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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:06:13

0001 // How to run:
0002 //root -b -q -l 'RemoteMonitoringMAP.C+("/afs/","/afs/")'
0003 //root -b -q -l 'RemoteMonitoringMAP.C+(" /afs/","/afs/")'
0004 // ./ root_file1  root_file_ref PEDESTAL
0005 //./ root_file1  root_file_ref LASER
0007 //MapRateAmpl2HB
0009 #include "LogEleMapdb.h"
0011 #include <iostream>
0012 #include <fstream>
0014 #include "TH1.h"
0015 #include "TH2.h"
0016 #include "TCanvas.h"
0017 #include "TROOT.h"
0018 #include <TMath.h>
0019 #include "TStyle.h"
0020 #include "TSystem.h"
0021 #include "TLegend.h"
0022 #include "TText.h"
0023 #include "TAxis.h"
0024 #include "TFile.h"
0025 #include "TLine.h"
0026 #include "TGraph.h"
0028 //
0029 //
0031 using namespace std;
0032 // h_ADC_HBdepth1
0033 // ok change   Hist_ADC_HB_DS
0034 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
0035   std::string dirnm = "Analyzer";
0036   gROOT->Reset();
0037   gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
0038   gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0039   gStyle->SetOptTitle(1);
0040   // ok change
0041   if (argc < 3)
0042     return 1;
0043   char fname[300];
0044   char refname[300];
0045   char runtypeC[300];
0046   sprintf(fname, "%s", argv[1]);
0047   sprintf(refname, "%s", argv[2]);
0048   sprintf(runtypeC, "%s", argv[3]);
0049   std::cout << fname << " " << refname << " " << runtypeC << std::endl;
0050   // ok change
0052   //======================================================================
0053   // Connect the input files, parameters and get the 2-d histogram in memory
0054   //    TFile *hfile= new TFile("GlobalHist.root", "READ");
0055   string promt = (string)fname;
0056   string runtype = (string)runtypeC;
0057   string runnumber = "";
0058   for (unsigned int i = promt.size() - 11; i < promt.size() - 5; i++)
0059     runnumber += fname[i];
0060   string refrunnumber = "";
0061   promt = (string)refname;
0062   for (unsigned int i = promt.size() - 11; i < promt.size() - 5; i++)
0063     refrunnumber += refname[i];
0065   TFile *hfile = new TFile(fname, "READ");
0066   hfile->ls();
0067   TDirectory *dir = (TDirectory *)hfile->FindObjectAny(dirnm.c_str());
0069   TFile *hreffile = new TFile(refname, "READ");
0070   hreffile->ls();
0071   TDirectory *refdir = (TDirectory *)hreffile->FindObjectAny(dirnm.c_str());
0073   // with TfileService implementation, change everywhere below:     hreffile->Get     to     refdir->FindObjectAny
0074   // with TfileService implementation, change everywhere below:     hfile->Get     to     dir->FindObjectAny
0076   double MIN_M[7][5];
0077   double MAX_M[7][5];
0078   double MIN_C[7][5];
0079   double MAX_C[7][5];
0080   double porog[5];
0081   double Pedest[2][5];
0083   if (runtype == "LED") {
0084     //CUTS:    [test][subdetector]                                       ADC amplitude  Am      Width  for Wm             Ratio cut for Rm             TS mean for TNm           TS max  for TXm
0085     double MIN_M_LED[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0086                               {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0087                               {0, 100., 70., 40., 40.},
0088                               {0, 0.7, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1},
0089                               {0, 0.7, 0.6, 0.40, 0.45},
0090                               {0, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0},
0091                               {0, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}};
0092     double MAX_M_LED[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0093                               {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0094                               {0, 3000, 500000, 3000, 150000},
0095                               {0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.8, 2.6},
0096                               {0, 0.94, 0.95, 1.04, 1.02},
0097                               {0, 5.5, 5.2, 4.8, 4.2},
0098                               {0, 6.5, 6.5, 8.5, 8.5}};
0099     double MIN_C_LED[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0100                               {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0101                               {0, 1000., 1000., 1000., 100.},
0102                               {0, 1.3, 1.3, 0.7, 0.3},
0103                               {0, 0.76, 0.76, 0.85, 0.5},
0104                               {0, 2.4, 2.4, 1.5, 3.5},
0105                               {0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 3.5}};
0106     double MAX_C_LED[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0107                               {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0108                               {0, 1E20, 1E20, 1E20, 1E20},
0109                               {0, 1.9, 1.9, 1.65, 1.5},
0110                               {0, 0.94, 0.94, 0.99, 0.8},
0111                               {0, 3.7, 3.7, 2.7, 4.5},
0112                               {0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 4.5}};
0113     double porog_LED[5] = {0., 2., 2., 2., 2.};  // Cut for GS test in pro cents
0114     double Pedest_LED[2][5] = {{0., 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.8},
0115                                {0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4}};  //Cuts for Pedestal  and pedestal  Width
0116     for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
0117       for (int j = 0; j <= 4; j++) {
0118         MIN_M[i][j] = MIN_M_LED[i][j];
0119         MAX_M[i][j] = MAX_M_LED[i][j];
0120         MIN_C[i][j] = MIN_C_LED[i][j];
0121         MAX_C[i][j] = MAX_C_LED[i][j];
0122       }
0123     for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
0124       porog[i] = porog_LED[i];
0125       Pedest[0][i] = Pedest_LED[0][i];
0126       Pedest[1][i] = Pedest_LED[1][i];
0127     }
0128   }
0130   if (runtype == "LASER") {
0131     //CUTS:    [test][subdetector]                                  ADC amplitude  Am      Width  for Wm             Ratio cut for Rm             TS mean for TNm           TS max  for TXm
0132     double MIN_M_LASER[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0133                                 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0134                                 {0, 40., 40., 100., 40.},
0135                                 {0, 0.3, 0.9, 0.2, 0.2},
0136                                 {0, 0.5, 0.55, 0.55, 0.60},
0137                                 {0, 5.0, 2.5, 1.1, 5.5},
0138                                 {0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5}};
0139     double MAX_M_LASER[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0140                                 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0141                                 {0, 3500, 350000, 3500, 150000},
0142                                 {0, 2.5, 3.6, 2.6, 2.1},
0143                                 {0, 1.00, 1.00, 1.04, 1.02},
0144                                 {0, 7.5, 6.5, 4.4, 8.5},
0145                                 {0, 8.5, 8.5, 6.5, 8.5}};
0146     double MIN_C_LASER[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0147                                 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0148                                 {0, 1000., 1000., 1000., 100.},
0149                                 {0, 1.3, 1.3, 0.7, 0.3},
0150                                 {0, 0.76, 0.76, 0.85, 0.5},
0151                                 {0, 2.4, 2.4, 1.5, 3.5},
0152                                 {0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 3.5}};
0153     double MAX_C_LASER[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0154                                 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0155                                 {0, 1E20, 1E20, 1E20, 1E20},
0156                                 {0, 1.9, 1.9, 1.65, 1.5},
0157                                 {0, 0.94, 0.94, 1.0, 0.8},
0158                                 {0, 3.7, 3.7, 2.7, 4.5},
0159                                 {0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 4.5}};
0160     double porog_LASER[5] = {0., 2., 2., 2., 2.};  // Cut for GS test in pro cents
0161     //     double porog_LASER[5] = {0., 200., 200., 100., 100.}; // Cut for GS test in pro cents
0162     double Pedest_LASER[2][5] = {{0., 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.8},
0163                                  {0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4}};  //Cuts for Pedestal  and pedestal  Width
0164     for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
0165       for (int j = 0; j <= 4; j++) {
0166         MIN_M[i][j] = MIN_M_LASER[i][j];
0167         MAX_M[i][j] = MAX_M_LASER[i][j];
0168         MIN_C[i][j] = MIN_C_LASER[i][j];
0169         MAX_C[i][j] = MAX_C_LASER[i][j];
0170       }
0171     for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
0172       porog[i] = porog_LASER[i];
0173       Pedest[0][i] = Pedest_LASER[0][i];
0174       Pedest[1][i] = Pedest_LASER[1][i];
0175     }
0176   }
0177   if (runtype == "PEDESTAL") {
0178     //CUTS:    [test][subdetector]                                  ADC amplitude  Am      Width  for Wm             Ratio cut for Rm             TS mean for TNm           TS max  for TXm
0179     double MIN_M_PEDESTAL[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0180                                    {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0181                                    {0, 10., 10., 200., 5.},
0182                                    {0, 2.7, 2.7, 2.7, 0.2},
0183                                    {0, 0.31, 0.31, 0.05, 0.15},
0184                                    {0, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 2.0},
0185                                    {0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}};
0186     double MAX_M_PEDESTAL[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0187                                    {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0188                                    {0, 2500., 250000., 2500., 150000.},
0189                                    {0, 3.0, 3.0, 5.0, 3.0},
0190                                    {0, 0.95, 0.95, 1.00, 0.98},
0191                                    {0, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 7.0},
0192                                    {0, 9.5, 9.5, 8.5, 8.5}};
0193     double MIN_C_PEDESTAL[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0194                                    {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0195                                    {0, 1000., 1000., 1000., 100.},
0196                                    {0, 1.3, 1.3, 0.7, 0.3},
0197                                    {0, 0.76, 0.76, 0.85, 0.5},
0198                                    {0, 2.4, 2.4, 1.5, 3.5},
0199                                    {0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 3.5}};
0200     double MAX_C_PEDESTAL[7][5] = {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0201                                    {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
0202                                    {0, 1E20, 1E20, 1E20, 1E20},
0203                                    {0, 1.9, 1.9, 1.65, 1.5},
0204                                    {0, 0.94, 0.94, 1.0, 0.8},
0205                                    {0, 3.7, 3.7, 2.7, 4.5},
0206                                    {0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 4.5}};
0207     double porog_PEDESTAL[5] = {0., 2., 2., 2., 2.};  // Cut for GS test in pro cents
0208     //     double porog_PEDESTAL[5] = {0., 200., 200., 100., 100.}; // Cut for GS test in pro cents
0209     double Pedest_PEDESTAL[2][5] = {{0., 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.8},
0210                                     {0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4}};  //Cuts for Pedestal  and pedestal  Width
0211     for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
0212       for (int j = 0; j <= 4; j++) {
0213         MIN_M[i][j] = MIN_M_PEDESTAL[i][j];
0214         MAX_M[i][j] = MAX_M_PEDESTAL[i][j];
0215         MIN_C[i][j] = MIN_C_PEDESTAL[i][j];
0216         MAX_C[i][j] = MAX_C_PEDESTAL[i][j];
0217       }
0218     for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
0219       porog[i] = porog_PEDESTAL[i];
0220       Pedest[0][i] = Pedest_PEDESTAL[0][i];
0221       Pedest[1][i] = Pedest_PEDESTAL[1][i];
0222     }
0223   }
0225   //======================================================================
0227   cout << endl;
0228   cout << MIN_M[2][1] << endl;
0230   //======================================================================
0231   // Prepare histograms and plot them to .png files
0233   //TCanvas *cHB = new TCanvas("cHB","cHB",1000,500);
0234   TCanvas *cHB = new TCanvas("cHB", "cHB", 1000, 1000);
0235   //TCanvas *cHE = new TCanvas("cHE","cHE",1500,500);
0236   TCanvas *cHE = new TCanvas("cHE", "cHE", 1500, 1500);
0237   //TCanvas *cONE = new TCanvas("cONE","cONE",500,500);
0238   TCanvas *cONE = new TCanvas("cONE", "cONE", 1500, 500);
0239   TCanvas *cPED = new TCanvas("cPED", "cPED", 1000, 500);
0240   //TCanvas *cHF = new TCanvas("cHF","cHF",1000,1000);
0241   TCanvas *cHF = new TCanvas("cHF", "cHF", 1000, 1000);
0243   // Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
0245   TCanvas *c1x0 = new TCanvas("c1x0", "c1x0", 300, 10, 800, 700);
0247   TCanvas *c1x1 = new TCanvas("c1x1", "c1x1", 100, 10, 600, 700);
0249   TCanvas *c2x1 = new TCanvas("c2x1", "c2x1", 200, 300, 1600, 800);
0251   TCanvas *c3x5 = new TCanvas("c3x5", "c3x5", 1000, 1500);
0252   //
0254   char *str = (char *)alloca(10000);
0256   // before upgrade 2017:
0257   // depth: HB depth1,2; HE depth1,2,3; HO depth4; HF depth1,2
0258   // 5 depthes:  0(empty),   1,2,3,4
0260   // upgrade 2017:
0261   // depth: HB depth1,2; HE depth1,2,3,4,5,6,7; HO depth4; HF depth1,2,3,4
0262   // 8 depthes:  0(empty),   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
0264   // upgrade 2021:
0265   // depth: HB depth1,2,3,4; HE depth1,2,3,4,5,6,7; HO depth4; HF depth1,2,3,4
0266   // 10 depthes:  0(empty),   1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
0268   //  Int_t ALLDEPTH = 5;
0269   //  Int_t ALLDEPTH = 8;
0270   Int_t ALLDEPTH = 10;
0272   int k_min[5] = {0, 1, 1, 4, 1};  // minimum depth for each subdet
0273   //     int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0274   //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0275   int k_max[5] = {0, 4, 7, 4, 4};  // maximum depth for each subdet
0277   TH2F *Map_Ampl[33][5][ALLDEPTH];       // 2D histogramm for test,subdet,depth
0278   TH2F *Map_SUB[5][ALLDEPTH];            // 2d histogramm for subdet, depth
0279   TH1F *HistAmplDepth[22][5][ALLDEPTH];  // 1d histogramm for test,subdet, depth
0280   TH1F *HistAmpl[22][5];                 // 1d histogramm for test,subdet
0281   TH2F *Map_SUBTS[5][ALLDEPTH];          // 2d histogramm for subdet, depth in different TSs
0283   TH1F *HistPed[3][5][4];           // 1d  histogramm for test,subdet, CapID
0284   TH2F *Map_Ped[3][5];              // 2d  histogramm for test,subdet -> test 33
0285   TH1F *hist_GoodTSshape[5];        // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet -> test 41
0286   TH1F *hist_GoodTSshape0[5];       // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet -> test 41
0287   TH1F *hist_BadTSshape[5];         // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet -> test 41
0288   TH1F *hist_BadTSshape0[5];        // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet -> test 41
0289   TH1F *hist_ADC_All[5];            // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet -> test 42
0290   TH1F *hist_ADC_DS[5][ALLDEPTH];   // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet, depth -> test 42
0291   TH1F *hist_SumADC[5][ALLDEPTH];   // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet, depth -> test 43
0292   TH1F *hist_SumADC0[5][ALLDEPTH];  // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet, depth -> test 43
0293   TH1F *hist_SumADC1[5][ALLDEPTH];  // 1d  histogramm for TS shape subdet, depth -> test 43
0295   Map_SUB[1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HB");
0296   Map_SUB[1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HB");
0297   Map_SUB[2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HE");
0298   Map_SUB[2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HE");
0299   Map_SUB[2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HE");
0300   Map_SUB[3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HO");
0301   Map_SUB[4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HF");
0302   Map_SUB[4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HF");
0304   Map_SUB[1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HB");
0305   Map_SUB[1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HB");
0306   Map_SUB[2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HE");
0307   Map_SUB[2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5_HE");
0308   Map_SUB[2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6_HE");
0309   Map_SUB[2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7_HE");
0310   Map_SUB[4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HF");
0311   Map_SUB[4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HF");
0313   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0314   //Test 0 Entries
0315   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0317   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
0318                                         //       if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
0319     if (sub == 1)
0320       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
0321     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
0322     if (sub == 2)
0323       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
0324     if (sub == 3)
0325       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
0326     //     if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
0327     if (sub == 4)
0328       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
0329     //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
0330     //     int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0331     //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0332     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
0333       if (sub == 1)
0334         cHB->cd(k);
0335       if (sub == 2)
0336         cHE->cd(k);
0337       if (sub == 3)
0338         cONE->cd(k - 3);
0339       if (sub == 4)
0340         cHF->cd(k);
0341       gPad->SetGridy();
0342       gPad->SetGridx();
0343       gPad->SetLogz();
0344       if (sub == 1)
0345         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
0346       if (sub == 2)
0347         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
0348       if (sub == 3)
0349         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
0350       if (sub == 4)
0351         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
0352       Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
0353       Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
0354       Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
0355       Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetZTitle("Number of events \b");
0356       if (sub == 3)
0357         Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.8, "Z");
0358       Map_SUB[sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
0359       Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
0360       //            Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
0361       if (sub == 1) {
0362         cHB->Modified();
0363         cHB->Update();
0364       }
0365       if (sub == 2) {
0366         cHE->Modified();
0367         cHE->Update();
0368       }
0369       if (sub == 3) {
0370         cONE->Modified();
0371         cONE->Update();
0372       }
0373       if (sub == 4) {
0374         cHF->Modified();
0375         cHF->Update();
0376       }
0377     }  //end depth
0379     if (sub == 1) {
0380       cHB->Print("MapRateEntryHB.png");
0381       cHB->Clear();
0382     }
0383     if (sub == 2) {
0384       cHE->Print("MapRateEntryHE.png");
0385       cHE->Clear();
0386     }
0387     if (sub == 3) {
0388       cONE->Print("MapRateEntryHO.png");
0389       cONE->Clear();
0390     }
0391     if (sub == 4) {
0392       cHF->Print("MapRateEntryHF.png");
0393       cHF->Clear();
0394     }
0395   }  // end sub
0397   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0398   //Test 1 (Cm) Rate of Cap ID errors
0399   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0401   Map_Ampl[1][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Error_HB");
0402   Map_Ampl[1][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Error_HB");
0403   Map_Ampl[1][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Error_HE");
0404   Map_Ampl[1][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Error_HE");
0405   Map_Ampl[1][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Error_HE");
0406   Map_Ampl[1][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Error_HO");
0407   Map_Ampl[1][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Error_HF");
0408   Map_Ampl[1][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Error_HF");
0410   Map_Ampl[1][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Error_HB");
0411   Map_Ampl[1][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Error_HB");
0412   Map_Ampl[1][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Error_HE");
0413   Map_Ampl[1][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5Error_HE");
0414   Map_Ampl[1][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6Error_HE");
0415   Map_Ampl[1][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7Error_HE");
0416   Map_Ampl[1][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Error_HF");
0417   Map_Ampl[1][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Error_HF");
0419   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
0420                                         //     if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
0421     if (sub == 1)
0422       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
0423     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
0424     if (sub == 2)
0425       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
0426     if (sub == 3)
0427       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
0428     //     if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
0429     if (sub == 4)
0430       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
0431     //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
0432     //     int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0433     //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0434     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
0435       if (sub == 1)
0436         cHB->cd(k);
0437       if (sub == 2)
0438         cHE->cd(k);
0439       if (sub == 3)
0440         cONE->cd(k - 3);
0441       if (sub == 4)
0442         cHF->cd(k);
0443       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->Divide(Map_Ampl[1][sub][k], Map_SUB[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
0444       gPad->SetGridy();
0445       gPad->SetGridx();
0446       gPad->SetLogz();
0447       if (sub == 1)
0448         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
0449       if (sub == 2)
0450         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
0451       if (sub == 3)
0452         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
0453       if (sub == 4)
0454         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
0455       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
0456       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
0457       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
0458       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->SetZTitle("Rate \b");
0459       if (sub == 3)
0460         Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.8, "Z");
0461       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
0462       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
0463       Map_Ampl[1][sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
0464       if (sub == 1) {
0465         cHB->Modified();
0466         cHB->Update();
0467       }
0468       if (sub == 2) {
0469         cHE->Modified();
0470         cHE->Update();
0471       }
0472       if (sub == 3) {
0473         cONE->Modified();
0474         cONE->Update();
0475       }
0476       if (sub == 4) {
0477         cHF->Modified();
0478         cHF->Update();
0479       }
0480     }  //end depth
0482     if (sub == 1) {
0483       cHB->Print("MapRateCapIDHB.png");
0484       cHB->Clear();
0485     }
0486     if (sub == 2) {
0487       cHE->Print("MapRateCapIDHE.png");
0488       cHE->Clear();
0489     }
0490     if (sub == 3) {
0491       cONE->Print("MapRateCapIDHO.png");
0492       cONE->Clear();
0493     }
0494     if (sub == 4) {
0495       cHF->Print("MapRateCapIDHF.png");
0496       cHF->Clear();
0497     }
0498   }  // end sub
0500   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0501   //Test 2 (Am) ADC amplitude
0502   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0504   Map_Ampl[2][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1ADCAmpl225_HB");
0505   Map_Ampl[2][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2ADCAmpl225_HB");
0506   Map_Ampl[2][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1ADCAmpl225_HE");
0507   Map_Ampl[2][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2ADCAmpl225_HE");
0508   Map_Ampl[2][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3ADCAmpl225_HE");
0509   Map_Ampl[2][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4ADCAmpl225_HO");
0510   Map_Ampl[2][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1ADCAmpl225_HF");
0511   Map_Ampl[2][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2ADCAmpl225_HF");
0513   Map_Ampl[2][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3ADCAmpl225_HB");
0514   Map_Ampl[2][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4ADCAmpl225_HB");
0515   Map_Ampl[2][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4ADCAmpl225_HE");
0516   Map_Ampl[2][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5ADCAmpl225_HE");
0517   Map_Ampl[2][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6ADCAmpl225_HE");
0518   Map_Ampl[2][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7ADCAmpl225_HE");
0519   Map_Ampl[2][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3ADCAmpl225_HF");
0520   Map_Ampl[2][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4ADCAmpl225_HF");
0522   HistAmpl[2][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCAmpl_HB");
0523   HistAmpl[2][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCAmpl_HE");
0524   HistAmpl[2][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCAmpl_HO");
0525   HistAmpl[2][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCAmpl_HF");
0527   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0528   //Test 3 (Wm) Rate of RMS
0529   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0531   Map_Ampl[3][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Amplitude225_HB");
0532   Map_Ampl[3][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Amplitude225_HB");
0533   Map_Ampl[3][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Amplitude225_HE");
0534   Map_Ampl[3][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Amplitude225_HE");
0535   Map_Ampl[3][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Amplitude225_HE");
0536   Map_Ampl[3][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Amplitude225_HO");
0537   Map_Ampl[3][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Amplitude225_HF");
0538   Map_Ampl[3][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Amplitude225_HF");
0540   Map_Ampl[3][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Amplitude225_HB");
0541   Map_Ampl[3][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Amplitude225_HB");
0542   Map_Ampl[3][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Amplitude225_HE");
0543   Map_Ampl[3][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5Amplitude225_HE");
0544   Map_Ampl[3][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6Amplitude225_HE");
0545   Map_Ampl[3][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7Amplitude225_HE");
0546   Map_Ampl[3][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Amplitude225_HF");
0547   Map_Ampl[3][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Amplitude225_HF");
0549   HistAmpl[3][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Amplitude_HB");
0550   HistAmpl[3][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Amplitude_HE");
0551   HistAmpl[3][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Amplitude_HO");
0552   HistAmpl[3][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Amplitude_HF");
0554   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0555   //Test 4 (Rm) Rate of ratio 4 near max TS/ All TS
0556   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0558   Map_Ampl[4][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Ampl047_HB");
0559   Map_Ampl[4][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Ampl047_HB");
0560   Map_Ampl[4][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Ampl047_HE");
0561   Map_Ampl[4][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Ampl047_HE");
0562   Map_Ampl[4][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Ampl047_HE");
0563   Map_Ampl[4][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Ampl047_HO");
0564   Map_Ampl[4][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1Ampl047_HF");
0565   Map_Ampl[4][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2Ampl047_HF");
0567   Map_Ampl[4][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Ampl047_HB");
0568   Map_Ampl[4][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Ampl047_HB");
0569   Map_Ampl[4][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Ampl047_HE");
0570   Map_Ampl[4][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5Ampl047_HE");
0571   Map_Ampl[4][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6Ampl047_HE");
0572   Map_Ampl[4][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7Ampl047_HE");
0573   Map_Ampl[4][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3Ampl047_HF");
0574   Map_Ampl[4][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4Ampl047_HF");
0576   HistAmpl[4][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Ampl_HB");
0577   HistAmpl[4][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Ampl_HE");
0578   HistAmpl[4][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Ampl_HO");
0579   HistAmpl[4][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_Ampl_HF");
0581   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0582   //Test 5 (TNm) Mean position in 1-8 TS range
0583   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0585   Map_Ampl[5][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmeanA225_HB");
0586   Map_Ampl[5][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmeanA225_HB");
0587   Map_Ampl[5][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmeanA225_HE");
0588   Map_Ampl[5][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmeanA225_HE");
0589   Map_Ampl[5][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmeanA225_HE");
0590   Map_Ampl[5][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA225_HO");
0591   Map_Ampl[5][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmeanA225_HF");
0592   Map_Ampl[5][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmeanA225_HF");
0594   Map_Ampl[5][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmeanA225_HB");
0595   Map_Ampl[5][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA225_HB");
0596   Map_Ampl[5][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA225_HE");
0597   Map_Ampl[5][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5TSmeanA225_HE");
0598   Map_Ampl[5][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6TSmeanA225_HE");
0599   Map_Ampl[5][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7TSmeanA225_HE");
0600   Map_Ampl[5][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmeanA225_HF");
0601   Map_Ampl[5][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA225_HF");
0603   HistAmpl[5][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanA_HB");
0604   HistAmpl[5][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanA_HE");
0605   HistAmpl[5][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanA_HO");
0606   HistAmpl[5][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanA_HF");
0608   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0609   //Test 6 (TXm) Maximum position in 1-8 TS range
0610   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0612   Map_Ampl[6][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmaxA225_HB");
0613   Map_Ampl[6][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmaxA225_HB");
0614   Map_Ampl[6][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmaxA225_HE");
0615   Map_Ampl[6][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmaxA225_HE");
0616   Map_Ampl[6][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmaxA225_HE");
0617   Map_Ampl[6][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmaxA225_HO");
0618   Map_Ampl[6][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmaxA225_HF");
0619   Map_Ampl[6][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmaxA225_HF");
0621   Map_Ampl[6][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmaxA225_HB");
0622   Map_Ampl[6][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmaxA225_HB");
0623   Map_Ampl[6][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmaxA225_HE");
0624   Map_Ampl[6][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5TSmaxA225_HE");
0625   Map_Ampl[6][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6TSmaxA225_HE");
0626   Map_Ampl[6][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7TSmaxA225_HE");
0627   Map_Ampl[6][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmaxA225_HF");
0628   Map_Ampl[6][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmaxA225_HF");
0630   HistAmpl[6][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxA_HB");
0631   HistAmpl[6][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxA_HE");
0632   HistAmpl[6][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxA_HO");
0633   HistAmpl[6][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxA_HF");
0635   for (int test = 2; test <= 6; test++) {  //Test: 2-Am, 3-Wm, 4-Rm, 5-TNm, 6-TXm,
0636     for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {   //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
0637                                            //        if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
0638       if (sub == 1)
0639         cHB->Divide(2, 2);
0640       //        if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
0641       if (sub == 2)
0642         cHE->Divide(3, 3);
0643       if (sub == 3)
0644         cONE->Divide(1, 1);
0645       //        if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
0646       if (sub == 4)
0647         cHF->Divide(2, 2);
0648       //          int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
0649       //        int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0650       //          int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0651       for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
0652         if (sub == 1)
0653           cHB->cd(k);
0654         if (sub == 2)
0655           cHE->cd(k);
0656         if (sub == 3)
0657           cONE->cd(k - 3);
0658         if (sub == 4)
0659           cHF->cd(k);
0660         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->Divide(Map_Ampl[test][sub][k], Map_SUB[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
0661         gPad->SetGridy();
0662         gPad->SetGridx();
0663         gPad->SetLogz();
0664         if (sub == 1)
0665           sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
0666         if (sub == 2)
0667           sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
0668         if (sub == 3)
0669           sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
0670         if (sub == 4)
0671           sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
0672         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
0673         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
0674         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
0675         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetZTitle("Rate \b");
0676         if (sub == 3)
0677           Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.8, "Z");
0678         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
0679         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
0680         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
0681         if (sub == 1) {
0682           cHB->Modified();
0683           cHB->Update();
0684         }
0685         if (sub == 2) {
0686           cHE->Modified();
0687           cHE->Update();
0688         }
0689         if (sub == 3) {
0690           cONE->Modified();
0691           cONE->Update();
0692         }
0693         if (sub == 4) {
0694           cHF->Modified();
0695           cHF->Update();
0696         }
0697       }  //end depth
0698       if (test == 2) {
0699         if (sub == 1) {
0700           cHB->Print("MapRateAmplHB.png");
0701           cHB->Clear();
0702         }
0703         if (sub == 2) {
0704           cHE->Print("MapRateAmplHE.png");
0705           cHE->Clear();
0706         }
0707         if (sub == 3) {
0708           cONE->Print("MapRateAmplHO.png");
0709           cONE->Clear();
0710         }
0711         if (sub == 4) {
0712           cHF->Print("MapRateAmplHF.png");
0713           cHF->Clear();
0714         }
0715       }
0716       if (test == 3) {
0717         if (sub == 1) {
0718           cHB->Print("MapRateRMSHB.png");
0719           cHB->Clear();
0720         }
0721         if (sub == 2) {
0722           cHE->Print("MapRateRMSHE.png");
0723           cHE->Clear();
0724         }
0725         if (sub == 3) {
0726           cONE->Print("MapRateRMSHO.png");
0727           cONE->Clear();
0728         }
0729         if (sub == 4) {
0730           cHF->Print("MapRateRMSHF.png");
0731           cHF->Clear();
0732         }
0733       }
0734       if (test == 4) {
0735         if (sub == 1) {
0736           cHB->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSHB.png");
0737           cHB->Clear();
0738         }
0739         if (sub == 2) {
0740           cHE->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSHE.png");
0741           cHE->Clear();
0742         }
0743         if (sub == 3) {
0744           cONE->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSHO.png");
0745           cONE->Clear();
0746         }
0747         if (sub == 4) {
0748           cHF->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSHF.png");
0749           cHF->Clear();
0750         }
0751       }
0752       if (test == 5) {
0753         if (sub == 1) {
0754           cHB->Print("MapRateMeanPosHB.png");
0755           cHB->Clear();
0756         }
0757         if (sub == 2) {
0758           cHE->Print("MapRateMeanPosHE.png");
0759           cHE->Clear();
0760         }
0761         if (sub == 3) {
0762           cONE->Print("MapRateMeanPosHO.png");
0763           cONE->Clear();
0764         }
0765         if (sub == 4) {
0766           cHF->Print("MapRateMeanPosHF.png");
0767           cHF->Clear();
0768         }
0769       }
0770       if (test == 6) {
0771         if (sub == 1) {
0772           cHB->Print("MapRateMaxPosHB.png");
0773           cHB->Clear();
0774         }
0775         if (sub == 2) {
0776           cHE->Print("MapRateMaxPosHE.png");
0777           cHE->Clear();
0778         }
0779         if (sub == 3) {
0780           cONE->Print("MapRateMaxPosHO.png");
0781           cONE->Clear();
0782         }
0783         if (sub == 4) {
0784           cHF->Print("MapRateMaxPosHF.png");
0785           cHF->Clear();
0786         }
0787       }
0789       //          cONE->Divide(1,1);
0790       cONE->Divide(3, 1);
0791       if (test == 2 && sub == 2) {
0792         cONE->cd(2);
0793         TH1F *kjkjkhj2 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHEtest1");
0794         kjkjkhj2->Draw("");
0795         kjkjkhj2->SetTitle("HE, All Depth: shunt1");
0796         cONE->cd(3);
0797         TH1F *kjkjkhj3 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHEtest6");
0798         kjkjkhj3->Draw("");
0799         kjkjkhj3->SetTitle("HE, All Depth: shunt6");
0800       }
0801       if (test == 2 && sub == 1) {
0802         cONE->cd(2);
0803         TH1F *kjkjkhb2 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHBtest1");
0804         kjkjkhb2->Draw("");
0805         kjkjkhb2->SetTitle("HB, All Depth: shunt1");
0806         cONE->cd(3);
0807         TH1F *kjkjkhb3 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHBtest6");
0808         kjkjkhb3->Draw("");
0809         kjkjkhb3->SetTitle("HB, All Depth: shunt6");
0810       }
0811       cONE->cd(1);
0812       gPad->SetGridy();
0813       gPad->SetGridx();
0814       gPad->SetLogy();
0815       if (sub == 1)
0816         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HB, All Depth: shunt6");
0817       if (sub == 2)
0818         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HE, All Depth: shunt6");
0819       if (sub == 3)
0820         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HO, All Depth");
0821       if (sub == 4)
0822         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HF, All Depth");
0823       if (test == 2)
0824         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("ADC Amlitude in each event & cell \b");
0825       if (test == 3)
0826         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("RMS in each event & cell \b");
0827       if (test == 4)
0828         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Ratio in each event & cell \b");
0829       if (test == 5)
0830         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Mean TS position in each event & cell \b");
0831       if (test == 6)
0832         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Max TS position in each event & cell \b");
0833       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetYTitle("Number of cell-events \b");
0834       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetLineColor(4);
0835       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetLineWidth(2);
0836       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitleOffset(1.4, "Y");
0837       HistAmpl[test][sub]->Draw("");
0838       // //        HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 100.);
0839       //          if (test==2) {gPad->SetLogx(); HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 10000.);}
0840       if (test == 2) {
0841         gPad->SetLogx();
0842       }
0843       if (test == 3)
0844         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 5.);  // width
0845       if (test == 4)
0846         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 1.);  // R
0847       if (test == 5)
0848         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 9.);  //Tn
0849       if (test == 6)
0850         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 9.);  //Tx
0851       cONE->Modified();
0852       cONE->Update();
0853       double min_x[] = {MIN_M[test][sub], MIN_M[test][sub]};
0854       double min_y[] = {0., 100000000.};
0855       TGraph *MIN = new TGraph(2, min_x, min_y);
0856       MIN->SetLineStyle(2);
0857       MIN->SetLineColor(2);
0858       MIN->SetLineWidth(2 + 100 * 100);
0859       MIN->SetFillStyle(3005);
0860       MIN->SetFillColor(2);
0861       MIN->Draw("L");
0862       double max_x[] = {MAX_M[test][sub], MAX_M[test][sub]};
0863       double max_y[] = {0., 100000000.};
0864       TGraph *MAX = new TGraph(2, max_x, max_y);
0865       MAX->SetLineStyle(2);
0866       MAX->SetLineColor(2);
0867       MAX->SetLineWidth(-2 - 100 * 100);
0868       MAX->SetFillStyle(3004);
0869       MAX->SetFillColor(2);
0870       MAX->Draw("L");
0871       if (test == 2) {
0872         if (sub == 1) {
0873           cONE->Print("HistAmplHB.png");
0874           cONE->Clear();
0875         }
0876         if (sub == 2) {
0877           cONE->Print("HistAmplHE.png");
0878           cONE->Clear();
0879         }
0880         if (sub == 3) {
0881           cONE->Print("HistAmplHO.png");
0882           cONE->Clear();
0883         }
0884         if (sub == 4) {
0885           cONE->Print("HistAmplHF.png");
0886           cONE->Clear();
0887         }
0888       }
0889       if (test == 3) {
0890         if (sub == 1) {
0891           cONE->Print("HistRMSHB.png");
0892           cONE->Clear();
0893         }
0894         if (sub == 2) {
0895           cONE->Print("HistRMSHE.png");
0896           cONE->Clear();
0897         }
0898         if (sub == 3) {
0899           cONE->Print("HistRMSHO.png");
0900           cONE->Clear();
0901         }
0902         if (sub == 4) {
0903           cONE->Print("HistRMSHF.png");
0904           cONE->Clear();
0905         }
0906       }
0907       if (test == 4) {
0908         if (sub == 1) {
0909           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSHB.png");
0910           cONE->Clear();
0911         }
0912         if (sub == 2) {
0913           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSHE.png");
0914           cONE->Clear();
0915         }
0916         if (sub == 3) {
0917           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSHO.png");
0918           cONE->Clear();
0919         }
0920         if (sub == 4) {
0921           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSHF.png");
0922           cONE->Clear();
0923         }
0924       }
0925       if (test == 5) {
0926         if (sub == 1) {
0927           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosHB.png");
0928           cONE->Clear();
0929         }
0930         if (sub == 2) {
0931           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosHE.png");
0932           cONE->Clear();
0933         }
0934         if (sub == 3) {
0935           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosHO.png");
0936           cONE->Clear();
0937         }
0938         if (sub == 4) {
0939           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosHF.png");
0940           cONE->Clear();
0941         }
0942       }
0943       if (test == 6) {
0944         if (sub == 1) {
0945           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosHB.png");
0946           cONE->Clear();
0947         }
0948         if (sub == 2) {
0949           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosHE.png");
0950           cONE->Clear();
0951         }
0952         if (sub == 3) {
0953           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosHO.png");
0954           cONE->Clear();
0955         }
0956         if (sub == 4) {
0957           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosHF.png");
0958           cONE->Clear();
0959         }
0960       }
0961     }  // end sub
0962   }    //end test
0964   TH2F *Map_Calib[5][5];  // 2d histogramm for subdet, depth
0966   Map_Calib[1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HB");
0967   Map_Calib[1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HB");
0968   Map_Calib[2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HE");
0969   Map_Calib[2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HE");
0970   Map_Calib[2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HE");
0971   Map_Calib[3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HO");
0972   Map_Calib[4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HF");
0973   Map_Calib[4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_map_HF");
0975   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0976   //Test 0 Entries
0977   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0979   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
0980                                         //       if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
0981                                         //       if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
0982     cONE->Divide(1, 1);
0983     //      if (sub==4) cHB->Divide(2,1);
0984     //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
0985     //       int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
0986     //       for (int k=k_min[sub];k<=k_max[sub];k++) {  //Depth
0987     int k = 1;
0988     cONE->cd(k);
0989     //          if (sub==1) cHB->cd(k);
0990     //          if (sub==2) cHE->cd(k);
0991     if (sub == 3)
0992       k = 4;
0993     //      if (sub==4) cHB->cd(k);
0994     gPad->SetGridy();
0995     gPad->SetGridx();
0996     gPad->SetLogz();
0997     if (sub == 1)
0998       sprintf(str, "HB");
0999     if (sub == 2)
1000       sprintf(str, "HE");
1001     if (sub == 3)
1002       sprintf(str, "HO");
1003     if (sub == 4)
1004       sprintf(str, "HF");
1005     Map_Calib[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
1006     Map_Calib[sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
1007     Map_Calib[sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
1008     Map_Calib[sub][k]->SetZTitle("Number of events\b");
1009     if (sub == 3)
1010       Map_Calib[sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.8, "Z");
1011     Map_Calib[sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
1012     Map_Calib[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
1013     //            Map_Calib[sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
1014     //            if (sub==1) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();}
1015     //            if (sub==2) {cHE->Modified(); cHE->Update();}
1016     cONE->Modified();
1017     cONE->Update();
1018     //            if (sub==4) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();}
1019     //       }//end depth
1021     if (sub == 1) {
1022       cONE->Print("MapRateCalibEntryHB.png");
1023       cONE->Clear();
1024     }
1025     if (sub == 2) {
1026       cONE->Print("MapRateCalibEntryHE.png");
1027       cONE->Clear();
1028     }
1029     if (sub == 3) {
1030       cONE->Print("MapRateCalibEntryHO.png");
1031       cONE->Clear();
1032     }
1033     if (sub == 4) {
1034       cONE->Print("MapRateCalibEntryHF.png");
1035       cONE->Clear();
1036     }
1037   }  // end sub
1039   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1040   //Test 11 (Cc) Rate of Cap ID errors for calibration channels
1041   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1043   Map_Ampl[11][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HB");
1044   Map_Ampl[11][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HB");
1045   Map_Ampl[11][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HE");
1046   Map_Ampl[11][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HE");
1047   Map_Ampl[11][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HE");
1048   Map_Ampl[11][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HO");
1049   Map_Ampl[11][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HF");
1050   Map_Ampl[11][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapCapCalib047_HF");
1052   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
1053                                         //       if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
1054                                         //       if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
1055     cONE->Divide(1, 1);
1056     //      if (sub==4) cHB->Divide(2,1);
1057     //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
1058     //       int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
1059     //       for (int k=k_min[sub];k<=k_max[sub];k++) {  //Depth
1060     int k = 1;
1061     cONE->cd(k);
1062     //          if (sub==1) cHB->cd(k);
1063     //          if (sub==2) cHE->cd(k);
1064     if (sub == 3)
1065       k = 4;
1066     //      if (sub==4) cHB->cd(k);
1067     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->Divide(Map_Ampl[11][sub][k], Map_Calib[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
1068     gPad->SetGridy();
1069     gPad->SetGridx();
1070     gPad->SetLogz();
1071     if (sub == 1)
1072       sprintf(str, "HB");
1073     if (sub == 2)
1074       sprintf(str, "HE");
1075     if (sub == 3)
1076       sprintf(str, "HO");
1077     if (sub == 4)
1078       sprintf(str, "HF");
1079     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
1080     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
1081     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
1082     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->SetZTitle("Rate \b");
1083     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.75, "Z");
1084     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
1085     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
1086     Map_Ampl[11][sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
1087     //            if (sub==1) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();}
1088     //            if (sub==2) {cHE->Modified(); cHE->Update();}
1089     cONE->Modified();
1090     cONE->Update();
1091     //            if (sub==4) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();}
1092     //       }//end depth
1094     if (sub == 1) {
1095       cONE->Print("MapRateCapCalibHB.png");
1096       cONE->Clear();
1097     }
1098     if (sub == 2) {
1099       cONE->Print("MapRateCapCalibHE.png");
1100       cONE->Clear();
1101     }
1102     if (sub == 3) {
1103       cONE->Print("MapRateCapCalibHO.png");
1104       cONE->Clear();
1105     }
1106     if (sub == 4) {
1107       cONE->Print("MapRateCapCalibHF.png");
1108       cONE->Clear();
1109     }
1110   }  // end sub
1112   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1113   //Test 12 (Ac) ADC amplitude for calibration chanels
1114   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1116   Map_Ampl[12][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HB");
1117   Map_Ampl[12][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HB");
1118   Map_Ampl[12][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HE");
1119   Map_Ampl[12][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HE");
1120   Map_Ampl[12][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HE");
1121   Map_Ampl[12][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HO");
1122   Map_Ampl[12][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HF");
1123   Map_Ampl[12][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapADCCalib047_HF");
1125   HistAmpl[12][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCCalib_HB");
1126   HistAmpl[12][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCCalib_HE");
1127   HistAmpl[12][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCCalib_HO");
1128   HistAmpl[12][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADCCalib_HF");
1130   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1131   //Test 13 (Wc) Rate of RMS
1132   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1134   Map_Ampl[13][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HB");
1135   Map_Ampl[13][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HB");
1136   Map_Ampl[13][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HE");
1137   Map_Ampl[13][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HE");
1138   Map_Ampl[13][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HE");
1139   Map_Ampl[13][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HO");
1140   Map_Ampl[13][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HF");
1141   Map_Ampl[13][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapWidthCalib047_HF");
1143   HistAmpl[13][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_WidthCalib_HB");
1144   HistAmpl[13][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_WidthCalib_HE");
1145   HistAmpl[13][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_WidthCalib_HO");
1146   HistAmpl[13][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_WidthCalib_HF");
1148   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1149   //Test 14 (Rc) Rate of ratio 4 near max TS/ All TS
1150   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1152   Map_Ampl[14][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HB");
1153   Map_Ampl[14][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HB");
1154   Map_Ampl[14][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HE");
1155   Map_Ampl[14][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HE");
1156   Map_Ampl[14][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HE");
1157   Map_Ampl[14][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HO");
1158   Map_Ampl[14][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HF");
1159   Map_Ampl[14][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapRatioCalib047_HF");
1161   HistAmpl[14][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_RatioCalib_HB");
1162   HistAmpl[14][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_RatioCalib_HE");
1163   HistAmpl[14][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_RatioCalib_HO");
1164   HistAmpl[14][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_RatioCalib_HF");
1166   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1167   //Test 15 (TNc) Mean position in 1-8 TS range
1168   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1170   Map_Ampl[15][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HB");
1171   Map_Ampl[15][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HB");
1172   Map_Ampl[15][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HE");
1173   Map_Ampl[15][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HE");
1174   Map_Ampl[15][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HE");
1175   Map_Ampl[15][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HO");
1176   Map_Ampl[15][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HF");
1177   Map_Ampl[15][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmeanCalib047_HF");
1179   HistAmpl[15][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanCalib_HB");
1180   HistAmpl[15][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanCalib_HE");
1181   HistAmpl[15][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanCalib_HO");
1182   HistAmpl[15][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmeanCalib_HF");
1184   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1185   //Test 16 (TXc) Maximum position in 1-8 TS range
1186   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1188   Map_Ampl[16][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HB");
1189   Map_Ampl[16][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HB");
1190   Map_Ampl[16][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HE");
1191   Map_Ampl[16][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HE");
1192   Map_Ampl[16][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HE");
1193   Map_Ampl[16][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HO");
1194   Map_Ampl[16][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HF");
1195   Map_Ampl[16][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapTSmaxCalib047_HF");
1197   HistAmpl[16][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxCalib_HB");
1198   HistAmpl[16][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxCalib_HE");
1199   HistAmpl[16][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxCalib_HO");
1200   HistAmpl[16][4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_TSmaxCalib_HF");
1202   for (int test = 12; test <= 16; test++) {  //Test: 2-Am, 3-Wm, 4-Rm, 5-TNm, 6-TXm,
1203     for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {     //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
1204       if (sub == 1)
1205         cONE->Divide(1, 1);  //cHB->Divide(2,1);
1206       if (sub == 2)
1207         cONE->Divide(1, 1);  //cHE->Divide(3,1);
1208       if (sub == 3)
1209         cONE->Divide(1, 1);
1210       if (sub == 4)
1211         cONE->Divide(1, 1);  //cHB->Divide(2,1);
1212                              //          int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
1213                              //          int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
1214                              //          for (int k=k_min[sub];k<=k_max[sub];k++) {  //Depth
1215       int k = 1;
1216       if (sub == 1) {
1217         k = 1;
1218         cONE->cd(k);
1219       }  //cHB->cd(k); }
1220       if (sub == 2) {
1221         k = 1;
1222         cONE->cd(k);
1223       }  //cHE->cd(k); }
1224       if (sub == 3) {
1225         k = 4;
1226         cONE->cd(k - 3);
1227       }
1228       if (sub == 4) {
1229         k = 1;
1230         cONE->cd(k);
1231       }  //cHB->cd(k); }
1232       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->Divide(Map_Ampl[test][sub][k], Map_Calib[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
1233       gPad->SetGridy();
1234       gPad->SetGridx();
1235       gPad->SetLogz();
1236       if (sub == 1)
1237         sprintf(str, "HB");
1238       if (sub == 2)
1239         sprintf(str, "HE");
1240       if (sub == 3)
1241         sprintf(str, "HO");
1242       if (sub == 4)
1243         sprintf(str, "HF");
1244       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
1245       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
1246       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
1247       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetZTitle("Rate \b");
1248       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.8, "Z");
1249       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
1250       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
1251       Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.00001, 1.);
1252       //              if (sub==1) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();}
1253       //              if (sub==2) {cHE->Modified(); cHE->Update();}
1254       cONE->Modified();
1255       cONE->Update();
1256       //              if (sub==4) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();}
1257       //          }//end depth
1258       if (test == 12) {
1259         if (sub == 1) {
1260           cONE->Print("MapRateAmplCalibHB.png");
1261           cONE->Clear();
1262         }
1263         if (sub == 2) {
1264           cONE->Print("MapRateAmplCalibHE.png");
1265           cONE->Clear();
1266         }
1267         if (sub == 3) {
1268           cONE->Print("MapRateAmplCalibHO.png");
1269           cONE->Clear();
1270         }
1271         if (sub == 4) {
1272           cONE->Print("MapRateAmplCalibHF.png");
1273           cONE->Clear();
1274         }
1275       }
1276       if (test == 13) {
1277         if (sub == 1) {
1278           cONE->Print("MapRateRMSCalibHB.png");
1279           cONE->Clear();
1280         }
1281         if (sub == 2) {
1282           cONE->Print("MapRateRMSCalibHE.png");
1283           cONE->Clear();
1284         }
1285         if (sub == 3) {
1286           cONE->Print("MapRateRMSCalibHO.png");
1287           cONE->Clear();
1288         }
1289         if (sub == 4) {
1290           cONE->Print("MapRateRMSCalibHF.png");
1291           cONE->Clear();
1292         }
1293       }
1294       if (test == 14) {
1295         if (sub == 1) {
1296           cONE->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHB.png");
1297           cONE->Clear();
1298         }
1299         if (sub == 2) {
1300           cONE->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHE.png");
1301           cONE->Clear();
1302         }
1303         if (sub == 3) {
1304           cONE->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHO.png");
1305           cONE->Clear();
1306         }
1307         if (sub == 4) {
1308           cONE->Print("MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHF.png");
1309           cONE->Clear();
1310         }
1311       }
1312       if (test == 15) {
1313         if (sub == 1) {
1314           cONE->Print("MapRateMeanPosCalibHB.png");
1315           cONE->Clear();
1316         }
1317         if (sub == 2) {
1318           cONE->Print("MapRateMeanPosCalibHE.png");
1319           cONE->Clear();
1320         }
1321         if (sub == 3) {
1322           cONE->Print("MapRateMeanPosCalibHO.png");
1323           cONE->Clear();
1324         }
1325         if (sub == 4) {
1326           cONE->Print("MapRateMeanPosCalibHF.png");
1327           cONE->Clear();
1328         }
1329       }
1330       if (test == 16) {
1331         if (sub == 1) {
1332           cONE->Print("MapRateMaxPosCalibHB.png");
1333           cONE->Clear();
1334         }
1335         if (sub == 2) {
1336           cONE->Print("MapRateMaxPosCalibHE.png");
1337           cONE->Clear();
1338         }
1339         if (sub == 3) {
1340           cONE->Print("MapRateMaxPosCalibHO.png");
1341           cONE->Clear();
1342         }
1343         if (sub == 4) {
1344           cONE->Print("MapRateMaxPosCalibHF.png");
1345           cONE->Clear();
1346         }
1347       }
1349       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
1350       cONE->cd(1);
1351       gPad->SetGridy();
1352       gPad->SetGridx();
1353       gPad->SetLogy();
1354       if (sub == 1)
1355         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HB, All Depth");
1356       if (sub == 2)
1357         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HE, All Depth");
1358       if (sub == 3)
1359         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HO, All Depth");
1360       if (sub == 4)
1361         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitle("HF, All Depth");
1362       if (test == 12)
1363         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("ADC Amlitude in each event & cell \b");
1364       if (test == 13)
1365         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Amplitude RMS in each event & cell \b");
1366       if (test == 14)
1367         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Ratio in each event & cell \b");
1368       if (test == 15)
1369         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Mean TS position in each event & cell \b");
1370       if (test == 16)
1371         HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Max TS position in each event & cell \b");
1372       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetYTitle("Number of cell-events \b");
1373       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetLineColor(4);
1374       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetLineWidth(2);
1375       HistAmpl[test][sub]->SetTitleOffset(1.4, "Y");
1376       HistAmpl[test][sub]->Draw("");
1377       //        HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 100.);
1378       if (test == 12) {
1379         gPad->SetLogx();
1380         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 10000.);
1381       }
1382       if (test == 13)
1383         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 5.);
1384       if (test == 14)
1385         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 1.);
1386       if (test == 15)
1387         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 9.);
1388       if (test == 16)
1389         HistAmpl[test][sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 9.);
1390       cONE->Modified();
1391       cONE->Update();
1392       double min_x[] = {MIN_C[test - 10][sub], MIN_C[test - 10][sub]};
1393       double min_y[] = {0., 100000000.};
1394       TGraph *MIN = new TGraph(2, min_x, min_y);
1395       MIN->SetLineStyle(2);
1396       MIN->SetLineColor(2);
1397       MIN->SetLineWidth(2 + 100 * 100);
1398       MIN->SetFillStyle(3005);
1399       MIN->SetFillColor(2);
1400       MIN->Draw("L");
1401       double max_x[] = {MAX_C[test - 10][sub], MAX_C[test - 10][sub]};
1402       double max_y[] = {0., 100000000.};
1403       TGraph *MAX = new TGraph(2, max_x, max_y);
1404       MAX->SetLineStyle(2);
1405       MAX->SetLineColor(2);
1406       MAX->SetLineWidth(-2 - 100 * 100);
1407       MAX->SetFillStyle(3004);
1408       MAX->SetFillColor(2);
1409       MAX->Draw("L");
1410       if (test == 12) {
1411         if (sub == 1) {
1412           cONE->Print("HistAmplCalibHB.png");
1413           cONE->Clear();
1414         }
1415         if (sub == 2) {
1416           cONE->Print("HistAmplCalibHE.png");
1417           cONE->Clear();
1418         }
1419         if (sub == 3) {
1420           cONE->Print("HistAmplCalibHO.png");
1421           cONE->Clear();
1422         }
1423         if (sub == 4) {
1424           cONE->Print("HistAmplCalibHF.png");
1425           cONE->Clear();
1426         }
1427       }
1428       if (test == 13) {
1429         if (sub == 1) {
1430           cONE->Print("HistRMSCalibHB.png");
1431           cONE->Clear();
1432         }
1433         if (sub == 2) {
1434           cONE->Print("HistRMSCalibHE.png");
1435           cONE->Clear();
1436         }
1437         if (sub == 3) {
1438           cONE->Print("HistRMSCalibHO.png");
1439           cONE->Clear();
1440         }
1441         if (sub == 4) {
1442           cONE->Print("HistRMSCalibHF.png");
1443           cONE->Clear();
1444         }
1445       }
1446       if (test == 14) {
1447         if (sub == 1) {
1448           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHB.png");
1449           cONE->Clear();
1450         }
1451         if (sub == 2) {
1452           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHE.png");
1453           cONE->Clear();
1454         }
1455         if (sub == 3) {
1456           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHO.png");
1457           cONE->Clear();
1458         }
1459         if (sub == 4) {
1460           cONE->Print("Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHF.png");
1461           cONE->Clear();
1462         }
1463       }
1464       if (test == 15) {
1465         if (sub == 1) {
1466           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosCalibHB.png");
1467           cONE->Clear();
1468         }
1469         if (sub == 2) {
1470           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosCalibHE.png");
1471           cONE->Clear();
1472         }
1473         if (sub == 3) {
1474           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosCalibHO.png");
1475           cONE->Clear();
1476         }
1477         if (sub == 4) {
1478           cONE->Print("HistMeanPosCalibHF.png");
1479           cONE->Clear();
1480         }
1481       }
1482       if (test == 16) {
1483         if (sub == 1) {
1484           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosCalibHB.png");
1485           cONE->Clear();
1486         }
1487         if (sub == 2) {
1488           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosCalibHE.png");
1489           cONE->Clear();
1490         }
1491         if (sub == 3) {
1492           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosCalibHO.png");
1493           cONE->Clear();
1494         }
1495         if (sub == 4) {
1496           cONE->Print("HistMaxPosCalibHF.png");
1497           cONE->Clear();
1498         }
1499       }
1500     }  // end sub
1501   }    //end test
1503   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1504   //Test 21 (GS) Amplitude drift
1505   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1507   Map_Ampl[21][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1AmplE34_HB");
1508   Map_Ampl[21][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2AmplE34_HB");
1509   Map_Ampl[21][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3AmplE34_HB");
1510   Map_Ampl[21][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HB");
1511   Map_Ampl[21][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1AmplE34_HE");
1512   Map_Ampl[21][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2AmplE34_HE");
1513   Map_Ampl[21][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3AmplE34_HE");
1514   Map_Ampl[21][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HE");
1515   Map_Ampl[21][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5AmplE34_HE");
1516   Map_Ampl[21][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6AmplE34_HE");
1517   Map_Ampl[21][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7AmplE34_HE");
1518   Map_Ampl[21][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HO");
1519   Map_Ampl[21][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1AmplE34_HF");
1520   Map_Ampl[21][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2AmplE34_HF");
1521   Map_Ampl[21][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3AmplE34_HF");
1522   Map_Ampl[21][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HF");
1524   TH2F *Map_RefAmpl[5][ALLDEPTH];  // 2D histogramm for subdet, depth
1525   TH2F *Map_RefSUB[5][ALLDEPTH];   // 2d histogramm for subdet, depth
1527   Map_RefAmpl[1][1] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1AmplE34_HB");
1528   Map_RefAmpl[1][2] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2AmplE34_HB");
1529   Map_RefAmpl[1][3] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3AmplE34_HB");
1530   Map_RefAmpl[1][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HB");
1531   Map_RefAmpl[2][1] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1AmplE34_HE");
1532   Map_RefAmpl[2][2] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2AmplE34_HE");
1533   Map_RefAmpl[2][3] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3AmplE34_HE");
1534   Map_RefAmpl[2][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HE");
1535   Map_RefAmpl[2][5] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5AmplE34_HE");
1536   Map_RefAmpl[2][6] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6AmplE34_HE");
1537   Map_RefAmpl[2][7] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7AmplE34_HE");
1538   Map_RefAmpl[3][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HO");
1539   Map_RefAmpl[4][1] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1AmplE34_HF");
1540   Map_RefAmpl[4][2] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2AmplE34_HF");
1541   Map_RefAmpl[4][3] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3AmplE34_HF");
1542   Map_RefAmpl[4][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4AmplE34_HF");
1544   Map_RefSUB[1][1] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HB");
1545   Map_RefSUB[1][2] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HB");
1546   Map_RefSUB[1][3] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HB");
1547   Map_RefSUB[1][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HB");
1548   Map_RefSUB[2][1] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HE");
1549   Map_RefSUB[2][2] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HE");
1550   Map_RefSUB[2][3] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HE");
1551   Map_RefSUB[2][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HE");
1552   Map_RefSUB[2][5] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5_HE");
1553   Map_RefSUB[2][6] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6_HE");
1554   Map_RefSUB[2][7] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7_HE");
1555   Map_RefSUB[3][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HO");
1556   Map_RefSUB[4][1] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HF");
1557   Map_RefSUB[4][2] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HF");
1558   Map_RefSUB[4][3] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HF");
1559   Map_RefSUB[4][4] = (TH2F *)refdir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HF");
1561   HistAmplDepth[21][1][1] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth1_HB", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1562   HistAmplDepth[21][1][2] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth2_HB", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1563   HistAmplDepth[21][1][3] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth3_HB", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1564   HistAmplDepth[21][1][4] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth4_HB", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1565   HistAmplDepth[21][2][1] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth1_HE", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1566   HistAmplDepth[21][2][2] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth2_HE", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1567   HistAmplDepth[21][2][3] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth3_HE", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1568   HistAmplDepth[21][2][4] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth4_HE", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1569   HistAmplDepth[21][2][5] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth5_HE", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1570   HistAmplDepth[21][2][6] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth6_HE", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1571   HistAmplDepth[21][2][7] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth7_HE", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1572   HistAmplDepth[21][3][4] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth4_HO", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1573   HistAmplDepth[21][4][1] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth1_HF", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1574   HistAmplDepth[21][4][2] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth2_HF", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1575   HistAmplDepth[21][4][3] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth3_HF", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1576   HistAmplDepth[21][4][4] = new TH1F("diffAmpl_Depth4_HF", "", 100, -10., 10.);
1578   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
1579                                         //     if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
1580     if (sub == 1)
1581       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
1582     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
1583     if (sub == 2)
1584       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
1585     if (sub == 3)
1586       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
1587     //     if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
1588     if (sub == 4)
1589       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
1590     //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
1591     //     int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
1592     //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
1593     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
1594       if (sub == 1)
1595         cHB->cd(k);
1596       if (sub == 2)
1597         cHE->cd(k);
1598       if (sub == 3)
1599         cONE->cd(k - 3);
1600       if (sub == 4)
1601         cHF->cd(k);
1602       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->Divide(Map_Ampl[21][sub][k], Map_SUB[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
1603       gPad->SetGridy();
1604       gPad->SetGridx();
1605       gPad->SetLogz();
1606       if (sub == 1)
1607         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
1608       if (sub == 2)
1609         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
1610       if (sub == 3)
1611         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
1612       if (sub == 4)
1613         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
1614       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
1615       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
1616       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
1617       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->SetZTitle("Response \b");
1618       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(1.1, "Z");
1619       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
1620       Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 71.);
1621       //            Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 10.);
1622       if (sub == 1) {
1623         cHB->Modified();
1624         cHB->Update();
1625       }
1626       if (sub == 2) {
1627         cHE->Modified();
1628         cHE->Update();
1629       }
1630       if (sub == 3) {
1631         cONE->Modified();
1632         cONE->Update();
1633       }
1634       if (sub == 4) {
1635         cHF->Modified();
1636         cHF->Update();
1637       }
1638     }  //end depth
1639     if (sub == 1) {
1640       cHB->Print("MapRateAmpl1HB.png");
1641       cHB->Clear();
1642     }
1643     if (sub == 2) {
1644       cHE->Print("MapRateAmpl1HE.png");
1645       cHE->Clear();
1646     }
1647     if (sub == 3) {
1648       cONE->Print("MapRateAmpl1HO.png");
1649       cONE->Clear();
1650     }
1651     if (sub == 4) {
1652       cHF->Print("MapRateAmpl1HF.png");
1653       cHF->Clear();
1654     }
1656     //     if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
1657     if (sub == 1)
1658       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
1659     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
1660     if (sub == 2)
1661       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
1662     if (sub == 3)
1663       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
1664     //     if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
1665     if (sub == 4)
1666       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
1668     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
1669       if (sub == 1)
1670         cHB->cd(k);
1671       if (sub == 2)
1672         cHE->cd(k);
1673       if (sub == 3)
1674         cONE->cd(k - 3);
1675       if (sub == 4)
1676         cHF->cd(k);
1677       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->Divide(Map_RefAmpl[sub][k], Map_RefSUB[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
1678       gPad->SetGridy();
1679       gPad->SetGridx();
1680       gPad->SetLogz();
1681       if (sub == 1)
1682         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
1683       if (sub == 2)
1684         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
1685       if (sub == 3)
1686         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
1687       if (sub == 4)
1688         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
1689       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
1690       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
1691       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
1692       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->SetZTitle("Response\b");
1693       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(1.1, "Z");
1694       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
1695       Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 71.);
1696       //            Map_RefAmpl[21][sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 10.);
1697       if (sub == 1) {
1698         cHB->Modified();
1699         cHB->Update();
1700       }
1701       if (sub == 2) {
1702         cHE->Modified();
1703         cHE->Update();
1704       }
1705       if (sub == 3) {
1706         cONE->Modified();
1707         cONE->Update();
1708       }
1709       if (sub == 4) {
1710         cHF->Modified();
1711         cHF->Update();
1712       }
1713     }  //end depth
1714     if (sub == 1) {
1715       cHB->Print("MapRateAmpl2HB.png");
1716       cHB->Clear();
1717     }
1718     if (sub == 2) {
1719       cHE->Print("MapRateAmpl2HE.png");
1720       cHE->Clear();
1721     }
1722     if (sub == 3) {
1723       cONE->Print("MapRateAmpl2HO.png");
1724       cONE->Clear();
1725     }
1726     if (sub == 4) {
1727       cHF->Print("MapRateAmpl2HF.png");
1728       cHF->Clear();
1729     }
1731     //     if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
1732     if (sub == 1)
1733       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
1734     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
1735     if (sub == 2)
1736       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
1737     if (sub == 3)
1738       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
1739     //     if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
1740     if (sub == 4)
1741       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
1743     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
1744       if (sub == 1)
1745         cHB->cd(k);
1746       if (sub == 2)
1747         cHE->cd(k);
1748       if (sub == 3)
1749         cONE->cd(k - 3);
1750       if (sub == 4)
1751         cHF->cd(k);
1752       TH2F *TTT = new TH2F("Map", "Map", 82, -41, 40, 72, 0, 71);
1753       for (int x = 1; x <= Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); x++) {
1754         for (int y = 1; y <= Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); y++) {
1755           if (Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->GetBinContent(x, y) != 0 && Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->GetBinContent(x, y) != 0) {
1756             double ccc1 = Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->GetBinContent(x, y) - Map_RefAmpl[sub][k]->GetBinContent(x, y);
1757             ccc1 = 100. * ccc1 / Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->GetBinContent(x, y);  // in %
1758             HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->Fill(ccc1);
1759             Map_Ampl[21][sub][k]->SetBinContent(x, y, fabs(ccc1));
1760             if (fabs(ccc1) > porog[sub])
1761               TTT->SetBinContent(x, y, fabs(ccc1));
1762             else
1763               TTT->SetBinContent(x, y, 0);
1764           }
1765         }  //end y
1766       }    //esnd x
1767       gPad->SetGridy();
1768       gPad->SetGridx();
1769       //            gPad->SetLogz();
1770       if (sub == 1)
1771         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
1772       if (sub == 2)
1773         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
1774       if (sub == 3)
1775         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
1776       if (sub == 4)
1777         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
1778       TTT->SetTitle(str);
1779       TTT->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
1780       TTT->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
1781       TTT->SetZTitle("Relative difference, % \b");
1782       TTT->SetTitleOffset(0.9, "Z");
1783       TTT->Draw("COLZ");
1784       TTT->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 71.);
1785       TTT->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 10.);
1786       if (sub == 1) {
1787         cHB->Modified();
1788         cHB->Update();
1789       }
1790       if (sub == 2) {
1791         cHE->Modified();
1792         cHE->Update();
1793       }
1794       if (sub == 3) {
1795         cONE->Modified();
1796         cONE->Update();
1797       }
1798       if (sub == 4) {
1799         cHF->Modified();
1800         cHF->Update();
1801       }
1802     }  //end depth
1804     if (sub == 1) {
1805       cHB->Print("MapRateAmplDriftHB.png");
1806       cHB->Clear();
1807     }
1808     if (sub == 2) {
1809       cHE->Print("MapRateAmplDriftHE.png");
1810       cHE->Clear();
1811     }
1812     if (sub == 3) {
1813       cONE->Print("MapRateAmplDriftHO.png");
1814       cONE->Clear();
1815     }
1816     if (sub == 4) {
1817       cHF->Print("MapRateAmplDriftHF.png");
1818       cHF->Clear();
1819     }
1820     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1822     //     if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
1823     if (sub == 1)
1824       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
1825     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
1826     if (sub == 2)
1827       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
1828     if (sub == 3)
1829       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
1830     //     if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
1831     if (sub == 4)
1832       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
1834     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
1835       if (sub == 1)
1836         cHB->cd(k);
1837       if (sub == 2)
1838         cHE->cd(k);
1839       if (sub == 3)
1840         cONE->cd(k - 3);
1841       if (sub == 4)
1842         cHF->cd(k);
1843       gPad->SetGridy();
1844       gPad->SetGridx();
1845       gPad->SetLogy();
1846       if (sub == 1)
1847         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
1848       if (sub == 2)
1849         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
1850       if (sub == 3)
1851         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
1852       if (sub == 4)
1853         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
1854       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
1855       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->SetYTitle("Number of cell-events \b");
1856       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->SetXTitle("Per cent \b");
1857       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->SetLineColor(4);
1858       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->SetLineWidth(2);
1859       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(1.4, "Y");
1860       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->Draw();
1861       //          HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
1862       HistAmplDepth[21][sub][k]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-10., 10.);
1863       if (sub == 1) {
1864         cHB->Modified();
1865         cHB->Update();
1866       }
1867       if (sub == 2) {
1868         cHE->Modified();
1869         cHE->Update();
1870       }
1871       if (sub == 3) {
1872         cONE->Modified();
1873         cONE->Update();
1874       }
1875       if (sub == 4) {
1876         cHF->Modified();
1877         cHF->Update();
1878       }
1879       double min_x[] = {-1 * porog[sub], -1 * porog[sub]};
1880       double min_y[] = {0., 100000000.};
1881       TGraph *MIN = new TGraph(2, min_x, min_y);
1882       MIN->SetLineStyle(2);
1883       MIN->SetLineColor(2);
1884       MIN->SetLineWidth(2 + 100 * 100);
1885       MIN->SetFillStyle(3005);
1886       MIN->SetFillColor(2);
1887       MIN->Draw("L");
1888       double max_x[] = {porog[sub], porog[sub]};
1889       double max_y[] = {0., 100000000.};
1890       TGraph *MAX = new TGraph(2, max_x, max_y);
1891       MAX->SetLineStyle(2);
1892       MAX->SetLineColor(2);
1893       MAX->SetLineWidth(-2 - 100 * 100);
1894       MAX->SetFillStyle(3004);
1895       MAX->SetFillColor(2);
1896       MAX->Draw("L");
1897     }  // end depth
1898     if (sub == 1) {
1899       cHB->Print("HistAmplDriftDepthHB.png");
1900       cHB->Clear();
1901     }
1902     if (sub == 2) {
1903       cHE->Print("HistAmplDriftDepthHE.png");
1904       cHE->Clear();
1905     }
1906     if (sub == 3) {
1907       cONE->Print("HistAmplDriftDepthHO.png");
1908       cONE->Clear();
1909     }
1910     if (sub == 4) {
1911       cHF->Print("HistAmplDriftDepthHF.png");
1912       cHF->Clear();
1913     }
1914   }  //end sub
1916   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1917   //Test 31, 32 Pedestal, pedestalWidths
1918   //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1920   Map_Ampl[31][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1pedestal_HB");
1921   Map_Ampl[31][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2pedestal_HB");
1922   Map_Ampl[31][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3pedestal_HB");
1923   Map_Ampl[31][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestal_HB");
1924   Map_Ampl[31][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1pedestal_HE");
1925   Map_Ampl[31][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2pedestal_HE");
1926   Map_Ampl[31][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3pedestal_HE");
1927   Map_Ampl[31][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestal_HE");
1928   Map_Ampl[31][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5pedestal_HE");
1929   Map_Ampl[31][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6pedestal_HE");
1930   Map_Ampl[31][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7pedestal_HE");
1931   Map_Ampl[31][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestal_HO");
1932   Map_Ampl[31][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1pedestal_HF");
1933   Map_Ampl[31][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2pedestal_HF");
1934   Map_Ampl[31][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3pedestal_HF");
1935   Map_Ampl[31][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestal_HF");
1937   Map_Ampl[32][1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1pedestalw_HB");
1938   Map_Ampl[32][1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2pedestalw_HB");
1939   Map_Ampl[32][1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3pedestalw_HB");
1940   Map_Ampl[32][1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestalw_HB");
1941   Map_Ampl[32][2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1pedestalw_HE");
1942   Map_Ampl[32][2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2pedestalw_HE");
1943   Map_Ampl[32][2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3pedestalw_HE");
1944   Map_Ampl[32][2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestalw_HE");
1945   Map_Ampl[32][2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5pedestalw_HE");
1946   Map_Ampl[32][2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6pedestalw_HE");
1947   Map_Ampl[32][2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7pedestalw_HE");
1948   Map_Ampl[32][3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestalw_HO");
1949   Map_Ampl[32][4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1pedestalw_HF");
1950   Map_Ampl[32][4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2pedestalw_HF");
1951   Map_Ampl[32][4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3pedestalw_HF");
1952   Map_Ampl[32][4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4pedestalw_HF");
1954   HistPed[1][1][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal0_HB");
1955   HistPed[1][1][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal1_HB");
1956   HistPed[1][1][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal2_HB");
1957   HistPed[1][1][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal3_HB");
1958   HistPed[2][1][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw0_HB");
1959   HistPed[2][1][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw1_HB");
1960   HistPed[2][1][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw2_HB");
1961   HistPed[2][1][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw3_HB");
1963   HistPed[1][2][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal0_HE");
1964   HistPed[1][2][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal1_HE");
1965   HistPed[1][2][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal2_HE");
1966   HistPed[1][2][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal3_HE");
1967   HistPed[2][2][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw0_HE");
1968   HistPed[2][2][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw1_HE");
1969   HistPed[2][2][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw2_HE");
1970   HistPed[2][2][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw3_HE");
1972   HistPed[1][3][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal0_HO");
1973   HistPed[1][3][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal1_HO");
1974   HistPed[1][3][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal2_HO");
1975   HistPed[1][3][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal3_HO");
1976   HistPed[2][3][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw0_HO");
1977   HistPed[2][3][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw1_HO");
1978   HistPed[2][3][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw2_HO");
1979   HistPed[2][3][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw3_HO");
1981   HistPed[1][4][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal0_HF");
1982   HistPed[1][4][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal1_HF");
1983   HistPed[1][4][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal2_HF");
1984   HistPed[1][4][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestal3_HF");
1985   HistPed[2][4][0] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw0_HF");
1986   HistPed[2][4][1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw1_HF");
1987   HistPed[2][4][2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw2_HF");
1988   HistPed[2][4][3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_pedestalw3_HF");
1990   for (int test = 31; test <= 32; test++) {  //Test: 31-Pedestals, 32-pedestal Widths,
1991     for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {     //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
1992                                              //        if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
1993       if (sub == 1)
1994         cHB->Divide(2, 2);
1995       //        if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
1996       if (sub == 2)
1997         cHE->Divide(3, 3);
1998       if (sub == 3)
1999         cONE->Divide(1, 1);
2000       //        if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
2001       if (sub == 4)
2002         cHF->Divide(2, 2);
2003       //          int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
2004       //        int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
2005       //          int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
2006       for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depths
2007         if (sub == 1)
2008           cHB->cd(k);
2009         if (sub == 2)
2010           cHE->cd(k);
2011         if (sub == 3)
2012           cONE->cd(k - 3);
2013         if (sub == 4)
2014           cHF->cd(k);
2015         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->Divide(Map_Ampl[test][sub][k], Map_SUB[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
2016         gPad->SetGridy();
2017         gPad->SetGridx();
2018         gPad->SetLogz();
2019         if (sub == 1)
2020           sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
2021         if (sub == 2)
2022           sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
2023         if (sub == 3)
2024           sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
2025         if (sub == 4)
2026           sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
2027         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
2028         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
2029         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
2030         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetZTitle("Rate \b");
2031         if (sub == 3)
2032           Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.8, "Z");
2033         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
2034         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2035         Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2036         if (sub == 1) {
2037           cHB->Modified();
2038           cHB->Update();
2039         }
2040         if (sub == 2) {
2041           cHE->Modified();
2042           cHE->Update();
2043         }
2044         if (sub == 3) {
2045           cONE->Modified();
2046           cONE->Update();
2047         }
2048         if (sub == 4) {
2049           cHF->Modified();
2050           cHF->Update();
2051         }
2052       }  //end depth
2053       if (test == 31) {
2054         if (sub == 1) {
2055           cHB->Print("MapRatePedHB.png");
2056           cHB->Clear();
2057         }
2058         if (sub == 2) {
2059           cHE->Print("MapRatePedHE.png");
2060           cHE->Clear();
2061         }
2062         if (sub == 3) {
2063           cONE->Print("MapRatePedHO.png");
2064           cONE->Clear();
2065         }
2066         if (sub == 4) {
2067           cHF->Print("MapRatePedHF.png");
2068           cHF->Clear();
2069         }
2070       }
2071       if (test == 32) {
2072         if (sub == 1) {
2073           cHB->Print("MapRatePedWidthsHB.png");
2074           cHB->Clear();
2075         }
2076         if (sub == 2) {
2077           cHE->Print("MapRatePedWidthsHE.png");
2078           cHE->Clear();
2079         }
2080         if (sub == 3) {
2081           cONE->Print("MapRatePedWidthsHO.png");
2082           cONE->Clear();
2083         }
2084         if (sub == 4) {
2085           cHF->Print("MapRatePedWidthsHF.png");
2086           cHF->Clear();
2087         }
2088       }
2090       ///////////////////////////////////////////////
2092       cPED->Divide(2, 2);
2093       for (int cap = 0; cap <= 3; cap++) {
2094         cPED->cd(cap + 1);
2095         gPad->SetGridy();
2096         gPad->SetGridx();
2097         gPad->SetLogy();
2099         if (sub == 1)
2100           sprintf(str, "HB, Cap%d, all depth\b", cap);
2101         if (sub == 2)
2102           sprintf(str, "HE, Cap%d, all depth\b", cap);
2103         if (sub == 3)
2104           sprintf(str, "HO, Cap%d, all depth\b", cap);
2105         if (sub == 4)
2106           sprintf(str, "HF, Cap%d, all depth\b", cap);
2108         HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->SetTitle(str);
2110         if (test == 31)
2111           HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->SetXTitle("Pedestals in each event & cell \b");
2112         if (test == 32)
2113           HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->SetXTitle("Pedestal Widths in each event & cell \b");
2115         HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->SetYTitle("Number of channel-events \b");
2116         HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->SetLineColor(4);
2117         HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->SetLineWidth(2);
2118         HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->SetTitleOffset(1.4, "Y");
2119         HistPed[test - 30][sub][cap]->Draw("");
2120         //            HistPed[test-30][sub][cap]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 100.);
2121         //            if (test==31) {gPad->SetLogx(); HistPed[test-30][sub][cap]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 10000.);}
2122         //            if (test==32) HistPed[test-30][sub][cap]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 5.);
2124         cPED->Modified();
2125         cPED->Update();
2126         double min_x[] = {Pedest[test - 31][sub], Pedest[test - 31][sub]};
2127         double min_y[] = {0., 100000000.};
2128         TGraph *MIN = new TGraph(2, min_x, min_y);
2129         MIN->SetLineStyle(2);
2130         MIN->SetLineColor(2);
2131         MIN->SetLineWidth(2 + 100 * 100);
2132         MIN->SetFillStyle(3005);
2133         MIN->SetFillColor(2);
2134         MIN->Draw("L");
2135       }
2136       if (test == 31) {
2137         if (sub == 1) {
2138           cPED->Print("HistPedestalsHB.png");
2139           cPED->Clear();
2140         }
2141         if (sub == 2) {
2142           cPED->Print("HistPedestalsHE.png");
2143           cPED->Clear();
2144         }
2145         if (sub == 3) {
2146           cPED->Print("HistPedestalsHO.png");
2147           cPED->Clear();
2148         }
2149         if (sub == 4) {
2150           cPED->Print("HistPedestalsHF.png");
2151           cPED->Clear();
2152         }
2153       }
2154       if (test == 32) {
2155         if (sub == 1) {
2156           cPED->Print("HistPedestalWidthsHB.png");
2157           cPED->Clear();
2158         }
2159         if (sub == 2) {
2160           cPED->Print("HistPedestalWidthsHE.png");
2161           cPED->Clear();
2162         }
2163         if (sub == 3) {
2164           cPED->Print("HistPedestalWidthsHO.png");
2165           cPED->Clear();
2166         }
2167         if (sub == 4) {
2168           cPED->Print("HistPedestalWidthsHF.png");
2169           cPED->Clear();
2170         }
2171       }
2172     }  // end sub
2173   }    //end test 31,32
2175   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2176   //Test 33 Correlation of Pedestal, pedestalWidths Vs fullAmplitude
2177   //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2179   cPED->Clear();
2180   Map_Ped[1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedvsampl_HB");
2181   Map_Ped[1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedvsampl_HE");
2182   Map_Ped[1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedvsampl_HO");
2183   Map_Ped[1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedvsampl_HF");
2184   Map_Ped[2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedwvsampl_HB");
2185   Map_Ped[2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedwvsampl_HE");
2186   Map_Ped[2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedwvsampl_HO");
2187   Map_Ped[2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_pedwvsampl_HF");
2188   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
2189     cPED->Divide(2, 1);
2190     for (int test = 1; test <= 2; test++) {
2191       cPED->cd(test);
2192       gPad->SetGridy();
2193       gPad->SetGridx();
2194       gPad->SetLogz();
2195       if (test == 1)
2196         Map_Ped[test][sub]->SetXTitle("Pedestal, fC \b");
2197       if (test == 2)
2198         Map_Ped[test][sub]->SetXTitle("pedestal Width, fC \b");
2199       Map_Ped[test][sub]->SetYTitle("Amplitude, fC \b");
2200       Map_Ped[test][sub]->SetZTitle("entries  \b");
2201       if (test == 1)
2202         sprintf(str, "Cap0 Pedestal vs Amplitude \b");
2203       if (test == 2)
2204         sprintf(str, "Cap0 pedestalWidth vs Amplitude \b");
2205       Map_Ped[test][sub]->SetTitle(str);
2206       Map_Ped[test][sub]->Draw("COLZ");
2207       // Map_Ped[test][sub]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2208       //      Map_Ped[test][sub]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2209       cPED->Modified();
2210       cPED->Update();
2211     }  // test 1,2
2212     if (sub == 1) {
2213       cPED->Print("CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHB.png");
2214       cPED->Clear();
2215     }
2216     if (sub == 2) {
2217       cPED->Print("CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHE.png");
2218       cPED->Clear();
2219     }
2220     if (sub == 3) {
2221       cPED->Print("CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHO.png");
2222       cPED->Clear();
2223     }
2224     if (sub == 4) {
2225       cPED->Print("CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHF.png");
2226       cPED->Clear();
2227     }
2228   }  // end sub
2230   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2231   //Test 41 Time Slices shape for good and bad channels
2232   //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2234   cONE->Clear();
2235   hist_GoodTSshape[1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_good_channels_HB");
2236   hist_GoodTSshape[2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_good_channels_HE");
2237   hist_GoodTSshape[3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_good_channels_HO");
2238   hist_GoodTSshape[4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_good_channels_HF");
2240   hist_GoodTSshape0[1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_good_channels_HB");
2241   hist_GoodTSshape0[2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_good_channels_HE");
2242   hist_GoodTSshape0[3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_good_channels_HO");
2243   hist_GoodTSshape0[4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_good_channels_HF");
2245   hist_BadTSshape[1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_bad_channels_HB");
2246   hist_BadTSshape[2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_bad_channels_HE");
2247   hist_BadTSshape[3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_bad_channels_HO");
2248   hist_BadTSshape[4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape_bad_channels_HF");
2250   hist_BadTSshape0[1] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_bad_channels_HB");
2251   hist_BadTSshape0[2] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_bad_channels_HE");
2252   hist_BadTSshape0[3] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_bad_channels_HO");
2253   hist_BadTSshape0[4] = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_shape0_bad_channels_HF");
2255   cONE->cd(1);
2257   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
2259     gPad->SetGridy();
2260     gPad->SetGridx();
2261     gPad->SetLogz();
2262     hist_GoodTSshape[sub]->Divide(hist_GoodTSshape[sub], hist_GoodTSshape0[sub], 1, 1, "B");
2263     hist_GoodTSshape[sub]->SetXTitle("Time slice \b");
2264     hist_GoodTSshape[sub]->SetYTitle("ADC counts \b");
2265     sprintf(str, "Mean ADC Shape \b");
2266     hist_GoodTSshape[sub]->SetTitle(str);
2267     hist_GoodTSshape[sub]->Draw("");
2268     // hist_GoodTSshape[sub]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2269     // hist_GoodTSshape[sub]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2270     cONE->Modified();
2271     cONE->Update();
2272     if (sub == 1) {
2273       cONE->Print("HistGoodTSshapesHB.png");
2274       cONE->Clear();
2275     }
2276     if (sub == 2) {
2277       cONE->Print("HistGoodTSshapesHE.png");
2278       cONE->Clear();
2279     }
2280     if (sub == 3) {
2281       cONE->Print("HistGoodTSshapesHO.png");
2282       cONE->Clear();
2283     }
2284     if (sub == 4) {
2285       cONE->Print("HistGoodTSshapesHF.png");
2286       cONE->Clear();
2287     }
2288   }  // end sub
2290   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
2292     gPad->SetGridy();
2293     gPad->SetGridx();
2294     gPad->SetLogz();
2295     hist_BadTSshape[sub]->Divide(hist_BadTSshape[sub], hist_BadTSshape0[sub], 1, 1, "B");
2296     hist_BadTSshape[sub]->SetXTitle("Time slice \b");
2297     hist_BadTSshape[sub]->SetYTitle("ADC counts \b");
2298     sprintf(str, "Mean ADC Shape \b");
2299     hist_BadTSshape[sub]->SetTitle(str);
2300     hist_BadTSshape[sub]->Draw("");
2301     // hist_BadTSshape[sub]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2302     // hist_BadTSshape[sub]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2303     cONE->Modified();
2304     cONE->Update();
2305     if (sub == 1) {
2306       cONE->Print("HistBadTSshapesHB.png");
2307       cONE->Clear();
2308     }
2309     if (sub == 2) {
2310       cONE->Print("HistBadTSshapesHE.png");
2311       cONE->Clear();
2312     }
2313     if (sub == 3) {
2314       cONE->Print("HistBadTSshapesHO.png");
2315       cONE->Clear();
2316     }
2317     if (sub == 4) {
2318       cONE->Print("HistBadTSshapesHF.png");
2319       cONE->Clear();
2320     }
2321   }  // end sub
2323   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2324   //   Entries in different TSs:
2325   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2326   Map_SUBTS[1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TS2_HB");
2327   Map_SUBTS[1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TS2_HB");
2328   Map_SUBTS[1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TS2_HB");
2329   Map_SUBTS[1][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TS2_HB");
2331   Map_SUBTS[2][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TS2_HE");
2332   Map_SUBTS[2][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TS2_HE");
2333   Map_SUBTS[2][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TS2_HE");
2334   Map_SUBTS[2][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TS2_HE");
2335   Map_SUBTS[2][5] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5TS2_HE");
2336   Map_SUBTS[2][6] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6TS2_HE");
2337   Map_SUBTS[2][7] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7TS2_HE");
2339   Map_SUBTS[3][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TS012_HO");
2341   Map_SUBTS[4][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TS1_HF");
2342   Map_SUBTS[4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TS1_HF");
2343   Map_SUBTS[4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TS1_HF");
2344   Map_SUBTS[4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TS1_HF");
2346   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2347   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
2348                                         //     if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2349     if (sub == 1)
2350       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
2351     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
2352     if (sub == 2)
2353       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
2354     if (sub == 3)
2355       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
2356     //     if (sub==4) cHF->Divide(2,1);
2357     if (sub == 4)
2358       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
2359     //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
2360     //     int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
2361     //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
2362     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
2363       if (sub == 1)
2364         cHB->cd(k);
2365       if (sub == 2)
2366         cHE->cd(k);
2367       if (sub == 3)
2368         cONE->cd(k - 3);
2369       if (sub == 4)
2370         cHF->cd(k);
2371       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->Divide(Map_SUBTS[sub][k], Map_SUB[sub][k], 1, 1, "B");
2372       gPad->SetGridy();
2373       gPad->SetGridx();
2374       gPad->SetLogz();
2375       if (sub == 1)
2376         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
2377       if (sub == 2)
2378         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
2379       if (sub == 3)
2380         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
2381       if (sub == 4)
2382         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
2383       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
2384       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
2385       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
2386       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->SetZTitle("Rate \b");
2387       if (sub == 3)
2388         Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->SetTitleOffset(0.8, "Z");
2389       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->Draw("COLZ");
2390       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2391       Map_SUBTS[sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2392       if (sub == 1) {
2393         cHB->Modified();
2394         cHB->Update();
2395       }
2396       if (sub == 2) {
2397         cHE->Modified();
2398         cHE->Update();
2399       }
2400       if (sub == 3) {
2401         cONE->Modified();
2402         cONE->Update();
2403       }
2404       if (sub == 4) {
2405         cHF->Modified();
2406         cHF->Update();
2407       }
2408     }  //end depth
2410     if (sub == 1) {
2411       cHB->Print("Hist_mapDepthAllTS2_HB.png");
2412       cHB->Clear();
2413     }
2414     if (sub == 2) {
2415       cHE->Print("Hist_mapDepthAllTS2_HE.png");
2416       cHE->Clear();
2417     }
2418     if (sub == 3) {
2419       cONE->Print("Hist_mapDepthAllTS012_HO.png");
2420       cONE->Clear();
2421     }
2422     if (sub == 4) {
2423       cHF->Print("Hist_mapDepthAllTS1_HF.png");
2424       cHF->Clear();
2425     }
2426   }  // end sub
2428   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2430   /*
2431  //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  
2432 //Test 42 ADC in TS distributions   
2433 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2435 std::cout<<" We are here to print ADC "<<std::endl; 
2437   hist_ADC_All[1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HB");
2438   hist_ADC_All[2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HE");
2439   hist_ADC_All[3] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HO");
2440   hist_ADC_All[4] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HF");
2443   hist_ADC_DS[1][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HBdepth1");
2444   hist_ADC_DS[1][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HBdepth2");
2445   hist_ADC_DS[2][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HEdepth1");
2446   hist_ADC_DS[2][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HEdepth2");
2447   hist_ADC_DS[2][3] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HEdepth3");
2448   hist_ADC_DS[3][4] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HOdepth4");
2449   hist_ADC_DS[4][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HFdepth1");
2450   hist_ADC_DS[4][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_ADC_HFdepth2");
2453   cONE->Clear();   
2454   cONE->Divide(1,1);
2455   cONE->cd(1);
2457   for (int sub=1;sub<=4;sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF         
2458       gPad->SetGridy();
2459       gPad->SetGridx();
2460       gPad->SetLogy();
2461       hist_ADC_All[sub]->SetXTitle("ADC counts \b");
2462       hist_ADC_All[sub]->SetYTitle("Number of channels-events \b");
2463       if (sub==1) sprintf(str,"ADC counts Distribution HB\b");
2464       if (sub==2) sprintf(str,"ADC counts Distribution HE\b");
2465       if (sub==3) sprintf(str,"ADC counts Distribution HO\b");
2466       if (sub==4) sprintf(str,"ADC counts Distribution HF\b");
2467       hist_ADC_All[sub]->SetTitle(str);
2468       hist_ADC_All[sub]->Draw("");
2469       // hist_ADC_All[sub]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2470       hist_ADC_All[sub]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.000, 1000.);
2471       cONE->Modified(); cONE->Update();
2472       if (sub==1) {cONE->Print("Hist_ADC_HB_All.png"); cONE->Clear();} 
2473       if (sub==2) {cONE->Print("Hist_ADC_HE_All.png"); cONE->Clear();}
2474       if (sub==3) {cONE->Print("Hist_ADC_HO_All.png"); cONE->Clear();}
2475       if (sub==4) {cONE->Print("Hist_ADC_HF_All.png"); cONE->Clear();} 
2476   }// end sub      
2479   for (int sub=1;sub<=4;sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
2480           if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2481           if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
2482           if (sub==3) cONE->Divide(1,1);
2483           if (sub==4) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2484           int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
2485           int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet    
2486           for (int k=k_min[sub];k<=k_max[sub];k++) {  //Depths 
2487               if (sub==1) cHB->cd(k); 
2488               if (sub==2) cHE->cd(k);
2489           if (sub==3) cONE->cd(k-3);
2490           if (sub==4) cHB->cd(k); 
2491               gPad->SetGridy();
2492               gPad->SetGridx();
2493               gPad->SetLogy();
2494               hist_ADC_DS[sub][k]->SetXTitle("ADC counts \b");
2495               hist_ADC_DS[sub][k]->SetYTitle("Number of channels-events \b");
2496               if (sub==1) sprintf(str,"HB, Depth%d \b", k);
2497               if (sub==2) sprintf(str,"HE, Depth%d \b", k);
2498               if (sub==3) sprintf(str,"HO, Depth%d \b", k);
2499               if (sub==4) sprintf(str,"HF, Depth%d \b", k); 
2500               hist_ADC_DS[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
2501               hist_ADC_DS[sub][k]->Draw("");
2502            // hist_ADC_DS[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2503               hist_ADC_DS[sub][k]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.000, 1000.);
2504               if (sub==1) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2505               if (sub==2) {cHE->Modified(); cHE->Update();}
2506               if (sub==3) {cONE->Modified();cONE->Update();}
2507               if (sub==4) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2508           }//end depth    
2509       if (sub==1) {cHB->Print("Hist_ADC_HB_DS.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2510           if (sub==2) {cHE->Print("Hist_ADC_HE_DS.png"); cHE->Clear();}
2511           if (sub==3) {cONE->Print("Hist_ADC_HO_DS.png"); cONE->Clear();}
2512           if (sub==4) {cHB->Print("Hist_ADC_HF_DS.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2513   }// end sub
2516  //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  
2517 //Test 43 Sum ADC in TS distributions   
2518 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2520   hist_SumADC[1][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HB");
2521   hist_SumADC[1][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HB");
2522   hist_SumADC[2][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HE");
2523   hist_SumADC[2][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HE");
2524   hist_SumADC[2][3] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth3_HE");
2525   hist_SumADC[3][4] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth4_HO");
2526   hist_SumADC[4][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HF");
2527   hist_SumADC[4][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HF");
2529   hist_SumADC0[1][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HB0");
2530   hist_SumADC0[1][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HB0");
2531   hist_SumADC0[2][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HE0");
2532   hist_SumADC0[2][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HE0");
2533   hist_SumADC0[2][3] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth3_HE0");
2534   hist_SumADC0[3][4] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth4_HO0");
2535   hist_SumADC0[4][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HF0");
2536   hist_SumADC0[4][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HF0");
2538   hist_SumADC1[1][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HB1");
2539   hist_SumADC1[1][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HB1");
2540   hist_SumADC1[2][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HE1");
2541   hist_SumADC1[2][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HE1");
2542   hist_SumADC1[2][3] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth3_HE1");
2543   hist_SumADC1[3][4] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth4_HO1");
2544   hist_SumADC1[4][1] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth1_HF1");
2545   hist_SumADC1[4][2] = (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_sumamplitude_depth2_HF1");
2547   for (int sub=1;sub<=4;sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
2548           if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2549           if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
2550           if (sub==3) cONE->Divide(1,1);
2551           if (sub==4) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2552           int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
2553           int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet    
2554           for (int k=k_min[sub];k<=k_max[sub];k++) {  //Depths 
2555               if (sub==1) cHB->cd(k); 
2556               if (sub==2) cHE->cd(k);
2557           if (sub==3) cONE->cd(k-3);
2558           if (sub==4) cHB->cd(k); 
2559               gPad->SetGridy();
2560               gPad->SetGridx();
2561               gPad->SetLogy();
2562               hist_SumADC[sub][k]->SetXTitle("ADC sum \b");
2563               hist_SumADC[sub][k]->SetYTitle("Number of channels-events \b");
2564               if (sub==1) sprintf(str,"HB, Depth%d \b", k);
2565               if (sub==2) sprintf(str,"HE, Depth%d \b", k);
2566               if (sub==3) sprintf(str,"HO, Depth%d \b", k);
2567               if (sub==4) sprintf(str,"HF, Depth%d \b", k); 
2568               hist_SumADC[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
2569               hist_SumADC[sub][k]->Draw("");
2570            // hist_SumADC[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2571            // hist_SumADC[sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2572               if (sub==1) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2573               if (sub==2) {cHE->Modified(); cHE->Update();}
2574               if (sub==3) {cONE->Modified();cONE->Update();}
2575               if (sub==4) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2576           }//end depth    
2577       if (sub==1) {cHB->Print("Hist_SumADC_HB.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2578           if (sub==2) {cHE->Print("Hist_SumADC_HE.png"); cHE->Clear();}
2579           if (sub==3) {cONE->Print("Hist_SumADC_HO.png"); cONE->Clear();}
2580           if (sub==4) {cHB->Print("Hist_SumADC_HF.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2581   }// end sub
2584   for (int sub=1;sub<=4;sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
2585           if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2586           if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
2587           if (sub==3) cONE->Divide(1,1);
2588           if (sub==4) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2589           int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
2590           int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet    
2591           for (int k=k_min[sub];k<=k_max[sub];k++) {  //Depths 
2592               if (sub==1) cHB->cd(k); 
2593               if (sub==2) cHE->cd(k);
2594           if (sub==3) cONE->cd(k-3);
2595           if (sub==4) cHB->cd(k); 
2596               gPad->SetGridy();
2597               gPad->SetGridx();
2598               gPad->SetLogy();
2599               hist_SumADC0[sub][k]->SetXTitle("ADC sum \b");
2600               hist_SumADC0[sub][k]->SetYTitle("Number of channels-events \b");
2601               if (sub==1) sprintf(str,"HB, Depth%d \b", k);
2602               if (sub==2) sprintf(str,"HE, Depth%d \b", k);
2603               if (sub==3) sprintf(str,"HO, Depth%d \b", k);
2604               if (sub==4) sprintf(str,"HF, Depth%d \b", k); 
2605               hist_SumADC0[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
2606               hist_SumADC0[sub][k]->Draw("");
2607            // hist_SumADC0[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2608            // hist_SumADC0[sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2609               if (sub==1) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2610               if (sub==2) {cHE->Modified(); cHE->Update();}
2611               if (sub==3) {cONE->Modified();cONE->Update();}
2612               if (sub==4) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2613           }//end depth    
2614       if (sub==1) {cHB->Print("Hist_SumADC_HB0.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2615           if (sub==2) {cHE->Print("Hist_SumADC_HE0.png"); cHE->Clear();}
2616           if (sub==3) {cONE->Print("Hist_SumADC_HO0.png"); cONE->Clear();}
2617           if (sub==4) {cHB->Print("Hist_SumADC_HF0.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2618   }// end sub
2620   for (int sub=1;sub<=4;sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
2621           if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2622           if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
2623           if (sub==3) cONE->Divide(1,1);
2624           if (sub==4) cHB->Divide(2,1);
2625           int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
2626           int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet    
2627           for (int k=k_min[sub];k<=k_max[sub];k++) {  //Depths 
2628               if (sub==1) cHB->cd(k); 
2629               if (sub==2) cHE->cd(k);
2630           if (sub==3) cONE->cd(k-3);
2631           if (sub==4) cHB->cd(k); 
2632               gPad->SetGridy();
2633               gPad->SetGridx();
2634               gPad->SetLogy();
2635               hist_SumADC1[sub][k]->SetXTitle("ADC sum \b");
2636               hist_SumADC1[sub][k]->SetYTitle("Number of channels-events \b");
2637               if (sub==1) sprintf(str,"HB, Depth%d \b", k);
2638               if (sub==2) sprintf(str,"HE, Depth%d \b", k);
2639               if (sub==3) sprintf(str,"HO, Depth%d \b", k);
2640               if (sub==4) sprintf(str,"HF, Depth%d \b", k); 
2641               hist_SumADC1[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
2642               hist_SumADC1[sub][k]->Draw("");
2643            // hist_SumADC1[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
2644            // hist_SumADC1[sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001, 1.);
2645               if (sub==1) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2646               if (sub==2) {cHE->Modified(); cHE->Update();}
2647               if (sub==3) {cONE->Modified();cONE->Update();}
2648               if (sub==4) {cHB->Modified(); cHB->Update();} 
2649           }//end depth    
2650       if (sub==1) {cHB->Print("Hist_SumADC_HB1.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2651           if (sub==2) {cHE->Print("Hist_SumADC_HE1.png"); cHE->Clear();}
2652           if (sub==3) {cONE->Print("Hist_SumADC_HO1.png"); cONE->Clear();}
2653           if (sub==4) {cHB->Print("Hist_SumADC_HF1.png"); cHB->Clear();} 
2654   }// end sub
2656 */
2658   /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ////////////////////         phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2659   /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ////////////  /////////////  /////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2660   /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ////////////  /////////////  /////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2661   /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ///////////  /////////////  //////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2662   /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ///////////  /////////////  //////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2664   /*
2665     depth=5                    all
2666     i=1-82 in initial histo
2667     j=i-1 in massives
2669     j= 13   23 (11)           12    25 (!!!)
2670     j-41 in histo
2671     -28  -18 (11)          -29    -16
2673     j= 59   69 (11)           57    70 (!!!)
2674     j-41 in histo
2675     18   28 (11)           16    29
2676   */
2678   const int nsub = 4;
2679   const int neta = 82;
2680   const int nphi = 72;
2681   int njeta = neta;
2682   int njphi = nphi;
2683   //const int ndepth = 7;
2684   int ndepth;
2685   /////////////   ///////////// //////////////////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2686   /////////////  /////////////  //////////////////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2687   /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  /////////////  ////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
2689   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi
2690   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi
2691   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi
2692   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi
2694   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HB
2695   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HB
2696   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HB
2697   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
2698   //ndepth = k_max[5];
2699   ndepth = 4;
2700   double adigiHB[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
2701   double digivarianceHB[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
2703   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HB1");
2704   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB1");
2705   TH2F *amplitudechannelHB1 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HB1->Clone("amplitudechannelHB1");
2706   amplitudechannelHB1->Divide(amplitudechannel1HB1, amplitudechannel0HB1, 1, 1, "B");
2707   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HB2");
2708   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB2");
2709   TH2F *amplitudechannelHB2 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HB2->Clone("amplitudechannelHB2");
2710   amplitudechannelHB2->Divide(amplitudechannel1HB2, amplitudechannel0HB2, 1, 1, "B");
2711   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HB3");
2712   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB3");
2713   TH2F *amplitudechannelHB3 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HB3->Clone("amplitudechannelHB3");
2714   amplitudechannelHB3->Divide(amplitudechannel1HB3, amplitudechannel0HB3, 1, 1, "B");
2715   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HB4");
2716   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB4");
2717   TH2F *amplitudechannelHB4 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HB4->Clone("amplitudechannelHB4");
2718   amplitudechannelHB4->Divide(amplitudechannel1HB4, amplitudechannel0HB4, 1, 1, "B");
2719   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
2720     //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive adigiHB
2721     //preparation for PHI normalization:
2722     double sumdigiHB0 = 0;
2723     int nsumdigiHB0 = 0;
2724     double sumdigiHB1 = 0;
2725     int nsumdigiHB1 = 0;
2726     double sumdigiHB2 = 0;
2727     int nsumdigiHB2 = 0;
2728     double sumdigiHB3 = 0;
2729     int nsumdigiHB3 = 0;
2730     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
2731       adigiHB[0][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHB1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
2732       adigiHB[1][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHB2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
2733       adigiHB[2][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHB3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
2734       adigiHB[3][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHB4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
2735       if (adigiHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
2736         sumdigiHB0 += adigiHB[0][jeta][jphi];
2737         ++nsumdigiHB0;
2738       }
2739       if (adigiHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
2740         sumdigiHB1 += adigiHB[1][jeta][jphi];
2741         ++nsumdigiHB1;
2742       }
2743       if (adigiHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
2744         sumdigiHB2 += adigiHB[2][jeta][jphi];
2745         ++nsumdigiHB2;
2746       }
2747       if (adigiHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
2748         sumdigiHB3 += adigiHB[3][jeta][jphi];
2749         ++nsumdigiHB3;
2750       }
2751     }  // phi
2752     // PHI normalization:
2753     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
2754       if (adigiHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
2755         adigiHB[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB0 / nsumdigiHB0);
2756       if (adigiHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
2757         adigiHB[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB1 / nsumdigiHB1);
2758       if (adigiHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
2759         adigiHB[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB2 / nsumdigiHB2);
2760       if (adigiHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
2761         adigiHB[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB3 / nsumdigiHB3);
2762     }  // phi
2763   }    //eta
2764   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs
2765   //======================================================================
2766   //======================================================================
2767   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
2768   c1x0->Clear();
2769   /////////////////
2770   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
2771   c1x0->cd(1);
2772   TH2F *GefzRdigiHB42D = new TH2F("GefzRdigiHB42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
2773   TH2F *GefzRdigiHB42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRdigiHB42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
2774   TH2F *GefzRdigiHB42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRdigiHB42D0->Clone("GefzRdigiHB42DF");
2775   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
2776     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
2777       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
2778         double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
2779         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
2780         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
2781         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
2782           GefzRdigiHB42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
2783           GefzRdigiHB42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
2784         }
2785       }
2786     }
2787   }
2788   GefzRdigiHB42DF->Divide(GefzRdigiHB42D, GefzRdigiHB42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
2789   gPad->SetGridy();
2790   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
2791   GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
2792   GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
2793   GefzRdigiHB42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
2794   GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
2795   GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
2796   GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetZTitle("<R>_depth \b");
2797   GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
2798   GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetLineColor(
2799       0);  //      GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      GefzRdigiHB42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
2800   GefzRdigiHB42DF->Draw("COLZ");
2801   /////////////////
2802   c1x0->Update();
2803   c1x0->Print("RdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png");
2804   c1x0->Clear();
2805   // clean-up
2806   if (GefzRdigiHB42D)
2807     delete GefzRdigiHB42D;
2808   if (GefzRdigiHB42D0)
2809     delete GefzRdigiHB42D0;
2810   if (GefzRdigiHB42DF)
2811     delete GefzRdigiHB42DF;
2812   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
2813   //======================================================================
2814   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
2815   c1x1->Clear();
2816   /////////////////
2817   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
2818   c1x1->cd(1);
2819   TH1F *GefzRdigiHB41D = new TH1F("GefzRdigiHB41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
2820   TH1F *GefzRdigiHB41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRdigiHB41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
2821   TH1F *GefzRdigiHB41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRdigiHB41D0->Clone("GefzRdigiHB41DF");
2822   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
2823     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
2824       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
2825         double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
2826         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
2827           GefzRdigiHB41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
2828           GefzRdigiHB41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
2829         }
2830       }
2831     }
2832   }
2833   GefzRdigiHB41DF->Divide(GefzRdigiHB41D, GefzRdigiHB41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
2834   GefzRdigiHB41D0->Sumw2();
2835   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
2836   gPad->SetGridy();
2837   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
2838   GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
2839   GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
2840   GefzRdigiHB41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
2841   GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
2842   GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
2843   GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
2844   GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
2845   GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetLineColor(
2846       4);  //  GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRdigiHB41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
2847   GefzRdigiHB41DF->Draw("Error");
2848   /////////////////
2849   c1x1->Update();
2850   c1x1->Print("RdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png");
2851   c1x1->Clear();
2852   // clean-up
2853   if (GefzRdigiHB41D)
2854     delete GefzRdigiHB41D;
2855   if (GefzRdigiHB41D0)
2856     delete GefzRdigiHB41D0;
2857   if (GefzRdigiHB41DF)
2858     delete GefzRdigiHB41DF;
2859   //========================================================================================== 4
2860   //======================================================================
2861   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
2862   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
2863   c3x5->Clear();
2864   /////////////////
2865   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
2866   c3x5->cd(1);
2867   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 = 1;
2868   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
2869   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
2870     // positivedirectionDigi:
2871     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
2872       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
2873       // depth=1
2874       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
2875         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigi1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi1->Clone("twod1");
2876         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
2877         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
2878           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
2879           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
2880             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
2881             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
2882           }
2883         }  // for jphi
2884         if (ccctest > 0.) {
2885           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
2886           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1);
2887           HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
2888           HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
2889           HBpositivedirectionDigi1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
2890           HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigi1 \b");
2891           HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerColor(2);
2892           HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetLineColor(0);
2893           gPad->SetGridy();
2894           gPad->SetGridx();
2895           //       gPad->SetLogy();
2896           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 1)
2897             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 1 \b");
2898           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 2)
2899             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 1 \b");
2900           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 3)
2901             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 1 \b");
2902           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 4)
2903             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 1 \b");
2904           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 5)
2905             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 1 \b");
2906           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 6)
2907             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 1 \b");
2908           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 7)
2909             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 1 \b");
2910           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 8)
2911             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 1 \b");
2912           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 9)
2913             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 1 \b");
2914           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 10)
2915             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 1 \b");
2916           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 11)
2917             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 1 \b");
2918           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 12)
2919             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 1 \b");
2920           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 13)
2921             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 1 \b");
2922           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 14)
2923             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 1 \b");
2924           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 15)
2925             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 1 \b");
2926           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 == 16)
2927             HBpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 1 \b");
2928           HBpositivedirectionDigi1->Draw("Error");
2929           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1++;
2930           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi1 > 16)
2931             break;  //
2932         }           //ccctest>0
2934       }  // for i
2935     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
2936   }      //for jeta
2937   /////////////////
2938   c3x5->Update();
2939   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
2940   c3x5->Clear();
2941   // clean-up
2942   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi1)
2943     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi1;
2945   //========================================================================================== 5
2946   //======================================================================
2947   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
2948   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
2949   c3x5->Clear();
2950   /////////////////
2951   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
2952   c3x5->cd(1);
2953   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 = 1;
2954   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
2955   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
2956     // positivedirectionDigi:
2957     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
2958       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
2959       // depth=2
2960       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
2961         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigi2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi2->Clone("twod1");
2962         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
2963         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
2964           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
2965           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
2966             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
2967             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
2968           }
2969         }  // for jphi
2970         if (ccctest > 0.) {
2971           //cout<<"555        kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
2972           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2);
2973           HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
2974           HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
2975           HBpositivedirectionDigi2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
2976           HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigi2 \b");
2977           HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerColor(2);
2978           HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetLineColor(0);
2979           gPad->SetGridy();
2980           gPad->SetGridx();
2981           //       gPad->SetLogy();
2982           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 1)
2983             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 2 \b");
2984           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 2)
2985             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 2 \b");
2986           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 3)
2987             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 2 \b");
2988           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 4)
2989             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 2 \b");
2990           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 5)
2991             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 2 \b");
2992           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 6)
2993             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 2 \b");
2994           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 7)
2995             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 2 \b");
2996           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 8)
2997             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 2 \b");
2998           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 9)
2999             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 2 \b");
3000           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 10)
3001             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 2 \b");
3002           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 11)
3003             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 2 \b");
3004           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 12)
3005             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 2 \b");
3006           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 13)
3007             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 2 \b");
3008           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 14)
3009             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 2 \b");
3010           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 15)
3011             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 2 \b");
3012           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 == 16)
3013             HBpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 2 \b");
3014           HBpositivedirectionDigi2->Draw("Error");
3015           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2++;
3016           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi2 > 16)
3017             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3018         }           //ccctest>0
3020       }  // for i
3021     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
3022   }      //for jeta
3023   /////////////////
3024   c3x5->Update();
3025   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
3026   c3x5->Clear();
3027   // clean-up
3028   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi2)
3029     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi2;
3030   //========================================================================================== 6
3031   //======================================================================
3032   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
3033   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
3034   c3x5->Clear();
3035   /////////////////
3036   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3037   c3x5->cd(1);
3038   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 = 1;
3039   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3040   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3041     // positivedirectionDigi:
3042     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
3043       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3044       // depth=3
3045       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
3046         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigi3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi3->Clone("twod1");
3047         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3048         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3049           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3050           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
3051             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3052             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3053           }
3054         }  // for jphi
3055         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3056           //cout<<"666        kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3057           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3);
3058           HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3059           HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3060           HBpositivedirectionDigi3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3061           HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigi3 \b");
3062           HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerColor(2);
3063           HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetLineColor(0);
3064           gPad->SetGridy();
3065           gPad->SetGridx();
3066           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3067           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 1)
3068             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
3069           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 2)
3070             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 3 \b");
3071           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 3)
3072             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 3 \b");
3073           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 4)
3074             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 3 \b");
3075           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 5)
3076             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 3 \b");
3077           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 6)
3078             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 3 \b");
3079           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 7)
3080             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 3 \b");
3081           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 8)
3082             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 3 \b");
3083           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 9)
3084             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 3 \b");
3085           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 10)
3086             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 3 \b");
3087           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 11)
3088             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
3089           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 12)
3090             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 3 \b");
3091           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 13)
3092             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 3 \b");
3093           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 14)
3094             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 3 \b");
3095           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 15)
3096             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 3 \b");
3097           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 == 16)
3098             HBpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 3 \b");
3099           HBpositivedirectionDigi3->Draw("Error");
3100           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3++;
3101           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi3 > 16)
3102             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3103         }           //ccctest>0
3105       }  // for i
3106     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
3107   }      //for jeta
3108   /////////////////
3109   c3x5->Update();
3110   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
3111   c3x5->Clear();
3112   // clean-up
3113   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi3)
3114     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi3;
3115   //========================================================================================== 7
3116   //======================================================================
3117   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
3118   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
3119   c3x5->Clear();
3120   /////////////////
3121   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3122   c3x5->cd(1);
3123   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 = 1;
3124   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3126   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3127     // positivedirectionDigi:
