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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.common_cff import Var,P3Vars
0004 hbheRecHitTable = cms.EDProducer("HBHERecHitFlatTableProducer",
0005     src       = cms.InputTag("hbhereco"),
0006     cut       = cms.string(""), 
0007     name      = cms.string("RecHitHBHE"),
0008     doc       = cms.string("HCAL barrel and endcap rec hits"),
0009     singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
0010     extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the object
0011     variables = cms.PSet(
0012                     detId  = Var('detid().rawId()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='detId'),
0013                     energy = Var('energy', 'float', precision=14, doc='energy'),
0014                     time   = Var('time', 'float', precision=14, doc='hit time'),
0015                     ieta   = Var('id().ieta()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='ieta'),
0016                     iphi   = Var('id().iphi()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='iphi'),
0017                     depth  = Var('id().depth()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='depth')
0018                 )
0019 )
0021 hfRecHitTable = cms.EDProducer("HFRecHitFlatTableProducer",
0022     src       = cms.InputTag("hfreco"),
0023     cut       = cms.string(""), 
0024     name      = cms.string("RecHitHF"),
0025     doc       = cms.string("HCAL forward (HF) rec hits"),
0026     singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
0027     extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the object
0028     variables = cms.PSet(
0029                     detId  = Var('detid().rawId()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='detId'),
0030                     energy = Var('energy', 'float', precision=14, doc='energy'),
0031                     time   = Var('time', 'float', precision=14, doc='hit time'),
0032                     ieta   = Var('id().ieta()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='ieta'),
0033                     iphi   = Var('id().iphi()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='iphi'),
0034                     depth  = Var('id().depth()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='depth')
0035                 )
0036 )
0038 hoRecHitTable = cms.EDProducer("HORecHitFlatTableProducer",
0039     src       = cms.InputTag("horeco"),
0040     cut       = cms.string(""), 
0041     name      = cms.string("RecHitHO"),
0042     doc       = cms.string("HCAL outer (HO) rec hits"),
0043     singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
0044     extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the object
0045     variables = cms.PSet(
0046                     detId  = Var('detid().rawId()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='detId'),
0047                     energy = Var('energy', 'float', precision=14, doc='energy'),
0048                     time   = Var('time', 'float', precision=14, doc='hit time'),
0049                     ieta   = Var('id().ieta()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='ieta'),
0050                     iphi   = Var('id().iphi()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='iphi'),
0051                     depth  = Var('id().depth()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='depth')
0052                 )
0053 )
0055 hcalRecHitTableSeq = cms.Sequence(
0056     hbheRecHitTable
0057     + hfRecHitTable
0058     + hoRecHitTable
0059 )
0061 hcalRecHitTableTask = cms.Task(
0062     hbheRecHitTable,
0063     hfRecHitTable,
0064     hoRecHitTable,
0065 )