
0151             return res['username']
0152         except:
0153             return "noHNname"
0155     ## Check crab status
0156     #
0157     # @type self: CrabController
0158     # @param self: The object pointer.
0159     # @type name string
0160     # @param name The crab3 request name, a.k.a the sample name
0161     def status(self,name):
0162         if self.dry_run:
0163   'Dry-run: Created config file. crab command would have been: %s'%cmd)
0164         else:
0165             try:
0166                 if not "crab_" in name:
0167                     callname = "crab_" + name
0168                 else:
0169                     callname = name
0170                 res = self.callCrabCommand( ('status', '--long', callname) )
0171                 if 'taskFailureMsg' in res and 'jobs' in res:
0172                     return res['status'], res['jobs'], res['taskFailureMsg']
0173                 elif 'jobs' in res and 'taskFailureMsg' not in res:
0174                     return res['status'], res['jobs'],None
0175                 elif 'jobs' not in res and 'taskFailureMsg' in res:
0176                     return res['status'], {},res['taskFailureMsg']
0177                 else:
0178                      return res['status'],{},None
0179             except Exception as e:
0180                 print(e)
0181                 self.logger.error("Can not run crab status request")
0182                 return "NOSTATE",{},None
0184     ## Call crab command in a new process and return result dict
0185     #
0186     # @param self The object pointer
0187     # @param crabArgs A list of arguments for crab beginning with the command
0188     def callCrabCommand( self, crabArgs ):
0189         crabCommandProcessArgs = (self.crab_q, crabArgs)
0190         p = Process(target=crabCommandProcess, args=(crabCommandProcessArgs))
0191         p.start()
0192         res = self.crab_q.get()
0193         p.join()
0194         return res
0196     ## Call crab getlog
0197     #
0198     # @param self: The object pointer.
0199     # @type name string
0200     def getlog(self, name):
0201         foldername = self._prepareFoldername( name)
0202         try:
0203             #res = crabCommand('--quiet','status', dir = 'crab_%s' % name)
0204             res = self.callCrabCommand( ('getlog',  '%s' % foldername) )
0205             return res['success'], res['failed']
0206         except:
0207             self.logger.error("Error calling crab getlog for %s" %foldername)
0208             return {}, {}
0210     ## Call crab report command and return path to lumiSummary
0211     #
0212     # @param self The object pointer
0213     # @param name The crab3 request name, a.k.a the sample name
0214     def report(self, name):
0215         foldername = self._prepareFoldername( name)
0216         try:
0217             res = self.callCrabCommand( ('report',  '%s' % foldername) )
0218             return res['analyzedLumis']
0219         except:
0220             self.logger.error("Error calling crab report for %s" %foldername)
0223     ## Read a crab config and return python object
0224     #
0225     # @param self: The object pointer.
0226     # @param name The sample name (crab request name)
0227     def readCrabConfig( self, name ):
0228         try:
0229             if os.path.exists(name):
0230                 pset = name
0231             else:
0232                 pset = '' % name
0233             with open( pset, 'r') as cfgfile:
0234                 cfo = imp.load_source("pycfg", pset, cfgfile )
0235                 config = cfo.config
0236                 del cfo
0237             return config
0238         except:
0239             return False
0241     ## Return list of all crab folders in workin area (default cwd)
0242     #
0243     # @param self The object pointer
0244     #
0245     @property
0246     def crabFolders(self):
0247         results = []
0248         dirlist = [ x for x in os.listdir( self.workingArea ) if (x.startswith('crab_') and os.path.isdir( os.path.join(self.workingArea,x) ) )]
0249         return dirlist
0251     ## Add crab_ to Foldername if needed
0252     #
0253     # @param getlog(self, name)
0254     def _prepareFoldername(self, name):
0255         if name.startswith("crab_"):
0256             crabfolder = '%s'%name
0257         else:
0258             crabfolder = "crab_%s "%name
0259         return crabfolder.strip()
0260     ## Populates an existing optparse parser or returns a new one with options for crab functions
0261     #
0262     # This functions populates a previously created (or new) instance of a
0263     # optparse parser object with options needed by crab functions.
