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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:01:31

0001 #include "CondCore/DBOutputService/interface/OnlineDBOutputService.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0003 #include <curl/curl.h>
0004 //
0006 static size_t getHtmlCallback(void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* ptr) {
0007   // Cast ptr to std::string pointer and append contents to that string
0008   ((std::string*)ptr)->append((char*)contents, size * nmemb);
0009   return size * nmemb;
0010 }
0012 bool getInfoFromService(const std::string& urlString, std::string& info) {
0013   CURL* curl;
0014   CURLcode res;
0015   std::string htmlBuffer;
0016   char errbuf[CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
0018   curl = curl_easy_init();
0019   bool ret = false;
0020   if (curl) {
0021     struct curl_slist* chunk = nullptr;
0022     chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "content-type:document/plain");
0023     curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, chunk);
0024     curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, urlString.c_str());
0025     curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, getHtmlCallback);
0026     curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &htmlBuffer);
0027     curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, errbuf);
0028     res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
0029     if (CURLE_OK == res) {
0030       info = htmlBuffer;
0031       ret = true;
0032     } else {
0033       size_t len = strlen(errbuf);
0034       fprintf(stderr, "\nlibcurl: (%d) ", res);
0035       if (len)
0036         fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", errbuf, ((errbuf[len - 1] != '\n') ? "\n" : ""));
0037       else
0038         fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res));
0039     }
0040     curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
0041   }
0042   return ret;
0043 }
0045 namespace cond {
0047   cond::Time_t getLatestLumiFromFile(const std::string& fileName) {
0048     cond::Time_t lastLumiProcessed = cond::time::MIN_VAL;
0049     std::ifstream lastLumiFile(fileName);
0050     if (lastLumiFile) {
0051       lastLumiFile >> lastLumiProcessed;
0052     } else {
0053       throw Exception(std::string("Can't access lastLumi file ") + fileName);
0054     }
0055     return lastLumiProcessed;
0056   }
0058   cond::Time_t getLastLumiFromOMS(const std::string& omsServiceUrl) {
0059     cond::Time_t lastLumiProcessed = cond::time::MIN_VAL;
0060     std::string info("");
0061     if (!getInfoFromService(omsServiceUrl, info))
0062       throw Exception("Can't get data from OMS Service.");
0063     std::istringstream sinfo(info);
0064     std::string srun;
0065     if (!std::getline(sinfo, srun, ',')) {
0066       throw Exception("Can't get run runmber info from OMS Service.");
0067     }
0068     std::string slumi;
0069     if (!std::getline(sinfo, slumi, ',')) {
0070       throw Exception("Can't get lumi id from OMS Service.");
0071     }
0072     unsigned int run = std::stoul(srun);
0073     unsigned int lumi = std::stoul(slumi);
0074     lastLumiProcessed = cond::time::lumiTime(run, lumi);
0075     return lastLumiProcessed;
0076   }
0078 }  // namespace cond
0080 cond::service::OnlineDBOutputService::OnlineDBOutputService(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig,
0081                                                             edm::ActivityRegistry& iAR)
0082     : PoolDBOutputService(iConfig, iAR),
0083       m_runNumber(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned long long>("runNumber", 1)),
0084       m_latencyInLumisections(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("latency", 1)),
0085       m_omsServiceUrl(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("omsServiceUrl", "")),
0086       m_preLoadConnectionString(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("preLoadConnectionString", "")),
0087       m_frontierKey(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("frontierKey", "")),
0088       m_debug(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debugLogging", false)) {
0089   if (m_omsServiceUrl.empty()) {
0090     m_lastLumiFile = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("lastLumiFile", "");
0091   }
0092 }
0094 cond::service::OnlineDBOutputService::~OnlineDBOutputService() {}
0096 cond::Time_t cond::service::OnlineDBOutputService::getLastLumiProcessed() {
0097   cond::Time_t lastLumiProcessed = cond::time::MIN_VAL;
0098   std::string info("");
0099   if (!m_omsServiceUrl.empty()) {
0100     lastLumiProcessed = cond::getLastLumiFromOMS(m_omsServiceUrl);
0101     logger().logInfo() << "Last lumi: " << lastLumiProcessed
0102                        << " Current run: " << cond::time::unpack(lastLumiProcessed).first
0103                        << " lumi id:" << cond::time::unpack(lastLumiProcessed).second;
0104   } else {
0105     if (!m_lastLumiFile.empty()) {
0106       lastLumiProcessed = cond::getLatestLumiFromFile(m_lastLumiFile);
0107       auto upkTime = cond::time::unpack(lastLumiProcessed);
0108       logger().logInfo() << "Last lumi: " << lastLumiProcessed << " Current run: " << upkTime.first
0109                          << " lumi id:" << upkTime.second;
0110     } else {
0111       lastLumiProcessed = cond::time::lumiTime(m_runNumber, 1);
0112     }
0113   }
0114   return lastLumiProcessed;
0115 }
0117 cond::Iov_t cond::service::OnlineDBOutputService::preLoadIov(const PoolDBOutputService::Record& record,
0118                                                              cond::Time_t targetTime) {
0119   auto transId = cond::time::transactionIdForLumiTime(targetTime, record.m_refreshTime, m_frontierKey);
0120   cond::persistency::Session session = PoolDBOutputService::newReadOnlySession(m_preLoadConnectionString, transId);
0121   cond::persistency::TransactionScope transaction(session.transaction());
0122   transaction.start(true);
0123   cond::persistency::IOVProxy proxy = session.readIov(record.m_tag);
0124   auto iov = proxy.getInterval(targetTime);
0125   transaction.commit();
0126   return iov;
0127 }