3128     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
3129       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3130       // depth=4
3131       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
3132         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigi4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi4->Clone("twod1");
3134         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3135         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3136           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3137           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
3138             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3139             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3140           }
3141         }  // for jphi
3142         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3143           //cout<<"777        kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3144           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4);
3145           HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3146           HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3147           HBpositivedirectionDigi4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3148           HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigi4 \b");
3149           HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerColor(2);
3150           HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetLineColor(0);
3151           gPad->SetGridy();
3152           gPad->SetGridx();
3153           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3154           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 1)
3155             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 4 \b");
3156           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 2)
3157             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 4 \b");
3158           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 3)
3159             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 4 \b");
3160           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 4)
3161             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 4 \b");
3162           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 5)
3163             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 4 \b");
3164           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 6)
3165             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 4 \b");
3166           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 7)
3167             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 4 \b");
3168           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 8)
3169             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 4 \b");
3170           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 9)
3171             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 4 \b");
3172           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 10)
3173             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 4 \b");
3174           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 11)
3175             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 4 \b");
3176           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 12)
3177             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 4 \b");
3178           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 13)
3179             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 4 \b");
3180           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 14)
3181             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 4 \b");
3182           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 15)
3183             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 4 \b");
3184           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 == 16)
3185             HBpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
3186           HBpositivedirectionDigi4->Draw("Error");
3187           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4++;
3188           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigi4 > 16)
3189             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3190         }           //ccctest>0
3192       }  // for i
3193     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
3194   }      //for jeta
3195   /////////////////
3196   c3x5->Update();
3197   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
3198   c3x5->Clear();
3199   // clean-up
3200   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi4)
3201     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigi4;
3203   //========================================================================================== 1114
3204   //======================================================================
3205   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
3206   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
3207   c3x5->Clear();
3208   /////////////////
3209   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3210   c3x5->cd(1);
3211   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 = 1;
3212   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3213   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3214     // negativedirectionDigi:
3215     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
3216       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3217       // depth=1
3218       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
3219         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigi1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi1->Clone("twod1");
3220         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3221         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3222           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3223           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
3224             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3225             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3226           }
3227         }  // for jphi
3228         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3229           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3230           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1);
3231           HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3232           HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3233           HBnegativedirectionDigi1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3234           HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigi1 \b");
3235           HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerColor(2);
3236           HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetLineColor(0);
3237           gPad->SetGridy();
3238           gPad->SetGridx();
3239           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3240           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 1)
3241             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 1 \b");
3242           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 2)
3243             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 1 \b");
3244           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 3)
3245             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 1 \b");
3246           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 4)
3247             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 1 \b");
3248           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 5)
3249             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 1 \b");
3250           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 6)
3251             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 1 \b");
3252           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 7)
3253             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 1 \b");
3254           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 8)
3255             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 1 \b");
3256           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 9)
3257             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 1 \b");
3258           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 10)
3259             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 1 \b");
3260           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 11)
3261             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 1 \b");
3262           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 12)
3263             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 1 \b");
3264           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 13)
3265             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 1 \b");
3266           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 14)
3267             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 1 \b");
3268           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 15)
3269             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 1 \b");
3270           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 == 16)
3271             HBnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 1 \b");
3272           HBnegativedirectionDigi1->Draw("Error");
3273           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1++;
3274           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi1 > 16)
3275             break;  //
3276         }           //ccctest>0
3278       }  // for i
3279     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
3280   }      //for jeta
3281   /////////////////
3282   c3x5->Update();
3283   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
3284   c3x5->Clear();
3285   // clean-up
3286   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi1)
3287     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi1;
3289   //========================================================================================== 1115
3290   //======================================================================
3291   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
3292   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
3293   c3x5->Clear();
3294   /////////////////
3295   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3296   c3x5->cd(1);
3297   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 = 1;
3298   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3299   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3300     // negativedirectionDigi:
3301     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
3302       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3303       // depth=2
3304       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
3305         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigi2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi2->Clone("twod1");
3306         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3307         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3308           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3309           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
3310             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3311             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3312           }
3313         }  // for jphi
3314         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3315           //cout<<"555        kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3316           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2);
3317           HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3318           HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3319           HBnegativedirectionDigi2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3320           HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigi2 \b");
3321           HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerColor(2);
3322           HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetLineColor(0);
3323           gPad->SetGridy();
3324           gPad->SetGridx();
3325           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3326           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 1)
3327             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 2 \b");
3328           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 2)
3329             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 2 \b");
3330           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 3)
3331             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 2 \b");
3332           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 4)
3333             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 2 \b");
3334           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 5)
3335             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 2 \b");
3336           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 6)
3337             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 2 \b");
3338           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 7)
3339             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 2 \b");
3340           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 8)
3341             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 2 \b");
3342           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 9)
3343             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 2 \b");
3344           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 10)
3345             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 2 \b");
3346           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 11)
3347             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 2 \b");
3348           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 12)
3349             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 2 \b");
3350           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 13)
3351             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 2 \b");
3352           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 14)
3353             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 2 \b");
3354           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 15)
3355             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 2 \b");
3356           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 == 16)
3357             HBnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 2 \b");
3358           HBnegativedirectionDigi2->Draw("Error");
3359           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2++;
3360           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi2 > 16)
3361             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3362         }           //ccctest>0
3364       }  // for i
3365     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
3366   }      //for jeta
3367   /////////////////
3368   c3x5->Update();
3369   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
3370   c3x5->Clear();
3371   // clean-up
3372   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi2)
3373     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi2;
3374   //========================================================================================== 1116
3375   //======================================================================
3376   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
3377   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
3378   c3x5->Clear();
3379   /////////////////
3380   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3381   c3x5->cd(1);
3382   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 = 1;
3383   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3384   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3385     // negativedirectionDigi:
3386     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
3387       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3388       // depth=3
3389       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
3390         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigi3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi3->Clone("twod1");
3391         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3392         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3393           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3394           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
3395             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3396             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3397           }
3398         }  // for jphi
3399         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3400           //cout<<"666        kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3401           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3);
3402           HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3403           HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3404           HBnegativedirectionDigi3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3405           HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigi3 \b");
3406           HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerColor(2);
3407           HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetLineColor(0);
3408           gPad->SetGridy();
3409           gPad->SetGridx();
3410           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3411           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 1)
3412             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 3 \b");
3413           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 2)
3414             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 3 \b");
3415           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 3)
3416             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 3 \b");
3417           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 4)
3418             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 3 \b");
3419           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 5)
3420             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 3 \b");
3421           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 6)
3422             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 3 \b");
3423           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 7)
3424             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 3 \b");
3425           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 8)
3426             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 3 \b");
3427           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 9)
3428             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 3 \b");
3429           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 10)
3430             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 3 \b");
3431           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 11)
3432             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 3 \b");
3433           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 12)
3434             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 3 \b");
3435           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 13)
3436             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 3 \b");
3437           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 14)
3438             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 3 \b");
3439           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 15)
3440             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 3 \b");
3441           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 == 16)
3442             HBnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 3 \b");
3444           HBnegativedirectionDigi3->Draw("Error");
3445           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3++;
3446           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi3 > 16)
3447             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3448         }           //ccctest>0
3450       }  // for i
3451     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
3452   }      //for jeta
3453   /////////////////
3454   c3x5->Update();
3455   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
3456   c3x5->Clear();
3457   // clean-up
3458   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi3)
3459     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi3;
3460   //========================================================================================== 1117
3461   //======================================================================
3462   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
3463   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
3464   c3x5->Clear();
3465   /////////////////
3466   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3467   c3x5->cd(1);
3468   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 = 1;
3469   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3471   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3472     // negativedirectionDigi:
3473     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
3474       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3475       // depth=4
3476       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
3477         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigi4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi4->Clone("twod1");
3479         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3480         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3481           double ccc1 = adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3482           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
3483             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3484             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3485           }
3486         }  // for jphi
3487         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3488           //cout<<"777        kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3489           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4);
3490           HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3491           HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3492           HBnegativedirectionDigi4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3493           HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigi4 \b");
3494           HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerColor(2);
3495           HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetLineColor(0);
3496           gPad->SetGridy();
3497           gPad->SetGridx();
3498           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3499           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 1)
3500             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 4 \b");
3501           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 2)
3502             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 4 \b");
3503           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 3)
3504             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 4 \b");
3505           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 4)
3506             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 4 \b");
3507           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 5)
3508             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 4 \b");
3509           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 6)
3510             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 4 \b");
3511           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 7)
3512             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 4 \b");
3513           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 8)
3514             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 4 \b");
3515           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 9)
3516             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 4 \b");
3517           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 10)
3518             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 4 \b");
3519           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 11)
3520             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 4 \b");
3521           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 12)
3522             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 4 \b");
3523           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 13)
3524             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 4 \b");
3525           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 14)
3526             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 4 \b");
3527           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 15)
3528             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 4 \b");
3529           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 == 16)
3530             HBnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 4 \b");
3531           HBnegativedirectionDigi4->Draw("Error");
3532           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4++;
3533           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigi4 > 16)
3534             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3535         }           //ccctest>0
3537       }  // for i
3538     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
3539   }      //for jeta
3540   /////////////////
3541   c3x5->Update();
3542   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
3543   c3x5->Clear();
3544   // clean-up
3545   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi4)
3546     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigi4;
3548   //======================================================================================================================
3549   //======================================================================================================================
3550   //======================================================================================================================
3553   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
3554   TH2F *digiVariance1HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HB1");
3555   TH2F *digiVariance0HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB1");
3556   TH2F *digiVarianceHB1 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HB1->Clone("digiVarianceHB1");
3557   digiVarianceHB1->Divide(digiVariance1HB1, digiVariance0HB1, 1, 1, "B");
3558   TH2F *digiVariance1HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HB2");
3559   TH2F *digiVariance0HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB2");
3560   TH2F *digiVarianceHB2 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HB2->Clone("digiVarianceHB2");
3561   digiVarianceHB2->Divide(digiVariance1HB2, digiVariance0HB2, 1, 1, "B");
3562   TH2F *digiVariance1HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HB3");
3563   TH2F *digiVariance0HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB3");
3564   TH2F *digiVarianceHB3 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HB3->Clone("digiVarianceHB3");
3565   digiVarianceHB3->Divide(digiVariance1HB3, digiVariance0HB3, 1, 1, "B");
3566   TH2F *digiVariance1HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HB4");
3567   TH2F *digiVariance0HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HB4");
3568   TH2F *digiVarianceHB4 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HB4->Clone("digiVarianceHB4");
3569   digiVarianceHB4->Divide(digiVariance1HB4, digiVariance0HB4, 1, 1, "B");
3570   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
3571   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive digivarianceHB
3572   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
3573   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3574     //preparation for PHI normalization:
3575     double sumdigiHB0 = 0;
3576     int nsumdigiHB0 = 0;
3577     double sumdigiHB1 = 0;
3578     int nsumdigiHB1 = 0;
3579     double sumdigiHB2 = 0;
3580     int nsumdigiHB2 = 0;
3581     double sumdigiHB3 = 0;
3582     int nsumdigiHB3 = 0;
3583     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
3584       digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHB1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
3585       digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHB2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
3586       digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHB3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
3587       digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHB4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
3588       if (digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3589         sumdigiHB0 += digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi];
3590         ++nsumdigiHB0;
3591       }
3592       if (digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3593         sumdigiHB1 += digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi];
3594         ++nsumdigiHB1;
3595       }
3596       if (digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3597         sumdigiHB2 += digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi];
3598         ++nsumdigiHB2;
3599       }
3600       if (digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3601         sumdigiHB3 += digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi];
3602         ++nsumdigiHB3;
3603       }
3604     }  // phi
3605     // PHI normalization :
3606     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
3607       if (digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
3608         digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB0 / nsumdigiHB0);
3609       if (digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
3610         digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB1 / nsumdigiHB1);
3611       if (digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
3612         digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB2 / nsumdigiHB2);
3613       if (digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
3614         digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHB3 / nsumdigiHB3);
3615     }  // phi
3616     //       digivarianceHB (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
3617     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
3618       //       cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
3619       digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHB[0][jeta][jphi] * adigiHB[0][jeta][jphi];
3620       digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi]);
3621       digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHB[1][jeta][jphi] * adigiHB[1][jeta][jphi];
3622       digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi]);
3623       digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHB[2][jeta][jphi] * adigiHB[2][jeta][jphi];
3624       digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi]);
3625       digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHB[3][jeta][jphi] * adigiHB[3][jeta][jphi];
3626       digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi]);
3627     }
3628   }
3629   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
3630   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs
3631   //======================================================================
3632   //======================================================================
3633   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
3634   c1x1->Clear();
3635   /////////////////
3636   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
3637   c1x0->cd(1);
3638   TH2F *DefzDdigiHB42D = new TH2F("DefzDdigiHB42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
3639   TH2F *DefzDdigiHB42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDdigiHB42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
3640   TH2F *DefzDdigiHB42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDdigiHB42D0->Clone("DefzDdigiHB42DF");
3641   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
3642     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
3643       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3644         double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3645         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
3646         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
3647         if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3648           DefzDdigiHB42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
3649           DefzDdigiHB42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
3650         }
3651       }
3652     }
3653   }
3654   DefzDdigiHB42DF->Divide(DefzDdigiHB42D, DefzDdigiHB42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
3655   //    DefzDdigiHB1->Sumw2();
3656   gPad->SetGridy();
3657   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
3658   DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3659   DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3660   DefzDdigiHB42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
3661   DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
3662   DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
3663   DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
3664   DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
3665   DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetLineColor(
3666       0);  //      DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDdigiHB42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
3667   DefzDdigiHB42DF->Draw("COLZ");
3668   /////////////////
3669   c1x0->Update();
3670   c1x0->Print("DdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png");
3671   c1x0->Clear();
3672   // clean-up
3673   if (DefzDdigiHB42D)
3674     delete DefzDdigiHB42D;
3675   if (DefzDdigiHB42D0)
3676     delete DefzDdigiHB42D0;
3677   if (DefzDdigiHB42DF)
3678     delete DefzDdigiHB42DF;
3679   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
3680   //======================================================================
3681   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
3682   c1x1->Clear();
3683   /////////////////
3684   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
3685   c1x1->cd(1);
3686   TH1F *DefzDdigiHB41D = new TH1F("DefzDdigiHB41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3687   TH1F *DefzDdigiHB41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDdigiHB41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3688   TH1F *DefzDdigiHB41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDdigiHB41D0->Clone("DefzDdigiHB41DF");
3690   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3691     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
3692       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
3693         double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3694         if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3695           DefzDdigiHB41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3696           DefzDdigiHB41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
3697         }
3698       }
3699     }
3700   }
3701   //     DefzDdigiHB41D->Sumw2();DefzDdigiHB41D0->Sumw2();
3703   DefzDdigiHB41DF->Divide(DefzDdigiHB41D, DefzDdigiHB41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
3704   DefzDdigiHB41D0->Sumw2();
3705   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
3706   gPad->SetGridy();
3707   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
3708   DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3709   DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
3710   DefzDdigiHB41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
3711   DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
3712   DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
3713   DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
3714   DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
3715   DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetLineColor(4);  //  DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDdigiHB41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
3716   DefzDdigiHB41DF->Draw("Error");
3717   /////////////////
3718   c1x1->Update();
3719   c1x1->Print("DdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png");
3720   c1x1->Clear();
3721   // clean-up
3722   if (DefzDdigiHB41D)
3723     delete DefzDdigiHB41D;
3724   if (DefzDdigiHB41D0)
3725     delete DefzDdigiHB41D0;
3726   if (DefzDdigiHB41DF)
3727     delete DefzDdigiHB41DF;
3729   //========================================================================================== 14
3730   //======================================================================
3731   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
3732   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
3733   c3x5->Clear();
3734   /////////////////
3735   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3736   c3x5->cd(1);
3737   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 = 1;
3738   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3740   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3741     // positivedirectionDigiD:
3742     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
3743       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3744       // depth=1
3745       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
3746         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigiD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD1->Clone("twod1");
3748         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3749         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3750           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3751           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3752             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3753             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3754           }
3755         }  // for jphi
3756         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3757           //cout<<"1414       kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3758           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1);
3759           HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3760           HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3761           HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3762           HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigiD1 \b");
3763           HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
3764           HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetLineColor(0);
3765           gPad->SetGridy();
3766           gPad->SetGridx();
3767           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3768           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 1)
3769             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 1 \b");
3770           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 2)
3771             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 1 \b");
3772           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 3)
3773             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 1 \b");
3774           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 4)
3775             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 1 \b");
3776           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 5)
3777             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 1 \b");
3778           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 6)
3779             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 1 \b");
3780           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 7)
3781             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 1 \b");
3782           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 8)
3783             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 1 \b");
3784           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 9)
3785             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 1 \b");
3786           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 10)
3787             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 1 \b");
3788           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 11)
3789             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 1 \b");
3790           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 12)
3791             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 1 \b");
3792           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 13)
3793             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 1 \b");
3794           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 14)
3795             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 1 \b");
3796           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 15)
3797             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 1 \b");
3798           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 16)
3799             HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 1 \b");
3800           HBpositivedirectionDigiD1->Draw("Error");
3801           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1++;
3802           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD1 > 16)
3803             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3804         }           //ccctest>0
3806       }  // for i
3807     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
3808   }      //for jeta
3809   /////////////////
3810   c3x5->Update();
3811   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
3812   c3x5->Clear();
3813   // clean-up
3814   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD1)
3815     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD1;
3816   //========================================================================================== 15
3817   //======================================================================
3818   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
3819   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
3820   c3x5->Clear();
3821   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3822   c3x5->cd(1);
3823   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 = 1;
3824   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3826   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3827     // positivedirectionDigiD:
3828     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
3829       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3830       // depth=2
3831       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
3832         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigiD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD2->Clone("twod1");
3834         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3835         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3836           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3837           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3838             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3839             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3840           }
3841         }  // for jphi
3842         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3843           //cout<<"1515       kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3844           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2);
3845           HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3846           HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3847           HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3848           HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigiD2 \b");
3849           HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
3850           HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetLineColor(0);
3851           gPad->SetGridy();
3852           gPad->SetGridx();
3853           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3854           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 1)
3855             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 2 \b");
3856           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 2)
3857             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 2 \b");
3858           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 3)
3859             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 2 \b");
3860           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 4)
3861             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 2 \b");
3862           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 5)
3863             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 2 \b");
3864           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 6)
3865             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 2 \b");
3866           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 7)
3867             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 2 \b");
3868           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 8)
3869             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 2 \b");
3870           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 9)
3871             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 2 \b");
3872           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 10)
3873             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 2 \b");
3874           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 11)
3875             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 2 \b");
3876           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 12)
3877             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 2 \b");
3878           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 13)
3879             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 2 \b");
3880           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 14)
3881             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 2 \b");
3882           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 15)
3883             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 2 \b");
3884           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 16)
3885             HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 2 \b");
3886           HBpositivedirectionDigiD2->Draw("Error");
3887           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2++;
3888           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD2 > 16)
3889             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3890         }           //ccctest>0
3892       }  // for i
3893     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
3894   }      //for jeta
3895   /////////////////
3896   c3x5->Update();
3897   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
3898   c3x5->Clear();
3899   // clean-up
3900   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD2)
3901     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD2;
3902   //========================================================================================== 16
3903   //======================================================================
3904   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
3905   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
3906   c3x5->Clear();
3907   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3908   c3x5->cd(1);
3909   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 = 1;
3910   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3912   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3913     // positivedirectionDigiD:
3914     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
3915       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
3916       // depth=3
3917       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
3918         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigiD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD3->Clone("twod1");
3920         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
3921         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
3922           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
3923           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
3924             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
3925             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
3926           }
3927         }  // for jphi
3928         if (ccctest > 0.) {
3929           //cout<<"1616       kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
3930           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3);
3931           HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
3932           HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
3933           HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3934           HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigiD3 \b");
3935           HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
3936           HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetLineColor(0);
3937           gPad->SetGridy();
3938           gPad->SetGridx();
3939           //       gPad->SetLogy();
3940           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 1)
3941             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
3942           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 2)
3943             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 3 \b");
3944           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 3)
3945             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 3 \b");
3946           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 4)
3947             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 3 \b");
3948           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 5)
3949             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 3 \b");
3950           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 6)
3951             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 3 \b");
3952           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 7)
3953             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 3 \b");
3954           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 8)
3955             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 3 \b");
3956           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 9)
3957             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 3 \b");
3958           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 10)
3959             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 3 \b");
3960           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 11)
3961             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 3 \b");
3962           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 12)
3963             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 3 \b");
3964           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 13)
3965             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 3 \b");
3966           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 14)
3967             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 3 \b");
3968           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 15)
3969             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 3 \b");
3970           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 16)
3971             HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 3 \b");
3972           HBpositivedirectionDigiD3->Draw("Error");
3973           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3++;
3974           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD3 > 16)
3975             break;  // 4x6 = 24
3976         }           //ccctest>0
3978       }  // for i
3979     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
3980   }      //for jeta
3981   /////////////////
3982   c3x5->Update();
3983   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
3984   c3x5->Clear();
3985   // clean-up
3986   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD3)
3987     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD3;
3988   //========================================================================================== 17
3989   //======================================================================
3990   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
3991   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
3992   c3x5->Clear();
3993   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
3994   c3x5->cd(1);
3995   int kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 = 1;
3996   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
3998   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
3999     // positivedirectionDigiD:
4000     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
4001       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4002       // depth=4
4003       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
4004         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionDigiD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD4->Clone("twod1");
4006         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4007         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4008           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
4009           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4010             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4011             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4012           }
4013         }  // for jphi
4014         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4015           //cout<<"1717       kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4016           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4);
4017           HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4018           HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4019           HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4020           HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionDigiD4 \b");
4021           HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
4022           HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetLineColor(0);
4023           gPad->SetGridy();
4024           gPad->SetGridx();
4025           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4026           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 1)
4027             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 4 \b");
4028           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 2)
4029             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 4 \b");
4030           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 3)
4031             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 4 \b");
4032           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 4)
4033             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 4 \b");
4034           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 5)
4035             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 4 \b");
4036           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 6)
4037             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 4 \b");
4038           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 7)
4039             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 4 \b");
4040           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 8)
4041             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 4 \b");
4042           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 9)
4043             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 4 \b");
4044           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 10)
4045             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 4 \b");
4046           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 11)
4047             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 4 \b");
4048           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 12)
4049             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 4 \b");
4050           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 13)
4051             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 4 \b");
4052           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 14)
4053             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 4 \b");
4054           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 15)
4055             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 4 \b");
4056           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 16)
4057             HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
4058           HBpositivedirectionDigiD4->Draw("Error");
4059           kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4++;
4060           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionDigiD4 > 16)
4061             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4062         }           //ccctest>0
4064       }  // for i
4065     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
4066   }      //for jeta
4067   /////////////////
4068   c3x5->Update();
4069   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
4070   c3x5->Clear();
4071   // clean-up
4072   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD4)
4073     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionDigiD4;
4075   //========================================================================================== 22214
4076   //======================================================================
4077   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
4078   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
4079   c3x5->Clear();
4080   /////////////////
4081   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
4082   c3x5->cd(1);
4083   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 = 1;
4084   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4086   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4087     // negativedirectionDigiD:
4088     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
4089       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4090       // depth=1
4091       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
4092         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigiD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD1->Clone("twod1");
4094         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4095         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4096           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
4097           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4098             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4099             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4100           }
4101         }  // for jphi
4102         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4103           //cout<<"1414       kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4104           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1);
4105           HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4106           HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4107           HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4108           HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigiD1 \b");
4109           HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
4110           HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetLineColor(0);
4111           gPad->SetGridy();
4112           gPad->SetGridx();
4113           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4114           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 1)
4115             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 1 \b");
4116           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 2)
4117             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 1 \b");
4118           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 3)
4119             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 1 \b");
4120           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 4)
4121             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 1 \b");
4122           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 5)
4123             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 1 \b");
4124           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 6)
4125             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 1 \b");
4126           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 7)
4127             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 1 \b");
4128           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 8)
4129             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 1 \b");
4130           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 9)
4131             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 1 \b");
4132           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 10)
4133             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 1 \b");
4134           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 11)
4135             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 1 \b");
4136           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 12)
4137             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 1 \b");
4138           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 13)
4139             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 1 \b");
4140           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 14)
4141             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 1 \b");
4142           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 15)
4143             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 1 \b");
4144           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 16)
4145             HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 1 \b");
4146           HBnegativedirectionDigiD1->Draw("Error");
4147           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1++;
4148           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD1 > 16)
4149             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4150         }           //ccctest>0
4152       }  // for i
4153     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
4154   }      //for jeta
4155   /////////////////
4156   c3x5->Update();
4157   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
4158   c3x5->Clear();
4159   // clean-up
4160   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD1)
4161     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD1;
4162   //========================================================================================== 22215
4163   //======================================================================
4164   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
4165   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
4166   c3x5->Clear();
4167   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
4168   c3x5->cd(1);
4169   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 = 1;
4170   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4172   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4173     // negativedirectionDigiD:
4174     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
4175       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4176       // depth=2
4177       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
4178         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigiD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD2->Clone("twod1");
4180         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4181         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4182           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
4183           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4184             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4185             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4186           }
4187         }  // for jphi
4188         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4189           //cout<<"1515       kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4190           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2);
4191           HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4192           HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4193           HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4194           HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigiD2 \b");
4195           HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
4196           HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetLineColor(0);
4197           gPad->SetGridy();
4198           gPad->SetGridx();
4199           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4200           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 1)
4201             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 2 \b");
4202           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 2)
4203             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 2 \b");
4204           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 3)
4205             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 2 \b");
4206           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 4)
4207             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 2 \b");
4208           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 5)
4209             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 2 \b");
4210           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 6)
4211             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 2 \b");
4212           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 7)
4213             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 2 \b");
4214           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 8)
4215             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 2 \b");
4216           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 9)
4217             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 2 \b");
4218           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 10)
4219             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 2 \b");
4220           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 11)
4221             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 2 \b");
4222           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 12)
4223             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 2 \b");
4224           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 13)
4225             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 2 \b");
4226           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 14)
4227             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 2 \b");
4228           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 15)
4229             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 2 \b");
4230           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 16)
4231             HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 2 \b");
4232           HBnegativedirectionDigiD2->Draw("Error");
4233           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2++;
4234           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD2 > 16)
4235             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4236         }           //ccctest>0
4238       }  // for i
4239     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
4240   }      //for jeta
4241   /////////////////
4242   c3x5->Update();
4243   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
4244   c3x5->Clear();
4245   // clean-up
4246   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD2)
4247     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD2;
4248   //========================================================================================== 22216
4249   //======================================================================
4250   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
4251   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
4252   c3x5->Clear();
4253   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
4254   c3x5->cd(1);
4255   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 = 1;
4256   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4258   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4259     // negativedirectionDigiD:
4260     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
4261       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4262       // depth=3
4263       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
4264         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigiD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD3->Clone("twod1");
4266         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4267         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4268           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
4269           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4270             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4271             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4272           }
4273         }  // for jphi
4274         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4275           //cout<<"1616       kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4276           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3);
4277           HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4278           HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4279           HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4280           HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigiD3 \b");
4281           HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
4282           HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetLineColor(0);
4283           gPad->SetGridy();
4284           gPad->SetGridx();
4285           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4286           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 1)
4287             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 3 \b");
4288           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 2)
4289             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 3 \b");
4290           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 3)
4291             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 3 \b");
4292           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 4)
4293             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 3 \b");
4294           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 5)
4295             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 3 \b");
4296           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 6)
4297             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 3 \b");
4298           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 7)
4299             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 3 \b");
4300           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 8)
4301             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 3 \b");
4302           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 9)
4303             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 3 \b");
4304           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 10)
4305             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 3 \b");
4306           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 11)
4307             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 3 \b");
4308           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 12)
4309             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 3 \b");
4310           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 13)
4311             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 3 \b");
4312           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 14)
4313             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 3 \b");
4314           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 15)
4315             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 3 \b");
4316           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 16)
4317             HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 3 \b");
4318           HBnegativedirectionDigiD3->Draw("Error");
4319           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3++;
4320           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD3 > 16)
4321             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4322         }           //ccctest>0
4324       }  // for i
4325     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
4326   }      //for jeta
4327   /////////////////
4328   c3x5->Update();
4329   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
4330   c3x5->Clear();
4331   // clean-up
4332   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD3)
4333     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD3;
4334   //========================================================================================== 22217
4335   //======================================================================
4336   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
4337   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
4338   c3x5->Clear();
4339   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
4340   c3x5->cd(1);
4341   int kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 = 1;
4342   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4344   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4345     // negativedirectionDigiD:
4346     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
4347       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4348       // depth=4
4349       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
4350         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionDigiD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD4->Clone("twod1");
4352         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4353         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4354           double ccc1 = digivarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
4355           if (adigiHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4356             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4357             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4358           }
4359         }  // for jphi
4360         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4361           //cout<<"1717       kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4362           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4);
4363           HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4364           HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4365           HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4366           HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionDigiD4 \b");
4367           HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
4368           HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetLineColor(0);
4369           gPad->SetGridy();
4370           gPad->SetGridx();
4371           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4372           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 1)
4373             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
4374           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 2)
4375             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 4 \b");
4376           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 3)
4377             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 4 \b");
4378           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 4)
4379             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 4 \b");
4380           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 5)
4381             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 4 \b");
4382           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 6)
4383             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 4 \b");
4384           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 7)
4385             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 4 \b");
4386           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 8)
4387             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 4 \b");
4388           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 9)
4389             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 4 \b");
4390           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 10)
4391             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 4 \b");
4392           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 11)
4393             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 4 \b");
4394           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 12)
4395             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 4 \b");
4396           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 13)
4397             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 4 \b");
4398           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 14)
4399             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 4 \b");
4400           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 15)
4401             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 4 \b");
4402           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 16)
4403             HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 4 \b");
4404           HBnegativedirectionDigiD4->Draw("Error");
4405           kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4++;
4406           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionDigiD4 > 16)
4407             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4408         }           //ccctest>0
4410       }  // for i
4411     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
4412   }      //for jeta
4413   /////////////////
4414   c3x5->Update();
4415   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
4416   c3x5->Clear();
4417   // clean-up
4418   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD4)
4419     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionDigiD4;
4421   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HB for phi-symmetry
4422   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HB for phi-symmetry
4423   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HB for phi-symmetry
4425   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HE
4426   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HE
4427   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HE
4428   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
4429   //ndepth = k_max[3];
4430   ndepth = 7;
4431   //  const int ndepth = 7;
4432   double adigihe[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
4433   double digivariancehe[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
4435   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HE1");
4436   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE1");
4437   TH2F *amplitudechannelHE1 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HE1->Clone("amplitudechannelHE1");
4438   amplitudechannelHE1->Divide(amplitudechannel1HE1, amplitudechannel0HE1, 1, 1, "B");
4439   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HE2");
4440   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE2");
4441   TH2F *amplitudechannelHE2 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HE2->Clone("amplitudechannelHE2");
4442   amplitudechannelHE2->Divide(amplitudechannel1HE2, amplitudechannel0HE2, 1, 1, "B");
4443   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HE3");
4444   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE3");
4445   TH2F *amplitudechannelHE3 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HE3->Clone("amplitudechannelHE3");
4446   amplitudechannelHE3->Divide(amplitudechannel1HE3, amplitudechannel0HE3, 1, 1, "B");
4447   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HE4");
4448   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE4");
4449   TH2F *amplitudechannelHE4 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HE4->Clone("amplitudechannelHE4");
4450   amplitudechannelHE4->Divide(amplitudechannel1HE4, amplitudechannel0HE4, 1, 1, "B");
4451   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HE5");
4452   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE5");
4453   TH2F *amplitudechannelHE5 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HE5->Clone("amplitudechannelHE5");
4454   amplitudechannelHE5->Divide(amplitudechannel1HE5, amplitudechannel0HE5, 1, 1, "B");
4455   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HE6");
4456   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE6");
4457   TH2F *amplitudechannelHE6 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HE6->Clone("amplitudechannelHE6");
4458   amplitudechannelHE6->Divide(amplitudechannel1HE6, amplitudechannel0HE6, 1, 1, "B");
4459   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HE7");
4460   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE7");
4461   TH2F *amplitudechannelHE7 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HE7->Clone("amplitudechannelHE7");
4462   amplitudechannelHE7->Divide(amplitudechannel1HE7, amplitudechannel0HE7, 1, 1, "B");
4463   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4464     //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive adigihe
4465     //preparation for PHI normalization:
4466     double sumdigiHE0 = 0;
4467     int nsumdigiHE0 = 0;
4468     double sumdigiHE1 = 0;
4469     int nsumdigiHE1 = 0;
4470     double sumdigiHE2 = 0;
4471     int nsumdigiHE2 = 0;
4472     double sumdigiHE3 = 0;
4473     int nsumdigiHE3 = 0;
4474     double sumdigiHE4 = 0;
4475     int nsumdigiHE4 = 0;
4476     double sumdigiHE5 = 0;
4477     int nsumdigiHE5 = 0;
4478     double sumdigiHE6 = 0;
4479     int nsumdigiHE6 = 0;
4480     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
4481       adigihe[0][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHE1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
4482       adigihe[1][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHE2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
4483       adigihe[2][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHE3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
4484       adigihe[3][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHE4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
4485       adigihe[4][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHE5->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
4486       adigihe[5][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHE6->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
4487       adigihe[6][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHE7->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
4488       if (adigihe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4489         sumdigiHE0 += adigihe[0][jeta][jphi];
4490         ++nsumdigiHE0;
4491       }
4492       if (adigihe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4493         sumdigiHE1 += adigihe[1][jeta][jphi];
4494         ++nsumdigiHE1;
4495       }
4496       if (adigihe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4497         sumdigiHE2 += adigihe[2][jeta][jphi];
4498         ++nsumdigiHE2;
4499       }
4500       if (adigihe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4501         sumdigiHE3 += adigihe[3][jeta][jphi];
4502         ++nsumdigiHE3;
4503       }
4504       if (adigihe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4505         sumdigiHE4 += adigihe[4][jeta][jphi];
4506         ++nsumdigiHE4;
4507       }
4508       if (adigihe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4509         sumdigiHE5 += adigihe[5][jeta][jphi];
4510         ++nsumdigiHE5;
4511       }
4512       if (adigihe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
4513         sumdigiHE6 += adigihe[6][jeta][jphi];
4514         ++nsumdigiHE6;
4515       }
4516     }  // phi
4517     // PHI normalization:
4518     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
4519       if (adigihe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
4520         adigihe[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE0 / nsumdigiHE0);
4521       if (adigihe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
4522         adigihe[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE1 / nsumdigiHE1);
4523       if (adigihe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
4524         adigihe[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE2 / nsumdigiHE2);
4525       if (adigihe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
4526         adigihe[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE3 / nsumdigiHE3);
4527       if (adigihe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
4528         adigihe[4][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE4 / nsumdigiHE4);
4529       if (adigihe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
4530         adigihe[5][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE5 / nsumdigiHE5);
4531       if (adigihe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
4532         adigihe[6][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE6 / nsumdigiHE6);
4533     }  // phi
4534   }    //eta
4535   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes
4536   //======================================================================
4537   //======================================================================
4538   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes *****" <<endl;
4539   c1x0->Clear();
4540   /////////////////
4541   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
4542   c1x0->cd(1);
4543   TH2F *GefzRdigiHE42D = new TH2F("GefzRdigiHE42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
4544   TH2F *GefzRdigiHE42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRdigiHE42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
4545   TH2F *GefzRdigiHE42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRdigiHE42D0->Clone("GefzRdigiHE42DF");
4546   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
4547     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
4548       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4549         double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
4550         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
4551         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
4552         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
4553           GefzRdigiHE42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
4554           GefzRdigiHE42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
4555         }
4556       }
4557     }
4558   }
4559   GefzRdigiHE42DF->Divide(GefzRdigiHE42D, GefzRdigiHE42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
4560   gPad->SetGridy();
4561   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
4562   GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4563   GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4564   GefzRdigiHE42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
4565   GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
4566   GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
4567   GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetZTitle("<R>_depth \b");
4568   GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
4569   GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetLineColor(
4570       0);  //      GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      GefzRdigiHE42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
4571   GefzRdigiHE42DF->Draw("COLZ");
4572   /////////////////
4573   c1x0->Update();
4574   c1x0->Print("RdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png");
4575   c1x0->Clear();
4576   // clean-up
4577   if (GefzRdigiHE42D)
4578     delete GefzRdigiHE42D;
4579   if (GefzRdigiHE42D0)
4580     delete GefzRdigiHE42D0;
4581   if (GefzRdigiHE42DF)
4582     delete GefzRdigiHE42DF;
4583   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta
4584   //======================================================================
4585   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta *****" <<endl;
4586   c1x1->Clear();
4587   /////////////////
4588   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
4589   c1x1->cd(1);
4590   TH1F *GefzRdigiHE41D = new TH1F("GefzRdigiHE41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4591   TH1F *GefzRdigiHE41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRdigiHE41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4592   TH1F *GefzRdigiHE41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRdigiHE41D0->Clone("GefzRdigiHE41DF");
4593   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4594     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
4595       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
4596         double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
4597         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
4598           GefzRdigiHE41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4599           GefzRdigiHE41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
4600         }
4601       }
4602     }
4603   }
4604   GefzRdigiHE41DF->Divide(GefzRdigiHE41D, GefzRdigiHE41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthes & eta
4605   GefzRdigiHE41D0->Sumw2();
4606   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
4607   gPad->SetGridy();
4608   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
4609   GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4610   GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
4611   GefzRdigiHE41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
4612   GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
4613   GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
4614   GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthes \b");
4615   GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
4616   GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetLineColor(
4617       4);  //  GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRdigiHE41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
4618   GefzRdigiHE41DF->Draw("Error");
4619   /////////////////
4620   c1x1->Update();
4621   c1x1->Print("RdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png");
4622   c1x1->Clear();
4623   // clean-up
4624   if (GefzRdigiHE41D)
4625     delete GefzRdigiHE41D;
4626   if (GefzRdigiHE41D0)
4627     delete GefzRdigiHE41D0;
4628   if (GefzRdigiHE41DF)
4629     delete GefzRdigiHE41DF;
4631   //========================================================================================== 4
4632   //======================================================================
4633   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
4634   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
4635   c3x5->Clear();
4636   /////////////////
4637   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
4638   c3x5->cd(1);
4639   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 = 1;
4640   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4641   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4642     // positivedirectionDigi:
4643     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
4644       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4645       // depth=1
4646       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
4647         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigi1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi1->Clone("twod1");
4648         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4649         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4650           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
4651           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
4652             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4653             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4654           }
4655         }  // for jphi
4656         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4657           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4658           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1);
4659           HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4660           HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4661           HEpositivedirectionDigi1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4662           HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigi1 \b");
4663           HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerColor(2);
4664           HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetLineColor(0);
4665           gPad->SetGridy();
4666           gPad->SetGridx();
4667           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4668           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 1)
4669             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 1 \b");
4670           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 2)
4671             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 1 \b");
4672           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 3)
4673             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 1 \b");
4674           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 4)
4675             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 1 \b");
4676           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 5)
4677             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 1 \b");
4678           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 6)
4679             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 1 \b");
4680           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 7)
4681             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 1 \b");
4682           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 8)
4683             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 1 \b");
4684           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 9)
4685             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 1 \b");
4686           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 10)
4687             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 1 \b");
4688           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 11)
4689             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 1 \b");
4690           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 == 12)
4691             HEpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
4692           HEpositivedirectionDigi1->Draw("Error");
4693           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1++;
4694           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi1 > 12)
4695             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4696         }           //ccctest>0
4698       }  // for i
4699     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
4700   }      //for jeta
4701   /////////////////
4702   c3x5->Update();
4703   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
4704   c3x5->Clear();
4705   // clean-up
4706   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi1)
4707     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi1;
4709   //========================================================================================== 5
4710   //======================================================================
4711   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
4712   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
4713   c3x5->Clear();
4714   /////////////////
4715   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
4716   c3x5->cd(1);
4717   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 = 1;
4718   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4719   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4720     // positivedirectionDigi:
4721     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
4722       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4723       // depth=2
4724       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
4725         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigi2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi2->Clone("twod1");
4726         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4727         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4728           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
4729           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
4730             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4731             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4732           }
4733         }  // for jphi
4734         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4735           //cout<<"555        kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4736           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2);
4737           HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4738           HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4739           HEpositivedirectionDigi2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4740           HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigi2 \b");
4741           HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerColor(2);
4742           HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetLineColor(0);
4743           gPad->SetGridy();
4744           gPad->SetGridx();
4745           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4746           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 1)
4747             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 2 \b");
4748           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 2)
4749             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 2 \b");
4750           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 3)
4751             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 2 \b");
4752           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 4)
4753             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 2 \b");
4754           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 5)
4755             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 2 \b");
4756           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 6)
4757             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 2 \b");
4758           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 7)
4759             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 2 \b");
4760           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 8)
4761             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 2 \b");
4762           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 9)
4763             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 2 \b");
4764           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 10)
4765             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 2 \b");
4766           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 11)
4767             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 2 \b");
4768           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 12)
4769             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 2 \b");
4770           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 == 13)
4771             HEpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
4772           HEpositivedirectionDigi2->Draw("Error");
4773           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2++;
4774           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi2 > 13)
4775             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4776         }           //ccctest>0
4778       }  // for i
4779     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
4780   }      //for jeta
4781   /////////////////
4782   c3x5->Update();
4783   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
4784   c3x5->Clear();
4785   // clean-up
4786   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi2)
4787     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi2;
4788   //========================================================================================== 6
4789   //======================================================================
4790   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
4791   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
4792   c3x5->Clear();
4793   /////////////////
4794   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
4795   c3x5->cd(1);
4796   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 = 1;
4797   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4798   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4799     // positivedirectionDigi:
4800     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
4801       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4802       // depth=3
4803       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
4804         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigi3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi3->Clone("twod1");
4805         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4806         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4807           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
4808           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
4809             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4810             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4811           }
4812         }  // for jphi
4813         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4814           //cout<<"666        kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4815           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3);
4816           HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4817           HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4818           HEpositivedirectionDigi3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4819           HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigi3 \b");
4820           HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerColor(2);
4821           HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetLineColor(0);
4822           gPad->SetGridy();
4823           gPad->SetGridx();
4824           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4825           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 1)
4826             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 3 \b");
4827           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 2)
4828             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 3 \b");
4829           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 3)
4830             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 3 \b");
4831           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 4)
4832             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 3 \b");
4833           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 5)
4834             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 3 \b");
4835           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 6)
4836             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 3 \b");
4837           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 7)
4838             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 3 \b");
4839           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 8)
4840             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 3 \b");
4841           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 9)
4842             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 3 \b");
4843           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 10)
4844             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 3 \b");
4845           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 11)
4846             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 3 \b");
4847           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 12)
4848             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 3 \b");
4849           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 == 13)
4850             HEpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
4851           HEpositivedirectionDigi3->Draw("Error");
4852           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3++;
4853           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi3 > 13)
4854             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4855         }           //ccctest>0
4857       }  // for i
4858     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
4859   }      //for jeta
4860   /////////////////
4861   c3x5->Update();
4862   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
4863   c3x5->Clear();
4864   // clean-up
4865   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi3)
4866     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi3;
4867   //========================================================================================== 7
4868   //======================================================================
4869   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
4870   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
4871   c3x5->Clear();
4872   /////////////////
4873   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
4874   c3x5->cd(1);
4875   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 = 1;
4876   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4878   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4879     // positivedirectionDigi:
4880     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
4881       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4882       // depth=4
4883       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
4884         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigi4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi4->Clone("twod1");
4886         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4887         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4888           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
4889           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
4890             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4891             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4892           }
4893         }  // for jphi
4894         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4895           //cout<<"777        kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4896           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4);
4897           HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4898           HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4899           HEpositivedirectionDigi4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4900           HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigi4 \b");
4901           HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerColor(2);
4902           HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetLineColor(0);
4903           gPad->SetGridy();
4904           gPad->SetGridx();
4905           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4906           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 1)
4907             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
4908           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 2)
4909             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 4 \b");
4910           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 3)
4911             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 4 \b");
4912           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 4)
4913             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 4 \b");
4914           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 5)
4915             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 4 \b");
4916           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 6)
4917             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 4 \b");
4918           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 7)
4919             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 4 \b");
4920           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 8)
4921             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 4 \b");
4922           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 9)
4923             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 4 \b");
4924           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 10)
4925             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 4 \b");
4926           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 11)
4927             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 4 \b");
4928           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 == 12)
4929             HEpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 4 \b");
4930           HEpositivedirectionDigi4->Draw("Error");
4931           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4++;
4932           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi4 > 12)
4933             break;  // 4x6 = 24
4934         }           //ccctest>0
4936       }  // for i
4937     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
4938   }      //for jeta
4939   /////////////////
4940   c3x5->Update();
4941   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
4942   c3x5->Clear();
4943   // clean-up
4944   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi4)
4945     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi4;
4946   //========================================================================================== 8
4947   //======================================================================
4948   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
4949   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
4950   c3x5->Clear();
4951   /////////////////
4952   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
4953   c3x5->cd(1);
4954   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 = 1;
4955   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
4957   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
4958     // positivedirectionDigi:
4959     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
4960       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
4961       // depth=5
4962       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
4963         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigi5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi5->Clone("twod1");
4965         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
4966         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
4967           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   adigihe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
4969           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
4970           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
4971             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
4972             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
4973           }
4974         }  // for jphi
4975         if (ccctest > 0.) {
4976           //cout<<"888        kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
4977           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5);
4978           HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
4979           HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
4980           HEpositivedirectionDigi5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
4981           HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigi5 \b");
4982           HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetMarkerColor(2);
4983           HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetLineColor(0);
4984           gPad->SetGridy();
4985           gPad->SetGridx();
4986           //       gPad->SetLogy();
4987           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 1)
4988             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 5 \b");
4989           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 2)
4990             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 5 \b");
4991           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 3)
4992             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 5 \b");
4993           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 4)
4994             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 5 \b");
4995           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 5)
4996             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 5 \b");
4997           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 6)
4998             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 5 \b");
4999           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 7)
5000             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 5 \b");
5001           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 8)
5002             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 5 \b");
5003           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 9)
5004             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 5 \b");
5005           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 10)
5006             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 5 \b");
5007           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 == 11)
5008             HEpositivedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 5 \b");
5009           HEpositivedirectionDigi5->Draw("Error");
5010           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5++;
5011           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi5 > 11)
5012             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5013         }           //ccctest>0
5015       }  // for i
5016     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
5017   }      //for jeta
5018   /////////////////
5019   c3x5->Update();
5020   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
5021   c3x5->Clear();
5022   // clean-up
5023   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi5)
5024     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi5;
5025   //========================================================================================== 9
5026   //======================================================================
5027   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
5028   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
5029   c3x5->Clear();
5030   /////////////////
5031   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5032   c3x5->cd(1);
5033   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 = 1;
5034   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5036   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5037     // positivedirectionDigi:
5038     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
5039       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5040       // depth=6
5041       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
5042         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigi6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi6->Clone("twod1");
5044         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5045         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5046           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5047           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5048             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5049             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5050           }
5051         }  // for jphi
5052         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5053           //cout<<"999        kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5054           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6);
5055           HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5056           HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5057           HEpositivedirectionDigi6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5058           HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigi6 \b");
5059           HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetMarkerColor(2);
5060           HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetLineColor(0);
5061           gPad->SetGridy();
5062           gPad->SetGridx();
5063           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5064           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 1)
5065             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 6 \b");
5066           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 2)
5067             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 6 \b");
5068           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 3)
5069             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 6 \b");
5070           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 4)
5071             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 6 \b");
5072           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 5)
5073             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 6 \b");
5074           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 6)
5075             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 6 \b");
5076           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 7)
5077             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 6 \b");
5078           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 8)
5079             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 6 \b");
5080           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 9)
5081             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 6 \b");
5082           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 == 10)
5083             HEpositivedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 6 \b");
5084           HEpositivedirectionDigi6->Draw("Error");
5085           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6++;
5086           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi6 > 10)
5087             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5088         }           //ccctest>0
5090       }  // for i
5091     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
5092   }      //for jeta
5093   /////////////////
5094   c3x5->Update();
5095   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
5096   c3x5->Clear();
5097   // clean-up
5098   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi6)
5099     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi6;
5100   //========================================================================================== 10
5101   //======================================================================
5102   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
5103   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
5104   c3x5->Clear();
5105   /////////////////
5106   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5107   c3x5->cd(1);
5108   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7 = 1;
5109   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5111   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5112     // positivedirectionDigi:
5113     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
5114       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5115       // depth=7
5116       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
5117         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigi7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi7->Clone("twod1");
5119         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5120         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5121           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5122           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5123             HEpositivedirectionDigi7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5124             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5125           }
5126         }  // for jphi
5127         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5128           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5129           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7);
5130           HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5131           HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5132           HEpositivedirectionDigi7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5133           HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigi7 \b");
5134           HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetMarkerColor(2);
5135           HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetLineColor(0);
5136           gPad->SetGridy();
5137           gPad->SetGridx();
5138           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5139           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7 == 1)
5140             HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 7 \b");
5141           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7 == 2)
5142             HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 7 \b");
5143           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7 == 3)
5144             HEpositivedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 7 \b");
5145           HEpositivedirectionDigi7->Draw("Error");
5146           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7++;
5147           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigi7 > 3)
5148             break;  //
5149         }           //ccctest>0
5151       }  // for i
5152     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
5153   }      //for jeta
5154   /////////////////
5155   c3x5->Update();
5156   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
5157   c3x5->Clear();
5158   // clean-up
5159   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi7)
5160     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigi7;
5162   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5163   //========================================================================================== 1114
5164   //======================================================================
5165   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
5166   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
5167   c3x5->Clear();
5168   /////////////////
5169   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5170   c3x5->cd(1);
5171   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 = 1;
5172   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5173   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5174     // negativedirectionDigi:
5175     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
5176       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5177       // depth=1
5178       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
5179         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigi1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi1->Clone("twod1");
5180         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5181         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5182           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5183           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5184             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5185             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5186           }
5187         }  // for jphi
5188         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5189           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5190           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1);
5191           HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5192           HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5193           HEnegativedirectionDigi1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5194           HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigi1 \b");
5195           HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerColor(2);
5196           HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetLineColor(0);
5197           gPad->SetGridy();
5198           gPad->SetGridx();
5199           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5200           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 1)
5201             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
5202           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 2)
5203             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 1 \b");
5204           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 3)
5205             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 1 \b");
5206           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 4)
5207             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 1 \b");
5208           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 5)
5209             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 1 \b");
5210           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 6)
5211             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 1 \b");
5212           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 7)
5213             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 1 \b");
5214           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 8)
5215             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 1 \b");
5216           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 9)
5217             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 1 \b");
5218           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 10)
5219             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 1 \b");
5220           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 11)
5221             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 1 \b");
5222           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 == 12)
5223             HEnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 1 \b");
5224           HEnegativedirectionDigi1->Draw("Error");
5225           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1++;
5226           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi1 > 12)
5227             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5228         }           //ccctest>0
5230       }  // for i
5231     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
5232   }      //for jeta
5233   /////////////////
5234   c3x5->Update();
5235   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
5236   c3x5->Clear();
5237   // clean-up
5238   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi1)
5239     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi1;
5241   //========================================================================================== 1115
5242   //======================================================================
5243   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
5244   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
5245   c3x5->Clear();
5246   /////////////////
5247   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5248   c3x5->cd(1);
5249   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 = 1;
5250   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5251   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5252     // negativedirectionDigi:
5253     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
5254       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5255       // depth=2
5256       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
5257         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigi2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi2->Clone("twod1");
5258         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5259         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5260           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5261           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5262             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5263             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5264           }
5265         }  // for jphi
5266         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5267           //cout<<"555        kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5268           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2);
5269           HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5270           HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5271           HEnegativedirectionDigi2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5272           HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigi2 \b");
5273           HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerColor(2);
5274           HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetLineColor(0);
5275           gPad->SetGridy();
5276           gPad->SetGridx();
5277           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5278           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 1)
5279             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
5280           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 2)
5281             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 2 \b");
5282           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 3)
5283             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 2 \b");
5284           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 4)
5285             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 2 \b");
5286           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 5)
5287             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 2 \b");
5288           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 6)
5289             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 2 \b");
5290           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 7)
5291             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 2 \b");
5292           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 8)
5293             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 2 \b");
5294           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 9)
5295             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 2 \b");
5296           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 10)
5297             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
5298           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 11)
5299             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 2 \b");
5300           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 12)
5301             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 2 \b");
5302           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 == 13)
5303             HEnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 2 \b");
5304           HEnegativedirectionDigi2->Draw("Error");
5305           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2++;
5306           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi2 > 13)
5307             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5308         }           //ccctest>0
5310       }  // for i
5311     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
5312   }      //for jeta
5313   /////////////////
5314   c3x5->Update();
5315   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
5316   c3x5->Clear();
5317   // clean-up
5318   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi2)
5319     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi2;
5320   //========================================================================================== 1116
5321   //======================================================================
5322   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
5323   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
5324   c3x5->Clear();
5325   /////////////////
5326   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5327   c3x5->cd(1);
5328   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 = 1;
5329   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5330   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5331     // negativedirectionDigi:
5332     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
5333       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5334       // depth=3
5335       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
5336         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigi3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi3->Clone("twod1");
5337         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5338         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5339           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5340           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5341             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5342             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5343           }
5344         }  // for jphi
5345         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5346           //cout<<"666        kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5347           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3);
5348           HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5349           HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5350           HEnegativedirectionDigi3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5351           HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigi3 \b");
5352           HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerColor(2);
5353           HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetLineColor(0);
5354           gPad->SetGridy();
5355           gPad->SetGridx();
5356           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5357           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 1)
5358             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
5359           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 2)
5360             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 3 \b");
5361           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 3)
5362             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 3 \b");
5363           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 4)
5364             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 3 \b");
5365           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 5)
5366             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 3 \b");
5367           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 6)
5368             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 3 \b");
5369           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 7)
5370             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 3 \b");
5371           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 8)
5372             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 3 \b");
5373           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 9)
5374             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 3 \b");
5375           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 10)
5376             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 3 \b");
5377           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 11)
5378             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 3 \b");
5379           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 12)
5380             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 3 \b");
5381           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 == 13)
5382             HEnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 3 \b");
5383           HEnegativedirectionDigi3->Draw("Error");
5384           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3++;
5385           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi3 > 13)
5386             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5387         }           //ccctest>0
5389       }  // for i
5390     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
5391   }      //for jeta
5392   /////////////////
5393   c3x5->Update();
5394   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
5395   c3x5->Clear();
5396   // clean-up
5397   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi3)
5398     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi3;
5399   //========================================================================================== 1117
5400   //======================================================================
5401   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
5402   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
5403   c3x5->Clear();
5404   /////////////////
5405   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5406   c3x5->cd(1);
5407   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 = 1;
5408   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5410   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5411     // negativedirectionDigi:
5412     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
5413       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5414       // depth=4
5415       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
5416         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigi4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi4->Clone("twod1");
5418         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5419         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5420           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5421           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5422             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5423             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5424           }
5425         }  // for jphi
5426         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5427           //cout<<"777        kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5428           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4);
5429           HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5430           HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5431           HEnegativedirectionDigi4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5432           HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigi4 \b");
5433           HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerColor(2);
5434           HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetLineColor(0);
5435           gPad->SetGridy();
5436           gPad->SetGridx();
5437           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5438           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 1)
5439             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 4 \b");
5440           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 2)
5441             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 4 \b");
5442           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 3)
5443             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 4 \b");
5444           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 4)
5445             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 4 \b");
5446           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 5)
5447             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 4 \b");
5448           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 6)
5449             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 4 \b");
5450           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 7)
5451             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 4 \b");
5452           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 8)
5453             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 4 \b");
5454           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 9)
5455             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 4 \b");
5456           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 10)
5457             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 4 \b");
5458           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 11)
5459             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 4 \b");
5460           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 == 12)
5461             HEnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
5462           HEnegativedirectionDigi4->Draw("Error");
5463           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4++;
5464           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi4 > 12)
5465             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5466         }           //ccctest>0
5468       }  // for i
5469     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
5470   }      //for jeta
5471   /////////////////
5472   c3x5->Update();
5473   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
5474   c3x5->Clear();
5475   // clean-up
5476   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi4)
5477     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi4;
5478   //========================================================================================== 1118
5479   //======================================================================
5480   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
5481   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
5482   c3x5->Clear();
5483   /////////////////
5484   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5485   c3x5->cd(1);
5486   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 = 1;
5487   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5489   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5490     // negativedirectionDigi:
5491     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
5492       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5493       // depth=5
5494       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
5495         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigi5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi5->Clone("twod1");
5497         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5498         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5499           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   adigihe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
5501           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5502           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5503             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5504             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5505           }
5506         }  // for jphi
5507         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5508           //cout<<"888        kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5509           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5);
5510           HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5511           HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5512           HEnegativedirectionDigi5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5513           HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigi5 \b");
5514           HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetMarkerColor(2);
5515           HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetLineColor(0);
5516           gPad->SetGridy();
5517           gPad->SetGridx();
5518           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5519           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 1)
5520             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 5 \b");
5521           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 2)
5522             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 5 \b");
5523           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 3)
5524             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 5 \b");
5525           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 4)
5526             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 5 \b");
5527           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 5)
5528             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 5 \b");
5529           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 6)
5530             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 5 \b");
5531           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 7)
5532             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 5 \b");
5533           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 8)
5534             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 5 \b");
5535           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 9)
5536             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 5 \b");
5537           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 10)
5538             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 5 \b");
5539           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 == 11)
5540             HEnegativedirectionDigi5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 5 \b");
5541           HEnegativedirectionDigi5->Draw("Error");
5542           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5++;
5543           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi5 > 11)
5544             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5545         }           //ccctest>0
5547       }  // for i
5548     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
5549   }      //for jeta
5550   /////////////////
5551   c3x5->Update();
5552   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
5553   c3x5->Clear();
5554   // clean-up
5555   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi5)
5556     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi5;
5557   //========================================================================================== 1119
5558   //======================================================================
5559   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
5560   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
5561   c3x5->Clear();
5562   /////////////////
5563   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5564   c3x5->cd(1);
5565   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 = 1;
5566   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5568   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5569     // negativedirectionDigi:
5570     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
5571       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5572       // depth=6
5573       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
5574         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigi6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi6->Clone("twod1");
5576         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5577         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5578           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5579           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5580             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5581             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5582           }
5583         }  // for jphi
5584         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5585           //cout<<"999        kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5586           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6);
5587           HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5588           HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5589           HEnegativedirectionDigi6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5590           HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigi6 \b");
5591           HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetMarkerColor(2);
5592           HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetLineColor(0);
5593           gPad->SetGridy();
5594           gPad->SetGridx();
5595           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5596           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 1)
5597             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 6 \b");
5598           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 2)
5599             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 6 \b");
5600           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 3)
5601             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 6 \b");
5602           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 4)
5603             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 6 \b");
5604           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 5)
5605             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 6 \b");
5606           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 6)
5607             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 6 \b");
5608           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 7)
5609             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 6 \b");
5610           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 8)
5611             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 6 \b");
5612           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 9)
5613             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 6 \b");
5614           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 == 10)
5615             HEnegativedirectionDigi6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 6 \b");
5616           HEnegativedirectionDigi6->Draw("Error");
5617           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6++;
5618           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi6 > 10)
5619             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5620         }           //ccctest>0
5622       }  // for i
5623     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
5624   }      //for jeta
5625   /////////////////
5626   c3x5->Update();
5627   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
5628   c3x5->Clear();
5629   // clean-up
5630   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi6)
5631     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi6;
5632   //========================================================================================== 11110
5633   //======================================================================
5634   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
5635   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
5636   c3x5->Clear();
5637   /////////////////
5638   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5639   c3x5->cd(1);
5640   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7 = 1;
5641   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5643   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5644     // negativedirectionDigi:
5645     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
5646       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5647       // depth=7
5648       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
5649         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigi7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi7->Clone("twod1");
5651         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5652         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5653           double ccc1 = adigihe[i][jeta][jphi];
5654           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
5655             HEnegativedirectionDigi7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5656             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5657           }
5658         }  // for jphi
5659         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5660           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5661           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7);
5662           HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5663           HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5664           HEnegativedirectionDigi7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5665           HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigi7 \b");
5666           HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetMarkerColor(2);
5667           HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetLineColor(0);
5668           gPad->SetGridy();
5669           gPad->SetGridx();
5670           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5671           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7 == 1)
5672             HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 7 \b");
5673           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7 == 2)
5674             HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 7 \b");
5675           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7 == 3)
5676             HEnegativedirectionDigi7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 7 \b");
5677           HEnegativedirectionDigi7->Draw("Error");
5678           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7++;
5679           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigi7 > 3)
5680             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5681         }           //ccctest>0
5683       }  // for i
5684     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
5685   }      //for jeta
5686   /////////////////
5687   c3x5->Update();
5688   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
5689   c3x5->Clear();
5690   // clean-up
5691   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi7)
5692     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigi7;
5694   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5698   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
5699   TH2F *digiVariance1HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HE1");
5700   TH2F *digiVariance0HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE1");
5701   TH2F *digiVarianceHE1 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HE1->Clone("digiVarianceHE1");
5702   digiVarianceHE1->Divide(digiVariance1HE1, digiVariance0HE1, 1, 1, "B");
5703   TH2F *digiVariance1HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HE2");
5704   TH2F *digiVariance0HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE2");
5705   TH2F *digiVarianceHE2 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HE2->Clone("digiVarianceHE2");
5706   digiVarianceHE2->Divide(digiVariance1HE2, digiVariance0HE2, 1, 1, "B");
5707   TH2F *digiVariance1HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HE3");
5708   TH2F *digiVariance0HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE3");
5709   TH2F *digiVarianceHE3 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HE3->Clone("digiVarianceHE3");
5710   digiVarianceHE3->Divide(digiVariance1HE3, digiVariance0HE3, 1, 1, "B");
5711   TH2F *digiVariance1HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HE4");
5712   TH2F *digiVariance0HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE4");
5713   TH2F *digiVarianceHE4 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HE4->Clone("digiVarianceHE4");
