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0001 #include "CondFormats/SiStripObjects/interface/SiStripLatency.h"
0003 #include <algorithm>
0004 #include <iostream>
0005 #include <iterator>
0007 struct DetIdAndApvs {
0008   uint32_t detId;
0009   std::vector<uint16_t> apvs;
0010 };
0012 void test(const std::vector<DetIdAndApvs>& detIdAndApvs,
0013           const std::vector<int>& latencyIndexes,
0014           std::vector<uint16_t>& latencies,
0015           const std::vector<int>& modeIndexes,
0016           std::vector<uint16_t>& modes,
0017           SiStripLatency& latency) {
0018   int i = 0;
0019   int flip = 0;
0020   int modeFlip = 0;
0021   std::vector<DetIdAndApvs>::const_iterator detIdAndApv = detIdAndApvs.begin();
0022   for (; detIdAndApv != detIdAndApvs.end(); ++detIdAndApv) {
0023     std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator apv = detIdAndApv->apvs.begin();
0024     for (; apv != detIdAndApv->apvs.end(); ++apv, ++i) {
0025       // std::cout << "detId = " << detIdAndApv->detId << ", apv = " << *apv << ", detIdAndApv = " << compactValue << std::endl;
0027       if (find(latencyIndexes.begin(), latencyIndexes.end(), i) != latencyIndexes.end()) {
0028         if (flip == 0) {
0029           flip = 1;
0030         } else {
0031           flip = 0;
0032         }
0033       }
0035       if (find(modeIndexes.begin(), modeIndexes.end(), i) != modeIndexes.end()) {
0036         if (modeFlip == 10) {
0037           modeFlip = 0;
0038         } else {
0039           modeFlip = 10;
0040         }
0041       }
0043       // std::cout << "For i = " << i << " flip = " << flip << std::endl;
0044       latency.put(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv, 14 + flip, 37 + modeFlip);
0046       //       std::cout << "latency stored is = " << latency.latency(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv) << std::endl;
0047       latencies.push_back(latency.latency(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv));
0048       modes.push_back(latency.mode(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv));
0049       //       std::cout << std::endl;
0050     }
0051   }
0052   // Finished filling, now compress the ranges
0053   std::vector<SiStripLatency::Latency> latenciesBeforeCompression = latency.allLatencyAndModes();
0054   std::cout << "Ranges before compression = " << latenciesBeforeCompression.size() << std::endl;
0055   latency.compress();
0056   std::vector<SiStripLatency::Latency> latenciesAfterCompression = latency.allLatencyAndModes();
0057   std::cout << "Ranges after compression = " << latenciesAfterCompression.size() << std::endl;
0058 }
0060 void check(const std::vector<uint16_t>& latencies,
0061            const std::vector<uint16_t>& modes,
0062            const std::vector<DetIdAndApvs>& detIdAndApvs,
0063            SiStripLatency& latency) {
0064   if (latencies.size() != modes.size()) {
0065     std::cout << "Error: different size for latencies = " << latencies.size() << " and modes = " << modes.size()
0066               << std::endl;
0067     exit(1);
0068   }
0069   std::vector<DetIdAndApvs>::const_iterator detIdAndApv = detIdAndApvs.begin();
0070   std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator it = latencies.begin();
0071   std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator modeIt = modes.begin();
0072   detIdAndApv = detIdAndApvs.begin();
0073   int latencyErrorCount = 0;
0074   int modeErrorCount = 0;
0075   for (; detIdAndApv != detIdAndApvs.end(); ++detIdAndApv) {
0076     std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator apv = detIdAndApv->apvs.begin();
0077     for (; apv != detIdAndApv->apvs.end(); ++apv, ++it, ++modeIt) {
0078       uint32_t detId = detIdAndApv->detId;
0079       uint32_t detIdAndApvValue = (detId << 2) | (*apv);
0080       std::cout << "detId = " << detIdAndApv->detId << ", apv = " << *apv << ", detIdAndApv = " << detIdAndApvValue
0081                 << std::endl;
