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0002 /*
0003  *  See header file for a description of this class.
0004  *
0005  *  \author G. Cerminara - INFN Torino
0006  */
0008 #include "DumpDBToFile.h"
0009 #include "DTCalibrationMap.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0016 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0018 #include <iostream>
0019 #include <fstream>
0020 #include <algorithm>
0021 #include <iterator>
0023 using namespace edm;
0024 using namespace std;
0026 DumpDBToFile::DumpDBToFile(const ParameterSet& pset) {
0027   theCalibFile = new DTCalibrationMap(pset.getUntrackedParameter<ParameterSet>("calibFileConfig"));
0028   theOutputFileName = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("outputFileName");
0030   dbToDump = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("dbToDump", "TTrigDB");
0031   dbLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("dbLabel", "");
0032   format = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("dbFormat", "Legacy");
0034   if (dbToDump != "VDriftDB" && dbToDump != "TTrigDB" && dbToDump != "TZeroDB" && dbToDump != "NoiseDB" &&
0035       dbToDump != "DeadDB" && dbToDump != "ChannelsDB" && dbToDump != "RecoUncertDB")
0036     throw cms::Exception("IncorrectSetup") << "Parameter dbToDump is not valid, check the cfg file" << endl;
0038   if (format != "Legacy" && format != "DTRecoConditions")
0039     throw cms::Exception("IncorrectSetup") << "Parameter format is not valid, check the cfg file" << endl;
0041   if (dbToDump == "VDriftDB") {
0042     if (format == "Legacy") {
0043       mTimeMapToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0044     } else {
0045       vDriftToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0046     }
0047   } else if (dbToDump == "TTrigDB") {
0048     if (format == "Legacy") {
0049       tTrigMapToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0050     } else {
0051       tTrigToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0052     }
0053   } else if (dbToDump == "TZeroDB") {
0054     t0MapToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0055   } else if (dbToDump == "NoiseDB") {
0056     statusMapToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0057   } else if (dbToDump == "DeadDB") {
0058     deadMapToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0059   } else if (dbToDump == "ChannelsDB") {
0060     readOutMapToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0061   } else if (dbToDump == "RecoUncertDB") {
0062     uncertToken_ = esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>();
0063   }
0064 }
0066 DumpDBToFile::~DumpDBToFile() {}
0068 void DumpDBToFile::beginRun(const edm::Run&, const EventSetup& setup) {
0069   // Read the right DB accordingly to the parameter dbToDump
0070   if (dbToDump == "VDriftDB") {
0071     if (format == "Legacy") {
0072       mTimeMap = &setup.getData(mTimeMapToken_);
0073     } else if (format == "DTRecoConditions") {
0074       rconds = &setup.getData(vDriftToken_);
0075     }
0076   } else if (dbToDump == "TTrigDB") {
0077     if (format == "Legacy") {
0078       tTrigMap = &setup.getData(tTrigMapToken_);
0079     } else if (format == "DTRecoConditions") {
0080       rconds = &setup.getData(tTrigToken_);
0081     }
0082   } else if (dbToDump == "TZeroDB") {
0083     tZeroMap = &setup.getData(t0MapToken_);
0084   } else if (dbToDump == "NoiseDB") {
0085     statusMap = &setup.getData(statusMapToken_);
0086   } else if (dbToDump == "DeadDB") {
0087     deadMap = &setup.getData(deadMapToken_);
0088   } else if (dbToDump == "ChannelsDB") {
0089     channelsMap = &setup.getData(readOutMapToken_);
0090   } else if (dbToDump == "RecoUncertDB") {
0091     rconds = &setup.getData(uncertToken_);
0092   }
0093 }
0095 void DumpDBToFile::endJob() {
0096   if (dbToDump != "ChannelsDB") {
0097     //---------- VDrifts
0098     if (dbToDump == "VDriftDB") {
0099       if (format == "Legacy") {
0100         int version = 1;
0101         int type = 1;  //ie constant
0102         int nfields = 1;
0103         cout << "[DumpDBToFile] MTime version: " << mTimeMap->version() << endl;
0104         for (DTMtime::const_iterator mtime = mTimeMap->begin(); mtime != mTimeMap->end(); ++mtime) {
0105           DTWireId wireId(
0106               (*mtime).first.wheelId, (*mtime).first.stationId, (*mtime).first.sectorId, (*mtime).first.slId, 0, 0);
0107           float vdrift;
0108           float reso;
0109           DetId detId(wireId.rawId());
0110           // vdrift is cm/ns , resolution is cm
0111           mTimeMap->get(detId, vdrift, reso, DTVelocityUnits::cm_per_ns);
0112           //      cout << "Wh: " << (*mtime).first.wheelId
0113           //           << " St: " << (*mtime).first.stationId
0114           //           << " Sc: " << (*mtime).first.sectorId
0115           //           << " Sl: " << (*mtime).first.slId
0116           //           << " VDrift (cm/ns): " << vdrift
0117           //           << " Hit reso (cm): " << reso << endl;
0118           vector<float> consts = {
0119               -1, -1, -1, vdrift, reso, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, float(version * 1000 + type * 100 + nfields), vdrift};
