File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:59:25
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 #Make sure that variables match in producer.cc and .h 0004 corrPCCProd = cms.EDProducer("CorrPCCProducer", 0005 CorrPCCProducerParameters = cms.PSet( 0006 #Mod factor to count lumi and the string to specify output 0007 inLumiObLabel = cms.string("rawPCCProd"), 0008 ProdInst = cms.string("rawPCCRandom"), 0009 approxLumiBlockSize=cms.int32(50), 0010 trigstring = cms.untracked.string("corrPCCRand"), 0011 type2_a= cms.double(0.001048), 0012 type2_b= cms.double(0.0156), 0013 ) 0014 )
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