File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:03:25
0001 void check_SiPixelCondObjects(){
0004 do_check("histos_HLT.root","histos_HLT_startup.root","HLT");
0005 do_check("histos_Offline.root","histos_Offline_startup.root","Offline");
0006 }
0009 void do_check(TString filename_official, TString filename_test,TString sampletype){
0011 TFile *file_official= new TFile(filename_official,"read");
0012 TFile *file_test= new TFile(filename_test,"read");
0014 TH1F *gain1_off = (TH1F*)file_official->Get("GainAll");
0016 if(!gain1_off){
0017 std::cout << "Histogram GainAll does not exist in file " << filename_official << std::endl;
0018 return;
0019 }
0020 TString newname1 = gain1_off->GetName();
0021 newname1+="official";
0022 gain1_off->SetName(newname1);
0023 gain1_off->SetTitle("Comparison all gain "+sampletype);
0024 gain1_off->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("gain");
0025 TH1F *gain2_off = (TH1F*)file_official->Get("Summary_Gain");
0026 if(!gain2_off){
0027 std::cout << "Histogram Summary_Gain does not exist in file " << filename_official << std::endl;
0028 return;
0029 }
0030 TString newname2 = gain2_off->GetName();
0031 newname2+="official";
0032 gain2_off->SetName(newname2);
0033 gain2_off->SetTitle("Comparison gain per module "+ sampletype);
0034 gain2_off->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("arbitrary module number");
0035 gain2_off->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("gain");
0036 TH1F *gain1_test = (TH1F*)file_test->Get("GainAll");
0037 if(!gain1_test){
0038 std::cout << "Histogram GainAll does not exist in file " << filename_test << std::endl;
0039 return;
0040 }
0041 TH1F *gain2_test = (TH1F*)file_test->Get("Summary_Gain");
0042 if(!gain2_test){
0043 std::cout << "Histogram Summary_Gain does not exist in file " << filename_test << std::endl;
0044 return;
0045 }
0047 TH1F *pedestal1_off = (TH1F*)file_official->Get("PedestalsAll");
0048 if(!pedestal1_off){
0049 std::cout << "Histogram PedestalsAll does not exist in file " << filename_official << std::endl;
0050 return;
0051 }
0052 TString newname3 = pedestal1_off->GetName();
0053 newname3+="official";
0054 pedestal1_off->SetName(newname3);
0055 pedestal1_off->SetTitle("Comparison all pedestal "+sampletype);
0056 pedestal1_off->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pedestal");
0057 TH1F *pedestal2_off = (TH1F*)file_official->Get("Summary_Pedestal");
0058 if(!pedestal2_off){
0059 std::cout << "Histogram Summary_Pedestal does not exist in file " << filename_official << std::endl;
0060 return;
0061 }
0062 TString newname4 = pedestal2_off->GetName();
0063 newname4+="official";
0064 pedestal2_off->SetName(newname4);
0065 pedestal2_off->SetTitle("Comparison pedestal per module "+sampletype);
0066 pedestal2_off->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("arbitrary module number");
0067 pedestal2_off->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pedestal");
0068 TH1F *pedestal1_test = (TH1F*)file_test->Get("PedestalsAll");
0069 if(!pedestal1_test){
0070 std::cout << "Histogram PedestalsAll does not exist in file " << filename_test << std::endl;
0071 return;
0072 }
0073 TH1F *pedestal2_test = (TH1F*)file_test->Get("Summary_Pedestal");
0074 if(!pedestal2_test){
0075 std::cout << "Histogram Summary_Pedestal does not exist in file " << filename_test << std::endl;
0076 return;
0077 }
0079 bool deadhists_exist=true;
0080 bool deadhists_ref_exist=true;
0082 TH1F *dead2_off = (TH1F*)file_official->Get("Summary_dead");
0083 TH1F *dead1_off = (TH1F*)file_official->Get("DeadAll");
0084 if(!dead1_off || !dead2_off){
0085 std::cout << "Histogram Summary_Dead/DeadAll does not exist in file " << filename_official << std::endl;
0086 deadhists_exist=false;
0087 deadhists_ref_exist=false;
0088 }
0089 else{
0090 TString newname5 = dead1_off->GetName();
0091 newname5+="official";
0092 TString newname6 = dead2_off->GetName();
0093 newname6+="official";
0095 dead1_off->SetName(newname5);
0096 dead1_off->SetTitle("Comparison dead fraction all modules "+sampletype);
0097 dead2_off->SetName(newname6);
