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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:03:19

0001 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0003 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/ConnectionPool.h"
0004 #include "CondFormats/Common/interface/TimeConversions.h"
0005 #include "CondTools/RunInfo/interface/FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h"
0006 #include "RelationalAccess/ISessionProxy.h"
0007 #include "RelationalAccess/ISchema.h"
0008 #include "RelationalAccess/IQuery.h"
0009 #include "RelationalAccess/ICursor.h"
0010 #include "CoralBase/AttributeList.h"
0011 #include "CoralBase/Attribute.h"
0012 #include "CoralBase/AttributeSpecification.h"
0013 #include "CoralBase/TimeStamp.h"
0014 #include <iostream>
0015 #include <memory>
0016 #include <sstream>
0017 #include <utility>
0018 #include <vector>
0020 FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::FillInfoPopConSourceHandler(edm::ParameterSet const &pset)
0021     : m_debug(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug", false)),
0022       m_firstFill((unsigned short)pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("firstFill", 1)),
0023       m_lastFill((unsigned short)pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("lastFill", m_firstFill)),
0024       m_name(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("name", "FillInfoPopConSourceHandler")),
0025       m_connectionString(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("connectionString", "")),
0026       m_dipSchema(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("DIPSchema", "")),
0027       m_authpath(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("authenticationPath", "")) {}
0029 FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::~FillInfoPopConSourceHandler() {}
0031 void FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::getNewObjects() {
0032   //reference to the last payload in the tag
0033   Ref previousFill;
0035   //if a new tag is created, transfer fake fill from 1 to the first fill for the first time
0036   if (tagInfo().size == 0) {
0037     edm::LogInfo(m_name) << "New tag " << tagInfo().name << "; from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0038   } else {
0039     //check what is already inside the database
0040     edm::LogInfo(m_name) << "got info for tag " << tagInfo().name << ": size " << tagInfo().size
0041                          << ", last object valid since " << tagInfo().lastInterval.since << " ( "
0042                          << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(
0043                                 cond::time::to_boost(tagInfo().lastInterval.since))
0044                          << " ); from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0045     //retrieve the last payload...
0046     previousFill = this->lastPayload();
0047     //checking its content
0048     edm::LogInfo(m_name) << "The last payload in tag " << tagInfo().name << " valid since "
0049                          << tagInfo().lastInterval.since << " has token " << tagInfo().lastInterval.payloadId
0050                          << " and values:\n"
0051                          << *previousFill << "from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0052     if (m_firstFill <= previousFill->fillNumber()) {
0053       //either we are trying to put the same value, or we want to put an older fill:
0054       //the first fill will become the previous one plus one
0055       std::ostringstream es;
0056       es << "Trying to insert fill number " << m_firstFill
0057          << ((m_firstFill < previousFill->fillNumber()) ? ", which is an older fill than "
0058                                                         : ", which is the same fill as ")
0059          << "the last one in the destination tag " << previousFill->fillNumber()
0060          << ": the first fill to be looked for will become " << previousFill->fillNumber() + 1;
0061       edm::LogWarning(m_name) << es.str() << "; from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0062       m_firstFill = previousFill->fillNumber() + 1;
0063     }
0064   }
0066   //if the last fill to be looked for is smaller than the first one send error message and return
0067   //this check cannot be done before, as we should find which is the first fill to query
0068   if (m_firstFill > m_lastFill) {