0082       std::cout << "latency passed = " << *it << ", latency saved = " << latency.latency(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv)
0083                 << std::endl;
0084       std::cout << "mode passed = " << *modeIt << ", mode saved = " << latency.mode(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv)
0085                 << std::endl;
0086       if (*it != latency.latency(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv)) {
0087         std::cout << "ERROR: the latency values are different" << std::endl;
0088         ++latencyErrorCount;
0089       }
0090       if (*modeIt != latency.mode(detIdAndApv->detId, *apv)) {
0091         std::cout << "ERROR: the mode values are different" << std::endl;
0092         ++modeErrorCount;
0093       }
0094     }
0095   }
0096   std::cout << std::endl;
0097   std::cout << "Single latency value = " << latency.singleLatency() << std::endl;
0098   std::cout << "Single mode value = " << latency.singleMode() << std::endl;
0100   std::ostream_iterator<uint16_t> output(std::cout, ", ");
0101   // Print all latencies
0102   std::vector<uint16_t> allLatenciesVector;
0103   latency.allLatencies(allLatenciesVector);
0104   std::cout << "All latencies in the Tracker = " << allLatenciesVector.size() << ", and are:" << std::endl;
0105   copy(allLatenciesVector.begin(), allLatenciesVector.end(), output);
0106   std::cout << std::endl;
0107   // Print all modes
0108   std::vector<uint16_t> allModesVector;
0109   latency.allModes(allModesVector);
0110   std::cout << "All modes in the Tracker = " << allModesVector.size() << ", and are:" << std::endl;
0111   copy(allModesVector.begin(), allModesVector.end(), output);
0112   std::cout << std::endl;
0114   std::cout << std::endl;
0115   std::cout << "Latency errors = " << latencyErrorCount << std::endl;
0116   std::cout << "Mode errors = " << modeErrorCount << std::endl;
0117   std::cout << std::endl;
0118   std::cout << "############################" << std::endl;
0119   std::cout << std::endl;
0120 }
0122 int main() {
0123   std::vector<DetIdAndApvs> detIdAndApvs;
0124   DetIdAndApvs element1;
0125   element1.detId = 100000;
0126   element1.apvs.push_back(0);
0127   element1.apvs.push_back(1);
0128   element1.apvs.push_back(2);
0129   element1.apvs.push_back(3);
0130   detIdAndApvs.push_back(element1);
0132   DetIdAndApvs element2;
0133   element2.detId = 100001;
0134   element2.apvs.push_back(0);
0135   element2.apvs.push_back(1);
0136   element2.apvs.push_back(2);
0137   element2.apvs.push_back(3);
0138   element2.apvs.push_back(4);
0139   element2.apvs.push_back(5);
0140   detIdAndApvs.push_back(element2);
0142   DetIdAndApvs element3;
0143   element3.detId = 9998;
0144   element3.apvs.push_back(0);
0145   element3.apvs.push_back(1);
0146   element3.apvs.push_back(2);
0147   element3.apvs.push_back(3);
0148   element3.apvs.push_back(4);
0149   element3.apvs.push_back(5);
0150   detIdAndApvs.push_back(element3);
0152   DetIdAndApvs element4;
0153   element4.detId = 9999;
0154   element4.apvs.push_back(0);
0155   element4.apvs.push_back(1);
0156   detIdAndApvs.push_back(element4);
0158   DetIdAndApvs element5;
0159   element5.detId = 100002;
0160   element5.apvs.push_back(0);
0161   element5.apvs.push_back(1);
0162   element5.apvs.push_back(2);
0163   element5.apvs.push_back(3);
0164   element5.apvs.push_back(4);
0165   element5.apvs.push_back(5);
0166   detIdAndApvs.push_back(element5);
0168   std::cout << "---------------------------------" << std::endl;
0169   std::cout << "Testing the SiStripLatency object" << std::endl;
0170   std::cout << "---------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
0172   std::cout << "Testing the empty case" << std::endl;
0173   std::cout << "----------------------" << std::endl;
0174   // Testing with all the same values. Expected final size of internal ranges and latencies = 1
0175   std::vector<int> latencyIndexes;
0176   std::vector<uint16_t> latencies;
0177   std::vector<int> modeIndexes;
0178   std::vector<uint16_t> modes;
0179   SiStripLatency latency1;