5714   digiVarianceHE4->Divide(digiVariance1HE4, digiVariance0HE4, 1, 1, "B");
5715   TH2F *digiVariance1HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HE5");
5716   TH2F *digiVariance0HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE5");
5717   TH2F *digiVarianceHE5 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HE5->Clone("digiVarianceHE5");
5718   digiVarianceHE5->Divide(digiVariance1HE5, digiVariance0HE5, 1, 1, "B");
5719   TH2F *digiVariance1HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HE6");
5720   TH2F *digiVariance0HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE6");
5721   TH2F *digiVarianceHE6 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HE6->Clone("digiVarianceHE6");
5722   digiVarianceHE6->Divide(digiVariance1HE6, digiVariance0HE6, 1, 1, "B");
5723   TH2F *digiVariance1HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HE7");
5724   TH2F *digiVariance0HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HE7");
5725   TH2F *digiVarianceHE7 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HE7->Clone("digiVarianceHE7");
5726   digiVarianceHE7->Divide(digiVariance1HE7, digiVariance0HE7, 1, 1, "B");
5727   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
5728   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive digivariancehe
5729   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
5730   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5731     //preparation for PHI normalization:
5732     double sumdigiHE0 = 0;
5733     int nsumdigiHE0 = 0;
5734     double sumdigiHE1 = 0;
5735     int nsumdigiHE1 = 0;
5736     double sumdigiHE2 = 0;
5737     int nsumdigiHE2 = 0;
5738     double sumdigiHE3 = 0;
5739     int nsumdigiHE3 = 0;
5740     double sumdigiHE4 = 0;
5741     int nsumdigiHE4 = 0;
5742     double sumdigiHE5 = 0;
5743     int nsumdigiHE5 = 0;
5744     double sumdigiHE6 = 0;
5745     int nsumdigiHE6 = 0;
5746     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
5747       digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHE1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
5748       digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHE2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
5749       digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHE3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
5750       digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHE4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
5751       digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHE5->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
5752       digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHE6->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
5753       digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHE7->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
5754       if (digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5755         sumdigiHE0 += digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi];
5756         ++nsumdigiHE0;
5757       }
5758       if (digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5759         sumdigiHE1 += digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi];
5760         ++nsumdigiHE1;
5761       }
5762       if (digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5763         sumdigiHE2 += digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi];
5764         ++nsumdigiHE2;
5765       }
5766       if (digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5767         sumdigiHE3 += digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi];
5768         ++nsumdigiHE3;
5769       }
5770       if (digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5771         sumdigiHE4 += digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi];
5772         ++nsumdigiHE4;
5773       }
5774       if (digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5775         sumdigiHE5 += digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi];
5776         ++nsumdigiHE5;
5777       }
5778       if (digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5779         sumdigiHE6 += digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi];
5780         ++nsumdigiHE6;
5781       }
5782     }  // phi
5783     // PHI normalization :
5784     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
5785       if (digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
5786         digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE0 / nsumdigiHE0);
5787       if (digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
5788         digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE1 / nsumdigiHE1);
5789       if (digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
5790         digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE2 / nsumdigiHE2);
5791       if (digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
5792         digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE3 / nsumdigiHE3);
5793       if (digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
5794         digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE4 / nsumdigiHE4);
5795       if (digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
5796         digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE5 / nsumdigiHE5);
5797       if (digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
5798         digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHE6 / nsumdigiHE6);
5799     }  // phi
5800     //       digivariancehe (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
5801     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
5802       //       cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
5803       digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] -= adigihe[0][jeta][jphi] * adigihe[0][jeta][jphi];
5804       digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivariancehe[0][jeta][jphi]);
5805       digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] -= adigihe[1][jeta][jphi] * adigihe[1][jeta][jphi];
5806       digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivariancehe[1][jeta][jphi]);
5807       digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] -= adigihe[2][jeta][jphi] * adigihe[2][jeta][jphi];
5808       digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivariancehe[2][jeta][jphi]);
5809       digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] -= adigihe[3][jeta][jphi] * adigihe[3][jeta][jphi];
5810       digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivariancehe[3][jeta][jphi]);
5811       digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] -= adigihe[4][jeta][jphi] * adigihe[4][jeta][jphi];
5812       digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivariancehe[4][jeta][jphi]);
5813       digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] -= adigihe[5][jeta][jphi] * adigihe[5][jeta][jphi];
5814       digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivariancehe[5][jeta][jphi]);
5815       digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] -= adigihe[6][jeta][jphi] * adigihe[6][jeta][jphi];
5816       digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivariancehe[6][jeta][jphi]);
5817     }
5818   }
5819   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
5820   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthes
5821   //======================================================================
5822   //======================================================================
5823   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthes *****" <<endl;
5824   c1x1->Clear();
5825   /////////////////
5826   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
5827   c1x0->cd(1);
5828   TH2F *DefzDdigiHE42D = new TH2F("DefzDdigiHE42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
5829   TH2F *DefzDdigiHE42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDdigiHE42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
5830   TH2F *DefzDdigiHE42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDdigiHE42D0->Clone("DefzDdigiHE42DF");
5831   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
5832     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
5833       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5834         double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
5835         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
5836         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
5837         if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5838           DefzDdigiHE42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
5839           DefzDdigiHE42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
5840         }
5841       }
5842     }
5843   }
5844   DefzDdigiHE42DF->Divide(DefzDdigiHE42D, DefzDdigiHE42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
5845   //    DefzDdigiHE1->Sumw2();
5846   gPad->SetGridy();
5847   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
5848   DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5849   DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5850   DefzDdigiHE42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
5851   DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
5852   DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
5853   DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
5854   DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
5855   DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetLineColor(
5856       0);  //      DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDdigiHE42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
5857   DefzDdigiHE42DF->Draw("COLZ");
5858   /////////////////
5859   c1x0->Update();
5860   c1x0->Print("DdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png");
5861   c1x0->Clear();
5862   // clean-up
5863   if (DefzDdigiHE42D)
5864     delete DefzDdigiHE42D;
5865   if (DefzDdigiHE42D0)
5866     delete DefzDdigiHE42D0;
5867   if (DefzDdigiHE42DF)
5868     delete DefzDdigiHE42DF;
5869   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta
5870   //======================================================================
5871   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta *****" <<endl;
5872   c1x1->Clear();
5873   /////////////////
5874   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
5875   c1x1->cd(1);
5876   TH1F *DefzDdigiHE41D = new TH1F("DefzDdigiHE41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5877   TH1F *DefzDdigiHE41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDdigiHE41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5878   TH1F *DefzDdigiHE41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDdigiHE41D0->Clone("DefzDdigiHE41DF");
5880   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5881     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
5882       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
5883         double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
5884         if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5885           DefzDdigiHE41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5886           DefzDdigiHE41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
5887         }
5888       }
5889     }
5890   }
5891   //     DefzDdigiHE41D->Sumw2();DefzDdigiHE41D0->Sumw2();
5893   DefzDdigiHE41DF->Divide(DefzDdigiHE41D, DefzDdigiHE41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthes & eta
5894   DefzDdigiHE41D0->Sumw2();
5895   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
5896   gPad->SetGridy();
5897   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
5898   DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5899   DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
5900   DefzDdigiHE41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
5901   DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
5902   DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
5903   DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthes \b");
5904   DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
5905   DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetLineColor(4);  //  DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDdigiHE41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
5906   DefzDdigiHE41DF->Draw("Error");
5907   /////////////////
5908   c1x1->Update();
5909   c1x1->Print("DdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png");
5910   c1x1->Clear();
5911   // clean-up
5912   if (DefzDdigiHE41D)
5913     delete DefzDdigiHE41D;
5914   if (DefzDdigiHE41D0)
5915     delete DefzDdigiHE41D0;
5916   if (DefzDdigiHE41DF)
5917     delete DefzDdigiHE41DF;
5918   //========================================================================================== 14
5919   //======================================================================
5920   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
5921   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
5922   c3x5->Clear();
5923   /////////////////
5924   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
5925   c3x5->cd(1);
5926   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 = 1;
5927   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
5929   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
5930     // positivedirectionDigiD:
5931     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
5932       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
5933       // depth=1
5934       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
5935         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigiD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD1->Clone("twod1");
5937         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
5938         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
5939           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
5940           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
5941             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
5942             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
5943           }
5944         }  // for jphi
5945         if (ccctest > 0.) {
5946           //cout<<"1414       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
5947           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1);
5948           HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
5949           HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
5950           HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
5951           HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigiD1 \b");
5952           HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
5953           HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetLineColor(0);
5954           gPad->SetGridy();
5955           gPad->SetGridx();
5956           //       gPad->SetLogy();
5957           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 1)
5958             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 1 \b");
5959           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 2)
5960             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 1 \b");
5961           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 3)
5962             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 1 \b");
5963           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 4)
5964             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 1 \b");
5965           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 5)
5966             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 1 \b");
5967           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 6)
5968             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 1 \b");
5969           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 7)
5970             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 1 \b");
5971           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 8)
5972             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 1 \b");
5973           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 9)
5974             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 1 \b");
5975           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 10)
5976             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 1 \b");
5977           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 11)
5978             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 1 \b");
5979           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 12)
5980             HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
5981           HEpositivedirectionDigiD1->Draw("Error");
5982           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1++;
5983           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD1 > 12)
5984             break;  // 4x6 = 24
5985         }           //ccctest>0
5987       }  // for i
5988     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
5989   }      //for jeta
5990   /////////////////
5991   c3x5->Update();
5992   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
5993   c3x5->Clear();
5994   // clean-up
5995   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD1)
5996     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD1;
5997   //========================================================================================== 15
5998   //======================================================================
5999   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
6000   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
6001   c3x5->Clear();
6002   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6003   c3x5->cd(1);
6004   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 = 1;
6005   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6007   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6008     // positivedirectionDigiD:
6009     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
6010       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6011       // depth=2
6012       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
6013         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigiD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD2->Clone("twod1");
6015         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6016         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6017           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6018           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6019             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6020             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6021           }
6022         }  // for jphi
6023         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6024           //cout<<"1515       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6025           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2);
6026           HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6027           HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6028           HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6029           HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigiD2 \b");
6030           HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
6031           HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetLineColor(0);
6032           gPad->SetGridy();
6033           gPad->SetGridx();
6034           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6035           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 1)
6036             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 2 \b");
6037           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 2)
6038             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 2 \b");
6039           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 3)
6040             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 2 \b");
6041           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 4)
6042             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 2 \b");
6043           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 5)
6044             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 2 \b");
6045           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 6)
6046             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 2 \b");
6047           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 7)
6048             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 2 \b");
6049           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 8)
6050             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 2 \b");
6051           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 9)
6052             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 2 \b");
6053           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 10)
6054             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 2 \b");
6055           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 11)
6056             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 2 \b");
6057           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 12)
6058             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 2 \b");
6059           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 13)
6060             HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
6061           HEpositivedirectionDigiD2->Draw("Error");
6062           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2++;
6063           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD2 > 13)
6064             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6065         }           //ccctest>0
6067       }  // for i
6068     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
6069   }      //for jeta
6070   /////////////////
6071   c3x5->Update();
6072   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
6073   c3x5->Clear();
6074   // clean-up
6075   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD2)
6076     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD2;
6077   //========================================================================================== 16
6078   //======================================================================
6079   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
6080   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
6081   c3x5->Clear();
6082   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6083   c3x5->cd(1);
6084   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 = 1;
6085   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6087   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6088     // positivedirectionDigiD:
6089     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
6090       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6091       // depth=3
6092       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
6093         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigiD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD3->Clone("twod1");
6095         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6096         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6097           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6098           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6099             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6100             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6101           }
6102         }  // for jphi
6103         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6104           //cout<<"1616       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6105           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3);
6106           HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6107           HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6108           HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6109           HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigiD3 \b");
6110           HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
6111           HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetLineColor(0);
6112           gPad->SetGridy();
6113           gPad->SetGridx();
6114           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6115           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 1)
6116             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 3 \b");
6117           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 2)
6118             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 3 \b");
6119           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 3)
6120             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 3 \b");
6121           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 4)
6122             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 3 \b");
6123           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 5)
6124             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 3 \b");
6125           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 6)
6126             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 3 \b");
6127           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 7)
6128             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 3 \b");
6129           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 8)
6130             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 3 \b");
6131           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 9)
6132             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 3 \b");
6133           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 10)
6134             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 3 \b");
6135           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 11)
6136             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 3 \b");
6137           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 12)
6138             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 3 \b");
6139           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 13)
6140             HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
6141           HEpositivedirectionDigiD3->Draw("Error");
6142           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3++;
6143           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD3 > 13)
6144             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6145         }           //ccctest>0
6147       }  // for i
6148     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
6149   }      //for jeta
6150   /////////////////
6151   c3x5->Update();
6152   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
6153   c3x5->Clear();
6154   // clean-up
6155   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD3)
6156     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD3;
6157   //========================================================================================== 17
6158   //======================================================================
6159   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
6160   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
6161   c3x5->Clear();
6162   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6163   c3x5->cd(1);
6164   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 = 1;
6165   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6167   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6168     // positivedirectionDigiD:
6169     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
6170       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6171       // depth=4
6172       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
6173         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigiD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD4->Clone("twod1");
6175         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6176         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6177           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6178           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6179             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6180             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6181           }
6182         }  // for jphi
6183         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6184           //cout<<"1717       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6185           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4);
6186           HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6187           HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6188           HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6189           HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigiD4 \b");
6190           HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
6191           HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetLineColor(0);
6192           gPad->SetGridy();
6193           gPad->SetGridx();
6194           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6195           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 1)
6196             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
6197           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 2)
6198             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 4 \b");
6199           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 3)
6200             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 4 \b");
6201           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 4)
6202             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 4 \b");
6203           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 5)
6204             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 4 \b");
6205           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 6)
6206             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 4 \b");
6207           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 7)
6208             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 4 \b");
6209           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 8)
6210             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 4 \b");
6211           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 9)
6212             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 4 \b");
6213           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 10)
6214             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 4 \b");
6215           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 11)
6216             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 4 \b");
6217           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 12)
6218             HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 4 \b");
6219           HEpositivedirectionDigiD4->Draw("Error");
6220           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4++;
6221           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD4 > 12)
6222             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6223         }           //ccctest>0
6225       }  // for i
6226     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
6227   }      //for jeta
6228   /////////////////
6229   c3x5->Update();
6230   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
6231   c3x5->Clear();
6232   // clean-up
6233   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD4)
6234     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD4;
6235   //========================================================================================== 18
6236   //======================================================================
6237   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
6238   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
6239   c3x5->Clear();
6240   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6241   c3x5->cd(1);
6242   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 = 1;
6243   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6245   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6246     // positivedirectionDigiD:
6247     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
6248       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6249       // depth=5
6250       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
6251         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigiD5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD5->Clone("twod1");
6253         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6254         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6255           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6256           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6257             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6258             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6259           }
6260         }  // for jphi
6261         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6262           //cout<<"1818       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6263           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5);
6264           HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6265           HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6266           HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6267           HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigiD5 \b");
6268           HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetMarkerColor(2);
6269           HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetLineColor(0);
6270           gPad->SetGridy();
6271           gPad->SetGridx();
6272           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6273           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 1)
6274             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 5 \b");
6275           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 2)
6276             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 5 \b");
6277           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 3)
6278             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 5 \b");
6279           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 4)
6280             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 5 \b");
6281           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 5)
6282             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 5 \b");
6283           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 6)
6284             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 5 \b");
6285           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 7)
6286             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 5 \b");
6287           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 8)
6288             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 5 \b");
6289           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 9)
6290             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 5 \b");
6291           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 10)
6292             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 5 \b");
6293           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 == 11)
6294             HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 5 \b");
6295           HEpositivedirectionDigiD5->Draw("Error");
6296           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5++;
6297           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD5 > 11)
6298             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6299         }           //ccctest>0
6301       }  // for i
6302     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
6303   }      //for jeta
6304   /////////////////
6305   c3x5->Update();
6306   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
6307   c3x5->Clear();
6308   // clean-up
6309   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD5)
6310     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD5;
6311   //========================================================================================== 19
6312   //======================================================================
6313   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
6314   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
6315   c3x5->Clear();
6316   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6317   c3x5->cd(1);
6318   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 = 1;
6319   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6321   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6322     // positivedirectionDigiD:
6323     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
6324       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6325       // depth=6
6326       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
6327         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigiD6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD6->Clone("twod1");
6329         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6330         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6331           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6332           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6333             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6334             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6335           }
6336         }  // for jphi
6337         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6338           //cout<<"1919       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6339           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6);
6340           HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6341           HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6342           HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6343           HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigiD6 \b");
6344           HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetMarkerColor(2);
6345           HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetLineColor(0);
6346           gPad->SetGridy();
6347           gPad->SetGridx();
6348           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6349           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 1)
6350             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 6 \b");
6351           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 2)
6352             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 6 \b");
6353           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 3)
6354             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 6 \b");
6355           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 4)
6356             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 6 \b");
6357           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 5)
6358             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 6 \b");
6359           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 6)
6360             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 6 \b");
6361           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 7)
6362             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 6 \b");
6363           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 8)
6364             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 6 \b");
6365           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 9)
6366             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 6 \b");
6367           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 == 10)
6368             HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 6 \b");
6369           HEpositivedirectionDigiD6->Draw("Error");
6370           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6++;
6371           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD6 > 10)
6372             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6373         }           //ccctest>0
6375       }  // for i
6376     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
6377   }      //for jeta
6378   /////////////////
6379   c3x5->Update();
6380   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
6381   c3x5->Clear();
6382   // clean-up
6383   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD6)
6384     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD6;
6385   //========================================================================================== 20
6386   //======================================================================
6387   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
6388   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
6389   c3x5->Clear();
6390   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6391   c3x5->cd(1);
6392   int kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7 = 1;
6393   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6395   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6396     // positivedirectionDigiD:
6397     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
6398       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6399       // depth=7
6400       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
6401         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionDigiD7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD7->Clone("twod1");
6403         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6404         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6405           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6406           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6407             HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6408             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6409           }
6410         }  // for jphi
6411         if (ccctest != 0.) {
6412           //cout<<"2020       kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6413           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7);
6414           HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6415           HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6416           HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6417           HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionDigiD7 \b");
6418           HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetMarkerColor(2);
6419           HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetLineColor(0);
6420           gPad->SetGridy();
6421           gPad->SetGridx();
6422           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6423           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7 == 1)
6424             HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 7 \b");
6425           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7 == 2)
6426             HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 7 \b");
6427           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7 == 3)
6428             HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 7 \b");
6429           HEpositivedirectionDigiD7->Draw("Error");
6430           kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7++;
6431           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionDigiD7 > 3)
6432             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6433         }           //ccctest>0
6435       }  // for i
6436     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
6437   }      //for jeta
6438   /////////////////
6439   c3x5->Update();
6440   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
6441   c3x5->Clear();
6442   // clean-up
6443   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD7)
6444     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionDigiD7;
6446   //========================================================================================== 22222214
6447   //======================================================================
6448   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
6449   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
6450   c3x5->Clear();
6451   /////////////////
6452   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6453   c3x5->cd(1);
6454   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 = 1;
6455   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6457   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6458     // negativedirectionDigiD:
6459     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
6460       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6461       // depth=1
6462       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
6463         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigiD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD1->Clone("twod1");
6465         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6466         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6467           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6468           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6469             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6470             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6471           }
6472         }  // for jphi
6473         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6474           //cout<<"1414       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6475           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1);
6476           HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6477           HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6478           HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6479           HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigiD1 \b");
6480           HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
6481           HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetLineColor(0);
6482           gPad->SetGridy();
6483           gPad->SetGridx();
6484           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6485           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 1)
6486             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
6487           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 2)
6488             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 1 \b");
6489           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 3)
6490             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 1 \b");
6491           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 4)
6492             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 1 \b");
6493           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 5)
6494             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 1 \b");
6495           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 6)
6496             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 1 \b");
6497           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 7)
6498             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 1 \b");
6499           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 8)
6500             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 1 \b");
6501           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 9)
6502             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 1 \b");
6503           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 10)
6504             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 1 \b");
6505           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 11)
6506             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 1 \b");
6507           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 12)
6508             HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 1 \b");
6509           HEnegativedirectionDigiD1->Draw("Error");
6510           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1++;
6511           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD1 > 12)
6512             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6513         }           //ccctest>0
6515       }  // for i
6516     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
6517   }      //for jeta
6518   /////////////////
6519   c3x5->Update();
6520   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
6521   c3x5->Clear();
6522   // clean-up
6523   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD1)
6524     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD1;
6525   //========================================================================================== 22222215
6526   //======================================================================
6527   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
6528   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
6529   c3x5->Clear();
6530   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6531   c3x5->cd(1);
6532   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 = 1;
6533   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6535   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6536     // negativedirectionDigiD:
6537     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
6538       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6539       // depth=2
6540       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
6541         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigiD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD2->Clone("twod1");
6543         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6544         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6545           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6546           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6547             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6548             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6549           }
6550         }  // for jphi
6551         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6552           //cout<<"1515       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6553           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2);
6554           HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6555           HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6556           HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6557           HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigiD2 \b");
6558           HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
6559           HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetLineColor(0);
6560           gPad->SetGridy();
6561           gPad->SetGridx();
6562           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6563           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 1)
6564             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
6565           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 2)
6566             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 2 \b");
6567           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 3)
6568             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 2 \b");
6569           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 4)
6570             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 2 \b");
6571           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 5)
6572             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 2 \b");
6573           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 6)
6574             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 2 \b");
6575           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 7)
6576             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 2 \b");
6577           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 8)
6578             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 2 \b");
6579           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 9)
6580             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 2 \b");
6581           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 10)
6582             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
6583           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 11)
6584             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 2 \b");
6585           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 12)
6586             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 2 \b");
6587           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 13)
6588             HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 2 \b");
6589           HEnegativedirectionDigiD2->Draw("Error");
6590           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2++;
6591           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD2 > 13)
6592             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6593         }           //ccctest>0
6595       }  // for i
6596     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
6597   }      //for jeta
6598   /////////////////
6599   c3x5->Update();
6600   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
6601   c3x5->Clear();
6602   // clean-up
6603   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD2)
6604     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD2;
6605   //========================================================================================== 22222216
6606   //======================================================================
6607   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
6608   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
6609   c3x5->Clear();
6610   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6611   c3x5->cd(1);
6612   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 = 1;
6613   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6615   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6616     // negativedirectionDigiD:
6617     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
6618       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6619       // depth=3
6620       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
6621         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigiD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD3->Clone("twod1");
6623         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6624         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6625           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6626           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6627             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6628             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6629           }
6630         }  // for jphi
6631         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6632           //cout<<"1616       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6633           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3);
6634           HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6635           HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6636           HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6637           HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigiD3 \b");
6638           HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
6639           HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetLineColor(0);
6640           gPad->SetGridy();
6641           gPad->SetGridx();
6642           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6643           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 1)
6644             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
6645           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 2)
6646             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 3 \b");
6647           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 3)
6648             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 3 \b");
6649           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 4)
6650             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 3 \b");
6651           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 5)
6652             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 3 \b");
6653           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 6)
6654             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 3 \b");
6655           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 7)
6656             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 3 \b");
6657           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 8)
6658             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 3 \b");
6659           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 9)
6660             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 3 \b");
6661           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 10)
6662             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 3 \b");
6663           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 11)
6664             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 3 \b");
6665           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 12)
6666             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 3 \b");
6667           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 13)
6668             HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 3 \b");
6669           HEnegativedirectionDigiD3->Draw("Error");
6670           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3++;
6671           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD3 > 13)
6672             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6673         }           //ccctest>0
6675       }  // for i
6676     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
6677   }      //for jeta
6678   /////////////////
6679   c3x5->Update();
6680   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
6681   c3x5->Clear();
6682   // clean-up
6683   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD3)
6684     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD3;
6685   //========================================================================================== 22222217
6686   //======================================================================
6687   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
6688   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
6689   c3x5->Clear();
6690   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6691   c3x5->cd(1);
6692   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 = 1;
6693   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6695   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6696     // negativedirectionDigiD:
6697     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
6698       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6699       // depth=4
6700       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
6701         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigiD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD4->Clone("twod1");
6703         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6704         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6705           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6706           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6707             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6708             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6709           }
6710         }  // for jphi
6711         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6712           //cout<<"1717       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6713           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4);
6714           HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6715           HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6716           HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6717           HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigiD4 \b");
6718           HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
6719           HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetLineColor(0);
6720           gPad->SetGridy();
6721           gPad->SetGridx();
6722           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6723           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 1)
6724             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 4 \b");
6725           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 2)
6726             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 4 \b");
6727           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 3)
6728             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 4 \b");
6729           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 4)
6730             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 4 \b");
6731           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 5)
6732             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 4 \b");
6733           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 6)
6734             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 4 \b");
6735           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 7)
6736             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 4 \b");
6737           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 8)
6738             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 4 \b");
6739           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 9)
6740             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 4 \b");
6741           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 10)
6742             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 4 \b");
6743           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 11)
6744             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 4 \b");
6745           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 12)
6746             HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
6747           HEnegativedirectionDigiD4->Draw("Error");
6748           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4++;
6749           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD4 > 12)
6750             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6751         }           //ccctest>0
6753       }  // for i
6754     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
6755   }      //for jeta
6756   /////////////////
6757   c3x5->Update();
6758   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
6759   c3x5->Clear();
6760   // clean-up
6761   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD4)
6762     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD4;
6763   //========================================================================================== 22222218
6764   //======================================================================
6765   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
6766   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
6767   c3x5->Clear();
6768   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6769   c3x5->cd(1);
6770   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 = 1;
6771   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6773   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6774     // negativedirectionDigiD:
6775     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
6776       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6777       // depth=5
6778       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
6779         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigiD5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD5->Clone("twod1");
6781         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6782         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6783           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6784           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6785             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6786             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6787           }
6788         }  // for jphi
6789         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6790           //cout<<"1818       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6791           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5);
6792           HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6793           HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6794           HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6795           HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigiD5 \b");
6796           HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetMarkerColor(2);
6797           HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetLineColor(0);
6798           gPad->SetGridy();
6799           gPad->SetGridx();
6800           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6801           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 1)
6802             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 5 \b");
6803           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 2)
6804             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 5 \b");
6805           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 3)
6806             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 5 \b");
6807           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 4)
6808             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 5 \b");
6809           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 5)
6810             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 5 \b");
6811           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 6)
6812             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 5 \b");
6813           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 7)
6814             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 5 \b");
6815           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 8)
6816             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 5 \b");
6817           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 9)
6818             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 5 \b");
6819           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 10)
6820             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 5 \b");
6821           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 == 11)
6822             HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 5 \b");
6823           HEnegativedirectionDigiD5->Draw("Error");
6824           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5++;
6825           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD5 > 11)
6826             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6827         }           //ccctest>0
6829       }  // for i
6830     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
6831   }      //for jeta
6832   /////////////////
6833   c3x5->Update();
6834   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
6835   c3x5->Clear();
6836   // clean-up
6837   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD5)
6838     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD5;
6839   //========================================================================================== 22222219
6840   //======================================================================
6841   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
6842   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
6843   c3x5->Clear();
6844   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6845   c3x5->cd(1);
6846   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 = 1;
6847   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6849   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6850     // negativedirectionDigiD:
6851     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
6852       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6853       // depth=6
6854       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
6855         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigiD6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD6->Clone("twod1");
6857         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6858         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6859           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6860           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6861             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6862             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6863           }
6864         }  // for jphi
6865         if (ccctest > 0.) {
6866           //cout<<"1919       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6867           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6);
6868           HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6869           HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6870           HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6871           HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigiD6 \b");
6872           HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetMarkerColor(2);
6873           HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetLineColor(0);
6874           gPad->SetGridy();
6875           gPad->SetGridx();
6876           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6877           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 1)
6878             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 6 \b");
6879           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 2)
6880             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 6 \b");
6881           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 3)
6882             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 6 \b");
6883           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 4)
6884             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 6 \b");
6885           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 5)
6886             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 6 \b");
6887           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 6)
6888             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 6 \b");
6889           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 7)
6890             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 6 \b");
6891           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 8)
6892             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 6 \b");
6893           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 9)
6894             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 6 \b");
6895           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 == 10)
6896             HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 6 \b");
6897           HEnegativedirectionDigiD6->Draw("Error");
6898           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6++;
6899           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD6 > 10)
6900             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6901         }           //ccctest>0
6903       }  // for i
6904     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
6905   }      //for jeta
6906   /////////////////
6907   c3x5->Update();
6908   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
6909   c3x5->Clear();
6910   // clean-up
6911   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD6)
6912     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD6;
6913   //========================================================================================== 22222220
6914   //======================================================================
6915   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
6916   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
6917   c3x5->Clear();
6918   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
6919   c3x5->cd(1);
6920   int kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7 = 1;
6921   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
6923   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
6924     // negativedirectionDigiD:
6925     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
6926       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
6927       // depth=7
6928       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
6929         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionDigiD7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD7->Clone("twod1");
6931         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
6932         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
6933           double ccc1 = digivariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
6934           if (adigihe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
6935             HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
6936             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
6937           }
6938         }  // for jphi
6939         if (ccctest != 0.) {
6940           //cout<<"2020       kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
6941           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7);
6942           HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
6943           HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
6944           HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
6945           HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionDigiD7 \b");
6946           HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetMarkerColor(2);
6947           HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetLineColor(0);
6948           gPad->SetGridy();
6949           gPad->SetGridx();
6950           //       gPad->SetLogy();
6951           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7 == 1)
6952             HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 7 \b");
6953           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7 == 2)
6954             HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 7 \b");
6955           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7 == 3)
6956             HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 7 \b");
6957           HEnegativedirectionDigiD7->Draw("Error");
6958           kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7++;
6959           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionDigiD7 > 3)
6960             break;  // 4x6 = 24
6961         }           //ccctest>0
6963       }  // for i
6964     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
6965   }      //for jeta
6966   /////////////////
6967   c3x5->Update();
6968   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
6969   c3x5->Clear();
6970   // clean-up
6971   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD7)
6972     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionDigiD7;
6973   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HE for phi-symmetry
6974   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HE for phi-symmetry
6975   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HE for phi-symmetry
6977   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HF
6978   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HF
6979   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Digi HF
6980   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
6981   //ndepth = k_max[5];
6982   ndepth = 4;
6983   double adigiHF[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
6984   double digivarianceHF[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
6986   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HF1");
6987   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF1");
6988   TH2F *amplitudechannelHF1 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HF1->Clone("amplitudechannelHF1");
6989   amplitudechannelHF1->Divide(amplitudechannel1HF1, amplitudechannel0HF1, 1, 1, "B");
6990   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HF2");
6991   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF2");
6992   TH2F *amplitudechannelHF2 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HF2->Clone("amplitudechannelHF2");
6993   amplitudechannelHF2->Divide(amplitudechannel1HF2, amplitudechannel0HF2, 1, 1, "B");
6994   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HF3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HF3");
6995   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HF3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF3");
6996   TH2F *amplitudechannelHF3 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HF3->Clone("amplitudechannelHF3");
6997   amplitudechannelHF3->Divide(amplitudechannel1HF3, amplitudechannel0HF3, 1, 1, "B");
6998   TH2F *amplitudechannel1HF4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel1_HF4");
6999   TH2F *amplitudechannel0HF4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF4");
7000   TH2F *amplitudechannelHF4 = (TH2F *)amplitudechannel1HF4->Clone("amplitudechannelHF4");
7001   amplitudechannelHF4->Divide(amplitudechannel1HF4, amplitudechannel0HF4, 1, 1, "B");
7002   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7003     //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive adigiHF
7004     //preparation for PHI normalization:
7005     double sumdigiHF0 = 0;
7006     int nsumdigiHF0 = 0;
7007     double sumdigiHF1 = 0;
7008     int nsumdigiHF1 = 0;
7009     double sumdigiHF2 = 0;
7010     int nsumdigiHF2 = 0;
7011     double sumdigiHF3 = 0;
7012     int nsumdigiHF3 = 0;
7013     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
7014       adigiHF[0][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHF1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7015       adigiHF[1][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHF2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7016       adigiHF[2][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHF3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7017       adigiHF[3][jeta][jphi] = amplitudechannelHF4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7018       if (adigiHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7019         sumdigiHF0 += adigiHF[0][jeta][jphi];
7020         ++nsumdigiHF0;
7021       }
7022       if (adigiHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7023         sumdigiHF1 += adigiHF[1][jeta][jphi];
7024         ++nsumdigiHF1;
7025       }
7026       if (adigiHF[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7027         sumdigiHF2 += adigiHF[2][jeta][jphi];
7028         ++nsumdigiHF2;
7029       }
7030       if (adigiHF[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7031         sumdigiHF3 += adigiHF[3][jeta][jphi];
7032         ++nsumdigiHF3;
7033       }
7034     }  // phi
7035     // PHI normalization:
7036     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
7037       if (adigiHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7038         adigiHF[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF0 / nsumdigiHF0);
7039       if (adigiHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7040         adigiHF[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF1 / nsumdigiHF1);
7041       if (adigiHF[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7042         adigiHF[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF2 / nsumdigiHF2);
7043       if (adigiHF[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7044         adigiHF[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF3 / nsumdigiHF3);
7045     }  // phi
7046   }    //eta
7047   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs
7048   //======================================================================
7049   //======================================================================
7050   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
7051   c1x0->Clear();
7052   /////////////////
7053   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
7054   c1x0->cd(1);
7055   TH2F *GefzRdigiHF42D = new TH2F("GefzRdigiHF42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
7056   TH2F *GefzRdigiHF42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRdigiHF42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
7057   TH2F *GefzRdigiHF42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRdigiHF42D0->Clone("GefzRdigiHF42DF");
7058   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
7059     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
7060       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7061         double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7062         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
7063         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
7064         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7065           GefzRdigiHF42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
7066           GefzRdigiHF42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
7067         }
7068       }
7069     }
7070   }
7071   GefzRdigiHF42DF->Divide(GefzRdigiHF42D, GefzRdigiHF42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
7072   gPad->SetGridy();
7073   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
7074   GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7075   GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7076   GefzRdigiHF42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
7077   GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
7078   GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
7079   GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetZTitle("<R>_depth \b");
7080   GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
7081   GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetLineColor(
7082       0);  //      GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      GefzRdigiHF42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
7083   GefzRdigiHF42DF->Draw("COLZ");
7084   /////////////////
7085   c1x0->Update();
7086   c1x0->Print("RdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png");
7087   c1x0->Clear();
7088   // clean-up
7089   if (GefzRdigiHF42D)
7090     delete GefzRdigiHF42D;
7091   if (GefzRdigiHF42D0)
7092     delete GefzRdigiHF42D0;
7093   if (GefzRdigiHF42DF)
7094     delete GefzRdigiHF42DF;
7095   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
7096   //======================================================================
7097   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
7098   c1x1->Clear();
7099   /////////////////
7100   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
7101   c1x1->cd(1);
7102   TH1F *GefzRdigiHF41D = new TH1F("GefzRdigiHF41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7103   TH1F *GefzRdigiHF41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRdigiHF41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7104   TH1F *GefzRdigiHF41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRdigiHF41D0->Clone("GefzRdigiHF41DF");
7105   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7106     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
7107       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
7108         double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7109         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7110           GefzRdigiHF41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7111           GefzRdigiHF41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
7112         }
7113       }
7114     }
7115   }
7116   GefzRdigiHF41DF->Divide(GefzRdigiHF41D, GefzRdigiHF41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
7117   GefzRdigiHF41D0->Sumw2();
7118   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
7119   gPad->SetGridy();
7120   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
7121   GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7122   GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
7123   GefzRdigiHF41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
7124   GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
7125   GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
7126   GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
7127   GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
7128   GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetLineColor(
7129       4);  // GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRdigiHF41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
7130   GefzRdigiHF41DF->Draw("Error");
7131   /////////////////
7132   c1x1->Update();
7133   c1x1->Print("RdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png");
7134   c1x1->Clear();
7135   // clean-up
7136   if (GefzRdigiHF41D)
7137     delete GefzRdigiHF41D;
7138   if (GefzRdigiHF41D0)
7139     delete GefzRdigiHF41D0;
7140   if (GefzRdigiHF41DF)
7141     delete GefzRdigiHF41DF;
7142   //========================================================================================== 4
7143   //======================================================================
7144   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
7145   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
7146   c3x5->Clear();
7147   /////////////////
7148   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7149   c3x5->cd(1);
7150   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 = 1;
7151   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7152   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7153     // positivedirectionDigi:
7154     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
7155       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7156       // depth=1
7157       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
7158         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigi1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi1->Clone("twod1");
7159         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7160         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7161           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7162           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7163             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7164             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7165           }
7166         }  // for jphi
7167         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7168           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7169           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1);
7170           HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7171           HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7172           HFpositivedirectionDigi1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7173           HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigi1 \b");
7174           HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerColor(2);
7175           HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetLineColor(0);
7176           gPad->SetGridy();
7177           gPad->SetGridx();
7178           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7179           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 1)
7180             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
7181           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 2)
7182             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 1 \b");
7183           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 3)
7184             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 1 \b");
7185           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 4)
7186             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 1 \b");
7187           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 5)
7188             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 1 \b");
7189           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 6)
7190             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 1 \b");
7191           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 7)
7192             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 1 \b");
7193           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 8)
7194             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 1 \b");
7195           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 9)
7196             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 1 \b");
7197           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 10)
7198             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 1 \b");
7199           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 11)
7200             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 1 \b");
7201           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 12)
7202             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 1 \b");
7203           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 == 13)
7204             HFpositivedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 1 \b");
7205           HFpositivedirectionDigi1->Draw("Error");
7206           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1++;
7207           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi1 > 13)
7208             break;  //
7209         }           //ccctest>0
7211       }  // for i
7212     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
7213   }      //for jeta
7214   /////////////////
7215   c3x5->Update();
7216   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
7217   c3x5->Clear();
7218   // clean-up
7219   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi1)
7220     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi1;
7222   //========================================================================================== 5
7223   //======================================================================
7224   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
7225   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
7226   c3x5->Clear();
7227   /////////////////
7228   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7229   c3x5->cd(1);
7230   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 = 1;
7231   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7232   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7233     // positivedirectionDigi:
7234     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
7235       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7236       // depth=2
7237       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
7238         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigi2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi2->Clone("twod1");
7239         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7240         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7241           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7242           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7243             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7244             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7245           }
7246         }  // for jphi
7247         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7248           //cout<<"555        kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7249           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2);
7250           HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7251           HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7252           HFpositivedirectionDigi2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7253           HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigi2 \b");
7254           HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerColor(2);
7255           HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetLineColor(0);
7256           gPad->SetGridy();
7257           gPad->SetGridx();
7258           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7259           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 1)
7260             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
7261           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 2)
7262             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 2 \b");
7263           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 3)
7264             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 2 \b");
7265           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 4)
7266             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 2 \b");
7267           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 5)
7268             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 2 \b");
7269           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 6)
7270             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 2 \b");
7271           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 7)
7272             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 2 \b");
7273           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 8)
7274             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 2 \b");
7275           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 9)
7276             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 2 \b");
7277           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 10)
7278             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 2 \b");
7279           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 11)
7280             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 2 \b");
7281           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 12)
7282             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 2 \b");
7283           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 == 13)
7284             HFpositivedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 2 \b");
7285           HFpositivedirectionDigi2->Draw("Error");
7286           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2++;
7287           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi2 > 13)
7288             break;  // 4x6 = 24
7289         }           //ccctest>0
7291       }  // for i
7292     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
7293   }      //for jeta
7294   /////////////////
7295   c3x5->Update();
7296   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
7297   c3x5->Clear();
7298   // clean-up
7299   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi2)
7300     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi2;
7301   //========================================================================================== 6
7302   //======================================================================
7303   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
7304   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
7305   c3x5->Clear();
7306   /////////////////
7307   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7308   c3x5->cd(1);
7309   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 = 1;
7310   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7311   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7312     // positivedirectionDigi:
7313     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
7314       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7315       // depth=3
7316       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
7317         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigi3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi3->Clone("twod1");
7318         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7319         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7320           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7321           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7322             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7323             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7324           }
7325         }  // for jphi
7326         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7327           //cout<<"666        kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7328           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3);
7329           HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7330           HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7331           HFpositivedirectionDigi3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7332           HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigi3 \b");
7333           HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerColor(2);
7334           HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetLineColor(0);
7335           gPad->SetGridy();
7336           gPad->SetGridx();
7337           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7338           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 1)
7339             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
7340           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 2)
7341             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 3 \b");
7342           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 3)
7343             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 3 \b");
7344           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 4)
7345             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 3 \b");
7346           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 5)
7347             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 3 \b");
7348           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 6)
7349             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 3 \b");
7350           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 7)
7351             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 3 \b");
7352           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 8)
7353             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 3 \b");
7354           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 9)
7355             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 3 \b");
7356           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 10)
7357             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 3 \b");
7358           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 11)
7359             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 3 \b");
7360           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 12)
7361             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 3 \b");
7362           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 == 13)
7363             HFpositivedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 3 \b");
7364           HFpositivedirectionDigi3->Draw("Error");
7365           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3++;
7366           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi3 > 13)
7367             break;  // 4x6 = 24
7368         }           //ccctest>0
7370       }  // for i
7371     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
7372   }      //for jeta
7373   /////////////////
7374   c3x5->Update();
7375   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png");
7376   c3x5->Clear();
7377   // clean-up
7378   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi3)
7379     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi3;
7380   //========================================================================================== 7
7381   //======================================================================
7382   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
7383   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
7384   c3x5->Clear();
7385   /////////////////
7386   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7387   c3x5->cd(1);
7388   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 = 1;
7389   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7391   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7392     // positivedirectionDigi:
7393     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
7394       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7395       // depth=4
7396       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
7397         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigi4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi4->Clone("twod1");
7399         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7400         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7401           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7402           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7403             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7404             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7405           }
7406         }  // for jphi
7407         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7408           //cout<<"777        kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7409           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4);
7410           HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7411           HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7412           HFpositivedirectionDigi4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7413           HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigi4 \b");
7414           HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerColor(2);
7415           HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetLineColor(0);
7416           gPad->SetGridy();
7417           gPad->SetGridx();
7418           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7419           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 1)
7420             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 4 \b");
7421           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 2)
7422             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 4 \b");
7423           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 3)
7424             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 4 \b");
7425           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 4)
7426             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 4 \b");
7427           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 5)
7428             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 4 \b");
7429           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 6)
7430             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 4 \b");
7431           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 7)
7432             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 4 \b");
7433           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 8)
7434             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 4 \b");
7435           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 9)
7436             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 4 \b");
7437           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 10)
7438             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 4 \b");
7439           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 11)
7440             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 4 \b");
7441           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 12)
7442             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 4 \b");
7443           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 == 13)
7444             HFpositivedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 4 \b");
7445           HFpositivedirectionDigi4->Draw("Error");
7446           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4++;
7447           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigi4 > 13)
7448             break;  // 4x6 = 24
7449         }           //ccctest>0
7451       }  // for i
7452     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
7453   }      //for jeta
7454   /////////////////
7455   c3x5->Update();
7456   c3x5->Print("RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png");
7457   c3x5->Clear();
7458   // clean-up
7459   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi4)
7460     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigi4;
7462   //========================================================================================== 1111114
7463   //======================================================================
7464   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
7465   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
7466   c3x5->Clear();
7467   /////////////////
7468   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7469   c3x5->cd(1);
7470   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 = 1;
7471   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7472   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7473     // negativedirectionDigi:
7474     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
7475       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7476       // depth=1
7477       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
7478         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigi1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi1->Clone("twod1");
7479         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7480         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7481           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7482           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7483             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7484             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7485           }
7486         }  // for jphi
7487         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7488           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7489           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1);
7490           HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7491           HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7492           HFnegativedirectionDigi1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7493           HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigi1 \b");
7494           HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetMarkerColor(2);
7495           HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetLineColor(0);
7496           gPad->SetGridy();
7497           gPad->SetGridx();
7498           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7499           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 1)
7500             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 1 \b");
7501           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 2)
7502             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 1 \b");
7503           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 3)
7504             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 1 \b");
7505           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 4)
7506             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 1 \b");
7507           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 5)
7508             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 1 \b");
7509           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 6)
7510             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 1 \b");
7511           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 7)
7512             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 1 \b");
7513           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 8)
7514             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 1 \b");
7515           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 9)
7516             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 1 \b");
7517           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 10)
7518             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 1 \b");
7519           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 11)
7520             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 1 \b");
7521           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 12)
7522             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 1 \b");
7523           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 == 13)
7524             HFnegativedirectionDigi1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
7525           HFnegativedirectionDigi1->Draw("Error");
7526           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1++;
7527           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi1 > 13)
7528             break;  //
7529         }           //ccctest>0
7531       }  // for i
7532     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
7533   }      //for jeta
7534   /////////////////
7535   c3x5->Update();
7536   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
7537   c3x5->Clear();
7538   // clean-up
7539   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi1)
7540     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi1;
7542   //========================================================================================== 1111115
7543   //======================================================================
7544   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
7545   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
7546   c3x5->Clear();
7547   /////////////////
7548   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7549   c3x5->cd(1);
7550   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 = 1;
7551   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7552   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7553     // negativedirectionDigi:
7554     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
7555       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7556       // depth=2
7557       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
7558         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigi2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi2->Clone("twod1");
7559         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7560         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7561           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7562           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7563             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7564             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7565           }
7566         }  // for jphi
7567         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7568           //cout<<"555        kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7569           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2);
7570           HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7571           HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7572           HFnegativedirectionDigi2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7573           HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigi2 \b");
7574           HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetMarkerColor(2);
7575           HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetLineColor(0);
7576           gPad->SetGridy();
7577           gPad->SetGridx();
7578           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7579           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 1)
7580             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 2 \b");
7581           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 2)
7582             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 2 \b");
7583           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 3)
7584             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 2 \b");
7585           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 4)
7586             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 2 \b");
7587           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 5)
7588             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 2 \b");
7589           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 6)
7590             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 2 \b");
7591           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 7)
7592             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 2 \b");
7593           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 8)
7594             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 2 \b");
7595           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 9)
7596             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 2 \b");
7597           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 10)
7598             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 2 \b");
7599           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 11)
7600             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 2 \b");
7601           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 12)
7602             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 2 \b");
7603           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 == 13)
7604             HFnegativedirectionDigi2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
7605           HFnegativedirectionDigi2->Draw("Error");
7606           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2++;
7607           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi2 > 13)
7608             break;  // 4x6 = 24
7609         }           //ccctest>0
7611       }  // for i
7612     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
7613   }      //for jeta
7614   /////////////////
7615   c3x5->Update();
7616   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
7617   c3x5->Clear();
7618   // clean-up
7619   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi2)
7620     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi2;
7621   //========================================================================================== 1111116
7622   //======================================================================
7623   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
7624   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
7625   c3x5->Clear();
7626   /////////////////
7627   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7628   c3x5->cd(1);
7629   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 = 1;
7630   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7631   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7632     // negativedirectionDigi:
7633     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
7634       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7635       // depth=3
7636       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
7637         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigi3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi3->Clone("twod1");
7638         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7639         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7640           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7641           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7642             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7643             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7644           }
7645         }  // for jphi
7646         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7647           //cout<<"666        kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7648           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3);
7649           HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7650           HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7651           HFnegativedirectionDigi3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7652           HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigi3 \b");
7653           HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetMarkerColor(2);
7654           HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetLineColor(0);
7655           gPad->SetGridy();
7656           gPad->SetGridx();
7657           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7658           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 1)
7659             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 3 \b");
7660           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 2)
7661             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 3 \b");
7662           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 3)
7663             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 3 \b");
7664           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 4)
7665             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 3 \b");
7666           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 5)
7667             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 3 \b");
7668           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 6)
7669             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 3 \b");
7670           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 7)
7671             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 3 \b");
7672           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 8)
7673             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 3 \b");
7674           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 9)
7675             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 3 \b");
7676           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 10)
7677             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 3 \b");
7678           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 11)
7679             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 3 \b");
7680           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 12)
7681             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 3 \b");
7682           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 == 13)
7683             HFnegativedirectionDigi3->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
7684           HFnegativedirectionDigi3->Draw("Error");
7685           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3++;
7686           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi3 > 13)
7687             break;  // 4x6 = 24
7688         }           //ccctest>0
7690       }  // for i
7691     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
7692   }      //for jeta
7693   /////////////////
7694   c3x5->Update();
7695   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png");
7696   c3x5->Clear();
7697   // clean-up
7698   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi3)
7699     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi3;
7700   //========================================================================================== 1111117
7701   //======================================================================
7702   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
7703   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
7704   c3x5->Clear();
7705   /////////////////
7706   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7707   c3x5->cd(1);
7708   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 = 1;
7709   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7711   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7712     // negativedirectionDigi:
7713     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
7714       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7715       // depth=4
7716       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
7717         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigi4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi4->Clone("twod1");
7719         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7720         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7721           double ccc1 = adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7722           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
7723             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7724             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7725           }
7726         }  // for jphi
7727         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7728           //cout<<"777        kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7729           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4);
7730           HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7731           HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7732           HFnegativedirectionDigi4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7733           HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigi4 \b");
7734           HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetMarkerColor(2);
7735           HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetLineColor(0);
7736           gPad->SetGridy();
7737           gPad->SetGridx();
7738           //       gPad->SetLogy();
7739           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 1)
7740             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 4 \b");
7741           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 2)
7742             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 4 \b");
7743           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 3)
7744             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 4 \b");
7745           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 4)
7746             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 4 \b");
7747           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 5)
7748             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 4 \b");
7749           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 6)
7750             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 4 \b");
7751           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 7)
7752             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 4 \b");
7753           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 8)
7754             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 4 \b");
7755           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 9)
7756             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 4 \b");
7757           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 10)
7758             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 4 \b");
7759           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 11)
7760             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 4 \b");
7761           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 12)
7762             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 4 \b");
7763           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 == 13)
7764             HFnegativedirectionDigi4->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 4 \b");
7765           HFnegativedirectionDigi4->Draw("Error");
7766           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4++;
7767           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigi4 > 13)
7768             break;  // 4x6 = 24
7769         }           //ccctest>0
7771       }  // for i
7772     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
7773   }      //for jeta
7774   /////////////////
7775   c3x5->Update();
7776   c3x5->Print("RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png");
7777   c3x5->Clear();
7778   // clean-up
7779   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi4)
7780     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigi4;
7782   //======================================================================================================================
7783   //======================================================================================================================
7784   //======================================================================================================================
7787   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
7788   TH2F *digiVariance1HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HF1");
7789   TH2F *digiVariance0HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF1");
7790   TH2F *digiVarianceHF1 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HF1->Clone("digiVarianceHF1");
7791   digiVarianceHF1->Divide(digiVariance1HF1, digiVariance0HF1, 1, 1, "B");
7792   TH2F *digiVariance1HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HF2");
7793   TH2F *digiVariance0HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF2");
7794   TH2F *digiVarianceHF2 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HF2->Clone("digiVarianceHF2");
7795   digiVarianceHF2->Divide(digiVariance1HF2, digiVariance0HF2, 1, 1, "B");
7796   TH2F *digiVariance1HF3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HF3");
7797   TH2F *digiVariance0HF3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF3");
7798   TH2F *digiVarianceHF3 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HF3->Clone("digiVarianceHF3");
7799   digiVarianceHF3->Divide(digiVariance1HF3, digiVariance0HF3, 1, 1, "B");
7800   TH2F *digiVariance1HF4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel2_HF4");
7801   TH2F *digiVariance0HF4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_amplitudechannel0_HF4");
7802   TH2F *digiVarianceHF4 = (TH2F *)digiVariance1HF4->Clone("digiVarianceHF4");
7803   digiVarianceHF4->Divide(digiVariance1HF4, digiVariance0HF4, 1, 1, "B");
7804   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
7805   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive digivarianceHF
7806   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
7807   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7808     //preparation for PHI normalization:
7809     double sumdigiHF0 = 0;
7810     int nsumdigiHF0 = 0;
7811     double sumdigiHF1 = 0;
7812     int nsumdigiHF1 = 0;
7813     double sumdigiHF2 = 0;
7814     int nsumdigiHF2 = 0;
7815     double sumdigiHF3 = 0;
7816     int nsumdigiHF3 = 0;
7817     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
7818       digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHF1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7819       digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHF2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7820       digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHF3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7821       digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi] = digiVarianceHF4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
7822       if (digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7823         sumdigiHF0 += digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi];
7824         ++nsumdigiHF0;
7825       }
7826       if (digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7827         sumdigiHF1 += digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi];
7828         ++nsumdigiHF1;
7829       }
7830       if (digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7831         sumdigiHF2 += digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi];
7832         ++nsumdigiHF2;
7833       }
7834       if (digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7835         sumdigiHF3 += digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi];
7836         ++nsumdigiHF3;
7837       }
7838     }  // phi
7839     // PHI normalization :
7840     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
7841       if (digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7842         digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF0 / nsumdigiHF0);
7843       if (digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7844         digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF1 / nsumdigiHF1);
7845       if (digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7846         digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF2 / nsumdigiHF2);
7847       if (digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
7848         digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumdigiHF3 / nsumdigiHF3);
7849     }  // phi
7850     //       digivarianceHF (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
7851     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
7852       //       cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
7853       digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHF[0][jeta][jphi] * adigiHF[0][jeta][jphi];
7854       digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi]);
7855       digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHF[1][jeta][jphi] * adigiHF[1][jeta][jphi];
7856       digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi]);
7857       digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHF[2][jeta][jphi] * adigiHF[2][jeta][jphi];
7858       digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHF[2][jeta][jphi]);
7859       digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi] -= adigiHF[3][jeta][jphi] * adigiHF[3][jeta][jphi];
7860       digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi] = fabs(digivarianceHF[3][jeta][jphi]);
7861     }
7862   }
7863   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
7864   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs
7865   //======================================================================
7866   //======================================================================
7867   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
7868   c1x1->Clear();
7869   /////////////////
7870   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
7871   c1x0->cd(1);
7872   TH2F *DefzDdigiHF42D = new TH2F("DefzDdigiHF42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
7873   TH2F *DefzDdigiHF42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDdigiHF42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
7874   TH2F *DefzDdigiHF42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDdigiHF42D0->Clone("DefzDdigiHF42DF");
7875   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
7876     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
7877       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7878         double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7879         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
7880         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
7881         if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7882           DefzDdigiHF42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
7883           DefzDdigiHF42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
7884         }
7885       }
7886     }
7887   }
7888   DefzDdigiHF42DF->Divide(DefzDdigiHF42D, DefzDdigiHF42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
7889   //    DefzDdigiHF1->Sumw2();
7890   gPad->SetGridy();
7891   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
7892   DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7893   DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7894   DefzDdigiHF42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
7895   DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
7896   DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
7897   DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
7898   DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
7899   DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetLineColor(
7900       0);  //      DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDdigiHF42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
7901   DefzDdigiHF42DF->Draw("COLZ");
7902   /////////////////
7903   c1x0->Update();
7904   c1x0->Print("DdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png");
7905   c1x0->Clear();
7906   // clean-up
7907   if (DefzDdigiHF42D)
7908     delete DefzDdigiHF42D;
7909   if (DefzDdigiHF42D0)
7910     delete DefzDdigiHF42D0;
7911   if (DefzDdigiHF42DF)
7912     delete DefzDdigiHF42DF;
7913   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
7914   //======================================================================
7915   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
7916   c1x1->Clear();
7917   /////////////////
7918   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
7919   c1x1->cd(1);
7920   TH1F *DefzDdigiHF41D = new TH1F("DefzDdigiHF41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7921   TH1F *DefzDdigiHF41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDdigiHF41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7922   TH1F *DefzDdigiHF41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDdigiHF41D0->Clone("DefzDdigiHF41DF");
7924   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7925     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
7926       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
7927         double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7928         if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7929           DefzDdigiHF41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7930           DefzDdigiHF41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
7931         }
7932       }
7933     }
7934   }
7935   //     DefzDdigiHF41D->Sumw2();DefzDdigiHF41D0->Sumw2();
7937   DefzDdigiHF41DF->Divide(DefzDdigiHF41D, DefzDdigiHF41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
7938   DefzDdigiHF41D0->Sumw2();
7939   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
7940   gPad->SetGridy();
7941   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
7942   DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7943   DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
7944   DefzDdigiHF41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
7945   DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
7946   DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
7947   DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
7948   DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
7949   DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetLineColor(4);  //  DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDdigiHF41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
7950   DefzDdigiHF41DF->Draw("Error");
7951   /////////////////
7952   c1x1->Update();
7953   c1x1->Print("DdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png");
7954   c1x1->Clear();
7955   // clean-up
7956   if (DefzDdigiHF41D)
7957     delete DefzDdigiHF41D;
7958   if (DefzDdigiHF41D0)
7959     delete DefzDdigiHF41D0;
7960   if (DefzDdigiHF41DF)
7961     delete DefzDdigiHF41DF;
7962   //========================================================================================== 14
7963   //======================================================================
7964   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
7965   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
7966   c3x5->Clear();
7967   /////////////////
7968   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
7969   c3x5->cd(1);
7970   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 = 1;
7971   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
7973   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
7974     // positivedirectionDigiD:
7975     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
7976       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
7977       // depth=1
7978       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
7979         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigiD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD1->Clone("twod1");
7981         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
7982         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
7983           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
7984           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
7985             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
7986             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
7987           }
7988         }  // for jphi
7989         if (ccctest > 0.) {
7990           //cout<<"1414       kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
7991           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1);
7992           HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
7993           HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
7994           HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
7995           HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigiD1 \b");
7996           HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
7997           HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetLineColor(0);
7998           gPad->SetGridy();
7999           gPad->SetGridx();
8000           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8001           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 1)
8002             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
8003           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 2)
8004             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 1 \b");
8005           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 3)
8006             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 1 \b");
8007           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 4)
8008             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 1 \b");
8009           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 5)
8010             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 1 \b");
8011           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 6)
8012             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 1 \b");
8013           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 7)
8014             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 1 \b");
8015           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 8)
8016             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 1 \b");
8017           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 9)
8018             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 1 \b");
8019           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 10)
8020             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 1 \b");
8021           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 11)
8022             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 1 \b");
8023           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 12)
8024             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 1 \b");
8025           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 == 13)
8026             HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 1 \b");
8027           HFpositivedirectionDigiD1->Draw("Error");
8028           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1++;
8029           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD1 > 13)
8030             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8031         }           //ccctest>0
8033       }  // for i
8034     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
8035   }      //for jeta
8036   /////////////////
8037   c3x5->Update();
8038   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
8039   c3x5->Clear();
8040   // clean-up
8041   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD1)
8042     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD1;
8043   //========================================================================================== 15
8044   //======================================================================
8045   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
8046   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
8047   c3x5->Clear();
8048   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
8049   c3x5->cd(1);
8050   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 = 1;
8051   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8053   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8054     // positivedirectionDigiD:
8055     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
8056       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8057       // depth=2
8058       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
8059         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigiD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD2->Clone("twod1");
8061         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8062         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8063           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
8064           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8065             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8066             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8067           }
8068         }  // for jphi
8069         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8070           //cout<<"1515       kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8071           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2);
8072           HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8073           HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8074           HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8075           HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigiD2 \b");
8076           HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
8077           HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetLineColor(0);
8078           gPad->SetGridy();
8079           gPad->SetGridx();
8080           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8081           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 1)
8082             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
8083           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 2)
8084             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 2 \b");
8085           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 3)
8086             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 2 \b");
8087           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 4)
8088             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 2 \b");
8089           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 5)
8090             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 2 \b");
8091           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 6)
8092             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 2 \b");
8093           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 7)
8094             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 2 \b");
8095           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 8)
8096             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 2 \b");
8097           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 9)
8098             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 2 \b");
8099           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 10)
8100             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 2 \b");
8101           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 11)
8102             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 2 \b");
8103           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 12)
8104             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 2 \b");
8105           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 == 13)
8106             HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 2 \b");
8107           HFpositivedirectionDigiD2->Draw("Error");
8108           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2++;
8109           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD2 > 13)
8110             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8111         }           //ccctest>0
8113       }  // for i
8114     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
8115   }      //for jeta
8116   /////////////////
8117   c3x5->Update();
8118   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
8119   c3x5->Clear();
8120   // clean-up
8121   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD2)
8122     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD2;
8123   //========================================================================================== 16
8124   //======================================================================
8125   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
8126   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
8127   c3x5->Clear();
8128   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
8129   c3x5->cd(1);
8130   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 = 1;
8131   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8133   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8134     // positivedirectionDigiD:
8135     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
8136       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8137       // depth=3
8138       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
8139         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigiD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD3->Clone("twod1");
8141         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8142         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8143           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
8144           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8145             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8146             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8147           }
8148         }  // for jphi
8149         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8150           //cout<<"1616       kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8151           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3);
8152           HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8153           HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8154           HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8155           HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigiD3 \b");
8156           HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
8157           HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetLineColor(0);
8158           gPad->SetGridy();
8159           gPad->SetGridx();
8160           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8161           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 1)
8162             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
8163           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 2)
8164             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 3 \b");
8165           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 3)
8166             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 3 \b");
8167           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 4)
8168             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 3 \b");
8169           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 5)
8170             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 3 \b");
8171           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 6)
8172             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 3 \b");
8173           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 7)
8174             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 3 \b");
8175           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 8)
8176             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 3 \b");
8177           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 9)
8178             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 3 \b");
8179           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 10)
8180             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 3 \b");
8181           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 11)
8182             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 3 \b");
8183           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 12)
8184             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 3 \b");
8185           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 == 13)
8186             HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 3 \b");
8187           HFpositivedirectionDigiD3->Draw("Error");
8188           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3++;
8189           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD3 > 13)
8190             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8191         }           //ccctest>0
8193       }  // for i
8194     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
8195   }      //for jeta
8196   /////////////////
8197   c3x5->Update();
8198   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png");
8199   c3x5->Clear();
8200   // clean-up
8201   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD3)
8202     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD3;
8203   //========================================================================================== 17
8204   //======================================================================
8205   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
8206   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
8207   c3x5->Clear();
8208   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
8209   c3x5->cd(1);
8210   int kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 = 1;
8211   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8213   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8214     // positivedirectionDigiD:
8215     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
8216       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8217       // depth=4
8218       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
8219         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionDigiD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD4->Clone("twod1");
8221         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8222         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8223           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
8224           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8225             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8226             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8227           }
8228         }  // for jphi
8229         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8230           //cout<<"1717       kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8231           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4);
8232           HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8233           HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8234           HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8235           HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionDigiD4 \b");
8236           HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
8237           HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetLineColor(0);
8238           gPad->SetGridy();
8239           gPad->SetGridx();
8240           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8241           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 1)
8242             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 4 \b");
8243           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 2)
8244             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 4 \b");
8245           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 3)
8246             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 4 \b");
8247           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 4)
8248             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 4 \b");
8249           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 5)
8250             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 4 \b");
8251           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 6)
8252             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 4 \b");
8253           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 7)
8254             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 4 \b");
8255           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 8)
8256             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 4 \b");
8257           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 9)
8258             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 4 \b");
8259           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 10)
8260             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 4 \b");
8261           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 11)
8262             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 4 \b");
8263           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 12)
8264             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 4 \b");
8265           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 == 13)
8266             HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 4 \b");
8267           HFpositivedirectionDigiD4->Draw("Error");
8268           kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4++;
8269           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionDigiD4 > 13)
8270             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8271         }           //ccctest>0
8273       }  // for i
8274     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
8275   }      //for jeta
8276   /////////////////
8277   c3x5->Update();
8278   c3x5->Print("DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png");
8279   c3x5->Clear();
8280   // clean-up
8281   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD4)
8282     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionDigiD4;
8284   //========================================================================================== 22222214
8285   //======================================================================
8286   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
8287   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
8288   c3x5->Clear();
8289   /////////////////
8290   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
8291   c3x5->cd(1);
8292   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 = 1;
8293   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8295   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8296     // negativedirectionDigiD:
8297     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
8298       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8299       // depth=1
8300       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
8301         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigiD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD1->Clone("twod1");
8303         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8304         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8305           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
8306           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8307             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8308             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8309           }
8310         }  // for jphi
8311         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8312           //cout<<"1414       kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8313           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1);
8314           HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8315           HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8316           HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8317           HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigiD1 \b");
8318           HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
8319           HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetLineColor(0);
8320           gPad->SetGridy();
8321           gPad->SetGridx();
8322           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8323           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 1)
8324             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 1 \b");
8325           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 2)
8326             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 1 \b");