0098 dead2_off->SetTitle("Comparison dead fraction per module "+sampletype);
0099 dead2_off->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("arbitrary module number");
0100 dead2_off->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pedestal");
0101 }
0103 TH1F *dead2_test = (TH1F*)file_test->Get("Summary_dead");
0104 TH1F *dead1_test = (TH1F*)file_test->Get("DeadAll");
0105 if(!dead1_test || !dead2_test){
0106 std::cout << "Histogram Summary_Dead/DeadAll does not exist in file " << filename_test << std::endl;
0107 deadhists_exist=false;
0108 }
0109 else{
0110 TString newname5 = dead1_off->GetName();
0111 newname5+="official";
0112 TString newname6 = dead2_off->GetName();
0113 newname6+="official";
0115 dead1_off->SetName(newname5);
0116 dead1_off->SetTitle("Comparison dead fraction all modules "+sampletype);
0117 dead2_off->SetName(newname6);
0118 dead2_off->SetTitle("Comparison dead fraction per module "+sampletype);
0119 dead2_off->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("arbitrary module number");
0120 dead2_off->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pedestal");
0121 }
0125 std::cout << "\n\n******\n" << sampletype << " comparison of the following files:" << std::endl;
0126 std::cout << "* reference: " << filename_official << std::endl;
0127 std::cout << "* test: " << filename_test << std::endl;
0128 TCanvas *cv= new TCanvas("comparison"+sampletype,"comparison"+sampletype);
0129 if(deadhists_exist)
0130 cv->Divide(2,3);
0131 else
0132 cv->Divide(2,2);
0133 cv->cd(1);
0134 double res1 = make_plot(gain1_off,gain1_test);
0135 std::cout << "match of " << gain1_off->GetTitle()<<" histograms: " << res1 << std::endl;
0136 cv->cd(2);
0137 double res2 = make_plot(gain2_off,gain2_test);
0138 std::cout << "match of " << gain2_off->GetTitle() << " histograms: " << res2 << std::endl;
0139 cv->cd(3);
0140 double res3 = make_plot(pedestal1_off,pedestal1_test);
0141 std::cout << "match of "<< pedestal1_off->GetTitle() << " histograms: " << res3 << std::endl;
0142 cv->cd(4);
0143 double res4 = make_plot(pedestal2_off,pedestal2_test);
0144 double res5=1;
0145 double res6=1;
0146 if(deadhists_ref_exist){
0147 cv->cd(5);
0148 if(deadhists_exist)
0149 res5=make_plot(dead1_off,dead1_test);
0150 else
0151 dead1_off->Draw();
0152 cv->cd(6);
0153 if(deadhists_exist)
0154 res6=make_plot(dead2_off,dead2_test);
0155 else
0156 dead2_off->Draw();
0157 }
0159 std::cout << "match of "<< pedestal1_off->GetTitle() << " histograms: " << res4 << std::endl;
0160 double compatbg = res1*res2*res3*res4;
0161 std::cout << "TOTAL compatibility: " << compatbg << " (1=completely identical, 0=not compatible at all)" << std::endl;
0162 TString summaryplotname = filename_official+"_asRefvs_"+filename_test;
0163 summaryplotname.ReplaceAll(".root","");
0164 summaryplotname.ReplaceAll(".","");
0165 summaryplotname.ReplaceAll("/","");
0166 summaryplotname.ReplaceAll("~","");
0167 summaryplotname+=".pdf";
0168 cv->cd();
0169 cv->Update();
0170 cv->Print(summaryplotname);
0172 }
0174 double make_plot(TH1F* off, TH1F *test){
0175 if(off->GetSum()>0)
0176 off->Scale((float)test->GetSum()/(float)off->GetSum());
0177 else if (off->GetEntries()>0)
0178 off->Scale((float)test->GetEntries()/(float)off->GetEntries());
0179 if(off->GetMaximum()<test->GetMaximum())
0180 off->SetMaximum(1.3*test->GetMaximum());
0181 else
0182 off->SetMaximum(1.3*off->GetMaximum());
0183 off->SetLineColor(1);
0184 off->SetLineStyle(2);
0185 test->SetLineColor(2);
0186 test->SetMarkerColor(2);
0187 test->SetMarkerStyle(23);
0188 off->Draw("hist");
0189 test->Draw("psame");
0190 off->Draw("histsame");
0191 double kval = off->KolmogorovTest(test);
0192 TString matchstr = "K = ";
0193 matchstr+=kval;
0194 matchstr.ReplaceAll(" "," ");
0195 matchstr.ReplaceAll(" "," ");
0196 matchstr.ReplaceAll(" "," ");
0198 TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.4,0.75,0.9,0.9);
0199 leg->SetFillStyle(0);
0200 leg->SetBorderSize(0);
0201 leg->AddEntry(test,"data","lp");
0202 leg->AddEntry(off,"reference","l");
0203 leg->AddEntry("",matchstr,"");
0204 leg->Draw("same");
0206 return kval;
0207 }