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0001 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/ConnectionPool.h"
0002 #include "DbConnectionString.h"
0003 #include "IDbAuthentication.h"
0004 #include "SessionImpl.h"
0005 #include "IOVSchema.h"
0006 #include "CoralMsgReporter.h"
0007 //
0008 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/CoralServiceManager.h"
0009 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/Auth.h"
0010 // CMSSW includes
0011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0012 // coral includes
0013 #include "RelationalAccess/ConnectionService.h"
0014 #include "RelationalAccess/IAuthenticationService.h"
0015 #include "RelationalAccess/IWebCacheControl.h"
0016 #include "RelationalAccess/ISessionProxy.h"
0017 #include "RelationalAccess/IConnectionServiceConfiguration.h"
0018 #include "CoralKernel/Context.h"
0019 #include "CoralKernel/IProperty.h"
0020 #include "CoralKernel/IPropertyManager.h"
0022 namespace cond {
0024   namespace persistency {
0026     ConnectionPool::ConnectionPool() {
0027       m_pluginManager = new cond::CoralServiceManager;
0028       m_msgReporter = new CoralMsgReporter;
0029       coral::MessageStream::installMsgReporter(m_msgReporter);
0030       configure();
0031     }
0033     ConnectionPool::~ConnectionPool() { delete m_pluginManager; }
0035     void ConnectionPool::setAuthenticationPath(const std::string& p) { m_authPath = p; }
0037     void ConnectionPool::setAuthenticationSystem(int authSysCode) { m_authSys = authSysCode; }
0039     void ConnectionPool::setFrontierSecurity(const std::string& signature) { m_frontierSecurity = signature; }
0041     void ConnectionPool::setLogging(bool flag) { m_loggingEnabled = flag; }
0043     void ConnectionPool::setParameters(const edm::ParameterSet& connectionPset) {
0044       //set the connection parameters from a ParameterSet
0045       //if a parameter is not defined, keep the values already set in the data members
0046       //(i.e. default if no other setters called, or the ones currently available)
0047       setAuthenticationPath(connectionPset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("authenticationPath", m_authPath));
0048       setAuthenticationSystem(connectionPset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("authenticationSystem", m_authSys));
0049       setFrontierSecurity(connectionPset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("security", m_frontierSecurity));
0050       int messageLevel =
0051           connectionPset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("messageLevel", 0);  //0 corresponds to Error level, current default
0052       coral::MsgLevel level = m_messageLevel;
0053       switch (messageLevel) {
0054         case 0:
0055           level = coral::Error;
0056           break;
0057         case 1:
0058           level = coral::Warning;
0059           break;
0060         case 2:
0061           level = coral::Info;
0062           break;
0063         case 3:
0064           level = coral::Debug;
0065           break;
0066         default:
0067           level = coral::Error;
0068       }
0069       setMessageVerbosity(level);
0070       setConnectionTimeout(connectionPset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("connectionTimeout", m_connectionTimeout));
0071       setLogging(connectionPset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("logging", m_loggingEnabled));
0072     }
0074     bool ConnectionPool::isLoggingEnabled() const { return m_loggingEnabled; }
0076     void ConnectionPool::configure(coral::IConnectionServiceConfiguration& coralConfig) {
0077       coralConfig.disablePoolAutomaticCleanUp();
0078       coralConfig.disableConnectionSharing();
0079       coralConfig.setConnectionTimeOut(m_connectionTimeout);
0080       // message streaming
0081       coral::MessageStream::setMsgVerbosity(m_messageLevel);
0082       m_msgReporter->setOutputLevel(m_messageLevel);
0084       // authentication
0085       m_authenticationService = std::string("CORAL/Services/EnvironmentAuthenticationService");
0086       std::string authPath = m_authPath;
0087       // authentication
0088       if (authPath.empty()) {
0089         // first try to check the env...
0090         const char* authEnv = std::getenv(cond::auth::COND_AUTH_PATH);
0091         if (authEnv) {
0092           authPath += authEnv;
0093         }
0094       }
0095       int authSys = m_authSys;
0096       // first attempt, look at the env...