8327           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 3)
8328             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 1 \b");
8329           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 4)
8330             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 1 \b");
8331           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 5)
8332             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 1 \b");
8333           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 6)
8334             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 1 \b");
8335           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 7)
8336             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 1 \b");
8337           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 8)
8338             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 1 \b");
8339           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 9)
8340             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 1 \b");
8341           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 10)
8342             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 1 \b");
8343           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 11)
8344             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 1 \b");
8345           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 12)
8346             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 1 \b");
8347           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 == 13)
8348             HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
8349           HFnegativedirectionDigiD1->Draw("Error");
8350           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1++;
8351           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD1 > 13)
8352             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8353         }           //ccctest>0
8355       }  // for i
8356     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
8357   }      //for jeta
8358   /////////////////
8359   c3x5->Update();
8360   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
8361   c3x5->Clear();
8362   // clean-up
8363   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD1)
8364     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD1;
8365   //========================================================================================== 22222215
8366   //======================================================================
8367   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
8368   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
8369   c3x5->Clear();
8370   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
8371   c3x5->cd(1);
8372   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 = 1;
8373   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8375   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8376     // negativedirectionDigiD:
8377     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
8378       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8379       // depth=2
8380       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
8381         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigiD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD2->Clone("twod1");
8383         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8384         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8385           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
8386           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8387             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8388             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8389           }
8390         }  // for jphi
8391         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8392           //cout<<"1515       kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8393           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2);
8394           HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8395           HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8396           HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8397           HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigiD2 \b");
8398           HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
8399           HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetLineColor(0);
8400           gPad->SetGridy();
8401           gPad->SetGridx();
8402           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8403           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 1)
8404             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 2 \b");
8405           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 2)
8406             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 2 \b");
8407           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 3)
8408             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 2 \b");
8409           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 4)
8410             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 2 \b");
8411           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 5)
8412             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 2 \b");
8413           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 6)
8414             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 2 \b");
8415           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 7)
8416             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 2 \b");
8417           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 8)
8418             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 2 \b");
8419           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 9)
8420             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 2 \b");
8421           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 10)
8422             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 2 \b");
8423           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 11)
8424             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 2 \b");
8425           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 12)
8426             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 2 \b");
8427           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 == 13)
8428             HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
8429           HFnegativedirectionDigiD2->Draw("Error");
8430           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2++;
8431           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD2 > 13)
8432             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8433         }           //ccctest>0
8435       }  // for i
8436     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
8437   }      //for jeta
8438   /////////////////
8439   c3x5->Update();
8440   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
8441   c3x5->Clear();
8442   // clean-up
8443   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD2)
8444     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD2;
8445   //========================================================================================== 22222216
8446   //======================================================================
8447   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
8448   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
8449   c3x5->Clear();
8450   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
8451   c3x5->cd(1);
8452   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 = 1;
8453   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8455   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8456     // negativedirectionDigiD:
8457     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
8458       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8459       // depth=3
8460       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
8461         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigiD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD3->Clone("twod1");
8463         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8464         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8465           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
8466           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8467             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8468             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8469           }
8470         }  // for jphi
8471         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8472           //cout<<"1616       kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8473           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3);
8474           HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8475           HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8476           HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8477           HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigiD3 \b");
8478           HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
8479           HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetLineColor(0);
8480           gPad->SetGridy();
8481           gPad->SetGridx();
8482           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8483           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 1)
8484             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 3 \b");
8485           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 2)
8486             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 3 \b");
8487           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 3)
8488             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 3 \b");
8489           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 4)
8490             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 3 \b");
8491           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 5)
8492             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 3 \b");
8493           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 6)
8494             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 3 \b");
8495           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 7)
8496             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 3 \b");
8497           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 8)
8498             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 3 \b");
8499           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 9)
8500             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 3 \b");
8501           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 10)
8502             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 3 \b");
8503           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 11)
8504             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 3 \b");
8505           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 12)
8506             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 3 \b");
8507           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 == 13)
8508             HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
8509           HFnegativedirectionDigiD3->Draw("Error");
8510           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3++;
8511           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD3 > 13)
8512             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8513         }           //ccctest>0
8515       }  // for i
8516     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
8517   }      //for jeta
8518   /////////////////
8519   c3x5->Update();
8520   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png");
8521   c3x5->Clear();
8522   // clean-up
8523   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD3)
8524     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD3;
8525   //========================================================================================== 22222217
8526   //======================================================================
8527   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
8528   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
8529   c3x5->Clear();
8530   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
8531   c3x5->cd(1);
8532   int kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 = 1;
8533   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8535   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8536     // negativedirectionDigiD:
8537     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
8538       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8539       // depth=4
8540       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
8541         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionDigiD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD4->Clone("twod1");
8543         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8544         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8545           double ccc1 = digivarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
8546           if (adigiHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8547             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8548             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8549           }
8550         }  // for jphi
8551         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8552           //cout<<"1717       kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8553           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4);
8554           HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8555           HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8556           HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8557           HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionDigiD4 \b");
8558           HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
8559           HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetLineColor(0);
8560           gPad->SetGridy();
8561           gPad->SetGridx();
8562           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8563           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 1)
8564             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 4 \b");
8565           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 2)
8566             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 4 \b");
8567           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 3)
8568             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 4 \b");
8569           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 4)
8570             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 4 \b");
8571           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 5)
8572             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 4 \b");
8573           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 6)
8574             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 4 \b");
8575           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 7)
8576             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 4 \b");
8577           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 8)
8578             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 4 \b");
8579           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 9)
8580             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 4 \b");
8581           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 10)
8582             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 4 \b");
8583           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 11)
8584             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 4 \b");
8585           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 12)
8586             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 4 \b");
8587           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 == 13)
8588             HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 4 \b");
8589           HFnegativedirectionDigiD4->Draw("Error");
8590           kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4++;
8591           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionDigiD4 > 13)
8592             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8593         }           //ccctest>0
8595       }  // for i
8596     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
8597   }      //for jeta
8598   /////////////////
8599   c3x5->Update();
8600   c3x5->Print("DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png");
8601   c3x5->Clear();
8602   // clean-up
8603   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD4)
8604     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionDigiD4;
8606   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HF for phi-symmetry
8607   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HF for phi-symmetry
8608   //=====================================================================       END of Digi HF for phi-symmetry
8610   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8611   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8612   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8614   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8615   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8616   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8617   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8618   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8619   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8620   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8621   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8622   //============================================================================================================       END of Digi for phi-symmetry
8624   // END of Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  ENDDigi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  ENDDigi  Digi  Digi  Digi  ENDDigi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  ENDDigi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  Digi  ENDDigi END
8626   ////////////////////// Start   Recosignal  Start Recosignal  Start   Recosignal  Start   Recosignal  Start   Recosignal Start  Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start
8627   ////////////////////// Start   Recosignal  Start Recosignal  Start   Recosignal  Start   Recosignal  Start   Recosignal Start  Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start
8628   ////////////////////// Start   Recosignal  Start Recosignal  Start   Recosignal  Start   Recosignal  Start   Recosignal Start  Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start Recosignal Start
8630   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     Recosignal HB
8631   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     Recosignal HB
8632   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     Recosignal HB
8633   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
8634   //ndepth = k_max[5];
8635   ndepth = 4;
8636   double arecosignalHB[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
8637   double recosignalvarianceHB[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
8638   //                                   RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:   Recosignal HB  recSignalEnergy
8639   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HB1");
8640   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB1");
8641   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHB1 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HB1->Clone("recSignalEnergyHB1");
8642   recSignalEnergyHB1->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HB1, recSignalEnergy0HB1, 1, 1, "B");
8643   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HB2");
8644   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB2");
8645   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHB2 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HB2->Clone("recSignalEnergyHB2");
8646   recSignalEnergyHB2->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HB2, recSignalEnergy0HB2, 1, 1, "B");
8647   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HB3");
8648   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB3");
8649   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHB3 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HB3->Clone("recSignalEnergyHB3");
8650   recSignalEnergyHB3->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HB3, recSignalEnergy0HB3, 1, 1, "B");
8651   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HB4");
8652   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB4");
8653   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHB4 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HB4->Clone("recSignalEnergyHB4");
8654   recSignalEnergyHB4->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HB4, recSignalEnergy0HB4, 1, 1, "B");
8655   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8656     //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive arecosignalHB
8657     //preparation for PHI normalization:
8658     double sumrecosignalHB0 = 0;
8659     int nsumrecosignalHB0 = 0;
8660     double sumrecosignalHB1 = 0;
8661     int nsumrecosignalHB1 = 0;
8662     double sumrecosignalHB2 = 0;
8663     int nsumrecosignalHB2 = 0;
8664     double sumrecosignalHB3 = 0;
8665     int nsumrecosignalHB3 = 0;
8666     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
8667       arecosignalHB[0][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHB1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
8668       arecosignalHB[1][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHB2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
8669       arecosignalHB[2][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHB3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
8670       arecosignalHB[3][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHB4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
8671       if (arecosignalHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8672         sumrecosignalHB0 += arecosignalHB[0][jeta][jphi];
8673         ++nsumrecosignalHB0;
8674       }
8675       if (arecosignalHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8676         sumrecosignalHB1 += arecosignalHB[1][jeta][jphi];
8677         ++nsumrecosignalHB1;
8678       }
8679       if (arecosignalHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8680         sumrecosignalHB2 += arecosignalHB[2][jeta][jphi];
8681         ++nsumrecosignalHB2;
8682       }
8683       if (arecosignalHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
8684         sumrecosignalHB3 += arecosignalHB[3][jeta][jphi];
8685         ++nsumrecosignalHB3;
8686       }
8687     }  // phi
8688     // PHI normalization:
8689     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
8690       if (arecosignalHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
8691         arecosignalHB[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB0 / nsumrecosignalHB0);
8692       if (arecosignalHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
8693         arecosignalHB[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB1 / nsumrecosignalHB1);
8694       if (arecosignalHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
8695         arecosignalHB[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB2 / nsumrecosignalHB2);
8696       if (arecosignalHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
8697         arecosignalHB[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB3 / nsumrecosignalHB3);
8698     }  // phi
8699   }    //eta
8700   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs
8701   //======================================================================
8702   //======================================================================
8703   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
8704   c2x1->Clear();
8705   /////////////////
8706   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
8707   c2x1->cd(1);
8708   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHB42D = new TH2F("GefzRrecosignalHB42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
8709   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHB42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRrecosignalHB42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
8710   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHB42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRrecosignalHB42D0->Clone("GefzRrecosignalHB42DF");
8711   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
8712     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
8713       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8714         double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
8715         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
8716         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
8717         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
8718           GefzRrecosignalHB42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
8719           GefzRrecosignalHB42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
8720         }
8721       }
8722     }
8723   }
8724   GefzRrecosignalHB42DF->Divide(GefzRrecosignalHB42D, GefzRrecosignalHB42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
8725   gPad->SetGridy();
8726   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
8727   GefzRrecosignalHB42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
8728   GefzRrecosignalHB42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
8729   GefzRrecosignalHB42DF->Draw("COLZ");
8731   c2x1->cd(2);
8732   TH1F *energyhitSignal_HB = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitSignal_HB");
8733   energyhitSignal_HB->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8734   energyhitSignal_HB->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8735   energyhitSignal_HB->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8736   energyhitSignal_HB->SetXTitle("energyhitSignal_HB \b");
8737   energyhitSignal_HB->SetMarkerColor(2);
8738   energyhitSignal_HB->SetLineColor(0);
8739   gPad->SetGridy();
8740   gPad->SetGridx();
8741   energyhitSignal_HB->Draw("Error");
8743   /////////////////
8744   c2x1->Update();
8745   c2x1->Print("RrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png");
8746   c2x1->Clear();
8747   // clean-up
8748   if (GefzRrecosignalHB42D)
8749     delete GefzRrecosignalHB42D;
8750   if (GefzRrecosignalHB42D0)
8751     delete GefzRrecosignalHB42D0;
8752   if (GefzRrecosignalHB42DF)
8753     delete GefzRrecosignalHB42DF;
8754   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
8755   //======================================================================
8756   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
8757   c1x1->Clear();
8758   /////////////////
8759   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
8760   c1x1->cd(1);
8761   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHB41D = new TH1F("GefzRrecosignalHB41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8762   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHB41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRrecosignalHB41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8763   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHB41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRrecosignalHB41D0->Clone("GefzRrecosignalHB41DF");
8764   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8765     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
8766       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
8767         double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
8768         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
8769           GefzRrecosignalHB41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8770           GefzRrecosignalHB41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
8771         }
8772       }
8773     }
8774   }
8775   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->Divide(
8776       GefzRrecosignalHB41D, GefzRrecosignalHB41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
8777   GefzRrecosignalHB41D0->Sumw2();
8778   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
8779   gPad->SetGridy();
8780   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
8781   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8782   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
8783   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
8784   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
8785   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
8786   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
8787   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
8788   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetLineColor(
8789       4);  //  GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
8790   GefzRrecosignalHB41DF->Draw("Error");
8791   /////////////////
8792   c1x1->Update();
8793   c1x1->Print("RrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png");
8794   c1x1->Clear();
8795   // clean-up
8796   if (GefzRrecosignalHB41D)
8797     delete GefzRrecosignalHB41D;
8798   if (GefzRrecosignalHB41D0)
8799     delete GefzRrecosignalHB41D0;
8800   if (GefzRrecosignalHB41DF)
8801     delete GefzRrecosignalHB41DF;
8802   //========================================================================================== 4
8803   //======================================================================
8804   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
8805   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
8806   c3x5->Clear();
8807   /////////////////
8808   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
8809   c3x5->cd(1);
8810   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = 1;
8811   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8812   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8813     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
8814     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
8815       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8816       // depth=1
8817       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
8818         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Clone("twod1");
8819         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8820         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8821           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
8822           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
8823             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8824             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8825           }
8826         }  // for jphi
8827         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8828           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8829           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1);
8830           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8831           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8832           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8833           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 \b");
8834           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerColor(2);
8835           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetLineColor(0);
8836           gPad->SetGridy();
8837           gPad->SetGridx();
8838           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8839           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 1)
8840             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 1 \b");
8841           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 2)
8842             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 1 \b");
8843           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 3)
8844             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 1 \b");
8845           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 4)
8846             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 1 \b");
8847           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 5)
8848             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 1 \b");
8849           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 6)
8850             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 1 \b");
8851           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 7)
8852             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 1 \b");
8853           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 8)
8854             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 1 \b");
8855           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 9)
8856             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 1 \b");
8857           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 10)
8858             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 1 \b");
8859           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 11)
8860             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 1 \b");
8861           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 12)
8862             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 1 \b");
8863           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 13)
8864             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 1 \b");
8865           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 14)
8866             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 1 \b");
8867           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 15)
8868             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 1 \b");
8869           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 16)
8870             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 1 \b");
8871           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Draw("Error");
8872           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1++;
8873           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1 > 16)
8874             break;  //
8875         }           //ccctest>0
8877       }  // for i
8878     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
8879   }      //for jeta
8880   /////////////////
8881   c3x5->Update();
8882   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
8883   c3x5->Clear();
8884   // clean-up
8885   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1)
8886     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal1;
8888   //========================================================================================== 5
8889   //======================================================================
8890   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
8891   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
8892   c3x5->Clear();
8893   /////////////////
8894   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
8895   c3x5->cd(1);
8896   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = 1;
8897   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8898   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8899     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
8900     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
8901       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8902       // depth=2
8903       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
8904         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Clone("twod1");
8905         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8906         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8907           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
8908           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
8909             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8910             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8911           }
8912         }  // for jphi
8913         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8914           //cout<<"555        kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
8915           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2);
8916           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8917           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
8918           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
8919           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 \b");
8920           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerColor(2);
8921           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetLineColor(0);
8922           gPad->SetGridy();
8923           gPad->SetGridx();
8924           //       gPad->SetLogy();
8925           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 1)
8926             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 2 \b");
8927           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 2)
8928             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 2 \b");
8929           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 3)
8930             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 2 \b");
8931           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 4)
8932             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 2 \b");
8933           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 5)
8934             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 2 \b");
8935           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 6)
8936             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 2 \b");
8937           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 7)
8938             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 2 \b");
8939           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 8)
8940             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 2 \b");
8941           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 9)
8942             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 2 \b");
8943           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 10)
8944             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 2 \b");
8945           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 11)
8946             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 2 \b");
8947           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 12)
8948             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 2 \b");
8949           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 13)
8950             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 2 \b");
8951           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 14)
8952             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 2 \b");
8953           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 15)
8954             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 2 \b");
8955           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 16)
8956             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 2 \b");
8957           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Draw("Error");
8958           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2++;
8959           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2 > 16)
8960             break;  // 4x6 = 24
8961         }           //ccctest>0
8963       }  // for i
8964     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
8965   }      //for jeta
8966   /////////////////
8967   c3x5->Update();
8968   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
8969   c3x5->Clear();
8970   // clean-up
8971   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2)
8972     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal2;
8973   //========================================================================================== 6
8974   //======================================================================
8975   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
8976   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
8977   c3x5->Clear();
8978   /////////////////
8979   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
8980   c3x5->cd(1);
8981   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 = 1;
8982   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
8983   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
8984     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
8985     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
8986       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
8987       // depth=3
8988       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
8989         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->Clone("twod1");
8990         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
8991         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
8992           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
8993           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
8994             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
8995             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
8996           }
8997         }  // for jphi
8998         if (ccctest > 0.) {
8999           //cout<<"666        kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9000           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3);
9001           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9002           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9003           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9004           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 \b");
9005           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerColor(2);
9006           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetLineColor(0);
9007           gPad->SetGridy();
9008           gPad->SetGridx();
9009           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9010           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 1)
9011             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
9012           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 2)
9013             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 3 \b");
9014           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 3)
9015             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 3 \b");
9016           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 4)
9017             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 3 \b");
9018           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 5)
9019             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 3 \b");
9020           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 6)
9021             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 3 \b");
9022           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 7)
9023             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 3 \b");
9024           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 8)
9025             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 3 \b");
9026           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 9)
9027             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 3 \b");
9028           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 10)
9029             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 3 \b");
9030           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 11)
9031             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
9032           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 12)
9033             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 3 \b");
9034           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 13)
9035             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 3 \b");
9036           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 14)
9037             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 3 \b");
9038           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 15)
9039             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 3 \b");
9040           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 16)
9041             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 3 \b");
9042           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal3->Draw("Error");
9043           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3++;
9044           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3 > 16)
9045             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9046         }           //ccctest>0
9048       }  // for i
9049     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
9050   }      //for jeta
9051   /////////////////
9052   c3x5->Update();
9053   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
9054   c3x5->Clear();
9055   // clean-up
9056   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3)
9057     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal3;
9058   //========================================================================================== 7
9059   //======================================================================
9060   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
9061   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
9062   c3x5->Clear();
9063   /////////////////
9064   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9065   c3x5->cd(1);
9066   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 = 1;
9067   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9069   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9070     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
9071     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
9072       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9073       // depth=4
9074       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
9075         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->Clone("twod1");
9077         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9078         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9079           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9080           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
9081             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9082             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9083           }
9084         }  // for jphi
9085         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9086           //cout<<"777        kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9087           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4);
9088           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9089           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9090           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9091           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 \b");
9092           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerColor(2);
9093           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetLineColor(0);
9094           gPad->SetGridy();
9095           gPad->SetGridx();
9096           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9097           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 1)
9098             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 4 \b");
9099           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 2)
9100             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 4 \b");
9101           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 3)
9102             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 4 \b");
9103           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 4)
9104             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 4 \b");
9105           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 5)
9106             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 4 \b");
9107           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 6)
9108             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 4 \b");
9109           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 7)
9110             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 4 \b");
9111           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 8)
9112             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 4 \b");
9113           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 9)
9114             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 4 \b");
9115           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 10)
9116             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 4 \b");
9117           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 11)
9118             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 4 \b");
9119           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 12)
9120             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 4 \b");
9121           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 13)
9122             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 4 \b");
9123           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 14)
9124             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 4 \b");
9125           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 15)
9126             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 4 \b");
9127           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 16)
9128             HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
9129           HBpositivedirectionRecosignal4->Draw("Error");
9130           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4++;
9131           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4 > 16)
9132             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9133         }           //ccctest>0
9135       }  // for i
9136     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
9137   }      //for jeta
9138   /////////////////
9139   c3x5->Update();
9140   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
9141   c3x5->Clear();
9142   // clean-up
9143   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4)
9144     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignal4;
9146   //========================================================================================== 1114
9147   //======================================================================
9148   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
9149   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
9150   c3x5->Clear();
9151   /////////////////
9152   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9153   c3x5->cd(1);
9154   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = 1;
9155   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9156   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9157     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
9158     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
9159       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9160       // depth=1
9161       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
9162         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Clone("twod1");
9163         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9164         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9165           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9166           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
9167             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9168             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9169           }
9170         }  // for jphi
9171         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9172           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9173           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1);
9174           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9175           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9176           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9177           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 \b");
9178           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerColor(2);
9179           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetLineColor(0);
9180           gPad->SetGridy();
9181           gPad->SetGridx();
9182           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9183           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 1)
9184             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 1 \b");
9185           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 2)
9186             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 1 \b");
9187           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 3)
9188             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 1 \b");
9189           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 4)
9190             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 1 \b");
9191           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 5)
9192             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 1 \b");
9193           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 6)
9194             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 1 \b");
9195           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 7)
9196             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 1 \b");
9197           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 8)
9198             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 1 \b");
9199           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 9)
9200             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 1 \b");
9201           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 10)
9202             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 1 \b");
9203           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 11)
9204             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 1 \b");
9205           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 12)
9206             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 1 \b");
9207           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 13)
9208             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 1 \b");
9209           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 14)
9210             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 1 \b");
9211           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 15)
9212             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 1 \b");
9213           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 16)
9214             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 1 \b");
9215           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Draw("Error");
9216           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1++;
9217           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1 > 16)
9218             break;  //
9219         }           //ccctest>0
9221       }  // for i
9222     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
9223   }      //for jeta
9224   /////////////////
9225   c3x5->Update();
9226   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
9227   c3x5->Clear();
9228   // clean-up
9229   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1)
9230     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal1;
9232   //========================================================================================== 1115
9233   //======================================================================
9234   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
9235   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
9236   c3x5->Clear();
9237   /////////////////
9238   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9239   c3x5->cd(1);
9240   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = 1;
9241   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9242   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9243     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
9244     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
9245       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9246       // depth=2
9247       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
9248         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Clone("twod1");
9249         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9250         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9251           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9252           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
9253             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9254             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9255           }
9256         }  // for jphi
9257         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9258           //cout<<"555        kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9259           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2);
9260           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9261           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9262           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9263           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 \b");
9264           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerColor(2);
9265           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetLineColor(0);
9266           gPad->SetGridy();
9267           gPad->SetGridx();
9268           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9269           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 1)
9270             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 2 \b");
9271           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 2)
9272             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 2 \b");
9273           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 3)
9274             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 2 \b");
9275           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 4)
9276             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 2 \b");
9277           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 5)
9278             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 2 \b");
9279           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 6)
9280             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 2 \b");
9281           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 7)
9282             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 2 \b");
9283           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 8)
9284             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 2 \b");
9285           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 9)
9286             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 2 \b");
9287           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 10)
9288             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 2 \b");
9289           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 11)
9290             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 2 \b");
9291           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 12)
9292             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 2 \b");
9293           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 13)
9294             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 2 \b");
9295           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 14)
9296             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 2 \b");
9297           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 15)
9298             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 2 \b");
9299           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 16)
9300             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 2 \b");
9301           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Draw("Error");
9302           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2++;
9303           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2 > 16)
9304             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9305         }           //ccctest>0
9307       }  // for i
9308     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
9309   }      //for jeta
9310   /////////////////
9311   c3x5->Update();
9312   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
9313   c3x5->Clear();
9314   // clean-up
9315   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2)
9316     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal2;
9317   //========================================================================================== 1116
9318   //======================================================================
9319   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
9320   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
9321   c3x5->Clear();
9322   /////////////////
9323   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9324   c3x5->cd(1);
9325   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 = 1;
9326   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9327   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9328     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
9329     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
9330       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9331       // depth=3
9332       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
9333         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->Clone("twod1");
9334         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9335         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9336           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9337           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
9338             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9339             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9340           }
9341         }  // for jphi
9342         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9343           //cout<<"666        kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9344           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3);
9345           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9346           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9347           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9348           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 \b");
9349           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerColor(2);
9350           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetLineColor(0);
9351           gPad->SetGridy();
9352           gPad->SetGridx();
9353           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9354           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 1)
9355             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 3 \b");
9356           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 2)
9357             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 3 \b");
9358           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 3)
9359             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 3 \b");
9360           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 4)
9361             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 3 \b");
9362           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 5)
9363             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 3 \b");
9364           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 6)
9365             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 3 \b");
9366           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 7)
9367             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 3 \b");
9368           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 8)
9369             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 3 \b");
9370           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 9)
9371             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 3 \b");
9372           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 10)
9373             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 3 \b");
9374           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 11)
9375             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 3 \b");
9376           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 12)
9377             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 3 \b");
9378           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 13)
9379             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 3 \b");
9380           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 14)
9381             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 3 \b");
9382           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 15)
9383             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 3 \b");
9384           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 16)
9385             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 3 \b");
9387           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal3->Draw("Error");
9388           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3++;
9389           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3 > 16)
9390             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9391         }           //ccctest>0
9393       }  // for i
9394     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
9395   }      //for jeta
9396   /////////////////
9397   c3x5->Update();
9398   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
9399   c3x5->Clear();
9400   // clean-up
9401   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3)
9402     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal3;
9403   //========================================================================================== 1117
9404   //======================================================================
9405   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
9406   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
9407   c3x5->Clear();
9408   /////////////////
9409   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9410   c3x5->cd(1);
9411   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 = 1;
9412   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9414   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9415     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
9416     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
9417       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9418       // depth=4
9419       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
9420         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->Clone("twod1");
9422         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9423         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9424           double ccc1 = arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9425           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
9426             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9427             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9428           }
9429         }  // for jphi
9430         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9431           //cout<<"777        kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9432           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4);
9433           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9434           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9435           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9436           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 \b");
9437           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerColor(2);
9438           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetLineColor(0);
9439           gPad->SetGridy();
9440           gPad->SetGridx();
9441           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9442           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 1)
9443             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 4 \b");
9444           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 2)
9445             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 4 \b");
9446           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 3)
9447             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 4 \b");
9448           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 4)
9449             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 4 \b");
9450           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 5)
9451             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 4 \b");
9452           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 6)
9453             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 4 \b");
9454           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 7)
9455             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 4 \b");
9456           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 8)
9457             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 4 \b");
9458           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 9)
9459             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 4 \b");
9460           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 10)
9461             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 4 \b");
9462           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 11)
9463             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 4 \b");
9464           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 12)
9465             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 4 \b");
9466           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 13)
9467             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 4 \b");
9468           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 14)
9469             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 4 \b");
9470           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 15)
9471             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 4 \b");
9472           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 16)
9473             HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 4 \b");
9474           HBnegativedirectionRecosignal4->Draw("Error");
9475           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4++;
9476           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4 > 16)
9477             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9478         }           //ccctest>0
9480       }  // for i
9481     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
9482   }      //for jeta
9483   /////////////////
9484   c3x5->Update();
9485   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
9486   c3x5->Clear();
9487   // clean-up
9488   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4)
9489     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignal4;
9491   //======================================================================================================================
9492   //======================================================================================================================
9493   //======================================================================================================================
9496   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
9497   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HB1");
9498   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB1");
9499   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHB1 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HB1->Clone("recosignalVarianceHB1");
9500   recosignalVarianceHB1->Divide(recosignalVariance1HB1, recosignalVariance0HB1, 1, 1, "B");
9501   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HB2");
9502   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB2");
9503   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHB2 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HB2->Clone("recosignalVarianceHB2");
9504   recosignalVarianceHB2->Divide(recosignalVariance1HB2, recosignalVariance0HB2, 1, 1, "B");
9505   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HB3");
9506   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB3");
9507   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHB3 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HB3->Clone("recosignalVarianceHB3");
9508   recosignalVarianceHB3->Divide(recosignalVariance1HB3, recosignalVariance0HB3, 1, 1, "B");
9509   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HB4");
9510   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HB4");
9511   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHB4 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HB4->Clone("recosignalVarianceHB4");
9512   recosignalVarianceHB4->Divide(recosignalVariance1HB4, recosignalVariance0HB4, 1, 1, "B");
9513   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
9514   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive recosignalvarianceHB
9515   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
9516   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9517     //preparation for PHI normalization:
9518     double sumrecosignalHB0 = 0;
9519     int nsumrecosignalHB0 = 0;
9520     double sumrecosignalHB1 = 0;
9521     int nsumrecosignalHB1 = 0;
9522     double sumrecosignalHB2 = 0;
9523     int nsumrecosignalHB2 = 0;
9524     double sumrecosignalHB3 = 0;
9525     int nsumrecosignalHB3 = 0;
9526     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
9527       recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHB1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
9528       recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHB2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
9529       recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHB3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
9530       recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHB4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
9531       if (recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9532         sumrecosignalHB0 += recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi];
9533         ++nsumrecosignalHB0;
9534       }
9535       if (recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9536         sumrecosignalHB1 += recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi];
9537         ++nsumrecosignalHB1;
9538       }
9539       if (recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9540         sumrecosignalHB2 += recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi];
9541         ++nsumrecosignalHB2;
9542       }
9543       if (recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9544         sumrecosignalHB3 += recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi];
9545         ++nsumrecosignalHB3;
9546       }
9547     }  // phi
9548     // PHI normalization :
9549     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
9550       if (recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
9551         recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB0 / nsumrecosignalHB0);
9552       if (recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
9553         recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB1 / nsumrecosignalHB1);
9554       if (recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
9555         recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB2 / nsumrecosignalHB2);
9556       if (recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
9557         recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHB3 / nsumrecosignalHB3);
9558     }  // phi
9559     //       recosignalvarianceHB (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
9560     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
9561       //       cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
9562       recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalHB[0][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalHB[0][jeta][jphi];
9563       recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi]);
9564       recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalHB[1][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalHB[1][jeta][jphi];
9565       recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi]);
9566       recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalHB[2][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalHB[2][jeta][jphi];
9567       recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi]);
9568       recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalHB[3][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalHB[3][jeta][jphi];
9569       recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi]);
9570     }
9571   }
9572   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
9573   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs
9574   //======================================================================
9575   //======================================================================
9576   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
9577   c1x1->Clear();
9578   /////////////////
9579   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
9580   c1x0->cd(1);
9581   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHB42D = new TH2F("DefzDrecosignalHB42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
9582   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHB42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDrecosignalHB42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
9583   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHB42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDrecosignalHB42D0->Clone("DefzDrecosignalHB42DF");
9584   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
9585     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
9586       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9587         double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9588         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
9589         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
9590         if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9591           DefzDrecosignalHB42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
9592           DefzDrecosignalHB42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
9593         }
9594       }
9595     }
9596   }
9597   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->Divide(DefzDrecosignalHB42D, DefzDrecosignalHB42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
9598   //    DefzDrecosignalHB1->Sumw2();
9599   gPad->SetGridy();
9600   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
9601   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9602   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9603   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
9604   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
9605   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
9606   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
9607   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
9608   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetLineColor(
9609       0);  //      DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
9610   DefzDrecosignalHB42DF->Draw("COLZ");
9611   /////////////////
9612   c1x0->Update();
9613   c1x0->Print("DrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png");
9614   c1x0->Clear();
9615   // clean-up
9616   if (DefzDrecosignalHB42D)
9617     delete DefzDrecosignalHB42D;
9618   if (DefzDrecosignalHB42D0)
9619     delete DefzDrecosignalHB42D0;
9620   if (DefzDrecosignalHB42DF)
9621     delete DefzDrecosignalHB42DF;
9622   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
9623   //======================================================================
9624   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
9625   c1x1->Clear();
9626   /////////////////
9627   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
9628   c1x1->cd(1);
9629   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHB41D = new TH1F("DefzDrecosignalHB41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9630   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHB41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDrecosignalHB41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9631   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHB41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDrecosignalHB41D0->Clone("DefzDrecosignalHB41DF");
9633   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9634     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
9635       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
9636         double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9637         if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9638           DefzDrecosignalHB41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9639           DefzDrecosignalHB41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
9640         }
9641       }
9642     }
9643   }
9644   //     DefzDrecosignalHB41D->Sumw2();DefzDrecosignalHB41D0->Sumw2();
9646   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->Divide(
9647       DefzDrecosignalHB41D, DefzDrecosignalHB41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
9648   DefzDrecosignalHB41D0->Sumw2();
9649   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
9650   gPad->SetGridy();
9651   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
9652   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9653   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
9654   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
9655   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
9656   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
9657   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
9658   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
9659   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetLineColor(
9660       4);  //  DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
9661   DefzDrecosignalHB41DF->Draw("Error");
9662   /////////////////
9663   c1x1->Update();
9664   c1x1->Print("DrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png");
9665   c1x1->Clear();
9666   // clean-up
9667   if (DefzDrecosignalHB41D)
9668     delete DefzDrecosignalHB41D;
9669   if (DefzDrecosignalHB41D0)
9670     delete DefzDrecosignalHB41D0;
9671   if (DefzDrecosignalHB41DF)
9672     delete DefzDrecosignalHB41DF;
9674   //========================================================================================== 14
9675   //======================================================================
9676   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
9677   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
9678   c3x5->Clear();
9679   /////////////////
9680   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9681   c3x5->cd(1);
9682   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = 1;
9683   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9685   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9686     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
9687     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
9688       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9689       // depth=1
9690       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
9691         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Clone("twod1");
9693         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9694         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9695           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9696           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9697             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9698             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9699           }
9700         }  // for jphi
9701         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9702           //cout<<"1414       kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9703           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1);
9704           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9705           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9706           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9707           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 \b");
9708           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
9709           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetLineColor(0);
9710           gPad->SetGridy();
9711           gPad->SetGridx();
9712           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9713           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 1)
9714             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 1 \b");
9715           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 2)
9716             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 1 \b");
9717           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 3)
9718             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 1 \b");
9719           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 4)
9720             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 1 \b");
9721           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 5)
9722             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 1 \b");
9723           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 6)
9724             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 1 \b");
9725           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 7)
9726             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 1 \b");
9727           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 8)
9728             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 1 \b");
9729           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 9)
9730             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 1 \b");
9731           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 10)
9732             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 1 \b");
9733           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 11)
9734             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 1 \b");
9735           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 12)
9736             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 1 \b");
9737           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 13)
9738             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 1 \b");
9739           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 14)
9740             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 1 \b");
9741           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 15)
9742             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 1 \b");
9743           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 16)
9744             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 1 \b");
9745           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Draw("Error");
9746           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1++;
9747           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 > 16)
9748             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9749         }           //ccctest>0
9751       }  // for i
9752     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
9753   }      //for jeta
9754   /////////////////
9755   c3x5->Update();
9756   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
9757   c3x5->Clear();
9758   // clean-up
9759   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1)
9760     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD1;
9761   //========================================================================================== 15
9762   //======================================================================
9763   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
9764   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
9765   c3x5->Clear();
9766   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9767   c3x5->cd(1);
9768   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = 1;
9769   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9771   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9772     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
9773     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
9774       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9775       // depth=2
9776       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
9777         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Clone("twod1");
9779         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9780         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9781           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9782           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9783             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9784             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9785           }
9786         }  // for jphi
9787         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9788           //cout<<"1515       kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9789           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2);
9790           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9791           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9792           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9793           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 \b");
9794           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
9795           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetLineColor(0);
9796           gPad->SetGridy();
9797           gPad->SetGridx();
9798           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9799           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 1)
9800             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 2 \b");
9801           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 2)
9802             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 2 \b");
9803           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 3)
9804             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 2 \b");
9805           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 4)
9806             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 2 \b");
9807           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 5)
9808             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 2 \b");
9809           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 6)
9810             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 2 \b");
9811           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 7)
9812             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 2 \b");
9813           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 8)
9814             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 2 \b");
9815           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 9)
9816             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 2 \b");
9817           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 10)
9818             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 2 \b");
9819           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 11)
9820             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 2 \b");
9821           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 12)
9822             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 2 \b");
9823           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 13)
9824             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 2 \b");
9825           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 14)
9826             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 2 \b");
9827           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 15)
9828             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 2 \b");
9829           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 16)
9830             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 2 \b");
9831           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Draw("Error");
9832           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2++;
9833           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 > 16)
9834             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9835         }           //ccctest>0
9837       }  // for i
9838     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
9839   }      //for jeta
9840   /////////////////
9841   c3x5->Update();
9842   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
9843   c3x5->Clear();
9844   // clean-up
9845   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2)
9846     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD2;
9847   //========================================================================================== 16
9848   //======================================================================
9849   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
9850   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
9851   c3x5->Clear();
9852   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9853   c3x5->cd(1);
9854   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 = 1;
9855   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9857   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9858     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
9859     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
9860       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9861       // depth=3
9862       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
9863         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->Clone("twod1");
9865         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9866         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9867           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9868           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9869             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9870             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9871           }
9872         }  // for jphi
9873         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9874           //cout<<"1616       kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9875           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3);
9876           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9877           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9878           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9879           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 \b");
9880           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
9881           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetLineColor(0);
9882           gPad->SetGridy();
9883           gPad->SetGridx();
9884           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9885           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 1)
9886             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
9887           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 2)
9888             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 3 \b");
9889           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 3)
9890             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 3 \b");
9891           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 4)
9892             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 3 \b");
9893           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 5)
9894             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 3 \b");
9895           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 6)
9896             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 3 \b");
9897           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 7)
9898             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 3 \b");
9899           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 8)
9900             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 3 \b");
9901           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 9)
9902             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 3 \b");
9903           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 10)
9904             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 3 \b");
9905           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 11)
9906             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 3 \b");
9907           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 12)
9908             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 3 \b");
9909           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 13)
9910             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 3 \b");
9911           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 14)
9912             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 3 \b");
9913           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 15)
9914             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 3 \b");
9915           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 16)
9916             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 3 \b");
9917           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->Draw("Error");
9918           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3++;
9919           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 > 16)
9920             break;  // 4x6 = 24
9921         }           //ccctest>0
9923       }  // for i
9924     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
9925   }      //for jeta
9926   /////////////////
9927   c3x5->Update();
9928   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
9929   c3x5->Clear();
9930   // clean-up
9931   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3)
9932     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD3;
9933   //========================================================================================== 17
9934   //======================================================================
9935   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
9936   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
9937   c3x5->Clear();
9938   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
9939   c3x5->cd(1);
9940   int kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 = 1;
9941   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
9943   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
9944     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
9945     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
9946       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
9947       // depth=4
9948       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
9949         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->Clone("twod1");
9951         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
9952         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
9953           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
9954           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
9955             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
9956             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
9957           }
9958         }  // for jphi
9959         if (ccctest > 0.) {
9960           //cout<<"1717       kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
9961           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4);
9962           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
9963           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
9964           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
9965           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 \b");
9966           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
9967           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetLineColor(0);
9968           gPad->SetGridy();
9969           gPad->SetGridx();
9970           //       gPad->SetLogy();
9971           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 1)
9972             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 4 \b");
9973           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 2)
9974             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 4 \b");
9975           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 3)
9976             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 4 \b");
9977           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 4)
9978             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 4 \b");
9979           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 5)
9980             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 4 \b");
9981           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 6)
9982             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 4 \b");
9983           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 7)
9984             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 4 \b");
9985           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 8)
9986             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 4 \b");
9987           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 9)
9988             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 4 \b");
9989           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 10)
9990             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 4 \b");
9991           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 11)
9992             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 4 \b");
9993           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 12)
9994             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 4 \b");
9995           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 13)
9996             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 4 \b");
9997           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 14)
9998             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 4 \b");
9999           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 15)
10000             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 4 \b");
10001           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 16)
10002             HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
10003           HBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->Draw("Error");
10004           kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4++;
10005           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 > 16)
10006             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10007         }           //ccctest>0
10009       }  // for i
10010     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
10011   }      //for jeta
10012   /////////////////
10013   c3x5->Update();
10014   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
10015   c3x5->Clear();
10016   // clean-up
10017   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4)
10018     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionRecosignalD4;
10020   //========================================================================================== 22214
10021   //======================================================================
10022   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
10023   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
10024   c3x5->Clear();
10025   /////////////////
10026   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
10027   c3x5->cd(1);
10028   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = 1;
10029   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10031   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10032     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
10033     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
10034       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10035       // depth=1
10036       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
10037         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Clone("twod1");
10039         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10040         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10041           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
10042           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10043             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10044             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10045           }
10046         }  // for jphi
10047         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10048           //cout<<"1414       kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10049           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1);
10050           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10051           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10052           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10053           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 \b");
10054           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
10055           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetLineColor(0);
10056           gPad->SetGridy();
10057           gPad->SetGridx();
10058           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10059           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 1)
10060             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 1 \b");
10061           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 2)
10062             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 1 \b");
10063           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 3)
10064             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 1 \b");
10065           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 4)
10066             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 1 \b");
10067           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 5)
10068             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 1 \b");
10069           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 6)
10070             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 1 \b");
10071           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 7)
10072             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 1 \b");
10073           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 8)
10074             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 1 \b");
10075           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 9)
10076             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 1 \b");
10077           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 10)
10078             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 1 \b");
10079           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 11)
10080             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 1 \b");
10081           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 12)
10082             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 1 \b");
10083           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 13)
10084             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 1 \b");
10085           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 14)
10086             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 1 \b");
10087           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 15)
10088             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 1 \b");
10089           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 16)
10090             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 1 \b");
10091           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Draw("Error");
10092           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1++;
10093           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 > 16)
10094             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10095         }           //ccctest>0
10097       }  // for i
10098     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
10099   }      //for jeta
10100   /////////////////
10101   c3x5->Update();
10102   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
10103   c3x5->Clear();
10104   // clean-up
10105   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1)
10106     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD1;
10107   //========================================================================================== 22215
10108   //======================================================================
10109   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
10110   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
10111   c3x5->Clear();
10112   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
10113   c3x5->cd(1);
10114   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = 1;
10115   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10117   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10118     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
10119     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
10120       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10121       // depth=2
10122       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
10123         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Clone("twod1");
10125         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10126         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10127           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
10128           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10129             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10130             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10131           }
10132         }  // for jphi
10133         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10134           //cout<<"1515       kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10135           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2);
10136           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10137           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10138           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10139           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 \b");
10140           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
10141           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetLineColor(0);
10142           gPad->SetGridy();
10143           gPad->SetGridx();
10144           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10145           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 1)
10146             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 2 \b");
10147           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 2)
10148             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 2 \b");
10149           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 3)
10150             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 2 \b");
10151           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 4)
10152             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 2 \b");
10153           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 5)
10154             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 2 \b");
10155           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 6)
10156             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 2 \b");
10157           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 7)
10158             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 2 \b");
10159           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 8)
10160             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9 ; depth = 2 \b");
10161           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 9)
10162             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8 ; depth = 2 \b");
10163           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 10)
10164             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7 ; depth = 2 \b");
10165           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 11)
10166             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6 ; depth = 2 \b");
10167           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 12)
10168             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5 ; depth = 2 \b");
10169           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 13)
10170             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4 ; depth = 2 \b");
10171           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 14)
10172             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3 ; depth = 2 \b");
10173           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 15)
10174             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2 ; depth = 2 \b");
10175           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 16)
10176             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1 ; depth = 2 \b");
10177           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Draw("Error");
10178           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2++;
10179           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 > 16)
10180             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10181         }           //ccctest>0
10183       }  // for i
10184     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
10185   }      //for jeta
10186   /////////////////
10187   c3x5->Update();
10188   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
10189   c3x5->Clear();
10190   // clean-up
10191   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2)
10192     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD2;
10193   //========================================================================================== 22216
10194   //======================================================================
10195   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
10196   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
10197   c3x5->Clear();
10198   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
10199   c3x5->cd(1);
10200   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 = 1;
10201   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10203   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10204     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
10205     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
10206       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10207       // depth=3
10208       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
10209         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->Clone("twod1");
10211         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10212         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10213           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
10214           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10215             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10216             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10217           }
10218         }  // for jphi
10219         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10220           //cout<<"1616       kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10221           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3);
10222           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10223           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10224           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10225           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 \b");
10226           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
10227           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetLineColor(0);
10228           gPad->SetGridy();
10229           gPad->SetGridx();
10230           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10231           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 1)
10232             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 3 \b");
10233           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 2)
10234             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 3 \b");
10235           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 3)
10236             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 3 \b");
10237           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 4)
10238             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 3 \b");
10239           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 5)
10240             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 3 \b");
10241           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 6)
10242             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 3 \b");
10243           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 7)
10244             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 3 \b");
10245           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 8)
10246             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9 ; depth = 3 \b");
10247           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 9)
10248             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8 ; depth = 3 \b");
10249           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 10)
10250             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7 ; depth = 3 \b");
10251           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 11)
10252             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6 ; depth = 3 \b");
10253           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 12)
10254             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5 ; depth = 3 \b");
10255           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 13)
10256             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4 ; depth = 3 \b");
10257           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 14)
10258             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3 ; depth = 3 \b");
10259           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 15)
10260             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2 ; depth = 3 \b");
10261           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 16)
10262             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1 ; depth = 3 \b");
10263           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->Draw("Error");
10264           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3++;
10265           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 > 16)
10266             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10267         }           //ccctest>0
10269       }  // for i
10270     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
10271   }      //for jeta
10272   /////////////////
10273   c3x5->Update();
10274   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
10275   c3x5->Clear();
10276   // clean-up
10277   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3)
10278     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD3;
10279   //========================================================================================== 22217
10280   //======================================================================
10281   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
10282   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
10283   c3x5->Clear();
10284   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
10285   c3x5->cd(1);
10286   int kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 = 1;
10287   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10289   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10290     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
10291     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
10292       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10293       // depth=4
10294       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
10295         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->Clone("twod1");
10297         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10298         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10299           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
10300           if (arecosignalHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10301             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10302             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10303           }
10304         }  // for jphi
10305         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10306           //cout<<"1717       kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10307           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4);
10308           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10309           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10310           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10311           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 \b");
10312           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
10313           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetLineColor(0);
10314           gPad->SetGridy();
10315           gPad->SetGridx();
10316           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10317           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 1)
10318             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
10319           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 2)
10320             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 4 \b");
10321           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 3)
10322             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 4 \b");
10323           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 4)
10324             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 4 \b");
10325           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 5)
10326             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 4 \b");
10327           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 6)
10328             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 4 \b");
10329           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 7)
10330             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 4 \b");
10331           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 8)
10332             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9 ; depth = 4 \b");
10333           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 9)
10334             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8 ; depth = 4 \b");
10335           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 10)
10336             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7 ; depth = 4 \b");
10337           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 11)
10338             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6 ; depth = 4 \b");
10339           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 12)
10340             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5 ; depth = 4 \b");
10341           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 13)
10342             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4 ; depth = 4 \b");
10343           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 14)
10344             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3 ; depth = 4 \b");
10345           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 15)
10346             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2 ; depth = 4 \b");
10347           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 16)
10348             HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1 ; depth = 4 \b");
10349           HBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->Draw("Error");
10350           kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4++;
10351           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 > 16)
10352             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10353         }           //ccctest>0
10355       }  // for i
10356     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
10357   }      //for jeta
10358   /////////////////
10359   c3x5->Update();
10360   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
10361   c3x5->Clear();
10362   // clean-up
10363   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4)
10364     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionRecosignalD4;
10366   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HB for phi-symmetry
10367   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HB for phi-symmetry
10368   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HB for phi-symmetry
10370   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Recosignal HE
10371   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Recosignal HE
10372   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Recosignal HE
10373   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
10374   //ndepth = k_max[3];
10375   ndepth = 7;
10376   //  const int ndepth = 7;
10377   double arecosignalhe[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
10378   double recosignalvariancehe[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
10380   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HE1");
10381   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE1");
10382   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHE1 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HE1->Clone("recSignalEnergyHE1");
10383   recSignalEnergyHE1->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HE1, recSignalEnergy0HE1, 1, 1, "B");
10384   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HE2");
10385   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE2");
10386   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHE2 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HE2->Clone("recSignalEnergyHE2");
10387   recSignalEnergyHE2->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HE2, recSignalEnergy0HE2, 1, 1, "B");
10388   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HE3");
10389   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE3");
10390   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHE3 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HE3->Clone("recSignalEnergyHE3");
10391   recSignalEnergyHE3->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HE3, recSignalEnergy0HE3, 1, 1, "B");
10392   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HE4");
10393   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE4");
10394   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHE4 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HE4->Clone("recSignalEnergyHE4");
10395   recSignalEnergyHE4->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HE4, recSignalEnergy0HE4, 1, 1, "B");
10396   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HE5");
10397   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE5");
10398   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHE5 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HE5->Clone("recSignalEnergyHE5");
10399   recSignalEnergyHE5->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HE5, recSignalEnergy0HE5, 1, 1, "B");
10400   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HE6");
10401   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE6");
10402   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHE6 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HE6->Clone("recSignalEnergyHE6");
10403   recSignalEnergyHE6->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HE6, recSignalEnergy0HE6, 1, 1, "B");
10404   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HE7");
10405   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE7");
10406   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHE7 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HE7->Clone("recSignalEnergyHE7");
10407   recSignalEnergyHE7->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HE7, recSignalEnergy0HE7, 1, 1, "B");
10408   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10409     //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive arecosignalhe
10410     //preparation for PHI normalization:
10411     double sumrecosignalHE0 = 0;
10412     int nsumrecosignalHE0 = 0;
10413     double sumrecosignalHE1 = 0;
10414     int nsumrecosignalHE1 = 0;
10415     double sumrecosignalHE2 = 0;
10416     int nsumrecosignalHE2 = 0;
10417     double sumrecosignalHE3 = 0;
10418     int nsumrecosignalHE3 = 0;
10419     double sumrecosignalHE4 = 0;
10420     int nsumrecosignalHE4 = 0;
10421     double sumrecosignalHE5 = 0;
10422     int nsumrecosignalHE5 = 0;
10423     double sumrecosignalHE6 = 0;
10424     int nsumrecosignalHE6 = 0;
10425     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
10426       arecosignalhe[0][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHE1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
10427       arecosignalhe[1][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHE2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
10428       arecosignalhe[2][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHE3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
10429       arecosignalhe[3][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHE4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
10430       arecosignalhe[4][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHE5->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
10431       arecosignalhe[5][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHE6->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
10432       arecosignalhe[6][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHE7->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
10433       if (arecosignalhe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10434         sumrecosignalHE0 += arecosignalhe[0][jeta][jphi];
10435         ++nsumrecosignalHE0;
10436       }
10437       if (arecosignalhe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10438         sumrecosignalHE1 += arecosignalhe[1][jeta][jphi];
10439         ++nsumrecosignalHE1;
10440       }
10441       if (arecosignalhe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10442         sumrecosignalHE2 += arecosignalhe[2][jeta][jphi];
10443         ++nsumrecosignalHE2;
10444       }
10445       if (arecosignalhe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10446         sumrecosignalHE3 += arecosignalhe[3][jeta][jphi];
10447         ++nsumrecosignalHE3;
10448       }
10449       if (arecosignalhe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10450         sumrecosignalHE4 += arecosignalhe[4][jeta][jphi];
10451         ++nsumrecosignalHE4;
10452       }
10453       if (arecosignalhe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10454         sumrecosignalHE5 += arecosignalhe[5][jeta][jphi];
10455         ++nsumrecosignalHE5;
10456       }
10457       if (arecosignalhe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
10458         sumrecosignalHE6 += arecosignalhe[6][jeta][jphi];
10459         ++nsumrecosignalHE6;
10460       }
10461     }  // phi
10462     // PHI normalization:
10463     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
10464       if (arecosignalhe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
10465         arecosignalhe[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE0 / nsumrecosignalHE0);
10466       if (arecosignalhe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
10467         arecosignalhe[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE1 / nsumrecosignalHE1);
10468       if (arecosignalhe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
10469         arecosignalhe[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE2 / nsumrecosignalHE2);
10470       if (arecosignalhe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
10471         arecosignalhe[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE3 / nsumrecosignalHE3);
10472       if (arecosignalhe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
10473         arecosignalhe[4][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE4 / nsumrecosignalHE4);
10474       if (arecosignalhe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
10475         arecosignalhe[5][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE5 / nsumrecosignalHE5);
10476       if (arecosignalhe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
10477         arecosignalhe[6][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE6 / nsumrecosignalHE6);
10478     }  // phi
10479   }    //eta
10480   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes
10481   //======================================================================
10482   //======================================================================
10483   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes *****" <<endl;
10484   c2x1->Clear();
10485   /////////////////
10486   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
10487   c2x1->cd(1);
10488   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHE42D = new TH2F("GefzRrecosignalHE42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
10489   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHE42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRrecosignalHE42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
10490   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHE42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRrecosignalHE42D0->Clone("GefzRrecosignalHE42DF");
10491   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
10492     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
10493       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10494         double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10495         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
10496         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
10497         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
10498           GefzRrecosignalHE42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
10499           GefzRrecosignalHE42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
10500         }
10501       }
10502     }
10503   }
10504   GefzRrecosignalHE42DF->Divide(GefzRrecosignalHE42D, GefzRrecosignalHE42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
10505   gPad->SetGridy();
10506   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
10507   GefzRrecosignalHE42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
10508   GefzRrecosignalHE42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
10509   GefzRrecosignalHE42DF->Draw("COLZ");
10511   c2x1->cd(2);
10512   TH1F *energyhitSignal_HE = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitSignal_HE");
10513   energyhitSignal_HE->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10514   energyhitSignal_HE->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10515   energyhitSignal_HE->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10516   energyhitSignal_HE->SetXTitle("energyhitSignal_HE \b");
10517   energyhitSignal_HE->SetMarkerColor(2);
10518   energyhitSignal_HE->SetLineColor(0);
10519   gPad->SetGridy();
10520   gPad->SetGridx();
10521   energyhitSignal_HE->Draw("Error");
10523   /////////////////
10524   c2x1->Update();
10525   c2x1->Print("RrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png");
10526   c2x1->Clear();
10527   // clean-up
10528   if (GefzRrecosignalHE42D)
10529     delete GefzRrecosignalHE42D;
10530   if (GefzRrecosignalHE42D0)
10531     delete GefzRrecosignalHE42D0;
10532   if (GefzRrecosignalHE42DF)
10533     delete GefzRrecosignalHE42DF;
10534   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta
10535   //======================================================================
10536   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta *****" <<endl;
10537   c1x1->Clear();
10538   /////////////////
10539   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
10540   c1x1->cd(1);
10541   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHE41D = new TH1F("GefzRrecosignalHE41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10542   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHE41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRrecosignalHE41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10543   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHE41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRrecosignalHE41D0->Clone("GefzRrecosignalHE41DF");
10544   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10545     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
10546       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
10547         double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10548         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
10549           GefzRrecosignalHE41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10550           GefzRrecosignalHE41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
10551         }
10552       }
10553     }
10554   }
10555   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->Divide(
10556       GefzRrecosignalHE41D, GefzRrecosignalHE41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthes & eta
10557   GefzRrecosignalHE41D0->Sumw2();
10558   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
10559   gPad->SetGridy();
10560   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
10561   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10562   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
10563   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
10564   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
10565   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
10566   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthes \b");
10567   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
10568   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetLineColor(
10569       4);  //  GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
10570   GefzRrecosignalHE41DF->Draw("Error");
10571   /////////////////
10572   c1x1->Update();
10573   c1x1->Print("RrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png");
10574   c1x1->Clear();
10575   // clean-up
10576   if (GefzRrecosignalHE41D)
10577     delete GefzRrecosignalHE41D;
10578   if (GefzRrecosignalHE41D0)
10579     delete GefzRrecosignalHE41D0;
10580   if (GefzRrecosignalHE41DF)
10581     delete GefzRrecosignalHE41DF;
10583   //========================================================================================== 4
10584   //======================================================================
10585   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
10586   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
10587   c3x5->Clear();
10588   /////////////////
10589   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
10590   c3x5->cd(1);
10591   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = 1;
10592   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10593   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10594     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
10595     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
10596       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10597       // depth=1
10598       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
10599         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Clone("twod1");
10600         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10601         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10602           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10603           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
10604             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10605             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10606           }
10607         }  // for jphi
10608         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10609           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10610           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1);
10611           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10612           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10613           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10614           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 \b");
10615           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerColor(2);
10616           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetLineColor(0);
10617           gPad->SetGridy();
10618           gPad->SetGridx();
10619           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10620           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 1)
10621             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 1 \b");
10622           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 2)
10623             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 1 \b");
10624           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 3)
10625             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 1 \b");
10626           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 4)
10627             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 1 \b");
10628           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 5)
10629             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 1 \b");
10630           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 6)
10631             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 1 \b");
10632           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 7)
10633             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 1 \b");
10634           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 8)
10635             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 1 \b");
10636           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 9)
10637             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 1 \b");
10638           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 10)
10639             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 1 \b");
10640           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 11)
10641             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 1 \b");
10642           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 12)
10643             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
10644           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Draw("Error");
10645           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1++;
10646           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1 > 12)
10647             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10648         }           //ccctest>0
10650       }  // for i
10651     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
10652   }      //for jeta
10653   /////////////////
10654   c3x5->Update();
10655   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
10656   c3x5->Clear();
10657   // clean-up
10658   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1)
10659     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal1;
10661   //========================================================================================== 5
10662   //======================================================================
10663   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
10664   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
10665   c3x5->Clear();
10666   /////////////////
10667   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
10668   c3x5->cd(1);
10669   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = 1;
10670   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10671   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10672     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
10673     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
10674       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10675       // depth=2
10676       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
10677         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Clone("twod1");
10678         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10679         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10680           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10681           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
10682             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10683             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10684           }
10685         }  // for jphi
10686         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10687           //cout<<"555        kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10688           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2);
10689           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10690           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10691           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10692           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 \b");
10693           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerColor(2);
10694           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetLineColor(0);
10695           gPad->SetGridy();
10696           gPad->SetGridx();
10697           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10698           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 1)
10699             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 2 \b");
10700           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 2)
10701             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 2 \b");
10702           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 3)
10703             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 2 \b");
10704           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 4)
10705             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 2 \b");
10706           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 5)
10707             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 2 \b");
10708           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 6)
10709             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 2 \b");
10710           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 7)
10711             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 2 \b");
10712           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 8)
10713             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 2 \b");
10714           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 9)
10715             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 2 \b");
10716           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 10)
10717             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 2 \b");
10718           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 11)
10719             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 2 \b");
10720           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 12)
10721             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 2 \b");
10722           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 13)
10723             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
10724           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Draw("Error");
10725           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2++;
10726           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2 > 13)
10727             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10728         }           //ccctest>0
10730       }  // for i
10731     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
10732   }      //for jeta
10733   /////////////////
10734   c3x5->Update();
10735   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
10736   c3x5->Clear();
10737   // clean-up
10738   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2)
10739     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal2;
10740   //========================================================================================== 6
10741   //======================================================================
10742   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
10743   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
10744   c3x5->Clear();
10745   /////////////////
10746   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
10747   c3x5->cd(1);
10748   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 = 1;
10749   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10750   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10751     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
10752     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
10753       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10754       // depth=3
10755       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
10756         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->Clone("twod1");
10757         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10758         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10759           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10760           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
10761             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10762             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10763           }
10764         }  // for jphi
10765         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10766           //cout<<"666        kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10767           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3);
10768           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10769           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10770           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10771           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 \b");
10772           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerColor(2);
10773           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetLineColor(0);
10774           gPad->SetGridy();
10775           gPad->SetGridx();
10776           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10777           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 1)
10778             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 3 \b");
10779           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 2)
10780             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 3 \b");
10781           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 3)
10782             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 3 \b");
10783           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 4)
10784             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 3 \b");
10785           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 5)
10786             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 3 \b");
10787           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 6)
10788             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 3 \b");
10789           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 7)
10790             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 3 \b");
10791           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 8)
10792             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 3 \b");
10793           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 9)
10794             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 3 \b");
10795           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 10)
10796             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 3 \b");
10797           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 11)
10798             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 3 \b");
10799           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 12)
10800             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 3 \b");
10801           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 == 13)
10802             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
10803           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal3->Draw("Error");
10804           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3++;
10805           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3 > 13)
10806             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10807         }           //ccctest>0
10809       }  // for i
10810     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
10811   }      //for jeta
10812   /////////////////
10813   c3x5->Update();
10814   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
10815   c3x5->Clear();
10816   // clean-up
10817   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3)
10818     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal3;
10819   //========================================================================================== 7
10820   //======================================================================
10821   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
10822   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
10823   c3x5->Clear();
10824   /////////////////
10825   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
10826   c3x5->cd(1);
10827   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 = 1;
10828   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10830   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10831     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
10832     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
10833       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10834       // depth=4
10835       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
10836         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->Clone("twod1");
10838         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10839         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10840           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10841           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
10842             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10843             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10844           }
10845         }  // for jphi
10846         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10847           //cout<<"777        kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10848           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4);
10849           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10850           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10851           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10852           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 \b");
10853           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerColor(2);
10854           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetLineColor(0);
10855           gPad->SetGridy();
10856           gPad->SetGridx();
10857           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10858           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 1)