0264     # It is possible to add three kinds of options:
0265     # - options where a error should be raised if the option was previously defined
0266     # - options where previous definitions should be kept
0267     # - options where previous definitions should be overriden
0268     # @type Optparse parser instance
0269     # @param parser A previously created parser oject which should be extenden [default: new instance]
0270     # @return A new or extenden optparse parser instance
0271     def commandlineOptions(self,parser = optparse.OptionParser( 'usage: %prog' )):
0272         # we first need to call parse_args with a dummy string at the beginning to
0273         # check for existing options later
0274         (currentoptions, args ) = parser.parse_args([" "])
0276         # The following block shows how variables should be added, where
0277         # conflicts are possible if the option is overridden by this function
0278         # they raise a value error
0279         #try:
0280         #    parser.add_option( '--someOption',metavar='DIR',default=None,
0281         #                       help='Dummy option for future integration')
0282         #except OptionConflictError as e:
0283         #    conditionalLog(crablog,"There are conflicts extending the optparse options object",'error')
0284         #    conditionalLog(crablog,e.strerror,'error')
0286         # options where it is checked if they exists and new options are added
0287         # otherwise
0288         if not hasattr(currentoptions, 'dry_run'):
0289             parser.add_option( '--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False,
0290                             help='Do everything except calling CRAB or registering samples to the database.' )
0291         if not hasattr(currentoptions, 'workingArea'):
0292             parser.add_option( '--workingArea',metavar='DIR',default=os.getcwd(),help='The area (full or relative path) where to create the CRAB project directory. '
0293                                  'If the area doesn\'t exist, CRAB will try to create it using the mkdir command' \
0294                                 ' (without -p option). Defaults to the current working directory.'       )
0297         # Some options can be added without expected trouble with other parser
0298         # parts, simply because it is quite fixed what they represent.
0299         # those variables should be added here and will throw no exception if
0300         # they already exist in the parser
0301         #parser.set_conflict_handler('resolve')
0302         #parser.add_option( '--someOption',metavar='DIR',default=None,
0303         #                       help='Dummy option for future integration')
0305         return parser
0309 ## Function to run crab command in a new process
0310 #
0311 # Some CRAB commands (e.g. submit) create broken cmssw process objects
0312 # when they are created in multiple calls of crabCommand via CRAB API
0313 # Running them in a new process is a workaround, see
0314 #
0315 def crabCommandProcess(q,crabCommandArgs):
0316     # give crab3 the chance for one server glitch
0317     i=0
0318     while True:
0319         i+=1
0320         try:
0321             res = crabCommand(*crabCommandArgs)
0322             break
0323         except HTTPException as e:
0324             print("crab error ---------------")
0325             print(e)
0326             print("end error ---------------")
0327             print("will try again!")
0328             import time
0329             time.sleep(5)
0330         except CachefileNotFoundException as e:
0331             print("crab error ---------------")
0332             print(e)
0333             print("end error ---------------")
0334             print(crabCommandArgs)
0335             res={ 'status':"CachefileNotFound",'jobs':{}}
0336             break
0337         if i>5:
0338             res={ 'status':"UnexpectedError",'jobs':{}}
0339             break
0340     q.put( res )
0342 class CertInfo:
0343     def __init__( self ):
0344         p = subprocess.Popen("voms-proxy-info  --fqan",
0345                               stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
0346                               stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
0347                               shell=True)
0348         stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
0349         print(stdout)
0350         if p.returncode != 0:
0351             self.vo = ""
0352             self.voGroup = ""
0353             self.voRole = ""
0354         else:
0355             lines = stdout.split(b"\n")
0356             splitline = lines[0].split(b"/")
0357             if len(splitline) < 4:
0358                 splitline = lines[1].split(b"/")
0359             self.vo = splitline[1]
0360             self.voGroup = splitline[2]
0361             try:
0362                 self.voRole = splitline[2].split("=")[1]
0363                 if  "NULL" in self.voRole:
0364                     self.voGroup = ""
0365             except:
0366                 self.voRole = ""
0368 ## Class for a single CrabRequest
0369 #e
0370 # This class represents one crab3 task/request
0371 class CrabTask:
0373     ## The object constructor
0374     #
0375     # @param self: The object pointer.
0376     # @param taskname: The object pointer.
