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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:59:55

0001 ////////////////////////////
0002 // Script to plot sensor efficiency layer by layer
0003 // The input files are the output from CalibTracker/SiStripHitEfficiency/src/
0004 // Usage in root: root> .x plotHitEffSummaryQualGoodCRAFT09.C
0005 // Original Author:  Keith Ulmer  University of Colorado 
0006 //         
0007 ////////////////////////////
0009 {
0010 #include <vector>
0011 #include <tdrstyle.C>
0013   gROOT->Reset();
0014   setTDRStyle();
0016   int nLayers = 21;
0017   float RatioNoBad[nLayers+1];
0018   float errRatio[nLayers+1];
0019   float RatioAll[nLayers+1];
0020   float errRatioAll[nLayers+1];
0021   float Mod[nLayers+1];
0022   float ModErr[nLayers+1];
0023   int cont[nLayers+1];
0025   TH1F * found = new TH1F("found","found",nLayers+1,0,nLayers+1);
0026   TH1F * all = new TH1F("all","all",nLayers+1,0,nLayers+1);
0028   float SNoBad[nLayers+1],BNoBad[nLayers+1];
0029   float SAll[nLayers+1],BAll[nLayers+1];
0031   SNoBad[0] = 0;
0032   BNoBad[0] = 6;
0033   SAll[0] = 0;
0034   BAll[0] = 6;
0036   for (Long_t i=1; i< nLayers+1; ++i) {
0037     if (i==10) i++;
0038     TString file = TString("HitEff_V11_69912_layer") + i;
0039     TFile* f = TFile::Open(file+".root");
0040     f->cd("anEff");
0041     bool isTEC = false;
0042     if (i>13) isTEC = true;
0043     TString cut;
0044     if (isTEC) cut = TString("SiStripQualBad==0&&(Id<402674821||Id>470078964||(Id<470048885&Id>402674977))&&abs(TrajLocY)>2");
0045     else  cut = TString("SiStripQualBad==0&&(Id<402674821||Id>470078964||(Id<470048885&Id>402674977))");
0046     traj->Draw("ModIsBad",cut,"goff");
0047     //traj->Draw("ModIsBad","SiStripQualBad==0&&(Id<402674821||Id>470078964||(Id<470048885&Id>402674977))&&abs(TrajLocY)>2","goff");
0048     //if (!isTEC) 
0049       //traj->Draw("ModIsBad","SiStripQualBad==0&&(Id<402674821||Id>470078964||(Id<470048885&Id>402674977))","goff");
0050       //else
0051       //traj->Draw("ModIsBad","SiStripQualBad==0&&(Id<402674821||Id>470078964||(Id<470048885&Id>402674977))","goff");
0052     //traj->Draw("ModIsBad","SiStripQualBad==0","goff");
0053     //exclude bad modules from TID 2: 402674821-402674977
0054     // and TEC 3: 470048885-470078964
0055     SNoBad[i] =  htemp->GetBinContent(1);
0056     if (i==13) SNoBad[i] = htemp->GetBinContent(3); //not sure why the entries are in bin 3 for layer 13?
0057     BNoBad[i] =  htemp->GetBinContent(2);
0058     cout << "filling for layer " << i << " s = " << htemp->GetBinContent(1) << " b = " << htemp->GetBinContent(2) << endl;
0059     if ((SNoBad[i]+BNoBad[i]) > 5) {
0060       float ratio = (SNoBad[i]*1. / (SNoBad[i]+BNoBad[i])*1.);
0061       RatioNoBad[i] = ratio;
0062       float deno = (SNoBad[i] + BNoBad[i]) * (SNoBad[i] + BNoBad[i]) * (SNoBad[i] + BNoBad[i]);
0063       errRatio[i] = sqrt( (SNoBad[i]*BNoBad[i]) / deno*1.);
0064       found->SetBinContent(i,SNoBad[i]);
0065       all->SetBinContent(i,SNoBad[i]+BNoBad[i]);
0066     } else {
0067       RatioNoBad[i] = -1.0;
0068       errRatio[i] = 0.0;
0069       found->SetBinContent(i,0);
0070       all->SetBinContent(i,10);
0071     }
0073     cout << i << " SNoBad " << SNoBad[i] << " BNoBad " << BNoBad[i] << " ratio "  << ratio*100. <<  " +o- " << errRatio[i]*100. << endl;
0074     Mod[i] = i;
0075     ModErr[i] = 0.;
0077   }
0079   TCanvas *c7 =new TCanvas("c7"," test ",10,10,800,600);
0080   c7->SetFillColor(0);
0081   c7->SetGrid();
0083   found->Sumw2();
0084   all->Sumw2();
0086   gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nLayers+1);
0087   gr->BayesDivide(found,all); 
0089   for(int j = 0; j<nLayers+1; j++){
0090     gr->SetPointError(j, 0., 0., gr->GetErrorYlow(j),gr->GetErrorYhigh(j) );
0091   }
0093   gr->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0,nLayers);
0094   gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
0095   gr->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
0096   gr->SetLineColor(2);
0097   gr->SetLineWidth(4);
0098   gr->SetMarkerStyle(20);
0099   gr->SetMinimum(0.98);
0100   gr->SetMaximum(1.001);
0101   gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
0102   for ( int j=1; j<nLayers+1; j++) {
0103     if (j==10) j++;
0104     TString label;
0105     if (j<5) {
0106       label = TString("TIB ")+j;
0107     } else if (j>4&&j<11) {
0108       label = TString("TOB ")+(j-4);
0109     } else if (j>10&&j<14) {
0110       label = TString("TID ")+(j-10);
0111     } else if (j>13) {
0112       label = TString("TEC ")+(j-13);
0113     }
0114     gr->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel((j*100)/(nLayers)-2,label);
0115   }
0117   gr->Draw("AP");
0118   gr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(36);
0120   TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(0.3,0.3,0.5,0.4,"blNDC");
0121   pt->SetBorderSize(0);
0122   pt->SetFillColor(0);
0123   TText *text = pt->AddText("CMS 2008");
0124   pt->Draw("same");
0126   c7->SaveAs("HitEffSummary69912QualGood_TECcut.png");
0127   c7->SaveAs("HitEffSummary69912QualGood_TECcut.eps");
0128   c7->SaveAs("HitEffSummary69912QualGood_TECcut.pdf");
0129 }