10859             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
10860           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 2)
10861             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 4 \b");
10862           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 3)
10863             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 4 \b");
10864           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 4)
10865             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 4 \b");
10866           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 5)
10867             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 4 \b");
10868           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 6)
10869             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 4 \b");
10870           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 7)
10871             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 4 \b");
10872           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 8)
10873             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 4 \b");
10874           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 9)
10875             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 4 \b");
10876           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 10)
10877             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 4 \b");
10878           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 11)
10879             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 4 \b");
10880           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 == 12)
10881             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 4 \b");
10882           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal4->Draw("Error");
10883           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4++;
10884           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4 > 12)
10885             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10886         }           //ccctest>0
10888       }  // for i
10889     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
10890   }      //for jeta
10891   /////////////////
10892   c3x5->Update();
10893   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
10894   c3x5->Clear();
10895   // clean-up
10896   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4)
10897     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal4;
10898   //========================================================================================== 8
10899   //======================================================================
10900   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
10901   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
10902   c3x5->Clear();
10903   /////////////////
10904   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
10905   c3x5->cd(1);
10906   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 = 1;
10907   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10909   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10910     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
10911     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
10912       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10913       // depth=5
10914       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
10915         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->Clone("twod1");
10917         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10918         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10919           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
10921           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10922           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
10923             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
10924             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
10925           }
10926         }  // for jphi
10927         if (ccctest > 0.) {
10928           //cout<<"888        kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
10929           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5);
10930           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
10931           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
10932           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
10933           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 \b");
10934           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetMarkerColor(2);
10935           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetLineColor(0);
10936           gPad->SetGridy();
10937           gPad->SetGridx();
10938           //       gPad->SetLogy();
10939           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 1)
10940             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 5 \b");
10941           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 2)
10942             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 5 \b");
10943           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 3)
10944             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 5 \b");
10945           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 4)
10946             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 5 \b");
10947           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 5)
10948             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 5 \b");
10949           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 6)
10950             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 5 \b");
10951           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 7)
10952             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 5 \b");
10953           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 8)
10954             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 5 \b");
10955           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 9)
10956             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 5 \b");
10957           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 10)
10958             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 5 \b");
10959           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 == 11)
10960             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 5 \b");
10961           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal5->Draw("Error");
10962           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5++;
10963           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5 > 11)
10964             break;  // 4x6 = 24
10965         }           //ccctest>0
10967       }  // for i
10968     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
10969   }      //for jeta
10970   /////////////////
10971   c3x5->Update();
10972   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
10973   c3x5->Clear();
10974   // clean-up
10975   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5)
10976     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal5;
10977   //========================================================================================== 9
10978   //======================================================================
10979   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
10980   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
10981   c3x5->Clear();
10982   /////////////////
10983   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
10984   c3x5->cd(1);
10985   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 = 1;
10986   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
10988   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
10989     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
10990     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
10991       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
10992       // depth=6
10993       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
10994         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->Clone("twod1");
10996         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
10997         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
10998           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
10999           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11000             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11001             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11002           }
11003         }  // for jphi
11004         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11005           //cout<<"999        kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11006           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6);
11007           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11008           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11009           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11010           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 \b");
11011           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetMarkerColor(2);
11012           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetLineColor(0);
11013           gPad->SetGridy();
11014           gPad->SetGridx();
11015           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11016           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 1)
11017             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 6 \b");
11018           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 2)
11019             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 6 \b");
11020           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 3)
11021             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 6 \b");
11022           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 4)
11023             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 6 \b");
11024           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 5)
11025             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 6 \b");
11026           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 6)
11027             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 6 \b");
11028           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 7)
11029             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 6 \b");
11030           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 8)
11031             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 6 \b");
11032           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 9)
11033             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 6 \b");
11034           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 == 10)
11035             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 6 \b");
11036           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal6->Draw("Error");
11037           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6++;
11038           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6 > 10)
11039             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11040         }           //ccctest>0
11042       }  // for i
11043     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
11044   }      //for jeta
11045   /////////////////
11046   c3x5->Update();
11047   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
11048   c3x5->Clear();
11049   // clean-up
11050   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6)
11051     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal6;
11052   //========================================================================================== 10
11053   //======================================================================
11054   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
11055   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
11056   c3x5->Clear();
11057   /////////////////
11058   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11059   c3x5->cd(1);
11060   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 = 1;
11061   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11063   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11064     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
11065     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
11066       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11067       // depth=7
11068       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
11069         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->Clone("twod1");
11071         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11072         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11073           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11074           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11075             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11076             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11077           }
11078         }  // for jphi
11079         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11080           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11081           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7);
11082           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11083           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11084           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11085           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 \b");
11086           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetMarkerColor(2);
11087           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetLineColor(0);
11088           gPad->SetGridy();
11089           gPad->SetGridx();
11090           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11091           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 == 1)
11092             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 7 \b");
11093           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 == 2)
11094             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 7 \b");
11095           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 == 3)
11096             HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 7 \b");
11097           HEpositivedirectionRecosignal7->Draw("Error");
11098           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7++;
11099           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7 > 3)
11100             break;  //
11101         }           //ccctest>0
11103       }  // for i
11104     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
11105   }      //for jeta
11106   /////////////////
11107   c3x5->Update();
11108   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
11109   c3x5->Clear();
11110   // clean-up
11111   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7)
11112     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignal7;
11114   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11115   //========================================================================================== 1114
11116   //======================================================================
11117   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
11118   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
11119   c3x5->Clear();
11120   /////////////////
11121   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11122   c3x5->cd(1);
11123   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = 1;
11124   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11125   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11126     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
11127     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
11128       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11129       // depth=1
11130       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
11131         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Clone("twod1");
11132         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11133         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11134           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11135           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11136             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11137             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11138           }
11139         }  // for jphi
11140         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11141           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11142           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1);
11143           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11144           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11145           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11146           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 \b");
11147           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerColor(2);
11148           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetLineColor(0);
11149           gPad->SetGridy();
11150           gPad->SetGridx();
11151           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11152           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 1)
11153             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
11154           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 2)
11155             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 1 \b");
11156           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 3)
11157             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 1 \b");
11158           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 4)
11159             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 1 \b");
11160           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 5)
11161             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 1 \b");
11162           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 6)
11163             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 1 \b");
11164           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 7)
11165             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 1 \b");
11166           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 8)
11167             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 1 \b");
11168           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 9)
11169             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 1 \b");
11170           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 10)
11171             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 1 \b");
11172           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 11)
11173             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 1 \b");
11174           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 12)
11175             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 1 \b");
11176           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Draw("Error");
11177           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1++;
11178           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1 > 12)
11179             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11180         }           //ccctest>0
11182       }  // for i
11183     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
11184   }      //for jeta
11185   /////////////////
11186   c3x5->Update();
11187   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
11188   c3x5->Clear();
11189   // clean-up
11190   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1)
11191     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal1;
11193   //========================================================================================== 1115
11194   //======================================================================
11195   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
11196   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
11197   c3x5->Clear();
11198   /////////////////
11199   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11200   c3x5->cd(1);
11201   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = 1;
11202   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11203   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11204     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
11205     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
11206       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11207       // depth=2
11208       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
11209         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Clone("twod1");
11210         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11211         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11212           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11213           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11214             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11215             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11216           }
11217         }  // for jphi
11218         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11219           //cout<<"555        kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11220           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2);
11221           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11222           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11223           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11224           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 \b");
11225           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerColor(2);
11226           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetLineColor(0);
11227           gPad->SetGridy();
11228           gPad->SetGridx();
11229           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11230           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 1)
11231             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
11232           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 2)
11233             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 2 \b");
11234           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 3)
11235             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 2 \b");
11236           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 4)
11237             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 2 \b");
11238           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 5)
11239             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 2 \b");
11240           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 6)
11241             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 2 \b");
11242           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 7)
11243             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 2 \b");
11244           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 8)
11245             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 2 \b");
11246           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 9)
11247             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 2 \b");
11248           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 10)
11249             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
11250           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 11)
11251             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 2 \b");
11252           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 12)
11253             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 2 \b");
11254           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 13)
11255             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 2 \b");
11256           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Draw("Error");
11257           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2++;
11258           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2 > 13)
11259             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11260         }           //ccctest>0
11262       }  // for i
11263     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
11264   }      //for jeta
11265   /////////////////
11266   c3x5->Update();
11267   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
11268   c3x5->Clear();
11269   // clean-up
11270   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2)
11271     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal2;
11272   //========================================================================================== 1116
11273   //======================================================================
11274   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
11275   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
11276   c3x5->Clear();
11277   /////////////////
11278   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11279   c3x5->cd(1);
11280   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 = 1;
11281   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11282   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11283     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
11284     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
11285       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11286       // depth=3
11287       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
11288         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->Clone("twod1");
11289         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11290         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11291           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11292           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11293             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11294             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11295           }
11296         }  // for jphi
11297         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11298           //cout<<"666        kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11299           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3);
11300           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11301           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11302           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11303           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 \b");
11304           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetMarkerColor(2);
11305           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetLineColor(0);
11306           gPad->SetGridy();
11307           gPad->SetGridx();
11308           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11309           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 1)
11310             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
11311           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 2)
11312             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 3 \b");
11313           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 3)
11314             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 3 \b");
11315           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 4)
11316             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 3 \b");
11317           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 5)
11318             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 3 \b");
11319           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 6)
11320             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 3 \b");
11321           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 7)
11322             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 3 \b");
11323           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 8)
11324             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 3 \b");
11325           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 9)
11326             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 3 \b");
11327           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 10)
11328             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 3 \b");
11329           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 11)
11330             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 3 \b");
11331           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 12)
11332             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 3 \b");
11333           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 == 13)
11334             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 3 \b");
11335           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal3->Draw("Error");
11336           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3++;
11337           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3 > 13)
11338             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11339         }           //ccctest>0
11341       }  // for i
11342     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
11343   }      //for jeta
11344   /////////////////
11345   c3x5->Update();
11346   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
11347   c3x5->Clear();
11348   // clean-up
11349   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3)
11350     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal3;
11351   //========================================================================================== 1117
11352   //======================================================================
11353   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
11354   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
11355   c3x5->Clear();
11356   /////////////////
11357   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11358   c3x5->cd(1);
11359   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 = 1;
11360   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11362   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11363     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
11364     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
11365       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11366       // depth=4
11367       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
11368         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->Clone("twod1");
11370         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11371         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11372           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11373           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11374             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11375             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11376           }
11377         }  // for jphi
11378         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11379           //cout<<"777        kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11380           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4);
11381           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11382           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11383           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11384           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 \b");
11385           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetMarkerColor(2);
11386           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetLineColor(0);
11387           gPad->SetGridy();
11388           gPad->SetGridx();
11389           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11390           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 1)
11391             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 4 \b");
11392           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 2)
11393             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 4 \b");
11394           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 3)
11395             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 4 \b");
11396           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 4)
11397             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 4 \b");
11398           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 5)
11399             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 4 \b");
11400           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 6)
11401             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 4 \b");
11402           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 7)
11403             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 4 \b");
11404           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 8)
11405             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 4 \b");
11406           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 9)
11407             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 4 \b");
11408           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 10)
11409             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 4 \b");
11410           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 11)
11411             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 4 \b");
11412           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 == 12)
11413             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
11414           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal4->Draw("Error");
11415           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4++;
11416           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4 > 12)
11417             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11418         }           //ccctest>0
11420       }  // for i
11421     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
11422   }      //for jeta
11423   /////////////////
11424   c3x5->Update();
11425   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
11426   c3x5->Clear();
11427   // clean-up
11428   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4)
11429     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal4;
11430   //========================================================================================== 1118
11431   //======================================================================
11432   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
11433   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
11434   c3x5->Clear();
11435   /////////////////
11436   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11437   c3x5->cd(1);
11438   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 = 1;
11439   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11441   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11442     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
11443     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
11444       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11445       // depth=5
11446       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
11447         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->Clone("twod1");
11449         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11450         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11451           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
11453           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11454           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11455             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11456             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11457           }
11458         }  // for jphi
11459         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11460           //cout<<"888        kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11461           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5);
11462           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11463           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11464           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11465           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 \b");
11466           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetMarkerColor(2);
11467           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetLineColor(0);
11468           gPad->SetGridy();
11469           gPad->SetGridx();
11470           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11471           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 1)
11472             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 5 \b");
11473           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 2)
11474             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 5 \b");
11475           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 3)
11476             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 5 \b");
11477           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 4)
11478             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 5 \b");
11479           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 5)
11480             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 5 \b");
11481           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 6)
11482             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 5 \b");
11483           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 7)
11484             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 5 \b");
11485           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 8)
11486             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 5 \b");
11487           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 9)
11488             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 5 \b");
11489           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 10)
11490             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 5 \b");
11491           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 == 11)
11492             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 5 \b");
11493           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal5->Draw("Error");
11494           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5++;
11495           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5 > 11)
11496             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11497         }           //ccctest>0
11499       }  // for i
11500     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
11501   }      //for jeta
11502   /////////////////
11503   c3x5->Update();
11504   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
11505   c3x5->Clear();
11506   // clean-up
11507   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5)
11508     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal5;
11509   //========================================================================================== 1119
11510   //======================================================================
11511   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
11512   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
11513   c3x5->Clear();
11514   /////////////////
11515   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11516   c3x5->cd(1);
11517   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 = 1;
11518   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11520   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11521     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
11522     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
11523       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11524       // depth=6
11525       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
11526         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->Clone("twod1");
11528         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11529         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11530           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11531           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11532             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11533             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11534           }
11535         }  // for jphi
11536         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11537           //cout<<"999        kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11538           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6);
11539           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11540           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11541           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11542           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 \b");
11543           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetMarkerColor(2);
11544           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetLineColor(0);
11545           gPad->SetGridy();
11546           gPad->SetGridx();
11547           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11548           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 1)
11549             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 6 \b");
11550           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 2)
11551             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 6 \b");
11552           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 3)
11553             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 6 \b");
11554           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 4)
11555             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 6 \b");
11556           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 5)
11557             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 6 \b");
11558           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 6)
11559             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 6 \b");
11560           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 7)
11561             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 6 \b");
11562           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 8)
11563             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 6 \b");
11564           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 9)
11565             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 6 \b");
11566           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 == 10)
11567             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 6 \b");
11568           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal6->Draw("Error");
11569           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6++;
11570           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6 > 10)
11571             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11572         }           //ccctest>0
11574       }  // for i
11575     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
11576   }      //for jeta
11577   /////////////////
11578   c3x5->Update();
11579   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
11580   c3x5->Clear();
11581   // clean-up
11582   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6)
11583     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal6;
11584   //========================================================================================== 11110
11585   //======================================================================
11586   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
11587   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
11588   c3x5->Clear();
11589   /////////////////
11590   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11591   c3x5->cd(1);
11592   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 = 1;
11593   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11595   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11596     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
11597     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
11598       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11599       // depth=7
11600       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
11601         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->Clone("twod1");
11603         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11604         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11605           double ccc1 = arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi];
11606           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
11607             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11608             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11609           }
11610         }  // for jphi
11611         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11612           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11613           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7);
11614           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11615           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11616           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11617           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 \b");
11618           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetMarkerColor(2);
11619           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetLineColor(0);
11620           gPad->SetGridy();
11621           gPad->SetGridx();
11622           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11623           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 == 1)
11624             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 7 \b");
11625           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 == 2)
11626             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 7 \b");
11627           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 == 3)
11628             HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 7 \b");
11629           HEnegativedirectionRecosignal7->Draw("Error");
11630           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7++;
11631           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7 > 3)
11632             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11633         }           //ccctest>0
11635       }  // for i
11636     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
11637   }      //for jeta
11638   /////////////////
11639   c3x5->Update();
11640   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
11641   c3x5->Clear();
11642   // clean-up
11643   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7)
11644     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignal7;
11646   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11650   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
11651   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HE1");
11652   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE1");
11653   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHE1 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HE1->Clone("recosignalVarianceHE1");
11654   recosignalVarianceHE1->Divide(recosignalVariance1HE1, recosignalVariance0HE1, 1, 1, "B");
11655   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HE2");
11656   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE2");
11657   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHE2 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HE2->Clone("recosignalVarianceHE2");
11658   recosignalVarianceHE2->Divide(recosignalVariance1HE2, recosignalVariance0HE2, 1, 1, "B");
11659   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HE3");
11660   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE3");
11661   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHE3 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HE3->Clone("recosignalVarianceHE3");
11662   recosignalVarianceHE3->Divide(recosignalVariance1HE3, recosignalVariance0HE3, 1, 1, "B");
11663   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HE4");
11664   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE4");
11665   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHE4 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HE4->Clone("recosignalVarianceHE4");
11666   recosignalVarianceHE4->Divide(recosignalVariance1HE4, recosignalVariance0HE4, 1, 1, "B");
11667   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HE5");
11668   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE5");
11669   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHE5 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HE5->Clone("recosignalVarianceHE5");
11670   recosignalVarianceHE5->Divide(recosignalVariance1HE5, recosignalVariance0HE5, 1, 1, "B");
11671   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HE6");
11672   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE6");
11673   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHE6 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HE6->Clone("recosignalVarianceHE6");
11674   recosignalVarianceHE6->Divide(recosignalVariance1HE6, recosignalVariance0HE6, 1, 1, "B");
11675   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HE7");
11676   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HE7");
11677   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHE7 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HE7->Clone("recosignalVarianceHE7");
11678   recosignalVarianceHE7->Divide(recosignalVariance1HE7, recosignalVariance0HE7, 1, 1, "B");
11679   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
11680   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive recosignalvariancehe
11681   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
11682   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11683     //preparation for PHI normalization:
11684     double sumrecosignalHE0 = 0;
11685     int nsumrecosignalHE0 = 0;
11686     double sumrecosignalHE1 = 0;
11687     int nsumrecosignalHE1 = 0;
11688     double sumrecosignalHE2 = 0;
11689     int nsumrecosignalHE2 = 0;
11690     double sumrecosignalHE3 = 0;
11691     int nsumrecosignalHE3 = 0;
11692     double sumrecosignalHE4 = 0;
11693     int nsumrecosignalHE4 = 0;
11694     double sumrecosignalHE5 = 0;
11695     int nsumrecosignalHE5 = 0;
11696     double sumrecosignalHE6 = 0;
11697     int nsumrecosignalHE6 = 0;
11698     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
11699       recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHE1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
11700       recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHE2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
11701       recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHE3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
11702       recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHE4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
11703       recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHE5->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
11704       recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHE6->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
11705       recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHE7->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
11706       if (recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11707         sumrecosignalHE0 += recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi];
11708         ++nsumrecosignalHE0;
11709       }
11710       if (recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11711         sumrecosignalHE1 += recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi];
11712         ++nsumrecosignalHE1;
11713       }
11714       if (recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11715         sumrecosignalHE2 += recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi];
11716         ++nsumrecosignalHE2;
11717       }
11718       if (recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11719         sumrecosignalHE3 += recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi];
11720         ++nsumrecosignalHE3;
11721       }
11722       if (recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11723         sumrecosignalHE4 += recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi];
11724         ++nsumrecosignalHE4;
11725       }
11726       if (recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11727         sumrecosignalHE5 += recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi];
11728         ++nsumrecosignalHE5;
11729       }
11730       if (recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11731         sumrecosignalHE6 += recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi];
11732         ++nsumrecosignalHE6;
11733       }
11734     }  // phi
11735     // PHI normalization :
11736     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
11737       if (recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
11738         recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE0 / nsumrecosignalHE0);
11739       if (recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
11740         recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE1 / nsumrecosignalHE1);
11741       if (recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
11742         recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE2 / nsumrecosignalHE2);
11743       if (recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
11744         recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE3 / nsumrecosignalHE3);
11745       if (recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
11746         recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE4 / nsumrecosignalHE4);
11747       if (recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
11748         recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE5 / nsumrecosignalHE5);
11749       if (recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
11750         recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHE6 / nsumrecosignalHE6);
11751     }  // phi
11752     //       recosignalvariancehe (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
11753     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
11754       //       cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
11755       recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalhe[0][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalhe[0][jeta][jphi];
11756       recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvariancehe[0][jeta][jphi]);
11757       recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalhe[1][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalhe[1][jeta][jphi];
11758       recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvariancehe[1][jeta][jphi]);
11759       recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalhe[2][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalhe[2][jeta][jphi];
11760       recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvariancehe[2][jeta][jphi]);
11761       recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalhe[3][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalhe[3][jeta][jphi];
11762       recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvariancehe[3][jeta][jphi]);
11763       recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalhe[4][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalhe[4][jeta][jphi];
11764       recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvariancehe[4][jeta][jphi]);
11765       recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalhe[5][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalhe[5][jeta][jphi];
11766       recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvariancehe[5][jeta][jphi]);
11767       recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalhe[6][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalhe[6][jeta][jphi];
11768       recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvariancehe[6][jeta][jphi]);
11769     }
11770   }
11771   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
11772   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthes
11773   //======================================================================
11774   //======================================================================
11775   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthes *****" <<endl;
11776   c1x1->Clear();
11777   /////////////////
11778   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
11779   c1x0->cd(1);
11780   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHE42D = new TH2F("DefzDrecosignalHE42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
11781   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHE42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDrecosignalHE42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
11782   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHE42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDrecosignalHE42D0->Clone("DefzDrecosignalHE42DF");
11783   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
11784     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
11785       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11786         double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
11787         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
11788         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
11789         if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11790           DefzDrecosignalHE42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
11791           DefzDrecosignalHE42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
11792         }
11793       }
11794     }
11795   }
11796   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->Divide(DefzDrecosignalHE42D, DefzDrecosignalHE42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
11797   //    DefzDrecosignalHE1->Sumw2();
11798   gPad->SetGridy();
11799   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
11800   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11801   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11802   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
11803   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
11804   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
11805   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
11806   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
11807   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetLineColor(
11808       0);  //      DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
11809   DefzDrecosignalHE42DF->Draw("COLZ");
11810   /////////////////
11811   c1x0->Update();
11812   c1x0->Print("DrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png");
11813   c1x0->Clear();
11814   // clean-up
11815   if (DefzDrecosignalHE42D)
11816     delete DefzDrecosignalHE42D;
11817   if (DefzDrecosignalHE42D0)
11818     delete DefzDrecosignalHE42D0;
11819   if (DefzDrecosignalHE42DF)
11820     delete DefzDrecosignalHE42DF;
11821   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta
11822   //======================================================================
11823   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta *****" <<endl;
11824   c1x1->Clear();
11825   /////////////////
11826   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
11827   c1x1->cd(1);
11828   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHE41D = new TH1F("DefzDrecosignalHE41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11829   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHE41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDrecosignalHE41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11830   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHE41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDrecosignalHE41D0->Clone("DefzDrecosignalHE41DF");
11832   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11833     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
11834       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
11835         double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
11836         if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11837           DefzDrecosignalHE41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11838           DefzDrecosignalHE41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
11839         }
11840       }
11841     }
11842   }
11843   //     DefzDrecosignalHE41D->Sumw2();DefzDrecosignalHE41D0->Sumw2();
11845   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->Divide(
11846       DefzDrecosignalHE41D, DefzDrecosignalHE41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthes & eta
11847   DefzDrecosignalHE41D0->Sumw2();
11848   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
11849   gPad->SetGridy();
11850   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
11851   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11852   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
11853   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
11854   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
11855   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
11856   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthes \b");
11857   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
11858   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetLineColor(
11859       4);  // DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
11860   DefzDrecosignalHE41DF->Draw("Error");
11861   /////////////////
11862   c1x1->Update();
11863   c1x1->Print("DrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png");
11864   c1x1->Clear();
11865   // clean-up
11866   if (DefzDrecosignalHE41D)
11867     delete DefzDrecosignalHE41D;
11868   if (DefzDrecosignalHE41D0)
11869     delete DefzDrecosignalHE41D0;
11870   if (DefzDrecosignalHE41DF)
11871     delete DefzDrecosignalHE41DF;
11872   //========================================================================================== 14
11873   //======================================================================
11874   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
11875   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
11876   c3x5->Clear();
11877   /////////////////
11878   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11879   c3x5->cd(1);
11880   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = 1;
11881   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11883   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11884     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
11885     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
11886       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11887       // depth=1
11888       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
11889         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Clone("twod1");
11891         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11892         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11893           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
11894           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11895             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11896             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11897           }
11898         }  // for jphi
11899         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11900           //cout<<"1414       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11901           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1);
11902           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11903           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11904           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11905           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 \b");
11906           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
11907           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetLineColor(0);
11908           gPad->SetGridy();
11909           gPad->SetGridx();
11910           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11911           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 1)
11912             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 1 \b");
11913           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 2)
11914             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 1 \b");
11915           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 3)
11916             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 1 \b");
11917           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 4)
11918             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 1 \b");
11919           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 5)
11920             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 1 \b");
11921           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 6)
11922             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 1 \b");
11923           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 7)
11924             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 1 \b");
11925           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 8)
11926             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 1 \b");
11927           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 9)
11928             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 1 \b");
11929           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 10)
11930             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 1 \b");
11931           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 11)
11932             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 1 \b");
11933           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 12)
11934             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
11935           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Draw("Error");
11936           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1++;
11937           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 > 12)
11938             break;  // 4x6 = 24
11939         }           //ccctest>0
11941       }  // for i
11942     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
11943   }      //for jeta
11944   /////////////////
11945   c3x5->Update();
11946   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
11947   c3x5->Clear();
11948   // clean-up
11949   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1)
11950     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD1;
11951   //========================================================================================== 15
11952   //======================================================================
11953   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
11954   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
11955   c3x5->Clear();
11956   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
11957   c3x5->cd(1);
11958   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = 1;
11959   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
11961   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
11962     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
11963     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
11964       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
11965       // depth=2
11966       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
11967         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Clone("twod1");
11969         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
11970         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
11971           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
11972           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
11973             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
11974             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
11975           }
11976         }  // for jphi
11977         if (ccctest > 0.) {
11978           //cout<<"1515       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
11979           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2);
11980           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
11981           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
11982           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
11983           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 \b");
11984           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
11985           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetLineColor(0);
11986           gPad->SetGridy();
11987           gPad->SetGridx();
11988           //       gPad->SetLogy();
11989           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 1)
11990             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 2 \b");
11991           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 2)
11992             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 2 \b");
11993           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 3)
11994             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 2 \b");
11995           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 4)
11996             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 2 \b");
11997           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 5)
11998             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 2 \b");
11999           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 6)
12000             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 2 \b");
12001           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 7)
12002             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 2 \b");
12003           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 8)
12004             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 2 \b");
12005           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 9)
12006             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 2 \b");
12007           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 10)
12008             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 2 \b");
12009           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 11)
12010             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 2 \b");
12011           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 12)
12012             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 2 \b");
12013           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 13)
12014             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
12015           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Draw("Error");
12016           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2++;
12017           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 > 13)
12018             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12019         }           //ccctest>0
12021       }  // for i
12022     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
12023   }      //for jeta
12024   /////////////////
12025   c3x5->Update();
12026   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
12027   c3x5->Clear();
12028   // clean-up
12029   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2)
12030     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD2;
12031   //========================================================================================== 16
12032   //======================================================================
12033   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
12034   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
12035   c3x5->Clear();
12036   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12037   c3x5->cd(1);
12038   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 = 1;
12039   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12041   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12042     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
12043     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
12044       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12045       // depth=3
12046       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
12047         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->Clone("twod1");
12049         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12050         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12051           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12052           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12053             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12054             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12055           }
12056         }  // for jphi
12057         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12058           //cout<<"1616       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12059           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3);
12060           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12061           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12062           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12063           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 \b");
12064           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
12065           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetLineColor(0);
12066           gPad->SetGridy();
12067           gPad->SetGridx();
12068           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12069           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 1)
12070             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 3 \b");
12071           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 2)
12072             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 3 \b");
12073           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 3)
12074             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 3 \b");
12075           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 4)
12076             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 3 \b");
12077           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 5)
12078             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 3 \b");
12079           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 6)
12080             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 3 \b");
12081           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 7)
12082             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 3 \b");
12083           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 8)
12084             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 3 \b");
12085           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 9)
12086             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 3 \b");
12087           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 10)
12088             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 3 \b");
12089           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 11)
12090             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 3 \b");
12091           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 12)
12092             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 3 \b");
12093           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 == 13)
12094             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
12095           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3->Draw("Error");
12096           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3++;
12097           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3 > 13)
12098             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12099         }           //ccctest>0
12101       }  // for i
12102     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
12103   }      //for jeta
12104   /////////////////
12105   c3x5->Update();
12106   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
12107   c3x5->Clear();
12108   // clean-up
12109   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3)
12110     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD3;
12111   //========================================================================================== 17
12112   //======================================================================
12113   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
12114   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
12115   c3x5->Clear();
12116   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12117   c3x5->cd(1);
12118   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 = 1;
12119   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12121   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12122     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
12123     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
12124       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12125       // depth=4
12126       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
12127         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->Clone("twod1");
12129         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12130         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12131           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12132           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12133             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12134             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12135           }
12136         }  // for jphi
12137         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12138           //cout<<"1717       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12139           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4);
12140           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12141           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12142           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12143           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 \b");
12144           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
12145           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetLineColor(0);
12146           gPad->SetGridy();
12147           gPad->SetGridx();
12148           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12149           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 1)
12150             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
12151           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 2)
12152             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 4 \b");
12153           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 3)
12154             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 4 \b");
12155           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 4)
12156             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 4 \b");
12157           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 5)
12158             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 4 \b");
12159           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 6)
12160             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 4 \b");
12161           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 7)
12162             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 4 \b");
12163           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 8)
12164             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 4 \b");
12165           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 9)
12166             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 4 \b");
12167           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 10)
12168             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 4 \b");
12169           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 11)
12170             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 4 \b");
12171           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 == 12)
12172             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 4 \b");
12173           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4->Draw("Error");
12174           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4++;
12175           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4 > 12)
12176             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12177         }           //ccctest>0
12179       }  // for i
12180     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
12181   }      //for jeta
12182   /////////////////
12183   c3x5->Update();
12184   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
12185   c3x5->Clear();
12186   // clean-up
12187   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4)
12188     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD4;
12189   //========================================================================================== 18
12190   //======================================================================
12191   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
12192   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
12193   c3x5->Clear();
12194   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12195   c3x5->cd(1);
12196   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 = 1;
12197   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12199   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12200     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
12201     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
12202       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12203       // depth=5
12204       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
12205         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->Clone("twod1");
12207         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12208         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12209           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12210           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12211             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12212             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12213           }
12214         }  // for jphi
12215         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12216           //cout<<"1818       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12217           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5);
12218           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12219           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12220           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12221           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 \b");
12222           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetMarkerColor(2);
12223           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetLineColor(0);
12224           gPad->SetGridy();
12225           gPad->SetGridx();
12226           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12227           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 1)
12228             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 5 \b");
12229           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 2)
12230             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 5 \b");
12231           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 3)
12232             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 5 \b");
12233           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 4)
12234             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 5 \b");
12235           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 5)
12236             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 5 \b");
12237           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 6)
12238             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 5 \b");
12239           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 7)
12240             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 5 \b");
12241           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 8)
12242             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 5 \b");
12243           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 9)
12244             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 5 \b");
12245           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 10)
12246             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 5 \b");
12247           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 == 11)
12248             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 5 \b");
12249           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5->Draw("Error");
12250           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5++;
12251           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5 > 11)
12252             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12253         }           //ccctest>0
12255       }  // for i
12256     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
12257   }      //for jeta
12258   /////////////////
12259   c3x5->Update();
12260   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
12261   c3x5->Clear();
12262   // clean-up
12263   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5)
12264     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD5;
12265   //========================================================================================== 19
12266   //======================================================================
12267   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
12268   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
12269   c3x5->Clear();
12270   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12271   c3x5->cd(1);
12272   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 = 1;
12273   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12275   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12276     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
12277     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
12278       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12279       // depth=6
12280       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
12281         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->Clone("twod1");
12283         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12284         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12285           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12286           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12287             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12288             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12289           }
12290         }  // for jphi
12291         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12292           //cout<<"1919       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12293           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6);
12294           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12295           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12296           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12297           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 \b");
12298           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetMarkerColor(2);
12299           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetLineColor(0);
12300           gPad->SetGridy();
12301           gPad->SetGridx();
12302           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12303           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 1)
12304             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 6 \b");
12305           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 2)
12306             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 6 \b");
12307           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 3)
12308             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 6 \b");
12309           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 4)
12310             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 6 \b");
12311           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 5)
12312             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 6 \b");
12313           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 6)
12314             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 6 \b");
12315           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 7)
12316             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 6 \b");
12317           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 8)
12318             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 6 \b");
12319           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 9)
12320             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 6 \b");
12321           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 == 10)
12322             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 6 \b");
12323           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6->Draw("Error");
12324           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6++;
12325           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6 > 10)
12326             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12327         }           //ccctest>0
12329       }  // for i
12330     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
12331   }      //for jeta
12332   /////////////////
12333   c3x5->Update();
12334   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
12335   c3x5->Clear();
12336   // clean-up
12337   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6)
12338     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD6;
12339   //========================================================================================== 20
12340   //======================================================================
12341   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
12342   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
12343   c3x5->Clear();
12344   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12345   c3x5->cd(1);
12346   int kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 = 1;
12347   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12349   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12350     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
12351     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
12352       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12353       // depth=7
12354       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
12355         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->Clone("twod1");
12357         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12358         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12359           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12360           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12361             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12362             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12363           }
12364         }  // for jphi
12365         if (ccctest != 0.) {
12366           //cout<<"2020       kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12367           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7);
12368           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12369           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12370           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12371           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 \b");
12372           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetMarkerColor(2);
12373           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetLineColor(0);
12374           gPad->SetGridy();
12375           gPad->SetGridx();
12376           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12377           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 == 1)
12378             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 7 \b");
12379           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 == 2)
12380             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 7 \b");
12381           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 == 3)
12382             HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 7 \b");
12383           HEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7->Draw("Error");
12384           kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7++;
12385           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7 > 3)
12386             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12387         }           //ccctest>0
12389       }  // for i
12390     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
12391   }      //for jeta
12392   /////////////////
12393   c3x5->Update();
12394   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
12395   c3x5->Clear();
12396   // clean-up
12397   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7)
12398     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionRecosignalD7;
12400   //========================================================================================== 22222214
12401   //======================================================================
12402   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
12403   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
12404   c3x5->Clear();
12405   /////////////////
12406   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12407   c3x5->cd(1);
12408   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = 1;
12409   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12411   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12412     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
12413     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
12414       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12415       // depth=1
12416       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
12417         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Clone("twod1");
12419         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12420         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12421           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12422           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12423             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12424             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12425           }
12426         }  // for jphi
12427         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12428           //cout<<"1414       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12429           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1);
12430           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12431           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12432           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12433           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 \b");
12434           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
12435           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetLineColor(0);
12436           gPad->SetGridy();
12437           gPad->SetGridx();
12438           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12439           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 1)
12440             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
12441           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 2)
12442             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 1 \b");
12443           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 3)
12444             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 1 \b");
12445           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 4)
12446             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 1 \b");
12447           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 5)
12448             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 1 \b");
12449           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 6)
12450             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 1 \b");
12451           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 7)
12452             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 1 \b");
12453           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 8)
12454             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 1 \b");
12455           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 9)
12456             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 1 \b");
12457           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 10)
12458             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 1 \b");
12459           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 11)
12460             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 1 \b");
12461           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 12)
12462             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 1 \b");
12463           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Draw("Error");
12464           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1++;
12465           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 > 12)
12466             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12467         }           //ccctest>0
12469       }  // for i
12470     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
12471   }      //for jeta
12472   /////////////////
12473   c3x5->Update();
12474   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
12475   c3x5->Clear();
12476   // clean-up
12477   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1)
12478     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD1;
12479   //========================================================================================== 22222215
12480   //======================================================================
12481   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
12482   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
12483   c3x5->Clear();
12484   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12485   c3x5->cd(1);
12486   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = 1;
12487   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12489   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12490     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
12491     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
12492       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12493       // depth=2
12494       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
12495         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Clone("twod1");
12497         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12498         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12499           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12500           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12501             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12502             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12503           }
12504         }  // for jphi
12505         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12506           //cout<<"1515       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12507           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2);
12508           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12509           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12510           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12511           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 \b");
12512           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
12513           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetLineColor(0);
12514           gPad->SetGridy();
12515           gPad->SetGridx();
12516           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12517           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 1)
12518             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
12519           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 2)
12520             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 2 \b");
12521           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 3)
12522             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 2 \b");
12523           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 4)
12524             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 2 \b");
12525           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 5)
12526             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 2 \b");
12527           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 6)
12528             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 2 \b");
12529           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 7)
12530             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 2 \b");
12531           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 8)
12532             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 2 \b");
12533           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 9)
12534             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 2 \b");
12535           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 10)
12536             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
12537           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 11)
12538             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 2 \b");
12539           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 12)
12540             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 2 \b");
12541           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 13)
12542             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 2 \b");
12543           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Draw("Error");
12544           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2++;
12545           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 > 13)
12546             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12547         }           //ccctest>0
12549       }  // for i
12550     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
12551   }      //for jeta
12552   /////////////////
12553   c3x5->Update();
12554   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
12555   c3x5->Clear();
12556   // clean-up
12557   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2)
12558     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD2;
12559   //========================================================================================== 22222216
12560   //======================================================================
12561   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
12562   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
12563   c3x5->Clear();
12564   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12565   c3x5->cd(1);
12566   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 = 1;
12567   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12569   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12570     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
12571     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
12572       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12573       // depth=3
12574       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
12575         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->Clone("twod1");
12577         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12578         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12579           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12580           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12581             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12582             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12583           }
12584         }  // for jphi
12585         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12586           //cout<<"1616       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12587           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3);
12588           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12589           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12590           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12591           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 \b");
12592           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
12593           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetLineColor(0);
12594           gPad->SetGridy();
12595           gPad->SetGridx();
12596           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12597           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 1)
12598             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
12599           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 2)
12600             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 3 \b");
12601           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 3)
12602             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 3 \b");
12603           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 4)
12604             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 3 \b");
12605           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 5)
12606             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 3 \b");
12607           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 6)
12608             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 3 \b");
12609           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 7)
12610             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 3 \b");
12611           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 8)
12612             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 3 \b");
12613           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 9)
12614             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 3 \b");
12615           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 10)
12616             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 3 \b");
12617           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 11)
12618             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 3 \b");
12619           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 12)
12620             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 3 \b");
12621           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 == 13)
12622             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 3 \b");
12623           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3->Draw("Error");
12624           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3++;
12625           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3 > 13)
12626             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12627         }           //ccctest>0
12629       }  // for i
12630     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
12631   }      //for jeta
12632   /////////////////
12633   c3x5->Update();
12634   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
12635   c3x5->Clear();
12636   // clean-up
12637   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3)
12638     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD3;
12639   //========================================================================================== 22222217
12640   //======================================================================
12641   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
12642   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
12643   c3x5->Clear();
12644   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12645   c3x5->cd(1);
12646   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 = 1;
12647   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12649   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12650     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
12651     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
12652       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12653       // depth=4
12654       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
12655         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->Clone("twod1");
12657         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12658         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12659           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12660           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12661             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12662             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12663           }
12664         }  // for jphi
12665         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12666           //cout<<"1717       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12667           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4);
12668           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12669           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12670           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12671           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 \b");
12672           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
12673           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetLineColor(0);
12674           gPad->SetGridy();
12675           gPad->SetGridx();
12676           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12677           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 1)
12678             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 4 \b");
12679           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 2)
12680             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 4 \b");
12681           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 3)
12682             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 4 \b");
12683           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 4)
12684             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 4 \b");
12685           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 5)
12686             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 4 \b");
12687           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 6)
12688             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 4 \b");
12689           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 7)
12690             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 4 \b");
12691           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 8)
12692             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 4 \b");
12693           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 9)
12694             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 4 \b");
12695           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 10)
12696             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 4 \b");
12697           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 11)
12698             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 4 \b");
12699           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 == 12)
12700             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
12701           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4->Draw("Error");
12702           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4++;
12703           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4 > 12)
12704             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12705         }           //ccctest>0
12707       }  // for i
12708     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
12709   }      //for jeta
12710   /////////////////
12711   c3x5->Update();
12712   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
12713   c3x5->Clear();
12714   // clean-up
12715   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4)
12716     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD4;
12717   //========================================================================================== 22222218
12718   //======================================================================
12719   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
12720   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
12721   c3x5->Clear();
12722   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12723   c3x5->cd(1);
12724   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 = 1;
12725   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12727   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12728     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
12729     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
12730       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12731       // depth=5
12732       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
12733         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->Clone("twod1");
12735         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12736         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12737           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12738           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12739             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12740             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12741           }
12742         }  // for jphi
12743         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12744           //cout<<"1818       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12745           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5);
12746           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12747           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12748           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12749           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 \b");
12750           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetMarkerColor(2);
12751           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetLineColor(0);
12752           gPad->SetGridy();
12753           gPad->SetGridx();
12754           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12755           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 1)
12756             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 5 \b");
12757           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 2)
12758             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 5 \b");
12759           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 3)
12760             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 5 \b");
12761           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 4)
12762             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 5 \b");
12763           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 5)
12764             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 5 \b");
12765           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 6)
12766             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 5 \b");
12767           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 7)
12768             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 5 \b");
12769           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 8)
12770             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 5 \b");
12771           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 9)
12772             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 5 \b");
12773           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 10)
12774             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 5 \b");
12775           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 == 11)
12776             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 5 \b");
12777           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5->Draw("Error");
12778           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5++;
12779           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5 > 11)
12780             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12781         }           //ccctest>0
12783       }  // for i
12784     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
12785   }      //for jeta
12786   /////////////////
12787   c3x5->Update();
12788   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
12789   c3x5->Clear();
12790   // clean-up
12791   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5)
12792     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD5;
12793   //========================================================================================== 22222219
12794   //======================================================================
12795   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
12796   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
12797   c3x5->Clear();
12798   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12799   c3x5->cd(1);
12800   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 = 1;
12801   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12803   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12804     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
12805     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
12806       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12807       // depth=6
12808       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
12809         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->Clone("twod1");
12811         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12812         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12813           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12814           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12815             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12816             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12817           }
12818         }  // for jphi
12819         if (ccctest > 0.) {
12820           //cout<<"1919       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12821           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6);
12822           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12823           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12824           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12825           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 \b");
12826           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetMarkerColor(2);
12827           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetLineColor(0);
12828           gPad->SetGridy();
12829           gPad->SetGridx();
12830           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12831           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 1)
12832             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 6 \b");
12833           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 2)
12834             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 6 \b");
12835           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 3)
12836             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 6 \b");
12837           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 4)
12838             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 6 \b");
12839           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 5)
12840             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 6 \b");
12841           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 6)
12842             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 6 \b");
12843           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 7)
12844             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 6 \b");
12845           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 8)
12846             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 6 \b");
12847           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 9)
12848             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 6 \b");
12849           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 == 10)
12850             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 6 \b");
12851           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6->Draw("Error");
12852           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6++;
12853           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6 > 10)
12854             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12855         }           //ccctest>0
12857       }  // for i
12858     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
12859   }      //for jeta
12860   /////////////////
12861   c3x5->Update();
12862   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
12863   c3x5->Clear();
12864   // clean-up
12865   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6)
12866     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD6;
12867   //========================================================================================== 22222220
12868   //======================================================================
12869   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
12870   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
12871   c3x5->Clear();
12872   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
12873   c3x5->cd(1);
12874   int kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 = 1;
12875   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
12877   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12878     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
12879     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
12880       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
12881       // depth=7
12882       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
12883         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->Clone("twod1");
12885         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
12886         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12887           double ccc1 = recosignalvariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
12888           if (arecosignalhe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12889             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
12890             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
12891           }
12892         }  // for jphi
12893         if (ccctest != 0.) {
12894           //cout<<"2020       kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
12895           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7);
12896           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
12897           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
12898           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
12899           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 \b");
12900           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetMarkerColor(2);
12901           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetLineColor(0);
12902           gPad->SetGridy();
12903           gPad->SetGridx();
12904           //       gPad->SetLogy();
12905           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 == 1)
12906             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 7 \b");
12907           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 == 2)
12908             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 7 \b");
12909           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 == 3)
12910             HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 7 \b");
12911           HEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7->Draw("Error");
12912           kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7++;
12913           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7 > 3)
12914             break;  // 4x6 = 24
12915         }           //ccctest>0
12917       }  // for i
12918     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
12919   }      //for jeta
12920   /////////////////
12921   c3x5->Update();
12922   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
12923   c3x5->Clear();
12924   // clean-up
12925   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7)
12926     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionRecosignalD7;
12927   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HE for phi-symmetry
12928   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HE for phi-symmetry
12929   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HE for phi-symmetry
12930   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Recosignal HF
12931   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Recosignal HF
12932   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Recosignal HF
12933   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
12934   //ndepth = k_max[5];
12935   ndepth = 2;
12936   double arecosignalHF[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
12937   double recosignalvarianceHF[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
12938   //cout<<"111RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR      Recosignal HF" <<endl;
12940   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HF1");
12941   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HF1");
12942   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHF1 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HF1->Clone("recSignalEnergyHF1");
12943   recSignalEnergyHF1->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HF1, recSignalEnergy0HF1, 1, 1, "B");
12944   TH2F *recSignalEnergy1HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy1_HF2");
12945   TH2F *recSignalEnergy0HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HF2");
12946   TH2F *recSignalEnergyHF2 = (TH2F *)recSignalEnergy1HF2->Clone("recSignalEnergyHF2");
12947   recSignalEnergyHF2->Divide(recSignalEnergy1HF2, recSignalEnergy0HF2, 1, 1, "B");
12948   //  cout<<"222RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR      Recosignal HF" <<endl;
12949   //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive arecosignalHF
12950   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
12951     //preparation for PHI normalization:
12952     double sumrecosignalHF0 = 0;
12953     int nsumrecosignalHF0 = 0;
12954     double sumrecosignalHF1 = 0;
12955     int nsumrecosignalHF1 = 0;
12956     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
12957       arecosignalHF[0][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHF1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
12958       arecosignalHF[1][jeta][jphi] = recSignalEnergyHF2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
12959       if (arecosignalHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12960         sumrecosignalHF0 += arecosignalHF[0][jeta][jphi];
12961         ++nsumrecosignalHF0;
12962       }
12963       if (arecosignalHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
12964         sumrecosignalHF1 += arecosignalHF[1][jeta][jphi];
12965         ++nsumrecosignalHF1;
12966       }
12967     }  // phi
12968     // PHI normalization:
12969     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
12970       if (arecosignalHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
12971         arecosignalHF[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHF0 / nsumrecosignalHF0);
12972       if (arecosignalHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
12973         arecosignalHF[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHF1 / nsumrecosignalHF1);
12974     }  // phi
12975   }    //eta
12976   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs
12977   //======================================================================
12978   //======================================================================
12979   // cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
12980   c2x1->Clear();
12981   /////////////////
12982   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
12983   c2x1->cd(1);
12984   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHF42D = new TH2F("GefzRrecosignalHF42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
12985   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHF42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRrecosignalHF42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
12986   TH2F *GefzRrecosignalHF42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRrecosignalHF42D0->Clone("GefzRrecosignalHF42DF");
12987   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
12988     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
12989       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
12990         double ccc1 = arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi];
12991         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
12992         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
12993         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
12994           GefzRrecosignalHF42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
12995           GefzRrecosignalHF42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
12996         }
12997       }
12998     }
12999   }
13000   GefzRrecosignalHF42DF->Divide(GefzRrecosignalHF42D, GefzRrecosignalHF42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
13001   gPad->SetGridy();
13002   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
13003   GefzRrecosignalHF42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
13004   GefzRrecosignalHF42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
13005   GefzRrecosignalHF42DF->Draw("COLZ");
13007   c2x1->cd(2);
13008   TH1F *energyhitSignal_HF = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitSignal_HF");
13009   energyhitSignal_HF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13010   energyhitSignal_HF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13011   energyhitSignal_HF->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13012   energyhitSignal_HF->SetXTitle("energyhitSignal_HF \b");
13013   energyhitSignal_HF->SetMarkerColor(2);
13014   energyhitSignal_HF->SetLineColor(0);
13015   gPad->SetGridy();
13016   gPad->SetGridx();
13017   energyhitSignal_HF->Draw("Error");
13019   /////////////////
13020   c2x1->Update();
13021   c2x1->Print("RrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png");
13022   c2x1->Clear();
13023   // clean-up
13024   if (GefzRrecosignalHF42D)
13025     delete GefzRrecosignalHF42D;
13026   if (GefzRrecosignalHF42D0)
13027     delete GefzRrecosignalHF42D0;
13028   if (GefzRrecosignalHF42DF)
13029     delete GefzRrecosignalHF42DF;
13030   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
13031   //======================================================================
13032   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
13033   c1x1->Clear();
13034   /////////////////
13035   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
13036   c1x1->cd(1);
13037   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHF41D = new TH1F("GefzRrecosignalHF41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13038   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHF41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRrecosignalHF41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13039   TH1F *GefzRrecosignalHF41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRrecosignalHF41D0->Clone("GefzRrecosignalHF41DF");
13040   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13041     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
13042       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
13043         double ccc1 = arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13044         if (ccc1 != 0.) {
13045           GefzRrecosignalHF41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13046           GefzRrecosignalHF41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
13047         }
13048       }
13049     }
13050   }
13051   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->Divide(
13052       GefzRrecosignalHF41D, GefzRrecosignalHF41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
13053   GefzRrecosignalHF41D0->Sumw2();
13054   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
13055   gPad->SetGridy();
13056   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
13057   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13058   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
13059   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
13060   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
13061   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
13062   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
13063   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
13064   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetLineColor(
13065       4);  //  GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
13066   GefzRrecosignalHF41DF->Draw("Error");
13067   /////////////////
13068   c1x1->Update();
13069   c1x1->Print("RrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png");
13070   c1x1->Clear();
13071   // clean-up
13072   if (GefzRrecosignalHF41D)
13073     delete GefzRrecosignalHF41D;
13074   if (GefzRrecosignalHF41D0)
13075     delete GefzRrecosignalHF41D0;
13076   if (GefzRrecosignalHF41DF)
13077     delete GefzRrecosignalHF41DF;
13078   //========================================================================================== 4
13079   //======================================================================
13080   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
13081   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
13082   c3x5->Clear();
13083   /////////////////
13084   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13085   c3x5->cd(1);
13086   int kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = 1;
13087   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13088   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13089     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
13090     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
13091       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13092       // depth=1
13093       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
13094         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Clone("twod1");
13095         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13096         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13097           double ccc1 = arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13098           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
13099             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13100             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13101           }
13102         }  // for jphi
13103         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13104           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13105           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1);
13106           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13107           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13108           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13109           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 \b");
13110           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerColor(2);
13111           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetLineColor(0);
13112           gPad->SetGridy();
13113           gPad->SetGridx();
13114           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13115           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 1)
13116             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
13117           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 2)
13118             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 1 \b");
13119           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 3)
13120             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 1 \b");
13121           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 4)
13122             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 1 \b");
13123           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 5)
13124             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 1 \b");
13125           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 6)
13126             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 1 \b");
13127           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 7)
13128             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 1 \b");
13129           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 8)
13130             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 1 \b");
13131           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 9)
13132             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 1 \b");
13133           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 10)
13134             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 1 \b");
13135           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 11)
13136             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 1 \b");
13137           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 12)
13138             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 1 \b");
13139           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 == 13)
13140             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 1 \b");
13141           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal1->Draw("Error");
13142           kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1++;
13143           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1 > 13)
13144             break;  //
13145         }           //ccctest>0
13147       }  // for i
13148     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
13149   }      //for jeta
13150   /////////////////
13151   c3x5->Update();
13152   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
13153   c3x5->Clear();
13154   // clean-up
13155   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1)
13156     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal1;
13158   //========================================================================================== 5
13159   //======================================================================
13160   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
13161   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
13162   c3x5->Clear();
13163   /////////////////
13164   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13165   c3x5->cd(1);
13166   int kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = 1;
13167   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13168   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13169     // positivedirectionRecosignal:
13170     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
13171       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13172       // depth=2
13173       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
13174         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Clone("twod1");
13175         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13176         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13177           double ccc1 = arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13178           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
13179             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13180             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13181           }
13182         }  // for jphi
13183         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13184           //cout<<"555        kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13185           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2);
13186           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13187           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13188           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13189           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 \b");
13190           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerColor(2);
13191           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetLineColor(0);
13192           gPad->SetGridy();
13193           gPad->SetGridx();
13194           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13195           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 1)
13196             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
13197           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 2)
13198             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 2 \b");
13199           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 3)
13200             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 2 \b");
13201           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 4)
13202             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 2 \b");
13203           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 5)
13204             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 2 \b");
13205           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 6)
13206             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 2 \b");
13207           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 7)
13208             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 2 \b");
13209           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 8)
13210             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 2 \b");
13211           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 9)
13212             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 2 \b");
13213           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 10)
13214             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 2 \b");
13215           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 11)
13216             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 2 \b");
13217           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 12)
13218             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 2 \b");
13219           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 == 13)
13220             HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 2 \b");
13221           HFpositivedirectionRecosignal2->Draw("Error");
13222           kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2++;
13223           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2 > 13)
13224             break;  // 4x6 = 24
13225         }           //ccctest>0
13227       }  // for i
13228     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
13229   }      //for jeta
13230   /////////////////
13231   c3x5->Update();
13232   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
13233   c3x5->Clear();
13234   // clean-up
13235   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2)
13236     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignal2;
13238   //========================================================================================== 1111114
13239   //======================================================================
13240   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
13241   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
13242   c3x5->Clear();
13243   /////////////////
13244   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13245   c3x5->cd(1);
13246   int kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = 1;
13247   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13248   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13249     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
13250     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
13251       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13252       // depth=1
13253       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
13254         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Clone("twod1");
13255         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13256         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13257           double ccc1 = arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13258           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
13259             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13260             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13261           }
13262         }  // for jphi
13263         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13264           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13265           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1);
13266           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13267           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13268           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13269           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 \b");
13270           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetMarkerColor(2);
13271           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetLineColor(0);
13272           gPad->SetGridy();
13273           gPad->SetGridx();
13274           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13275           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 1)
13276             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 1 \b");
13277           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 2)
13278             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 1 \b");
13279           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 3)
13280             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 1 \b");
13281           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 4)
13282             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 1 \b");
13283           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 5)
13284             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 1 \b");
13285           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 6)
13286             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 1 \b");
13287           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 7)
13288             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 1 \b");
13289           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 8)
13290             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 1 \b");
13291           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 9)
13292             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 1 \b");
13293           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 10)
13294             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 1 \b");
13295           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 11)
13296             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 1 \b");
13297           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 12)
13298             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 1 \b");
13299           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 == 13)
13300             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
13301           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal1->Draw("Error");
13302           kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1++;
13303           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1 > 13)
13304             break;  //
13305         }           //ccctest>0
13307       }  // for i
13308     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
13309   }      //for jeta
13310   /////////////////
13311   c3x5->Update();
13312   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
13313   c3x5->Clear();
13314   // clean-up
13315   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1)
13316     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal1;
13318   //========================================================================================== 1111115
13319   //======================================================================
13320   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
13321   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
13322   c3x5->Clear();
13323   /////////////////
13324   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13325   c3x5->cd(1);
13326   int kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = 1;
13327   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13328   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13329     // negativedirectionRecosignal:
13330     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
13331       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13332       // depth=2
13333       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
13334         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Clone("twod1");
13335         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13336         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13337           double ccc1 = arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13338           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
13339             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13340             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13341           }
13342         }  // for jphi
13343         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13344           //cout<<"555        kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13345           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2);
13346           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13347           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13348           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13349           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 \b");
13350           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetMarkerColor(2);
13351           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetLineColor(0);
13352           gPad->SetGridy();
13353           gPad->SetGridx();
13354           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13355           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 1)
13356             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 2 \b");
13357           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 2)
13358             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 2 \b");
13359           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 3)
13360             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 2 \b");
13361           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 4)
13362             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 2 \b");
13363           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 5)
13364             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 2 \b");
13365           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 6)
13366             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 2 \b");
13367           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 7)
13368             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 2 \b");
13369           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 8)
13370             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 2 \b");
13371           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 9)
13372             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 2 \b");
13373           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 10)
13374             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 2 \b");
13375           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 11)
13376             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 2 \b");
13377           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 12)
13378             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 2 \b");
13379           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 == 13)
13380             HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
13381           HFnegativedirectionRecosignal2->Draw("Error");
13382           kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2++;
13383           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2 > 13)
13384             break;  // 4x6 = 24
13385         }           //ccctest>0
13387       }  // for i
13388     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
13389   }      //for jeta
13390   /////////////////
13391   c3x5->Update();
13392   c3x5->Print("RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
13393   c3x5->Clear();
13394   // clean-up
13395   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2)
13396     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignal2;
13398   //======================================================================================================================
13399   //======================================================================================================================
13400   //======================================================================================================================
13403   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
13404   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HF1");
13405   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HF1");
13406   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHF1 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HF1->Clone("recosignalVarianceHF1");
13407   recosignalVarianceHF1->Divide(recosignalVariance1HF1, recosignalVariance0HF1, 1, 1, "B");
13408   TH2F *recosignalVariance1HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy2_HF2");
13409   TH2F *recosignalVariance0HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recSignalEnergy0_HF2");
13410   TH2F *recosignalVarianceHF2 = (TH2F *)recosignalVariance1HF2->Clone("recosignalVarianceHF2");
13411   recosignalVarianceHF2->Divide(recosignalVariance1HF2, recosignalVariance0HF2, 1, 1, "B");
13412   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
13413   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive recosignalvarianceHF
13414   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
13415   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13416     //preparation for PHI normalization:
13417     double sumrecosignalHF0 = 0;
13418     int nsumrecosignalHF0 = 0;
13419     double sumrecosignalHF1 = 0;
13420     int nsumrecosignalHF1 = 0;
13421     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
13422       recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHF1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13423       recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] = recosignalVarianceHF2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13424       if (recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13425         sumrecosignalHF0 += recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi];
13426         ++nsumrecosignalHF0;
13427       }
13428       if (recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13429         sumrecosignalHF1 += recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi];
13430         ++nsumrecosignalHF1;
13431       }
13432     }  // phi
13433     // PHI normalization :
13434     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
13435       if (recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
13436         recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHF0 / nsumrecosignalHF0);
13437       if (recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] > 0.)
