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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Clone pfMET producer from RecoMET
0004 from RecoMET.METProducers.pfMet_cfi import *
0006 # Should the name be changed se it is similar to pfMet from reco ??
0007 pfMET = pfMet.clone(
0008     alias = "pfMET",
0010     # Use PF2PAT cleaned jet collection (pfJets) for MET significance
0011     # instead of standard collection (ak4PFJets)?
0012     # It requires that MET is produced at the end.
0013     srcJets = "pfJets"
0014 )
0015 # print 'PF2PAT: Jet collection used for pfMET significance: ', pfMET.jets