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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:     XMLTools
0004 // Class  :     LMap
0005 //
0006 // Implementation:
0007 //     <Notes on implementation>
0008 //
0009 // Original Author:  Gena Kukartsev,
0010 //         Created:  Tue Oct 23 14:30:20 CDT 2007
0011 //
0013 // system include files
0014 #include <cstdio>
0015 #include <iostream>
0016 #include <fstream>
0017 #include <sstream>
0018 #include <vector>
0020 // user include files
0021 #include "CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/LMap.h"
0022 #include "CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/RooGKCounter.h"
0023 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalGenericDetId.h"
0024 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
0025 #include "CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/HcalAssistant.h"
0026 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0028 using namespace std;
0030 class LMap::impl {
0031 public:
0032   impl() {}
0033   ~impl() {}
0035   int read(std::string accessor, std::string type);
0036   std::map<int, LMapRow>& get_map(void) { return _lmap; };
0038 private:
0039   std::vector<LMapRow> _table;
0040   std::map<int, LMapRow> _lmap;
0041 };
0043 LMap::LMap() : p_impl(new impl) {}
0045 LMap::~LMap() {}
0047 int LMap::read(std::string accessor, std::string type) { return p_impl->read(accessor, type); }
0049 std::map<int, LMapRow>& LMap::get_map(void) { return p_impl->get_map(); }
0051 int LMap::impl::read(std::string map_file, std::string type) {
0052   RooGKCounter lines;
0054   std::string _row;
0055   ifstream inFile(map_file.c_str(), std::ios::in);
0056   if (!inFile) {
0057     edm::LogError("LMap") << "Unable to open file with the logical map: " << map_file;
0058   } else {
0059     edm::LogInfo("LMap") << "File with the logical map opened successfully: " << map_file << std::endl
0060                          << "Type: " << type;
0061   }
0062   while (getline(inFile, _row)) {
0063     LMapRow aRow;
0064     char det[32];
0065     char rbx[32];
0066     char fpga[32];
0067     char slbin[32];
0068     char slbin2[32];
0069     char slnam[32];
0070     char rctnam[32];
0072     const char* let_code = "Z";
0074     int _read = 0;
0075     if (type == "HBEF") {
0076       const char* _format =
0077           " %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %s %d %d %d %s %d";
0078       _read = sscanf(_row.c_str(),
0079                      _format,
0080                      &(aRow.side),
0081                      &(aRow.eta),
0082                      &(aRow.phi),
0083                      &(aRow.dphi),
0084                      &(aRow.depth),
0085                      det,
0086                      rbx,
0087                      &(aRow.wedge),
0088                      &(aRow.rm),
0089                      &(aRow.pixel),
0090                      &(aRow.qie),
0091                      &(aRow.adc),
0092                      &(aRow.rm_fi),
0093                      &(aRow.fi_ch),
0094                      &(aRow.crate),
0095                      &(aRow.htr),
0096                      fpga,
0097                      &(aRow.htr_fi),
0098                      &(aRow.dcc_sl),
0099                      &(aRow.spigo),
0100                      &(aRow.dcc),
0101                      &(aRow.slb),
0102                      slbin,
0103                      slbin2,
0104                      slnam,
0105                      &(aRow.rctcra),
0106                      &(aRow.rctcar),
0107                      &(aRow.rctcon),
0108                      rctnam,
0109                      &(aRow.fedid));
0110     } else if (type == "HO") {
0111       const char* _format = " %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %d";
0112       _read = sscanf(_row.c_str(),
0113                      _format,
0114                      &(aRow.side),
0115                      &(aRow.eta),
0116                      &(aRow.phi),
0117                      &(aRow.dphi),
