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0001 #ifndef RecoSelectors_GenParticleCustomSelector_h
0002 #define RecoSelectors_GenParticleCustomSelector_h
0003 /* \class GenParticleCustomSelector

0004  *

0005  * \author Giuseppe Cerati, UCSD

0006  *

0007  */
0009 #include "DataFormats/HepMCCandidate/interface/GenParticle.h"
0011 class GenParticleCustomSelector {
0012 public:
0013   GenParticleCustomSelector() {}
0014   GenParticleCustomSelector(double ptMin,
0015                             double minRapidity,
0016                             double maxRapidity,
0017                             double tip,
0018                             double lip,
0019                             bool chargedOnly,
0020                             int status,
0021                             const std::vector<int>& pdgId = std::vector<int>(),
0022                             bool invertRapidityCut = false,
0023                             double minPhi = -3.2,
0024                             double maxPhi = 3.2)
0025       : ptMin_(ptMin),
0026         minRapidity_(minRapidity),
0027         maxRapidity_(maxRapidity),
0028         meanPhi_((minPhi + maxPhi) / 2.),
0029         rangePhi_((maxPhi - minPhi) / 2.),
0030         tip_(tip),
0031         lip_(lip),
0032         chargedOnly_(chargedOnly),
0033         status_(status),
0034         pdgId_(pdgId),
0035         invertRapidityCut_(invertRapidityCut) {
0036     if (minPhi >= maxPhi) {
0037       throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
0038           << "GenParticleCustomSelector: minPhi (" << minPhi << ") must be smaller than maxPhi (" << maxPhi
0039           << "). The range is constructed from minPhi to maxPhi around their "
0040              "average.";
0041     }
0042     if (minPhi >= M_PI) {
0043       throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "GenParticleCustomSelector: minPhi (" << minPhi
0044                                             << ") must be smaller than PI. The range is constructed from minPhi "
0045                                                "to maxPhi around their average.";
0046     }
0047     if (maxPhi <= -M_PI) {
0048       throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "GenParticleCustomSelector: maxPhi (" << maxPhi
0049                                             << ") must be larger than -PI. The range is constructed from minPhi "
0050                                                "to maxPhi around their average.";
0051     }
0052   }
0054   /// Operator() performs the selection: e.g. if (tPSelector(tp)) {...}

0055   bool operator()(const reco::GenParticle& tp) const {
0056     if (chargedOnly_ && tp.charge() == 0)
0057       return false;  //select only if charge!=0

0058     bool testId = false;
0059     unsigned int idSize = pdgId_.size();
0060     if (idSize == 0)
0061       testId = true;
0062     else
0063       for (unsigned int it = 0; it != idSize; ++it) {
0064         if (tp.pdgId() == pdgId_[it])
0065           testId = true;
0066       }
0068     auto etaOk = [&](const reco::GenParticle& p) -> bool {
0069       float eta = p.eta();
0070       if (!invertRapidityCut_)
0071         return (eta >= minRapidity_) && (eta <= maxRapidity_);
0072       else
0073         return (eta < minRapidity_ || eta > maxRapidity_);
0074     };
0075     auto phiOk = [&](const reco::GenParticle& p) {
0076       float dphi = deltaPhi(atan2f(, p.px()), meanPhi_);
0077       return dphi >= -rangePhi_ && dphi <= rangePhi_;
0078     };
0079     auto ptOk = [&](const reco::GenParticle& p) {
0080       double pt =;
0081       return pt >= ptMin_;
0082     };
0084     return (ptOk(tp) && etaOk(tp) && phiOk(tp) && sqrt(tp.vertex().perp2()) <= tip_ && fabs(tp.vertex().z()) <= lip_ &&
0085             tp.status() == status_ && testId);
0086   }
0088 private:
0089   double ptMin_;
0090   double minRapidity_;
0091   double maxRapidity_;
0092   float meanPhi_;
0093   float rangePhi_;
0094   double tip_;
0095   double lip_;
0096   bool chargedOnly_;
0097   int status_;
0098   std::vector<int> pdgId_;
0099   bool invertRapidityCut_;
0100 };
0102 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ConsumesCollector.h"
0103 #include "CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/ParameterAdapter.h"
0105 namespace reco {
0106   namespace modules {
0108     template <>
0109     struct ParameterAdapter<GenParticleCustomSelector> {
0110       static GenParticleCustomSelector make(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg, edm::ConsumesCollector& iC) {
0111         return make(cfg);
0112       }
0114       static GenParticleCustomSelector make(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg) {
0115         return GenParticleCustomSelector(cfg.getParameter<double>("ptMin"),
0116                                          cfg.getParameter<double>("minRapidity"),
0117                                          cfg.getParameter<double>("maxRapidity"),
0118                                          cfg.getParameter<double>("tip"),
0119                                          cfg.getParameter<double>("lip"),
0120                                          cfg.getParameter<bool>("chargedOnly"),
0121                                          cfg.getParameter<int>("status"),
0122                                          cfg.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("pdgId"),
0123                                          cfg.getParameter<bool>("invertRapidityCut"),
0124                                          cfg.getParameter<double>("minPhi"),
0125                                          cfg.getParameter<double>("maxPhi"));
0126       }
0127     };
0129   }  // namespace modules

0130 }  // namespace reco

0132 #endif