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File indexing completed on 2024-11-25 02:29:20

0001 import subprocess
0002 import json
0003 import netrc
0004 import sqlite3
0005 import os
0006 import sys
0007 import shutil
0008 import logging
0009 from datetime import datetime
0011 errorInImportFileFolder = 'import_errors'
0012 dateformatForFolder = "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"
0013 dateformatForLabel = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
0015 auth_path_key = 'COND_AUTH_PATH'
0017 messageLevelEnvVar = 'POPCON_LOG_LEVEL'
0018 fmt_str = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
0019 logLevel = logging.INFO
0020 if messageLevelEnvVar in os.environ:
0021     levStr = os.environ[messageLevelEnvVar]
0022     if levStr == 'DEBUG':
0023         logLevel = logging.DEBUG
0024 logFormatter = logging.Formatter(fmt_str)
0025 logger = logging.getLogger()        
0026 logger.setLevel(logLevel)
0027 consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) 
0028 consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter)
0029 logger.addHandler(consoleHandler)
0031 def checkFile( dbName ):
0032     dbFileName = '%s.db' %dbName
0033     # check if the expected input file is there... 
0034     # exit code < 0 => error
0035     # exit code = 0 => skip
0036     # exit code = 1 => import                                                                                                                             
0037     if not os.path.exists( dbFileName ):
0038        logger.error('The file generated by PopCon with the data to be imported %s has not been found.'%dbFileName )
0039        return -1
0041     empty = True
0042     try:
0043        dbcon = sqlite3.connect( dbFileName )
0044        dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
0045        dbcur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='IOV'");
0046        if dbcur.fetchone() is None:
0047            logger.error('The condition database with the data to be imported has not been found in the file generated by PopCon: %s'%dbFileName )
0048            return -1
0049        dbcur.execute('SELECT * FROM IOV')
0050        rows = dbcur.fetchall()
0051        for r in rows:
0052           empty = False
0053        dbcon.close()
0054        if empty:
0055            logger.warning('The data set generated by PopCon contains no data to be imported. The import will be skipped.')
0056            return 0
0057        return 1
0058     except Exception as e:
0059        logger.error('Check on input data failed: %s' %str(e))
0060        return -2
0062 def saveFileForImportErrors( datef, dbName, withMetadata=False ):
0063     # save a copy of the files in case of upload failure...
0064     leafFolderName = datef.strftime(dateformatForFolder)
0065     fileFolder = os.path.join( errorInImportFileFolder, leafFolderName)
0066     if not os.path.exists(fileFolder):
0067         os.makedirs(fileFolder)
0068     df= '%s.db' %dbName
0069     dataDestFile = os.path.join( fileFolder, df)
0070     if not os.path.exists(dataDestFile):
0071         shutil.copy2(df, dataDestFile)
0072     if withMetadata:
0073         mf= '%s.txt' %dbName
0074         metadataDestFile = os.path.join( fileFolder, mf )
0075         if not os.path.exists(metadataDestFile):
0076             shutil.copy2(df, metadataDestFile)
0077     logger.error("Upload failed. Data file and metadata saved in folder '%s'" %os.path.abspath(fileFolder))
0079 def upload( args, dbName ):
0080     destDb = args.destDb
0081     destTag = args.destTag
0082     comment = args.comment
0084     datef =
0086     # first remove any existing metadata file...                                                                                                                                
0087     if os.path.exists( '%s.txt' %dbName ):
0088        logger.debug('Removing already existing file %s' %dbName)
0089        os.remove( '%s.txt' %dbName )
0091     # dump Metadata for the Upload
0092     uploadMd = {}
0093     uploadMd['destinationDatabase'] = destDb
0094     tags = {}
0095     tagInfo = {}
0096     tags[ destTag ] = tagInfo