0118                      &(aRow.depth),
0119                      det,
0120                      rbx,
0121                      &(aRow.wedge),
0122                      &(aRow.rm),
0123                      &(aRow.pixel),
0124                      &(aRow.qie),
0125                      &(aRow.adc),
0126                      &(aRow.rm_fi),
0127                      &(aRow.fi_ch),
0128                      &let_code,
0129                      &(aRow.crate),
0130                      &(aRow.htr),
0131                      fpga,
0132                      &(aRow.htr_fi),
0133                      &(aRow.dcc_sl),
0134                      &(aRow.spigo),
0135                      &(aRow.dcc),
0136                      &(aRow.slb));
0137       //slbin, slbin2, slnam,
0138       //&(aRow.rctcra), &(aRow.rctcar), &(aRow.rctcon),
0139       //rctnam,
0140       //&(aRow.fedid) );
0141     }
0142     if (_read >= 23) {
0143       lines.count();
0145       std::string _det(det);
0146       if (_det.find("HB") != std::string::npos)
0147         aRow.det = HcalBarrel;
0148       else if (_det.find("HE") != std::string::npos)
0149         aRow.det = HcalEndcap;
0150       else if (_det.find("HF") != std::string::npos)
0151         aRow.det = HcalForward;
0152       else if (_det.find("HO") != std::string::npos)
0153         aRow.det = HcalOuter;
0154       else
0155         aRow.det = HcalOther;
0157       aRow.rbx.append(rbx);
0158       aRow.fpga.append(fpga);
0159       aRow.slbin.append(slbin);
0160       aRow.slbin2.append(slbin2);
0161       aRow.slnam.append(slnam);
0162       aRow.rctnam.append(rctnam);
0163       aRow.let_code.append(let_code);
0165       _table.push_back(aRow);
0167       HcalDetId _hdid(aRow.det, aRow.side * aRow.eta, aRow.phi, aRow.depth);
0169       _lmap[_hdid.rawId()] = aRow;
0170     }
0171   }
0172   inFile.close();
0173   edm::LogInfo("LMap") << lines.getCount() << " lines read";
0175   return 0;
0176 }
0178 //_______________________________________________________________________
0179 //
0180 //_____ EMAP stuff
0181 //
0182 //_______________________________________________________________________
0184 EMap::EMap(const HcalElectronicsMap* emap) {
0185   if (emap) {
0186     HcalAssistant _ass;
0187     //
0188     //_____ precision channels __________________________________________
0189     //
0190     std::vector<HcalElectronicsId> v_eId = emap->allElectronicsIdPrecision();
0191     for (std::vector<HcalElectronicsId>::const_iterator eId = v_eId.begin(); eId != v_eId.end(); eId++) {
0192       EMapRow row;
0193       //row.rawId     = eId->rawId();
0194       row.crate = eId->readoutVMECrateId();
0195       row.slot = eId->htrSlot();
0196       row.dcc = eId->dccid();
0197       row.spigot = eId->spigot();
0198       row.fiber = eId->fiberIndex();
0199       row.fiberchan = eId->fiberChanId();
0200       if (eId->htrTopBottom() == 1)
0201         row.topbottom = "t";
0202       else if (eId->htrTopBottom() == 0)
0203         row.topbottom = "b";
0204       else
0205         row.topbottom = "u";
0206       //
0207       HcalGenericDetId _gid(emap->lookup(*eId));
0208       if (!(_gid.null()) && (_gid.genericSubdet() == HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenBarrel ||
0209                              _gid.genericSubdet() == HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenEndcap ||
0210                              _gid.genericSubdet() == HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenForward ||
0211                              _gid.genericSubdet() == HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenOuter)) {
0212         HcalDetId _id(emap->lookup(*eId));
0213         row.rawId = _id.rawId();
0214         row.ieta = _id.ieta();
0215         row.iphi = _id.iphi();
0216         row.idepth = _id.depth();
0217         row.subdet = _ass.getSubdetectorString(_id.subdet());
0218         // fill the map
0219         map.push_back(row);
0220       }
0221       // ZDC channels
