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0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0002 import argparse
0003 import sys
0004 import logging
0005 import sqlalchemy
0006 import copy
0007 import h5py
0008 import numpy as np
0009 import multiprocessing as mp
0010 from collections import OrderedDict
0012 from CondCore.CondHDF5ESSource.hdf5Writer import writeH5File
0013 import CondCore.Utilities.conddblib as conddb
0015 #Global tags hold a list of Tags
0016 # Tags give the
0017 #      record name,
0018 #      list of data products
0019 #      list of IOVs
0020 #      list of payloads per IOV
0021 # Payloads give
0022 #      a payload name and
0023 #      the serialized data for a data product
0024 #      the type of data for the data product
0025 #
0029 #from conddb
0030 def _inserted_before(_IOV,timestamp):
0031     '''To be used inside filter().
0032     '''
0034     if timestamp is None:
0035         # XXX: Returning None does not get optimized (skipped) by SQLAlchemy,
0036         #      and returning True does not work in Oracle (generates "and 1"
0037         #      which breaks Oracle but not SQLite). For the moment just use
0038         #      this dummy condition.
0039         return sqlalchemy.literal(True) == sqlalchemy.literal(True)
0041     return _IOV.insertion_time <= _parse_timestamp(timestamp)
0043 def _parse_timestamp(timestamp):
0044     try:
0045         return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
0046     except ValueError:
0047         pass
0049     try:
0050         return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
0051     except ValueError:
0052         pass
0054     try:
0055         return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d')
0056     except ValueError:
0057         pass
0059     raise Exception("Could not parse timestamp '%s'" % timestamp)
0061 def _exists(session, primary_key, value):
0062     ret = None
0063     try: 
0064         ret = session.query(primary_key).\
0065             filter(primary_key == value).\
0066             count() != 0
0067     except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
0068         pass
0070     return ret
0072 def _connect(db, init, read_only, args, as_admin=False):
0074     logging.debug('Preparing connection to %s ...', db)
0076     url = conddb.make_url( db, read_only)
0077     pretty_url = url
0078     if url.drivername == 'oracle+frontier':
0079         ws ='%2F')
0080         if ws is not None:
0081             pretty_url = 'frontier://%s/%s' %(ws[-1],url.database)
0082     connTo = '%s [%s]' %(db,pretty_url)
0083'Connecting to %s', connTo)
0084     logging.debug('DB url: %s',url)
0085     verbose= 0 
0086     if args.verbose is not None:
0087        verbose = args.verbose - 1
0088     connection = conddb.connect(url, args.authPath, verbose, as_admin)
0091     if not read_only:
0092         if connection.is_read_only:
0093             raise Exception('Impossible to edit a read-only database.')
0095         if connection.is_official:
0096             if args.force:
0097                 if not args.yes:
0098                     logging.warning('You are going to edit an official database. If you are not one of the Offline DB experts but have access to the password for other reasons, please stop now.')
0099             else:
0100                 raise Exception('Editing official databases is forbidden. Use the official DropBox to upload conditions. If you need a special intervention on the database, see the contact help: %s' % conddb.contact_help)
0101         # for sqlite we trigger the implicit schema creation
0102         if url.drivername == 'sqlite':
0103             if init:
0104                 connection.init()
0105     if not connection._is_valid:
0106         raise Exception('No valid schema found in the database.')
