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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:01:53

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0002 """
0003 Primary Author:
0004 Joshua Dawes - CERN, CMS - The University of Manchester
0006 Debugging, Integration and Maintenance:
0007 Andres Cardenas - CERN, CMS - Universidad San Francisco
0009 Upload script wrapper - controls the automatic update system.
0011 Note: the name of the file follows a different convention to the others because it should be the same as the current upload script name.
0013 Takes user arguments and passes them to the main upload module CondDBFW.uploads, once the correct version exists.
0015 1. Ask the server corresponding to the database we're uploading to which version of CondDBFW it has (query the /conddbfw_version/ url).
0016 2. Decide which directory that we can write to - either the current local directory, or /tmp/random_string/.
0017 3. Pull the commit returned from the server into the directory from step 2.
0018 4. Invoke the CondDBFW.uploads module with the arguments given to this script.
0020 """
0022 __version__ = 1
0024 #import pycurl
0025 import requests
0026 import urllib3
0027 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
0028 try:
0029     from StringIO import StringIO
0030 except:
0031     pass
0032 import traceback
0033 import sys
0034 import os
0035 import json
0036 import subprocess
0037 import argparse
0038 import netrc
0039 import shutil
0040 import getpass
0041 import errno
0042 import sqlite3
0045 horizontal_rule = "="*60
0047 def run_upload(**parameters):
0048     """
0049     Imports CondDBFW.uploads and runs the upload with the upload metadata obtained.
0050     """
0051     try:
0052         import CondCore.Utilities.CondDBFW.uploads as uploads
0053     except Exception as e:
0054         traceback.print_exc()
0055         exit("CondDBFW or one of its dependencies could not be imported.\n"\
0056             + "If the CondDBFW directory exists, you are likely not in a CMSSW environment.")
0057     # we have CondDBFW, so just call the module with the parameters given in the command line
0058     uploader = uploads.uploader(**parameters)
0059     result = uploader.upload()
0061 def getInput(default, prompt = ''):
0062     '''Like raw_input() but with a default and automatic strip().
0063     '''
0065     answer = raw_input(prompt)
0066     if answer:
0067         return answer.strip()
0069     return default.strip()
0072 def getInputWorkflow(prompt = ''):
0073     '''Like getInput() but tailored to get target workflows (synchronization options).
0074     '''
0076     while True:
0077         workflow = getInput(defaultWorkflow, prompt)
0079         if workflow in frozenset(['offline', 'hlt', 'express', 'prompt', 'pcl']):
0080             return workflow
0082         print('Please specify one of the allowed workflows. See above for the explanation on each of them.')
0085 def getInputChoose(optionsList, default, prompt = ''):
0086     '''Makes the user choose from a list of options.
0087     '''
0089     while True:
0090         index = getInput(default, prompt)
0092         try:
0093             return optionsList[int(index)]
0094         except ValueError:
0095             print('Please specify an index of the list (i.e. integer).')
0096         except IndexError:
0097             print('The index you provided is not in the given list.')
0100 def getInputRepeat(prompt = ''):
0101     '''Like raw_input() but repeats if nothing is provided and automatic strip().
0102     '''
0104     while True:
0105         answer = raw_input(prompt)
0106         if answer:
0107             return answer.strip()
0109         print('You need to provide a value.')
0111 def runWizard(basename, dataFilename, metadataFilename):
0112     while True:
0113         print('''\nWizard for metadata for %s
0115 I will ask you some questions to fill the metadata file. For some of the questions there are defaults between square brackets (i.e. []), leave empty (i.e. hit Enter) to use them.''' % basename)
0117         # Try to get the available inputTags
0118         try:
0119             dataConnection = sqlite3.connect(dataFilename)
0120             dataCursor = dataConnection.cursor()
0121             dataCursor.execute('select name from sqlite_master where type == "table"')
0122             tables = set(zip(*dataCursor.fetchall())[0])
0124             # only conddb V2 supported...
