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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 #Trigger bit requirement
0004 import HLTrigger.HLTfilters.hltHighLevel_cfi as hlt
0005 EGMJME = hlt.hltHighLevel.clone()
0006 EGMJME.TriggerResultsTag = cms.InputTag( "TriggerResults", "", "HLT" )
0007 EGMJME.HLTPaths = cms.vstring(
0008     'HLT_Photon110EB_TightID_TightIso*',
0009     'HLT_Photon30EB_TightID_TightIso*',
0010     'HLT_Photon90_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM*', 
0011     'HLT_Photon75_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM*',
0012     'HLT_Photon50_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM*',
0013     'HLT_Photon200*')
0014 EGMJME.andOr = cms.bool( True )
0015 # we want to intentionally throw and exception
0016 # in case it does not match one of the HLT Paths
0017 EGMJME.throw = cms.bool( False )