0108     return connection
0111 def connect(args, init=False, read_only=True, as_admin=False):
0112     args.force = args.force if 'force' in dir(args) else False
0114     if 'destdb' in args:
0115         if args.destdb is None:
0116             args.destdb = args.db
0117         if args.db == args.destdb:
0118             conn1 = _connect(args.destdb, init, read_only, args)
0119             return conn1, conn1
0120         conn1 = _connect( args.db, init, True, args)
0121         conn2url = conddb.make_url(args.destdb, False)
0122         if conn2url.drivername == 'sqlite' and not os.path.exists(args.destdb): 
0123             init = True
0124         conn2 = _connect(args.destdb, init, False, args)
0125         return conn1, conn2
0127     return _connect( args.db, init, read_only, args, as_admin)
0130 def _high(n):
0131     return int(n) >> 32
0133 def _low(n):
0134     return int(n) & 0xffffffff
0136 #end from conddb
0138 #based on conddb._dump_payload
0139 def get_payloads_objtype_data(session, payloads):
0141     Payload = session.get_dbtype(conddb.Payload)
0142     table = session.query(Payload.hash, Payload.object_type,\
0143         filter(Payload.hash.in_(payloads)).order_by(Payload.hash).all()
0144     return table
0146 def external_process_get_payloads_objtype_data(queue, args, payloads):
0147     connection = connect(args)
0148     session = connection.session()
0149     queue.put(get_payloads_objtype_data(session, payloads))
0150 #local
0152 class IOVSyncValue(object):
0153     def __init__(self, high, low):
0154         self.high = high
0155         self.low = low
0157 class DBPayloadIterator(object):
0158     def __init__(self, args, payloads):
0159         self._args = args
0160         self._payloadHashs = payloads
0161         self._payloadCache = {}
0162         self._payloadHashsIndex = 0
0163         self._cacheChunking = 1
0164         self._safeChunkingSize = 1
0165         self._nextIndex = 0
0166     def __iter__(self):
0167         return self
0168     def __next__(self):
0169         if self._nextIndex >= len(self._payloadHashs):
0170             raise StopIteration()
0171         payloadHash = self._payloadHashs[self._nextIndex]
0172         if not self._payloadCache:
0173             self._cacheChunking = self._safeChunkingSize
0174             queue = mp.Queue()
0175             p=mp.Process(target=external_process_get_payloads_objtype_data, args=(queue, self._args, self._payloadHashs[self._payloadHashsIndex:self._payloadHashsIndex+self._cacheChunking]))
0176             p.start()
0177             table = queue.get()
0178             p.join()
0179             #table = get_payloads_objtype_data(session, payloadHashs[payloadHashsIndex:payloadHashsIndex+cacheChunking])
0180             #print(table)
0181             self._payloadHashsIndex +=self._cacheChunking
0182             for r in table:
0183                 self._payloadCache[r[0]] = (r[1],r[2])
0184         objtype,data = self._payloadCache[payloadHash]
0185         if len(data) < 1000000:
0186             self._safeChunkingSize = 10
0187         del self._payloadCache[payloadHash]
0188         self._nextIndex +=1
0189         return DBPayload(payloadHash, canonicalProductName(objtype.encode("ascii")), data)
0192 class DBPayload(object):
0193     def __init__(self,hash_, type_, data):
0194         self._hash = hash_
0195         self._type = type_
0196         self._data = data
0197     def name(self):
0198         return self._hash
0199     def actualType(self):
0200         return self._type
0201     def data(self):
0202         return self._data
0204 class DBDataProduct(object):
0205     def __init__(self, ctype, label, payloadHashes, args):
0206         self._type = ctype
0207         self._label = label
0208         self._payloadHashs = payloadHashes
0209         self._args = args
0211     def name(self):
0212         return self._type +"@"+self._label
0213     def objtype(self):
0214         return self._type
0215     def payloads(self):
0216         return DBPayloadIterator(self._args, self._payloadHashs)
0218 class DBTag(object):
0219     def __init__(self, session, args, record, productNtags):
0220         self._session = session
0221         self._args = args
0222         self._snapshot = args.snapshot
0223         self._record = record
0224         self._productLabels = [x[0] for x in productNtags]
0225         self._dbtags = [x[1] for x in productNtags]
0226         self._type = None
0227         self._iovsNPayloads = None
0228         self._time_type = None
