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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # output block for alcastream HCAL Isotrk
0004 # output module 
0005 #  module alcastreamHcalIsotrkOutput = PoolOutputModule
0006 OutALCARECOHcalCalIsoTrkNoHLT_noDrop = cms.PSet(
0007     # use this in case of filter available
0008     SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0009         SelectEvents = cms.vstring('pathALCARECOHcalCalIsoTrkNoHLT')
0010         ),
0011     outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring( 
0012         'keep *_IsoProd_*_*',
0013         'keep *_TkAlIsoProd_*_*',
0014     'keep *_offlineBeamSpot_*_*',
0015         'keep HcalNoiseSummary_hcalnoise_*_*',
0016         'keep recoTracks_generalTracks_*_*',
0017         'keep recoTrackExtras_generalTracks_*_*',
0018         'keep *_gtStage2Digis_*_*',
0019         'keep *_hbhereco_*_*',
0020         'keep edmTriggerResults_*_*_*',
0021         'keep triggerTriggerEvent_*_*_*',
0022         'keep *_genParticles_*_*',
0023         )
0024 )
0027 import copy
0028 OutALCARECOHcalCalIsoTrkNoHLT=copy.deepcopy(OutALCARECOHcalCalIsoTrkNoHLT_noDrop)
0029 OutALCARECOHcalCalIsoTrkNoHLT.outputCommands.insert(0, "drop *")