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0001 // This is the header file "FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator.h". This is the interface for the
0002 // class FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator.
0003 // Author: Konstantinos Kousouris, Philipp Schieferdecker
0004 // Email:,
0006 #ifndef CondFormats_JetMETObjects_FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator_h
0007 #define CondFormats_JetMETObjects_FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator_h
0009 #include <vector>
0010 #include <string>
0011 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
0013 class SimpleJetCorrector;
0014 class JetCorrectorParameters;
0016 class FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator {
0017 public:
0018   class VariableValues {
0019   public:
0020     friend class FactorizedJetCorrector;
0021     friend class FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator;
0022     VariableValues();
0023     void setNPV(int fNPV);
0024     void setJetEta(float fEta);
0025     void setJetPt(float fPt);
0026     void setJetE(float fE);
0027     void setJetPhi(float fE);
0028     void setJetEMF(float fEMF);
0029     void setJetA(float fA);
0030     void setRho(float fRho);
0031     void setJPTrawP4(const TLorentzVector& fJPTrawP4);
0032     void setJPTrawOff(float fJPTrawOff);
0033     void setLepPx(float fLepPx);
0034     void setLepPy(float fLepPy);
0035     void setLepPz(float fLepPz);
0036     void setAddLepToJet(bool fAddLepToJet);
0038     void reset();
0040   private:
0041     //---- Member Data ---------
0042     int mNPV;
0043     float mJetE;
0044     float mJetEta;
0045     float mJetPt;
0046     float mJetPhi;
0047     float mJetEMF;
0048     float mJetA;
0049     float mRho;
0050     float mJPTrawE;
0051     float mJPTrawEt;
0052     float mJPTrawPt;
0053     float mJPTrawEta;
0054     float mJPTrawOff;
0055     float mLepPx;
0056     float mLepPy;
0057     float mLepPz;
0058     bool mAddLepToJet;
0059     bool mIsNPVset;
0060     bool mIsJetEset;
0061     bool mIsJetPtset;
0062     bool mIsJetPhiset;
0063     bool mIsJetEtaset;
0064     bool mIsJetEMFset;
0065     bool mIsJetAset;
0066     bool mIsRhoset;
0067     bool mIsJPTrawP4set;
0068     bool mIsJPTrawOFFset;
0069     bool mIsLepPxset;
0070     bool mIsLepPyset;
0071     bool mIsLepPzset;
0072     bool mIsAddLepToJetset;
0073   };
0075   enum VarTypes {
0076     kJetPt,
0077     kJetEta,
0078     kJetPhi,
0079     kJetE,
0080     kJetEMF,
0081     kRelLepPt,
0082     kPtRel,
0083     kNPV,
0084     kJetA,
0085     kRho,
0086     kJPTrawE,
0087     kJPTrawEt,
0088     kJPTrawPt,
0089     kJPTrawEta,
0090     kJPTrawOff
0091   };
0092   enum LevelTypes { kL1, kL2, kL3, kL4, kL5, kL6, kL7, kL1fj, kL1JPT, kL2L3Res };
0093   FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator();
0094   FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator(const std::string& fLevels,
0095                                    const std::string& fTags,
0096                                    const std::string& fOptions = "");
0097   FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator(const std::vector<JetCorrectorParameters>& fParameters);
0098   FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator(const FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator&) = delete;
0099   FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator& operator=(const FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator&) = delete;
0100   ~FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator();
0101   float getCorrection(VariableValues&) const;
0102   std::vector<float> getSubCorrections(VariableValues&) const;
0104 private:
0105   //---- Member Functions ----
0106   float getLepPt(const VariableValues&) const;
0107   float getRelLepPt(const VariableValues&) const;
0108   float getPtRel(const VariableValues&) const;
0109   std::string parseOption(const std::string& ss, const std::string& type) const;
0110   std::string removeSpaces(const std::string& ss) const;
0111   std::vector<std::string> parseLevels(const std::string& ss) const;
0112   void initCorrectors(const std::string& fLevels, const std::string& fFiles, const std::string& fOptions);
0113   void checkConsistency(const std::vector<std::string>& fLevels, const std::vector<std::string>& fTags);
0114   std::vector<float> fillVector(const std::vector<VarTypes>& fVarTypes, const VariableValues&) const;
0115   std::vector<VarTypes> mapping(const std::vector<std::string>& fNames) const;
0116   //---- Member Data ---------
0117   std::vector<LevelTypes> mLevels;
0118   std::vector<std::vector<VarTypes> > mParTypes, mBinTypes;
0119   std::vector<SimpleJetCorrector const*> mCorrectors;
0120 };
0121 #endif