0229     def record(self):
0230         return self._record
0231     def name(self):
0232         if len(self._dbtags) == 1:
0233             return self._dbtags[0]
0234         return self._dbtags[0]+"@joined"
0235     def __type(self):
0236         if self._type is None:
0237             self._type = recordToType(self._record)
0238         return self._type
0239     def time_type(self):
0240         if self._time_type is None:
0241             self.iovsNPayloadNames()
0242         return timeTypeName(self._time_type)
0243     def originalTagNames(self):
0244         return self._dbtags
0245     def iovsNPayloadNames(self):
0246         if self._iovsNPayloads is None:
0247             finalIOV = []
0248             for tag in self._dbtags:
0249                 time_type, iovAndPayload = tagInfo(self._session, tag, self._snapshot)
0250                 self._time_type = time_type
0251                 if not finalIOV:
0252                     finalIOV = [ [i[0],[i[1]]] for i in iovAndPayload]
0253                 else:
0254                     finalIOV = mergeIOVs(finalIOV, iovAndPayload)
0256             firstValues, lastValues = sinceToIOV( (x[0] for x in finalIOV), time_type)
0258             self._iovsNPayloads = list(zip((IOVSyncValue(x[0],x[1]) for x in firstValues), (IOVSyncValue(x[0], x[1]) for x in lastValues), (x[1] for x in finalIOV)))
0259             self._session.flush()
0260             self._session.commit()
0261         return self._iovsNPayloads
0263     def dataProducts(self):
0264         t = self.__type()
0265         iovs = self.iovsNPayloadNames()
0266         payloadForProducts = []
0267         for p in self._productLabels:
0268             payloadForProducts.append(OrderedDict())
0269         for first,last,payloads in iovs:
0270             for i,p in enumerate(payloads):
0271                 if p is not None:
0272                     payloadForProducts[i][p]=None
0273         return [DBDataProduct(t,v,list(payloadForProducts[i]), self._args) for i,v in enumerate(self._productLabels)]
0275 class DBGlobalTag(object):
0276     def __init__(self, args, session, name):
0277         self._session = session
0278         self._args = args
0279         self._snapshot = args.snapshot
0280         self._name = name
0281         self._tags = []
0282         gt = globalTagInfo(session,name)
0283         lastRcd = None
0284         tags = []
0285         for rcd, label, tag in gt:
0286             if rcd != lastRcd:
0287                 if lastRcd is not None:
0288                     self._tags.append(DBTag(session,args, lastRcd,tags))
0289                 lastRcd = rcd
0290                 tags = []
0291             tags.append((label,tag))
0292         if lastRcd is not None:
0293             self._tags.append(DBTag(session,args, lastRcd, tags))
0294     def tags(self):
0295         return self._tags
0297 def timeTypeName(time_type):
0298     if time_type == conddb.TimeType.Time.value:
0299         return 'time'
0300     if time_type == conddb.TimeType.Run.value or time_type == conddb.TimeType.Lumi.value:
0301         return 'run_lumi'
0302     raise RuntimeError("unknown since time %s:"% str(time_type))
0306 def parseSince(time_type, since):
0307     if time_type == conddb.TimeType.Time.value:
0308         return (_high(since), _low(since))
0309     if time_type == conddb.TimeType.Run.value:
0310         return (_high(since), 0)
0311     if time_type == conddb.TimeType.Lumi.value:
0312         return (_high(since), _low(since))
0314 def previousSyncValue(syncValue):
0315     if syncValue[1] == 0:
0316         return (syncValue[0]-1, 0xffffffff)
0317     return (syncValue[0], syncValue[1]-1)
0319 def sinceToIOV(sinceList, time_type):
0320     firstValues = []
0321     lastValues = []
0322     for since in sinceList:
0323         syncValue = parseSince(time_type, since)
0324         firstValues.append(syncValue)
0325         if len(firstValues) != 1:
0326             lastValues.append(previousSyncValue(syncValue))
0327     lastValues.append((0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF))
0328     return [firstValues,lastValues]
0330 def globalTagInfo(session,name):
0331     GlobalTag = session.get_dbtype(conddb.GlobalTag)
0332     GlobalTagMap = session.get_dbtype(conddb.GlobalTagMap)
0333     try:
0334         is_global_tag = _exists(session,, name)
0335         if is_global_tag:
0336             return session.query(GlobalTagMap.record, GlobalTagMap.label, GlobalTagMap.tag_name).\
0337                 filter(GlobalTagMap.global_tag_name == name).\