0097     uploadMd['destinationTags'] = tags
0098     uploadMd['inputTag'] = destTag
0099     uploadMd['since'] = None
0100     datelabel = datef.strftime(dateformatForLabel)
0101     commentStr = ''
0102     if not comment is None:
0103        commentStr = comment
0104     uploadMd['userText'] = '%s : %s' %(datelabel,commentStr)
0105     with open( '%s.txt' %dbName, 'wb') as jf:
0106        jf.write( json.dumps( uploadMd, sort_keys=True, indent = 2 ) )
0107        jf.write('\n')
0109     # run the upload
0110     uploadCommand = ' %s' %dbName
0111     ret = 0
0112     try:
0113        pipe = subprocess.Popen( uploadCommand, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
0114        stdout = pipe.communicate()[0]
0115        print(stdout)
0116        retCode = pipe.returncode
0117        if retCode != 0:
0118            saveFileForImportErrors( datef, dbName, True )
0119        ret |= retCode
0120     except Exception as e:
0121        ret |= 1
0122        logger.error(str(e))
0123     return ret
0125 def copy( args, dbName ):
0126     dbFileName = '%s.db' %dbName
0127     destDb = args.destDb
0128     destTag = args.destTag
0129     comment = args.comment
0131     datef =
0132     destMap = { "oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/cms_conditions": "oradev", "oracle://cms_orcon_prod/cms_conditions": "onlineorapro"  }
0133     if destDb.lower() in destMap.keys():
0134         destDb = destMap[destDb.lower()]
0135     else:
0136         if destDb.startswith('sqlite'):
0137             destDb = destDb.split(':')[1]
0138         else:
0139             logger.error( 'Destination connection %s is not supported.' %destDb )
0140             return 
0141     # run the copy
0142     note = '"Importing data with O2O execution"'
0143     commandOptions = '--force --yes --db %s copy %s %s --destdb %s --synchronize --note %s' %(dbFileName,destTag,destTag,destDb,note)
0144     copyCommand = 'conddb %s' %commandOptions
0145 'Executing command: %s' %copyCommand )
0146     try:
0147         pipe = subprocess.Popen( copyCommand, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
0148         stdout = pipe.communicate()[0]
0149         print(stdout)
0150         retCode = pipe.returncode
0151         if retCode != 0:
0152             saveFileForImportErrors( datef, dbName )
0153         ret = retCode
0154     except Exception as e:
0155         ret = 1
0156         logger.error( str(e) )
0157     return ret
0159 def run( args ):
0161     dbName = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f')
0162     dbFileName = '%s.db' %dbName
0164     if args.auth is not None and not args.auth=='':
0165         if auth_path_key in os.environ:
0166             logger.warning("Cannot set authentication path to %s in the environment, since it is already set." %args.auth)
0167         else:
0168   "Setting the authentication path to %s in the environment." %args.auth)
0169             os.environ[auth_path_key]=args.auth
0170     if os.path.exists( '%s.db' %dbName ):
0171"Removing files with name %s" %dbName )
0172        os.remove( '%s.db' %dbName )
0173     if os.path.exists( '%s.txt' %dbName ):
0174        os.remove( '%s.txt' %dbName )
0175     command = 'cmsRun %s ' %args.job_file
0176     command += ' targetFile=%s' %dbFileName
0177     command += ' destinationDatabase=%s' %args.destDb
0178     command += ' destinationTag=%s' %args.destTag
0179     command += ' 2>&1'
0180 'Executing command: %s' %command )
0181     pipe = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
0182     stdout = pipe.communicate()[0]
0183     retCode = pipe.returncode
0184     print(stdout)
0185'PopCon Analyzer return code is: %s' %retCode )
0186     if retCode!=0:
0187        logger.error( 'O2O job failed. Skipping upload.' )
0188        return retCode
0190     ret = checkFile( dbName )
0191     if ret > 0:
0192         if args.copy:
0193             ret = copy( args, dbName )
0194         else:
0195             ret = upload( args, dbName )
0196     if ret >=0:
0197'Deleting local file %s.db' %dbName ) 
0198         os.remove( '%s.db' %dbName )
0199     return ret