0120           theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0121         }
0122       } else if (format == "DTRecoConditions") {
0123         int version = rconds->version();
0124         int type = 1;  // i.e. expr = "[0]"
0125         string expr = rconds->getFormulaExpr();
0126         cout << "[DumpDBToFile] DTRecoConditions (vdrift) version: " << version << " expression: " << expr << endl;
0127         if (version != 1 || expr != "[0]")
0128           throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "only version 1, type 1 is presently supported for VDriftDB";
0129         for (DTRecoConditions::const_iterator irc = rconds->begin(); irc != rconds->end(); ++irc) {
0130           DTWireId wireId(irc->first);
0131           const vector<double>& data = irc->second;
0132           int nfields = data.size();  // FIXME check size
0133           float vdrift = data[0];
0134           float reso = 0;
0135           vector<float> consts(11 + nfields, -1);
0136           consts[3] = vdrift;
0137           consts[4] = reso;
0138           consts[10] = float(version * 1000 + type * 100 + nfields);
0139           std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), consts.begin() + 11);
0140           theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0141         }
0142       }
0144       //---------- TTrigs
0145     } else if (dbToDump == "TTrigDB") {
0146       if (format == "Legacy") {
0147         int version = 1;
0148         int type = 1;  //ie constant
0149         int nfields = 1;
0150         cout << "[DumpDBToFile] TTrig version: " << tTrigMap->version() << endl;
0151         for (DTTtrig::const_iterator ttrig = tTrigMap->begin(); ttrig != tTrigMap->end(); ++ttrig) {
0152           DTWireId wireId(
0153               (*ttrig).first.wheelId, (*ttrig).first.stationId, (*ttrig).first.sectorId, (*ttrig).first.slId, 0, 0);
0154           DetId detId(wireId.rawId());
0155           float tmea;
0156           float trms;
0157           float kFactor;
0158           // ttrig and rms are ns
0159           tTrigMap->get(detId, tmea, trms, kFactor, DTTimeUnits::ns);
0160           //      cout << "Wh: " << (*ttrig).first.wheelId
0161           //           << " St: " << (*ttrig).first.stationId
0162           //           << " Sc: " << (*ttrig).first.sectorId
0163           //           << " Sl: " << (*ttrig).first.slId
0164           //           << " TTrig mean (ns): " << tmea
0165           //           << " TTrig sigma (ns): " << trms << endl;
0167           // note that in the free fields we write one single time = tmea+trms*kFactor, as per current use:
0168           //
0169           vector<float> consts = {tmea,
0170                                   trms,
0171                                   kFactor,
0172                                   -1,
0173                                   -1,
0174                                   -1,
0175                                   -1,
0176                                   -1,
0177                                   -1,
0178                                   -1,
0179                                   float(version * 1000 + type * 100 + nfields),
0180                                   tmea + trms * kFactor};
0181           theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0182         }
0183       } else if (format == "DTRecoConditions") {
0184         int version = rconds->version();
0185         int type = 1;  // i.e. expr = "[0]"
0186         string expr = rconds->getFormulaExpr();
0187         if (version != 1 || expr != "[0]")
0188           throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "only version 1, type 1 is presently supported for TTrigDB";
0190         cout << "[DumpDBToFile] DTRecoConditions (ttrig) version: " << rconds->version() << " expression: " << expr
0191              << endl;
0192         for (DTRecoConditions::const_iterator irc = rconds->begin(); irc != rconds->end(); ++irc) {
0193           DTWireId wireId(irc->first);
0194           const vector<double>& data = irc->second;
0195           int nfields = data.size();  // FIXME check size (should be 1)
0196           float ttrig = data[0];
0197           float sigma = 0;  // Unused in DTRecoConditions
0198           float kappa = 0;
0200           vector<float> consts(11 + nfields, -1);
0201           consts[0] = ttrig;
0202           consts[1] = sigma;
0203           consts[2] = kappa;
0204           consts[10] = float(version * 1000 + type * 100 + nfields);
0205           std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), consts.begin() + 11);
0206           theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0207         }
0208       }
0210       //---------- T0, noise, dead
0211     } else if (dbToDump == "TZeroDB") {
0212       cout << "[DumpDBToFile] T0 version: " << tZeroMap->version() << endl;
0213       for (DTT0::const_iterator tzero = tZeroMap->begin(); tzero != tZeroMap->end(); ++tzero) {
0214         // @@@ NEW DTT0 FORMAT
0215         //  DTWireId wireId((*tzero).first.wheelId,
0216         //          (*tzero).first.stationId,
0217         //          (*tzero).first.sectorId,
0218         //          (*tzero).first.slId,
0219         //          (*tzero).first.layerId,
