File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:03:37
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CommonSettings_cfi import *
0004 from Configuration.Generator.MCTunes2017.PythiaCP5Settings_cfi import *
0006 SLHA_TABLE = """
0007 Block MODSEL # Model selection
0008 1 0 # Generic MSSM
0009 Block MINPAR # Input parameters
0010 3 1.00000000E+00 # tanb at m_Z
0011 #
0012 Block SMINPUTS # SM parameters
0013 1 1.27931277E+02 # alpha_em^-1(MZ)^MSbar
0014 2 1.16639000E-05 # G_mu [GeV^-2]
0015 3 1.17200000E-01 # alpha_s(MZ)^MSbar
0016 4 9.11876000E+01 # m_Z(pole)
0017 5 4.20000000E+00 # m_b(m_b), MSbar
0018 6 1.74300000E+02 # m_t(pole)
0019 7 1.77700000E+00 # m_tau(pole)
0020 Block MASS # Mass spectrum
0021 # PDG code mass particle
0022 24 8.04009772E+01 # W+
0023 25 10.0E+4 # h0
0024 35 10.0E+4 # H0
0025 36 10.0E+4 # A0
0026 37 10.0E+4 # H+
0027 1000001 10.0E+4 # ~d_L
0028 2000001 10.0E+4 # ~d_R
0029 1000002 10.0E+4 # ~u_L
0030 2000002 10.0E+4 # ~u_R
0031 1000003 10.0E+4 # ~s_L
0032 2000003 10.0E+4 # ~s_R
0033 1000004 10.0E+4 # ~c_L
0034 2000004 10.0E+4 # ~c_R
0035 1000005 10.0E+4 # ~b_1
0036 2000005 10.0E+4 # ~b_2
0037 1000006 10.0E+4 # ~t_1
0038 2000006 10.0E+4 # ~t_2
0039 1000011 10.0E+4 # ~e_L-
0040 2000011 10.0E+4 # ~e_R-
0041 1000012 10.0E+4 # ~nu_eL
0042 1000013 10.0E+4 # ~mu_L-
0043 2000013 10.0E+4 # ~mu_R-
0044 1000014 10.0E+4 # ~nu_muL
0045 1000015 10.0E+4 # ~tau_1-
0046 2000015 10.0E+4 # ~tau_2-
0047 1000016 10.0E+4 # ~nu_tauL
0048 1000021 10.0E+4 # ~g
0049 1000022 150 # ~chi_10
0050 1000023 170 # ~chi_20
0051 1000025 10.0E+4 # ~chi_30
0052 1000035 10.0E+4 # ~chi_40
0053 1000024 160 # ~chi_1+
0054 1000037 10.0E+4 # ~chi_2+
0055 #
0056 BLOCK NMIX # Neutralino Mixing Matrix
0057 1 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_11
0058 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_12
0059 1 3 0.70710678E+00 # N_13
0060 1 4 0.70710678E+00 # N_14
0061 2 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_21
0062 2 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_22
0063 2 3 0.70710678E+00 # N_23
0064 2 4 -0.70710678E+00 # N_24
0065 3 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_31
0066 3 2 1.00000000E+00 # N_32
0067 3 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_33
0068 3 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_34
0069 4 1 1.00000000E+00 # N_41
0070 4 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_42
0071 4 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_43
0072 4 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_44
0073 #
0074 BLOCK UMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix U
0075 1 1 0.00000000E+00 # U_11
0076 1 2 1.00000000E+00 # U_12
0077 2 1 1.00000000E+00 # U_21
0078 2 2 0.00000000E+00 # U_22
0079 #