0338                 order_by(GlobalTagMap.record, GlobalTagMap.label).\
0339                 all()
0340     except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
0341         sys.stderr.write("No table for GlobalTags found in DB.\n\n")
0342     return None
0344 def tagInfo(session, name, snapshot):
0345     Tag = session.get_dbtype(conddb.Tag)
0346     IOV = session.get_dbtype(conddb.IOV)
0347     is_tag = _exists(session,, name)
0348     if is_tag:
0349         time_type = session.query(Tag.time_type).\
0350             filter( == name).\
0351             scalar()
0353         rawTagInfo = session.query(IOV.since, IOV.insertion_time, IOV.payload_hash).\
0354                      filter(
0355                          IOV.tag_name == name,
0356                          _inserted_before(IOV,snapshot),
0357                      ).\
0358                      order_by(IOV.since.desc(), IOV.insertion_time.desc()).\
0359                     from_self().\
0360                      order_by(IOV.since, IOV.insertion_time).\
0361                      all()
0362         filteredTagInfo = []
0363         lastSince = -1
0364         for since,insertion,payload in rawTagInfo:
0365             if lastSince == since:
0366                 continue
0367             lastSince = since
0368             if time_type == conddb.TimeType.Run.value:
0369                 #need to make Run and RunLumi directly comparable since some records
0370                 # use a mix of the two for their IOVs
0371                 since = int(since) << 32
0372             filteredTagInfo.append((since,payload))
0374         if time_type == conddb.TimeType.Run.value:
0375             time_type = conddb.TimeType.Lumi.value
0377         return time_type, filteredTagInfo
0378 #                     [sinceLabel, 'Insertion Time', 'Payload', 'Object Type'],
0379 #                     filters = [_since_filter(time_type), None, None, None],
0380 #        )
0382 def _checkMerge(previousIOV, newIOV, debugCopy, nExistingDataProducts):
0383     #sanity check
0384     #check proper number of entries
0385     previousSince = -1
0386     for i,e in enumerate(previousIOV):
0387         if len(e[1]) != nExistingDataProducts+1:
0388             raise RuntimeError("entry %i has wrong number of elements %i instead of %i"%(i,len(e[1]),nExistingDataProducts+1))
0389         if previousSince >= e[0]:
0390             #print(previousIOV,newIOV)
0391             raise RuntimeError("IOV not in order for index %i"%i)
0392         previousSince = e[0]
0394     previousIndex = 0
0395     debugIndex =0
0396     while debugIndex < len(debugCopy) and previousIndex < len(previousIOV):
0397         previousSince = previousIOV[previousIndex][0]
0398         debugSince = debugCopy[debugIndex][0]
0399         #print("debugSince: %i, prevSince: %i"%(debugSince,previousSince))
0400         #print(debugCopy)
0401         #print(previousIOV)
0402         if debugSince != previousSince:
0403             previousIndex +=1
0404             continue
0405         if debugCopy[debugIndex][1] != previousIOV[previousIndex][1][:nExistingDataProducts]:
0406             raise RuntimeError("packaged were not properly copied for index %i original:%s new:%s"%(debugIndex,",".join(debugCopy[debugIndex][1]),",".join(previousIOV[previousIndex][1][:nExistingDataProducts])))
0407         debugIndex +=1
0408         previousIndex +=1
0409     if debugIndex != len(debugCopy):
0410         raise RuntimeError("failed to copy forward index %i"%debugIndex)
0411     newIndex = 0
0412     previousIndex = 0
0413     while newIndex < len(newIOV) and previousIndex < len(previousIOV):
0414         previousSince = previousIOV[previousIndex][0]
0415         newSince = newIOV[newIndex][0]
0416         if newSince != previousSince:
0417             previousIndex +=1
0418             continue
0419         if previousIOV[previousIndex][1][-1] != newIOV[newIndex][1]:
0420             raise RuntimeError("failed to append package at index %i"%newIndex)
0421         previousIndex +=1
0422         newIndex +=1
0423     if newIndex != len(newIOV):
0424         raise RuntimeError("failed to merge IOV entry %i"%newIndex)
0427 def mergeIOVs(previousIOV, newIOV):
0428     debugCopy = copy.deepcopy(previousIOV)
0429     previousSize = len(previousIOV)
0430     newSize = len(newIOV)
0431     previousIndex = 0
0432     newIndex =0
0433     nExistingDataProducts = len(previousIOV[0][1])
0434     while newIndex < newSize and previousIndex < previousSize:
