Warning, /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/jobs/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 Steps to be taken to submit batch jobs which create the flat ROOT Trees.
0002 1. Modify one of the python files:
0003 - isoTrackNewAlCaAnalysis_cfg.py for AlCaReco files from EGamma data stream
0004 - isoTrackAlCaCommissioning_cfg.py for AlCaReco files from Commissioning stream
0005 2. Use crab to submit the jobs:
0006 - crab submit -c CrabConfig_EGamm_EraC_2024_EGamm0.py for the EGamma stream
0007 - crab submit -c CrabConfig_Commissioning.py for the Commissioning stream
0008 This will create a whole set of ROOT output files with isolated track candidates
0009 of momentum between 10 and 100 Gev
0010 3. May strip off events with track candidates of momentum between 40 and 60 GeV
0011 ./CalibMain.exe 3 <InputFile> <HistogramFile> <Flag> <DirectoryName> <Prefix>
0012 <PUcorr> <Truncate> <Nmax> <pmin> <pmax> <debug>
0014 Create the executable CalibMain.exe using the script installCalib.csh
0016 Name of the ROOT files to be used as input can be kept in a file (example d24CE.txt)
0018 Some sample command lines for running calibration jobs (which creates correction files)
0019 and monitoring jobs (which creates a set of histograms to be used for making
0020 histograms to be used in the next step) are kept in *jobs.txt*.
0022 Note <DirectoryName> for EGamma stream (hcalIsoTrackAnalyzer) is different from
0023 that for Commissioning stream (hcalIsoTrkAnalyzer)
0025 Fit the histograms and make the plots:
0026 root [1] .L CalibFitPlots.C+g
0027 root [2] FitHistExtended("24CEM1.root","24CFit.root","24CE1",54,3,true,true,3,false)
0028 root [3] PlotHist("24CFit.root","24CE1","24C E#gamma Depth Dependent",1,11,0,13.6,true,false,2)