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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing as opts
0003 import csv
0004 from io import open
0006 options = opts.VarParsing ('standard')
0008 options.register('MagField',
0009                  None,
0010                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0011                  opts.VarParsing.varType.float,
0012                  'Magnetic field value in Tesla')
0013 options.register('Year',
0014                  None,
0015                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0016                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0017                  'Current year for versioning')
0018 options.register('Version',
0019                  None,
0020                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0021                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0022                  'Template DB object version')
0023 options.register('Append',
0024                  None,
0025                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0026                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0027                  'Any additional string to add to the filename, i.e. "bugfix", etc.')
0028 options.register('Map',
0029                  '../data/template2D_phase1_2017_IOV1/IOV1_phase1_map.csv',
0030                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0031                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0032                  'Path to map file')
0033 options.register('Delimiter',
0034                  ',',
0035                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0036                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0037                  'Delimiter in csv file')
0038 options.register('Quotechar',
0039                  '"',
0040                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0041                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0042                  'Quotechar in csv file')
0043 options.register('TemplateFilePath',
0044                  'CondTools/SiPixel/data/template2D_phase1_2017_IOV1',
0045                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0046                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0047                  'Location of template files')
0048 options.register('GlobalTag',
0049                  'auto:phase2_realistic_T21', # as needed by the unit test
0050                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0051                  opts.VarParsing.varType.string,
0052                  'Global tag for this run')
0053 options.register('numerator',
0054                  False,
0055                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0056                  opts.VarParsing.varType.bool,
0057                  'Switch on to produce the DB object for the numerators of the reweighting factors')
0058 options.register('denominator',
0059                  False,
0060                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0061                  opts.VarParsing.varType.bool,
0062                  'Switch on to produce the DB object for the denominators of the reweighting factors')
0063 options.register('useVectorIndices',
0064                  False,
0065                  opts.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton,
0066                  opts.VarParsing.varType.bool,
0067                  'Switch on in case Morris uses vector indices in csv file, eg. [0,(N-1)] instead of [1,N]')
0068 options.parseArguments()
0070 if options.numerator==False and options.denominator==False :
0071     print('ERROR: Neither numerator nor denominator option was selected. Please rerun with numerator/denominator=True options.')
0072     quit()
0073 if options.numerator==True and options.denominator==True :
0074     print('ERROR: Both numerator and denominator options are true. Please rerun with only one of numerator/denominator=True.')
0075     quit()
0077 MagFieldValue = 10.*options.MagField #code needs it in deciTesla
0078 print('\nMagField = %f deciTesla \n'%(MagFieldValue))
0079 version = options.Version
0080 print('\nVersion = %s \n'%(version))
0081 magfieldstrsplit = str(options.MagField).split('.')
0082 MagFieldString = magfieldstrsplit[0]
0083 if len(magfieldstrsplit)>1 :
0084     MagFieldString+=magfieldstrsplit[1]
0086 #open the map file
0087 mapfile = open(options.Map,'r', newline='')
0088 #read the csv file into a reader
0089 mapfilereader = csv.reader(mapfile,delimiter=options.Delimiter,quotechar=options.Quotechar)
0090 #separate into the different sections
0091 barrel_rule_lines = []; endcap_rule_lines = []
0092 barrel_exception_lines = []; endcap_exception_lines = []