0436         previousSince = previousIOV[previousIndex][0]
0437         newSince = newIOV[newIndex][0]
0438         if previousSince == newSince:
0439             previousIOV[previousIndex][1].append(newIOV[newIndex][1])
0440             newIndex +=1
0441             previousIndex +=1
0442             continue
0443         elif newSince < previousSince:
0444             if previousIndex == 0:
0445                 payloads = [None]*nExistingDataProducts
0446                 payloads.append(newIOV[newIndex][1])
0447                 previousIOV.insert(0,[newSince,payloads])
0448             else:
0449                 payloads = previousIOV[previousIndex-1][1][:nExistingDataProducts]
0450                 payloads.append(newIOV[newIndex][1])
0451                 previousIOV.insert(previousIndex,[newSince,payloads])
0452             newIndex +=1
0453             previousIndex +=1
0454             previousSize +=1
0455         elif newSince > previousSince:
0456             if newIndex == 0:
0457                 previousIOV[previousIndex][1].append(None)
0458             else:
0459                 if len(previousIOV[previousIndex][1]) == nExistingDataProducts:
0460                     previousIOV[previousIndex][1].append(newIOV[newIndex-1][1])
0461             previousIndex +=1
0462     if newIndex != newSize:
0463         #print("NEED TO EXTEND")
0464         #need to append to end
0465         previousPayloads = previousIOV[-1][1]
0466         while newIndex != newSize:
0467             newPayloads = previousPayloads[:]
0468             newPayloads[nExistingDataProducts] = newIOV[newIndex][1]
0469             previousIOV.append([newIOV[newIndex][0], newPayloads])
0470             newIndex +=1
0471     if previousIndex != previousSize:
0472         #need to add new item to all remaining entries
0473         while previousIndex < previousSize:
0474             previousIOV[previousIndex][1].append(newIOV[-1][1])
0475             previousIndex +=1
0476     _checkMerge(previousIOV, newIOV, debugCopy, nExistingDataProducts)
0477     return previousIOV
0479 def writeTagImpl(tagsGroup, name, recName, time_type, IOV_payloads, payloadToRefs, originalTagNames):
0480     tagGroup = tagsGroup.create_group(name)
0481     tagGroup.attrs["time_type"] = time_type.encode("ascii") #timeTypeName(time_type).encode("ascii")
0482     tagGroup.attrs["db_tags"] = [x.encode("ascii") for x in originalTagNames]
0483     tagGroup.attrs["record"] = recName.encode("ascii")
0484     firstValues = [x[0] for x in IOV_payloads]
0485     lastValues = [x[1] for x in IOV_payloads]
0486     syncValueType = np.dtype([("high", np.uint32),("low", np.uint32)])
0487     first_np = np.empty(shape=(len(IOV_payloads),), dtype=syncValueType)
0488     first_np['high'] = [ x.high for x in firstValues]
0489     first_np['low'] = [ x.low for x in firstValues]
0490     last_np = np.empty(shape=(len(lastValues),), dtype=syncValueType)
0491     last_np['high'] = [ x.high for x in lastValues]
0492     last_np['low'] = [ x.low for x in lastValues]
0493     #tagGroup.create_dataset("first",data=np.array(firstValues), dtype=syncValueType)
0494     #tagGroup.create_dataset("last", data=np.array(lastValues),dtype=syncValueType)
0495     payloads = [ [ payloadToRefs[y] for y in x[2]] for x in IOV_payloads]
0496     compressor = None
0497     if len(first_np) > 100:
0498         compressor = 'gzip'
0499     tagGroup.create_dataset("first",data=first_np, compression = compressor)
0500     tagGroup.create_dataset("last",data=last_np, compression = compressor)
0501     tagGroup.create_dataset("payload", data=payloads, dtype=h5py.ref_dtype, compression = compressor)
0502     return tagGroup.ref
0505 def writeTag(tagsGroup, time_type, IOV_payloads, payloadToRefs, originalTagNames, recName):
0506     name = originalTagNames[0]
0507     if len(originalTagNames) != 1:
0508         name = name+"@joined"
0509     return writeTagImpl(tagsGroup, name, recName, time_type, IOV_payloads, payloadToRefs, originalTagNames)
0512 def recordToType(record):
0513     import subprocess
0514     return["condRecordToDataProduct",record], capture_output = True, check=True, text=True).stdout
0516 __typedefs = {b"ESCondObjectContainer<ESPedestal>":"ESPedestals",
0517               b"ESCondObjectContainer<float>":"ESFloatCondObjectContainer",
0518               b"ESCondObjectContainer<ESChannelStatusCode>":"ESChannelStatus",
0519               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalPedestal>":"EcalPedestals",