13438         recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumrecosignalHF1 / nsumrecosignalHF1);
13439     }  // phi
13440     //       recosignalvarianceHF (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
13441     for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
13442       //       cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
13443       recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalHF[0][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalHF[0][jeta][jphi];
13444       recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi]);
13445       recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] -= arecosignalHF[1][jeta][jphi] * arecosignalHF[1][jeta][jphi];
13446       recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(recosignalvarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi]);
13447     }
13448   }
13449   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
13450   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs
13451   //======================================================================
13452   //======================================================================
13453   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
13454   c1x1->Clear();
13455   /////////////////
13456   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
13457   c1x0->cd(1);
13458   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHF42D = new TH2F("DefzDrecosignalHF42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
13459   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHF42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDrecosignalHF42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
13460   TH2F *DefzDrecosignalHF42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDrecosignalHF42D0->Clone("DefzDrecosignalHF42DF");
13461   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
13462     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
13463       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13464         double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13465         int k2plot = jeta - 41;
13466         int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
13467         if (arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13468           DefzDrecosignalHF42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
13469           DefzDrecosignalHF42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
13470         }
13471       }
13472     }
13473   }
13474   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->Divide(DefzDrecosignalHF42D, DefzDrecosignalHF42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
13475   //    DefzDrecosignalHF1->Sumw2();
13476   gPad->SetGridy();
13477   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
13478   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13479   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13480   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
13481   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
13482   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
13483   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
13484   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
13485   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetLineColor(
13486       0);  //      DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
13487   DefzDrecosignalHF42DF->Draw("COLZ");
13488   /////////////////
13489   c1x0->Update();
13490   c1x0->Print("DrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png");
13491   c1x0->Clear();
13492   // clean-up
13493   if (DefzDrecosignalHF42D)
13494     delete DefzDrecosignalHF42D;
13495   if (DefzDrecosignalHF42D0)
13496     delete DefzDrecosignalHF42D0;
13497   if (DefzDrecosignalHF42DF)
13498     delete DefzDrecosignalHF42DF;
13499   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
13500   //======================================================================
13501   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
13502   c1x1->Clear();
13503   /////////////////
13504   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
13505   c1x1->cd(1);
13506   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHF41D = new TH1F("DefzDrecosignalHF41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13507   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHF41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDrecosignalHF41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13508   TH1F *DefzDrecosignalHF41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDrecosignalHF41D0->Clone("DefzDrecosignalHF41DF");
13510   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13511     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
13512       for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
13513         double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13514         if (arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13515           DefzDrecosignalHF41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13516           DefzDrecosignalHF41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
13517         }
13518       }
13519     }
13520   }
13521   //     DefzDrecosignalHF41D->Sumw2();DefzDrecosignalHF41D0->Sumw2();
13523   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->Divide(
13524       DefzDrecosignalHF41D, DefzDrecosignalHF41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
13525   DefzDrecosignalHF41D0->Sumw2();
13526   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
13527   gPad->SetGridy();
13528   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
13529   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13530   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
13531   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
13532   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
13533   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
13534   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
13535   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
13536   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetLineColor(
13537       4);  //  DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
13538   DefzDrecosignalHF41DF->Draw("Error");
13539   /////////////////
13540   c1x1->Update();
13541   c1x1->Print("DrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png");
13542   c1x1->Clear();
13543   // clean-up
13544   if (DefzDrecosignalHF41D)
13545     delete DefzDrecosignalHF41D;
13546   if (DefzDrecosignalHF41D0)
13547     delete DefzDrecosignalHF41D0;
13548   if (DefzDrecosignalHF41DF)
13549     delete DefzDrecosignalHF41DF;
13550   //========================================================================================== 14
13551   //======================================================================
13552   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
13553   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
13554   c3x5->Clear();
13555   /////////////////
13556   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13557   c3x5->cd(1);
13558   int kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = 1;
13559   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13561   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13562     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
13563     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
13564       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13565       // depth=1
13566       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
13567         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Clone("twod1");
13569         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13570         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13571           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13572           if (arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13573             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13574             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13575           }
13576         }  // for jphi
13577         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13578           //cout<<"1414       kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13579           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1);
13580           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13581           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13582           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13583           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 \b");
13584           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
13585           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetLineColor(0);
13586           gPad->SetGridy();
13587           gPad->SetGridx();
13588           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13589           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 1)
13590             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
13591           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 2)
13592             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 1 \b");
13593           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 3)
13594             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 1 \b");
13595           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 4)
13596             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 1 \b");
13597           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 5)
13598             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 1 \b");
13599           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 6)
13600             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 1 \b");
13601           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 7)
13602             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 1 \b");
13603           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 8)
13604             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 1 \b");
13605           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 9)
13606             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 1 \b");
13607           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 10)
13608             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 1 \b");
13609           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 11)
13610             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 1 \b");
13611           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 12)
13612             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 1 \b");
13613           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 == 13)
13614             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 1 \b");
13615           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1->Draw("Error");
13616           kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1++;
13617           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1 > 13)
13618             break;  // 4x6 = 24
13619         }           //ccctest>0
13621       }  // for i
13622     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
13623   }      //for jeta
13624   /////////////////
13625   c3x5->Update();
13626   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
13627   c3x5->Clear();
13628   // clean-up
13629   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1)
13630     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD1;
13631   //========================================================================================== 15
13632   //======================================================================
13633   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
13634   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
13635   c3x5->Clear();
13636   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13637   c3x5->cd(1);
13638   int kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = 1;
13639   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13641   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13642     // positivedirectionRecosignalD:
13643     if (jeta - 41 >= 0) {
13644       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13645       // depth=2
13646       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
13647         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Clone("twod1");
13649         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13650         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13651           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13652           if (arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13653             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13654             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13655           }
13656         }  // for jphi
13657         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13658           //cout<<"1515       kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13659           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2);
13660           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13661           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13662           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13663           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 \b");
13664           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
13665           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetLineColor(0);
13666           gPad->SetGridy();
13667           gPad->SetGridx();
13668           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13669           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 1)
13670             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
13671           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 2)
13672             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 2 \b");
13673           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 3)
13674             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 2 \b");
13675           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 4)
13676             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 2 \b");
13677           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 5)
13678             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 2 \b");
13679           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 6)
13680             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 2 \b");
13681           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 7)
13682             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 2 \b");
13683           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 8)
13684             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 2 \b");
13685           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 9)
13686             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 2 \b");
13687           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 10)
13688             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 2 \b");
13689           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 11)
13690             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 2 \b");
13691           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 12)
13692             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 2 \b");
13693           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 == 13)
13694             HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 2 \b");
13695           HFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2->Draw("Error");
13696           kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2++;
13697           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2 > 13)
13698             break;  // 4x6 = 24
13699         }           //ccctest>0
13701       }  // for i
13702     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
13703   }      //for jeta
13704   /////////////////
13705   c3x5->Update();
13706   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
13707   c3x5->Clear();
13708   // clean-up
13709   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2)
13710     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionRecosignalD2;
13711   //========================================================================================== 22222214
13712   //======================================================================
13713   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
13714   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
13715   c3x5->Clear();
13716   /////////////////
13717   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13718   c3x5->cd(1);
13719   int kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = 1;
13720   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13722   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13723     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
13724     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
13725       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13726       // depth=1
13727       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
13728         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Clone("twod1");
13730         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13731         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13732           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13733           if (arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13734             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13735             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13736           }
13737         }  // for jphi
13738         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13739           //cout<<"1414       kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13740           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1);
13741           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13742           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13743           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13744           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 \b");
13745           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
13746           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetLineColor(0);
13747           gPad->SetGridy();
13748           gPad->SetGridx();
13749           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13750           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 1)
13751             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 1 \b");
13752           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 2)
13753             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 1 \b");
13754           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 3)
13755             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 1 \b");
13756           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 4)
13757             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 1 \b");
13758           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 5)
13759             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 1 \b");
13760           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 6)
13761             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 1 \b");
13762           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 7)
13763             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 1 \b");
13764           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 8)
13765             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 1 \b");
13766           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 9)
13767             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 1 \b");
13768           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 10)
13769             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 1 \b");
13770           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 11)
13771             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 1 \b");
13772           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 12)
13773             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 1 \b");
13774           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 == 13)
13775             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
13776           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1->Draw("Error");
13777           kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1++;
13778           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1 > 13)
13779             break;  // 4x6 = 24
13780         }           //ccctest>0
13782       }  // for i
13783     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
13784   }      //for jeta
13785   /////////////////
13786   c3x5->Update();
13787   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
13788   c3x5->Clear();
13789   // clean-up
13790   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1)
13791     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD1;
13792   //========================================================================================== 22222215
13793   //======================================================================
13794   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
13795   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
13796   c3x5->Clear();
13797   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
13798   c3x5->cd(1);
13799   int kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = 1;
13800   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
13802   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13803     // negativedirectionRecosignalD:
13804     if (jeta - 41 < 0) {
13805       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
13806       // depth=2
13807       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
13808         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Clone("twod1");
13810         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
13811         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13812           double ccc1 = recosignalvarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
13813           if (arecosignalHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
13814             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
13815             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
13816           }
13817         }  // for jphi
13818         if (ccctest > 0.) {
13819           //cout<<"1515       kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
13820           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2);
13821           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
13822           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
13823           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
13824           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 \b");
13825           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
13826           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetLineColor(0);
13827           gPad->SetGridy();
13828           gPad->SetGridx();
13829           //       gPad->SetLogy();
13830           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 1)
13831             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 2 \b");
13832           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 2)
13833             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 2 \b");
13834           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 3)
13835             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 2 \b");
13836           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 4)
13837             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 2 \b");
13838           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 5)
13839             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 2 \b");
13840           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 6)
13841             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 2 \b");
13842           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 7)
13843             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 2 \b");
13844           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 8)
13845             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 2 \b");
13846           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 9)
13847             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 2 \b");
13848           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 10)
13849             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 2 \b");
13850           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 11)
13851             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 2 \b");
13852           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 12)
13853             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 2 \b");
13854           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 == 13)
13855             HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
13856           HFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2->Draw("Error");
13857           kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2++;
13858           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2 > 13)
13859             break;  // 4x6 = 24
13860         }           //ccctest>0
13862       }  // for i
13863     }    //if(jeta-41< 0)
13864   }      //for jeta
13865   /////////////////
13866   c3x5->Update();
13867   c3x5->Print("DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
13868   c3x5->Clear();
13869   // clean-up
13870   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2)
13871     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionRecosignalD2;
13873   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HF for phi-symmetry
13874   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HF for phi-symmetry
13875   //=====================================================================       END of Recosignal HF for phi-symmetry
13876   //============================================================================================================       END of Recosignal for phi-symmetry
13877   //============================================================================================================       END of Recosignal for phi-symmetry
13878   //============================================================================================================       END of Recosignal for phi-symmetry
13880   ////////////////////// Start   Reconoise  Start Reconoise  Start   Reconoise  Start   Reconoise  Start   Reconoise Start  Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start
13881   ////////////////////// Start   Reconoise  Start Reconoise  Start   Reconoise  Start   Reconoise  Start   Reconoise Start  Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start
13882   ////////////////////// Start   Reconoise  Start Reconoise  Start   Reconoise  Start   Reconoise  Start   Reconoise Start  Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start Reconoise Start
13883   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     Reconoise HB
13884   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     Reconoise HB
13885   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     Reconoise HB
13886   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
13887   //ndepth = k_max[5];
13888   ndepth = 4;
13889   double areconoiseHB[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
13890   double breconoiseHB[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
13891   double reconoisevarianceHB[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
13892   //                                   RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:   Reconoise HB  recNoiseEnergy
13893   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HB1");
13894   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB1");
13895   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHB1 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HB1->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHB1");
13896   recNoiseEnergyHB1->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HB1, recNoiseEnergy0HB1, 1, 1, "B");
13897   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HB2");
13898   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB2");
13899   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHB2 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HB2->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHB2");
13900   recNoiseEnergyHB2->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HB2, recNoiseEnergy0HB2, 1, 1, "B");
13901   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HB3");
13902   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB3");
13903   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHB3 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HB3->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHB3");
13904   recNoiseEnergyHB3->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HB3, recNoiseEnergy0HB3, 1, 1, "B");
13905   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HB4");
13906   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB4");
13907   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHB4 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HB4->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHB4");
13908   recNoiseEnergyHB4->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HB4, recNoiseEnergy0HB4, 1, 1, "B");
13909   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
13910     if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
13911       //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive areconoiseHB
13912       //preparation for PHI normalization:
13913       double sumreconoiseHB0 = 0;
13914       int nsumreconoiseHB0 = 0;
13915       double sumreconoiseHB1 = 0;
13916       int nsumreconoiseHB1 = 0;
13917       double sumreconoiseHB2 = 0;
13918       int nsumreconoiseHB2 = 0;
13919       double sumreconoiseHB3 = 0;
13920       int nsumreconoiseHB3 = 0;
13921       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
13922         areconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13923         areconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13924         areconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13925         areconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13926         breconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13927         breconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13928         breconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13929         breconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHB4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
13930         if (areconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
13931           sumreconoiseHB0 += areconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi];
13932           ++nsumreconoiseHB0;
13933         }
13934         if (areconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
13935           sumreconoiseHB1 += areconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi];
13936           ++nsumreconoiseHB1;
13937         }
13938         if (areconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
13939           sumreconoiseHB2 += areconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi];
13940           ++nsumreconoiseHB2;
13941         }
13942         if (areconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
13943           sumreconoiseHB3 += areconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi];
13944           ++nsumreconoiseHB3;
13945         }
13946       }  // phi
13947       // PHI normalization:  DIF
13948       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
13949         if (sumreconoiseHB0 != 0.)
13950           breconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHB0 / nsumreconoiseHB0);
13951         if (sumreconoiseHB1 != 0.)
13952           breconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHB1 / nsumreconoiseHB1);
13953         if (sumreconoiseHB2 != 0.)
13954           breconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHB2 / nsumreconoiseHB2);
13955         if (sumreconoiseHB3 != 0.)
13956           breconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHB3 / nsumreconoiseHB3);
13957       }  // phi
13958       // PHI normalization:  R
13959       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
13960         if (areconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi] != 0.)
13961           areconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB0 / nsumreconoiseHB0);
13962         if (areconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi] != 0.)
13963           areconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB1 / nsumreconoiseHB1);
13964         if (areconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi] != 0.)
13965           areconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB2 / nsumreconoiseHB2);
13966         if (areconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi] != 0.)
13967           areconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB3 / nsumreconoiseHB3);
13968       }  // phi
13969     }    //if eta
13970   }      //eta
13971   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs
13972   //======================================================================
13973   //======================================================================
13974   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
13975   c2x1->Clear();
13976   /////////////////
13977   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
13978   c2x1->cd(1);
13979   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHB42D = new TH2F("GefzRreconoiseHB42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
13980   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHB42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRreconoiseHB42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
13981   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHB42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRreconoiseHB42D0->Clone("GefzRreconoiseHB42DF");
13982   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
13983     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
13984       if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
13985         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
13986           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
13987           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
13988           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
13989           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
13990             GefzRreconoiseHB42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
13991             GefzRreconoiseHB42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
13992           }
13993         }
13994       }
13995     }
13996   }
13997   GefzRreconoiseHB42DF->Divide(GefzRreconoiseHB42D, GefzRreconoiseHB42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
13998   gPad->SetGridy();
13999   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
14000   GefzRreconoiseHB42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
14001   GefzRreconoiseHB42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
14002   GefzRreconoiseHB42DF->Draw("COLZ");
14004   c2x1->cd(2);
14005   TH1F *energyhitNoise_HB = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitNoise_HB");
14006   energyhitNoise_HB->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14007   energyhitNoise_HB->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14008   energyhitNoise_HB->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14009   energyhitNoise_HB->SetXTitle("energyhitNoise_HB \b");
14010   energyhitNoise_HB->SetMarkerColor(2);
14011   energyhitNoise_HB->SetLineColor(0);
14012   gPad->SetGridy();
14013   gPad->SetGridx();
14014   energyhitNoise_HB->Draw("Error");
14016   /////////////////
14017   c2x1->Update();
14018   c2x1->Print("RreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png");
14019   c2x1->Clear();
14020   // clean-up
14021   if (GefzRreconoiseHB42D)
14022     delete GefzRreconoiseHB42D;
14023   if (GefzRreconoiseHB42D0)
14024     delete GefzRreconoiseHB42D0;
14025   if (GefzRreconoiseHB42DF)
14026     delete GefzRreconoiseHB42DF;
14027   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
14028   //======================================================================
14029   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
14030   c1x1->Clear();
14031   /////////////////
14032   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
14033   c1x1->cd(1);
14034   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHB41D = new TH1F("GefzRreconoiseHB41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14035   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHB41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRreconoiseHB41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14036   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHB41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRreconoiseHB41D0->Clone("GefzRreconoiseHB41DF");
14037   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14038     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
14039       if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
14040         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
14041           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14042           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14043             GefzRreconoiseHB41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14044             GefzRreconoiseHB41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
14045           }
14046         }
14047       }
14048     }
14049   }
14050   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->Divide(GefzRreconoiseHB41D, GefzRreconoiseHB41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
14051   GefzRreconoiseHB41D0->Sumw2();
14052   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
14053   gPad->SetGridy();
14054   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
14055   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14056   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
14057   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
14058   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
14059   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
14060   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
14061   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
14062   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetLineColor(
14063       4);  //GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
14064   GefzRreconoiseHB41DF->Draw("Error");
14065   /////////////////
14066   c1x1->Update();
14067   c1x1->Print("RreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png");
14068   c1x1->Clear();
14069   // clean-up
14070   if (GefzRreconoiseHB41D)
14071     delete GefzRreconoiseHB41D;
14072   if (GefzRreconoiseHB41D0)
14073     delete GefzRreconoiseHB41D0;
14074   if (GefzRreconoiseHB41DF)
14075     delete GefzRreconoiseHB41DF;
14076   //========================================================================================== 4
14077   //======================================================================
14078   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
14079   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
14080   c3x5->Clear();
14081   /////////////////
14082   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14083   c3x5->cd(1);
14084   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 = 1;
14085   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14086   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14087     // positivedirectionReconoise:
14088     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
14089       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14090       // depth=1
14091       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
14092         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoise1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise1->Clone("twod1");
14093         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14094         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14095           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14096           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14097             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14098             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14099           }
14100         }  // for jphi
14101         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14102           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14103           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1);
14104           HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14105           HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14106           HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14107           HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoise1 \b");
14108           HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerColor(2);
14109           HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetLineColor(0);
14110           gPad->SetGridy();
14111           gPad->SetGridx();
14112           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14113           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 1)
14114             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 1 \b");
14115           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 2)
14116             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 1 \b");
14117           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 3)
14118             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 1 \b");
14119           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 4)
14120             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 1 \b");
14121           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 5)
14122             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 1 \b");
14123           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 6)
14124             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 1 \b");
14125           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 7)
14126             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 1 \b");
14127           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 8)
14128             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 1 \b");
14129           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 9)
14130             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 1 \b");
14131           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 10)
14132             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 1 \b");
14133           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 11)
14134             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 1 \b");
14135           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 12)
14136             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 1 \b");
14137           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 13)
14138             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 1 \b");
14139           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 14)
14140             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 1 \b");
14141           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 15)
14142             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 1 \b");
14143           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 16)
14144             HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 1 \b");
14145           HBpositivedirectionReconoise1->Draw("Error");
14146           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1++;
14147           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise1 > 16)
14148             break;  //
14149         }           //ccctest>0
14151       }  // for i
14152     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
14153   }      //for jeta
14154   /////////////////
14155   c3x5->Update();
14156   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
14157   c3x5->Clear();
14158   // clean-up
14159   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise1)
14160     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise1;
14162   //========================================================================================== 5
14163   //======================================================================
14164   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
14165   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
14166   c3x5->Clear();
14167   /////////////////
14168   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14169   c3x5->cd(1);
14170   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 = 1;
14171   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14172   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14173     // positivedirectionReconoise:
14174     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
14175       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14176       // depth=2
14177       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
14178         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoise2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise2->Clone("twod1");
14179         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14180         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14181           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14182           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14183             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14184             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14185           }
14186         }  // for jphi
14187         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14188           //cout<<"555        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14189           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2);
14190           HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14191           HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14192           HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14193           HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoise2 \b");
14194           HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerColor(2);
14195           HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetLineColor(0);
14196           gPad->SetGridy();
14197           gPad->SetGridx();
14198           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14199           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 1)
14200             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 2 \b");
14201           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 2)
14202             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 2 \b");
14203           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 3)
14204             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 2 \b");
14205           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 4)
14206             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 2 \b");
14207           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 5)
14208             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 2 \b");
14209           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 6)
14210             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 2 \b");
14211           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 7)
14212             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 2 \b");
14213           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 8)
14214             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 2 \b");
14215           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 9)
14216             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 2 \b");
14217           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 10)
14218             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 2 \b");
14219           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 11)
14220             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 2 \b");
14221           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 12)
14222             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 2 \b");
14223           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 13)
14224             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 2 \b");
14225           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 14)
14226             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 2 \b");
14227           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 15)
14228             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 2 \b");
14229           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 16)
14230             HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 2 \b");
14231           HBpositivedirectionReconoise2->Draw("Error");
14232           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2++;
14233           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise2 > 16)
14234             break;  // 4x6 = 24
14235         }           //ccctest>0
14237       }  // for i
14238     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
14239   }      //for jeta
14240   /////////////////
14241   c3x5->Update();
14242   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
14243   c3x5->Clear();
14244   // clean-up
14245   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise2)
14246     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise2;
14247   //========================================================================================== 6
14248   //======================================================================
14249   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
14250   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
14251   c3x5->Clear();
14252   /////////////////
14253   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14254   c3x5->cd(1);
14255   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 = 1;
14256   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14257   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14258     // positivedirectionReconoise:
14259     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
14260       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14261       // depth=3
14262       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
14263         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoise3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise3->Clone("twod1");
14264         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14265         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14266           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14267           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14268             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14269             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14270           }
14271         }  // for jphi
14272         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14273           //cout<<"666        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14274           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3);
14275           HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14276           HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14277           HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14278           HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoise3 \b");
14279           HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerColor(2);
14280           HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetLineColor(0);
14281           gPad->SetGridy();
14282           gPad->SetGridx();
14283           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14284           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 1)
14285             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
14286           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 2)
14287             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 3 \b");
14288           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 3)
14289             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 3 \b");
14290           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 4)
14291             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 3 \b");
14292           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 5)
14293             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 3 \b");
14294           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 6)
14295             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 3 \b");
14296           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 7)
14297             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 3 \b");
14298           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 8)
14299             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 3 \b");
14300           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 9)
14301             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 3 \b");
14302           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 10)
14303             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 3 \b");
14304           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 11)
14305             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
14306           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 12)
14307             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 3 \b");
14308           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 13)
14309             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 3 \b");
14310           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 14)
14311             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 3 \b");
14312           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 15)
14313             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 3 \b");
14314           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 16)
14315             HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 3 \b");
14316           HBpositivedirectionReconoise3->Draw("Error");
14317           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3++;
14318           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise3 > 16)
14319             break;  // 4x6 = 24
14320         }           //ccctest>0
14322       }  // for i
14323     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
14324   }      //for jeta
14325   /////////////////
14326   c3x5->Update();
14327   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
14328   c3x5->Clear();
14329   // clean-up
14330   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise3)
14331     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise3;
14332   //========================================================================================== 7
14333   //======================================================================
14334   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
14335   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
14336   c3x5->Clear();
14337   /////////////////
14338   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14339   c3x5->cd(1);
14340   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 = 1;
14341   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14343   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14344     // positivedirectionReconoise:
14345     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
14346       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14347       // depth=4
14348       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
14349         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoise4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise4->Clone("twod1");
14351         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14352         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14353           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14354           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14355             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14356             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14357           }
14358         }  // for jphi
14359         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14360           //cout<<"777        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14361           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4);
14362           HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14363           HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14364           HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14365           HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoise4 \b");
14366           HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerColor(2);
14367           HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetLineColor(0);
14368           gPad->SetGridy();
14369           gPad->SetGridx();
14370           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14371           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 1)
14372             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 4 \b");
14373           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 2)
14374             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 4 \b");
14375           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 3)
14376             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 4 \b");
14377           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 4)
14378             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 4 \b");
14379           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 5)
14380             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 4 \b");
14381           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 6)
14382             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 4 \b");
14383           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 7)
14384             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 4 \b");
14385           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 8)
14386             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 4 \b");
14387           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 9)
14388             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 4 \b");
14389           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 10)
14390             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 4 \b");
14391           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 11)
14392             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 4 \b");
14393           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 12)
14394             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 4 \b");
14395           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 13)
14396             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 4 \b");
14397           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 14)
14398             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 4 \b");
14399           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 15)
14400             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 4 \b");
14401           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 16)
14402             HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
14403           HBpositivedirectionReconoise4->Draw("Error");
14404           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4++;
14405           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoise4 > 16)
14406             break;  // 4x6 = 24
14407         }           //ccctest>0
14409       }  // for i
14410     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
14411   }      //for jeta
14412   /////////////////
14413   c3x5->Update();
14414   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
14415   c3x5->Clear();
14416   // clean-up
14417   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise4)
14418     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoise4;
14420   //========================================================================================== 1114
14421   //======================================================================
14422   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
14423   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
14424   c3x5->Clear();
14425   /////////////////
14426   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14427   c3x5->cd(1);
14428   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 = 1;
14429   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14430   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14431     // negativedirectionReconoise:
14432     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
14433       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14434       // depth=1
14435       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
14436         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoise1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise1->Clone("twod1");
14437         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14438         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14439           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14440           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14441             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14442             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14443           }
14444         }  // for jphi
14445         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14446           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14447           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1);
14448           HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14449           HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14450           HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14451           HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoise1 \b");
14452           HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerColor(2);
14453           HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetLineColor(0);
14454           gPad->SetGridy();
14455           gPad->SetGridx();
14456           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14457           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 1)
14458             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 1 \b");
14459           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 2)
14460             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 1 \b");
14461           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 3)
14462             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 1 \b");
14463           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 4)
14464             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 1 \b");
14465           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 5)
14466             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 1 \b");
14467           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 6)
14468             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 1 \b");
14469           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 7)
14470             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 1 \b");
14471           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 8)
14472             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 1 \b");
14473           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 9)
14474             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 1 \b");
14475           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 10)
14476             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 1 \b");
14477           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 11)
14478             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 1 \b");
14479           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 12)
14480             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 1 \b");
14481           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 13)
14482             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 1 \b");
14483           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 14)
14484             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 1 \b");
14485           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 15)
14486             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 1 \b");
14487           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 16)
14488             HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 1 \b");
14489           HBnegativedirectionReconoise1->Draw("Error");
14490           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1++;
14491           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise1 > 16)
14492             break;  //
14493         }           //ccctest>0
14495       }  // for i
14496     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
14497   }      //for jeta
14498   /////////////////
14499   c3x5->Update();
14500   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
14501   c3x5->Clear();
14502   // clean-up
14503   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise1)
14504     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise1;
14506   //========================================================================================== 1115
14507   //======================================================================
14508   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
14509   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
14510   c3x5->Clear();
14511   /////////////////
14512   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14513   c3x5->cd(1);
14514   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 = 1;
14515   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14516   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14517     // negativedirectionReconoise:
14518     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
14519       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14520       // depth=2
14521       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
14522         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoise2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise2->Clone("twod1");
14523         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14524         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14525           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14526           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14527             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14528             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14529           }
14530         }  // for jphi
14531         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14532           //cout<<"555        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14533           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2);
14534           HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14535           HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14536           HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14537           HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoise2 \b");
14538           HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerColor(2);
14539           HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetLineColor(0);
14540           gPad->SetGridy();
14541           gPad->SetGridx();
14542           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14543           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 1)
14544             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 2 \b");
14545           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 2)
14546             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 2 \b");
14547           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 3)
14548             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 2 \b");
14549           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 4)
14550             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 2 \b");
14551           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 5)
14552             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 2 \b");
14553           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 6)
14554             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 2 \b");
14555           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 7)
14556             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 2 \b");
14557           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 8)
14558             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 2 \b");
14559           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 9)
14560             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 2 \b");
14561           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 10)
14562             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 2 \b");
14563           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 11)
14564             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 2 \b");
14565           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 12)
14566             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 2 \b");
14567           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 13)
14568             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 2 \b");
14569           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 14)
14570             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 2 \b");
14571           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 15)
14572             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 2 \b");
14573           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 16)
14574             HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 2 \b");
14575           HBnegativedirectionReconoise2->Draw("Error");
14576           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2++;
14577           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise2 > 16)
14578             break;  // 4x6 = 24
14579         }           //ccctest>0
14581       }  // for i
14582     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
14583   }      //for jeta
14584   /////////////////
14585   c3x5->Update();
14586   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
14587   c3x5->Clear();
14588   // clean-up
14589   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise2)
14590     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise2;
14591   //========================================================================================== 1116
14592   //======================================================================
14593   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
14594   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
14595   c3x5->Clear();
14596   /////////////////
14597   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14598   c3x5->cd(1);
14599   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 = 1;
14600   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14601   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14602     // negativedirectionReconoise:
14603     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
14604       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14605       // depth=3
14606       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
14607         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoise3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise3->Clone("twod1");
14608         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14609         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14610           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14611           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14612             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14613             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14614           }
14615         }  // for jphi
14616         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14617           //cout<<"666        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14618           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3);
14619           HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14620           HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14621           HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14622           HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoise3 \b");
14623           HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerColor(2);
14624           HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetLineColor(0);
14625           gPad->SetGridy();
14626           gPad->SetGridx();
14627           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14628           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 1)
14629             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 3 \b");
14630           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 2)
14631             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 3 \b");
14632           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 3)
14633             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 3 \b");
14634           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 4)
14635             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 3 \b");
14636           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 5)
14637             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 3 \b");
14638           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 6)
14639             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 3 \b");
14640           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 7)
14641             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 3 \b");
14642           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 8)
14643             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 3 \b");
14644           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 9)
14645             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 3 \b");
14646           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 10)
14647             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 3 \b");
14648           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 11)
14649             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 3 \b");
14650           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 12)
14651             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 3 \b");
14652           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 13)
14653             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 3 \b");
14654           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 14)
14655             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 3 \b");
14656           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 15)
14657             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 3 \b");
14658           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 16)
14659             HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 3 \b");
14661           HBnegativedirectionReconoise3->Draw("Error");
14662           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3++;
14663           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise3 > 16)
14664             break;  // 4x6 = 24
14665         }           //ccctest>0
14667       }  // for i
14668     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
14669   }      //for jeta
14670   /////////////////
14671   c3x5->Update();
14672   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
14673   c3x5->Clear();
14674   // clean-up
14675   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise3)
14676     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise3;
14677   //========================================================================================== 1117
14678   //======================================================================
14679   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
14680   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
14681   c3x5->Clear();
14682   /////////////////
14683   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14684   c3x5->cd(1);
14685   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 = 1;
14686   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14688   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14689     // negativedirectionReconoise:
14690     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
14691       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14692       // depth=4
14693       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
14694         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoise4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise4->Clone("twod1");
14696         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14697         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14698           double ccc1 = areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14699           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14700             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14701             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14702           }
14703         }  // for jphi
14704         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14705           //cout<<"777        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14706           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4);
14707           HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14708           HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14709           HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14710           HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoise4 \b");
14711           HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerColor(2);
14712           HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetLineColor(0);
14713           gPad->SetGridy();
14714           gPad->SetGridx();
14715           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14716           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 1)
14717             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 4 \b");
14718           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 2)
14719             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 4 \b");
14720           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 3)
14721             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 4 \b");
14722           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 4)
14723             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 4 \b");
14724           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 5)
14725             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 4 \b");
14726           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 6)
14727             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 4 \b");
14728           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 7)
14729             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 4 \b");
14730           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 8)
14731             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 4 \b");
14732           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 9)
14733             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 4 \b");
14734           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 10)
14735             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 4 \b");
14736           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 11)
14737             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 4 \b");
14738           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 12)
14739             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 4 \b");
14740           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 13)
14741             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 4 \b");
14742           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 14)
14743             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 4 \b");
14744           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 15)
14745             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 4 \b");
14746           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 16)
14747             HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 4 \b");
14748           HBnegativedirectionReconoise4->Draw("Error");
14749           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4++;
14750           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoise4 > 16)
14751             break;  // 4x6 = 24
14752         }           //ccctest>0
14754       }  // for i
14755     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
14756   }      //for jeta
14757   /////////////////
14758   c3x5->Update();
14759   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
14760   c3x5->Clear();
14761   // clean-up
14762   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise4)
14763     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoise4;
14765   //======================================================================================================================
14767   //======================================================================================================================
14768   //======================================================================
14769   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: DIF, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
14770   c2x1->Clear();
14771   /////////////////
14772   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
14773   c2x1->cd(1);
14774   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D = new TH2F("GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
14775   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D0 = new TH2F("GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
14776   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF = (TH2F *)GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D0->Clone("GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF");
14777   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
14778     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
14779       if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
14780         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14781           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14782           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
14783           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
14784           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14785             GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
14786             GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
14787           }
14788         }
14789       }
14790     }
14791   }
14792   GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF->Divide(GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D, GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
14793   gPad->SetGridy();
14794   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
14795   GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF->SetXTitle("<DIF>_depth       #eta  \b");
14796   GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
14797   GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF->Draw("COLZ");
14799   //  c2x1->cd(2);
14800   //  TH1F *energyhitNoise_HB= (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitNoise_HB");
14801   //  energyhitNoise_HB ->SetMarkerStyle(20);energyhitNoise_HB ->SetMarkerSize(0.4);energyhitNoise_HB ->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);energyhitNoise_HB ->SetXTitle("energyhitNoise_HB \b");energyhitNoise_HB ->SetMarkerColor(2);energyhitNoise_HB ->SetLineColor(0);gPad->SetGridy();gPad->SetGridx();energyhitNoise_HB ->Draw("Error");
14803   /////////////////
14804   c2x1->Update();
14805   c2x1->Print("DIFreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png");
14806   c2x1->Clear();
14807   // clean-up
14808   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D)
14809     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D;
14810   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D0)
14811     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHB42D0;
14812   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF)
14813     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHB42DF;
14814   //====================================================================== 1D plot: DIF vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
14815   //======================================================================
14816   //cout<<"      1D plot: DIF vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
14817   c1x1->Clear();
14818   /////////////////
14819   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
14820   c1x1->cd(1);
14821   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D = new TH1F("GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14822   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0 = new TH1F("GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14823   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF = (TH1F *)GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0->Clone("GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF");
14824   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14825     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
14826       if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
14827         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
14828           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14829           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14830             GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14831             GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
14832           }
14833         }
14834       }
14835     }
14836   }
14837   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->Divide(
14838       GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D, GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // DIF averaged over depthfs & eta
14839   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0->Sumw2();
14840   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
14841   gPad->SetGridy();
14842   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
14843   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14844   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
14845   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
14846   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
14847   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetYTitle("  <DIF> \b");
14848   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetZTitle("<DIF>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
14849   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
14850   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetLineColor(
14851       4);  //GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
14852   GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF->Draw("Error");
14853   /////////////////
14854   c1x1->Update();
14855   c1x1->Print("DIFreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png");
14856   c1x1->Clear();
14857   // clean-up
14858   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D)
14859     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D;
14860   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0)
14861     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHB41D0;
14862   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF)
14863     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHB41DF;
14864   //========================================================================================== 4
14865   //======================================================================
14866   //======================================================================1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
14867   //cout<<"      1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
14868   c3x5->Clear();
14869   /////////////////
14870   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14871   c3x5->cd(1);
14872   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = 1;
14873   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14874   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14875     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
14876     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
14877       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14878       // depth=1
14879       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
14880         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Clone("twod1");
14881         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14882         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14883           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14884           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14885             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14886             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14887           }
14888         }  // for jphi
14889         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14890           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14891           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1);
14892           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14893           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14894           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14895           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 \b");
14896           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerColor(2);
14897           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetLineColor(0);
14898           gPad->SetGridy();
14899           gPad->SetGridx();
14900           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14901           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 1)
14902             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 1 \b");
14903           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 2)
14904             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 1 \b");
14905           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 3)
14906             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 1 \b");
14907           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 4)
14908             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 1 \b");
14909           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 5)
14910             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 1 \b");
14911           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 6)
14912             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 1 \b");
14913           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 7)
14914             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 1 \b");
14915           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 8)
14916             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 1 \b");
14917           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 9)
14918             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 1 \b");
14919           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 10)
14920             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 1 \b");
14921           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 11)
14922             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 1 \b");
14923           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 12)
14924             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 1 \b");
14925           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 13)
14926             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 1 \b");
14927           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 14)
14928             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 1 \b");
14929           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 15)
14930             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 1 \b");
14931           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 16)
14932             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 1 \b");
14933           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Draw("Error");
14934           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1++;
14935           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 > 16)
14936             break;  //
14937         }           //ccctest>0
14939       }  // for i
14940     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
14941   }      //for jeta
14942   /////////////////
14943   c3x5->Update();
14944   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
14945   c3x5->Clear();
14946   // clean-up
14947   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1)
14948     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1;
14950   //========================================================================================== 5
14951   //======================================================================
14952   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
14953   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
14954   c3x5->Clear();
14955   /////////////////
14956   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
14957   c3x5->cd(1);
14958   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = 1;
14959   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
14960   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
14961     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
14962     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
14963       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
14964       // depth=2
14965       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
14966         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Clone("twod1");
14967         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
14968         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
14969           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
14970           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
14971             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
14972             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
14973           }
14974         }  // for jphi
14975         if (ccctest > 0.) {
14976           //cout<<"555        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
14977           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2);
14978           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
14979           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
14980           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
14981           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 \b");
14982           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerColor(2);
14983           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetLineColor(0);
14984           gPad->SetGridy();
14985           gPad->SetGridx();
14986           //       gPad->SetLogy();
14987           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 1)
14988             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 2 \b");
14989           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 2)
14990             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 2 \b");
14991           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 3)
14992             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 2 \b");
14993           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 4)
14994             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 2 \b");
14995           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 5)
14996             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 2 \b");
14997           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 6)
14998             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 2 \b");
14999           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 7)
15000             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 2 \b");
15001           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 8)
15002             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 2 \b");
15003           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 9)
15004             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 2 \b");
15005           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 10)
15006             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 2 \b");
15007           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 11)
15008             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 2 \b");
15009           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 12)
15010             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 2 \b");
15011           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 13)
15012             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 2 \b");
15013           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 14)
15014             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 2 \b");
15015           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 15)
15016             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 2 \b");
15017           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 16)
15018             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 2 \b");
15019           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Draw("Error");
15020           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2++;
15021           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 > 16)
15022             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15023         }           //ccctest>0
15025       }  // for i
15026     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
15027   }      //for jeta
15028   /////////////////
15029   c3x5->Update();
15030   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
15031   c3x5->Clear();
15032   // clean-up
15033   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2)
15034     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2;
15035   //========================================================================================== 6
15036   //======================================================================
15037   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
15038   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
15039   c3x5->Clear();
15040   /////////////////
15041   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15042   c3x5->cd(1);
15043   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = 1;
15044   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15045   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15046     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
15047     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
15048       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15049       // depth=3
15050       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
15051         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Clone("twod1");
15052         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15053         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15054           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15055           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
15056             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15057             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15058           }
15059         }  // for jphi
15060         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15061           //cout<<"666        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15062           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3);
15063           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15064           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15065           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15066           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 \b");
15067           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerColor(2);
15068           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetLineColor(0);
15069           gPad->SetGridy();
15070           gPad->SetGridx();
15071           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15072           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 1)
15073             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
15074           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 2)
15075             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 3 \b");
15076           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 3)
15077             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 3 \b");
15078           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 4)
15079             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 3 \b");
15080           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 5)
15081             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 3 \b");
15082           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 6)
15083             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 3 \b");
15084           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 7)
15085             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 3 \b");
15086           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 8)
15087             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 3 \b");
15088           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 9)
15089             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 3 \b");
15090           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 10)
15091             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 3 \b");
15092           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 11)
15093             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
15094           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 12)
15095             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 3 \b");
15096           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 13)
15097             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 3 \b");
15098           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 14)
15099             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 3 \b");
15100           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 15)
15101             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 3 \b");
15102           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 16)
15103             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 3 \b");
15104           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Draw("Error");
15105           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3++;
15106           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 > 16)
15107             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15108         }           //ccctest>0
15110       }  // for i
15111     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
15112   }      //for jeta
15113   /////////////////
15114   c3x5->Update();
15115   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
15116   c3x5->Clear();
15117   // clean-up
15118   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3)
15119     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3;
15120   //========================================================================================== 7
15121   //======================================================================
15122   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
15123   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
15124   c3x5->Clear();
15125   /////////////////
15126   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15127   c3x5->cd(1);
15128   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = 1;
15129   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15131   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15132     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
15133     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
15134       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15135       // depth=4
15136       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
15137         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Clone("twod1");
15139         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15140         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15141           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15142           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
15143             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15144             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15145           }
15146         }  // for jphi
15147         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15148           //cout<<"777        kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15149           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4);
15150           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15151           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15152           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15153           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 \b");
15154           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerColor(2);
15155           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetLineColor(0);
15156           gPad->SetGridy();
15157           gPad->SetGridx();
15158           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15159           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 1)
15160             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 4 \b");
15161           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 2)
15162             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 4 \b");
15163           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 3)
15164             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 4 \b");
15165           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 4)
15166             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 4 \b");
15167           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 5)
15168             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 4 \b");
15169           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 6)
15170             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 4 \b");
15171           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 7)
15172             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 4 \b");
15173           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 8)
15174             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 4 \b");
15175           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 9)
15176             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 4 \b");
15177           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 10)
15178             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 4 \b");
15179           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 11)
15180             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 4 \b");
15181           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 12)
15182             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 4 \b");
15183           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 13)
15184             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 4 \b");
15185           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 14)
15186             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 4 \b");
15187           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 15)
15188             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 4 \b");
15189           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 16)
15190             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
15191           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Draw("Error");
15192           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4++;
15193           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 > 16)
15194             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15195         }           //ccctest>0
15197       }  // for i
15198     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
15199   }      //for jeta
15200   /////////////////
15201   c3x5->Update();
15202   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
15203   c3x5->Clear();
15204   // clean-up
15205   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4)
15206     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4;
15208   //========================================================================================== 1114
15209   //======================================================================
15210   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
15211   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
15212   c3x5->Clear();
15213   /////////////////
15214   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15215   c3x5->cd(1);
15216   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = 1;
15217   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15218   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15219     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
15220     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
15221       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15222       // depth=1
15223       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
15224         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Clone("twod1");
15225         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15226         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15227           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15228           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
15229             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15230             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15231           }
15232         }  // for jphi
15233         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15234           //      cout<<"444        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15235           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1);
15236           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15237           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15238           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15239           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 \b");
15240           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerColor(2);
15241           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetLineColor(0);
15242           gPad->SetGridy();
15243           gPad->SetGridx();
15244           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15245           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 1)
15246             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 1 \b");
15247           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 2)
15248             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 1 \b");
15249           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 3)
15250             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 1 \b");
15251           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 4)
15252             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 1 \b");
15253           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 5)
15254             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 1 \b");
15255           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 6)
15256             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 1 \b");
15257           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 7)
15258             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 1 \b");
15259           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 8)
15260             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 1 \b");
15261           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 9)
15262             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 1 \b");
15263           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 10)
15264             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 1 \b");
15265           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 11)
15266             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 1 \b");
15267           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 12)
15268             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 1 \b");
15269           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 13)
15270             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 1 \b");
15271           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 14)
15272             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 1 \b");
15273           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 15)
15274             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 1 \b");
15275           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 16)
15276             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 1 \b");
15277           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Draw("Error");
15278           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1++;
15279           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 > 16)
15280             break;  //
15281         }           //ccctest>0
15283       }  // for i
15284     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
15285   }      //for jeta
15286   /////////////////
15287   c3x5->Update();
15288   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
15289   c3x5->Clear();
15290   // clean-up
15291   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1)
15292     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1;
15294   //========================================================================================== 1115
15295   //======================================================================
15296   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
15297   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
15298   c3x5->Clear();
15299   /////////////////
15300   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15301   c3x5->cd(1);
15302   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = 1;
15303   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15304   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15305     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
15306     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
15307       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15308       // depth=2
15309       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
15310         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Clone("twod1");
15311         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15312         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15313           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15314           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
15315             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15316             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15317           }
15318         }  // for jphi
15319         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15320           //cout<<"555        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15321           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2);
15322           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15323           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15324           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15325           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 \b");
15326           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerColor(2);
15327           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetLineColor(0);
15328           gPad->SetGridy();
15329           gPad->SetGridx();
15330           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15331           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 1)
15332             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 2 \b");
15333           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 2)
15334             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 2 \b");
15335           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 3)
15336             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 2 \b");
15337           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 4)
15338             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 2 \b");
15339           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 5)
15340             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 2 \b");
15341           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 6)
15342             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 2 \b");
15343           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 7)
15344             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 2 \b");
15345           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 8)
15346             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 2 \b");
15347           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 9)
15348             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 2 \b");
15349           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 10)
15350             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 2 \b");
15351           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 11)
15352             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 2 \b");
15353           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 12)
15354             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 2 \b");
15355           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 13)
15356             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 2 \b");
15357           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 14)
15358             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 2 \b");
15359           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 15)
15360             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 2 \b");
15361           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 16)
15362             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 2 \b");
15363           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Draw("Error");
15364           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2++;
15365           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 > 16)
15366             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15367         }           //ccctest>0
15369       }  // for i
15370     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
15371   }      //for jeta
15372   /////////////////
15373   c3x5->Update();
15374   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
15375   c3x5->Clear();
15376   // clean-up
15377   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2)
15378     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2;
15379   //========================================================================================== 1116
15380   //======================================================================
15381   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
15382   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
15383   c3x5->Clear();
15384   /////////////////
15385   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15386   c3x5->cd(1);
15387   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = 1;
15388   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15389   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15390     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
15391     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
15392       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15393       // depth=3
15394       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
15395         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Clone("twod1");
15396         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15397         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15398           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15399           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
15400             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15401             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15402           }
15403         }  // for jphi
15404         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15405           //cout<<"666        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15406           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3);
15407           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15408           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15409           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15410           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 \b");
15411           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerColor(2);
15412           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetLineColor(0);
15413           gPad->SetGridy();
15414           gPad->SetGridx();
15415           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15416           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 1)
15417             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 3 \b");
15418           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 2)
15419             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 3 \b");
15420           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 3)
15421             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 3 \b");
15422           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 4)
15423             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 3 \b");
15424           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 5)
15425             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 3 \b");
15426           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 6)
15427             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 3 \b");
15428           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 7)
15429             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 3 \b");
15430           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 8)
15431             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 3 \b");
15432           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 9)
15433             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 3 \b");
15434           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 10)
15435             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 3 \b");
15436           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 11)
15437             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 3 \b");
15438           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 12)
15439             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 3 \b");
15440           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 13)
15441             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 3 \b");
15442           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 14)
15443             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 3 \b");
15444           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 15)
15445             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 3 \b");
15446           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 16)
15447             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 3 \b");
15449           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Draw("Error");
15450           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3++;
15451           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 > 16)
15452             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15453         }           //ccctest>0
15455       }  // for i
15456     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
15457   }      //for jeta
15458   /////////////////
15459   c3x5->Update();
15460   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
15461   c3x5->Clear();
15462   // clean-up
15463   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3)
15464     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3;
15465   //========================================================================================== 1117
15466   //======================================================================
15467   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
15468   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
15469   c3x5->Clear();
15470   /////////////////
15471   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15472   c3x5->cd(1);
15473   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = 1;
15474   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15476   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15477     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
15478     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
15479       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15480       // depth=4
15481       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
15482         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Clone("twod1");
15484         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15485         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15486           double ccc1 = breconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15487           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
15488             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15489             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15490           }
15491         }  // for jphi
15492         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15493           //cout<<"777        kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15494           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4);
15495           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15496           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15497           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15498           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 \b");
15499           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerColor(2);
15500           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetLineColor(0);
15501           gPad->SetGridy();
15502           gPad->SetGridx();
15503           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15504           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 1)
15505             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -16; depth = 4 \b");
15506           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 2)
15507             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -15; depth = 4 \b");
15508           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 3)
15509             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -14; depth = 4 \b");
15510           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 4)
15511             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -13; depth = 4 \b");
15512           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 5)
15513             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -12; depth = 4 \b");
15514           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 6)
15515             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -11; depth = 4 \b");
15516           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 7)
15517             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta = -10; depth = 4 \b");
15518           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 8)
15519             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -9; depth = 4 \b");
15520           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 9)
15521             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -8; depth = 4 \b");
15522           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 10)
15523             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -7; depth = 4 \b");
15524           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 11)
15525             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -6; depth = 4 \b");
15526           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 12)
15527             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -5; depth = 4 \b");
15528           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 13)
15529             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -4; depth = 4 \b");
15530           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 14)
15531             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -3; depth = 4 \b");
15532           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 15)
15533             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -2; depth = 4 \b");
15534           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 16)
15535             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HB- jeta =  -1; depth = 4 \b");
15536           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Draw("Error");
15537           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4++;
15538           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 > 16)
15539             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15540         }           //ccctest>0
15542       }  // for i
15543     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0 )
15544   }      //for jeta
15545   /////////////////
15546   c3x5->Update();
15547   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
15548   c3x5->Clear();
15549   // clean-up
15550   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4)
15551     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4;
15553   //======================================================================================================================
15554   //======================================================================================================================
15555   //======================================================================================================================
15558   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
15559   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HB1");
15560   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HB1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB1");
15561   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHB1 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HB1->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHB1");
15562   reconoiseVarianceHB1->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HB1, reconoiseVariance0HB1, 1, 1, "B");
15563   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HB2");
15564   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HB2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB2");
15565   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHB2 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HB2->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHB2");
15566   reconoiseVarianceHB2->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HB2, reconoiseVariance0HB2, 1, 1, "B");
15567   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HB3");
15568   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HB3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB3");
15569   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHB3 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HB3->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHB3");
15570   reconoiseVarianceHB3->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HB3, reconoiseVariance0HB3, 1, 1, "B");
15571   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HB4");
15572   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HB4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HB4");
15573   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHB4 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HB4->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHB4");
15574   reconoiseVarianceHB4->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HB4, reconoiseVariance0HB4, 1, 1, "B");
15575   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
15576   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive reconoisevarianceHB
15577   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
15578   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15579     if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
15580       //preparation for PHI normalization:
15581       double sumreconoiseHB0 = 0;
15582       int nsumreconoiseHB0 = 0;
15583       double sumreconoiseHB1 = 0;
15584       int nsumreconoiseHB1 = 0;
15585       double sumreconoiseHB2 = 0;
15586       int nsumreconoiseHB2 = 0;
15587       double sumreconoiseHB3 = 0;
15588       int nsumreconoiseHB3 = 0;
15589       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
15590         reconoisevarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHB1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
15591         reconoisevarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHB2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
15592         reconoisevarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHB3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
15593         reconoisevarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHB4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
15594         if (reconoisevarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
15595           sumreconoiseHB0 += reconoisevarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi];
15596           ++nsumreconoiseHB0;
15597         }
15598         if (reconoisevarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
15599           sumreconoiseHB1 += reconoisevarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi];
15600           ++nsumreconoiseHB1;
15601         }
15602         if (reconoisevarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
15603           sumreconoiseHB2 += reconoisevarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi];
15604           ++nsumreconoiseHB2;
15605         }
15606         if (reconoisevarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
15607           sumreconoiseHB3 += reconoisevarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi];
15608           ++nsumreconoiseHB3;
15609         }
15610       }  // phi
15611       // PHI normalization :
15612       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
15613         if (sumreconoiseHB0 != 0.)
15614           reconoisevarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB0 / nsumreconoiseHB0);
15615         if (sumreconoiseHB1 != 0.)
15616           reconoisevarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB1 / nsumreconoiseHB1);
15617         if (sumreconoiseHB2 != 0.)
15618           reconoisevarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB2 / nsumreconoiseHB2);
15619         if (sumreconoiseHB3 != 0.)
15620           reconoisevarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHB3 / nsumreconoiseHB3);
15621       }  // phi
15622       //       reconoisevarianceHB (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
15623       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
15624         //     cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
15625         reconoisevarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] -= areconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi] * areconoiseHB[0][jeta][jphi];
15626         reconoisevarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevarianceHB[0][jeta][jphi]);
15627         reconoisevarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] -= areconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi] * areconoiseHB[1][jeta][jphi];
15628         reconoisevarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevarianceHB[1][jeta][jphi]);
15629         reconoisevarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] -= areconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi] * areconoiseHB[2][jeta][jphi];
15630         reconoisevarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevarianceHB[2][jeta][jphi]);
15631         reconoisevarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] -= areconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi] * areconoiseHB[3][jeta][jphi];
15632         reconoisevarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevarianceHB[3][jeta][jphi]);
15633       }
15634     }
15635   }
15636   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
15637   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs
15638   //======================================================================
15639   //======================================================================
15640   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
15641   c1x1->Clear();
15642   /////////////////
15643   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
15644   c1x0->cd(1);
15645   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHB42D = new TH2F("DefzDreconoiseHB42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
15646   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHB42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDreconoiseHB42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
15647   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHB42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDreconoiseHB42D0->Clone("DefzDreconoiseHB42DF");
15648   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
15649     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
15650       if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
15651         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15652           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15653           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
15654           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
15655           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
15656             DefzDreconoiseHB42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
15657             DefzDreconoiseHB42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
15658           }
15659         }
15660       }
15661     }
15662   }
15663   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->Divide(DefzDreconoiseHB42D, DefzDreconoiseHB42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
15664   //    DefzDreconoiseHB1->Sumw2();
15665   gPad->SetGridy();
15666   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
15667   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15668   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15669   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
15670   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
15671   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
15672   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
15673   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
15674   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetLineColor(
15675       0);  //      DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
15676   DefzDreconoiseHB42DF->Draw("COLZ");
15677   /////////////////
15678   c1x0->Update();
15679   c1x0->Print("DreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png");
15680   c1x0->Clear();
15681   // clean-up
15682   if (DefzDreconoiseHB42D)
15683     delete DefzDreconoiseHB42D;
15684   if (DefzDreconoiseHB42D0)
15685     delete DefzDreconoiseHB42D0;
15686   if (DefzDreconoiseHB42DF)
15687     delete DefzDreconoiseHB42DF;
15688   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
15689   //======================================================================
15690   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
15691   c1x1->Clear();
15692   /////////////////
15693   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
15694   c1x1->cd(1);
15695   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHB41D = new TH1F("DefzDreconoiseHB41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15696   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHB41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDreconoiseHB41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15697   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHB41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDreconoiseHB41D0->Clone("DefzDreconoiseHB41DF");
15699   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15700     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
15701       if ((jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) || (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15)) {
15702         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
15703           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15704           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
15705             DefzDreconoiseHB41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15706             DefzDreconoiseHB41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
15707           }
15708         }
15709       }
15710     }
15711   }
15712   //     DefzDreconoiseHB41D->Sumw2();DefzDreconoiseHB41D0->Sumw2();
15714   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->Divide(DefzDreconoiseHB41D, DefzDreconoiseHB41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
15715   DefzDreconoiseHB41D0->Sumw2();
15716   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
15717   gPad->SetGridy();
15718   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
15719   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15720   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
15721   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
15722   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
15723   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
15724   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
15725   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
15726   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetLineColor(
15727       4);  //DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
15728   DefzDreconoiseHB41DF->Draw("Error");
15729   /////////////////
15730   c1x1->Update();
15731   c1x1->Print("DreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png");
15732   c1x1->Clear();
15733   // clean-up
15734   if (DefzDreconoiseHB41D)
15735     delete DefzDreconoiseHB41D;
15736   if (DefzDreconoiseHB41D0)
15737     delete DefzDreconoiseHB41D0;
15738   if (DefzDreconoiseHB41DF)
15739     delete DefzDreconoiseHB41DF;
15741   //========================================================================================== 14
15742   //======================================================================
15743   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
15744   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
15745   c3x5->Clear();
15746   /////////////////
15747   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15748   c3x5->cd(1);
15749   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = 1;
15750   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15752   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15753     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
15754     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
15755       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15756       // depth=1
15757       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
15758         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Clone("twod1");
15760         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15761         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15762           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15763           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
15764             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15765             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15766           }
15767         }  // for jphi
15768         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15769           //cout<<"1414       kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15770           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1);
15771           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15772           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15773           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15774           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 \b");
15775           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
15776           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetLineColor(0);
15777           gPad->SetGridy();
15778           gPad->SetGridx();
15779           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15780           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 1)
15781             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 1 \b");
15782           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 2)
15783             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 1 \b");
15784           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 3)
15785             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 1 \b");
15786           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 4)
15787             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 1 \b");
15788           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 5)
15789             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 1 \b");
15790           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 6)
15791             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 1 \b");
15792           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 7)
15793             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 1 \b");
15794           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 8)
15795             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 1 \b");
15796           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 9)
15797             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 1 \b");
15798           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 10)
15799             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 1 \b");
15800           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 11)
15801             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 1 \b");
15802           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 12)
15803             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 1 \b");
15804           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 13)
15805             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 1 \b");
15806           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 14)
15807             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 1 \b");
15808           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 15)
15809             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 1 \b");
15810           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 16)
15811             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 1 \b");
15812           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Draw("Error");
15813           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1++;
15814           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 > 16)
15815             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15816         }           //ccctest>0
15818       }  // for i
15819     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
15820   }      //for jeta
15821   /////////////////
15822   c3x5->Update();
15823   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
15824   c3x5->Clear();
15825   // clean-up
15826   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1)
15827     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD1;
15828   //========================================================================================== 15
15829   //======================================================================
15830   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
15831   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
15832   c3x5->Clear();
15833   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15834   c3x5->cd(1);
15835   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = 1;
15836   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15838   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15839     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
15840     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
15841       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15842       // depth=2
15843       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
15844         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Clone("twod1");
15846         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15847         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15848           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15849           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
15850             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15851             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15852           }
15853         }  // for jphi
15854         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15855           //cout<<"1515       kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15856           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2);
15857           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15858           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15859           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15860           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 \b");
15861           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
15862           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetLineColor(0);
15863           gPad->SetGridy();
15864           gPad->SetGridx();
15865           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15866           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 1)
15867             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 2 \b");
15868           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 2)
15869             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 2 \b");
15870           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 3)
15871             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 2 \b");
15872           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 4)
15873             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 2 \b");
15874           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 5)
15875             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 2 \b");
15876           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 6)
15877             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 2 \b");
15878           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 7)
15879             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 2 \b");
15880           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 8)
15881             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 2 \b");
15882           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 9)
15883             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 2 \b");
15884           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 10)
15885             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 2 \b");
15886           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 11)
15887             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 2 \b");
15888           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 12)
15889             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 2 \b");
15890           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 13)
15891             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 2 \b");
15892           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 14)
15893             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 2 \b");
15894           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 15)
15895             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 2 \b");
15896           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 16)
15897             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 2 \b");
15898           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Draw("Error");
15899           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2++;
15900           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 > 16)
15901             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15902         }           //ccctest>0
15904       }  // for i
15905     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
15906   }      //for jeta
15907   /////////////////
15908   c3x5->Update();
15909   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
15910   c3x5->Clear();
15911   // clean-up
15912   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2)
15913     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD2;
15914   //========================================================================================== 16
15915   //======================================================================
15916   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
15917   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
15918   c3x5->Clear();
15919   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
15920   c3x5->cd(1);
15921   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 = 1;
15922   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
15924   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
15925     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
15926     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
15927       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
15928       // depth=3
15929       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
15930         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->Clone("twod1");
15932         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
15933         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
15934           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
15935           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
15936             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
15937             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
15938           }
15939         }  // for jphi
15940         if (ccctest > 0.) {
15941           //cout<<"1616       kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
15942           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3);
15943           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
15944           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
15945           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
15946           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 \b");
15947           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
15948           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetLineColor(0);
15949           gPad->SetGridy();
15950           gPad->SetGridx();
15951           //       gPad->SetLogy();
15952           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 1)
15953             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 3 \b");
15954           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 2)
15955             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 3 \b");
15956           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 3)
15957             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 3 \b");
15958           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 4)
15959             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 3 \b");
15960           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 5)
15961             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 3 \b");
15962           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 6)
15963             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 3 \b");
15964           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 7)
15965             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 3 \b");
15966           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 8)
15967             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 3 \b");
15968           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 9)
15969             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 3 \b");
15970           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 10)
15971             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 3 \b");
15972           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 11)
15973             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 3 \b");
15974           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 12)
15975             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 3 \b");
15976           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 13)
15977             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 3 \b");
15978           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 14)
15979             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 3 \b");
15980           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 15)
15981             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 3 \b");
15982           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 16)
15983             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 3 \b");
15984           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->Draw("Error");
15985           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3++;
15986           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 > 16)
15987             break;  // 4x6 = 24
15988         }           //ccctest>0
15990       }  // for i
15991     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
15992   }      //for jeta
15993   /////////////////
15994   c3x5->Update();
15995   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
15996   c3x5->Clear();
15997   // clean-up
15998   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3)
15999     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD3;
16000   //========================================================================================== 17
16001   //======================================================================
16002   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
16003   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
16004   c3x5->Clear();
16005   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
16006   c3x5->cd(1);
16007   int kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 = 1;
16008   TH1F *h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16010   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16011     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
16012     if (jeta - 41 >= 0 && jeta - 41 <= 15) {
16013       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16014       // depth=4
16015       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
16016         TH1F *HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->Clone("twod1");
16018         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16019         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16020           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
16021           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
16022             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16023             ccctest = 1.;  //HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16024           }
16025         }  // for jphi
16026         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16027           //cout<<"1717       kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4   =     "<<kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16028           c3x5->cd(kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4);
16029           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16030           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16031           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16032           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 \b");
16033           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
16034           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetLineColor(0);
16035           gPad->SetGridy();
16036           gPad->SetGridx();
16037           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16038           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 1)
16039             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  0; depth = 4 \b");
16040           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 2)
16041             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  1; depth = 4 \b");
16042           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 3)
16043             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  2; depth = 4 \b");
16044           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 4)
16045             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  3; depth = 4 \b");
16046           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 5)
16047             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  4; depth = 4 \b");
16048           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 6)
16049             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  5; depth = 4 \b");
16050           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 7)
16051             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  6; depth = 4 \b");
16052           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 8)
16053             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  7; depth = 4 \b");
16054           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 9)
16055             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  8; depth = 4 \b");
16056           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 10)
16057             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta =  9; depth = 4 \b");
16058           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 11)
16059             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 10; depth = 4 \b");
16060           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 12)
16061             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 11; depth = 4 \b");
16062           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 13)
16063             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 12; depth = 4 \b");
16064           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 14)
16065             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 13; depth = 4 \b");
16066           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 15)
16067             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 14; depth = 4 \b");
16068           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 16)
16069             HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
16070           HBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->Draw("Error");
16071           kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4++;
16072           if (kcountHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 > 16)
16073             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16074         }           //ccctest>0
16076       }  // for i
16077     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
16078   }      //for jeta
16079   /////////////////
16080   c3x5->Update();
16081   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
16082   c3x5->Clear();
16083   // clean-up
16084   if (h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4)
16085     delete h2CeffHBpositivedirectionReconoiseD4;
16087   //========================================================================================== 22214
16088   //======================================================================
16089   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
16090   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
16091   c3x5->Clear();
16092   /////////////////
16093   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
16094   c3x5->cd(1);
16095   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = 1;
16096   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16098   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16099     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
16100     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
16101       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16102       // depth=1
16103       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
16104         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Clone("twod1");
16106         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16107         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16108           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
16109           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
16110             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16111             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16112           }
16113         }  // for jphi
16114         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16115           //cout<<"1414       kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16116           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1);
16117           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16118           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16119           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16120           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 \b");
16121           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
16122           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetLineColor(0);
16123           gPad->SetGridy();
16124           gPad->SetGridx();
16125           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16126           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 1)
16127             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 1 \b");
16128           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 2)
16129             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 1 \b");
16130           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 3)
16131             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 1 \b");
16132           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 4)
16133             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 1 \b");
16134           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 5)
16135             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 1 \b");
16136           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 6)
16137             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 1 \b");
16138           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 7)
16139             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 1 \b");
16140           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 8)
16141             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 1 \b");
16142           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 9)
16143             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 1 \b");
16144           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 10)
16145             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 1 \b");
16146           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 11)
16147             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 1 \b");
16148           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 12)
16149             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 1 \b");
16150           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 13)
16151             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 1 \b");
16152           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 14)
16153             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 1 \b");
16154           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 15)
16155             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 1 \b");
16156           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 16)
16157             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 1 \b");
16158           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Draw("Error");
16159           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1++;
16160           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 > 16)
16161             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16162         }           //ccctest>0
16164       }  // for i
16165     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
16166   }      //for jeta
16167   /////////////////
16168   c3x5->Update();
16169   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png");
16170   c3x5->Clear();
16171   // clean-up
16172   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1)
16173     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD1;
16174   //========================================================================================== 22215
16175   //======================================================================
16176   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
16177   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
16178   c3x5->Clear();
16179   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
16180   c3x5->cd(1);
16181   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = 1;
16182   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16184   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16185     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
16186     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
16187       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16188       // depth=2
16189       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
16190         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Clone("twod1");
16192         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16193         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16194           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
16195           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
16196             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16197             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16198           }
16199         }  // for jphi
16200         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16201           //cout<<"1515       kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16202           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2);
16203           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16204           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16205           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16206           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 \b");
16207           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
16208           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetLineColor(0);
16209           gPad->SetGridy();
16210           gPad->SetGridx();
16211           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16212           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 1)
16213             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 2 \b");
16214           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 2)
16215             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 2 \b");
16216           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 3)
16217             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 2 \b");
16218           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 4)
16219             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 2 \b");
16220           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 5)
16221             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 2 \b");
16222           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 6)
16223             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 2 \b");
16224           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 7)
16225             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 2 \b");
16226           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 8)
16227             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 2 \b");
16228           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 9)
16229             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 2 \b");
16230           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 10)
16231             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 2 \b");
16232           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 11)
16233             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 2 \b");
16234           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 12)
16235             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 2 \b");
16236           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 13)
16237             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 2 \b");
16238           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 14)
16239             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 2 \b");
16240           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 15)
16241             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 2 \b");
16242           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 16)
16243             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 2 \b");
16244           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Draw("Error");
16245           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2++;
16246           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 > 16)
16247             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16248         }           //ccctest>0
16250       }  // for i
16251     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
16252   }      //for jeta
16253   /////////////////
16254   c3x5->Update();
16255   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png");
16256   c3x5->Clear();
16257   // clean-up
16258   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2)
16259     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD2;
16260   //========================================================================================== 22216
16261   //======================================================================
16262   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
16263   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
16264   c3x5->Clear();
16265   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
16266   c3x5->cd(1);
16267   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 = 1;
16268   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16270   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16271     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
16272     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
16273       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16274       // depth=3
16275       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
16276         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->Clone("twod1");
16278         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16279         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16280           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
16281           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
16282             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16283             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16284           }
16285         }  // for jphi
16286         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16287           //cout<<"1616       kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16288           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3);
16289           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16290           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16291           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16292           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 \b");
16293           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
16294           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetLineColor(0);
16295           gPad->SetGridy();
16296           gPad->SetGridx();
16297           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16298           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 1)
16299             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 3 \b");
16300           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 2)
16301             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 3 \b");
16302           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 3)
16303             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 3 \b");
16304           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 4)
16305             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 3 \b");
16306           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 5)
16307             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 3 \b");
16308           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 6)
16309             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 3 \b");
16310           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 7)
16311             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 3 \b");
16312           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 8)
16313             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 3 \b");
16314           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 9)
16315             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 3 \b");
16316           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 10)
16317             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 3 \b");
16318           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 11)
16319             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 3 \b");
16320           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 12)
16321             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 3 \b");
16322           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 13)
16323             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 3 \b");
16324           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 14)
16325             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 3 \b");
16326           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 15)
16327             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 3 \b");
16328           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 16)
16329             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 3 \b");
16330           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->Draw("Error");
16331           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3++;
16332           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 > 16)
16333             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16334         }           //ccctest>0
16336       }  // for i
16337     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
16338   }      //for jeta
16339   /////////////////
16340   c3x5->Update();
16341   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png");
16342   c3x5->Clear();
16343   // clean-up
16344   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3)
16345     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD3;
16346   //========================================================================================== 22217
16347   //======================================================================
16348   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
16349   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
16350   c3x5->Clear();
16351   c3x5->Divide(4, 4);
16352   c3x5->cd(1);
16353   int kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 = 1;
16354   TH1F *h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16356   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16357     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
16358     if (jeta - 41 >= -16 && jeta - 41 <= -1) {
16359       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16360       // depth=4
16361       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
16362         TH1F *HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->Clone("twod1");
16364         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16365         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16366           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHB[i][jeta][jphi];
16367           if (areconoiseHB[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
16368             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16369             ccctest = 1.;  //HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16370           }
16371         }  // for jphi
16372         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16373           //cout<<"1717       kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4   =     "<<kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16374           c3x5->cd(kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4);
16375           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16376           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16377           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16378           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 \b");
16379           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
16380           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetLineColor(0);
16381           gPad->SetGridy();
16382           gPad->SetGridx();
16383           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16384           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 1)
16385             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
16386           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 2)
16387             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-15; depth = 4 \b");
16388           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 3)
16389             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-14; depth = 4 \b");
16390           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 4)
16391             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-13; depth = 4 \b");
16392           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 5)
16393             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-12; depth = 4 \b");
16394           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 6)
16395             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-11; depth = 4 \b");
16396           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 7)
16397             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-10; depth = 4 \b");
16398           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 8)
16399             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-9; depth = 4 \b");
16400           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 9)
16401             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-8; depth = 4 \b");
16402           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 10)
16403             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-7; depth = 4 \b");
16404           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 11)
16405             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-6; depth = 4 \b");
16406           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 12)
16407             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-5; depth = 4 \b");
16408           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 13)
16409             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-4; depth = 4 \b");
16410           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 14)
16411             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-3; depth = 4 \b");
16412           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 15)
16413             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-2; depth = 4 \b");
16414           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 16)
16415             HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HB- jeta =-1; depth = 4 \b");
16416           HBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->Draw("Error");
16417           kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4++;
16418           if (kcountHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 > 16)
16419             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16420         }           //ccctest>0
16422       }  // for i
16423     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
16424   }      //for jeta
16425   /////////////////
16426   c3x5->Update();
16427   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png");
16428   c3x5->Clear();
16429   // clean-up
16430   if (h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4)
16431     delete h2CeffHBnegativedirectionReconoiseD4;
16433   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HB for phi-symmetry
16434   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HB for phi-symmetry
16435   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HB for phi-symmetry
16437   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Reconoise HE
16438   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Reconoise HE
16439   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Reconoise HE
16440   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
16441   //ndepth = k_max[3];
16442   ndepth = 7;
16443   //  const int ndepth = 7;
16444   double areconoisehe[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
16445   double breconoisehe[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
16446   double reconoisevariancehe[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
16447   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16448   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HE1");
16449   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE1");
16450   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHE1 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HE1->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHE1");
16451   recNoiseEnergyHE1->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HE1, recNoiseEnergy0HE1, 1, 1, "B");
16452   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HE2");
16453   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE2");
16454   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHE2 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HE2->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHE2");
16455   recNoiseEnergyHE2->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HE2, recNoiseEnergy0HE2, 1, 1, "B");
16456   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HE3");
16457   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE3");
16458   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHE3 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HE3->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHE3");
16459   recNoiseEnergyHE3->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HE3, recNoiseEnergy0HE3, 1, 1, "B");
16460   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HE4");
16461   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE4");
16462   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHE4 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HE4->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHE4");
16463   recNoiseEnergyHE4->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HE4, recNoiseEnergy0HE4, 1, 1, "B");
16464   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HE5");
16465   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE5");
16466   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHE5 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HE5->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHE5");
16467   recNoiseEnergyHE5->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HE5, recNoiseEnergy0HE5, 1, 1, "B");
16468   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HE6");
16469   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE6");
16470   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHE6 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HE6->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHE6");
16471   recNoiseEnergyHE6->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HE6, recNoiseEnergy0HE6, 1, 1, "B");
16472   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HE7");
16473   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE7");
16474   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHE7 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HE7->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHE7");
16475   recNoiseEnergyHE7->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HE7, recNoiseEnergy0HE7, 1, 1, "B");
16476   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16477     if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
16478       //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive areconoisehe
16479       //preparation for PHI normalization:
16480       double sumreconoiseHE0 = 0;
16481       int nsumreconoiseHE0 = 0;
16482       double sumreconoiseHE1 = 0;
16483       int nsumreconoiseHE1 = 0;
16484       double sumreconoiseHE2 = 0;
16485       int nsumreconoiseHE2 = 0;
16486       double sumreconoiseHE3 = 0;
16487       int nsumreconoiseHE3 = 0;
16488       double sumreconoiseHE4 = 0;
16489       int nsumreconoiseHE4 = 0;
16490       double sumreconoiseHE5 = 0;
16491       int nsumreconoiseHE5 = 0;
16492       double sumreconoiseHE6 = 0;
16493       int nsumreconoiseHE6 = 0;
16494       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
16495         areconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16496         areconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16497         areconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16498         areconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16499         areconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE5->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16500         areconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE6->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16501         areconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE7->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16503         breconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16504         breconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16505         breconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16506         breconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16507         breconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE5->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16508         breconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE6->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16509         breconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHE7->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
16511         if (areconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
16512           sumreconoiseHE0 += areconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi];
16513           ++nsumreconoiseHE0;
16514         }
16515         if (areconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
16516           sumreconoiseHE1 += areconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi];
16517           ++nsumreconoiseHE1;
16518         }
16519         if (areconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
16520           sumreconoiseHE2 += areconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi];
16521           ++nsumreconoiseHE2;
16522         }
16523         if (areconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
16524           sumreconoiseHE3 += areconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi];
16525           ++nsumreconoiseHE3;
16526         }
16527         if (areconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
16528           sumreconoiseHE4 += areconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi];
16529           ++nsumreconoiseHE4;
16530         }
16531         if (areconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
16532           sumreconoiseHE5 += areconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi];
16533           ++nsumreconoiseHE5;
16534         }
16535         if (areconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
16536           sumreconoiseHE6 += areconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi];
16537           ++nsumreconoiseHE6;
16538         }
16539       }  // phi
16541       // PHI normalization for DIF:
16542       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
16543         if (sumreconoiseHE0 != 0.)
16544           breconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHE0 / nsumreconoiseHE0);
16545         if (sumreconoiseHE1 != 0.)
16546           breconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHE1 / nsumreconoiseHE1);
16547         if (sumreconoiseHE2 != 0.)
16548           breconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHE2 / nsumreconoiseHE2);
16549         if (sumreconoiseHE3 != 0.)
16550           breconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHE3 / nsumreconoiseHE3);
16551         if (sumreconoiseHE4 != 0.)
16552           breconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHE4 / nsumreconoiseHE4);
16553         if (sumreconoiseHE5 != 0.)
16554           breconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHE5 / nsumreconoiseHE5);
16555         if (sumreconoiseHE6 != 0.)
16556           breconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHE6 / nsumreconoiseHE6);
16557       }  // phi
16559       // PHI normalization for R:
16560       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
16561         if (sumreconoiseHE0 != 0.)
16562           areconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE0 / nsumreconoiseHE0);
16563         if (sumreconoiseHE1 != 0.)
16564           areconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE1 / nsumreconoiseHE1);
16565         if (sumreconoiseHE2 != 0.)
16566           areconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE2 / nsumreconoiseHE2);
16567         if (sumreconoiseHE3 != 0.)
16568           areconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE3 / nsumreconoiseHE3);
16569         if (sumreconoiseHE4 != 0.)
16570           areconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE4 / nsumreconoiseHE4);
16571         if (sumreconoiseHE5 != 0.)
16572           areconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE5 / nsumreconoiseHE5);
16573         if (sumreconoiseHE6 != 0.)