0080 BLOCK VMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix V
0081 1 1 0.00000000E+00 # V_11
0082 1 2 1.00000000E+00 # V_12
0083 2 1 1.00000000E+00 # V_21
0084 2 2 0.00000000E+00 # V_22
0085 #
0086 BLOCK STOPMIX # Stop Mixing Matrix
0087 1 1 1.0 # cos(theta_t)
0088 1 2 0.0 # sin(theta_t)
0089 2 1 0.0 # -sin(theta_t)
0090 2 2 1.0 # cos(theta_t)
0091 #
0092 BLOCK SBOTMIX # Sbottom Mixing Matrix
0093 1 1 9.66726392E-01 # cos(theta_b)
0094 1 2 2.55812594E-01 # sin(theta_b)
0095 2 1 -2.55812594E-01 # -sin(theta_b)
0096 2 2 9.66726392E-01 # cos(theta_b)
0097 #
0098 BLOCK STAUMIX # Stau Mixing Matrix
0099 1 1 4.51419848E-01 # cos(theta_tau)
0100 1 2 8.92311672E-01 # sin(theta_tau)
0101 2 1 -8.92311672E-01 # -sin(theta_tau)
0102 2 2 4.51419848E-01 # cos(theta_tau)
0103 #
0104 BLOCK ALPHA # Higgs mixing
0105 -1.13676047E-01 # Mixing angle in the neutral Higgs boson sector
0106 #
0107 BLOCK HMIX Q= 2.90528802E+02 # DRbar Higgs Parameters
0108 1 3.05599351E+02 # mu(Q)MSSM
0109 #
0110 BLOCK AU Q= 2.90528802E+02 # The trilinear couplings
0111 1 1 0.00000000E+00 # A_u(Q) DRbar
0112 2 2 0.00000000E+00 # A_c(Q) DRbar
0113 3 3 -4.46245994E+02 # A_t(Q) DRbar
0114 #
0115 BLOCK AD Q= 2.90528802E+02 # The trilinear couplings
0116 1 1 0.00000000E+00 # A_d(Q) DRbar
0117 2 2 0.00000000E+00 # A_s(Q) DRbar
0118 3 3 -8.28806503E+02 # A_b(Q) DRbar
0119 #
0120 BLOCK AE Q= 2.90528802E+02 # The trilinear couplings
0121 1 1 0.00000000E+00 # A_e(Q) DRbar
0122 2 2 0.00000000E+00 # A_mu(Q) DRbar
0123 3 3 -4.92306701E+02 # A_tau(Q) DRbar
0124 #
0125 BLOCK MSOFT Q= 2.90528802E+02 # The soft SUSY breaking masses at the scale Q
0126 1 6.39136864E+01 # M_1(Q)
0127 2 1.22006983E+02 # M_2(Q)
0128 3 3.90619532E+02 # M_3(Q)
0129 21 4.42860395E+04 # mH1^2(Q)
0130 22 -9.76585434E+04 # mH2^2(Q)
0131 31 2.26648170E+02 # meL(Q)
0132 32 2.26648170E+02 # mmuL(Q)
0133 33 2.24355944E+02 # mtauL(Q)
0134 34 2.08394096E+02 # meR(Q)
0135 35 2.08394096E+02 # mmuR(Q)
0136 36 2.03337218E+02 # mtauR(Q)
0137 41 4.08594291E+02 # mqL1(Q)
0138 42 4.08594291E+02 # mqL2(Q)
0139 43 3.46134575E+02 # mqL3(Q)
0140 44 3.98943379E+02 # muR(Q)
0141 45 3.98943379E+02 # mcR(Q)
0142 46 2.58021672E+02 # mtR(Q)
0143 47 3.95211849E+02 # mdR(Q)
0144 48 3.95211849E+02 # msR(Q)
0145 49 3.90320031E+02 # mbR(Q)
0146 #
0147 #
0148 #
0149 # =================
0150 # |The decay table|
0151 # =================
0152 #
0153 # - The QCD corrections to the decays gluino -> squark + quark
0154 # squark -> gaugino + quark_prime
0155 # squark -> squark_prime + Higgs
0156 # squark -> gluino + quark
0157 # are included.
0158 #
0159 # - The multi-body decays for the inos, stops and sbottoms are included.
0160 #
0161 # - The loop induced decays for the gluino, neutralinos and stops
0162 # are included.
0163 #
0164 # - The SUSY decays of the top quark are included.