0180   test(detIdAndApvs, latencyIndexes, latencies, modeIndexes, modes, latency1);
0181   std::cout << std::endl;
0182   std::cout << "Filling complete, starting check" << std::endl;
0183   std::cout << std::endl;
0184   check(latencies, modes, detIdAndApvs, latency1);
0186   std::cout << std::endl;
0187   std::cout << "Testing a case with several ranges" << std::endl;
0188   std::cout << "----------------------------------" << std::endl;
0189   SiStripLatency latency2;
0190   latencyIndexes.push_back(3);
0191   latencyIndexes.push_back(5);
0192   latencyIndexes.push_back(10);
0193   latencyIndexes.push_back(11);
0194   latencies.clear();
0195   modeIndexes.push_back(4);
0196   modes.clear();
0197   test(detIdAndApvs, latencyIndexes, latencies, modeIndexes, modes, latency2);
0198   std::cout << std::endl;
0199   std::cout << "Filling complete, starting check" << std::endl;
0200   std::cout << std::endl;
0201   check(latencies, modes, detIdAndApvs, latency2);
0203   // Checking the method to retrieve all the unique (latencies,modes) pairs
0204   // Create a latency object with three combinations of latency and mode: (14, 37), (15, 37) and (15, 47)
0205   std::cout << "Checking the method to retrieve all the unique combinations of latency and mode" << std::endl;
0206   SiStripLatency latency3;
0207   latency3.put(1, 0, 14, 37);
0208   latency3.put(2, 0, 14, 37);
0209   latency3.put(3, 0, 15, 37);
0210   latency3.put(4, 0, 15, 47);
0211   std::cout << "Stored three combinations of latency and mode: (14, 37), (15, 37) and (15, 47)" << std::endl;
0213   std::vector<SiStripLatency::Latency> uniqueLatenciesAndModes(latency3.allUniqueLatencyAndModes());
0214   std::vector<SiStripLatency::Latency>::const_iterator it = uniqueLatenciesAndModes.begin();
0215   std::cout << "Reading back what is returned by the allUniqueLatencyAndModes method" << std::endl;
0216   for (; it != uniqueLatenciesAndModes.end(); ++it) {
0217     std::cout << "latency = " << int(it->latency) << ", mode = " << int(it->mode) << std::endl;
0218   }
0219   if (uniqueLatenciesAndModes.size() == 3) {
0220     std::cout << "Test passed" << std::endl;
0221   } else {
0222     std::cout << "ERROR: test not passed" << std::endl;
0223   }
0225   // Checking the case with different modes, but same Read-out mode.
0226   std::cout << "Checking the case with different modes, but same Read-out mode." << std::endl;
0227   SiStripLatency latency4;
0228   latency4.put(1, 0, 14, 37);
0229   latency4.put(2, 0, 14, 36);
0230   latency4.put(3, 0, 14, 37);
0231   latency4.put(4, 0, 14, 36);
0232   std::cout << "Stored two combinations of latency and mode: (14, 37), (14, 36)" << std::endl;
0233   std::cout << "The Read-out mode is the same and is deconvolution" << std::endl;
0235   if (latency4.singleReadOutMode() == 0) {
0236     std::cout << "Test passed" << std::endl;
0237   } else {
0238     std::cout << "ERROR: test not passed" << std::endl;
0239   }
0241   SiStripLatency latency5;
0242   latency5.put(1, 0, 14, 47);
0243   latency5.put(2, 0, 14, 46);
0244   latency5.put(3, 0, 14, 47);
0245   latency5.put(4, 0, 14, 46);
0246   std::cout << "Stored two combinations of latency and mode: (14, 47), (14, 46)" << std::endl;
0247   std::cout << "The Read-out mode is the same and is peak" << std::endl;
0249   if (latency5.singleReadOutMode() == 1) {
0250     std::cout << "Test passed" << std::endl;
0251   } else {
0252     std::cout << "ERROR: test not passed" << std::endl;
0253   }
0255   SiStripLatency latency6;
0256   latency6.put(1, 0, 14, 47);
0257   latency6.put(2, 0, 14, 46);
0258   latency6.put(3, 0, 14, 37);
0259   latency6.put(4, 0, 14, 36);
0260   std::cout << "Stored four combinations of latency and mode: (14, 47), (14, 46), (14, 37), (14, 36)" << std::endl;
0261   std::cout << "The Read-out mode is mixed" << std::endl;
0263   if (latency6.singleReadOutMode() == -1) {
0264     std::cout << "Test passed" << std::endl;
0265   } else {
0266     std::cout << "ERROR: test not passed" << std::endl;
0267   }
0269   return 0;
0270 }