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0001 #include "CondFormats/JetMETObjects/interface/JetCorrectionUncertainty.h"
0002 #include "CondFormats/JetMETObjects/interface/SimpleJetCorrectionUncertainty.h"
0003 #include "CondFormats/JetMETObjects/interface/JetCorrectorParameters.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0005 #include "Math/PtEtaPhiE4D.h"
0006 #include "Math/Vector3D.h"
0007 #include "Math/LorentzVector.h"
0008 #include <vector>
0009 #include <string>
0011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0012 JetCorrectionUncertainty::JetCorrectionUncertainty() {
0013   mJetEta = -9999;
0014   mJetPt = -9999;
0015   mJetPhi = -9999;
0016   mJetE = -9999;
0017   mJetEMF = -9999;
0018   mLepPx = -9999;
0019   mLepPy = -9999;
0020   mLepPz = -9999;
0021   mIsJetEset = false;
0022   mIsJetPtset = false;
0023   mIsJetPhiset = false;
0024   mIsJetEtaset = false;
0025   mIsJetEMFset = false;
0026   mIsLepPxset = false;
0027   mIsLepPyset = false;
0028   mIsLepPzset = false;
0029   mAddLepToJet = false;
0030   mUncertainty = new SimpleJetCorrectionUncertainty();
0031 }
0032 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0033 JetCorrectionUncertainty::JetCorrectionUncertainty(const std::string& fDataFile) {
0034   mJetEta = -9999;
0035   mJetPt = -9999;
0036   mJetPhi = -9999;
0037   mJetE = -9999;
0038   mJetEMF = -9999;
0039   mLepPx = -9999;
0040   mLepPy = -9999;
0041   mLepPz = -9999;
0042   mIsJetEset = false;
0043   mIsJetPtset = false;
0044   mIsJetPhiset = false;
0045   mIsJetEtaset = false;
0046   mIsJetEMFset = false;
0047   mIsLepPxset = false;
0048   mIsLepPyset = false;
0049   mIsLepPzset = false;
0050   mAddLepToJet = false;
0051   mUncertainty = new SimpleJetCorrectionUncertainty(fDataFile);
0052 }
0053 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0054 JetCorrectionUncertainty::JetCorrectionUncertainty(const JetCorrectorParameters& fParameters) {
0055   mJetEta = -9999;
0056   mJetPt = -9999;
0057   mJetPhi = -9999;
0058   mJetE = -9999;
0059   mJetEMF = -9999;
0060   mLepPx = -9999;
0061   mLepPy = -9999;
0062   mLepPz = -9999;
0063   mIsJetEset = false;
0064   mIsJetPtset = false;
0065   mIsJetPhiset = false;
0066   mIsJetEtaset = false;
0067   mIsJetEMFset = false;
0068   mIsLepPxset = false;
0069   mIsLepPyset = false;
0070   mIsLepPzset = false;
0071   mAddLepToJet = false;
0072   mUncertainty = new SimpleJetCorrectionUncertainty(fParameters);
0073 }
0074 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0075 JetCorrectionUncertainty::~JetCorrectionUncertainty() { delete mUncertainty; }
0076 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0077 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setParameters(const std::string& fDataFile) {
0078   //---- delete the mParameters pointer before setting the new address ---
0079   delete mUncertainty;
0080   mUncertainty = new SimpleJetCorrectionUncertainty(fDataFile);
0081 }
0082 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0083 float JetCorrectionUncertainty::getUncertainty(bool fDirection) {
0084   float result;
0085   std::vector<float> vx, vy;
0086   vx = fillVector(mUncertainty->parameters().definitions().binVar());
0087   vy = fillVector(mUncertainty->parameters().definitions().parVar());
0088   result = mUncertainty->uncertainty(vx, vy[0], fDirection);
0089   mIsJetEset = false;
0090   mIsJetPtset = false;
0091   mIsJetPhiset = false;
0092   mIsJetEtaset = false;
0093   mIsJetEMFset = false;
0094   mIsLepPxset = false;
0095   mIsLepPyset = false;
0096   mIsLepPzset = false;
0097   return result;
0098 }
0099 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0100 //--- Reads the parameter names and fills a vector of floats -------------
0101 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0102 std::vector<float> JetCorrectionUncertainty::fillVector(const std::vector<std::string>& fNames) {
0103   std::vector<float> result;
0104   for (unsigned i = 0; i < fNames.size(); i++) {
0105     if (fNames[i] == "JetEta") {
0106       if (!mIsJetEtaset) {
0107         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " jet eta is not set";
0108         result.push_back(-999.0);
0109       } else {
0110         result.push_back(mJetEta);
0111       }
0112     } else if (fNames[i] == "JetPt") {
0113       if (!mIsJetPtset) {
0114         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " jet pt is not set";
0115         result.push_back(-999.0);
0116       } else {
0117         result.push_back(mJetPt);
0118       }
0119     } else if (fNames[i] == "JetPhi") {
0120       if (!mIsJetPhiset) {
0121         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " jet phi is not set";
0122         result.push_back(-999.0);
0123       } else {
0124         result.push_back(mJetPhi);
0125       }
0126     } else if (fNames[i] == "JetE") {