16574           areconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE6 / nsumreconoiseHE6);
16575       }  // phi
16576     }    //if( (jeta-41 >=
16577   }      //eta
16578   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes
16579   //======================================================================
16581   //======================================================================
16582   c2x1->Clear();
16583   /////////////////
16584   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
16585   c2x1->cd(1);
16586   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHE42D = new TH2F("GefzRreconoiseHE42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
16587   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHE42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRreconoiseHE42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
16588   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHE42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRreconoiseHE42D0->Clone("GefzRreconoiseHE42DF");
16589   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
16590     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
16591       if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
16592         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16593           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
16594           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
16595           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
16596           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
16597             GefzRreconoiseHE42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
16598             GefzRreconoiseHE42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
16599           }
16600         }
16601       }
16602     }
16603   }
16604   GefzRreconoiseHE42DF->Divide(GefzRreconoiseHE42D, GefzRreconoiseHE42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
16605   gPad->SetGridy();
16606   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
16607   GefzRreconoiseHE42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
16608   GefzRreconoiseHE42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
16609   GefzRreconoiseHE42DF->Draw("COLZ");
16611   c2x1->cd(2);
16612   TH1F *energyhitNoise_HE = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitNoise_HE");
16613   energyhitNoise_HE->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16614   energyhitNoise_HE->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16615   energyhitNoise_HE->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16616   energyhitNoise_HE->SetXTitle("energyhitNoise_HE \b");
16617   energyhitNoise_HE->SetMarkerColor(2);
16618   energyhitNoise_HE->SetLineColor(0);
16619   gPad->SetGridy();
16620   gPad->SetGridx();
16621   energyhitNoise_HE->Draw("Error");
16623   /////////////////
16624   c2x1->Update();
16625   c2x1->Print("RreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png");
16626   c2x1->Clear();
16627   // clean-up
16628   if (GefzRreconoiseHE42D)
16629     delete GefzRreconoiseHE42D;
16630   if (GefzRreconoiseHE42D0)
16631     delete GefzRreconoiseHE42D0;
16632   if (GefzRreconoiseHE42DF)
16633     delete GefzRreconoiseHE42DF;
16634   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta
16635   //======================================================================
16636   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta *****" <<endl;
16637   c1x1->Clear();
16638   /////////////////
16639   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
16640   c1x1->cd(1);
16641   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHE41D = new TH1F("GefzRreconoiseHE41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16642   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHE41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRreconoiseHE41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16643   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHE41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRreconoiseHE41D0->Clone("GefzRreconoiseHE41DF");
16644   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16645     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
16646       if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
16647         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
16648           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
16649           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
16650             GefzRreconoiseHE41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16651             GefzRreconoiseHE41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
16652           }
16653         }
16654       }
16655     }
16656   }
16657   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->Divide(GefzRreconoiseHE41D, GefzRreconoiseHE41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthes & eta
16658   GefzRreconoiseHE41D0->Sumw2();
16659   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
16660   gPad->SetGridy();
16661   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
16662   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16663   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
16664   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
16665   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
16666   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
16667   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthes \b");
16668   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
16669   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetLineColor(
16670       4);  // GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
16671   GefzRreconoiseHE41DF->Draw("Error");
16672   /////////////////
16673   c1x1->Update();
16674   c1x1->Print("RreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png");
16675   c1x1->Clear();
16676   // clean-up
16677   if (GefzRreconoiseHE41D)
16678     delete GefzRreconoiseHE41D;
16679   if (GefzRreconoiseHE41D0)
16680     delete GefzRreconoiseHE41D0;
16681   if (GefzRreconoiseHE41DF)
16682     delete GefzRreconoiseHE41DF;
16684   //========================================================================================== 4
16685   //======================================================================
16686   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
16687   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
16688   c3x5->Clear();
16689   /////////////////
16690   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
16691   c3x5->cd(1);
16692   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 = 1;
16693   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16694   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16695     // positivedirectionReconoise:
16696     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
16697       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16698       // depth=1
16699       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
16700         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoise1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise1->Clone("twod1");
16701         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16702         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16703           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
16704           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
16705             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16706             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16707           }
16708         }  // for jphi
16709         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16710           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16711           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1);
16712           HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16713           HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16714           HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16715           HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoise1 \b");
16716           HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerColor(2);
16717           HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetLineColor(0);
16718           gPad->SetGridy();
16719           gPad->SetGridx();
16720           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16721           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 1)
16722             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 1 \b");
16723           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 2)
16724             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 1 \b");
16725           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 3)
16726             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 1 \b");
16727           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 4)
16728             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 1 \b");
16729           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 5)
16730             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 1 \b");
16731           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 6)
16732             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 1 \b");
16733           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 7)
16734             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 1 \b");
16735           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 8)
16736             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 1 \b");
16737           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 9)
16738             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 1 \b");
16739           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 10)
16740             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 1 \b");
16741           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 11)
16742             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 1 \b");
16743           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 12)
16744             HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
16745           HEpositivedirectionReconoise1->Draw("Error");
16746           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1++;
16747           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise1 > 12)
16748             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16749         }           //ccctest>0
16751       }  // for i
16752     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 15 && jeta-41 <= 28
16753   }      //for jeta
16754   /////////////////
16755   c3x5->Update();
16756   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
16757   c3x5->Clear();
16758   // clean-up
16759   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise1)
16760     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise1;
16762   //========================================================================================== 5
16763   //======================================================================
16764   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
16765   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
16766   c3x5->Clear();
16767   /////////////////
16768   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
16769   c3x5->cd(1);
16770   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 = 1;
16771   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16772   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16773     // positivedirectionReconoise:
16774     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
16775       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16776       // depth=2
16777       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
16778         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoise2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise2->Clone("twod1");
16779         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16780         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16781           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
16782           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
16783             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16784             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16785           }
16786         }  // for jphi
16787         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16788           //cout<<"555        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16789           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2);
16790           HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16791           HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16792           HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16793           HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoise2 \b");
16794           HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerColor(2);
16795           HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetLineColor(0);
16796           gPad->SetGridy();
16797           gPad->SetGridx();
16798           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16799           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 1)
16800             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 2 \b");
16801           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 2)
16802             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 2 \b");
16803           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 3)
16804             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 2 \b");
16805           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 4)
16806             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 2 \b");
16807           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 5)
16808             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 2 \b");
16809           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 6)
16810             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 2 \b");
16811           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 7)
16812             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 2 \b");
16813           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 8)
16814             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 2 \b");
16815           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 9)
16816             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 2 \b");
16817           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 10)
16818             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 2 \b");
16819           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 11)
16820             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 2 \b");
16821           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 12)
16822             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 2 \b");
16823           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 13)
16824             HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
16825           HEpositivedirectionReconoise2->Draw("Error");
16826           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2++;
16827           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise2 > 13)
16828             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16829         }           //ccctest>0
16831       }  // for i
16832     }    //if(jeta-41
16833   }      //for jeta
16834   /////////////////
16835   c3x5->Update();
16836   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
16837   c3x5->Clear();
16838   // clean-up
16839   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise2)
16840     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise2;
16841   //========================================================================================== 6
16842   //======================================================================
16843   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
16844   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
16845   c3x5->Clear();
16846   /////////////////
16847   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
16848   c3x5->cd(1);
16849   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 = 1;
16850   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16851   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16852     // positivedirectionReconoise:
16853     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
16854       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16855       // depth=3
16856       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
16857         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoise3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise3->Clone("twod1");
16858         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16859         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16860           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
16861           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
16862             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16863             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16864           }
16865         }  // for jphi
16866         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16867           //cout<<"666        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16868           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3);
16869           HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16870           HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16871           HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16872           HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoise3 \b");
16873           HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerColor(2);
16874           HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetLineColor(0);
16875           gPad->SetGridy();
16876           gPad->SetGridx();
16877           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16878           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 1)
16879             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 3 \b");
16880           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 2)
16881             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 3 \b");
16882           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 3)
16883             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 3 \b");
16884           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 4)
16885             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 3 \b");
16886           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 5)
16887             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 3 \b");
16888           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 6)
16889             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 3 \b");
16890           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 7)
16891             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 3 \b");
16892           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 8)
16893             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 3 \b");
16894           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 9)
16895             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 3 \b");
16896           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 10)
16897             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 3 \b");
16898           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 11)
16899             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 3 \b");
16900           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 12)
16901             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 3 \b");
16902           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 == 13)
16903             HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
16904           HEpositivedirectionReconoise3->Draw("Error");
16905           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3++;
16906           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise3 > 13)
16907             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16908         }           //ccctest>0
16910       }  // for i
16911     }    //if(jeta-41 >=
16912   }      //for jeta
16913   /////////////////
16914   c3x5->Update();
16915   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
16916   c3x5->Clear();
16917   // clean-up
16918   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise3)
16919     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise3;
16920   //========================================================================================== 7
16921   //======================================================================
16922   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
16923   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
16924   c3x5->Clear();
16925   /////////////////
16926   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
16927   c3x5->cd(1);
16928   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 = 1;
16929   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
16931   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
16932     // positivedirectionReconoise:
16933     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
16934       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
16935       // depth=4
16936       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
16937         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoise4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise4->Clone("twod1");
16939         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
16940         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
16941           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
16942           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
16943             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
16944             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
16945           }
16946         }  // for jphi
16947         if (ccctest > 0.) {
16948           //cout<<"777        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
16949           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4);
16950           HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
16951           HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
16952           HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
16953           HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoise4 \b");
16954           HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerColor(2);
16955           HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetLineColor(0);
16956           gPad->SetGridy();
16957           gPad->SetGridx();
16958           //       gPad->SetLogy();
16959           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 1)
16960             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
16961           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 2)
16962             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 4 \b");
16963           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 3)
16964             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 4 \b");
16965           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 4)
16966             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 4 \b");
16967           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 5)
16968             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 4 \b");
16969           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 6)
16970             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 4 \b");
16971           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 7)
16972             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 4 \b");
16973           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 8)
16974             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 4 \b");
16975           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 9)
16976             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 4 \b");
16977           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 10)
16978             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 4 \b");
16979           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 11)
16980             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 4 \b");
16981           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 == 12)
16982             HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 4 \b");
16983           HEpositivedirectionReconoise4->Draw("Error");
16984           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4++;
16985           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise4 > 12)
16986             break;  // 4x6 = 24
16987         }           //ccctest>0
16989       }  // for i
16990     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
16991   }      //for jeta
16992   /////////////////
16993   c3x5->Update();
16994   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
16995   c3x5->Clear();
16996   // clean-up
16997   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise4)
16998     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise4;
16999   //========================================================================================== 8
17000   //======================================================================
17001   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
17002   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
17003   c3x5->Clear();
17004   /////////////////
17005   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17006   c3x5->cd(1);
17007   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 = 1;
17008   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17010   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17011     // positivedirectionReconoise:
17012     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
17013       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17014       // depth=5
17015       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
17016         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoise5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise5->Clone("twod1");
17018         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17019         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17020           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
17022           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17023           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17024             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17025             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17026           }
17027         }  // for jphi
17028         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17029           //cout<<"888        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17030           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5);
17031           HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17032           HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17033           HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17034           HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoise5 \b");
17035           HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetMarkerColor(2);
17036           HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetLineColor(0);
17037           gPad->SetGridy();
17038           gPad->SetGridx();
17039           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17040           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 1)
17041             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 5 \b");
17042           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 2)
17043             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 5 \b");
17044           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 3)
17045             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 5 \b");
17046           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 4)
17047             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 5 \b");
17048           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 5)
17049             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 5 \b");
17050           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 6)
17051             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 5 \b");
17052           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 7)
17053             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 5 \b");
17054           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 8)
17055             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 5 \b");
17056           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 9)
17057             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 5 \b");
17058           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 10)
17059             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 5 \b");
17060           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 == 11)
17061             HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 5 \b");
17062           HEpositivedirectionReconoise5->Draw("Error");
17063           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5++;
17064           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise5 > 11)
17065             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17066         }           //ccctest>0
17068       }  // for i
17069     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17070   }      //for jeta
17071   /////////////////
17072   c3x5->Update();
17073   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
17074   c3x5->Clear();
17075   // clean-up
17076   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise5)
17077     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise5;
17078   //========================================================================================== 9
17079   //======================================================================
17080   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
17081   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
17082   c3x5->Clear();
17083   /////////////////
17084   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17085   c3x5->cd(1);
17086   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 = 1;
17087   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17089   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17090     // positivedirectionReconoise:
17091     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
17092       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17093       // depth=6
17094       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
17095         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoise6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise6->Clone("twod1");
17097         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17098         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17099           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17100           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17101             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17102             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17103           }
17104         }  // for jphi
17105         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17106           //cout<<"999        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17107           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6);
17108           HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17109           HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17110           HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17111           HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoise6 \b");
17112           HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetMarkerColor(2);
17113           HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetLineColor(0);
17114           gPad->SetGridy();
17115           gPad->SetGridx();
17116           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17117           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 1)
17118             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 6 \b");
17119           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 2)
17120             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 6 \b");
17121           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 3)
17122             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 6 \b");
17123           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 4)
17124             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 6 \b");
17125           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 5)
17126             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 6 \b");
17127           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 6)
17128             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 6 \b");
17129           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 7)
17130             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 6 \b");
17131           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 8)
17132             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 6 \b");
17133           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 9)
17134             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 6 \b");
17135           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 == 10)
17136             HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 6 \b");
17137           HEpositivedirectionReconoise6->Draw("Error");
17138           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6++;
17139           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise6 > 10)
17140             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17141         }           //ccctest>0
17143       }  // for i
17144     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17145   }      //for jeta
17146   /////////////////
17147   c3x5->Update();
17148   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
17149   c3x5->Clear();
17150   // clean-up
17151   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise6)
17152     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise6;
17153   //========================================================================================== 10
17154   //======================================================================
17155   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
17156   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
17157   c3x5->Clear();
17158   /////////////////
17159   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17160   c3x5->cd(1);
17161   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7 = 1;
17162   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17164   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17165     // positivedirectionReconoise:
17166     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
17167       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17168       // depth=7
17169       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
17170         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoise7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise7->Clone("twod1");
17172         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17173         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17174           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17175           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17176             HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17177             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17178           }
17179         }  // for jphi
17180         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17181           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17182           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7);
17183           HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17184           HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17185           HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17186           HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoise7 \b");
17187           HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetMarkerColor(2);
17188           HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetLineColor(0);
17189           gPad->SetGridy();
17190           gPad->SetGridx();
17191           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17192           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7 == 1)
17193             HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 7 \b");
17194           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7 == 2)
17195             HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 7 \b");
17196           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7 == 3)
17197             HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("R for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 7 \b");
17198           HEpositivedirectionReconoise7->Draw("Error");
17199           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7++;
17200           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoise7 > 3)
17201             break;  //
17202         }           //ccctest>0
17204       }  // for i
17205     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17206   }      //for jeta
17207   /////////////////
17208   c3x5->Update();
17209   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
17210   c3x5->Clear();
17211   // clean-up
17212   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise7)
17213     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoise7;
17215   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17216   //========================================================================================== 1114
17217   //======================================================================
17218   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
17219   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
17220   c3x5->Clear();
17221   /////////////////
17222   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17223   c3x5->cd(1);
17224   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 = 1;
17225   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17226   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17227     // negativedirectionReconoise:
17228     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
17229       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17230       // depth=1
17231       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
17232         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoise1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise1->Clone("twod1");
17233         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17234         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17235           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17236           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17237             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17238             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17239           }
17240         }  // for jphi
17241         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17242           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17243           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1);
17244           HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17245           HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17246           HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17247           HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoise1 \b");
17248           HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerColor(2);
17249           HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetLineColor(0);
17250           gPad->SetGridy();
17251           gPad->SetGridx();
17252           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17253           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 1)
17254             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
17255           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 2)
17256             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 1 \b");
17257           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 3)
17258             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 1 \b");
17259           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 4)
17260             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 1 \b");
17261           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 5)
17262             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 1 \b");
17263           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 6)
17264             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 1 \b");
17265           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 7)
17266             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 1 \b");
17267           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 8)
17268             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 1 \b");
17269           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 9)
17270             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 1 \b");
17271           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 10)
17272             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 1 \b");
17273           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 11)
17274             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 1 \b");
17275           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 12)
17276             HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 1 \b");
17277           HEnegativedirectionReconoise1->Draw("Error");
17278           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1++;
17279           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise1 > 12)
17280             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17281         }           //ccctest>0
17283       }  // for i
17284     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17285   }      //for jeta
17286   /////////////////
17287   c3x5->Update();
17288   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
17289   c3x5->Clear();
17290   // clean-up
17291   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise1)
17292     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise1;
17294   //========================================================================================== 1115
17295   //======================================================================
17296   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
17297   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
17298   c3x5->Clear();
17299   /////////////////
17300   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17301   c3x5->cd(1);
17302   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 = 1;
17303   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17304   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17305     // negativedirectionReconoise:
17306     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
17307       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17308       // depth=2
17309       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
17310         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoise2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise2->Clone("twod1");
17311         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17312         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17313           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17314           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17315             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17316             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17317           }
17318         }  // for jphi
17319         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17320           //cout<<"555        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17321           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2);
17322           HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17323           HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17324           HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17325           HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoise2 \b");
17326           HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerColor(2);
17327           HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetLineColor(0);
17328           gPad->SetGridy();
17329           gPad->SetGridx();
17330           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17331           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 1)
17332             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
17333           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 2)
17334             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 2 \b");
17335           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 3)
17336             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 2 \b");
17337           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 4)
17338             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 2 \b");
17339           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 5)
17340             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 2 \b");
17341           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 6)
17342             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 2 \b");
17343           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 7)
17344             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 2 \b");
17345           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 8)
17346             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 2 \b");
17347           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 9)
17348             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 2 \b");
17349           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 10)
17350             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
17351           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 11)
17352             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 2 \b");
17353           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 12)
17354             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 2 \b");
17355           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 13)
17356             HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 2 \b");
17357           HEnegativedirectionReconoise2->Draw("Error");
17358           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2++;
17359           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise2 > 13)
17360             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17361         }           //ccctest>0
17363       }  // for i
17364     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17365   }      //for jeta
17366   /////////////////
17367   c3x5->Update();
17368   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
17369   c3x5->Clear();
17370   // clean-up
17371   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise2)
17372     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise2;
17373   //========================================================================================== 1116
17374   //======================================================================
17375   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
17376   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
17377   c3x5->Clear();
17378   /////////////////
17379   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17380   c3x5->cd(1);
17381   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 = 1;
17382   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17383   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17384     // negativedirectionReconoise:
17385     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
17386       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17387       // depth=3
17388       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
17389         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoise3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise3->Clone("twod1");
17390         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17391         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17392           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17393           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17394             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17395             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17396           }
17397         }  // for jphi
17398         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17399           //cout<<"666        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17400           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3);
17401           HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17402           HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17403           HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17404           HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoise3 \b");
17405           HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetMarkerColor(2);
17406           HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetLineColor(0);
17407           gPad->SetGridy();
17408           gPad->SetGridx();
17409           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17410           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 1)
17411             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
17412           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 2)
17413             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 3 \b");
17414           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 3)
17415             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 3 \b");
17416           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 4)
17417             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 3 \b");
17418           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 5)
17419             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 3 \b");
17420           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 6)
17421             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 3 \b");
17422           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 7)
17423             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 3 \b");
17424           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 8)
17425             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 3 \b");
17426           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 9)
17427             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 3 \b");
17428           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 10)
17429             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 3 \b");
17430           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 11)
17431             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 3 \b");
17432           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 12)
17433             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 3 \b");
17434           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 == 13)
17435             HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 3 \b");
17436           HEnegativedirectionReconoise3->Draw("Error");
17437           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3++;
17438           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise3 > 13)
17439             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17440         }           //ccctest>0
17442       }  // for i
17443     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17444   }      //for jeta
17445   /////////////////
17446   c3x5->Update();
17447   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
17448   c3x5->Clear();
17449   // clean-up
17450   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise3)
17451     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise3;
17452   //========================================================================================== 1117
17453   //======================================================================
17454   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
17455   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
17456   c3x5->Clear();
17457   /////////////////
17458   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17459   c3x5->cd(1);
17460   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 = 1;
17461   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17463   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17464     // negativedirectionReconoise:
17465     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
17466       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17467       // depth=4
17468       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
17469         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoise4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise4->Clone("twod1");
17471         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17472         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17473           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17474           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17475             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17476             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17477           }
17478         }  // for jphi
17479         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17480           //cout<<"777        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17481           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4);
17482           HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17483           HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17484           HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17485           HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoise4 \b");
17486           HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetMarkerColor(2);
17487           HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetLineColor(0);
17488           gPad->SetGridy();
17489           gPad->SetGridx();
17490           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17491           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 1)
17492             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 4 \b");
17493           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 2)
17494             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 4 \b");
17495           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 3)
17496             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 4 \b");
17497           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 4)
17498             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 4 \b");
17499           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 5)
17500             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 4 \b");
17501           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 6)
17502             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 4 \b");
17503           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 7)
17504             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 4 \b");
17505           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 8)
17506             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 4 \b");
17507           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 9)
17508             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 4 \b");
17509           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 10)
17510             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 4 \b");
17511           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 11)
17512             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 4 \b");
17513           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 == 12)
17514             HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
17515           HEnegativedirectionReconoise4->Draw("Error");
17516           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4++;
17517           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise4 > 12)
17518             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17519         }           //ccctest>0
17521       }  // for i
17522     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17523   }      //for jeta
17524   /////////////////
17525   c3x5->Update();
17526   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
17527   c3x5->Clear();
17528   // clean-up
17529   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise4)
17530     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise4;
17531   //========================================================================================== 1118
17532   //======================================================================
17533   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
17534   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
17535   c3x5->Clear();
17536   /////////////////
17537   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17538   c3x5->cd(1);
17539   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 = 1;
17540   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17542   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17543     // negativedirectionReconoise:
17544     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
17545       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17546       // depth=5
17547       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
17548         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoise5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise5->Clone("twod1");
17550         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17551         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17552           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
17554           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17555           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17556             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17557             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17558           }
17559         }  // for jphi
17560         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17561           //cout<<"888        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17562           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5);
17563           HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17564           HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17565           HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17566           HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoise5 \b");
17567           HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetMarkerColor(2);
17568           HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetLineColor(0);
17569           gPad->SetGridy();
17570           gPad->SetGridx();
17571           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17572           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 1)
17573             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 5 \b");
17574           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 2)
17575             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 5 \b");
17576           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 3)
17577             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 5 \b");
17578           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 4)
17579             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 5 \b");
17580           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 5)
17581             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 5 \b");
17582           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 6)
17583             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 5 \b");
17584           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 7)
17585             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 5 \b");
17586           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 8)
17587             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 5 \b");
17588           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 9)
17589             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 5 \b");
17590           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 10)
17591             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 5 \b");
17592           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 == 11)
17593             HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 5 \b");
17594           HEnegativedirectionReconoise5->Draw("Error");
17595           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5++;
17596           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise5 > 11)
17597             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17598         }           //ccctest>0
17600       }  // for i
17601     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17602   }      //for jeta
17603   /////////////////
17604   c3x5->Update();
17605   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
17606   c3x5->Clear();
17607   // clean-up
17608   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise5)
17609     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise5;
17610   //========================================================================================== 1119
17611   //======================================================================
17612   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
17613   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
17614   c3x5->Clear();
17615   /////////////////
17616   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17617   c3x5->cd(1);
17618   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 = 1;
17619   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17621   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17622     // negativedirectionReconoise:
17623     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
17624       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17625       // depth=6
17626       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
17627         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoise6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise6->Clone("twod1");
17629         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17630         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17631           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17632           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17633             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17634             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17635           }
17636         }  // for jphi
17637         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17638           //cout<<"999        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17639           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6);
17640           HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17641           HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17642           HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17643           HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoise6 \b");
17644           HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetMarkerColor(2);
17645           HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetLineColor(0);
17646           gPad->SetGridy();
17647           gPad->SetGridx();
17648           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17649           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 1)
17650             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 6 \b");
17651           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 2)
17652             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 6 \b");
17653           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 3)
17654             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 6 \b");
17655           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 4)
17656             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 6 \b");
17657           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 5)
17658             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 6 \b");
17659           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 6)
17660             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 6 \b");
17661           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 7)
17662             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 6 \b");
17663           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 8)
17664             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 6 \b");
17665           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 9)
17666             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 6 \b");
17667           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 == 10)
17668             HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 6 \b");
17669           HEnegativedirectionReconoise6->Draw("Error");
17670           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6++;
17671           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise6 > 10)
17672             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17673         }           //ccctest>0
17675       }  // for i
17676     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17677   }      //for jeta
17678   /////////////////
17679   c3x5->Update();
17680   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
17681   c3x5->Clear();
17682   // clean-up
17683   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise6)
17684     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise6;
17685   //========================================================================================== 11110
17686   //======================================================================
17687   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
17688   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
17689   c3x5->Clear();
17690   /////////////////
17691   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17692   c3x5->cd(1);
17693   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7 = 1;
17694   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17696   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17697     // negativedirectionReconoise:
17698     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
17699       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17700       // depth=7
17701       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
17702         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoise7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise7->Clone("twod1");
17704         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17705         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17706           double ccc1 = areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17707           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17708             HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17709             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17710           }
17711         }  // for jphi
17712         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17713           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17714           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7);
17715           HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17716           HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17717           HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17718           HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoise7 \b");
17719           HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetMarkerColor(2);
17720           HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetLineColor(0);
17721           gPad->SetGridy();
17722           gPad->SetGridx();
17723           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17724           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7 == 1)
17725             HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 7 \b");
17726           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7 == 2)
17727             HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 7 \b");
17728           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7 == 3)
17729             HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->SetXTitle("R for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 7 \b");
17730           HEnegativedirectionReconoise7->Draw("Error");
17731           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7++;
17732           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoise7 > 3)
17733             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17734         }           //ccctest>0
17736       }  // for i
17737     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
17738   }      //for jeta
17739   /////////////////
17740   c3x5->Update();
17741   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
17742   c3x5->Clear();
17743   // clean-up
17744   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise7)
17745     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoise7;
17747   //======================================================================================================================
17748   //======================================================================================================================
17749   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17750   //======================================================================================================================
17752   //======================================================================================================================
17753   //======================================================================
17754   c2x1->Clear();
17755   /////////////////
17756   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
17757   c2x1->cd(1);
17758   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D = new TH2F("GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
17759   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D0 = new TH2F("GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
17760   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF = (TH2F *)GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D0->Clone("GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF");
17761   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
17762     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
17763       if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
17764         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17765           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17766           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
17767           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
17768           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17769             GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
17770             GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
17771           }
17772         }
17773       }
17774     }
17775   }
17776   GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF->Divide(GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D, GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
17777   gPad->SetGridy();
17778   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
17779   GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF->SetXTitle("<DIF>_depth       #eta  \b");
17780   GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
17781   GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF->Draw("COLZ");
17783   //c2x1->cd(2);
17784   //TH1F *energyhitNoise_HE= (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitNoise_HE");
17785   //energyhitNoise_HE ->SetMarkerStyle(20);energyhitNoise_HE ->SetMarkerSize(0.4);energyhitNoise_HE ->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);energyhitNoise_HE ->SetXTitle("energyhitNoise_HE \b");energyhitNoise_HE ->SetMarkerColor(2);energyhitNoise_HE ->SetLineColor(0);gPad->SetGridy();gPad->SetGridx();energyhitNoise_HE ->Draw("Error");
17787   /////////////////
17788   c2x1->Update();
17789   c2x1->Print("DIFreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png");
17790   c2x1->Clear();
17791   // clean-up
17792   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D)
17793     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D;
17794   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D0)
17795     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHE42D0;
17796   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF)
17797     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHE42DF;
17798   //====================================================================== 1D plot: DIF vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta
17799   //======================================================================
17800   //cout<<"      1D plot: DIF vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta *****" <<endl;
17801   c1x1->Clear();
17802   /////////////////
17803   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
17804   c1x1->cd(1);
17805   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D = new TH1F("GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17806   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0 = new TH1F("GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17807   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF = (TH1F *)GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0->Clone("GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF");
17808   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17809     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
17810       if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
17811         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
17812           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17813           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17814             GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17815             GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
17816           }
17817         }
17818       }
17819     }
17820   }
17821   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->Divide(
17822       GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D, GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // DIF averaged over depthes & eta
17823   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0->Sumw2();
17824   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
17825   gPad->SetGridy();
17826   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
17827   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17828   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
17829   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
17830   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
17831   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetYTitle("  <DIF> \b");
17832   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetZTitle("<DIF>_PHI  - AllDepthes \b");
17833   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
17834   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetLineColor(
17835       4);  // GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
17836   GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF->Draw("Error");
17837   /////////////////
17838   c1x1->Update();
17839   c1x1->Print("DIFreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png");
17840   c1x1->Clear();
17841   // clean-up
17842   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D)
17843     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D;
17844   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0)
17845     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHE41D0;
17846   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF)
17847     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHE41DF;
17849   //========================================================================================== 4
17850   //======================================================================
17851   //======================================================================1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
17852   //cout<<"      1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
17853   c3x5->Clear();
17854   /////////////////
17855   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17856   c3x5->cd(1);
17857   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = 1;
17858   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17859   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17860     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
17861     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
17862       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17863       // depth=1
17864       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
17865         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Clone("twod1");
17866         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17867         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17868           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17869           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17870             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17871             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17872           }
17873         }  // for jphi
17874         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17875           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17876           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1);
17877           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17878           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17879           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17880           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 \b");
17881           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerColor(2);
17882           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetLineColor(0);
17883           gPad->SetGridy();
17884           gPad->SetGridx();
17885           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17886           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 1)
17887             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 1 \b");
17888           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 2)
17889             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 1 \b");
17890           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 3)
17891             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 1 \b");
17892           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 4)
17893             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 1 \b");
17894           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 5)
17895             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 1 \b");
17896           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 6)
17897             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 1 \b");
17898           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 7)
17899             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 1 \b");
17900           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 8)
17901             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 1 \b");
17902           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 9)
17903             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 1 \b");
17904           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 10)
17905             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 1 \b");
17906           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 11)
17907             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 1 \b");
17908           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 12)
17909             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
17910           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Draw("Error");
17911           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1++;
17912           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 > 12)
17913             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17914         }           //ccctest>0
17916       }  // for i
17917     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 15 && jeta-41 <= 28
17918   }      //for jeta
17919   /////////////////
17920   c3x5->Update();
17921   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
17922   c3x5->Clear();
17923   // clean-up
17924   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1)
17925     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1;
17927   //========================================================================================== 5
17928   //======================================================================
17929   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
17930   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
17931   c3x5->Clear();
17932   /////////////////
17933   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
17934   c3x5->cd(1);
17935   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = 1;
17936   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
17937   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
17938     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
17939     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
17940       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
17941       // depth=2
17942       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
17943         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Clone("twod1");
17944         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
17945         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
17946           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
17947           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
17948             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
17949             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
17950           }
17951         }  // for jphi
17952         if (ccctest > 0.) {
17953           //cout<<"555        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
17954           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2);
17955           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
17956           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
17957           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
17958           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 \b");
17959           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerColor(2);
17960           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetLineColor(0);
17961           gPad->SetGridy();
17962           gPad->SetGridx();
17963           //       gPad->SetLogy();
17964           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 1)
17965             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 2 \b");
17966           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 2)
17967             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 2 \b");
17968           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 3)
17969             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 2 \b");
17970           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 4)
17971             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 2 \b");
17972           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 5)
17973             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 2 \b");
17974           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 6)
17975             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 2 \b");
17976           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 7)
17977             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 2 \b");
17978           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 8)
17979             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 2 \b");
17980           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 9)
17981             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 2 \b");
17982           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 10)
17983             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 2 \b");
17984           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 11)
17985             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 2 \b");
17986           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 12)
17987             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 2 \b");
17988           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 13)
17989             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
17990           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Draw("Error");
17991           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2++;
17992           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 > 13)
17993             break;  // 4x6 = 24
17994         }           //ccctest>0
17996       }  // for i
17997     }    //if(jeta-41
17998   }      //for jeta
17999   /////////////////
18000   c3x5->Update();
18001   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
18002   c3x5->Clear();
18003   // clean-up
18004   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2)
18005     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2;
18006   //========================================================================================== 6
18007   //======================================================================
18008   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
18009   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
18010   c3x5->Clear();
18011   /////////////////
18012   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18013   c3x5->cd(1);
18014   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = 1;
18015   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18016   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18017     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18018     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
18019       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18020       // depth=3
18021       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
18022         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Clone("twod1");
18023         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18024         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18025           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18026           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18027             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18028             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18029           }
18030         }  // for jphi
18031         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18032           //cout<<"666        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18033           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3);
18034           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18035           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18036           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18037           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 \b");
18038           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerColor(2);
18039           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetLineColor(0);
18040           gPad->SetGridy();
18041           gPad->SetGridx();
18042           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18043           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 1)
18044             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 3 \b");
18045           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 2)
18046             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 3 \b");
18047           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 3)
18048             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 3 \b");
18049           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 4)
18050             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 3 \b");
18051           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 5)
18052             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 3 \b");
18053           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 6)
18054             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 3 \b");
18055           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 7)
18056             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 3 \b");
18057           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 8)
18058             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 3 \b");
18059           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 9)
18060             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 3 \b");
18061           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 10)
18062             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 3 \b");
18063           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 11)
18064             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 3 \b");
18065           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 12)
18066             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 3 \b");
18067           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 13)
18068             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
18069           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Draw("Error");
18070           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3++;
18071           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3 > 13)
18072             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18073         }           //ccctest>0
18075       }  // for i
18076     }    //if(jeta-41 >=
18077   }      //for jeta
18078   /////////////////
18079   c3x5->Update();
18080   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
18081   c3x5->Clear();
18082   // clean-up
18083   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3)
18084     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF3;
18085   //========================================================================================== 7
18086   //======================================================================
18087   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
18088   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
18089   c3x5->Clear();
18090   /////////////////
18091   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18092   c3x5->cd(1);
18093   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = 1;
18094   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18096   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18097     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18098     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
18099       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18100       // depth=4
18101       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
18102         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Clone("twod1");
18104         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18105         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18106           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18107           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18108             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18109             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18110           }
18111         }  // for jphi
18112         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18113           //cout<<"777        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18114           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4);
18115           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18116           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18117           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18118           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 \b");
18119           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerColor(2);
18120           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetLineColor(0);
18121           gPad->SetGridy();
18122           gPad->SetGridx();
18123           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18124           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 1)
18125             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
18126           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 2)
18127             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 4 \b");
18128           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 3)
18129             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 4 \b");
18130           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 4)
18131             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 4 \b");
18132           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 5)
18133             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 4 \b");
18134           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 6)
18135             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 4 \b");
18136           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 7)
18137             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 4 \b");
18138           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 8)
18139             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 4 \b");
18140           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 9)
18141             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 4 \b");
18142           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 10)
18143             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 4 \b");
18144           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 11)
18145             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 4 \b");
18146           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 12)
18147             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 4 \b");
18148           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Draw("Error");
18149           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4++;
18150           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4 > 12)
18151             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18152         }           //ccctest>0
18154       }  // for i
18155     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18156   }      //for jeta
18157   /////////////////
18158   c3x5->Update();
18159   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
18160   c3x5->Clear();
18161   // clean-up
18162   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4)
18163     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF4;
18164   //========================================================================================== 8
18165   //======================================================================
18166   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
18167   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
18168   c3x5->Clear();
18169   /////////////////
18170   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18171   c3x5->cd(1);
18172   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 = 1;
18173   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18175   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18176     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18177     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
18178       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18179       // depth=5
18180       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
18181         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->Clone("twod1");
18183         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18184         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18185           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
18187           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18188           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18189             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18190             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18191           }
18192         }  // for jphi
18193         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18194           //cout<<"888        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18195           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5);
18196           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18197           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18198           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18199           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 \b");
18200           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetMarkerColor(2);
18201           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetLineColor(0);
18202           gPad->SetGridy();
18203           gPad->SetGridx();
18204           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18205           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 1)
18206             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 5 \b");
18207           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 2)
18208             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 5 \b");
18209           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 3)
18210             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 5 \b");
18211           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 4)
18212             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 5 \b");
18213           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 5)
18214             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 5 \b");
18215           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 6)
18216             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 5 \b");
18217           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 7)
18218             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 5 \b");
18219           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 8)
18220             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 5 \b");
18221           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 9)
18222             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 5 \b");
18223           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 10)
18224             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 5 \b");
18225           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 11)
18226             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 5 \b");
18227           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5->Draw("Error");
18228           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5++;
18229           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5 > 11)
18230             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18231         }           //ccctest>0
18233       }  // for i
18234     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18235   }      //for jeta
18236   /////////////////
18237   c3x5->Update();
18238   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
18239   c3x5->Clear();
18240   // clean-up
18241   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5)
18242     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF5;
18243   //========================================================================================== 9
18244   //======================================================================
18245   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
18246   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
18247   c3x5->Clear();
18248   /////////////////
18249   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18250   c3x5->cd(1);
18251   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 = 1;
18252   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18254   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18255     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18256     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
18257       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18258       // depth=6
18259       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
18260         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->Clone("twod1");
18262         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18263         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18264           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18265           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18266             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18267             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18268           }
18269         }  // for jphi
18270         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18271           //cout<<"999        kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18272           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6);
18273           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18274           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18275           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18276           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 \b");
18277           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetMarkerColor(2);
18278           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetLineColor(0);
18279           gPad->SetGridy();
18280           gPad->SetGridx();
18281           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18282           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 1)
18283             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 6 \b");
18284           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 2)
18285             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 6 \b");
18286           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 3)
18287             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 6 \b");
18288           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 4)
18289             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 6 \b");
18290           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 5)
18291             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 6 \b");
18292           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 6)
18293             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 6 \b");
18294           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 7)
18295             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 6 \b");
18296           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 8)
18297             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 6 \b");
18298           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 9)
18299             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 6 \b");
18300           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 10)
18301             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 6 \b");
18302           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6->Draw("Error");
18303           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6++;
18304           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6 > 10)
18305             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18306         }           //ccctest>0
18308       }  // for i
18309     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18310   }      //for jeta
18311   /////////////////
18312   c3x5->Update();
18313   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
18314   c3x5->Clear();
18315   // clean-up
18316   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6)
18317     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF6;
18318   //========================================================================================== 10
18319   //======================================================================
18320   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
18321   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
18322   c3x5->Clear();
18323   /////////////////
18324   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18325   c3x5->cd(1);
18326   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 = 1;
18327   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18329   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18330     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18331     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
18332       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18333       // depth=7
18334       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
18335         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->Clone("twod1");
18337         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18338         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18339           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18340           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18341             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18342             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18343           }
18344         }  // for jphi
18345         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18346           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18347           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7);
18348           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18349           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18350           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18351           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 \b");
18352           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetMarkerColor(2);
18353           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetLineColor(0);
18354           gPad->SetGridy();
18355           gPad->SetGridx();
18356           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18357           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 == 1)
18358             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 7 \b");
18359           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 == 2)
18360             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 7 \b");
18361           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 == 3)
18362             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("DIF for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 7 \b");
18363           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7->Draw("Error");
18364           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7++;
18365           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7 > 3)
18366             break;  //
18367         }           //ccctest>0
18369       }  // for i
18370     }    //if(jeta-41 >=  -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18371   }      //for jeta
18372   /////////////////
18373   c3x5->Update();
18374   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
18375   c3x5->Clear();
18376   // clean-up
18377   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7)
18378     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF7;
18380   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18381   //========================================================================================== 1114
18382   //======================================================================
18383   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
18384   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
18385   c3x5->Clear();
18386   /////////////////
18387   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18388   c3x5->cd(1);
18389   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = 1;
18390   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18391   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18392     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18393     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
18394       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18395       // depth=1
18396       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
18397         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Clone("twod1");
18398         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18399         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18400           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18401           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18402             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18403             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18404           }
18405         }  // for jphi
18406         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18407           //      cout<<"444        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18408           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1);
18409           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18410           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18411           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18412           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 \b");
18413           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerColor(2);
18414           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetLineColor(0);
18415           gPad->SetGridy();
18416           gPad->SetGridx();
18417           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18418           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 1)
18419             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
18420           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 2)
18421             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 1 \b");
18422           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 3)
18423             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 1 \b");
18424           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 4)
18425             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 1 \b");
18426           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 5)
18427             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 1 \b");
18428           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 6)
18429             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 1 \b");
18430           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 7)
18431             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 1 \b");
18432           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 8)
18433             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 1 \b");
18434           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 9)
18435             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 1 \b");
18436           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 10)
18437             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 1 \b");
18438           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 11)
18439             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 1 \b");
18440           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 12)
18441             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 1 \b");
18442           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Draw("Error");
18443           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1++;
18444           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 > 12)
18445             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18446         }           //ccctest>0
18448       }  // for i
18449     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18450   }      //for jeta
18451   /////////////////
18452   c3x5->Update();
18453   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
18454   c3x5->Clear();
18455   // clean-up
18456   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1)
18457     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1;
18459   //========================================================================================== 1115
18460   //======================================================================
18461   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
18462   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
18463   c3x5->Clear();
18464   /////////////////
18465   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18466   c3x5->cd(1);
18467   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = 1;
18468   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18469   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18470     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18471     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
18472       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18473       // depth=2
18474       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
18475         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Clone("twod1");
18476         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18477         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18478           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18479           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18480             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18481             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18482           }
18483         }  // for jphi
18484         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18485           //cout<<"555        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18486           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2);
18487           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18488           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18489           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18490           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 \b");
18491           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerColor(2);
18492           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetLineColor(0);
18493           gPad->SetGridy();
18494           gPad->SetGridx();
18495           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18496           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 1)
18497             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
18498           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 2)
18499             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 2 \b");
18500           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 3)
18501             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 2 \b");
18502           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 4)
18503             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 2 \b");
18504           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 5)
18505             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 2 \b");
18506           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 6)
18507             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 2 \b");
18508           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 7)
18509             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 2 \b");
18510           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 8)
18511             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 2 \b");
18512           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 9)
18513             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 2 \b");
18514           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 10)
18515             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
18516           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 11)
18517             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 2 \b");
18518           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 12)
18519             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 2 \b");
18520           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 13)
18521             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 2 \b");
18522           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Draw("Error");
18523           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2++;
18524           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 > 13)
18525             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18526         }           //ccctest>0
18528       }  // for i
18529     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18530   }      //for jeta
18531   /////////////////
18532   c3x5->Update();
18533   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
18534   c3x5->Clear();
18535   // clean-up
18536   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2)
18537     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2;
18538   //========================================================================================== 1116
18539   //======================================================================
18540   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
18541   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
18542   c3x5->Clear();
18543   /////////////////
18544   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18545   c3x5->cd(1);
18546   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = 1;
18547   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18548   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18549     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18550     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
18551       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18552       // depth=3
18553       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
18554         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Clone("twod1");
18555         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18556         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18557           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18558           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18559             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18560             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18561           }
18562         }  // for jphi
18563         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18564           //cout<<"666        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18565           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3);
18566           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18567           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18568           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18569           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 \b");
18570           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetMarkerColor(2);
18571           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetLineColor(0);
18572           gPad->SetGridy();
18573           gPad->SetGridx();
18574           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18575           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 1)
18576             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
18577           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 2)
18578             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 3 \b");
18579           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 3)
18580             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 3 \b");
18581           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 4)
18582             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 3 \b");
18583           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 5)
18584             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 3 \b");
18585           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 6)
18586             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 3 \b");
18587           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 7)
18588             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 3 \b");
18589           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 8)
18590             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 3 \b");
18591           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 9)
18592             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 3 \b");
18593           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 10)
18594             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 3 \b");
18595           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 11)
18596             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 3 \b");
18597           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 12)
18598             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 3 \b");
18599           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 == 13)
18600             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 3 \b");
18601           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3->Draw("Error");
18602           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3++;
18603           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3 > 13)
18604             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18605         }           //ccctest>0
18607       }  // for i
18608     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18609   }      //for jeta
18610   /////////////////
18611   c3x5->Update();
18612   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
18613   c3x5->Clear();
18614   // clean-up
18615   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3)
18616     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF3;
18617   //========================================================================================== 1117
18618   //======================================================================
18619   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
18620   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
18621   c3x5->Clear();
18622   /////////////////
18623   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18624   c3x5->cd(1);
18625   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = 1;
18626   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18628   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18629     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18630     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
18631       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18632       // depth=4
18633       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
18634         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Clone("twod1");
18636         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18637         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18638           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18639           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18640             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18641             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18642           }
18643         }  // for jphi
18644         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18645           //cout<<"777        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18646           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4);
18647           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18648           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18649           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18650           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 \b");
18651           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetMarkerColor(2);
18652           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetLineColor(0);
18653           gPad->SetGridy();
18654           gPad->SetGridx();
18655           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18656           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 1)
18657             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 4 \b");
18658           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 2)
18659             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 4 \b");
18660           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 3)
18661             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 4 \b");
18662           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 4)
18663             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 4 \b");
18664           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 5)
18665             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 4 \b");
18666           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 6)
18667             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 4 \b");
18668           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 7)
18669             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 4 \b");
18670           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 8)
18671             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 4 \b");
18672           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 9)
18673             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 4 \b");
18674           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 10)
18675             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 4 \b");
18676           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 11)
18677             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 4 \b");
18678           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 == 12)
18679             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
18680           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4->Draw("Error");
18681           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4++;
18682           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4 > 12)
18683             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18684         }           //ccctest>0
18686       }  // for i
18687     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18688   }      //for jeta
18689   /////////////////
18690   c3x5->Update();
18691   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
18692   c3x5->Clear();
18693   // clean-up
18694   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4)
18695     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF4;
18696   //========================================================================================== 1118
18697   //======================================================================
18698   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
18699   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
18700   c3x5->Clear();
18701   /////////////////
18702   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18703   c3x5->cd(1);
18704   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 = 1;
18705   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18707   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18708     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18709     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
18710       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18711       // depth=5
18712       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
18713         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->Clone("twod1");
18715         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18716         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18717           //           cout<<"888  initial      kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<"   jphi=     "<< jphi <<"   breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi]=     "<< breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] <<"  depth=     "<< i <<endl;
18719           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18720           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18721             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18722             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18723           }
18724         }  // for jphi
18725         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18726           //cout<<"888        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18727           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5);
18728           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18729           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18730           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18731           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 \b");
18732           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetMarkerColor(2);
18733           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetLineColor(0);
18734           gPad->SetGridy();
18735           gPad->SetGridx();
18736           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18737           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 1)
18738             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 5 \b");
18739           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 2)
18740             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 5 \b");
18741           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 3)
18742             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 5 \b");
18743           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 4)
18744             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 5 \b");
18745           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 5)
18746             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 5 \b");
18747           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 6)
18748             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 5 \b");
18749           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 7)
18750             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 5 \b");
18751           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 8)
18752             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 5 \b");
18753           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 9)
18754             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 5 \b");
18755           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 10)
18756             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 5 \b");
18757           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 == 11)
18758             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 5 \b");
18759           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5->Draw("Error");
18760           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5++;
18761           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5 > 11)
18762             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18763         }           //ccctest>0
18765       }  // for i
18766     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18767   }      //for jeta
18768   /////////////////
18769   c3x5->Update();
18770   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
18771   c3x5->Clear();
18772   // clean-up
18773   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5)
18774     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF5;
18775   //========================================================================================== 1119
18776   //======================================================================
18777   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
18778   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
18779   c3x5->Clear();
18780   /////////////////
18781   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18782   c3x5->cd(1);
18783   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 = 1;
18784   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18786   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18787     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18788     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
18789       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18790       // depth=6
18791       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
18792         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->Clone("twod1");
18794         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18795         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18796           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18797           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18798             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18799             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18800           }
18801         }  // for jphi
18802         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18803           //cout<<"999        kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18804           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6);
18805           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18806           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18807           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18808           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 \b");
18809           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetMarkerColor(2);
18810           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetLineColor(0);
18811           gPad->SetGridy();
18812           gPad->SetGridx();
18813           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18814           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 1)
18815             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 6 \b");
18816           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 2)
18817             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 6 \b");
18818           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 3)
18819             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 6 \b");
18820           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 4)
18821             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 6 \b");
18822           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 5)
18823             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 6 \b");
18824           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 6)
18825             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 6 \b");
18826           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 7)
18827             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 6 \b");
18828           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 8)
18829             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 6 \b");
18830           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 9)
18831             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 6 \b");
18832           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 == 10)
18833             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 6 \b");
18834           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6->Draw("Error");
18835           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6++;
18836           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6 > 10)
18837             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18838         }           //ccctest>0
18840       }  // for i
18841     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18842   }      //for jeta
18843   /////////////////
18844   c3x5->Update();
18845   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
18846   c3x5->Clear();
18847   // clean-up
18848   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6)
18849     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF6;
18850   //========================================================================================== 11110
18851   //======================================================================
18852   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
18853   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
18854   c3x5->Clear();
18855   /////////////////
18856   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
18857   c3x5->cd(1);
18858   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 = 1;
18859   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
18861   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18862     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
18863     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
18864       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
18865       // depth=7
18866       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
18867         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->Clone("twod1");
18869         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
18870         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
18871           double ccc1 = breconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi];
18872           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
18873             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
18874             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
18875           }
18876         }  // for jphi
18877         if (ccctest > 0.) {
18878           //cout<<"1010       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
18879           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7);
18880           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
18881           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
18882           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
18883           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 \b");
18884           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetMarkerColor(2);
18885           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetLineColor(0);
18886           gPad->SetGridy();
18887           gPad->SetGridx();
18888           //       gPad->SetLogy();
18889           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 == 1)
18890             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 7 \b");
18891           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 == 2)
18892             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 7 \b");
18893           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 == 3)
18894             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->SetXTitle("DIF for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 7 \b");
18895           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7->Draw("Error");
18896           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7++;
18897           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7 > 3)
18898             break;  // 4x6 = 24
18899         }           //ccctest>0
18901       }  // for i
18902     }    //if(jeta-41  >= -29 && jeta-41 <= -16)
18903   }      //for jeta
18904   /////////////////
18905   c3x5->Update();
18906   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
18907   c3x5->Clear();
18908   // clean-up
18909   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7)
18910     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF7;
18912   //======================================================================================================================
18913   //======================================================================================================================
18914   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18915   //======================================================================================================================
18916   //======================================================================================================================
18917   //======================================================================================================================
18921   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
18922   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HE1");
18923   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HE1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE1");
18924   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHE1 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HE1->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHE1");
18925   reconoiseVarianceHE1->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HE1, reconoiseVariance0HE1, 1, 1, "B");
18926   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HE2");
18927   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HE2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE2");
18928   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHE2 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HE2->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHE2");
18929   reconoiseVarianceHE2->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HE2, reconoiseVariance0HE2, 1, 1, "B");
18930   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HE3");
18931   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HE3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE3");
18932   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHE3 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HE3->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHE3");
18933   reconoiseVarianceHE3->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HE3, reconoiseVariance0HE3, 1, 1, "B");
18934   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HE4");
18935   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HE4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE4");
18936   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHE4 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HE4->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHE4");
18937   reconoiseVarianceHE4->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HE4, reconoiseVariance0HE4, 1, 1, "B");
18938   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HE5");
18939   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HE5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE5");
18940   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHE5 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HE5->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHE5");
18941   reconoiseVarianceHE5->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HE5, reconoiseVariance0HE5, 1, 1, "B");
18942   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HE6");
18943   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HE6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE6");
18944   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHE6 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HE6->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHE6");
18945   reconoiseVarianceHE6->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HE6, reconoiseVariance0HE6, 1, 1, "B");
18946   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HE7");
18947   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HE7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HE7");
18948   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHE7 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HE7->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHE7");
18949   reconoiseVarianceHE7->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HE7, reconoiseVariance0HE7, 1, 1, "B");
18950   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
18951   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive reconoisevariancehe
18952   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
18953   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
18954     if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
18955       //preparation for PHI normalization:
18956       double sumreconoiseHE0 = 0;
18957       int nsumreconoiseHE0 = 0;
18958       double sumreconoiseHE1 = 0;
18959       int nsumreconoiseHE1 = 0;
18960       double sumreconoiseHE2 = 0;
18961       int nsumreconoiseHE2 = 0;
18962       double sumreconoiseHE3 = 0;
18963       int nsumreconoiseHE3 = 0;
18964       double sumreconoiseHE4 = 0;
18965       int nsumreconoiseHE4 = 0;
18966       double sumreconoiseHE5 = 0;
18967       int nsumreconoiseHE5 = 0;
18968       double sumreconoiseHE6 = 0;
18969       int nsumreconoiseHE6 = 0;
18970       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
18971         reconoisevariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHE1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
18972         reconoisevariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHE2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
18973         reconoisevariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHE3->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
18974         reconoisevariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHE4->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
18975         reconoisevariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHE5->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
18976         reconoisevariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHE6->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
18977         reconoisevariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHE7->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
18978         if (reconoisevariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
18979           sumreconoiseHE0 += reconoisevariancehe[0][jeta][jphi];
18980           ++nsumreconoiseHE0;
18981         }
18982         if (reconoisevariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
18983           sumreconoiseHE1 += reconoisevariancehe[1][jeta][jphi];
18984           ++nsumreconoiseHE1;
18985         }
18986         if (reconoisevariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
18987           sumreconoiseHE2 += reconoisevariancehe[2][jeta][jphi];
18988           ++nsumreconoiseHE2;
18989         }
18990         if (reconoisevariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
18991           sumreconoiseHE3 += reconoisevariancehe[3][jeta][jphi];
18992           ++nsumreconoiseHE3;
18993         }
18994         if (reconoisevariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
18995           sumreconoiseHE4 += reconoisevariancehe[4][jeta][jphi];
18996           ++nsumreconoiseHE4;
18997         }
18998         if (reconoisevariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
18999           sumreconoiseHE5 += reconoisevariancehe[5][jeta][jphi];
19000           ++nsumreconoiseHE5;
19001         }
19002         if (reconoisevariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] != 0.) {
19003           sumreconoiseHE6 += reconoisevariancehe[6][jeta][jphi];
19004           ++nsumreconoiseHE6;
19005         }
19006       }  // phi
19007       // PHI normalization :
19008       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
19009         if (sumreconoiseHE0 != 0.)
19010           reconoisevariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE0 / nsumreconoiseHE0);
19011         if (sumreconoiseHE1 != 0.)
19012           reconoisevariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE1 / nsumreconoiseHE1);
19013         if (sumreconoiseHE2 != 0.)
19014           reconoisevariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE2 / nsumreconoiseHE2);
19015         if (sumreconoiseHE3 != 0.)
19016           reconoisevariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE3 / nsumreconoiseHE3);
19017         if (sumreconoiseHE4 != 0.)
19018           reconoisevariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE4 / nsumreconoiseHE4);
19019         if (sumreconoiseHE5 != 0.)
19020           reconoisevariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE5 / nsumreconoiseHE5);
19021         if (sumreconoiseHE6 != 0.)
19022           reconoisevariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHE6 / nsumreconoiseHE6);
19023       }  // phi
19024       //       reconoisevariancehe (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
19025       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
19026         //     cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
19027         reconoisevariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] -= areconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi] * areconoisehe[0][jeta][jphi];
19028         reconoisevariancehe[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevariancehe[0][jeta][jphi]);
19029         reconoisevariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] -= areconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi] * areconoisehe[1][jeta][jphi];
19030         reconoisevariancehe[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevariancehe[1][jeta][jphi]);
19031         reconoisevariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] -= areconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi] * areconoisehe[2][jeta][jphi];
19032         reconoisevariancehe[2][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevariancehe[2][jeta][jphi]);
19033         reconoisevariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] -= areconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi] * areconoisehe[3][jeta][jphi];
19034         reconoisevariancehe[3][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevariancehe[3][jeta][jphi]);
19035         reconoisevariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] -= areconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi] * areconoisehe[4][jeta][jphi];
19036         reconoisevariancehe[4][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevariancehe[4][jeta][jphi]);
19037         reconoisevariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] -= areconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi] * areconoisehe[5][jeta][jphi];
19038         reconoisevariancehe[5][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevariancehe[5][jeta][jphi]);
19039         reconoisevariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] -= areconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi] * areconoisehe[6][jeta][jphi];
19040         reconoisevariancehe[6][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevariancehe[6][jeta][jphi]);
19041       }
19042     }
19043   }
19044   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
19045   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthes
19046   //======================================================================
19047   //======================================================================
19048   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthes *****" <<endl;
19049   c1x1->Clear();
19050   /////////////////
19051   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
19052   c1x0->cd(1);
19053   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHE42D = new TH2F("DefzDreconoiseHE42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
19054   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHE42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDreconoiseHE42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
19055   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHE42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDreconoiseHE42D0->Clone("DefzDreconoiseHE42DF");
19056   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
19057     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
19058       if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
19059         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19060           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19061           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
19062           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
19063           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19064             DefzDreconoiseHE42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
19065             DefzDreconoiseHE42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
19066           }
19067         }
19068       }
19069     }
19070   }
19071   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->Divide(DefzDreconoiseHE42D, DefzDreconoiseHE42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
19072   //    DefzDreconoiseHE1->Sumw2();
19073   gPad->SetGridy();
19074   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
19075   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19076   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19077   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
19078   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
19079   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
19080   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
19081   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
19082   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetLineColor(
19083       0);  //      DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
19084   DefzDreconoiseHE42DF->Draw("COLZ");
19085   /////////////////
19086   c1x0->Update();
19087   c1x0->Print("DreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png");
19088   c1x0->Clear();
19089   // clean-up
19090   if (DefzDreconoiseHE42D)
19091     delete DefzDreconoiseHE42D;
19092   if (DefzDreconoiseHE42D0)
19093     delete DefzDreconoiseHE42D0;
19094   if (DefzDreconoiseHE42DF)
19095     delete DefzDreconoiseHE42DF;
19096   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta
19097   //======================================================================
19098   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta *****" <<endl;
19099   c1x1->Clear();
19100   /////////////////
19101   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
19102   c1x1->cd(1);
19103   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHE41D = new TH1F("DefzDreconoiseHE41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19104   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHE41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDreconoiseHE41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19105   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHE41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDreconoiseHE41D0->Clone("DefzDreconoiseHE41DF");
19107   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19108     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
19109       if ((jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) || (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28)) {
19110         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
19111           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19112           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19113             DefzDreconoiseHE41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19114             DefzDreconoiseHE41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
19115           }
19116         }
19117       }
19118     }
19119   }
19120   //     DefzDreconoiseHE41D->Sumw2();DefzDreconoiseHE41D0->Sumw2();
19122   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->Divide(DefzDreconoiseHE41D, DefzDreconoiseHE41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthes & eta
19123   DefzDreconoiseHE41D0->Sumw2();
19124   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
19125   gPad->SetGridy();
19126   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
19127   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19128   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
19129   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
19130   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
19131   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
19132   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthes \b");
19133   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
19134   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetLineColor(
19135       4);  // DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
19136   DefzDreconoiseHE41DF->Draw("Error");
19137   /////////////////
19138   c1x1->Update();
19139   c1x1->Print("DreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png");
19140   c1x1->Clear();
19141   // clean-up
19142   if (DefzDreconoiseHE41D)
19143     delete DefzDreconoiseHE41D;
19144   if (DefzDreconoiseHE41D0)
19145     delete DefzDreconoiseHE41D0;
19146   if (DefzDreconoiseHE41DF)
19147     delete DefzDreconoiseHE41DF;
19148   //========================================================================================== 14
19149   //======================================================================
19150   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
19151   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
19152   c3x5->Clear();
19153   /////////////////
19154   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19155   c3x5->cd(1);
19156   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = 1;
19157   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19159   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19160     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
19161     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
19162       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19163       // depth=1
19164       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
19165         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Clone("twod1");
19167         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19168         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19169           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19170           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19171             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19172             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19173           }
19174         }  // for jphi
19175         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19176           //cout<<"1414       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19177           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1);
19178           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19179           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19180           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19181           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 \b");
19182           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
19183           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetLineColor(0);
19184           gPad->SetGridy();
19185           gPad->SetGridx();
19186           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19187           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 1)
19188             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 1 \b");
19189           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 2)
19190             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 1 \b");
19191           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 3)
19192             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 1 \b");
19193           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 4)
19194             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 1 \b");
19195           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 5)
19196             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 1 \b");
19197           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 6)
19198             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 1 \b");
19199           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 7)
19200             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 1 \b");
19201           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 8)
19202             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 1 \b");
19203           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 9)
19204             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 1 \b");
19205           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 10)
19206             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 1 \b");
19207           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 11)
19208             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 1 \b");
19209           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 12)
19210             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
19211           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Draw("Error");
19212           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1++;
19213           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 > 12)
19214             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19215         }           //ccctest>0
19217       }  // for i
19218     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
19219   }      //for jeta
19220   /////////////////
19221   c3x5->Update();
19222   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
19223   c3x5->Clear();
19224   // clean-up
19225   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1)
19226     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD1;
19227   //========================================================================================== 15
19228   //======================================================================
19229   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
19230   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
19231   c3x5->Clear();
19232   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19233   c3x5->cd(1);
19234   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = 1;
19235   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19237   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19238     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
19239     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
19240       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19241       // depth=2
19242       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
19243         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Clone("twod1");
19245         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19246         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19247           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19248           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19249             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19250             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19251           }
19252         }  // for jphi
19253         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19254           //cout<<"1515       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19255           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2);
19256           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19257           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19258           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19259           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 \b");
19260           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
19261           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetLineColor(0);
19262           gPad->SetGridy();
19263           gPad->SetGridx();
19264           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19265           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 1)
19266             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 2 \b");
19267           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 2)
19268             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 2 \b");
19269           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 3)
19270             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 2 \b");
19271           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 4)
19272             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 2 \b");
19273           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 5)
19274             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 2 \b");
19275           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 6)
19276             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 2 \b");
19277           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 7)
19278             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 2 \b");
19279           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 8)
19280             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 2 \b");
19281           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 9)
19282             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 2 \b");
19283           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 10)
19284             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 2 \b");
19285           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 11)
19286             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 2 \b");
19287           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 12)
19288             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 2 \b");
19289           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 13)
19290             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
19291           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Draw("Error");
19292           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2++;
19293           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 > 13)
19294             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19295         }           //ccctest>0
19297       }  // for i
19298     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
19299   }      //for jeta
19300   /////////////////
19301   c3x5->Update();
19302   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
19303   c3x5->Clear();
19304   // clean-up
19305   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2)
19306     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD2;
19307   //========================================================================================== 16
19308   //======================================================================
19309   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
19310   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
19311   c3x5->Clear();
19312   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19313   c3x5->cd(1);
19314   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 = 1;
19315   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19317   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19318     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
19319     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
19320       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19321       // depth=3
19322       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
19323         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->Clone("twod1");
19325         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19326         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19327           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19328           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19329             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19330             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19331           }
19332         }  // for jphi
19333         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19334           //cout<<"1616       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19335           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3);
19336           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19337           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19338           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19339           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 \b");
19340           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
19341           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetLineColor(0);
19342           gPad->SetGridy();
19343           gPad->SetGridx();
19344           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19345           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 1)
19346             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 16; depth = 3 \b");
19347           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 2)
19348             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 3 \b");
19349           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 3)
19350             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 3 \b");
19351           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 4)
19352             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 3 \b");
19353           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 5)
19354             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 3 \b");
19355           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 6)
19356             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 3 \b");
19357           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 7)
19358             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 3 \b");
19359           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 8)
19360             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 3 \b");
19361           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 9)
19362             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 3 \b");
19363           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 10)
19364             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 3 \b");
19365           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 11)
19366             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 3 \b");
19367           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 12)
19368             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 3 \b");
19369           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 == 13)
19370             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 28; depth = 3 \b");
19371           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3->Draw("Error");
19372           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3++;
19373           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3 > 13)
19374             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19375         }           //ccctest>0
19377       }  // for i
19378     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
19379   }      //for jeta
19380   /////////////////
19381   c3x5->Update();
19382   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
19383   c3x5->Clear();
19384   // clean-up
19385   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3)
19386     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD3;
19387   //========================================================================================== 17
19388   //======================================================================
19389   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
19390   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
19391   c3x5->Clear();
19392   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19393   c3x5->cd(1);
19394   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 = 1;
19395   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19397   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19398     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
19399     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
19400       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19401       // depth=4
19402       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
19403         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->Clone("twod1");
19405         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19406         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19407           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19408           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19409             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19410             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19411           }
19412         }  // for jphi
19413         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19414           //cout<<"1717       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19415           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4);
19416           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19417           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19418           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19419           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 \b");
19420           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
19421           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetLineColor(0);
19422           gPad->SetGridy();
19423           gPad->SetGridx();
19424           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19425           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 1)
19426             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 15; depth = 4 \b");
19427           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 2)
19428             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 4 \b");
19429           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 3)
19430             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 4 \b");
19431           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 4)
19432             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 4 \b");
19433           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 5)
19434             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 4 \b");
19435           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 6)
19436             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 4 \b");
19437           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 7)
19438             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 4 \b");
19439           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 8)
19440             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 4 \b");
19441           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 9)
19442             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 4 \b");
19443           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 10)
19444             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 4 \b");
19445           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 11)
19446             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 4 \b");
19447           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 == 12)
19448             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 4 \b");
19449           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4->Draw("Error");
19450           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4++;
19451           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4 > 12)
19452             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19453         }           //ccctest>0
19455       }  // for i
19456     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
19457   }      //for jeta
19458   /////////////////
19459   c3x5->Update();
19460   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
19461   c3x5->Clear();
19462   // clean-up
19463   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4)
19464     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD4;
19465   //========================================================================================== 18
19466   //======================================================================
19467   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
19468   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
19469   c3x5->Clear();
19470   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19471   c3x5->cd(1);
19472   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 = 1;
19473   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19475   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19476     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
19477     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
19478       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19479       // depth=5
19480       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
19481         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->Clone("twod1");
19483         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19484         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19485           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19486           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19487             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19488             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19489           }
19490         }  // for jphi
19491         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19492           //cout<<"1818       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19493           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5);
19494           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19495           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19496           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19497           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 \b");
19498           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetMarkerColor(2);
19499           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetLineColor(0);
19500           gPad->SetGridy();
19501           gPad->SetGridx();
19502           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19503           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 1)
19504             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 17; depth = 5 \b");
19505           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 2)
19506             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 5 \b");
19507           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 3)
19508             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 5 \b");
19509           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 4)
19510             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 5 \b");
19511           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 5)
19512             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 5 \b");
19513           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 6)
19514             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 5 \b");
19515           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 7)
19516             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 5 \b");
19517           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 8)
19518             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 5 \b");
19519           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 9)
19520             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 5 \b");
19521           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 10)
19522             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 5 \b");
19523           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 == 11)
19524             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 5 \b");
19525           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5->Draw("Error");
19526           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5++;
19527           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5 > 11)
19528             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19529         }           //ccctest>0
19531       }  // for i
19532     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
19533   }      //for jeta
19534   /////////////////
19535   c3x5->Update();
19536   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
19537   c3x5->Clear();
19538   // clean-up
19539   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5)
19540     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD5;
19541   //========================================================================================== 19
19542   //======================================================================
19543   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
19544   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
19545   c3x5->Clear();
19546   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19547   c3x5->cd(1);
19548   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 = 1;
19549   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19551   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19552     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
19553     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
19554       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19555       // depth=6
19556       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
19557         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->Clone("twod1");
19559         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19560         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19561           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19562           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19563             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19564             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19565           }
19566         }  // for jphi
19567         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19568           //cout<<"1919       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19569           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6);
19570           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19571           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19572           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19573           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 \b");
19574           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetMarkerColor(2);
19575           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetLineColor(0);
19576           gPad->SetGridy();
19577           gPad->SetGridx();
19578           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19579           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 1)
19580             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 18; depth = 6 \b");
19581           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 2)
19582             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 19; depth = 6 \b");
19583           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 3)
19584             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 20; depth = 6 \b");
19585           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 4)
19586             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 21; depth = 6 \b");
19587           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 5)
19588             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 22; depth = 6 \b");
19589           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 6)
19590             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 23; depth = 6 \b");
19591           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 7)
19592             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 24; depth = 6 \b");
19593           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 8)
19594             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 6 \b");
19595           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 9)
19596             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 6 \b");
19597           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 == 10)
19598             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 6 \b");
19599           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6->Draw("Error");
19600           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6++;
19601           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6 > 10)
19602             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19603         }           //ccctest>0
19605       }  // for i
19606     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
19607   }      //for jeta
19608   /////////////////
19609   c3x5->Update();
19610   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
19611   c3x5->Clear();
19612   // clean-up
19613   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6)
19614     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD6;
19615   //========================================================================================== 20
19616   //======================================================================
19617   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
19618   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
19619   c3x5->Clear();
19620   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19621   c3x5->cd(1);
19622   int kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 = 1;
19623   TH1F *h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19625   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19626     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
19627     if (jeta - 41 >= 15 && jeta - 41 <= 28) {
19628       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19629       // depth=7
19630       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
19631         TH1F *HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->Clone("twod1");
19633         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19634         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19635           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19636           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19637             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19638             ccctest = 1.;  //HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19639           }
19640         }  // for jphi
19641         if (ccctest != 0.) {
19642           //cout<<"2020       kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7   =     "<<kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19643           c3x5->cd(kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7);
19644           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19645           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19646           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19647           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 \b");
19648           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetMarkerColor(2);
19649           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetLineColor(0);
19650           gPad->SetGridy();
19651           gPad->SetGridx();
19652           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19653           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 == 1)
19654             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 25; depth = 7 \b");
19655           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 == 2)
19656             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 26; depth = 7 \b");
19657           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 == 3)
19658             HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("D for HE+ jeta = 27; depth = 7 \b");
19659           HEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7->Draw("Error");
19660           kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7++;
19661           if (kcountHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7 > 3)
19662             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19663         }           //ccctest>0
19665       }  // for i
19666     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 0)
19667   }      //for jeta
19668   /////////////////
19669   c3x5->Update();
19670   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
19671   c3x5->Clear();
19672   // clean-up
19673   if (h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7)
19674     delete h2CeffHEpositivedirectionReconoiseD7;
19676   //========================================================================================== 22222214
19677   //======================================================================
19678   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
19679   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
19680   c3x5->Clear();
19681   /////////////////
19682   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19683   c3x5->cd(1);
19684   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = 1;
19685   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19687   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19688     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
19689     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
19690       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19691       // depth=1
19692       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
19693         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Clone("twod1");
19695         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19696         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19697           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19698           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19699             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19700             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19701           }
19702         }  // for jphi
19703         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19704           //cout<<"1414       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19705           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1);
19706           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19707           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19708           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19709           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 \b");
19710           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
19711           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetLineColor(0);
19712           gPad->SetGridy();
19713           gPad->SetGridx();
19714           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19715           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 1)
19716             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
19717           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 2)
19718             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 1 \b");
19719           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 3)
19720             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 1 \b");
19721           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 4)
19722             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 1 \b");
19723           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 5)
19724             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 1 \b");
19725           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 6)
19726             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 1 \b");
19727           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 7)
19728             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 1 \b");
19729           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 8)
19730             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 1 \b");
19731           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 9)
19732             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 1 \b");
19733           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 10)
19734             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 1 \b");
19735           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 11)
19736             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 1 \b");
19737           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 12)
19738             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 1 \b");
19739           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Draw("Error");
19740           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1++;
19741           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 > 12)
19742             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19743         }           //ccctest>0
19745       }  // for i
19746     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
19747   }      //for jeta
19748   /////////////////
19749   c3x5->Update();
19750   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png");
19751   c3x5->Clear();
19752   // clean-up
19753   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1)
19754     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD1;
19755   //========================================================================================== 22222215
19756   //======================================================================
19757   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
19758   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
19759   c3x5->Clear();
19760   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19761   c3x5->cd(1);
19762   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = 1;
19763   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19765   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19766     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
19767     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
19768       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19769       // depth=2
19770       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
19771         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Clone("twod1");
19773         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19774         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19775           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19776           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19777             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19778             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19779           }
19780         }  // for jphi
19781         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19782           //cout<<"1515       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19783           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2);
19784           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19785           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19786           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19787           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 \b");
19788           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
19789           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetLineColor(0);
19790           gPad->SetGridy();
19791           gPad->SetGridx();
19792           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19793           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 1)
19794             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
19795           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 2)
19796             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 2 \b");
19797           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 3)
19798             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 2 \b");
19799           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 4)
19800             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 2 \b");
19801           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 5)
19802             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 2 \b");
19803           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 6)
19804             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 2 \b");
19805           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 7)
19806             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 2 \b");
19807           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 8)
19808             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 2 \b");
19809           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 9)
19810             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 2 \b");
19811           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 10)
19812             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
19813           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 11)
19814             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 2 \b");
19815           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 12)
19816             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 2 \b");
19817           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 13)
19818             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 2 \b");
19819           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Draw("Error");
19820           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2++;
19821           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 > 13)
19822             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19823         }           //ccctest>0
19825       }  // for i
19826     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
19827   }      //for jeta
19828   /////////////////
19829   c3x5->Update();
19830   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png");
19831   c3x5->Clear();
19832   // clean-up
19833   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2)
19834     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD2;
19835   //========================================================================================== 22222216
19836   //======================================================================
19837   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3
19838   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=3 *****" <<endl;
19839   c3x5->Clear();
19840   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19841   c3x5->cd(1);
19842   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 = 1;
19843   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19845   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19846     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
19847     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
19848       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19849       // depth=3
19850       for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++) {
19851         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->Clone("twod1");
19853         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19854         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19855           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19856           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19857             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19858             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19859           }
19860         }  // for jphi
19861         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19862           //cout<<"1616       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19863           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3);
19864           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19865           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19866           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19867           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 \b");
19868           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetMarkerColor(2);
19869           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetLineColor(0);
19870           gPad->SetGridy();
19871           gPad->SetGridx();
19872           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19873           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 1)
19874             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-29; depth = 3 \b");
19875           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 2)
19876             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 3 \b");
19877           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 3)
19878             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 3 \b");
19879           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 4)
19880             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 3 \b");
19881           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 5)
19882             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 3 \b");
19883           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 6)
19884             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 3 \b");
19885           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 7)
19886             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 3 \b");
19887           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 8)
19888             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 3 \b");
19889           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 9)
19890             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 3 \b");
19891           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 10)
19892             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 3 \b");
19893           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 11)
19894             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 3 \b");
19895           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 12)
19896             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 3 \b");
19897           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 == 13)
19898             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-17; depth = 3 \b");
19899           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3->Draw("Error");
19900           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3++;
19901           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3 > 13)
19902             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19903         }           //ccctest>0
19905       }  // for i
19906     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
19907   }      //for jeta
19908   /////////////////
19909   c3x5->Update();
19910   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png");
19911   c3x5->Clear();
19912   // clean-up
19913   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3)
19914     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD3;
19915   //========================================================================================== 22222217
19916   //======================================================================
19917   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4
19918   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=4 *****" <<endl;
19919   c3x5->Clear();
19920   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19921   c3x5->cd(1);
19922   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 = 1;
19923   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
19925   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
19926     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
19927     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
19928       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
19929       // depth=4
19930       for (int i = 3; i < 4; i++) {
19931         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->Clone("twod1");
19933         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
19934         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
19935           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
19936           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
19937             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
19938             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetBinError(i,0.01);
19939           }
19940         }  // for jphi
19941         if (ccctest > 0.) {
19942           //cout<<"1717       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
19943           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4);
19944           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
19945           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
19946           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
19947           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 \b");
19948           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetMarkerColor(2);
19949           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetLineColor(0);
19950           gPad->SetGridy();
19951           gPad->SetGridx();
19952           //       gPad->SetLogy();
19953           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 1)
19954             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 4 \b");
19955           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 2)
19956             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 4 \b");
19957           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 3)
19958             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 4 \b");
19959           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 4)
19960             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 4 \b");
19961           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 5)
19962             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 4 \b");
19963           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 6)
19964             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 4 \b");
19965           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 7)
19966             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 4 \b");
19967           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 8)
19968             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 4 \b");
19969           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 9)
19970             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 4 \b");
19971           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 10)
19972             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 4 \b");
19973           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 11)
19974             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 4 \b");
19975           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 == 12)
19976             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-16; depth = 4 \b");
19977           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4->Draw("Error");
19978           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4++;
19979           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4 > 12)
19980             break;  // 4x6 = 24
19981         }           //ccctest>0
19983       }  // for i
19984     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
19985   }      //for jeta
19986   /////////////////
19987   c3x5->Update();
19988   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png");
19989   c3x5->Clear();
19990   // clean-up
19991   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4)
19992     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD4;
19993   //========================================================================================== 22222218
19994   //======================================================================
19995   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5
19996   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=5 *****" <<endl;
19997   c3x5->Clear();
19998   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
19999   c3x5->cd(1);
20000   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 = 1;
20001   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20003   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20004     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
20005     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
20006       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20007       // depth=5
20008       for (int i = 4; i < 5; i++) {
20009         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->Clone("twod1");
20011         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20012         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20013           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
20014           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
20015             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20016             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20017           }
20018         }  // for jphi
20019         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20020           //cout<<"1818       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20021           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5);
20022           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20023           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20024           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20025           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 \b");
20026           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetMarkerColor(2);
20027           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetLineColor(0);
20028           gPad->SetGridy();
20029           gPad->SetGridx();
20030           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20031           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 1)
20032             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 5 \b");
20033           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 2)
20034             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 5 \b");
20035           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 3)
20036             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 5 \b");
20037           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 4)
20038             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 5 \b");
20039           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 5)
20040             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 5 \b");
20041           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 6)
20042             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 5 \b");
20043           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 7)
20044             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 5 \b");
20045           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 8)
20046             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 5 \b");
20047           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 9)
20048             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 5 \b");
20049           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 10)
20050             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 5 \b");
20051           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 == 11)
20052             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-18; depth = 5 \b");
20053           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5->Draw("Error");
20054           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5++;
20055           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5 > 11)
20056             break;  // 4x6 = 24
20057         }           //ccctest>0
20059       }  // for i
20060     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
20061   }      //for jeta
20062   /////////////////
20063   c3x5->Update();
20064   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png");
20065   c3x5->Clear();
20066   // clean-up
20067   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5)
20068     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD5;
20069   //========================================================================================== 22222219
20070   //======================================================================
20071   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6
20072   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=6 *****" <<endl;
20073   c3x5->Clear();
20074   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20075   c3x5->cd(1);
20076   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 = 1;
20077   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20079   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20080     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
20081     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
20082       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20083       // depth=6
20084       for (int i = 5; i < 6; i++) {
20085         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->Clone("twod1");
20087         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20088         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20089           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
20090           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
20091             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20092             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20093           }
20094         }  // for jphi
20095         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20096           //cout<<"1919       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20097           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6);
20098           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20099           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20100           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20101           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 \b");
20102           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetMarkerColor(2);
20103           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetLineColor(0);
20104           gPad->SetGridy();
20105           gPad->SetGridx();
20106           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20107           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 1)
20108             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 6 \b");
20109           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 2)
20110             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 6 \b");
20111           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 3)
20112             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 6 \b");
20113           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 4)
20114             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-25; depth = 6 \b");
20115           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 5)
20116             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-24; depth = 6 \b");
20117           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 6)
20118             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-23; depth = 6 \b");
20119           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 7)
20120             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-22; depth = 6 \b");
20121           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 8)
20122             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-21; depth = 6 \b");
20123           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 9)
20124             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-20; depth = 6 \b");
20125           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 == 10)
20126             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-19; depth = 6 \b");
20127           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6->Draw("Error");
20128           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6++;
20129           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6 > 10)
20130             break;  // 4x6 = 24
20131         }           //ccctest>0
20133       }  // for i
20134     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
20135   }      //for jeta
20136   /////////////////
20137   c3x5->Update();
20138   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png");
20139   c3x5->Clear();
20140   // clean-up
20141   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6)
20142     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD6;
20143   //========================================================================================== 22222220
20144   //======================================================================
20145   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7
20146   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=7 *****" <<endl;
20147   c3x5->Clear();
20148   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20149   c3x5->cd(1);
20150   int kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 = 1;
20151   TH1F *h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 = new TH1F("h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20153   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20154     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
20155     if (jeta - 41 >= -29 && jeta - 41 <= -16) {
20156       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20157       // depth=7
20158       for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
20159         TH1F *HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->Clone("twod1");
20161         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20162         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20163           double ccc1 = reconoisevariancehe[i][jeta][jphi];
20164           if (areconoisehe[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
20165             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20166             ccctest = 1.;  //HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20167           }
20168         }  // for jphi
20169         if (ccctest != 0.) {
20170           //cout<<"2020       kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7   =     "<<kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20171           c3x5->cd(kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7);
20172           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20173           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20174           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20175           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 \b");
20176           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetMarkerColor(2);
20177           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetLineColor(0);
20178           gPad->SetGridy();
20179           gPad->SetGridx();
20180           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20181           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 == 1)
20182             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-28; depth = 7 \b");
20183           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 == 2)
20184             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-27; depth = 7 \b");
20185           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 == 3)
20186             HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->SetXTitle("D for HE- jeta =-26; depth = 7 \b");
20187           HEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7->Draw("Error");
20188           kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7++;
20189           if (kcountHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7 > 3)
20190             break;  // 4x6 = 24
20191         }           //ccctest>0
20193       }  // for i
20194     }    //if(jeta-41 < 0)
20195   }      //for jeta
20196   /////////////////
20197   c3x5->Update();
20198   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png");
20199   c3x5->Clear();
20200   // clean-up
20201   if (h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7)
20202     delete h2CeffHEnegativedirectionReconoiseD7;
20203   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HE for phi-symmetry
20204   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HE for phi-symmetry
20205   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HE for phi-symmetry
20206   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Reconoise HF
20207   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Reconoise HF
20208   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:    Reconoise HF
20209   //  int k_max[5]={0,4,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
20210   //ndepth = k_max[5];
20211   ndepth = 2;
20212   double areconoiseHF[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
20213   double breconoiseHF[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
20214   double reconoisevarianceHF[ndepth][njeta][njphi];
20216   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HF1");
20217   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HF1");
20218   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHF1 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HF1->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHF1");
20219   recNoiseEnergyHF1->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HF1, recNoiseEnergy0HF1, 1, 1, "B");
20220   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy1HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy1_HF2");
20221   TH2F *recNoiseEnergy0HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HF2");
20222   TH2F *recNoiseEnergyHF2 = (TH2F *)recNoiseEnergy1HF2->Clone("recNoiseEnergyHF2");
20223   recNoiseEnergyHF2->Divide(recNoiseEnergy1HF2, recNoiseEnergy0HF2, 1, 1, "B");
20224   //====================================================================== PHI normalization & put R into massive areconoiseHF
20225   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20226     if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
20227       //preparation for PHI normalization:
20228       double sumreconoiseHF0 = 0;
20229       int nsumreconoiseHF0 = 0;
20230       double sumreconoiseHF1 = 0;
20231       int nsumreconoiseHF1 = 0;
20232       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
20233         areconoiseHF[0][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHF1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
20234         areconoiseHF[1][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHF2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
20235         breconoiseHF[0][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHF1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
20236         breconoiseHF[1][jeta][jphi] = recNoiseEnergyHF2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
20237         sumreconoiseHF0 += areconoiseHF[0][jeta][jphi];
20238         ++nsumreconoiseHF0;
20239         sumreconoiseHF1 += areconoiseHF[1][jeta][jphi];
20240         ++nsumreconoiseHF1;
20241       }  // phi
20243       // PHI normalization for DIF:
20244       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
20245         if (sumreconoiseHF0 != 0.)