0520               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalXtalGroupId>":"EcalWeightXtalGroups",
0521               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalMGPAGainRatio>":"EcalGainRatios",
0522               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<float>":"EcalFloatCondObjectContainer",
0523               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalChannelStatusCode>":"EcalChannelStatus",
0524               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalMappingElement>":"EcalMappingElectronics",
0525               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalTPGPedestal>":"EcalTPGPedestals",
0526               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalTPGLinearizationConstant>":"EcalTPGLinearizationConst",
0527               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalTPGCrystalStatusCode>":"EcalTPGCrystalStatus",
0528               b"EcalCondTowerObjectContainer<EcalChannelStatusCode>":"EcalDCSTowerStatus",
0529               b"EcalCondTowerObjectContainer<EcalDAQStatusCode>":"EcalDAQTowerStatus",
0530               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalDQMStatusCode>":"EcalDQMChannelStatus",
0531               b"EcalCondTowerObjectContainer<EcalDQMStatusCode>":"EcalDQMTowerStatus",
0532               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalPulseShape>":"EcalPulseShapes",
0533               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalPulseCovariance>":"EcalPulseCovariances",
0534               b"EcalCondObjectContainer<EcalPulseSymmCovariance>":"EcalPulseSymmCovariances",
0535               b"HcalItemCollById<HFPhase1PMTData>": "HFPhase1PMTParams",
0536               b"l1t::CaloParams":"CaloParams",
0537               b"StorableDoubleMap<AbsOOTPileupCorrection>":"OOTPileupCorrectionMapColl",
0538               b"PhysicsTools::Calibration::Histogram3D<double,double,double,double>":"PhysicsTools::Calibration::HistogramD3D",
0539               b"PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer":"MVAComputerContainer"
0540 }
0541 def canonicalProductName(product):
0542     return __typedefs.get(product,product)
0544 def main():
0545     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Read from CMS Condition DB and write to HDF5 file')
0546     parser.add_argument('--db', '-d', default='pro', help='Database to run the command on. Run the help subcommand for more information: conddb help')
0547     parser.add_argument('name', nargs='+', help="Name of the global tag.")
0548     parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', help='Verbosity level. -v prints debugging information of this tool, like tracebacks in case of errors. -vv prints, in addition, all SQL statements issued. -vvv prints, in addition, all results returned by queries.')
0549     parser.add_argument('--authPath','-a', default=None, help='Path of the authentication .netrc file. Default: the content of the COND_AUTH_PATH environment variable, when specified.')
0550     parser.add_argument('--snapshot', '-T', default=None, help="Snapshot time. If provided, the output will represent the state of the IOVs inserted into database up to the given time. The format of the string must be one of the following: '2013-01-20', '2013-01-20 10:11:12' or '2013-01-20 10:11:12.123123'.")
0551     parser.add_argument('--exclude', '-e', nargs='*', help = 'list of records to exclude from the file (can not be used with --include)')
0552     parser.add_argument('--include', '-i', nargs='*', help = 'lost of the only records that should be included in the file (can not be used with --exclude')
0553     parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', default='test.h5cond', help='name of hdf5 output file to write')
0554     parser.add_argument('--compressor', '-c', default='zlib', choices =['zlib','lzma','none'], help="compress data using 'zlib', 'lzma' or 'none'")    
0555     args = parser.parse_args()
0557     if args.exclude and args.include:
0558         print("Can not use --exclude and --include at the same time")
0559         exit(-1)
0561     connection = connect(args)
0562     session = connection.session()
0564     excludeRecords = set()
0565     if args.exclude:
0566         excludeRecords = set(args.exclude)
0567     includeRecords = set()
0568     if args.include:
0569         includeRecords = set(args.include)
0571     writeH5File(args.output,, excludeRecords, includeRecords, lambda x: DBGlobalTag(args, session,  x), args.compressor )
0573 if __name__ == '__main__':
0574     main()