0069     edm::LogError(m_name) << "WRONG CONFIGURATION! The first fill " << m_firstFill
0070                           << " cannot be larger than the last one " << m_lastFill << " EXITING. from " << m_name
0071                           << "::getNewObjects";
0072     return;
0073   }
0075   //retrieve the data from the relational database source
0076   cond::persistency::ConnectionPool connection;
0077   //configure the connection
0078   if (m_debug) {
0079     connection.setMessageVerbosity(coral::Debug);
0080   } else {
0081     connection.setMessageVerbosity(coral::Error);
0082   }
0083   connection.setAuthenticationPath(m_authpath);
0084   connection.configure();
0085   //create a sessiom
0086   cond::persistency::Session session = connection.createSession(m_connectionString, true);
0087   //run the first query against the schema logging fill information
0088   coral::ISchema &runTimeLoggerSchema = session.nominalSchema();
0089   //start the transaction against the fill logging schema
0090   session.transaction().start(true);
0091   //prepare the query:
0092   std::unique_ptr<coral::IQuery> fillDataQuery(runTimeLoggerSchema.newQuery());
0093   //FROM clause
0094   fillDataQuery->addToTableList(std::string("RUNTIME_SUMMARY"));
0095   //SELECT clause
0096   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("LHCFILL"));
0097   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("NBUNCHESBEAM1"));
0098   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("NBUNCHESBEAM2"));
0099   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("NCOLLIDINGBUNCHES"));
0100   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("NTARGETBUNCHES"));
0101   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("RUNTIME_TYPE_ID"));
0102   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("PARTY1"));
0103   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("PARTY2"));
0104   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("CROSSINGANGLE"));
0105   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("BETASTAR"));
0106   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("INTENSITYBEAM1"));
0107   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("INTENSITYBEAM2"));
0108   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("ENERGY"));
0109   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("CREATETIME"));
0110   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("BEGINTIME"));
0111   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("ENDTIME"));
0112   fillDataQuery->addToOutputList(std::string("INJECTIONSCHEME"));
0113   //WHERE clause
0114   coral::AttributeList fillDataBindVariables;
0115   fillDataBindVariables.extend(std::string("firstFillNumber"), typeid(unsigned short));
0116   fillDataBindVariables[std::string("firstFillNumber")].data<unsigned short>() = m_firstFill;
0117   fillDataBindVariables.extend(std::string("lastFillNumber"), typeid(unsigned short));
0118   fillDataBindVariables[std::string("lastFillNumber")].data<unsigned short>() = m_lastFill;
0119   //by imposing BEGINTIME IS NOT NULL, we remove fills which never went into stable beams,
0120   //or the most recent one, just declared but not yet in stable beams
0121   std::string conditionStr("BEGINTIME IS NOT NULL AND LHCFILL BETWEEN :firstFillNumber AND :lastFillNumber");
0122   fillDataQuery->setCondition(conditionStr, fillDataBindVariables);
0123   //ORDER BY clause
0124   fillDataQuery->addToOrderList(std::string("LHCFILL"));
0125   //define query output
0126   coral::AttributeList fillDataOutput;
0127   fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>(std::string("LHCFILL"));
0128   fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>(std::string("NBUNCHESBEAM1"));
0129   fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>(std::string("NBUNCHESBEAM2"));
0130   fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>(std::string("NCOLLIDINGBUNCHES"));
0131   fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>(std::string("NTARGETBUNCHES"));
0132   fillDataOutput.extend<int>(std::string("RUNTIME_TYPE_ID"));
0133   fillDataOutput.extend<int>(std::string("PARTY1"));
0134   fillDataOutput.extend<int>(std::string("PARTY2"));
0135   fillDataOutput.extend<float>(std::string("CROSSINGANGLE"));
0136   fillDataOutput.extend<float>(std::string("BETASTAR"));
0137   fillDataOutput.extend<float>(std::string("INTENSITYBEAM1"));
0138   fillDataOutput.extend<float>(std::string("INTENSITYBEAM2"));
