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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:58:38

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 #===================================================== removing events with trackerDrivenOnly electrons
0004 # if you want to filter events with trackerDrivenOnly electrons
0005 # you should produce a collection containing the Ref to the
0006 # trackerDrivenOnly electrons and then you should filter these events
0007 # the lines to produce the Ref collection are the following
0008 # you should not need to uncomment those, because I've already
0009 # produced them in the ALCARECO step
0010 trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons = cms.EDFilter("GsfElectronRefSelector",
0011                                           src = cms.InputTag( 'gedGsfElectrons' ),
0012                                           cut = cms.string( "(ecalDrivenSeed==0)" )
0013                                           )
0015 # these lines active a filter that counts if there are more than 0
0016 # trackerDrivenOnly electrons 
0017 trackerDrivenRemover = cms.EDFilter("PATCandViewCountFilter",
0018                                     minNumber = cms.uint32(0),
0019                                     maxNumber = cms.uint32(0),
0020                                     src = cms.InputTag("trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons")
0021                                     )
0022 #trackerDrivenRemoverSeq = cms.Sequence( trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons * trackerDrivenRemover )
0023 #trackerDrivenRemoverSeq = cms.Sequence( trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons)