Warning, /Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # runTheMatrix.py
0003 ## Upgrade workflows
0005 To list the upgrade workflows:
0006 ```
0007 runTheMatrix.py --what upgrade -n
0008 ```
0010 To make an upgrade workflow visible to the regular matrix, add it to:
0011 * [relval_2017.py](./python/relval_2017.py) (for Run 2 and Run 3)
0012 * [relval_Run4.py](./python/relval_Run4.py) (for Phase 2)
0014 All workflows in the regular matrix can be run in IB tests,
0015 so this should only be done for fully functional workflows.
0017 To add a workflow to the PR tests, modify the `'limited'` list in
0018 [runTheMatrix.py](./scripts/runTheMatrix.py).
0019 (This should be done sparingly to limit the computational burden of PR tests.)
0021 ### Special workflow offsets
0023 Special workflows are defined in [upgradeWorkflowComponents.py](./python/upgradeWorkflowComponents.py).
0024 Each workflow must have a unique offset.
0025 The base `UpgradeWorkflow` class can be extended to implement a particular special workflow,
0026 specifying which steps to modify and for which conditions to create the workflow.
0028 The offsets currently in use are:
0029 * 0.1: Tracking-only validation and DQM
0030 * 0.2: Tracking Run-2 era, `Run2_2017_trackingRun2`
0031 * 0.3: 0.1 + 0.2
0032 * 0.4: LowPU tracking era, `Run2_2017_trackingLowPU`
0033 * 0.402: Alpaka, pixel only quadruplets, portable
0034 * 0.403: Alpaka, pixel only quadruplets, portable vs. CPU validation
0035 * 0.404: Alpaka, pixel only quadruplets, portable profiling
0036 * 0.406: Alpaka, pixel only triplets, portable
0037 * 0.407: Alpaka, pixel only triplets, portable vs. CPU validation
0038 * 0.407: Alpaka, pixel only triplets, portable profiling
0039 * 0.412: Alpaka, ECAL only, portable
0040 * 0.422: Alpaka, HCAL only, portable
0041 * 0.423: Alpaka, HCAL only, portable vs CPU validation
0042 * 0.424: Alpaka, HCAL only, portable profiling
0043 * 0.492: Alpaka, full reco with pixel quadruplets
0044 * 0.496: Alpaka, full reco with pixel triplets
0045 * 0.5: Pixel tracking only + 0.1
0046 * 0.501: Patatrack, pixel only quadruplets, on CPU
0047 * 0.502: Patatrack, pixel only quadruplets, with automatic offload to GPU if available
0048 * 0.504: Patatrack, pixel only quadruplets, GPU profiling
0049 * 0.505: Patatrack, pixel only triplets, on CPU
0050 * 0.506: Patatrack, pixel only triplets, with automatic offload to GPU if available
0051 * 0.508: Patatrack, pixel only triplets, GPU profiling
0052 * 0.511: Patatrack, ECAL only, on CPU
0053 * 0.512: Patatrack, ECAL only, with automatic offload to GPU if available
0054 * 0.513: Patatrack, ECAL only, GPU vs. CPU validation
0055 * 0.514: Patatrack, ECAL only, GPU profiling
0056 * 0.521: Patatrack, HCAL only, on CPU
0057 * 0.522: Patatrack, HCAL only, with automatic offload to GPU if available
0058 * 0.524: Patatrack, HCAL only, GPU profiling
0059 * 0.591: Patatrack, full reco with pixel quadruplets, on CPU
0060 * 0.592: Patatrack, full reco with pixel quadruplets, with automatic offload to GPU if available
0061 * 0.595: Patatrack, full reco with pixel triplets, on CPU
0062 * 0.596: Patatrack, full reco with pixel triplets, with automatic offload to GPU if available
0063 * 0.6: HE Collapse (old depth segmentation for 2018)
0064 * 0.601: HLT as separate step
0065 * 0.7: trackingMkFit modifier
0066 * 0.701: DisplacedRegionalStep tracking iteration for Run-3
0067 * 0.702: trackingMkFit modifier for Phase-2 (initialStep only)
0068 * 0.703: LST tracking (Phase-2 only), initialStep+HighPtTripletStep only, on CPU
0069 * 0.704: LST tracking (Phase-2 only), initialStep+HighPtTripletStep only, on GPU
0070 * 0.75: HLT phase-2 timing menu
0071 * 0.751: HLT phase-2 timing menu Alpaka variant
0072 * 0.752: HLT phase-2 timing menu ticl_v5 variant
0073 * 0.78: Complete L1 workflow
0074 * 0.8: BPH Parking (Run-2)
0075 * 0.81: Running also HeavyFlavor DQM
0076 * 0.85: Phase-2 Heavy Ion
0077 * 0.9: Vector hits
0078 * 0.12: Neutron background
0079 * 0.13: MLPF algorithm
0080 * 0.15: JME NanoAOD
0081 * 0.17: Run-3 deep core seeding for JetCore iteration
0082 * 0.19: ECAL SuperClustering with DeepSC algorithm
0083 * 0.21: Production-like sequence
0084 * 0.21X1 : Production-like sequence with classical mixing PU=X (X=10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180)
0085 * 0.24: 0 Tesla (Run-2, Run-3)
0086 * 0.31: Photon energy corrections with DRN architecture
0087 * 0.61: ECAL `phase2_ecal_devel` era, on CPU
0088 * 0.612: ECAL `phase2_ecal_devel` era, with automatic offload to GPU if available
0089 * 0.631: ECAL component-method based digis
0090 * 0.632: ECAL component-method based finely-sampled waveforms
0091 * 0.633: ECAL phase2 Trigger Primitive
0092 * 0.634: ECAL phase2 Trigger Primitive + component-method based digis
0093 * 0.635: ECAL phase2 Trigger Primitive + component-method based finely-sampled waveforms
0094 * 0.75: Phase-2 HLT Timing menu
0095 * 0.91: Track DNN modifier
0096 * 0.97: Premixing stage1
0097 * 0.98: Premixing stage2
0098 * 0.99: Premixing stage1+stage2
0099 * 0.999: 0.99 with Phase-2 premixing with PU50
0100 * 0.9821: Production-like premixing stage2
0101 * 0.9921: Production-like premixing stage1+stage2
0102 * 0.911: DD4hep reading geometry from XML
0103 * 0.912: DD4hep reading geometry from the DB
0104 * 0.914: DDD DB
0105 * 0.101: Phase-2 aging, 1000fb-1
0106 * 0.103: Phase-2 aging, 3000fb-1
0107 * 0.201: HGCAL special TICL Pattern recognition Workflows: clue3D
0108 * 0.202: HGCAL special TICL Pattern recognition Workflows: FastJet
0109 * 0.203: HGCAL TICLv5
0110 * 0.204: HGCAL superclustering : using Mustache in TICLv5
0111 * 0.205: HGCAL superclustering : using old PFCluster-based Mustache algorithm with TICLv5
0112 * 0.302: FastSim Run-3 trackingOnly validation
0113 * 0.303: FastSim Run-3 MB for mixing
0114 * 0.9001: Sonic Triton
0115 * 0.278: Weighted Vertexing in Blocks
0116 * 0.279: Weighted Vertexing in Blocks and tracking only wf
0117 * 0.111: Activate OuterTracker inefficiency (PS-p: bias rails inefficiency only)
0118 * 0.112: Activate OuterTracker inefficiency (PS-p: bias rails inefficiency; PS-s and SS: 1% bad strips)
0119 * 0.113: Activate OuterTracker inefficiency (PS-p: bias rails inefficiency; PS-s and SS: 5% bad strips)
0120 * 0.114: Activate OuterTracker inefficiency (PS-p: bias rails inefficiency; PS-s and SS: 10% bad strips)
0121 * 0.141: Activate emulation of the signal shape of the InnerTracker FE chip (CROC)