0139   fillDataOutput.extend<float>(std::string("ENERGY"));
0140   fillDataOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>(std::string("CREATETIME"));
0141   fillDataOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>(std::string("BEGINTIME"));
0142   fillDataOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>(std::string("ENDTIME"));
0143   fillDataOutput.extend<std::string>(std::string("INJECTIONSCHEME"));
0144   fillDataQuery->defineOutput(fillDataOutput);
0145   //execute the query
0146   coral::ICursor &fillDataCursor = fillDataQuery->execute();
0147   //initialize loop variables
0148   unsigned short previousFillNumber = 1;
0149   unsigned short currentFill = m_firstFill;
0150   cond::Time_t previousFillEndTime = 0ULL, afterPreviousFillEndTime = 0ULL, beforeStableBeamStartTime = 0ULL;
0151   if (tagInfo().size > 0) {
0152     previousFillNumber = previousFill->fillNumber();
0153     previousFillEndTime = previousFill->endTime();
0154   }
0155   unsigned short bunches1 = 0, bunches2 = 0, collidingBunches = 0, targetBunches = 0;
0156   FillInfo::FillTypeId fillType = FillInfo::UNKNOWN;
0157   FillInfo::ParticleTypeId particleType1 = FillInfo::NONE, particleType2 = FillInfo::NONE;
0158   float crossingAngle = 0., betastar = 0., intensityBeam1 = 0., intensityBeam2 = 0., energy = 0.;
0159   coral::TimeStamp stableBeamStartTimeStamp, beamDumpTimeStamp;
0160   cond::Time_t creationTime = 0ULL, stableBeamStartTime = 0ULL, beamDumpTime = 0ULL;
0161   std::string injectionScheme("None");
0162   std::ostringstream ss;
0163   //loop over the cursor where the result of the query were fetched
0164   while ( {
0165     if (m_debug) {
0166       std::ostringstream qs;
0167       fillDataCursor.currentRow().toOutputStream(qs);
0168       edm::LogInfo(m_name) << qs.str() << "\nfrom " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0169     }
0170     currentFill = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("LHCFILL")].data<unsigned short>();
0171     coral::Attribute const &bunches1Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("NBUNCHESBEAM1")];
0172     if (bunches1Attribute.isNull()) {
0173       bunches1 = 0;
0174     } else {
0175       bunches1 =<unsigned short>();
0176     }
0177     coral::Attribute const &bunches2Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("NBUNCHESBEAM2")];
0178     if (bunches2Attribute.isNull()) {
0179       bunches2 = 0;
0180     } else {
0181       bunches2 =<unsigned short>();
0182     }
0183     coral::Attribute const &collidingBunchesAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("NCOLLIDINGBUNCHES")];
0184     if (collidingBunchesAttribute.isNull()) {
0185       collidingBunches = 0;
0186     } else {
0187       collidingBunches =<unsigned short>();
0188     }
0189     coral::Attribute const &targetBunchesAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("NTARGETBUNCHES")];
0190     if (targetBunchesAttribute.isNull()) {
0191       targetBunches = 0;
0192     } else {
0193       targetBunches =<unsigned short>();
0194     }
0196     fillType =
0197         static_cast<FillInfo::FillTypeId>(fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("RUNTIME_TYPE_ID")].data<int>());
0198     coral::Attribute const &particleType1Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("PARTY1")];
0199     if (particleType1Attribute.isNull()) {
0200       particleType1 = FillInfo::NONE;
0201     } else {
0202       particleType1 = static_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId>(<int>());
0203     }
0204     coral::Attribute const &particleType2Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("PARTY2")];
0205     if (particleType2Attribute.isNull()) {
0206       particleType2 = FillInfo::NONE;
0207     } else {
0208       particleType2 = static_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId>(<int>());
0209     }
0210     coral::Attribute const &crossingAngleAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("CROSSINGANGLE")];
0211     if (crossingAngleAttribute.isNull()) {
0212       crossingAngle = 0.;
0213     } else {
0214       crossingAngle =<float>();
0215     }
0216     coral::Attribute const &betastarAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("BETASTAR")];
0217     if (betastarAttribute.isNull()) {
0218       betastar = 0.;
0219     } else {
0220       betastar =<float>();
0221     }