0377     # @param initUpdate: Flag if crab status should be called when an instance is created
0378     def __init__(self,
0379                  taskname="",
0380                  crab_config="",
0381                  crabController = None ,
0382                  initUpdate = True,
0383                  debuglevel = "ERROR",
0384                  datasetpath = "",
0385                  localDir = "",
0386                  outlfn = "" ,):
0388         # crab config as a python object should only be used via .config
0389         self._crabConfig = None
0391         self._crabFolder = None
0393         if taskname:
0394    = taskname
0395         else:
0396             if not crab_config:
0397                 raise ValueError("Either taskname or crab_config needs to be set")
0398             if not os.path.exists( crab_config):
0399                 raise IOError("File %s not found" % crab_config )
0400    = crab_config
0401    = self.crabConfig.General.requestName
0402         self.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
0403         #~ self.lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
0404         #setup logging
0405         self.log = logging.getLogger( 'crabTask' )
0406         self.log.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(debuglevel))
0407 = {}
0408         self.localDir = localDir
0409         self.outlfn = outlfn
0410         self.isUpdating = False
0411         self.taskId = -1
0412         #variables for statistics
0413         self.nJobs = 0
0414         self.state = "NOSTATE"
0415         self.maxjobnumber = 0
0416         self.nUnsubmitted   = 0
0417         self.nIdle = 0
0418         self.nRunning = 0
0419         self.nTransferring    = 0
0420         self.nCooloff    = 0
0421         self.nFailed    = 0
0422         self.nFinished    = 0
0423         self.nComplete    = 0
0424         self.failureReason = None
0425         self.lastUpdate = "%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S" )
0427         self._isData = None
0428         self.resubmitCount = 0
0430         self.debug = False
0432         self.finalFiles = []
0433         self.totalEvents = 0
0436         self._datasetpath_default = datasetpath
0438         #start with first updates
0439         if initUpdate:
0440             self.update()
0441             self.updateJobStats()
0443     ## Property function to find out if task runs on data
0444     #
0445     # @param self: CrabTask The object pointer.
0446     @property
0447     def isData( self ):
0448         if self._isData is None:
0449             try:
0450                 test = self.crabConfig.Data.lumiMask
0451                 self._isData = True
0452             except:
0453                 if "Data_" ):
0454                     self._isData = True
0455                 else:
0456                     self._isData = False
0457         return self._isData
0460     ## Function to access crab config object or read it if unititalized
0461     #
0462     # @param self: CrabTask The object pointer.
0463     @property
0464     def crabConfig( self ):
0465         if self._crabConfig is None:
0466             crab = CrabController()
0467             self._crabConfig = crab.readCrabConfig( )
0468         return self._crabConfig
0470     @property
0471     def datasetpath( self ):
0472         try:
0473             return self.crabConfig.Data.inputDataset
0474         except:
0475             pass
0476         return self._datasetpath_default
0478     @property
0479     def crabFolder( self ):
0480         if not self._crabFolder is None: return self._crabFolder
0481         crab = CrabController()
0482         if os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.crabConfig.General.workArea, crab._prepareFoldername( ) ) ):
0483             self._crabFolder = os.path.join( self.crabConfig.General.workArea, crab._prepareFoldername( ) )
0484             return self._crabFolder
0485         alternative_path = os.path.join(os.path.cwd(), crab._prepareFoldername( ) )
0486         if os.path.exists( alternative_path ):
0487             self._crabFolder = alternative_path
0488             return self._crabFolder
0489         self.log.error( "Unable to find folder for Task")
0490         return ""
0492     ## Function to resubmit failed jobs in tasks
0493     #
0494     # @param self: CrabTask The object pointer.
0495     def resubmit_failed( self ):
0496         failedJobIds = []
0497         controller =  CrabController()
0498         for jobkey in
0499             job =[jobkey]
0500             if job['State'] == 'failed':
0501                 failedJobIds.append( job['JobIds'][-1] )
0502         controller.resubmit(, joblist = failedJobIds )
0503         self.lastUpdate = "%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S" )
0505     @property
0506     def crab_folder(self):
0507         return os.path.join( self.crabConfig.General.workArea,
0508             "crab_" + self.crabConfig.General.requestName)
0509     ## Function to update Task in associated Jobs
0510     #
0511     # @param self: CrabTask The object pointer.
0512     def update(self):
0513         #~ self.lock.acquire()
0514         self.log.debug( "Start update for task %s" % )
0515         self.isUpdating = True
0516         controller =  CrabController()
0517         self.state = "UPDATING"
0518         # check if we should drop this sample due to missing info
0520         self.log.debug( "Try to get status for task" )
0521         self.state ,,self.failureReason = controller.status(self.crab_folder)
0522         self.log.debug( "Found state: %s" % self.state )
0523         if self.state=="FAILED":
0524             #try it once more
0525             time.sleep(2)
0526             self.state ,,self.failureReason = controller.status(self.crab_folder)
0527         self.nJobs = len(
0528         self.updateJobStats()
0529         if self.state == "NOSTATE":
0530             self.log.debug( "Trying to resubmit because of NOSTATE" )
0531             if self.resubmitCount < 3: self.self.handleNoState()
0532         # add to db if not
0533         # Final solution inf state not yet found
0534         self.isUpdating = False
0535         self.lastUpdate = "%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S" )
0536         #~ self.lock.release()
0538     ## Function to handle Task which received NOSTATE status
0539     #
0540     # @param self: CrabTask The object pointer.
