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Warning, /CondTools/IntegrationTest/test/ValidationProcedure.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 DT:
0002   //clean up schema CMS_COND_DT 
0003   //check out directory CondTools/IntegrationTest and build test directory
0004   //get an authentication.xml from somewhere into the working dir
0005   cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/CondTools/IntegrationTest/test
0006   ../../OracleDBA/scripts/ --auth ./authentication.xml --offline_connect oracle://devdb10/CMS_COND_DT DT
0007   $LOCALRT/test/${SCRAM_ARCH}/validateWriteDTTtrig
0008   $LOCALRT/test/${SCRAM_ARCH}/validateWriteDTT0
0009   $LOCALRT/test/${SCRAM_ARCH}/validateWriteDTMap
0010   cmsRun ../data/validate_dt_devdb10.cfg
0012 Strip:
0013   Note: work with CMSSW_0_9_0_pre3, doesn't work with CMSSW_1_0_x, authentication problem in accessing omds/configuration db
0014   cvs co CondCore/DBOutputService 
0015   cvs co CondTools
0016   cvs co CalibTracker/SiStripPedestals/test
0017   cvs co CommonTools/SiStripZeroSuppression
0018   compile CondCore/DBOutputService #to get in a fix released with 1_0_0_pre1
0019   compile CalibTracker/SiStripPedestals/test
0020   compile CommonTools/SiStripZeroSuppression
0021   cd CalibTracker/SiStripPedestals/test
0022   #add my private authentication to the official db list
0023   cp /afs/ .
0024   modify it to include my private test sqlite db
0025   #prepare sqlite schema
0026   ../../../CondTools/OracleDBA/scripts/ --offline_connect sqlite_file:pippo.db --auth ./authentication.xml STRIP 
0027   #prepare devdb10 schema
0028   //clean up schema CMS_COND_STRIP with nuke_tables.sql
0029   ../../../CondTools/OracleDBA/scripts/ --offline_connect oracle://devdb10/CMS_COND_STRIP --auth ./authentication.xml STRIP
0030   #write data to devdb10
0031   ./ -IOV=1 -ConfigDbVersion=8.189 -doPedNoiseTransfer -doFedCablingTransfer -first_upload -offline_connect=oracle://devdb10/CMS_COND_STRIP -catalog=relationalcatalog_oracle://devdb10/CMS_COND_GENERAL
0032   #make histogram from oracle data
0033   ./ -run=10 -offline_connect=oracle://devdb10/CMS_COND_STRIP -catalog=relationalcatalog_oracle://devdb10/CMS_COND_GENERAL
0034   #write data to private sqlite db
0035   ./ -IOV=2 -ConfigDbVersion=8.189 -doPedNoiseTransfer -doFedCablingTransfer  -first_upload -offline_connect=sqlite_file:pippo.db -catalog=file:whatever.xml
0036   #make histogram from sqlite data
0037   ./ -run=15 -offline_connect=sqlite_file:pippo.db -catalog=file:whatever.xml
0038   #compare the histogram on pg2 produced by oracle and sqlite
0039   gv  /tmp/${USER}/Display/
0040   gv  /tmp/${USER}/Display/