0222     coral::Attribute const &intensityBeam1Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("INTENSITYBEAM1")];
0223     if (intensityBeam1Attribute.isNull()) {
0224       intensityBeam1 = 0.;
0225     } else {
0226       intensityBeam1 =<float>();
0227     }
0228     coral::Attribute const &intensityBeam2Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("INTENSITYBEAM2")];
0229     if (intensityBeam2Attribute.isNull()) {
0230       intensityBeam2 = 0.;
0231     } else {
0232       intensityBeam2 =<float>();
0233     }
0234     coral::Attribute const &energyAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("ENERGY")];
0235     if (energyAttribute.isNull()) {
0236       energy = 0.;
0237     } else {
0238       energy =<float>();
0239     }
0241     creationTime =
0242         cond::time::from_boost(fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("CREATETIME")].data<coral::TimeStamp>().time());
0243     //BEGINTIME is imposed to be NOT NULL in the WHERE clause
0244     stableBeamStartTimeStamp = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("BEGINTIME")].data<coral::TimeStamp>();
0245     stableBeamStartTime = cond::time::from_boost(stableBeamStartTimeStamp.time());
0246     coral::Attribute const &beamDumpTimeAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("ENDTIME")];
0247     if (beamDumpTimeAttribute.isNull()) {
0248       beamDumpTime = 0;
0249     } else {
0250       beamDumpTimeStamp =<coral::TimeStamp>();
0251       beamDumpTime = cond::time::from_boost(beamDumpTimeStamp.time());
0252     }
0253     coral::Attribute const &injectionSchemeAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[std::string("INJECTIONSCHEME")];
0254     if (injectionSchemeAttribute.isNull()) {
0255       injectionScheme = std::string("None");
0256     } else {
0257       injectionScheme =<std::string>();
0258     }
0259     //fix an inconsistency in RunTimeLogger: if the fill type is defined, the particle type should reflect it!
0260     if (fillType != FillInfo::UNKNOWN && (particleType1 == FillInfo::NONE || particleType2 == FillInfo::NONE)) {
0261       switch (fillType) {
0262         case FillInfo::PROTONS:
0263           particleType1 = FillInfo::PROTON;
0264           particleType2 = FillInfo::PROTON;
0265           break;
0266         case FillInfo::IONS:
0267           particleType1 = FillInfo::PB82;
0268           particleType2 = FillInfo::PB82;
0269           break;
0270         case FillInfo::UNKNOWN:
0271         case FillInfo::COSMICS:
0272         case FillInfo::GAP:
0273           break;
0274       }
0275     }
0276     //if the end time of the fill is 0 (i.e. timestamp null), it is still ongoing: do not store!
0277     if (beamDumpTime == 0) {
0278       edm::LogWarning(m_name) << "NO TRANSFER NEEDED: the fill number " << currentFill << " is still ongoing"
0279                               << "; from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0280       continue;
0281     }
0282     //run the second and third query against the schema hosting detailed DIP information
0283     coral::ISchema &beamCondSchema = session.coralSession().schema(m_dipSchema);
0284     //start the transaction against the DIP "deep" database backend schema
0285     session.transaction().start(true);
0286     //prepare the WHERE clause for both queries
0287     coral::AttributeList bunchConfBindVariables;
0288     bunchConfBindVariables.extend<coral::TimeStamp>(std::string("stableBeamStartTimeStamp"));
0289     bunchConfBindVariables[std::string("stableBeamStartTimeStamp")].data<coral::TimeStamp>() = stableBeamStartTimeStamp;
0290     conditionStr = std::string("DIPTIME <= :stableBeamStartTimeStamp");
0291     //define the output types for both queries
0292     coral::AttributeList bunchConfOutput;
0293     bunchConfOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>(std::string("DIPTIME"));
0294     bunchConfOutput.extend<unsigned short>(std::string("BUCKET"));
0295     //execute query for Beam 1
0296     std::unique_ptr<coral::IQuery> bunchConf1Query(beamCondSchema.newQuery());
0297     bunchConf1Query->addToTableList(std::string("LHC_CIRCBUNCHCONFIG_BEAM1"),
0298                                     std::string("BEAMCONF\", TABLE( BEAMCONF.VALUE ) \"BUCKETS"));
0299     bunchConf1Query->addToOutputList(std::string("BEAMCONF.DIPTIME"), std::string("DIPTIME"));
0300     bunchConf1Query->addToOutputList(std::string("BUCKETS.COLUMN_VALUE"), std::string("BUCKET"));