0097       const char* authSysEnv = std::getenv(cond::auth::COND_AUTH_SYS);
0098       if (authSysEnv) {
0099         authSys = ::atoi(authSysEnv);
0100       }
0101       if (authSys != CondDbKey && authSys != CoralXMLFile) {
0102         // take the default
0103         authSys = CondDbKey;
0104       }
0105       std::string servName("");
0106       if (authSys == CondDbKey) {
0107         if (authPath.empty()) {
0108           const char* authEnv = std::getenv("HOME");
0109           if (authEnv) {
0110             authPath += authEnv;
0111           }
0112         }
0113         servName = "COND/Services/RelationalAuthenticationService";
0114       } else if (authSys == CoralXMLFile) {
0115         if (authPath.empty()) {
0116           authPath = ".";
0117         }
0118         servName = "COND/Services/XMLAuthenticationService";
0119       }
0120       if (!authPath.empty()) {
0121         m_authenticationService = servName;
0122         coral::Context::instance().PropertyManager().property(cond::auth::COND_AUTH_PATH_PROPERTY)->set(authPath);
0123         coral::Context::instance().loadComponent(m_authenticationService, m_pluginManager);
0124       }
0126       coralConfig.setAuthenticationService(m_authenticationService);
0127     }
0129     void ConnectionPool::configure() {
0130       coral::ConnectionService connServ;
0131       configure(connServ.configuration());
0132     }
0134     std::shared_ptr<coral::ISessionProxy> ConnectionPool::createCoralSession(const std::string& connectionString,
0135                                                                              const std::string& transactionId,
0136                                                                              bool writeCapable) {
0137       coral::ConnectionService connServ;
0138       //all sessions opened with this connection service will share the same frontier security option.
0139       std::pair<std::string, std::string> fullConnectionPars =
0140           getConnectionParams(connectionString, transactionId, m_frontierSecurity);
0141       if (!fullConnectionPars.second.empty()) {
0142         //all sessions opened with this connection service will share the same TTL settings for TAG, IOV, and PAYLOAD tables.
0143         connServ.webCacheControl().setTableTimeToLive(fullConnectionPars.second, TAG::tname, 1);
0144         connServ.webCacheControl().setTableTimeToLive(fullConnectionPars.second, IOV::tname, 1);
0145         connServ.webCacheControl().setTableTimeToLive(fullConnectionPars.second, PAYLOAD::tname, 3);
0146       }
0148       return std::shared_ptr<coral::ISessionProxy>(
0149           connServ.connect(fullConnectionPars.first,
0150                            writeCapable ? auth::COND_WRITER_ROLE : auth::COND_READER_ROLE,
0151                            writeCapable ? coral::Update : coral::ReadOnly));
0152     }
0154     Session ConnectionPool::createSession(const std::string& connectionString,
0155                                           const std::string& transactionId,
0156                                           bool writeCapable) {
0157       std::shared_ptr<coral::ISessionProxy> coralSession =
0158           createCoralSession(connectionString, transactionId, writeCapable);
0160       std::string principalName("");
0161       if (!m_authenticationService.empty()) {
0162         // need to hard-code somewhere the target name...
0163         if (m_authenticationService == "COND/Services/RelationalAuthenticationService") {
0164           coral::IHandle<coral::IAuthenticationService> authSvc =
0165               coral::Context::instance().query<coral::IAuthenticationService>(m_authenticationService);
0166           IDbAuthentication* dbAuth = dynamic_cast<IDbAuthentication*>(authSvc.get());
0167           principalName = dbAuth->principalName();
0168         }
0169       }
0171       return Session(std::make_shared<SessionImpl>(coralSession, connectionString, principalName));
0172     }
0174     Session ConnectionPool::createSession(const std::string& connectionString, bool writeCapable) {
0175       return createSession(connectionString, "", writeCapable);
0176     }
0178     Session ConnectionPool::createReadOnlySession(const std::string& connectionString,
0179                                                   const std::string& transactionId) {
0180       return createSession(connectionString, transactionId);
0181     }
0183     std::shared_ptr<coral::ISessionProxy> ConnectionPool::createCoralSession(const std::string& connectionString,
0184                                                                              bool writeCapable) {
0185       return createCoralSession(connectionString, "", writeCapable);
0186     }
0188     void ConnectionPool::setMessageVerbosity(coral::MsgLevel level) { m_messageLevel = level; }
0190     void ConnectionPool::setConnectionTimeout(int seconds) { m_connectionTimeout = seconds; }
0192     void ConnectionPool::setLogDestination(Logger& logger) { m_msgReporter->subscribe(logger); }
0194   }  // namespace persistency
0195 }  // namespace cond