0541     def handleNoState( self ):
0542         crab = CrabController()
0543         if "The CRAB3 server backend could not resubmit your task because the Grid scheduler answered with an error." in task.failureReason:
0544             # move folder and try it again
0545             cmd = 'mv %s bak_%s' %(crab._prepareFoldername( ),crab._prepareFoldername( ))
0546             p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)#,shell=True,universal_newlines=True)
0547             (out,err) = p.communicate()
0548             self.state = "SHEDERR"
0549             configName = '' %(crab._prepareFoldername( ))
0550             crab.submit( configName )
0552         elif task.failureReason is not None:
0553             self.state = "ERRHANDLE"
0554             crab.resubmit( )
0555         self.resubmitCount += 1
0557     def test_print(self):
0558         return self.uuid
0559     ## Function to update JobStatistics
0560     #
0561     # @param self: The object pointer.
0562     # @param dCacheFilelist: A list of files on the dCache
0563     def updateJobStats(self,dCacheFileList = None):
0564         jobKeys = sorted(
0565         try:
0566             intJobkeys = [int(x) for x in jobKeys]
0567         except:
0568             print("error parsing job numers to int")
0570         #maxjobnumber = max(intJobkeys)
0572         stateDict = {'unsubmitted':0,'idle':0,'running':0,'transferring':0,'cooloff':0,'failed':0,'finished':0}
0573         nComplete = 0
0575         # loop through jobs
0576         for key in jobKeys:
0577             job =[key]
0578              #check if all completed files are on decache
0579             for statekey in stateDict.keys():
0580                 if statekey in job['State']:
0581                     stateDict[statekey]+=1
0582                     # check if finished fails are found on dCache if dCacheFilelist is given
0583                     if dCacheFileList is not None:
0584                         outputFilename = "%s_%s"%(, key)
0585                         if 'finished' in statekey and any(outputFilename in s for s in dCacheFileList):
0586                             nComplete +=1
0588         for state in stateDict:
0589             attrname = "n" + state.capitalize()
0590             setattr(self, attrname, stateDict[state])
0591         self.nComplete = nComplete
0593     ## Function to read log info from log.tar.gz
0594     #
0595     # @param self: The object pointer.
0596     # @param logArchName: path to the compressed log file
0597     # @return a dictionary with parsed info
0598     def readLogArch(self, logArchName):
0599         JobNumber = logArchName.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
0600         log = {'readEvents' : 0}
0601         with logArchName, "r") as tar:
0602             try:
0603                 JobXmlFile = tar.extractfile('FrameworkJobReport-%s.xml' % JobNumber)
0604                 root = ET.fromstring( )
0605                 for child in root:
0606                     if child.tag == 'InputFile':
0607                         for subchild in child:
0608                             if subchild.tag == 'EventsRead':
0609                                 nEvents = int(subchild.text)
0610                                 log.update({'readEvents' : nEvents})
0611                                 break
0612                         break
0613             except:
0614                 print("Can not parse / read %s" % logArchName)
0615         return log
0617 ## Class holds job statistics for several Crab tasks
0618 #
0619 # This class saves and updates statistics from a given list of CrabTask objects.
0620 class TaskStats:
0622     ## The object constructor
0623     #
0624     # @type self: TaskStats
0625     # @param self: The object pointer.
0626     # @type tasklist: List of CrabTask objects
0627     # @param tasklist: (Optional) List of CrabTasks for which statistics should be calculated
0628     def __init__(self, tasklist = None):
0629         if tasklist is not None:
0630             self.updateStats(tasklist)
0631         else:
0632             self.clearStats()
0634     ## This function updates the statistics for a given tasklist
0635     #
0636     # @type self: TaskStats
0637     # @param self: The object pointer.
0638     # @type tasklist: List of CrabTask objects
0639     # @param tasklist: List of CrabTasks for which statistics should be calculated
0640     def updateStats(self,tasklist):
0641         self.clearStats()
0642         self.nTasks = len(tasklist)
0643         for task in tasklist:
0644             if not task.isUpdating:
0645                 self.nUnsubmitted   += task.nUnsubmitted
0646                 self.nIdle += task.nIdle
0647                 self.nRunning += task.nRunning
0648                 self.nTransferring    += task.nTransferring
0649                 self.nCooloff    += task.nCooloff
0650                 self.nFailed    += task.nFailed
0651                 self.nFinished    += task.nFinished
0652                 self.nComplete    += task.nComplete
0654     ## This function sets all counts to zero
0655     #
0656     # @type self: TaskStats
0657     # @param self: The object pointer.
0658     def clearStats(self):
0659         self.nTasks = 0
0660         self.nUnsubmitted   = 0
0661         self.nIdle = 0
0662         self.nRunning = 0
0663         self.nTransferring    = 0
0664         self.nCooloff    = 0
0665         self.nFailed    = 0
0666         self.nFinished    = 0
0667         self.nComplete    = 0