0125             if 'TAG' in tables:
0126                 dataCursor.execute('select NAME from TAG')
0127             # In any other case, do not try to get the inputTags
0128             else:
0129                 raise Exception()
0131             inputTags = dataCursor.fetchall()
0132             if len(inputTags) == 0:
0133                 raise Exception()
0134             inputTags = list(zip(*inputTags))[0]
0136         except Exception:
0137             inputTags = []
0139         if len(inputTags) == 0:
0140             print('\nI could not find any input tag in your data file, but you can still specify one manually.')
0142             inputTag = getInputRepeat(
0143                 '\nWhich is the input tag (i.e. the tag to be read from the SQLite data file)?\ne.g. BeamSpotObject_ByRun\ninputTag: ')
0145         else:
0146             print('\nI found the following input tags in your SQLite data file:')
0147             for (index, inputTag) in enumerate(inputTags):
0148                 print('   %s) %s' % (index, inputTag))
0150             inputTag = getInputChoose(inputTags, '0',
0151                                       '\nWhich is the input tag (i.e. the tag to be read from the SQLite data file)?\ne.g. 0 (you select the first in the list)\ninputTag [0]: ')
0153         databases = {
0154             'oraprod': 'oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_CONDITIONS',
0155             'prod': 'oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_CONDITIONS',
0156             'oradev': 'oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS',
0157             'prep': 'oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS',
0158         }
0160         destinationDatabase = ''
0161         ntry = 0
0162         print('\nWhich is the destination database where the tags should be exported?')
0163         print('\n%s) %s' % ('oraprod', databases['oraprod']))
0164         print('\n%s) %s' % ('oradev', databases['oradev']))
0166         while ( destinationDatabase not in databases.values() ): 
0167             if ntry==0:
0168                 inputMessage = \
0169                 '\nPossible choices: oraprod or oradev \ndestinationDatabase: '
0170             elif ntry==1:
0171                 inputMessage = \
0172                 '\nPlease choose one of the two valid destinations: oraprod or oradev \ndestinationDatabase: '
0173             else:
0174                 raise Exception('No valid destination chosen. Bailing out...')
0176             databaseInput = getInputRepeat(inputMessage).lower()
0177             if databaseInput in databases.keys():
0178                 destinationDatabase = databases[databaseInput]
0179             ntry += 1
0181         while True:
0182             since = getInput('',
0183                              '\nWhich is the given since? (if not specified, the one from the SQLite data file will be taken -- note that even if specified, still this may not be the final since, depending on the synchronization options you select later: if the synchronization target is not offline, and the since you give is smaller than the next possible one (i.e. you give a run number earlier than the one which will be started/processed next in prompt/hlt/express), the DropBox will move the since ahead to go to the first safe run instead of the value you gave)\ne.g. 1234\nsince []: ')
0184             if not since:
0185                 since = None
0186                 break
0187             else:
0188                 try:
0189                     since = int(since)
0190                     break
0191                 except ValueError:
0192                     print('The since value has to be an integer or empty (null).')
0194         userText = getInput('',
0195                             '\nWrite any comments/text you may want to describe your request\ne.g. Muon alignment scenario for...\nuserText []: ')
0197         destinationTags = {}
0198         while True:
0199             destinationTag = getInput('',
0200                                       '\nWhich is the next destination tag to be added (leave empty to stop)?\ne.g. BeamSpotObjects_PCL_byRun_v0_offline\ndestinationTag []: ')
0201             if not destinationTag:
0202                 if len(destinationTags) == 0:
0203                     print('There must be at least one destination tag.')
0204                     continue
0205                 break
0207             if destinationTag in destinationTags:
0208                 print(
0209                     'You already added this destination tag. Overwriting the previous one with this new one.')
