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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # correct computation of the GenMET, with muons
0005 genParticlesForMETAllVisible = cms.EDFilter(
0006     "InputGenJetsParticleSelector",
0007     src = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),
0008     partonicFinalState = cms.bool(False),
0009     excludeResonances = cms.bool(False),
0010     excludeFromResonancePids = cms.vuint32(),
0011     tausAsJets = cms.bool(False),
0013     ignoreParticleIDs = cms.vuint32(
0014     1000022, 2000012, 2000014,
0015     2000016, 1000039, 5000039,
0016     4000012, 9900012, 9900014,
0017     9900016, 39, 12, 14, 16
0018     )
0019 )                   
0021 genMetTrue = cms.EDProducer("GenMETProducer",
0022     src = cms.InputTag("genParticlesForMETAllVisible"), ## Input  product label       
0023     alias = cms.string('GenMETAllVisible'), ## Alias  for FWLite          
0024     onlyFiducialParticles = cms.bool(False), ## Use only fiducial GenParticles
0025     globalThreshold = cms.double(0.0), ## Global Threshold for input objects
0026     usePt   = cms.bool(True), ## using Pt instead Et
0027     applyFiducialThresholdForFractions   = cms.bool(False),
0028 )
0030 genMetTrueTask = cms.Task(
0031     genParticlesForMETAllVisible ,
0032     genMetTrue
0033     )
0034 genMetTrueSequence = cms.Sequence(genMetTrueTask)