File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:01:55
0001 #include "CondCore/Utilities/interface/CondDBTools.h"
0002 #include "CondCore/Utilities/interface/CondDBImport.h"
0003 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/ConnectionPool.h"
0005 #include <memory>
0006 #include <set>
0008 namespace cond {
0010 namespace persistency {
0012 cond::Hash importPayload(Session& sourceSession,
0013 const cond::Hash& sourcePayloadId,
0014 Session& destSession,
0015 bool reserialize) {
0016 if (reserialize) {
0017 std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<void> > readBackPayload = fetch(sourcePayloadId, sourceSession);
0018 return import(sourceSession, sourcePayloadId, readBackPayload.first, readBackPayload.second.get(), destSession);
0019 } else {
0020 std::string payloadType("");
0021 cond::Binary payloadData;
0022 cond::Binary streamerInfoData;
0023 if (!sourceSession.fetchPayloadData(sourcePayloadId, payloadType, payloadData, streamerInfoData)) {
0024 cond::throwException("Payload with hash" + sourcePayloadId + " has not been found in the source database.",
0025 "importPayload");
0026 }
0027 boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
0028 return destSession.storePayloadData(payloadType, std::make_pair(payloadData, streamerInfoData), now);
0029 }
0030 }
0033 struct IOVComp {
0034 bool operator()(const cond::Time_t& x, const std::pair<cond::Time_t, boost::posix_time::ptime>& y) {
0035 return (x < y.first);
0036 }
0037 };
0039 size_t importIovs(const std::string& sourceTag,
0040 Session& sourceSession,
0041 const std::string& destTag,
0042 Session& destSession,
0043 cond::Time_t begin,
0044 cond::Time_t end,
0045 const std::string& description,
0046 const std::string& editingNote,
0047 bool override,
0048 bool reserialize,
0049 bool forceInsert) {
0050 persistency::TransactionScope ssc(sourceSession.transaction());
0051 ssc.start();
0052 std::cout << " Loading source iov..." << std::endl;
0053 persistency::IOVProxy p = sourceSession.readIov(sourceTag);
0054 auto iovs = p.selectAll();
0055 if (iovs.size() == 0) {
0056 std::cout << " Tag contains 0 iovs." << std::endl;
0057 return 0;
0058 } else {
0059 std::cout << " Iov size:" << iovs.size() << " timeType:" << p.tagInfo().timeType << " payloadObjectType=\""
0060 << p.tagInfo().payloadType << "\"" << std::endl;
0061 }
0062 if ((*iovs.begin()).since > begin)
0063 begin = (*iovs.begin()).since;
0064 if (end < begin) {
0065 std::cout << " No Iov in the selected range." << std::endl;
0066 return 0;
0067 }
0068 persistency::IOVEditor editor;
0069 persistency::TransactionScope dsc(destSession.transaction());
0070 dsc.start(false);
0071 bool exists = false;
0072 if (!destSession.existsDatabase()) {
0073 destSession.createDatabase();
0074 } else {
0075 exists = destSession.existsIov(destTag);
0076 }
0077 persistency::IOVProxy dp;
0078 if (exists) {
0079 dp = destSession.readIov(destTag);
0080 editor = destSession.editIov(destTag);
0081 if (!description.empty())
0082 std::cout << " INFO. Destination Tag " << destTag
0083 << " already exists. Provided description will be ignored." << std::endl;
0084 if (editor.timeType() != p.tagInfo().timeType)
0085 throwException("TimeType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag timeType.", "importIovs");
0086 if (editor.payloadType() != p.tagInfo().payloadType)
0087 throwException("PayloadType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag payloadType.",
0088 "importIovs");
0089 } else {
0090 editor = destSession.createIov(
0091 p.tagInfo().payloadType, destTag, p.tagInfo().timeType, p.tagInfo().synchronizationType);
0092 if (description.empty())
0093 editor.setDescription("Created copying tag " + sourceTag + " from " + sourceSession.connectionString());
0094 else
0095 editor.setDescription(description);
0096 }
0097 size_t niovs = 0;
0098 std::set<cond::Hash> pids;
0099 std::set<cond::Time_t> sinces;
0100 auto iiov = iovs.find(begin);
0101 cond::Time_t newSince = begin;
