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0002 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 Global EDAnalyzer for testing concurrent IOVs in the CondCore subsystem.
0006 This module is written to run by the configuration
0007 CondCore/ESSources/test/ only.
0008 See that configuration for more comments and description.
0010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
0012 #include "CondFormats/BeamSpotObjects/interface/BeamSpotObjects.h"
0013 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/BeamSpotObjectsRcd.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/global/EDAnalyzer.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0016 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0017 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0018 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0019 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0020 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
0021 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ESGetToken.h"
0022 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ESInputTag.h"
0023 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/StreamID.h"
0024 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/thread_safety_macros.h"
0026 #include <cmath>
0027 #include <iostream>
0029 namespace edmtest {
0031   constexpr unsigned nLumisToTest = 200;
0033   class TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore : public edm::global::EDAnalyzer<> {
0034   public:
0035     explicit TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore(edm::ParameterSet const&);
0037     void analyze(edm::StreamID, edm::Event const&, edm::EventSetup const&) const override;
0039     void endJob() override;
0041     void busyWait(char const* msg, unsigned int iterations) const;
0043     static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions&);
0045   private:
0046     class BeamSpotTestObject {
0047     public:
0048       unsigned int lumi_;
0049       double x_ = 0;
0050       double y_ = 0;
0051       double z_ = 0;
0052       unsigned int start_ = 0;
0053       unsigned int end_ = 0;
0054     };
0056     const double pi_;
0058     edm::ESGetToken<BeamSpotObjects, BeamSpotObjectsRcd> const esTokenBeamSpotObjects_;
0060     // This can be mutable because it is designed particularly to
0061     // be used in one unit test where there is one event per lumi
0062     // and the vector is accessed by lumi number and does not change
0063     // size.
0064     CMS_THREAD_SAFE mutable std::vector<BeamSpotTestObject> testObjects_;
0065   };
0067   TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore(edm::ParameterSet const&)
0068       : pi_(std::acos(-1)),
0069         esTokenBeamSpotObjects_{esConsumes<BeamSpotObjects, BeamSpotObjectsRcd>(edm::ESInputTag("", ""))},
0070         testObjects_(nLumisToTest) {}
0072   void TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze(edm::StreamID,
0073                                            edm::Event const& event,
0074                                            edm::EventSetup const& eventSetup) const {
0075     unsigned int lumi = event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock();
0077     // These hard coded lumi numbers come from prior knowledge of
0078     // the IOV ranges in the database. They are intentionally
0079     // selected to force multiple IOVs to run concurrently.
0080     // There is a wait each time the IOV changes so the first
0081     // event of each IOV will take a long time to process.
0082     // The number of iterations varies just to make things
0083     // interesting and make early IOVs finish faster than
0084     // earlier ones in many cases.