0093 sections = [barrel_rule_lines, endcap_rule_lines, barrel_exception_lines, endcap_exception_lines]
0094 i=0; line = next(mapfilereader)
0095 for i in range(len(sections)) :
0096     while line[0].find('TEMPLATE ID')==-1 : #skip to just before the section of info
0097         line=next(mapfilereader)
0098     try :
0099         line=next(mapfilereader)
0100     except StopIteration :
0101         print('Done reading input file')
0102         break
0103     while line[1]!='' : #add the lines that are the barrel rules
0104         sections[i].append(line) 
0105         try :
0106             line=next(mapfilereader)
0107         except StopIteration :
0108             print('Done reading input file')
0109             break
0110 #print 'barrel rules = %s\nendcap rules = %s\nbarrel exceptions = %s\nendcap exceptions = %s'%(barrel_rule_lines,endcap_rule_lines,barrel_exception_lines,endcap_exception_lines) #DEBUG
0111 #Make the lists of location strings and template IDs
0112 barrel_locations = []
0113 barrel_template_IDs = []
0114 endcap_locations = []
0115 endcap_template_IDs = []
0116 template_filenames = []
0117 prefix = options.TemplateFilePath+'/template_summary2D_zp'
0118 suffix = '.out'
0119 for s in range(len(sections)) :
0120     for line in sections[s] :
0121     #   print 'reading line: %s'%(line) #DEBUG
0122         template_ID_s = line[0]
0123         while len(template_ID_s)<4 :
0124             template_ID_s='0'+template_ID_s
0125         newtemplatefilename = prefix+template_ID_s+suffix
0126         template_ID = int(template_ID_s)
0127         if not newtemplatefilename in template_filenames :
0128             template_filenames.append(newtemplatefilename)
0129         if s%2==0 :
0130             lay, lad, mod = line[1], line[2], line[3]
0131     #       print ' lay = %s, lad = %s, mod = %s'%(lay, lad, mod) #DEBUG
0132             #barrel ID strings are "layer_ladder_module"
0133             laysplit = lay.split('-'); firstlay=int(laysplit[0]); lastlay= int(laysplit[1])+1 if len(laysplit)>1 else firstlay+1
0134             for i in range(firstlay,lastlay) :
0135                 lay_string = str(i)+'_'
0136                 ladsplit = lad.split('-'); firstlad=int(ladsplit[0]); lastlad= int(ladsplit[1])+1 if len(ladsplit)>1 else firstlad+1
0137                 for j in range(firstlad,lastlad) :
0138                     lad_string = lay_string+str(j)+'_'
0139                     modsplit = mod.split('-'); firstmod=int(modsplit[0]); lastmod= int(modsplit[1])+1 if len(modsplit)>1 else firstmod+1
0140                     for k in range(firstmod,lastmod) :
0141                         location_string = lad_string+str(k)
0142                         if s==0 :
0143     #                       print ' Adding with location string "%s" and template ID %d'%(location_string,template_ID) #DEBUG
0144                             barrel_locations.append(location_string)
0145                             barrel_template_IDs.append(template_ID)
0146                         else :
0147                             location_index = barrel_locations.index(location_string)
0148                             barrel_template_IDs[location_index]=template_ID
0149         else : 
0150             disk, blade, side, panel = line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4]
0151             #endcap ID strings are "disk_blade_side_panel"
0152             disksplit = disk.split('-'); firstdisk=int(disksplit[0]); lastdisk = int(disksplit[1])+1 if len(disksplit)>1 else firstdisk+1
0153             for i in range(firstdisk,lastdisk) :
0154                 disk_string = str(i)+'_'
0155                 bladesplit = blade.split('-'); firstblade=int(bladesplit[0]); lastblade = int(bladesplit[1])+1 if len(bladesplit)>1 else firstblade+1
0156                 for j in range(firstblade,lastblade) :
0157                     blade_string = disk_string+str(j)+'_'
0158                     sidesplit = side.split('-'); firstside=int(sidesplit[0]); lastside = int(sidesplit[1])+1 if len(sidesplit)>1 else firstside+1
0159                     for k in range(firstside,lastside) :
0160                         side_string = blade_string+str(k)+'_'
0161                         panelsplit = panel.split('-'); firstpanel=int(panelsplit[0]); lastpanel = int(panelsplit[1])+1 if len(panelsplit)>1 else firstpanel+1
0162                         for m in range(firstpanel,lastpanel) :
0163                             location_string = side_string+str(m)
0164                             if s==1 :
0165                                 endcap_locations.append(location_string)
0166                                 endcap_template_IDs.append(template_ID)
0167                             else :
0168                                 location_index = endcap_locations.index(location_string)