0165 #
0166 #
0167 #
0168 # PDG Width
0169 DECAY 1000022 0.00000000E+00 # neutralino1 decays
0170 DECAY 1000021 1.00000000E+00 # gluino decays
0171 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0172 0.000000E+00 3 1000022 1 -1
0173 0.000000E+00 3 1000022 2 -2
0174 0.000000E+00 3 1000022 3 -3
0175 0.000000E+00 3 1000022 4 -4
0176 0.000000E+00 3 1000022 5 -5
0177 1.000000E+00 3 1000022 6 -6
0178 #
0179 # PDG Width
0180 DECAY 1000006 0.00000000E+00 # stop1 decays
0181 DECAY 2000006 0.00000000E+00 # stop2 decays
0182 DECAY 1000005 0.00000000E+00 # sbottom1 decays
0183 DECAY 2000005 0.00000000E+00 # sbottom2 decays
0184 #
0185 # PDG Width
0186 DECAY 1000002 1.00000000E+00 # sup_L decays
0187 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0188 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_10 u)
0189 #
0190 # PDG Width
0191 DECAY 2000002 1.00000000E+00 # sup_R decays
0192 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0193 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_10 u)
0194 #
0195 # PDG Width
0196 DECAY 1000001 1.00000000E+00 # sdown_L decays
0197 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0198 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_10 d)
0199 #
0200 # PDG Width
0201 DECAY 2000001 1.00000000E+00 # sdown_R decays
0202 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0203 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_10 d)
0204 #
0205 # PDG Width
0206 DECAY 1000004 1.00000000E+00 # scharm_L decays
0207 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0208 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_10 c)
0209 #
0210 # PDG Width
0211 DECAY 2000004 1.00000000E+00 # scharm_R decays
0212 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0213 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_10 c)
0214 #
0215 # PDG Width
0216 DECAY 1000003 1.00000000E+00 # sstrange_L decays
0217 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0218 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_10 s)
0219 #
0220 # PDG Width
0221 DECAY 2000003 1.00000000E+00 # sstrange_R decays
0222 # BR NDA ID1 ID2
0223 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_10 s)
0224 #
0225 # PDG Width
0226 DECAY 1000011 0.00000000E+00 # selectron_L decays
0227 DECAY 2000011 0.00000000E+00 # selectron_R decays
0228 DECAY 1000013 0.00000000E+00 # smuon_L decays
0229 DECAY 2000013 0.00000000E+00 # smuon_R decays
0230 DECAY 1000015 0.00000000E+00 # stau_1 decays
0231 DECAY 2000015 0.00000000E+00 # stau_2 decays
0232 #
0233 # PDG Width
0234 DECAY 1000012 0.00000000E+00 # snu_elL decays
0235 DECAY 1000014 0.00000000E+00 # snu_muL decays
0236 DECAY 1000016 0.00000000E+00 # snu_tauL decays
0237 # PDG Width
0238 DECAY 1000024 2.02592183E-05 # chargino1+ decays
0239 # BR NDA ID1 ID2 ID3
0240 0.33333333E+00 3 1000022 -11 12 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 e+ nu_e)
0241 0.33333333E+00 3 1000022 -13 14 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 mu+ nu_mu)
0242 0.33333333E+00 3 1000022 -15 16 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 tau+ nu_tau)
0243 # PDG Width
0244 DECAY 1000037 0.00000000E+00 # chargino2+ decays
0245 DECAY 1000023 1.00000000E-05 # neutralino2 decays
0246 0.33333333E+00 3 1000022 -11 11 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 e+ nu_e)
0247 0.33333333E+00 3 1000022 -13 13 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 mu+ nu_mu)
0248 0.33333333E+00 3 1000022 -15 15 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 tau+ nu_tau)
0249 DECAY 1000025 0.00000000E+00 # neutralino3 decays
0250 DECAY 1000035 0.00000000E+00 # neutralino4 decays
0251 """
0253 generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia8GeneratorFilter",
0254 pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
0255 filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
0256 pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0257 comEnergy = cms.double(13000),
0258 SLHATableForPythia8 = cms.string(SLHA_TABLE),
0259 maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
0260 PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
0261 pythia8CommonSettingsBlock,
0262 pythia8CP5SettingsBlock,
0263 processParameters = cms.vstring(
0264 'SUSY:all = off',
0265 'SUSY:qqbar2chi0chi0 = on',
0266 'SUSY:qqbar2chi+-chi0 = on',
0267 'SUSY:qqbar2chi+chi- = on',
0268 'PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 60.',
0269 ),
0270 parameterSets = cms.vstring(
0271 'pythia8CommonSettings',
0272 'pythia8CP5Settings',
0273 'processParameters'
0274 )
0275 )
0276 )