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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppDefaults_cfi import *
0004 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppUE_EE_5C_cfi import *
0005 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppPDF_CTEQ6_LO_cfi import *                                  # Import CTEQ6L PDF as shower pdf
0006 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppPDF_NNPDF30_NLO_cfi import herwigppPDFSettingsBlock as herwigppHardPDFSettingsBlock    # Import NNPDF30 NLO as PDF of the hard subprocess
0007 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppEnergy_13TeV_cfi import *
0008 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppLHEFile_cfi import *
0009 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppMECorrections_cfi import *
0010 from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppMPI_SwitchOff_cfi import *
0012 # Showering LO MadGraph5_aMC@NLO LHE files with a different PDF for the hard subprocess 
0013 ############ WARNING ######
0014 # This option should only be used with LO MadGraph5_aMC@NLO LHE files.
0015 # In case of NLO, MC@NLO matched LHE files this results most likely in a mismatch of phase space
0016 ############ WARNING ######
0017 generator = cms.EDFilter("ThePEGHadronizerFilter",
0018     herwigDefaultsBlock,
0019     herwigppUESettingsBlock,
0020     herwigppPDFSettingsBlock,
0021     herwigppHardPDFSettingsBlock,           # Implementing renamed NNPDF30 config block
0022     herwigppEnergySettingsBlock,
0023     herwigppLHEFileSettingsBlock,
0024     herwigppMECorrectionsSettingsBlock,
0025     herwigppMPISettingsBlock,
0027     configFiles = cms.vstring(),
0028     parameterSets = cms.vstring(
0029         'hwpp_cmsDefaults',
0030         'hwpp_ue_EE5C',
0031         'hwpp_cm_13TeV',
0032         'hwpp_pdf_CTEQ6L1',         # Shower PDF matching with the tune
0033         'hwpp_pdf_NNPDF30NLO_Hard',     # PDF of hard subprocess
0034         'hwpp_LHE_MadGraph_DifferentPDFs',  ### WARNING ### Use this option only with LO MadGraph5_aMC@NLO LHE files
0035         'hwpp_MECorr_Off',          # Switch off ME corrections while showering LHE files as recommended by Herwig++ authors
0036         'hwpp_mpi_switchOff',
0037     ),
0039         crossSection = cms.untracked.double(-1),
0040         filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
0041 )
0042 ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)