0220         //          (*tzero).first.cellId);
0221         int channelId = tzero->channelId;
0222         if (channelId == 0)
0223           continue;
0224         DTWireId wireId(channelId);
0225         // @@@ NEW DTT0 END
0226         float t0mean;
0227         float t0rms;
0228         // t0s and rms are TDC counts
0229         tZeroMap->get(wireId, t0mean, t0rms, DTTimeUnits::counts);
0230         //        cout << wireId << " TZero mean (TDC counts): " << t0mean << " TZero RMS (TDC counts): " << t0rms << endl;
0231         vector<float> consts;
0232         consts.push_back(-1);
0233         consts.push_back(-1);
0234         consts.push_back(-1);
0235         consts.push_back(-1);
0236         consts.push_back(-1);
0237         consts.push_back(t0mean);
0238         consts.push_back(t0rms);
0240         theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0241       }
0242     } else if (dbToDump == "NoiseDB") {
0243       for (DTStatusFlag::const_iterator statusFlag = statusMap->begin(); statusFlag != statusMap->end(); ++statusFlag) {
0244         DTWireId wireId((*statusFlag).first.wheelId,
0245                         (*statusFlag).first.stationId,
0246                         (*statusFlag).first.sectorId,
0247                         (*statusFlag).first.slId,
0248                         (*statusFlag).first.layerId,
0249                         (*statusFlag).first.cellId);
0250         cout << wireId << " Noisy Flag: " << (*statusFlag).second.noiseFlag << endl;
0251         vector<float> consts;
0252         consts.push_back(-1);
0253         consts.push_back(-1);
0254         consts.push_back(-1);
0255         consts.push_back(-1);
0256         consts.push_back(-1);
0257         consts.push_back(-9999999);
0258         consts.push_back(-9999999);
0259         consts.push_back((*statusFlag).second.noiseFlag);
0261         theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0262       }
0263     } else if (dbToDump == "DeadDB") {
0264       for (DTDeadFlag::const_iterator deadFlag = deadMap->begin(); deadFlag != deadMap->end(); ++deadFlag) {
0265         DTWireId wireId((*deadFlag).first.wheelId,
0266                         (*deadFlag).first.stationId,
0267                         (*deadFlag).first.sectorId,
0268                         (*deadFlag).first.slId,
0269                         (*deadFlag).first.layerId,
0270                         (*deadFlag).first.cellId);
0271         cout << wireId << " Dead Flag: " << (*deadFlag).second.dead_TP << endl;
0272         vector<float> consts;
0273         consts.push_back(-1);
0274         consts.push_back(-1);
0275         consts.push_back(-1);
0276         consts.push_back(-1);
0277         consts.push_back(-1);
0278         consts.push_back(-9999999);
0279         consts.push_back(-9999999);
0280         consts.push_back((*deadFlag).second.dead_TP);
0282         theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0283       }
0285       //---------- Uncertainties
0286     } else if (dbToDump == "RecoUncertDB") {
0287       int version = rconds->version();
0288       string expr = rconds->getFormulaExpr();
0289       int type = 2;  // par[step]
0290       if (version != 1 || expr != "par[step]")
0291         throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "only version 1, type 2 is presently supported for RecoUncertDB";
0293       cout << "[DumpDBToFile] DTRecoConditions (uncerts) version: " << rconds->version() << " expression: " << expr
0294            << endl;
0296       for (DTRecoConditions::const_iterator irc = rconds->begin(); irc != rconds->end(); ++irc) {
0297         DTWireId wireId(irc->first);
0298         const vector<double>& data = irc->second;
0299         int nfields = data.size();
0300         vector<float> consts(11 + nfields, -1);
0301         consts[10] = float(version * 1000 + type * 100 + nfields);
0302         std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), consts.begin() + 11);
0303         theCalibFile->addCell(wireId, consts);
0304       }
0305     }
0306     //Write constants into file
0307     theCalibFile->writeConsts(theOutputFileName);
0308   }
0310   else if (dbToDump == "ChannelsDB") {
0311     ofstream out(theOutputFileName.c_str());
0312     for (DTReadOutMapping::const_iterator roLink = channelsMap->begin(); roLink != channelsMap->end(); ++roLink) {
0313       out << roLink->dduId << ' ' << roLink->rosId << ' ' << roLink->robId << ' ' << roLink->tdcId << ' '
0314           << roLink->channelId << ' ' << roLink->wheelId << ' ' << roLink->stationId << ' ' << roLink->sectorId << ' '
0315           << roLink->slId << ' ' << roLink->layerId << ' ' << roLink->cellId << endl;
0317       cout << "ddu " << roLink->dduId << ' ' << "ros " << roLink->rosId << ' ' << "rob " << roLink->robId << ' '
0318            << "tdc " << roLink->tdcId << ' ' << "channel " << roLink->channelId << ' ' << "->" << ' ' << "wheel "
0319            << roLink->wheelId << ' ' << "station " << roLink->stationId << ' ' << "sector " << roLink->sectorId << ' '
0320            << "superlayer " << roLink->slId << ' ' << "layer " << roLink->layerId << ' ' << "wire " << roLink->cellId
0321            << ' ' << endl;
0322     }
0323   }
0324 }