0301     bunchConf1Query->setCondition(conditionStr, bunchConfBindVariables);
0302     bunchConf1Query->addToOrderList(std::string("DIPTIME DESC"));
0303     bunchConf1Query->limitReturnedRows(FillInfo::availableBunchSlots);  //maximum number of filled bunches
0304     bunchConf1Query->defineOutput(bunchConfOutput);
0305     coral::ICursor &bunchConf1Cursor = bunchConf1Query->execute();
0306     std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots + 1> bunchConfiguration1(0ULL);
0307     while ( {
0308       if (m_debug) {
0309         std::ostringstream b1s;
0310         fillDataCursor.currentRow().toOutputStream(b1s);
0311         edm::LogInfo(m_name) << b1s.str() << "\nfrom " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0312       }
0313       //bunchConf1Cursor.currentRow().toOutputStream( std::cout ) << std::endl;
0314       if (bunchConf1Cursor.currentRow()[std::string("BUCKET")].data<unsigned short>() != 0) {
0315         unsigned short slot =
0316             (bunchConf1Cursor.currentRow()[std::string("BUCKET")].data<unsigned short>() - 1) / 10 + 1;
0317         bunchConfiguration1[slot] = true;
0318       }
0319     }
0320     //execute query for Beam 2
0321     std::unique_ptr<coral::IQuery> bunchConf2Query(beamCondSchema.newQuery());
0322     bunchConf2Query->addToTableList(std::string("LHC_CIRCBUNCHCONFIG_BEAM2"),
0323                                     std::string("BEAMCONF\", TABLE( BEAMCONF.VALUE ) \"BUCKETS"));
0324     bunchConf2Query->addToOutputList(std::string("BEAMCONF.DIPTIME"), std::string("DIPTIME"));
0325     bunchConf2Query->addToOutputList(std::string("BUCKETS.COLUMN_VALUE"), std::string("BUCKET"));
0326     bunchConf2Query->setCondition(conditionStr, bunchConfBindVariables);
0327     bunchConf2Query->addToOrderList(std::string("DIPTIME DESC"));
0328     bunchConf2Query->limitReturnedRows(FillInfo::availableBunchSlots);  //maximum number of filled bunches
0329     bunchConf2Query->defineOutput(bunchConfOutput);
0330     coral::ICursor &bunchConf2Cursor = bunchConf2Query->execute();
0331     std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots + 1> bunchConfiguration2(0ULL);
0332     while ( {
0333       if (m_debug) {
0334         std::ostringstream b2s;
0335         fillDataCursor.currentRow().toOutputStream(b2s);
0336         edm::LogInfo(m_name) << b2s.str() << "\nfrom " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0337       }
0338       if (bunchConf2Cursor.currentRow()[std::string("BUCKET")].data<unsigned short>() != 0) {
0339         unsigned short slot =
0340             (bunchConf2Cursor.currentRow()[std::string("BUCKET")].data<unsigned short>() - 1) / 10 + 1;
0341         bunchConfiguration2[slot] = true;
0342       }
0343     }
0344     //commit the transaction against the DIP "deep" database backend schema
0345     session.transaction().commit();
0347     //store dummy fill information if empty fills are found beetween the two last ones in stable beams
0348     afterPreviousFillEndTime = cond::time::pack(std::make_pair(cond::time::unpack(previousFillEndTime).first,
0349                                                                cond::time::unpack(previousFillEndTime).second + 1));
0350     beforeStableBeamStartTime = cond::time::pack(std::make_pair(cond::time::unpack(stableBeamStartTime).first,
0351                                                                 cond::time::unpack(stableBeamStartTime).second - 1));
0352     if (afterPreviousFillEndTime < stableBeamStartTime) {
0353       edm::LogInfo(m_name) << "Entering fake fill between fill number " << previousFillNumber
0354                            << " and current fill number " << currentFill << ", from " << afterPreviousFillEndTime
0355                            << " ( "
0356                            << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(cond::time::to_boost(afterPreviousFillEndTime))
0357                            << " ) to " << beforeStableBeamStartTime << " ( "
0358                            << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(cond::time::to_boost(beforeStableBeamStartTime))
0359                            << " ); from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0360       m_to_transfer.push_back(std::make_pair(new FillInfo(), afterPreviousFillEndTime));
0361     } else {
0362       //the current fill cannot start before the previous one!