0211             destinationTags[destinationTag] = {
0212             }
0214         metadata = {
0215             'destinationDatabase': destinationDatabase,
0216             'destinationTags': destinationTags,
0217             'inputTag': inputTag,
0218             'since': since,
0219             'userText': userText,
0220         }
0222         metadata = json.dumps(metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
0223         print('\nThis is the generated metadata:\n%s' % metadata)
0225         if getInput('n',
0226                     '\nIs it fine (i.e. save in %s and *upload* the conditions if this is the latest file)?\nAnswer [n]: ' % metadataFilename).lower() == 'y':
0227             break
0228     print('Saving generated metadata in %s...', metadataFilename)
0229     with open(metadataFilename, 'wb') as metadataFile:
0230         metadataFile.write(metadata)
0232 def parse_arguments():
0233     # read in command line arguments, and build metadata dictionary from them
0234     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="cmsDbUpload client", description="CMS Conditions Upload Script in CondDBFW.")
0236     parser.add_argument("--sourceDB", type=str, help="DB to find Tags, IOVs + Payloads in.", required=False)
0238     # metadata arguments
0239     parser.add_argument("--inputTag", type=str,\
0240                         help="Tag to take IOVs + Payloads from in --sourceDB.", required=False)
0241     parser.add_argument("--destinationTag", type=str,\
0242                         help="Tag to copy IOVs + Payloads to in --destDB.", required=False)
0243     parser.add_argument("--destinationDatabase", type=str,\
0244                         help="Database to copy IOVs + Payloads to.", required=False)
0245     parser.add_argument("--since", type=int,\
0246                         help="Since to take IOVs from.", required=False)
0247     parser.add_argument("--userText", type=str,\
0248                         help="Description of --destTag (can be empty).")
0250     # non-metadata arguments
0251     parser.add_argument("--metadataFile", "-m", type=str, help="Metadata file to take metadata from.", required=False)
0253     parser.add_argument("--debug", required=False, action="store_true")
0254     parser.add_argument("--verbose", required=False, action="store_true")
0255     parser.add_argument("--testing", required=False, action="store_true")
0256     parser.add_argument("--fcsr-filter", type=str, help="Synchronization to take FCSR from for local filtering of IOVs.", required=False)
0258     parser.add_argument("--netrc", required=False)
0260     parser.add_argument("--hashToUse", required=False)
0262     parser.add_argument("--server", required=False)
0264     parser.add_argument("--review-options", required=False, action="store_true")
0266     parser.add_argument("--replay-file", required=False)
0268     command_line_data = parser.parse_args()
0270     if command_line_data.replay_file:
0271         dictionary = json.loads("".join(open(command_line_data.replay_file, "r").readlines()))
0272         command_line_data.tier0_response = dictionary["tier0_response"]
0274     # default is the production server, which can point to either database anyway
0275     server_alias_to_url = {
0276         "prep" : "",
0277         "dev" : "",
0278         "prod" : ""
0279     }
0281     # if prep, prod or None were given, convert to URLs in dictionary server_alias_to_url
0282     # if not, assume a URL has been given and use this instead
0283     if command_line_data.server in server_alias_to_url.keys():
0284         command_line_data.server = server_alias_to_url[command_line_data.server]
0286     # resolve destination databases
0287     database_alias_to_connection = {
0288         "prep": "oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS",
0289         "dev": "oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS",
0290         "prod": "oracle://cms_orcon_adg/CMS_CONDITIONS"
0291     }
0293     if command_line_data.destinationDatabase in database_alias_to_connection.keys():
0294         command_line_data.destinationDatabase = database_alias_to_connection[command_line_data.destinationDatabase]
0297     # use netrc to get username and password
0298     try:
0299         netrc_file = command_line_data.netrc
0300         netrc_authenticators = netrc.netrc(netrc_file).authenticators("ConditionUploader")
0301         if netrc_authenticators == None:
0302             print("Your netrc file must contain the key 'ConditionUploader'.")
