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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:01:29

0001 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/PluginManager.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/standard.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/SharedLibrary.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/ServiceRegistry.h"
0006 //
0007 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/ConnectionPool.h"
0008 //
0009 #include <fstream>
0010 #include <iomanip>
0011 #include <cstdlib>
0012 #include <iostream>
0014 using namespace cond::persistency;
0016 int readIov(IOVProxy& proxy, cond::Time_t targetTime, bool expectedOk) {
0017   bool found = false;
0018   cond::Iov_t iov;
0019   std::cout << "#Testing tag " << proxy.tagInfo().name << std::endl;
0020   try {
0021     iov = proxy.getInterval(targetTime);
0022     if (iov.since < cond::time::MAX_VAL)
0023       found = true;
0024   } catch (const Exception& e) {
0025     std::cout << "# IOV " << targetTime << " not found: " << e.what() << std::endl;
0026   }
0027   if (expectedOk) {
0028     if (found) {
0029       std::cout << "#OK: found iov with since " << iov.since << " - till " << iov.till << " for time " << targetTime
0030                 << std::endl;
0031       return 0;
0032     } else {
0033       std::cout << "#OK: no valid iov found for time " << targetTime << std::endl;
0034       return -1;
0035     }
0036   } else {
0037     if (found) {
0038       std::cout << "#ERROR: found iov=" << iov.since << " for time " << targetTime << std::endl;
0039       return -1;
0040     } else {
0041       std::cout << "#OK: no valid iov found for time " << targetTime << std::endl;
0042       return 0;
0043     }
0044   }
0045 }
0047 int run(const std::string& connectionString) {
0048   try {
0049     //*************
0050     std::cout << "> Connecting with db in " << connectionString << std::endl;
0051     ConnectionPool connPool;
0052     connPool.setMessageVerbosity(coral::Debug);
0053     Session session = connPool.createSession(connectionString, true);
0054     session.transaction().start(false);
0055     std::string pay0("Payload #0");
0056     std::string pay1("Payload #1");
0057     auto p0 = session.storePayload(pay0);
0058     auto p1 = session.storePayload(pay1);
0059     IOVEditor editor;
0060     std::string tag0("MyTag0");
0061     if (!session.existsIov(tag0)) {
0062       editor = session.createIov<std::string>(tag0, cond::runnumber);
0063       editor.setDescription(tag0 + " Test for timestamp selection");
0064       editor.insert(100, p0);
0065       editor.insert(200, p1);
0066       editor.insert(1001, p0);
0067       editor.insert(1500, p1);
0068       editor.insert(2100, p0);
0069       editor.insert(2500, p1);
0070       editor.insert(10000, p0);
0071       std::cout << "> inserted 7 iovs..." << std::endl;
0072       editor.flush();
0073       std::cout << "> iov changes flushed..." << std::endl;
0074     }
0075     std::string tag1("MyTag1");
0076     if (!session.existsIov(tag1)) {
0077       editor = session.createIov<std::string>(tag1, cond::runnumber);
0078       editor.setDescription(tag1 + " Test for timestamp selection");
0079       editor.insert(100, p0);
0080       std::cout << "> inserted 1 iovs..." << std::endl;
0081       editor.flush();
0082       std::cout << "> iov changes flushed..." << std::endl;
0083     }
0084     session.transaction().commit();
0085     std::cout << "> iov changes committed!..." << std::endl;
0086     ::sleep(2);
0087     session.transaction().start();
0088     IOVProxy proxy = session.readIov(tag0);
0089     auto md = proxy.getMetadata();
0090     std::cout << tag0 << " description is \"" << std::get<0>(md) << "\"" << std::endl;
0091     readIov(proxy, 1, false);
0092     readIov(proxy, 100, true);
0093     readIov(proxy, 1499, true);
0094     readIov(proxy, 1500, true);
0095     readIov(proxy, 20000, true);
0096     IOVArray iovs = proxy.selectAll();
0097     iovs.find(101);
0098     for (const auto i : iovs) {
0099       std::cout << "# iov since " << i.since << " - till " << i.till << std::endl;
0100     }
0101     proxy = session.readIov(tag1);
0102     md = proxy.getMetadata();
0103     std::cout << tag1 << " description is \"" << std::get<0>(md) << "\"" << std::endl;
0104     readIov(proxy, 1, false);
0105     readIov(proxy, 100, true);
0106     session.transaction().commit();
0108     session.transaction().start(false);
0109     auto ed = session.editIov(tag1);
0110     ed.setDescription("Changed description for tag " + tag1);
0111     ed.flush();
0112     session.transaction().commit();
0114     session.transaction().start();
0115     md = session.readIov(tag1).getMetadata();
0116     std::cout << tag1 << " description is \"" << std::get<0>(md) << "\"" << std::endl;
0117     session.transaction().commit();
0119   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
0120     std::cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
0121     return -1;
0122   } catch (...) {
0123     std::cout << "UNEXPECTED FAILURE." << std::endl;
0124     return -1;
0125   }
0126   std::cout << "## Run successfully completed." << std::endl;
0127   return 0;
0128 }
0130 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
0131   int ret = 0;
0132   edmplugin::PluginManager::Config config;
0133   edmplugin::PluginManager::configure(edmplugin::standard::config());
0134   std::string connectionString0("sqlite_file:cms_conditions_2.db");
0135   ret = run(connectionString0);
0136   return ret;
0137 }