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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0004 ecalpedestalPCL =DQMEDAnalyzer('ECALpedestalPCLworker',
0005                                 BarrelDigis=cms.InputTag('ecalDigis','ebDigis'),
0006                                 EndcapDigis=cms.InputTag('ecalDigis','eeDigis'),
0007                                 tcdsRecord  =cms.InputTag('tcdsDigis','tcdsRecord'),
0008                                 requireStableBeam = cms.bool(True),
0009                                 pedestalSamples=cms.uint32(2),   # number of presamples to be used for pedestal determination
0010                                 checkSignal = cms.bool(False),   # whether or not to exclude digis containing a signal
0011                                 sThresholdEB  = cms.uint32(10),  # threshold to define a digi as containing signal
0012                                 sThresholdEE  = cms.uint32(15),
0013                                 dqmDir      = cms.string('AlCaReco/EcalPedestalsPCL'), 
0014                                 dynamicBooking = cms.bool(True), # use old pedestal to book histograms (central bin)
0015                                 fixedBookingCenterBin = cms.int32(200), # if dynamicBooking = false, use this as center bin 
0016                                 nBins       = cms.int32(40)      # number of bins per histogram
0017 )