0303             manual_input = raw_input("Do you want to try to type your credentials? ")
0304             if manual_input == "y":
0305                 # ask for username and password
0306                 username = raw_input("Username: ")
0307                 password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
0308             else:
0309                 exit()
0310         else:
0311             print("Read your credentials from ~/.netrc.  If you want to use a different file, supply its name with the --netrc argument.")
0312             username = netrc_authenticators[0]
0313             password = netrc_authenticators[2]
0314     except:
0315         print("Couldn't obtain your credentials (either from netrc or manual input).")
0316         exit()
0318     command_line_data.username = username
0319     command_line_data.password = password
0320     # this will be used as the final destinationTags value by all input methods
0321     # apart from the metadata file
0322     command_line_data.destinationTags = {command_line_data.destinationTag:{}}
0324     """
0325     Construct metadata_dictionary:
0326     Currently, this is 3 cases:
0328     1) An IOV is being appended to an existing Tag with an existing Payload.
0329     In this case, we just take all data from the command line.
0331     2) No metadata file is given, so we assume that ALL upload metadata is coming from the command line.
0333     3) A metadata file is given, hence we parse the file, and then iterate through command line arguments
0334     since these override the options set in the metadata file.
0336     """
0338     # Hash to use, entirely from command line
0339     if command_line_data.hashToUse != None:
0340         command_line_data.userText = ""
0341         metadata_dictionary = command_line_data.__dict__
0342     elif command_line_data.metadataFile == None:
0343         if command_line_data.sourceDB != None and (command_line_data.inputTag == None or command_line_data.destinationTag == None or command_line_data.destinationDatabase == None):
0344             basepath = command_line_data.sourceDB.rsplit('.db', 1)[0].rsplit('.txt', 1)[0]
0345             basename = os.path.basename(basepath)
0346             dataFilename = '%s.db' % basepath
0347             metadataFilename = '%s.txt' % basepath
0348             # Data file
0349             try:
0350                 with open(dataFilename, 'rb') as dataFile:
0351                     pass
0352             except IOError as e:
0353                 errMsg = 'Impossible to open SQLite data file %s' %dataFilename
0354                 print( errMsg )
0355                 ret['status'] = -3
0356                 ret['error'] = errMsg
0357                 return ret
0359             # Metadata file
0361             try:
0362                 with open(metadataFilename, 'rb') as metadataFile:
0363                     pass
0364             except IOError as e:
0365                 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
0366                     errMsg = 'Impossible to open file %s (for other reason than not existing)' %metadataFilename
0367                     ret = {}
0368                     ret['status'] = -4
0369                     ret['error'] = errMsg
0370                     exit (ret)
0372                 if getInput('y', '\nIt looks like the metadata file %s does not exist and not enough parameters were received in the command line. Do you want me to create it and help you fill it?\nAnswer [y]: ' % metadataFilename).lower() != 'y':
0373                     errMsg = 'Metadata file %s does not exist' %metadataFilename
0374                     ret = {}
0375                     ret['status'] = -5
0376                     ret['error'] = errMsg
0377                     exit(ret)
0378                 # Wizard
0379                 runWizard(basename, dataFilename, metadataFilename)
0380             command_line_data.metadataFile = metadataFilename
0381         else:
0382             command_line_data.userText = command_line_data.userText\
0383                                         if command_line_data.userText != None\
0384                                         else str(raw_input("Tag's description [can be empty]:"))
0385             metadata_dictionary = command_line_data.__dict__
0387     if command_line_data.metadataFile != None:
0388         metadata_dictionary = json.loads("".join(open(os.path.abspath(command_line_data.metadataFile), "r").readlines()))
0389         metadata_dictionary["username"] = username
0390         metadata_dictionary["password"] = password
0391         metadata_dictionary["userText"] = metadata_dictionary.get("userText")\
0392                                             if metadata_dictionary.get("userText") != None\
