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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:59:31

0001 #include "CalibTracker/SiPixelConnectivity/interface/PixelEndcapLinkMaker.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelModuleName.h"
0003 #include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/PixelEndcapName.h"
0004 #include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelROC.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0006 #include <ostream>
0008 using namespace std;
0009 using namespace sipixelobjects;
0011 bool PixelEndcapLinkMaker::Order::operator()(const Item& u1, const Item& u2) const {
0012   bool res = true;
0013   const PixelEndcapName& n1 = *;
0014   const PixelEndcapName& n2 = *;
0016   if (n1.halfCylinder() < n2.halfCylinder())
0017     res = true;
0018   else if (n1.halfCylinder() > n2.halfCylinder())
0019     res = false;
0020   else if (n1.diskName() < n2.diskName())
0021     res = true;
0022   else if (n1.diskName() > n2.diskName())
0023     res = false;
0024   else if (n1.bladeName() < n2.bladeName())
0025     res = true;
0026   else if (n1.bladeName() > n2.bladeName())
0027     res = false;
0028   else if (n1.pannelName() < n2.pannelName())
0029     res = true;
0030   else if (n1.pannelName() > n2.pannelName())
0031     res = false;
0032   else if (n1.plaquetteName() < n2.plaquetteName())
0033     res = true;
0034   else if (n1.plaquetteName() > n2.plaquetteName())
0035     res = false;
0037   return res;
0038 }
0040 PixelEndcapLinkMaker::Links PixelEndcapLinkMaker::links(const Names& n, const DetUnits& u) const {
0041   Links result;
0042   typedef Names::const_iterator CIN;
0044   //
0045   // split names to links
0046   //
0047   vector<Item> linkItems;
0048   typedef vector<Item>::const_iterator CIU;
0050   for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < n.size(); idx++) {
0051     Item item;
0052     PixelEndcapName* e = dynamic_cast<PixelEndcapName*>(n[idx]);
0053     uint32_t d = u[idx];
0054 = e;
0055     item.unit = d;
0056     Range rocIds(-1, -1);
0057     PixelModuleName::ModuleType type = e->moduleType();
0058     switch (type) {
0059       case (PixelModuleName::v1x2): {
0060         rocIds = Range(0, 1);
0061         break;
0062       }
0063       case (PixelModuleName::v1x5): {
0064         rocIds = Range(0, 4);
0065         break;
0066       }
0067       case (PixelModuleName::v2x3): {
0068         rocIds = Range(0, 5);
0069         break;
0070       }
0071       case (PixelModuleName::v2x4): {
0072         rocIds = Range(0, 7);
0073         break;
0074       }
0075       case (PixelModuleName::v2x5): {
0076         rocIds = Range(0, 9);
0077         break;
0078       }
0079       default:
0080         edm::LogError("PixelEndcapLinkMaker") << " *** UNEXPECTED roc: " << e->name();
0081     };
0082     item.rocIds = rocIds;
0083     linkItems.push_back(item);
0084   }
0085   //
0086   // sort names to get the order as in links
0087   //
0089   sort(linkItems.begin(), linkItems.end(), Order());
0091   //
0092   // DEBUG
0093   //
0094   ostringstream str;
0095   for (CIU it = linkItems.begin(); it != linkItems.end(); it++) {
0096     str << (*it).name->name() << " r=" << (*it).rocIds << endl;
0097   }
0098   LogDebug(" sorted ENDCAP links: ") << str.str();
0100   result.reserve(36);
0101   int lastPannelId = -1;
0102   int idLink = 0;
0103   int idRoc = 0;
0104   PixelFEDLink link(idLink);  // dummy object, id=0
0106   for (CIU it = linkItems.begin(); it != linkItems.end(); it++) {
0107     PixelFEDLink::ROCs rocs;
0108     int pannelId = it->name->pannelName();
0110     if (pannelId != lastPannelId) {
0111       lastPannelId = pannelId;
0112       if (idLink > 0)
0113         result.push_back(link);
0114       idRoc = 0;
0115       link = PixelFEDLink(++idLink);  // real link, to be filled
0116     }
0118     for (int id = (*it).rocIds.min(); id <= (*it).rocIds.max(); id++) {
0119       ++idRoc;
0120       rocs.push_back(PixelROC(it->unit, id, idRoc));
0121     }
0123     link.add(rocs);
0124   }
0126   if (idLink > 0)
0127     result.push_back(link);
0128   return result;
0129 }