0363       edm::LogError(m_name) << "WRONG DATA! In the previous fill number " << previousFillNumber
0364                             << " beams were dumped at timestamp "
0365                             << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(cond::time::to_boost(previousFillEndTime))
0366                             << ", which is not before the timestamp "
0367                             << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(cond::time::to_boost(stableBeamStartTime))
0368                             << " when current fill number " << currentFill << " entered stable beams. EXITING. from "
0369                             << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0370       return;
0371     }
0372     //construct an instance of FillInfo and set its values
0373     FillInfo *fillInfo = new FillInfo(currentFill);
0374     fillInfo->setBeamInfo(const_cast<unsigned short const &>(bunches1),
0375                           const_cast<unsigned short const &>(bunches2),
0376                           const_cast<unsigned short const &>(collidingBunches),
0377                           const_cast<unsigned short const &>(targetBunches),
0378                           const_cast<FillInfo::FillTypeId const &>(fillType),
0379                           const_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const &>(particleType1),
0380                           const_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const &>(particleType2),
0381                           const_cast<float const &>(crossingAngle),
0382                           const_cast<float const &>(betastar),
0383                           const_cast<float const &>(intensityBeam1),
0384                           const_cast<float const &>(intensityBeam2),
0385                           const_cast<float const &>(energy),
0386                           const_cast<cond::Time_t const &>(creationTime),
0387                           const_cast<cond::Time_t const &>(stableBeamStartTime),
0388                           const_cast<cond::Time_t const &>(beamDumpTime),
0389                           const_cast<std::string const &>(injectionScheme),
0390                           const_cast<std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots + 1> const &>(bunchConfiguration1),
0391                           const_cast<std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots + 1> const &>(bunchConfiguration2));
0392     //store this payload
0393     m_to_transfer.push_back(std::make_pair((FillInfo *)fillInfo, stableBeamStartTime));
0394     edm::LogInfo(m_name) << "The new payload to be inserted into tag " << tagInfo().name << " with validity "
0395                          << stableBeamStartTime << " ( "
0396                          << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(cond::time::to_boost(stableBeamStartTime))
0397                          << " ) has values:\n"
0398                          << *fillInfo << "from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
0399     //add log information
0400     ss << " fill = " << currentFill << ";\tinjection scheme: " << injectionScheme
0401        << ";\tstart time: " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(stableBeamStartTimeStamp.time())
0402        << ";\tend time: " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(beamDumpTimeStamp.time()) << "." << std::endl;
0403     //prepare variables for next iteration
0404     previousFillNumber = currentFill;
0405     previousFillEndTime = beamDumpTime;
0406   }
0407   //commit the transaction against the fill logging schema
0408   session.transaction().commit();
0409   //close the session
0410   session.close();
0411   //store log information
0412   m_userTextLog = ss.str();
0413   edm::LogInfo(m_name) << "Transferring " << m_to_transfer.size() << " payload(s); from " << m_name
0414                        << "::getNewObjects";
0415 }
0417 std::string FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::id() const { return m_name; }