0393                                             else str(raw_input("Tag's description [can be empty]:"))
0395         # go through command line options and, if they are set, overwrite entries
0396         for (option_name, option_value) in command_line_data.__dict__.items():
0397             # if the metadata_dictionary sets this, overwrite it
0398             if option_name != "destinationTags":
0399                 if option_value != None or (option_value == None and not(option_name in metadata_dictionary.keys())):
0400                     # if option_value has a value, override the metadata file entry
0401                     # or if option_value is None but the metadata file doesn't give a value,
0402                     # set the entry to None as well
0403                     metadata_dictionary[option_name] = option_value
0404             else:
0405                 if option_value != {None:{}}:
0406                     metadata_dictionary["destinationTags"] = {option_value:{}}
0407                 elif option_value == {None:{}} and not("destinationTags" in metadata_dictionary.keys()):
0408                     metadata_dictionary["destinationTags"] = {None:{}}
0410     if command_line_data.review_options:
0411         defaults = {
0412             "since" : "Since of first IOV",
0413             "userText" : "Populated by upload process",
0414             "netrc" : "None given",
0415             "fcsr_filter" : "Don't apply",
0416             "hashToUse" : "Using local SQLite file instead"
0417         }
0418         print("Configuration to use for the upload:")
0419         for key in metadata_dictionary:
0420             if not(key) in ["username", "password", "destinationTag"]:
0421                 value_to_print = metadata_dictionary[key] if metadata_dictionary[key] != None else defaults[key]
0422                 print("\t%s : %s" % (key, value_to_print))
0424         if raw_input("\nDo you want to continue? [y/n] ") != "y":
0425             exit()
0427     if metadata_dictionary["server"] == None:
0428         if metadata_dictionary["destinationDatabase"] == "oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS":
0429             metadata_dictionary["server"] = server_alias_to_url["prep"]
0430         else:
0431             metadata_dictionary["server"] = server_alias_to_url["prod"]
0433     return metadata_dictionary
0435 def get_version(url):
0436     return requests.get(url + "script_version/", verify=False)
0439 if __name__ == "__main__":
0441     upload_metadata = parse_arguments()
0443     # upload_metadata should be used to decide the service url
0444     final_service_url = upload_metadata["server"]
0445     try:
0446         response = get_version(final_service_url)
0447         server_version = response.json()
0448     except Exception as e:
0449         print(horizontal_rule)
0450         print(e)
0451         print("Could not connect to server at %s"%final_service_url)
0452         print("If you specified a server please check it is correct. If that is not the issue please contact the AlcaDB team.")
0453         print(horizontal_rule)
0454         exit(1)
0456     if server_version["version"] != __version__:
0457         print(horizontal_rule)
0458         print("Local upload script is different than server version. Please run the following command to get the latest script.")
0459         print("curl --insecure -o %sget_upload_script/ && chmod +x;"%final_service_url)
0460         print(horizontal_rule)
0461         exit(1)
0463     import CondCore.Utilities.CondDBFW.data_sources as data_sources
0465     upload_metadata["sqlite_file"] = upload_metadata.get("sourceDB")
0467     try:
0468         os.mkdir('upload_logs')
0469     except OSError as e:
0470         pass
0472     # make new dictionary, and copy over everything except "metadata_source"
0473     upload_metadata_argument = {}
0474     for (key, value) in upload_metadata.items():
0475         if key != "metadata_source":
0476             upload_metadata_argument[key] = value
0478     upload_metadata["metadata_source"] = data_sources.json_data_node.make(upload_metadata_argument)
0479     try:
0480         # pass dictionary as arguments to match keywords - the constructor has a **kwargs parameter to deal with stray arguments
0481         run_upload(**upload_metadata)
0482         print(horizontal_rule)
0483         print("Process completed without issues. Please check logs for further details.")
0484         print(horizontal_rule)
0485     except SystemExit as e:
0486         print(horizontal_rule)
0487         print("Process exited abnormally. Please check logs for details.")
0488         print(horizontal_rule)
0489         exit(1)
0490     exit(0)