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Warning, /CondFormats/Common/test/oldrunPayloadTest is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # it assumes that it is NOT run from a release area
0002 # i..e CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE  is not empty
0003 # at the moment is the opposite: assume /CondFormats/Common be in CMSSW_BASE
0005 cmsenv
0006 cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
0007 mkdir -p PayloadTest/PayloadTest/test
0008 cd  PayloadTest/PayloadTest/test
0009 # cp  $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/CondFormats/Common/test/TestDriver.h .
0010 # cp $ CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/CondFormats/Common/test/ .
0011 cp  $CMSSW_BASE/src/CondFormats/Common/test/TestDriver.h .
0012 cp  $CMSSW_BASE/src/CondFormats/Common/test/ .
0014 echo $1 $2 $3
0015 cp $
0016 sed -i "s/THECLASS/$1/g" $
0017 sed -i "s/THEPACKAGE/$2/g" $
0018 sed -i "s/THEHEADER/$3/g" $
0021 echo "<bin file=$ name=CondPayload_$1_test>" > bfile
0022 echo "<use name=CondFormats/$2>" >> bfile
0023 echo "<use name=CoralCommon>" >> bfile
0024 echo "<use name=CoralKernel>" >> bfile
0025 echo "<use name=RelationalAccess>" >> bfile
0026 echo "<use name=DataSvc>" >> bfile
0027 echo "<use name=Collection>" >> bfile
0028 echo "<use name=ObjectRelationalAccess>" >> bfile
0029 echo "</bin>" >> bfile
0031 mv bfile BuildFile
0032 scramv1 b
0033 echo "run CondPayload_$1_test"
0034 $CMSSW_BASE/test/$SCRAM_ARCH/CondPayload_$1_test