0222       else if (!(_gid.null()) && _gid.genericSubdet() == HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenZDC) {
0223         HcalZDCDetId _id(emap->lookup(*eId));
0224         row.zdc_channel =;
0225         row.zdc_section = _ass.getZDCSectionString(_id.section());
0226         row.idepth = _id.depth();
0227         row.zdc_zside = _id.zside();
0228         // fill the map
0229         map.push_back(row);
0230       }
0231     }
0232     //
0233     //_____ trigger channels __________________________________________
0234     //
0235     v_eId = emap->allElectronicsIdTrigger();
0236     for (std::vector<HcalElectronicsId>::const_iterator eId = v_eId.begin(); eId != v_eId.end(); eId++) {
0237       EMapRow row;
0238       //row.rawId     = eId->rawId();
0239       row.crate = eId->readoutVMECrateId();
0240       row.slot = eId->htrSlot();
0241       row.dcc = eId->dccid();
0242       row.spigot = eId->spigot();
0243       row.fiber = eId->isVMEid() ? eId->slbSiteNumber() : eId->fiberIndex();
0244       row.fiberchan = eId->isVMEid() ? eId->slbChannelIndex() : eId->fiberChanId();
0245       if (eId->htrTopBottom() == 1)
0246         row.topbottom = "t";
0247       else if (eId->htrTopBottom() == 0)
0248         row.topbottom = "b";
0249       else
0250         row.topbottom = "u";
0251       //
0252       HcalTrigTowerDetId _id(emap->lookupTrigger(*eId));
0253       if (!(_id.null())) {
0254         row.rawId = _id.rawId();
0255         row.ieta = _id.ieta();
0256         row.iphi = _id.iphi();
0257         row.idepth = _id.depth();
0258         row.subdet = _ass.getSubdetectorString(_id.subdet());
0259         // fill the map
0260         map.push_back(row);
0261       }
0262     }
0263   } else {
0264     edm::LogError("EMap") << "Pointer to HcalElectronicsMap is 0!!!";
0265   }
0266 }
0268 int EMap::read_map(std::string filename) {
0269   RooGKCounter lines;
0271   std::string _row;
0272   ifstream inFile(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
0273   if (!inFile) {
0274     edm::LogError("EMap") << "Unable to open file with the electronic map: " << filename;
0275   } else {
0276     edm::LogInfo("EMap") << "File with the electronic map opened successfully: " << filename;
0277   }
0278   while (getline(inFile, _row)) {
0279     EMapRow aRow;
0280     char fpga[32];
0281     char subdet[32];
0283     int _read;
0284     const char* _format = "%d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %d";
0285     _read = sscanf(_row.c_str(),
0286                    _format,
0287                    &(aRow.rawId),
0288                    &(aRow.crate),
0289                    &(aRow.slot),
0290                    fpga,
0291                    &(aRow.dcc),
0292                    &(aRow.spigot),
0293                    &(aRow.fiber),
0294                    &(aRow.fiberchan),
0295                    subdet,
0296                    &(aRow.ieta),
0297                    &(aRow.iphi),
0298                    &(aRow.idepth));
0299     if (_read >= 12) {
0300       lines.count();
0302       aRow.subdet.append(subdet);
0303       aRow.topbottom.append(fpga);
0305       map.push_back(aRow);
0306       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << _row << std::endl;
0307       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << aRow.ieta << std::endl;
0308     }
0309   }
0310   inFile.close();
0311   edm::LogInfo("EMap") << lines.getCount() << " lines read";
0313   return 0;
0314 }
0316 std::vector<EMap::EMapRow>& EMap::get_map(void) { return map; }
0318 bool EMap::EMapRow::operator<(const EMap::EMapRow& other) const { return rawId < other.rawId; }
0320 // ===> test procedures for the EMap class
0321 int EMap_test::test_read_map(std::string filename) {
0322   EMap map(filename);
0323   return 0;
0324 }
0326 // ===> test procedures for the LMap class
0327 LMap_test::LMap_test() : _lmap(new LMap) {}
0329 int LMap_test::test_read(std::string accessor, std::string type) {
0330   _lmap->read(accessor, type);
0331   return 0;
0332 }