0169                                 endcap_template_IDs[location_index]=template_ID
0170 #Debug print out assignments
0172 #for i in range(len(barrel_locations)) : #DEBUG
0173     #tempid = barrel_template_IDs[i] #DEBUG
0174     #lay, lad, mod = barrel_locations[i].split('_')[0], barrel_locations[i].split('_')[1], barrel_locations[i].split('_')[2] #DEBUG
0175     #print '    layer %s, ladder %s, module %s will have template ID %d assigned to it'%(lay,lad,mod,tempid) #DEBUG
0177 #for i in range(len(endcap_locations)) : #DEBUG
0178 #   tempid = endcap_template_IDs[i] #DEBUG
0179 #   disk, blade, side, panel = endcap_locations[i].split('_')[0], endcap_locations[i].split('_')[1], endcap_locations[i].split('_')[2], endcap_locations[i].split('_')[3] #DEBUG
0180 #   print ' disk %s, blade %s, side %s, panel %s will have template ID %d assigned to it'%(disk,blade,side,panel,tempid) #DEBUG
0182 from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras
0184 process = cms.Process("SiPixel2DTemplateDBUpload",eras.Phase2)#C2)
0185 process.load("CondCore.CondDB.CondDB_cfi")
0186 process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi")
0187 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
0188                                     destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('SiPixel2DTemplateDBObjectUploader_Phase2.log'))
0189 process.load('Configuration.Geometry.GeometryExtendedRun4D110_cff')
0190 process.load('Configuration.Geometry.GeometryExtendedRun4D110Reco_cff')
0191 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cff")
0192 from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag import GlobalTag
0193 process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag(process.GlobalTag, options.GlobalTag, '')
0195 template_base = 'SiPixel2DTemplateDBObject_phase2_'+MagFieldString+'T'+'_v'+version
0196 if options.numerator==True :
0197     template_base+='_num'
0198 elif options.denominator==True :
0199     template_base+='_den'
0200 if options.Append!=None :
0201     template_base+='_'+options.Append
0202 #output SQLite filename
0203 sqlitefilename = 'sqlite_file:'+template_base+'.db'
0205 print('\nUploading %s with record SiPixel2DTemplateDBObjectRcd in file %s\n' % (template_base,sqlitefilename))
0207 process.source = cms.Source("EmptyIOVSource",
0208         timetype = cms.string('runnumber'),
0209         firstValue = cms.uint64(1),
0210         lastValue = cms.uint64(1),
0211                 interval = cms.uint64(1)
0212         )
0213 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input = cms.untracked.int32(1))
0214 if options.numerator==True :
0215     process.PoolDBOutputService = cms.Service("PoolDBOutputService",
0216         DBParameters = cms.PSet(messageLevel = cms.untracked.int32(0),
0217                     authenticationPath = cms.untracked.string('.')
0218                     ),
0219         timetype = cms.untracked.string('runnumber'),
0220         connect = cms.string(sqlitefilename),
0221         toPut = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string('SiPixel2DTemplateDBObjectRcd'),
0222         tag = cms.string(template_base)
0223         )
0224         )
0225         )
0226 elif options.denominator==True :
0227     process.PoolDBOutputService = cms.Service("PoolDBOutputService",
0228     DBParameters = cms.PSet(messageLevel = cms.untracked.int32(0),
0229                          authenticationPath = cms.untracked.string('.')
0230                          ),
0231             timetype = cms.untracked.string('runnumber'),
0232             connect = cms.string(sqlitefilename),
0233             toPut = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string('SiPixel2DTemplateDBObjectRcd'),
0234                             label=cms.string('unirradiated'),
0235                             tag = cms.string(template_base)
0236             )
0237             )
0238                     )
0239 process.uploader = cms.EDAnalyzer("SiPixel2DTemplateDBObjectUploader",
0240     siPixelTemplateCalibrations = cms.vstring(template_filenames),
0241     theTemplateBaseString = cms.string(template_base),
0242     Version = cms.double(3.0),
0243     MagField = cms.double(MagFieldValue),
0244     detIds = cms.vuint32(1,2), #0 is for all, 1 is Barrel, 2 is EndCap
0245     barrelLocations = cms.vstring(barrel_locations),
0246     endcapLocations = cms.vstring(endcap_locations),
0247     barrelTemplateIds = cms.vuint32(barrel_template_IDs),
0248     endcapTemplateIds = cms.vuint32(endcap_template_IDs),
0249     useVectorIndices  = cms.untracked.bool(options.useVectorIndices),
0250     )
0251 process.myprint = cms.OutputModule("AsciiOutputModule")
0252 process.p = cms.Path(process.uploader)
0253 process.CondDB.connect = sqlitefilename
0254 process.CondDB.DBParameters.messageLevel = 0
0255 process.CondDB.DBParameters.authenticationPath = './'