File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:59:50
0001 from __future__ import print_function
0002 def pack(high,low):
0003 """pack high,low 32bit unsigned int to one unsigned 64bit long long
0004 Note:the print value of result number may appear signed, if the sign bit is used.
0005 """
0006 h=high<<32
0007 return (h|low)
0009 def secondsFromString(i):
0010 """convert from a string in the format output from timeStamptoDate to a 32bit seconds from the epoch.
0011 The format accepted is \"DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS\". The year must be the full number.
0012 """
0013 import time
0014 return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(i, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")))
0016 def packFromString(i):
0017 """pack from a string in the format output from timeStamptoUTC to a 64bit timestamp
0018 the format accepted is \"DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS\" . The year must be the full number.
0019 """
0020 return pack(secondsFromString(i), 0)
0022 def intervalSinceEpoch(i):
0023 """ compute the interval of time in seconds since the Epoch and return the packed 64bit value.
0024 """
0025 return( packFromString(i) - packFromString("01/01/1970 00:00:00") )
0027 def unpack(i):
0028 """unpack 64bit unsigned long long into 2 32bit unsigned int, return tuple (high,low)
0029 """
0030 high=i>>32
0031 low=i&0xFFFFFFFF
0032 return(high,low)
0034 def timeStamptoDate(i):
0035 """convert 64bit timestamp to local date in string format
0036 """
0037 import time
0038 return time.ctime(unpack(i)[0])
0040 import os
0041 import re
0042 import sys
0044 time = timeStamptoDate(long(sys.argv[1]))
0045 print(time)