0085     if (lumi == 1) {
0086       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 30 * 200 * 1000);
0087     } else if (lumi == 5) {
0088       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 29 * 200 * 1000);
0089     } else if (lumi == 6) {
0090       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 28 * 200 * 1000);
0091     } else if (lumi == 7) {
0092       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 27 * 200 * 1000);
0093     } else if (lumi == 11) {
0094       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 26 * 200 * 1000);
0095     } else if (lumi == 15) {
0096       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 25 * 200 * 1000);
0097     } else if (lumi == 16) {
0098       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 24 * 200 * 1000);
0099     } else if (lumi == 20) {
0100       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 23 * 200 * 1000);
0101     } else if (lumi == 21) {
0102       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 22 * 200 * 1000);
0103     } else if (lumi == 25) {
0104       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 21 * 200 * 1000);
0105     } else if (lumi == 30) {
0106       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 20 * 200 * 1000);
0107     } else if (lumi == 35) {
0108       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 19 * 200 * 1000);
0109     } else if (lumi == 40) {
0110       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 18 * 200 * 1000);
0111     } else if (lumi == 46) {
0112       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 17 * 200 * 1000);
0113     } else if (lumi == 48) {
0114       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 16 * 200 * 1000);
0115     } else if (lumi == 49) {
0116       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 15 * 200 * 1000);
0117     } else if (lumi == 50) {
0118       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 14 * 200 * 1000);
0119     } else if (lumi == 79) {
0120       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 13 * 200 * 1000);
0121     } else if (lumi == 90) {
0122       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 12 * 200 * 1000);
0123     } else if (lumi == 94) {
0124       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 11 * 200 * 1000);
0125     } else if (lumi == 99) {
0126       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 10 * 200 * 1000);
0127     } else if (lumi == 104) {
0128       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 9 * 200 * 1000);
0129     } else if (lumi == 113) {
0130       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 8 * 200 * 1000);
0131     } else if (lumi == 114) {
0132       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 7 * 200 * 1000);
0133     } else if (lumi == 118) {
0134       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 6 * 200 * 1000);
0135     } else if (lumi == 123) {
0136       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 5 * 200 * 1000);
0137     } else if (lumi == 128) {
0138       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 4 * 200 * 1000);
0139     } else if (lumi == 130) {
0140       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 3 * 200 * 1000);
0141     } else if (lumi == 132) {
0142       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 10 * 200 * 1000);
0143     } else if (lumi == 133) {
0144       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 9 * 200 * 1000);
0145     } else if (lumi == 134) {
0146       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 8 * 200 * 1000);
0147     } else if (lumi == 161) {
0148       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 7 * 200 * 1000);
0149     } else if (lumi == 165) {
0150       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 6 * 200 * 1000);
0151     } else if (lumi == 170) {
0152       busyWait("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze", 5 * 200 * 1000);
0153     }
0155     edm::ESHandle<BeamSpotObjects> beamSpotObjects = eventSetup.getHandle(esTokenBeamSpotObjects_);
0156     BeamSpotObjectsRcd beamSpotObjectsRcd = eventSetup.get<BeamSpotObjectsRcd>();
0157     edm::ValidityInterval iov = beamSpotObjectsRcd.validityInterval();
0159     if (lumi < nLumisToTest) {
0160       BeamSpotTestObject& testObject = testObjects_[lumi];
0161       testObject.lumi_ = lumi;
0162       testObject.x_ = beamSpotObjects->x();
0163       testObject.y_ = beamSpotObjects->y();
0164       testObject.z_ = beamSpotObjects->z();
0165       testObject.start_ = iov.first().luminosityBlockNumber();
0166       testObject.end_ = iov.last().luminosityBlockNumber();
0167     }
0168     edm::LogAbsolute("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::busyWait")
0169         << "TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::analyze finishing lumi " << lumi << std::endl;
0170   }
0172   void TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::endJob() {
0173     // This creates output that can be compared to a reference file.
0174     // The original reference file was created using a version
0175     // of the code before concurrent IOVs were implemented.
0176     for (auto const& object : testObjects_) {
0177       edm::LogPrint("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore")
0178           << "TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore: lumi = " << object.lumi_ << " position: (" << object.x_ << ", " << object.y_
0179           << ", " << object.z_ << ")  iov = " << object.start_ << ":" << object.end_;
0180     }
0181   }
0183   void TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::busyWait(char const* msg, unsigned int iterations) const {
0184     // This is just doing meaningless work trying to use up time.
0185     // Print it out and use cos so the compiler doesn't optimize it away.
0186     edm::LogAbsolute("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::busyWait") << "Start TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::busyWait " << msg;
0187     double sum = 0.;
0188     const double stepSize = pi_ / iterations;
0189     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
0190       sum += stepSize * cos(i * stepSize);
0191     }
0192     edm::LogAbsolute("TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::busyWait")
0193         << "Stop TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::busyWait " << msg << " " << sum;
0194   }
0196   void TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0197     edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0198     descriptions.addDefault(desc);
0199   }
0201   DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(TestConcurrentIOVsCondCore);
0202 }  // namespace edmtest