0102 while (iiov != iovs.end()) {
0104 if (sinces.find(newSince) != sinces.end()) {
0105 std::cout << " WARNING. Skipping duplicated since=" << newSince << std::endl;
0106 continue;
0107 }
0109 auto usedIov = p.getInterval(newSince);
0110 cond::Hash ph = importPayload(sourceSession, usedIov.payloadId, destSession, reserialize);
0111 pids.insert(ph);
0112 bool skip = false;
0113 if (exists) {
0115 auto diovs = dp.selectAll();
0116 auto ie = diovs.find(newSince);
0117 if (ie != diovs.end()) {
0118 if (((*ie).since == newSince) && ((*ie).payloadId == usedIov.payloadId)) {
0119 skip = true;
0120 }
0121 }
0122 }
0123 if (!skip) {
0124 editor.insert(newSince, ph);
0125 sinces.insert(newSince);
0126 niovs++;
0127 if (niovs && (niovs % 1000 == 0))
0128 std::cout << " Total of iov inserted: " << niovs << " payloads: " << pids.size() << std::endl;
0129 }
0130 iiov++;
0131 if (iiov == iovs.end() || (*iiov).since > end) {
0132 break;
0133 } else {
0134 newSince = (*iiov).since;
0135 }
0136 }
0137 if (exists && override) {
0138 std::cout << " Adding overlying iovs..." << std::endl;
0139 persistency::IOVProxy dp = destSession.readIov(destTag);
0140 auto diovs = dp.selectRange(begin, end);
0141 std::set<cond::Time_t> extraSinces;
0142 for (const auto& iov : diovs) {
0143 auto siov = p.getInterval(iov.since);
0144 if (siov.since != iov.since) {
0145 if (extraSinces.find(iov.since) == extraSinces.end()) {
0146 editor.insert(iov.since, siov.payloadId);
0147 extraSinces.insert(iov.since);
0148 niovs++;
0149 if (niovs && (niovs % 1000 == 0))
0150 std::cout << " Total of iov inserted: " << niovs << " payloads: " << pids.size() << std::endl;
0151 }
0152 }
0153 }
0154 }
0155 std::cout << " Total of iov inserted: " << niovs << " payloads: " << pids.size() << std::endl;
0156 std::cout << " Flushing changes..." << std::endl;
0157 editor.flush(editingNote, forceInsert);
0158 dsc.commit();
0159 ssc.commit();
0160 return niovs;
0161 }
0163 bool copyIov(Session& session,
0164 const std::string& sourceTag,
0165 const std::string& destTag,
0166 cond::Time_t sourceSince,
0167 cond::Time_t destSince,
0168 const std::string& description) {
0169 persistency::TransactionScope ssc(session.transaction());
0170 ssc.start(false);
0171 std::cout << " Loading source iov..." << std::endl;
0172 persistency::IOVProxy p = session.readIov(sourceTag);
0173 auto iovs = p.selectAll();
0174 if (iovs.size() == 0) {
0175 std::cout << " Tag contains 0 iovs." << std::endl;
0176 return false;
0177 } else {
0178 std::cout << " Iov size:" << iovs.size() << " timeType:" << p.tagInfo().timeType << " payloadObjectType=\""
0179 << p.tagInfo().payloadType << "\"" << std::endl;
0180 }
0182 auto iiov = iovs.find(sourceSince);
0183 if (iiov == iovs.end()) {
0184 std::cout << "ERROR: No Iov valid found for target time " << sourceSince << std::endl;
0185 return false;
0186 }
0188 persistency::IOVEditor editor;
0189 if (session.existsIov(destTag)) {
0190 if (!description.empty())
0191 std::cout << " INFO. Destination Tag " << destTag
0192 << " already exists. Provided description will be ignored." << std::endl;
0193 editor = session.editIov(destTag);
0194 if (editor.timeType() != p.tagInfo().timeType)
0195 throwException("TimeType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag timeType.", "importIovs");
0196 if (editor.payloadType() != p.tagInfo().payloadType)
0197 throwException("PayloadType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag payloadType.",
0198 "importIovs");
0199 } else {
0200 editor =
0201 session.createIov(p.tagInfo().payloadType, destTag, p.tagInfo().timeType, p.tagInfo().synchronizationType);
0202 if (description.empty())
0203 editor.setDescription("Created copying iovs from tag " + sourceTag);
0204 else
0205 editor.setDescription(description);
0206 }
0208 editor.insert(destSince, (*iiov).payloadId);
0210 std::cout << " Flushing changes..." << std::endl;
0211 editor.flush();
0212 ssc.commit();
0213 return true;
0214 }
0216 }
0217 }