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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 from CondCore.Utilities.popcon2dropbox_job_conf import options, psetForRecord, setup_popcon
0003 import CondTools.Ecal.db_credentials as auth
0005 recordName = "EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRcd"
0006 tagTimeType = "timestamp"
0008 process = setup_popcon( recordName, tagTimeType )
0010 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
0011     debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('*'),
0012     destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('cout')
0013 )
0015 process.essource = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource",
0016                                 connect = cms.string( str(options.destinationDatabase)),
0017                                 DumpStat=cms.untracked.bool(True),
0018                                 toGet = cms.VPSet( psetForRecord( recordName ) )
0019 )
0021 db_reader_account = 'CMS_ECAL_R'
0022 db_service,db_user,db_pwd = auth.get_db_credentials( db_reader_account )
0024 process.conf_o2o = cms.EDAnalyzer("ExTestEcalLaserAnalyzer",
0025     SinceAppendMode = cms.bool(True),
0026     record = cms.string( recordName ),
0027     loggingOn = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0028     Source = cms.PSet(
0029   # maxtime is mandatory
0030   # it can be expressed either as an absolute time with format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS
0031   # or as a relative time w.r.t. now, using -N, where N is expressed in units of hours
0032       maxtime = cms.string("-1"),
0033       sequences = cms.string("20"),  
0034       OnlineDBUser = cms.string(db_user),
0035     # debug must be False for production
0036       debug = cms.bool(False),
0037     # if fake is True, no insertion in the db is performed
0038       fake = cms.bool(False),
0039       OnlineDBPassword = cms.string(db_pwd),
0040       OnlineDBSID = cms.string(db_service)    
0041     ),
0042     targetDBConnectionString = cms.untracked.string(str(options.destinationDatabase))
0043 )
0045 process.p = cms.Path(process.conf_o2o)