0127       if (!mIsJetEset) {
0128         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " jet energy is not set";
0129         result.push_back(-999.0);
0130       } else {
0131         result.push_back(mJetE);
0132       }
0133     } else if (fNames[i] == "JetEMF") {
0134       if (!mIsJetEMFset) {
0135         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " jet emf is not set";
0136         result.push_back(-999.0);
0137       } else {
0138         result.push_back(mJetEMF);
0139       }
0140     } else if (fNames[i] == "LepPx") {
0141       if (!mIsLepPxset) {
0142         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " lepton px is not set";
0143         result.push_back(-999.0);
0144       } else {
0145         result.push_back(mLepPx);
0146       }
0147     } else if (fNames[i] == "LepPy") {
0148       if (!mIsLepPyset) {
0149         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " lepton py is not set";
0150         result.push_back(-999.0);
0151       } else {
0152         result.push_back(mLepPy);
0153       }
0154     } else if (fNames[i] == "LepPz") {
0155       if (!mIsLepPzset) {
0156         edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " lepton pz is not set";
0157         result.push_back(-999.0);
0158       } else {
0159         result.push_back(mLepPz);
0160       }
0161     }
0163     else {
0164       edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty::") << " unknown parameter " << fNames[i];
0165       result.push_back(-999.0);
0166     }
0167   }
0168   return result;
0169 }
0170 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0171 //--- Calculate the PtRel (needed for the SLB) ---------------------------
0172 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0173 float JetCorrectionUncertainty::getPtRel() {
0174   typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<float> > PtEtaPhiELorentzVector;
0175   typedef ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<float> > XYZVector;
0176   PtEtaPhiELorentzVector jet;
0177   XYZVector lep;
0178   jet.SetPt(mJetPt);
0179   jet.SetEta(mJetEta);
0180   jet.SetPhi(mJetPhi);
0181   jet.SetE(mJetE);
0182   lep.SetXYZ(mLepPx, mLepPy, mLepPz);
0183   float lj_x = (mAddLepToJet) ? lep.X() + jet.Px() : jet.Px();
0184   float lj_y = (mAddLepToJet) ? lep.Y() + jet.Py() : jet.Py();
0185   float lj_z = (mAddLepToJet) ? lep.Z() + jet.Pz() : jet.Pz();
0186   // absolute values squared
0187   float lj2 = lj_x * lj_x + lj_y * lj_y + lj_z * lj_z;
0188   float pTrel2 = -999.0;
0189   if (lj2 > 0) {
0190     float lep2 = lep.X() * lep.X() + lep.Y() * lep.Y() + lep.Z() * lep.Z();
0191     // projection vec(mu) to lepjet axis
0192     float lepXlj = lep.X() * lj_x + lep.Y() * lj_y + lep.Z() * lj_z;
0193     // absolute value squared and normalized
0194     float pLrel2 = lepXlj * lepXlj / lj2;
0195     // lep2 = pTrel2 + pLrel2
0196     pTrel2 = lep2 - pLrel2;
0197   } else
0198     edm::LogError("JetCorrectionUncertainty") << " not positive lepton-jet momentum: " << lj2;
0199   return (pTrel2 > 0) ? std::sqrt(pTrel2) : 0.0;
0200 }
0201 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0202 //--- Setters ------------------------------------------------------------
0203 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0204 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setJetEta(float fEta) {
0205   mJetEta = fEta;
0206   mIsJetEtaset = true;
0207 }
0208 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0209 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setJetPt(float fPt) {
0210   mJetPt = fPt;
0211   mIsJetPtset = true;
0212 }
0213 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0214 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setJetPhi(float fPhi) {
0215   mJetPhi = fPhi;
0216   mIsJetPhiset = true;
0217 }
0218 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0219 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setJetE(float fE) {
0220   mJetE = fE;
0221   mIsJetEset = true;
0222 }
0223 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0224 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setJetEMF(float fEMF) {
0225   mJetEMF = fEMF;
0226   mIsJetEMFset = true;
0227 }
0228 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0229 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setLepPx(float fPx) {
0230   mLepPx = fPx;
0231   mIsLepPxset = true;
0232 }
0233 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0234 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setLepPy(float fPy) {
0235   mLepPy = fPy;
0236   mIsLepPyset = true;
0237 }
0238 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0239 void JetCorrectionUncertainty::setLepPz(float fPz) {
0240   mLepPz = fPz;
0241   mIsLepPzset = true;
0242 }
0243 //------------------------------------------------------------------------