20246           breconoiseHF[0][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHF0 / nsumreconoiseHF0);
20247         if (sumreconoiseHF1 != 0.)
20248           breconoiseHF[1][jeta][jphi] -= (sumreconoiseHF1 / nsumreconoiseHF1);
20249       }  // phi
20251       // PHI normalization for R:
20252       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
20253         if (sumreconoiseHF0 != 0.)
20254           areconoiseHF[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHF0 / nsumreconoiseHF0);
20255         if (sumreconoiseHF1 != 0.)
20256           areconoiseHF[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHF1 / nsumreconoiseHF1);
20257       }  // phi
20259     }  // jeta-41
20260   }    //eta
20261   /////////////////////////////////////////
20264   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs
20265   //======================================================================
20266   //======================================================================
20267   // cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
20268   c2x1->Clear();
20269   /////////////////
20270   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
20271   c2x1->cd(1);
20272   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHF42D = new TH2F("GefzRreconoiseHF42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
20273   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHF42D0 = new TH2F("GefzRreconoiseHF42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
20274   TH2F *GefzRreconoiseHF42DF = (TH2F *)GefzRreconoiseHF42D0->Clone("GefzRreconoiseHF42DF");
20275   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
20276     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
20277       if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
20278         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20279           double ccc1 = areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20280           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
20281           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
20282           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20283             GefzRreconoiseHF42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
20284             GefzRreconoiseHF42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
20285           }
20286         }
20287       }
20288     }
20289   }
20290   GefzRreconoiseHF42DF->Divide(GefzRreconoiseHF42D, GefzRreconoiseHF42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
20291   gPad->SetGridy();
20292   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
20293   GefzRreconoiseHF42DF->SetXTitle("<R>_depth       #eta  \b");
20294   GefzRreconoiseHF42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
20295   GefzRreconoiseHF42DF->Draw("COLZ");
20297   c2x1->cd(2);
20298   TH1F *energyhitNoise_HF = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitNoise_HF");
20299   energyhitNoise_HF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20300   energyhitNoise_HF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20301   energyhitNoise_HF->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20302   energyhitNoise_HF->SetXTitle("energyhitNoise_HF \b");
20303   energyhitNoise_HF->SetMarkerColor(2);
20304   energyhitNoise_HF->SetLineColor(0);
20305   gPad->SetGridy();
20306   gPad->SetGridx();
20307   energyhitNoise_HF->Draw("Error");
20309   /////////////////
20310   c2x1->Update();
20311   c2x1->Print("RreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png");
20312   c2x1->Clear();
20313   // clean-up
20314   if (GefzRreconoiseHF42D)
20315     delete GefzRreconoiseHF42D;
20316   if (GefzRreconoiseHF42D0)
20317     delete GefzRreconoiseHF42D0;
20318   if (GefzRreconoiseHF42DF)
20319     delete GefzRreconoiseHF42DF;
20320   //====================================================================== 1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
20321   //======================================================================
20322   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
20323   c1x1->Clear();
20324   /////////////////
20325   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
20326   c1x1->cd(1);
20327   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHF41D = new TH1F("GefzRreconoiseHF41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20328   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHF41D0 = new TH1F("GefzRreconoiseHF41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20329   TH1F *GefzRreconoiseHF41DF = (TH1F *)GefzRreconoiseHF41D0->Clone("GefzRreconoiseHF41DF");
20330   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20331     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
20332       if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
20333         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
20334           double ccc1 = areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20335           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20336             GefzRreconoiseHF41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20337             GefzRreconoiseHF41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
20338           }
20339         }
20340       }
20341     }
20342   }
20343   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->Divide(GefzRreconoiseHF41D, GefzRreconoiseHF41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
20344   GefzRreconoiseHF41D0->Sumw2();
20345   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
20346   gPad->SetGridy();
20347   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
20348   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20349   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
20350   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
20351   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
20352   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetYTitle("  <R> \b");
20353   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetZTitle("<R>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
20354   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
20355   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetLineColor(
20356       4);  //  GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
20357   GefzRreconoiseHF41DF->Draw("Error");
20358   /////////////////
20359   c1x1->Update();
20360   c1x1->Print("RreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png");
20361   c1x1->Clear();
20362   // clean-up
20363   if (GefzRreconoiseHF41D)
20364     delete GefzRreconoiseHF41D;
20365   if (GefzRreconoiseHF41D0)
20366     delete GefzRreconoiseHF41D0;
20367   if (GefzRreconoiseHF41DF)
20368     delete GefzRreconoiseHF41DF;
20369   //========================================================================================== 4
20370   //======================================================================
20371   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
20372   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
20373   c3x5->Clear();
20374   /////////////////
20375   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20376   c3x5->cd(1);
20377   int kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 = 1;
20378   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20379   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20380     // positivedirectionReconoise:
20381     if (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40) {
20382       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20383       // depth=1
20384       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
20385         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionReconoise1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise1->Clone("twod1");
20386         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20387         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20388           double ccc1 = areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20389           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20390             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20391             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20392           }
20393         }  // for jphi
20394         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20395           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20396           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1);
20397           HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20398           HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20399           HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20400           HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionReconoise1 \b");
20401           HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerColor(2);
20402           HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetLineColor(0);
20403           gPad->SetGridy();
20404           gPad->SetGridx();
20405           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20406           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 1)
20407             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
20408           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 2)
20409             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 1 \b");
20410           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 3)
20411             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 1 \b");
20412           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 4)
20413             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 1 \b");
20414           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 5)
20415             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 1 \b");
20416           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 6)
20417             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 1 \b");
20418           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 7)
20419             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 1 \b");
20420           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 8)
20421             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 1 \b");
20422           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 9)
20423             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 1 \b");
20424           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 10)
20425             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 1 \b");
20426           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 11)
20427             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 1 \b");
20428           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 12)
20429             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 1 \b");
20430           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 == 13)
20431             HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 1 \b");
20432           HFpositivedirectionReconoise1->Draw("Error");
20433           kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1++;
20434           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise1 > 13)
20435             break;  //
20436         }           //ccctest>0
20438       }  // for i
20439     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 28 && jeta-41 <= 40
20440   }      //for jeta
20441   /////////////////
20442   c3x5->Update();
20443   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
20444   c3x5->Clear();
20445   // clean-up
20446   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise1)
20447     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise1;
20449   //========================================================================================== 5
20450   //======================================================================
20451   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
20452   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
20453   c3x5->Clear();
20454   /////////////////
20455   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20456   c3x5->cd(1);
20457   int kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 = 1;
20458   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20459   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20460     // positivedirectionReconoise:
20461     if (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40) {
20462       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20463       // depth=2
20464       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
20465         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionReconoise2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise2->Clone("twod1");
20466         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20467         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20468           double ccc1 = areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20469           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20470             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20471             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20472           }
20473         }  // for jphi
20474         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20475           //cout<<"555        kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20476           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2);
20477           HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20478           HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20479           HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20480           HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionReconoise2 \b");
20481           HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerColor(2);
20482           HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetLineColor(0);
20483           gPad->SetGridy();
20484           gPad->SetGridx();
20485           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20486           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 1)
20487             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
20488           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 2)
20489             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 2 \b");
20490           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 3)
20491             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 2 \b");
20492           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 4)
20493             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 2 \b");
20494           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 5)
20495             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 2 \b");
20496           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 6)
20497             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 2 \b");
20498           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 7)
20499             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 2 \b");
20500           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 8)
20501             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 2 \b");
20502           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 9)
20503             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 2 \b");
20504           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 10)
20505             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 2 \b");
20506           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 11)
20507             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 2 \b");
20508           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 12)
20509             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 2 \b");
20510           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 == 13)
20511             HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 2 \b");
20512           HFpositivedirectionReconoise2->Draw("Error");
20513           kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2++;
20514           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoise2 > 13)
20515             break;  // 4x6 = 24
20516         }           //ccctest>0
20518       }  // for i
20519     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 28 && jeta-41 <= 40)
20520   }      //for jeta
20521   /////////////////
20522   c3x5->Update();
20523   c3x5->Print("RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
20524   c3x5->Clear();
20525   // clean-up
20526   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise2)
20527     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoise2;
20529   //========================================================================================== 1111114
20530   //======================================================================
20531   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
20532   //cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
20533   c3x5->Clear();
20534   /////////////////
20535   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20536   c3x5->cd(1);
20537   int kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 = 1;
20538   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20539   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20540     // negativedirectionReconoise:
20541     if (jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) {
20542       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20543       // depth=1
20544       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
20545         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionReconoise1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise1->Clone("twod1");
20546         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20547         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20548           double ccc1 = areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20549           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20550             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20551             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20552           }
20553         }  // for jphi
20554         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20555           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20556           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1);
20557           HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20558           HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20559           HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20560           HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionReconoise1 \b");
20561           HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetMarkerColor(2);
20562           HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetLineColor(0);
20563           gPad->SetGridy();
20564           gPad->SetGridx();
20565           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20566           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 1)
20567             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 1 \b");
20568           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 2)
20569             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 1 \b");
20570           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 3)
20571             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 1 \b");
20572           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 4)
20573             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 1 \b");
20574           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 5)
20575             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 1 \b");
20576           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 6)
20577             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 1 \b");
20578           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 7)
20579             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 1 \b");
20580           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 8)
20581             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 1 \b");
20582           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 9)
20583             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 1 \b");
20584           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 10)
20585             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 1 \b");
20586           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 11)
20587             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 1 \b");
20588           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 12)
20589             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 1 \b");
20590           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 == 13)
20591             HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
20592           HFnegativedirectionReconoise1->Draw("Error");
20593           kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1++;
20594           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise1 > 13)
20595             break;  //
20596         }           //ccctest>0
20598       }  // for i
20599     }    //if(jeta-41 >= -41 && jeta-41 <= -29)
20600   }      //for jeta
20601   /////////////////
20602   c3x5->Update();
20603   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
20604   c3x5->Clear();
20605   // clean-up
20606   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise1)
20607     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise1;
20609   //========================================================================================== 1111115
20610   //======================================================================
20611   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
20612   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
20613   c3x5->Clear();
20614   /////////////////
20615   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20616   c3x5->cd(1);
20617   int kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 = 1;
20618   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20619   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20620     // negativedirectionReconoise:
20621     if (jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) {
20622       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20623       // depth=2
20624       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
20625         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionReconoise2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise2->Clone("twod1");
20626         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20627         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20628           double ccc1 = areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20629           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20630             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20631             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20632           }
20633         }  // for jphi
20634         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20635           //cout<<"555        kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20636           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2);
20637           HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20638           HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20639           HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20640           HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionReconoise2 \b");
20641           HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetMarkerColor(2);
20642           HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetLineColor(0);
20643           gPad->SetGridy();
20644           gPad->SetGridx();
20645           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20646           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 1)
20647             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 2 \b");
20648           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 2)
20649             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 2 \b");
20650           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 3)
20651             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 2 \b");
20652           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 4)
20653             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 2 \b");
20654           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 5)
20655             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 2 \b");
20656           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 6)
20657             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 2 \b");
20658           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 7)
20659             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 2 \b");
20660           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 8)
20661             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 2 \b");
20662           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 9)
20663             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 2 \b");
20664           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 10)
20665             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 2 \b");
20666           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 11)
20667             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 2 \b");
20668           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 12)
20669             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 2 \b");
20670           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 == 13)
20671             HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->SetXTitle("R for HF- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
20672           HFnegativedirectionReconoise2->Draw("Error");
20673           kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2++;
20674           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoise2 > 13)
20675             break;  // 4x6 = 24
20676         }           //ccctest>0
20678       }  // for i
20679     }    //if(jeta-41 >= -41 && jeta-41 <= -29)
20680   }      //for jeta
20681   /////////////////
20682   c3x5->Update();
20683   c3x5->Print("RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
20684   c3x5->Clear();
20685   // clean-up
20686   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise2)
20687     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoise2;
20689   //======================================================================================================================
20691   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: DIF, averaged over depthfs
20692   //======================================================================
20693   //======================================================================
20694   // cout<<"      DIF2D-eta/phi-plot: DIF, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
20695   c2x1->Clear();
20696   /////////////////
20697   c2x1->Divide(2, 1);
20698   c2x1->cd(1);
20699   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D = new TH2F("GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
20700   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D0 = new TH2F("GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
20701   TH2F *GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF = (TH2F *)GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D0->Clone("GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF");
20702   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
20703     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
20704       if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
20705         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20706           double ccc1 = breconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20707           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
20708           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0 ) kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
20709           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20710             GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
20711             GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
20712           }
20713         }
20714       }
20715     }
20716   }
20717   GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF->Divide(GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D, GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
20718   gPad->SetGridy();
20719   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
20720   GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF->SetXTitle("<DIF>_depth       #eta  \b");
20721   GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
20722   GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF->Draw("COLZ");
20724   c2x1->cd(2);
20725   //  TH1F *energyhitNoiseCut_HF= (TH1F*)dir->FindObjectAny("h_energyhitNoiseCut_HF");
20726   //  energyhitNoiseCut_HF ->SetMarkerStyle(20);energyhitNoiseCut_HF ->SetMarkerSize(0.4);energyhitNoiseCut_HF ->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);energyhitNoiseCut_HF ->SetXTitle("energyhitNoiseCut_HF \b");energyhitNoiseCut_HF ->SetMarkerColor(2);energyhitNoiseCut_HF ->SetLineColor(0);gPad->SetGridy();gPad->SetGridx();energyhitNoiseCut_HF ->Draw("Error");
20728   /////////////////
20729   c2x1->Update();
20730   c2x1->Print("DIFreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png");
20731   c2x1->Clear();
20732   // clean-up
20733   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D)
20734     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D;
20735   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D0)
20736     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHF42D0;
20737   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF)
20738     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHF42DF;
20739   //====================================================================== 1D plot: DIF vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
20740   //======================================================================
20741   //cout<<"      1D plot: DIF vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
20742   c1x1->Clear();
20743   /////////////////
20744   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
20745   c1x1->cd(1);
20746   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D = new TH1F("GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20747   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0 = new TH1F("GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20748   TH1F *GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF = (TH1F *)GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0->Clone("GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF");
20749   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20750     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
20751       if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
20752         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
20753           double ccc1 = breconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20754           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20755             GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20756             GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
20757           }
20758         }
20759       }
20760     }
20761   }
20762   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->Divide(
20763       GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D, GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // DIF averaged over depthfs & eta
20764   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0->Sumw2();
20765   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
20766   gPad->SetGridy();
20767   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
20768   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20769   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
20770   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
20771   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
20772   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetYTitle("  <DIF> \b");
20773   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetZTitle("<DIF>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
20774   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
20775   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetLineColor(
20776       4);  //  GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     //      GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->SetMaximum(1.000);
20777   GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF->Draw("Error");
20778   /////////////////
20779   c1x1->Update();
20780   c1x1->Print("DIFreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png");
20781   c1x1->Clear();
20782   // clean-up
20783   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D)
20784     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D;
20785   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0)
20786     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHF41D0;
20787   if (GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF)
20788     delete GefzDIFreconoiseHF41DF;
20789   //========================================================================================== 4
20790   //======================================================================
20791   //======================================================================1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
20792   //cout<<"      1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
20793   c3x5->Clear();
20794   /////////////////
20795   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20796   c3x5->cd(1);
20797   int kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = 1;
20798   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20799   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20800     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
20801     if (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40) {
20802       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20803       // depth=1
20804       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
20805         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Clone("twod1");
20806         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20807         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20808           double ccc1 = breconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20809           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20810             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20811             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20812           }
20813         }  // for jphi
20814         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20815           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20816           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1);
20817           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20818           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20819           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20820           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 \b");
20821           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerColor(2);
20822           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetLineColor(0);
20823           gPad->SetGridy();
20824           gPad->SetGridx();
20825           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20826           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 1)
20827             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
20828           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 2)
20829             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 1 \b");
20830           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 3)
20831             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 1 \b");
20832           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 4)
20833             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 1 \b");
20834           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 5)
20835             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 1 \b");
20836           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 6)
20837             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 1 \b");
20838           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 7)
20839             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 1 \b");
20840           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 8)
20841             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 1 \b");
20842           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 9)
20843             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 1 \b");
20844           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 10)
20845             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 1 \b");
20846           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 11)
20847             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 1 \b");
20848           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 12)
20849             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 1 \b");
20850           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 13)
20851             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 1 \b");
20852           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Draw("Error");
20853           kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1++;
20854           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1 > 13)
20855             break;  //
20856         }           //ccctest>0
20858       }  // for i
20859     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 28 && jeta-41 <= 40
20860   }      //for jeta
20861   /////////////////
20862   c3x5->Update();
20863   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
20864   c3x5->Clear();
20865   // clean-up
20866   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1)
20867     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF1;
20869   //========================================================================================== 5
20870   //======================================================================
20871   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
20872   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
20873   c3x5->Clear();
20874   /////////////////
20875   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20876   c3x5->cd(1);
20877   int kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = 1;
20878   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20879   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20880     // positivedirectionReconoiseDIF:
20881     if (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40) {
20882       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20883       // depth=2
20884       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
20885         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Clone("twod1");
20886         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20887         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20888           double ccc1 = breconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20889           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20890             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20891             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20892           }
20893         }  // for jphi
20894         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20895           //cout<<"555        kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20896           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2);
20897           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20898           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20899           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20900           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 \b");
20901           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerColor(2);
20902           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetLineColor(0);
20903           gPad->SetGridy();
20904           gPad->SetGridx();
20905           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20906           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 1)
20907             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
20908           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 2)
20909             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 2 \b");
20910           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 3)
20911             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 2 \b");
20912           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 4)
20913             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 2 \b");
20914           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 5)
20915             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 2 \b");
20916           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 6)
20917             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 2 \b");
20918           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 7)
20919             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 2 \b");
20920           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 8)
20921             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 2 \b");
20922           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 9)
20923             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 2 \b");
20924           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 10)
20925             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 2 \b");
20926           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 11)
20927             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 2 \b");
20928           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 12)
20929             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 2 \b");
20930           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 13)
20931             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 2 \b");
20932           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Draw("Error");
20933           kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2++;
20934           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2 > 13)
20935             break;  // 4x6 = 24
20936         }           //ccctest>0
20938       }  // for i
20939     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 28 && jeta-41 <= 40)
20940   }      //for jeta
20941   /////////////////
20942   c3x5->Update();
20943   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
20944   c3x5->Clear();
20945   // clean-up
20946   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2)
20947     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseDIF2;
20949   //========================================================================================== 1111114
20950   //======================================================================
20951   //======================================================================1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
20952   //cout<<"      1D plot: DIF vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
20953   c3x5->Clear();
20954   /////////////////
20955   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
20956   c3x5->cd(1);
20957   int kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = 1;
20958   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
20959   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
20960     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
20961     if (jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) {
20962       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
20963       // depth=1
20964       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
20965         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Clone("twod1");
20966         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
20967         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
20968           double ccc1 = breconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
20969           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
20970             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
20971             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
20972           }
20973         }  // for jphi
20974         if (ccctest > 0.) {
20975           //      cout<<"444        kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
20976           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1);
20977           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
20978           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
20979           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
20980           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 \b");
20981           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetMarkerColor(2);
20982           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetLineColor(0);
20983           gPad->SetGridy();
20984           gPad->SetGridx();
20985           //       gPad->SetLogy();
20986           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 1)
20987             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 1 \b");
20988           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 2)
20989             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 1 \b");
20990           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 3)
20991             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 1 \b");
20992           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 4)
20993             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 1 \b");
20994           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 5)
20995             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 1 \b");
20996           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 6)
20997             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 1 \b");
20998           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 7)
20999             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 1 \b");
21000           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 8)
21001             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 1 \b");
21002           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 9)
21003             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 1 \b");
21004           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 10)
21005             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 1 \b");
21006           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 11)
21007             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 1 \b");
21008           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 12)
21009             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 1 \b");
21010           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 == 13)
21011             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
21012           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1->Draw("Error");
21013           kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1++;
21014           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1 > 13)
21015             break;  //
21016         }           //ccctest>0
21018       }  // for i
21019     }    //if(jeta-41 >= -41 && jeta-41 <= -29)
21020   }      //for jeta
21021   /////////////////
21022   c3x5->Update();
21023   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
21024   c3x5->Clear();
21025   // clean-up
21026   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1)
21027     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF1;
21029   //========================================================================================== 1111115
21030   //======================================================================
21031   //======================================================================1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
21032   //  cout<<"      1D plot: R vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
21033   c3x5->Clear();
21034   /////////////////
21035   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
21036   c3x5->cd(1);
21037   int kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = 1;
21038   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
21039   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
21040     // negativedirectionReconoiseDIF:
21041     if (jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) {
21042       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
21043       // depth=2
21044       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
21045         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Clone("twod1");
21046         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
21047         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
21048           double ccc1 = breconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi];
21049           if (ccc1 != 0.) {
21050             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
21051             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
21052           }
21053         }  // for jphi
21054         if (ccctest > 0.) {
21055           //cout<<"555        kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
21056           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2);
21057           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21058           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
21059           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21060           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 \b");
21061           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetMarkerColor(2);
21062           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetLineColor(0);
21063           gPad->SetGridy();
21064           gPad->SetGridx();
21065           //       gPad->SetLogy();
21066           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 1)
21067             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 2 \b");
21068           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 2)
21069             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 2 \b");
21070           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 3)
21071             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 2 \b");
21072           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 4)
21073             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 2 \b");
21074           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 5)
21075             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 2 \b");
21076           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 6)
21077             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 2 \b");
21078           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 7)
21079             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 2 \b");
21080           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 8)
21081             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 2 \b");
21082           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 9)
21083             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 2 \b");
21084           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 10)
21085             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 2 \b");
21086           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 11)
21087             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 2 \b");
21088           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 12)
21089             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 2 \b");
21090           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 == 13)
21091             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->SetXTitle("DIF for HF- jeta =-20; depth = 2 \b");
21092           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2->Draw("Error");
21093           kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2++;
21094           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2 > 13)
21095             break;  // 4x6 = 24
21096         }           //ccctest>0
21098       }  // for i
21099     }    //if(jeta-41 >= -41 && jeta-41 <= -29)
21100   }      //for jeta
21101   /////////////////
21102   c3x5->Update();
21103   c3x5->Print("DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
21104   c3x5->Clear();
21105   // clean-up
21106   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2)
21107     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseDIF2;
21109   //======================================================================================================================
21110   //======================================================================================================================
21111   //======================================================================================================================
21112   //======================================================================================================================
21113   //======================================================================================================================
21114   //======================================================================================================================
21115   //======================================================================================================================
21118   //cout<<"    Start Vaiance: preparation  *****" <<endl;
21119   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HF1");
21120   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HF1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HF1");
21121   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHF1 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HF1->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHF1");
21122   reconoiseVarianceHF1->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HF1, reconoiseVariance0HF1, 1, 1, "B");
21123   TH2F *reconoiseVariance1HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy2_HF2");
21124   TH2F *reconoiseVariance0HF2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_recNoiseEnergy0_HF2");
21125   TH2F *reconoiseVarianceHF2 = (TH2F *)reconoiseVariance1HF2->Clone("reconoiseVarianceHF2");
21126   reconoiseVarianceHF2->Divide(reconoiseVariance1HF2, reconoiseVariance0HF2, 1, 1, "B");
21127   //cout<<"      Vaiance: preparation DONE *****" <<endl;
21128   //====================================================================== put Vaiance=Dispersia = Sig**2=<R**2> - (<R>)**2 into massive reconoisevarianceHF
21129   //                                                                                           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
21130   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
21131     if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
21132       //preparation for PHI normalization:
21133       double sumreconoiseHF0 = 0;
21134       int nsumreconoiseHF0 = 0;
21135       double sumreconoiseHF1 = 0;
21136       int nsumreconoiseHF1 = 0;
21137       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
21138         reconoisevarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHF1->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
21139         reconoisevarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] = reconoiseVarianceHF2->GetBinContent(jeta + 1, jphi + 1);
21140         sumreconoiseHF0 += reconoisevarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi];
21141         ++nsumreconoiseHF0;
21142         sumreconoiseHF1 += reconoisevarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi];
21143         ++nsumreconoiseHF1;
21144       }  // phi
21145       // PHI normalization :
21146       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
21147         if (reconoisevarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] != 0.)
21148           reconoisevarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHF0 / nsumreconoiseHF0);
21149         if (reconoisevarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] != 0.)
21150           reconoisevarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] /= (sumreconoiseHF1 / nsumreconoiseHF1);
21151       }  // phi
21152       //       reconoisevarianceHF (D)           = sum(R*R)/N - (sum(R)/N)**2
21153       for (int jphi = 0; jphi < njphi; jphi++) {
21154         //     cout<<"12 12 12   jeta=     "<< jeta <<"   jphi   =     "<<jphi  <<endl;
21155         reconoisevarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] -= areconoiseHF[0][jeta][jphi] * areconoiseHF[0][jeta][jphi];
21156         reconoisevarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevarianceHF[0][jeta][jphi]);
21157         reconoisevarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] -= areconoiseHF[1][jeta][jphi] * areconoiseHF[1][jeta][jphi];
21158         reconoisevarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi] = fabs(reconoisevarianceHF[1][jeta][jphi]);
21159       }
21160     }
21161   }
21162   //cout<<"      Vaiance: DONE*****" <<endl;
21163   //------------------------  2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs
21164   //======================================================================
21165   //======================================================================
21166   //cout<<"      R2D-eta/phi-plot: D, averaged over depthfs *****" <<endl;
21167   c1x1->Clear();
21168   /////////////////
21169   c1x0->Divide(1, 1);
21170   c1x0->cd(1);
21171   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHF42D = new TH2F("DefzDreconoiseHF42D", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
21172   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHF42D0 = new TH2F("DefzDreconoiseHF42D0", "", neta, -41., 41., nphi, 0., 72.);
21173   TH2F *DefzDreconoiseHF42DF = (TH2F *)DefzDreconoiseHF42D0->Clone("DefzDreconoiseHF42DF");
21174   for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
21175     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
21176       if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
21177         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
21178           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
21179           int k2plot = jeta - 41;
21180           int kkk = k2plot;  //if(k2plot >0   kkk=k2plot+1; //-41 +41 !=0
21181           if (areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
21182             DefzDreconoiseHF42D->Fill(kkk, jphi, ccc1);
21183             DefzDreconoiseHF42D0->Fill(kkk, jphi, 1.);
21184           }
21185         }
21186       }
21187     }
21188   }
21189   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->Divide(DefzDreconoiseHF42D, DefzDreconoiseHF42D0, 1, 1, "B");  // average A
21190   //    DefzDreconoiseHF1->Sumw2();
21191   gPad->SetGridy();
21192   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
21193   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21194   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
21195   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
21196   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetXTitle("<D>_depth       #eta  \b");
21197   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetYTitle("      #phi \b");
21198   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetZTitle("<D>_depth \b");
21199   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetMarkerColor(2);
21200   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetLineColor(
21201       0);  //      DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetMaximum(1.000);  //      DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->SetMinimum(1.0);
21202   DefzDreconoiseHF42DF->Draw("COLZ");
21203   /////////////////
21204   c1x0->Update();
21205   c1x0->Print("DreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png");
21206   c1x0->Clear();
21207   // clean-up
21208   if (DefzDreconoiseHF42D)
21209     delete DefzDreconoiseHF42D;
21210   if (DefzDreconoiseHF42D0)
21211     delete DefzDreconoiseHF42D0;
21212   if (DefzDreconoiseHF42DF)
21213     delete DefzDreconoiseHF42DF;
21214   //====================================================================== 1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta
21215   //======================================================================
21216   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , averaged over depthfs & eta *****" <<endl;
21217   c1x1->Clear();
21218   /////////////////
21219   c1x1->Divide(1, 1);
21220   c1x1->cd(1);
21221   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHF41D = new TH1F("DefzDreconoiseHF41D", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
21222   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHF41D0 = new TH1F("DefzDreconoiseHF41D0", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
21223   TH1F *DefzDreconoiseHF41DF = (TH1F *)DefzDreconoiseHF41D0->Clone("DefzDreconoiseHF41DF");
21225   for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
21226     for (int jeta = 0; jeta < neta; jeta++) {
21227       if ((jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) || (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40)) {
21228         for (int i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
21229           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
21230           if (areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
21231             DefzDreconoiseHF41D->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
21232             DefzDreconoiseHF41D0->Fill(jphi, 1.);
21233           }
21234         }
21235       }
21236     }
21237   }
21238   //     DefzDreconoiseHF41D->Sumw2();DefzDreconoiseHF41D0->Sumw2();
21240   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->Divide(DefzDreconoiseHF41D, DefzDreconoiseHF41D0, 1, 1, "B");  // R averaged over depthfs & eta
21241   DefzDreconoiseHF41D0->Sumw2();
21242   //    for (int jphi=1;jphi<73;jphi++) {DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetBinError(jphi,0.01);}
21243   gPad->SetGridy();
21244   gPad->SetGridx();  //      gPad->SetLogz();
21245   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21246   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerSize(1.4);
21247   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.08);
21248   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetXTitle("#phi  \b");
21249   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetYTitle("  <D> \b");
21250   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetZTitle("<D>_PHI  - AllDepthfs \b");
21251   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetMarkerColor(4);
21252   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetLineColor(
21253       4);  //  DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetMinimum(0.8);     DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->SetMinimum(-0.015);
21254   DefzDreconoiseHF41DF->Draw("Error");
21255   /////////////////
21256   c1x1->Update();
21257   c1x1->Print("DreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png");
21258   c1x1->Clear();
21259   // clean-up
21260   if (DefzDreconoiseHF41D)
21261     delete DefzDreconoiseHF41D;
21262   if (DefzDreconoiseHF41D0)
21263     delete DefzDreconoiseHF41D0;
21264   if (DefzDreconoiseHF41DF)
21265     delete DefzDreconoiseHF41DF;
21266   //========================================================================================== 14
21267   //======================================================================
21268   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
21269   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
21270   c3x5->Clear();
21271   /////////////////
21272   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
21273   c3x5->cd(1);
21274   int kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = 1;
21275   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
21277   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
21278     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
21279     if (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40) {
21280       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
21281       // depth=1
21282       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
21283         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Clone("twod1");
21285         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
21286         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
21287           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
21288           if (areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
21289             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
21290             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
21291           }
21292         }  // for jphi
21293         if (ccctest > 0.) {
21294           //cout<<"1414       kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
21295           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1);
21296           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21297           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
21298           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21299           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 \b");
21300           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
21301           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetLineColor(0);
21302           gPad->SetGridy();
21303           gPad->SetGridx();
21304           //       gPad->SetLogy();
21305           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 1)
21306             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 1 \b");
21307           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 2)
21308             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 1 \b");
21309           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 3)
21310             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 1 \b");
21311           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 4)
21312             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 1 \b");
21313           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 5)
21314             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 1 \b");
21315           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 6)
21316             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 1 \b");
21317           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 7)
21318             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 1 \b");
21319           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 8)
21320             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 1 \b");
21321           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 9)
21322             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 1 \b");
21323           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 10)
21324             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 1 \b");
21325           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 11)
21326             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 1 \b");
21327           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 12)
21328             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 1 \b");
21329           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 == 13)
21330             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 1 \b");
21331           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1->Draw("Error");
21332           kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1++;
21333           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1 > 13)
21334             break;  // 4x6 = 24
21335         }           //ccctest>0
21337       }  // for i
21338     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 28 && jeta-41 <= 40)
21339   }      //for jeta
21340   /////////////////
21341   c3x5->Update();
21342   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
21343   c3x5->Clear();
21344   // clean-up
21345   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1)
21346     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD1;
21347   //========================================================================================== 15
21348   //======================================================================
21349   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
21350   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
21351   c3x5->Clear();
21352   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
21353   c3x5->cd(1);
21354   int kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = 1;
21355   TH1F *h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
21357   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
21358     // positivedirectionReconoiseD:
21359     if (jeta - 41 >= 28 && jeta - 41 <= 40) {
21360       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
21361       // depth=2
21362       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
21363         TH1F *HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Clone("twod1");
21365         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
21366         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
21367           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
21368           if (areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
21369             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
21370             ccctest = 1.;  //HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
21371           }
21372         }  // for jphi
21373         if (ccctest > 0.) {
21374           //cout<<"1515       kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2   =     "<<kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
21375           c3x5->cd(kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2);
21376           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21377           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
21378           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21379           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 \b");
21380           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
21381           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetLineColor(0);
21382           gPad->SetGridy();
21383           gPad->SetGridx();
21384           //       gPad->SetLogy();
21385           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 1)
21386             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 28; depth = 2 \b");
21387           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 2)
21388             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 29; depth = 2 \b");
21389           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 3)
21390             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 30; depth = 2 \b");
21391           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 4)
21392             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 31; depth = 2 \b");
21393           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 5)
21394             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 32; depth = 2 \b");
21395           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 6)
21396             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 33; depth = 2 \b");
21397           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 7)
21398             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 34; depth = 2 \b");
21399           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 8)
21400             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 35; depth = 2 \b");
21401           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 9)
21402             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 36; depth = 2 \b");
21403           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 10)
21404             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 37; depth = 2 \b");
21405           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 11)
21406             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 38; depth = 2 \b");
21407           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 12)
21408             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 39; depth = 2 \b");
21409           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 == 13)
21410             HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF+ jeta = 40; depth = 2 \b");
21411           HFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2->Draw("Error");
21412           kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2++;
21413           if (kcountHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2 > 13)
21414             break;  // 4x6 = 24
21415         }           //ccctest>0
21417       }  // for i
21418     }    //if(jeta-41 >= 28 && jeta-41 <= 40)
21419   }      //for jeta
21420   /////////////////
21421   c3x5->Update();
21422   c3x5->Print("DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
21423   c3x5->Clear();
21424   // clean-up
21425   if (h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2)
21426     delete h2CeffHFpositivedirectionReconoiseD2;
21427   //========================================================================================== 22222214
21428   //======================================================================
21429   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1
21430   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=1 *****" <<endl;
21431   c3x5->Clear();
21432   /////////////////
21433   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
21434   c3x5->cd(1);
21435   int kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = 1;
21436   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
21438   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
21439     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
21440     if (jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) {
21441       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
21442       // depth=1
21443       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
21444         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Clone("twod1");
21446         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
21447         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
21448           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
21449           if (areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
21450             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
21451             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetBinError(i,0.01);
21452           }
21453         }  // for jphi
21454         if (ccctest > 0.) {
21455           //cout<<"1414       kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
21456           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1);
21457           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21458           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
21459           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21460           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 \b");
21461           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetMarkerColor(2);
21462           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetLineColor(0);
21463           gPad->SetGridy();
21464           gPad->SetGridx();
21465           //       gPad->SetLogy();
21466           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 1)
21467             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 1 \b");
21468           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 2)
21469             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 1 \b");
21470           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 3)
21471             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 1 \b");
21472           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 4)
21473             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 1 \b");
21474           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 5)
21475             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 1 \b");
21476           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 6)
21477             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 1 \b");
21478           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 7)
21479             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 1 \b");
21480           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 8)
21481             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 1 \b");
21482           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 9)
21483             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 1 \b");
21484           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 10)
21485             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 1 \b");
21486           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 11)
21487             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 1 \b");
21488           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 12)
21489             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 1 \b");
21490           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 == 13)
21491             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 1 \b");
21492           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1->Draw("Error");
21493           kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1++;
21494           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1 > 13)
21495             break;  // 4x6 = 24
21496         }           //ccctest>0
21498       }  // for i
21499     }    //if(jeta-41 >= -41 && jeta-41 <= -29)
21500   }      //for jeta
21501   /////////////////
21502   c3x5->Update();
21503   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png");
21504   c3x5->Clear();
21505   // clean-up
21506   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1)
21507     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD1;
21508   //========================================================================================== 22222215
21509   //======================================================================
21510   //======================================================================1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2
21511   //cout<<"      1D plot: D vs phi , different eta,  depth=2 *****" <<endl;
21512   c3x5->Clear();
21513   c3x5->Divide(3, 5);
21514   c3x5->cd(1);
21515   int kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = 1;
21516   TH1F *h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = new TH1F("h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2", "", nphi, 0., 72.);
21518   for (int jeta = 0; jeta < njeta; jeta++) {
21519     // negativedirectionReconoiseD:
21520     if (jeta - 41 >= -41 && jeta - 41 <= -29) {
21521       //         for (int i=0;i<ndepth;i++) {
21522       // depth=2
21523       for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
21524         TH1F *HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 = (TH1F *)h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Clone("twod1");
21526         float ccctest = 0;  // to avoid empty massive elements
21527         for (int jphi = 0; jphi < nphi; jphi++) {
21528           double ccc1 = reconoisevarianceHF[i][jeta][jphi];
21529           if (areconoiseHF[i][jeta][jphi] > 0.) {
21530             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Fill(jphi, ccc1);
21531             ccctest = 1.;  //HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetBinError(i,0.01);
21532           }
21533         }  // for jphi
21534         if (ccctest > 0.) {
21535           //cout<<"1515       kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2   =     "<<kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2  <<"   jeta-41=     "<< jeta-41 <<endl;
21536           c3x5->cd(kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2);
21537           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21538           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
21539           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21540           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 \b");
21541           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetMarkerColor(2);
21542           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetLineColor(0);
21543           gPad->SetGridy();
21544           gPad->SetGridx();
21545           //       gPad->SetLogy();
21546           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 1)
21547             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-41; depth = 2 \b");
21548           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 2)
21549             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-40; depth = 2 \b");
21550           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 3)
21551             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-39; depth = 2 \b");
21552           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 4)
21553             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-38; depth = 2 \b");
21554           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 5)
21555             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-37; depth = 2 \b");
21556           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 6)
21557             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-36; depth = 2 \b");
21558           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 7)
21559             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-35; depth = 2 \b");
21560           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 8)
21561             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-34; depth = 2 \b");
21562           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 9)
21563             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-33; depth = 2 \b");
21564           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 10)
21565             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-32; depth = 2 \b");
21566           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 11)
21567             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-31; depth = 2 \b");
21568           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 12)
21569             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-30; depth = 2 \b");
21570           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 == 13)
21571             HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->SetXTitle("D for HF- jeta =-29; depth = 2 \b");
21572           HFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2->Draw("Error");
21573           kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2++;
21574           if (kcountHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2 > 13)
21575             break;  // 4x6 = 24
21576         }           //ccctest>0
21578       }  // for i
21579     }    //if(jeta-41 >= -41 && jeta-41 <= -29)
21580   }      //for jeta
21581   /////////////////
21582   c3x5->Update();
21583   c3x5->Print("DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png");
21584   c3x5->Clear();
21585   // clean-up
21586   if (h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2)
21587     delete h2CeffHFnegativedirectionReconoiseD2;
21589   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HF for phi-symmetry
21590   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HF for phi-symmetry
21591   //=====================================================================       END of Reconoise HF for phi-symmetry
21592   //============================================================================================================       END of Reconoise for phi-symmetry
21593   //============================================================================================================       END of Reconoise for phi-symmetry
21594   //============================================================================================================       END of Reconoise for phi-symmetry
21596   //====================================================================================================================================================       END for phi-symmetry
21597   //====================================================================================================================================================       END for phi-symmetry
21598   //====================================================================================================================================================       END for phi-symmetry
21599   //====================================================================================================================================================
21601   std::cout << " We are here to print 2017 MAPs " << std::endl;
21602   //======================================================================
21604   //======================================================================
21605   /// Prepare maps of good/bad channels:
21607   TH2F *Map_ALL = new TH2F("Map_All", "Map_all", 82, -41, 40, 72, 0, 71);
21608   int nx = Map_ALL->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
21609   int ny = Map_ALL->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
21610   int NBad = 0;
21611   int NWarn = 0;
21612   int NCalib = 0;
21613   int NPed = 0;
21614   //    int Eta[3][10000]={0};
21615   int Eta[4][10000] = {0};
21616   int Phi[4][10000] = {0};
21617   int Sub[4][10000] = {0};
21618   int Depth[4][10000] = {0};
21619   string Comment[4][10000] = {""};
21620   string Text[33] = {"", "Cm", "Am", "Wm", "Rm", "TNm", "TXm", "", "", "", "", "Cc", "Ac", "Wc", "Rc", "TNc", "TXc",
21621                      "", "",   "",   "",   "GS", "",    "",    "", "", "", "", "",   "",   "",   "Pm", "pWm"};
21622   int flag_W = 0;
21623   int flag_B = 0;
21624   int flag_P = 0;
21626   for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) {           //Eta
21627     for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++) {         // Phi
21628       for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HO, 4-HF
21629                                             //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
21630         //       int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
21631         //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
21632         for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
21633           if (Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) != 0) {
21634             Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.5);
21635             Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.5);
21636           }
21637         }
21638       }
21639     }
21640   }
21642   for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) {           //Eta
21643     for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++) {         // Phi
21644       for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
21645                                             //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
21646         //       int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
21647         //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
21648         for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
21649           flag_W = 0;
21650           flag_B = 0;
21651           flag_P = 0;
21652           for (int test = 1; test <= 6; test++) {  //Test: 1-Wm, 2-Rm, etc
21653                                                    //Bad
21655             if (Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) > 0.1 &&
21656                 NBad < 9999) {  //Rate 0.1 for displaying  on whole detector map and subdetector map
21657               Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 1.);
21658               Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 1.);
21659               if (flag_B == 0) {
21660                 NBad += 1;
21661                 Eta[2][NBad] = i - 41;
21662                 Phi[2][NBad] = j - 1;
21663                 Sub[2][NBad] = sub;
21664                 Depth[2][NBad] = k;
21665                 Comment[2][NBad] = Text[test];
21666               } else
21667                 Comment[2][NBad] += ", " + Text[test];
21668               flag_B = 1;
21669               //              cout<<"Map_Ampl["<<test<<"]["<<sub<<"]["<<k<<"]->GetBinContent("<<i<<","<<j<<")= "<<Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j)<<endl;
21670             }
21671             //Warning
21672             /* 
21673                    if ((Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j) != 0.)&&(Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j) < 0.001) )  {
21674                   if (Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j)!=1.) Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i,j,0.75);
21675               if (Map_ALL->GetBinContent(i,j)!=1.) Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i,j,0.75);
21676               if (flag_W == 0) {
21677                  NWarn +=1; 
21678                  Eta[1][NWarn]=i-41;
21679                  Phi[1][NWarn]=j-1;
21680              Sub[1][NWarn]=sub;
21681                  Depth[1][NWarn]=k;
21682                  Comment[1][NWarn]=Text[test]; 
21683               } 
21684               else Comment[1][NWarn]+=", "+Text[test];
21685               flag_W = 1;                    
21686 //            cout<<"Map_Ampl["<<test<<"]["<<sub<<"]["<<k<<"]->GetBinContent("<<i<<","<<j<<")= "<<Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j)<<endl;
21687                    }           
21688 */
21690           }  //end test
21692           //Calib
21693           /*
21694          for (int test=11;test<=16;test++) { //Test: 1-2.E, 2-2.F, etc
21695                    if (Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j) != 0.)  {
21696 //                if (Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j)!=1.0) Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i,j,0.3);
21697 //            if (Map_ALL->GetBinContent(i,j)!=1.) Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i,j,0.3);
21698               if (flag_W == 0) {
21699                  NWarn +=1; 
21700                  Eta[1][NWarn]=i-41;
21701                  Phi[1][NWarn]=j-1;
21702              Sub[1][NWarn]=sub;
21703                  Depth[1][NWarn]=k;
21704                  Comment[1][NWarn]=Text[test]; 
21705               } 
21706               else Comment[1][NWarn]+=", "+Text[test];
21707               flag_W = 1;                    
21708 //            cout<<"Map_Ampl["<<test<<"]["<<sub<<"]["<<k<<"]->GetBinContent("<<i<<","<<j<<")= "<<Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j)<<endl;
21709                   } 
21710         } //end test
21711 */
21712           //Gain stabil
21713           for (int test = 21; test <= 21; test++) {
21714             if (abs(Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j)) > porog[sub]) {
21715               if (Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) != 1.0)
21716                 Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.75);
21717               if (Map_ALL->GetBinContent(i, j) != 1.) {
21718                 Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.75);
21719                 if (flag_W == 0) {
21720                   NWarn += 1;
21721                   Eta[1][NWarn] = i - 41;
21722                   Phi[1][NWarn] = j - 1;
21723                   Sub[1][NWarn] = sub;
21724                   Depth[1][NWarn] = k;
21725                   Comment[1][NWarn] = Text[test];
21726                 } else
21727                   Comment[1][NWarn] += ", " + Text[test];
21728                 flag_W = 1;
21730                 cout << "Map_Ampl[" << test << "][" << sub << "][" << k << "]->GetBinContent(" << i << "," << j
21731                      << ")= " << Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) << endl;
21732               }
21733             }
21734           }  //end test
21736           //Pedestals
21737           for (int test = 31; test <= 32; test++) {
21738             if (Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) > 0.1) {
21739               //                  if (Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j)!=1.0) Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i,j,0.75);
21740               //              if (Map_ALL->GetBinContent(i,j)!=1.)  Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i,j,0.75);
21741               if (flag_P == 0) {
21742                 NPed += 1;
21743                 Eta[3][NPed] = i - 41;
21744                 Phi[3][NPed] = j - 1;
21745                 Sub[3][NPed] = sub;
21746                 Depth[3][NPed] = k;
21747                 Comment[3][NPed] = Text[test];
21748               } else
21749                 Comment[3][NPed] += ", " + Text[test];
21750               flag_P = 1;
21752               //              cout<<"Map_Ampl["<<test<<"]["<<sub<<"]["<<k<<"]->GetBinContent("<<i<<","<<j<<")= "<<Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i,j)<<endl;
21753             }
21754           }  //end test
21756         }                               //end Depth
21757       }                                 //end Sub
21758     }                                   //end Phi
21759   }                                     //end Eta
21760                                         // subdet maps
21761   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
21763     std::cout << " 2017 MAPS_SUB " << sub << std::endl;
21764     //     if (sub==1) cHB->Divide(2,1);
21765     if (sub == 1)
21766       cHB->Divide(2, 2);
21767     //     if (sub==2) cHE->Divide(3,1);
21768     if (sub == 2)
21769       cHE->Divide(3, 3);
21770     if (sub == 3)
21771       cONE->Divide(1, 1);
21772     //     if (sub==4) cHB->Divide(2,1);
21773     if (sub == 4)
21774       cHF->Divide(2, 2);
21775     //       int k_min[5]={0,1,1,4,1}; // minimum depth for each subdet
21776     //     int k_max[5]={0,2,3,4,2}; // maximum depth for each subdet
21777     //       int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
21778     for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {  //Depth
21779       if (sub == 1)
21780         cHB->cd(k);
21781       if (sub == 2)
21782         cHE->cd(k);
21783       if (sub == 3)
21784         cONE->cd(k - 3);
21785       if (sub == 4)
21786         cHF->cd(k);
21787       gPad->SetGridy();
21788       gPad->SetGridx();
21789       //          gPad->SetLogz();
21790       //          gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.5, "Y");
21791       if (sub == 1)
21792         sprintf(str, "HB, Depth%d \b", k);
21793       if (sub == 2)
21794         sprintf(str, "HE, Depth%d \b", k);
21795       if (sub == 3)
21796         sprintf(str, "HO, Depth%d \b", k);
21797       if (sub == 4)
21798         sprintf(str, "HF, Depth%d \b", k);
21799       Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetTitle(str);
21800       Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
21801       Map_SUB[sub][k]->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
21802       Map_SUB[sub][k]->Draw("COL");
21803       Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
21804       Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 1.);
21805       if (sub == 1) {
21806         cHB->Modified();
21807         cHB->Update();
21808       }
21809       if (sub == 2) {
21810         cHE->Modified();
21811         cHE->Update();
21812       }
21813       if (sub == 3) {
21814         cONE->Modified();
21815         cONE->Update();
21816       }
21817       if (sub == 4) {
21818         cHF->Modified();
21819         cHF->Update();
21820       }
21821     }  //end depth
21822     if (sub == 1) {
21823       cHB->Print("MAPHB.png");
21824       cHB->Clear();
21825     }
21826     if (sub == 2) {
21827       cHE->Print("MAPHE.png");
21828       cHE->Clear();
21829     }
21830     if (sub == 3) {
21831       cONE->Print("MAPHO.png");
21832       cONE->Clear();
21833     }
21834     if (sub == 4) {
21835       cHF->Print("MAPHF.png");
21836       cHF->Clear();
21837     }
21838   }
21840   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21841   //  TCanvas *cmain1 = new TCanvas("cmain1","MAP",200,10,1400,1800);
21842   TCanvas *cmain1 = new TCanvas("cmain1", "MAP", 250, 10, 1450, 1410);
21843   cmain1->Divide(2, 2);
21845   cmain1->cd(1);
21846   TH1F *JDBEYESJ0 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_totalAmplitudeHBperEvent");
21847   JDBEYESJ0->SetStats(0);
21848   JDBEYESJ0->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21849   JDBEYESJ0->SetMarkerSize(0.8);
21850   JDBEYESJ0->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21851   JDBEYESJ0->SetXTitle("iEvent \b");
21852   JDBEYESJ0->SetYTitle("totalAmplitude perEvent \b");
21853   JDBEYESJ0->SetTitle("HB \b");
21854   JDBEYESJ0->SetMarkerColor(2);
21855   JDBEYESJ0->SetLineColor(1);
21856   JDBEYESJ0->SetMinimum(0.8);
21857   JDBEYESJ0->Draw("HIST same P0");
21859   cmain1->cd(2);
21860   TH1F *JDBEYESJ1 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_totalAmplitudeHEperEvent");
21861   JDBEYESJ1->SetStats(0);
21862   JDBEYESJ1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21863   JDBEYESJ1->SetMarkerSize(0.8);
21864   JDBEYESJ1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21865   JDBEYESJ1->SetXTitle("iEvent \b");
21866   JDBEYESJ1->SetYTitle("totalAmplitude perEvent \b");
21867   JDBEYESJ1->SetTitle("HE \b");
21868   JDBEYESJ1->SetMarkerColor(2);
21869   JDBEYESJ1->SetLineColor(1);
21870   JDBEYESJ1->SetMinimum(0.8);
21871   JDBEYESJ1->Draw("HIST same P0");
21873   cmain1->cd(3);
21874   TH1F *JDBEYESJ2 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_totalAmplitudeHFperEvent");
21875   JDBEYESJ2->SetStats(0);
21876   JDBEYESJ2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21877   JDBEYESJ2->SetMarkerSize(0.8);
21878   JDBEYESJ2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21879   JDBEYESJ2->SetXTitle("iEvent \b");
21880   JDBEYESJ2->SetYTitle("totalAmplitude perEvent \b");
21881   JDBEYESJ2->SetTitle("HF \b");
21882   JDBEYESJ2->SetMarkerColor(2);
21883   JDBEYESJ2->SetLineColor(1);
21884   JDBEYESJ2->SetMinimum(0.8);
21885   JDBEYESJ2->Draw("HIST same P0");
21887   cmain1->cd(4);
21888   TH1F *JDBEYESJ3 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_totalAmplitudeHOperEvent");
21889   JDBEYESJ3->SetStats(0);
21890   JDBEYESJ3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
21891   JDBEYESJ3->SetMarkerSize(0.8);
21892   JDBEYESJ3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
21893   JDBEYESJ3->SetXTitle("iEvent \b");
21894   JDBEYESJ3->SetYTitle("totalAmplitude perEvent \b");
21895   JDBEYESJ3->SetTitle("HO \b");
21896   JDBEYESJ3->SetMarkerColor(2);
21897   JDBEYESJ3->SetLineColor(1);
21898   JDBEYESJ3->SetMinimum(0.8);
21899   JDBEYESJ3->Draw("HIST same P0");
21901   cmain1->Modified();
21902   cmain1->Update();
21903   cmain1->Print("EVENTDEPENDENCE.png");
21905   std::cout << " EVENTDEPENDENCE " << std::endl;
21907   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21908   // ALL SubDet
21909   gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
21910   TCanvas *cmain = new TCanvas("cmain", "MAP", 1000, 1000);
21911   //cmain->cd(1);
21912   gPad->SetGridy();
21913   gPad->SetGridx();
21914   //   gPad->SetLogz();
21915   Map_ALL->SetTitleOffset(1.3, "Y");
21916   Map_ALL->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
21917   Map_ALL->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
21918   Map_ALL->Draw("COL");
21919   Map_ALL->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 72.);
21920   Map_ALL->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.);
21921   cmain->Modified();
21922   cmain->Update();
21923   cmain->Print("MAP.png");
21925   std::cout << "********      MAP_ALL  done" << std::endl;
21926   std::cout << "********" << std::endl;
21928   std::cout << "********" << std::endl;
21929   std::cout << "************    Start creating each test kind for each subdet html pages:" << std::endl;
21931   //======================================================================
21933   //======================================================================
21934   // Creating each test kind for each subdet html pages:
21935   std::string raw_class, raw_class1, raw_class2, raw_class3;
21936   int ind = 0;
21938   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
21939     ofstream htmlFileT, htmlFileC, htmlFileD, htmlFileP, htmlFileS, htmlFileM, htmlFileR, htmlFileN;
21940     if (sub == 1) {
21949     }
21950     if (sub == 2) {
21959     }
21960     if (sub == 3) {
21966     }
21967     if (sub == 4) {
21976     }
21978     // Megatile channels
21979     htmlFileT << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
21980     htmlFileT << "<head>" << std::endl;
21981     htmlFileT << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
21982     htmlFileT << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
21983     htmlFileT << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
21984     htmlFileT << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
21985               << std::endl;
21986     htmlFileT << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
21987     htmlFileT << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
21988                  "text-align: center;}"
21989               << std::endl;
21990     htmlFileT << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
21991     htmlFileT << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
21992     htmlFileT << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
21993     htmlFileT << "</style>" << std::endl;
21994     htmlFileT << "<body>" << std::endl;
21996     if (sub == 1)
21997       htmlFileT << "<h1> Criteria for megatile channels for HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
21998     if (sub == 2)
21999       htmlFileT << "<h1> Criteria for megatile channels for HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22000     if (sub == 3)
22001       htmlFileT << "<h1> Criteria for megatile channels for HO, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22002     if (sub == 4)
22003       htmlFileT << "<h1> Criteria for megatile channels for HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22004     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22006     // Test Entries
22008     htmlFileT << "<h2> 0. Entries for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22009     htmlFileT << "<h3> 0.A. Entries in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22010     htmlFileT << "<h4> Channel legend: color is rate of entries </h4>" << std::endl;
22011     if (sub == 1)
22012       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateEntryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22013     if (sub == 2)
22014       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateEntryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22015     if (sub == 3)
22016       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateEntryHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22017     if (sub == 4)
22018       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateEntryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22019     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22021     // Test Cm
22022     htmlFileT << "<h2> 1. Cm criterion: CapID errors for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22023     htmlFileT << "<h3> 1.A. Rate of CapId failures in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22024     htmlFileT << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22025     if (sub == 1)
22026       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateCapIDHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22027     if (sub == 2)
22028       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateCapIDHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22029     if (sub == 3)
22030       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateCapIDHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22031     if (sub == 4)
22032       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateCapIDHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22033     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22035     // Am
22036     htmlFileT << "<h2> 2. Am criterion: ADC amplitude collected over all TSs(Full Amplitude) for each channel. </h3>"
22037               << std::endl;
22038     htmlFileT << "<h3> 2.A. Full ADC amplitude distribution over all events, channels and depths.</h3>" << std::endl;
22039     htmlFileT << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_M[2][sub] << " correpond to bad ADC amplitude </h4>" << std::endl;
22040     if (sub == 1)
22041       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistAmplHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22042     if (sub == 2)
22043       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistAmplHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22044     if (sub == 3)
22045       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistAmplHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22046     if (sub == 4)
22047       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistAmplHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22048     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22049     htmlFileT << "<h3> 2.B. Rate of bad ADC amplitude (<" << MIN_M[2][sub] << ") in each channel for each depth. </h3>"
22050               << std::endl;
22051     htmlFileT << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colours - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22052     if (sub == 1)
22053       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22054     if (sub == 2)
22055       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22056     if (sub == 3)
22057       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22058     if (sub == 4)
22059       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22060     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22062     // Test Wm
22063     htmlFileT << "<h2> 3. Wm criterion: RMS (width) of ADC amplutude for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22064     htmlFileT << "<h3> 3.A. RMS distribution over all events, channel and depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22065     htmlFileT << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_M[3][sub] << " and more " << MAX_M[3][sub]
22066               << " correpond to bad RMS </h4>" << std::endl;
22067     if (sub == 1)
22068       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistRMSHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22069     if (sub == 2)
22070       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistRMSHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22071     if (sub == 3)
22072       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistRMSHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22073     if (sub == 4)
22074       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistRMSHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22075     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22076     htmlFileT << "<h3> 3.B. Rate of bad RMS (<" << MIN_M[3][sub] << ",>" << MAX_M[3][sub]
22077               << ") in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22078     htmlFileT << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22079     if (sub == 1)
22080       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22081     if (sub == 2)
22082       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22083     if (sub == 3)
22084       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22085     if (sub == 4)
22086       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22087     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22089     // Rm
22090     htmlFileT << "<h2> 4. Rm criterion: Ratio ADC value sum over four near maximum (-2, -1, max, +1) TS to ADC value "
22091                  "sum over all TS for each channel. </h3>"
22092               << std::endl;
22093     htmlFileT << "<h3> 4.A. Ratio distribution over all events, channels and depths.</h3>" << std::endl;
22094     htmlFileT << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_M[4][sub] << " and more " << MAX_M[4][sub]
22095               << " correpond to bad ratio </h4>" << std::endl;
22096     if (sub == 1)
22097       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22098     if (sub == 2)
22099       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22100     if (sub == 3)
22101       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22102     if (sub == 4)
22103       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22104     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22105     htmlFileT << "<h3> 4.B. Rate of bad ratio (<" << MIN_M[4][sub] << ", >" << MAX_M[4][sub]
22106               << ") in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22107     htmlFileT << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22108     if (sub == 1)
22109       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22110     if (sub == 2)
22111       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22112     if (sub == 3)
22113       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22114     if (sub == 4)
22115       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22116     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22118     // TNm
22119     htmlFileT << "<h2> 5. TNm criterion: Mean TS position for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22120     htmlFileT << "<h3> 5.A. TN position distribution over all events, channels and depths.</h3>" << std::endl;
22121     htmlFileT << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_M[5][sub] << " and more " << MAX_M[5][sub]
22122               << " correpond to bad mean position </h4>" << std::endl;
22123     if (sub == 1)
22124       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22125     if (sub == 2)
22126       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22127     if (sub == 3)
22128       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22129     if (sub == 4)
22130       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22131     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22132     htmlFileT << "<h3> 5.B. Rate of bad TN position  (<" << MIN_M[5][sub] << ", >" << MAX_M[5][sub]
22133               << ") in each channel for each depth. </h3>" << std::endl;
22134     htmlFileT << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22135     if (sub == 1)
22136       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22137     if (sub == 2)
22138       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22139     if (sub == 3)
22140       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22141     if (sub == 4)
22142       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22143     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22145     // TXm
22146     htmlFileT << "<h2> 6.TXm criterion: Maximum TS position for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22147     htmlFileT << "<h3> 6.A. TX position distribution over all events, channel and depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22148     htmlFileT << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_M[6][sub] << " and more " << MAX_M[6][sub]
22149               << " correpond to bad position </h4>" << std::endl;
22150     if (sub == 1)
22151       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22152     if (sub == 2)
22153       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22154     if (sub == 3)
22155       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22156     if (sub == 4)
22157       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22158     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22159     htmlFileT << "<h3> 6.B. Rate of bad TX position  (<" << MIN_M[6][sub] << ", >" << MAX_M[6][sub]
22160               << ") in each channel for each depth. </h3>" << std::endl;
22161     htmlFileT << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22162     if (sub == 1)
22163       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22164     if (sub == 2)
22165       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22166     if (sub == 3)
22167       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22168     if (sub == 4)
22169       htmlFileT << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22170     htmlFileT << "<br>" << std::endl;
22172     htmlFileT << "</body> " << std::endl;
22173     htmlFileT << "</html> " << std::endl;
22174     htmlFileT.close();
22176     //Calibration channels
22177     htmlFileC << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
22178     htmlFileC << "<head>" << std::endl;
22179     htmlFileC << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
22180     htmlFileC << "<title> Raw Data Analyser </title>" << std::endl;
22181     htmlFileC << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
22182     htmlFileC << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
22183               << std::endl;
22184     htmlFileC << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
22185     htmlFileC << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
22186                  "text-align: center;}"
22187               << std::endl;
22188     htmlFileC << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
22189     htmlFileC << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
22190     htmlFileC << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
22191     htmlFileC << "</style>" << std::endl;
22192     htmlFileC << "<body>" << std::endl;
22194     if (sub == 1)
22195       htmlFileC << "<h1> Criteria for calibration channels for HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22196     if (sub == 2)
22197       htmlFileC << "<h1> Criteria for calibration channels for HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22198     if (sub == 3)
22199       htmlFileC << "<h1> Criteria for calibration channels for HO, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22200     if (sub == 4)
22201       htmlFileC << "<h1> Criteria for calibration channels for HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22202     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22204     // Test Entries
22206     htmlFileC << "<h2> 0. Entries for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22207     htmlFileC << "<h3> 0.A. Entries in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22208     htmlFileC << "<h4> Channel legend: color is rate of entries </h4>" << std::endl;
22209     if (sub == 1)
22210       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCalibEntryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22211     if (sub == 2)
22212       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCalibEntryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22213     if (sub == 3)
22214       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCalibEntryHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22215     if (sub == 4)
22216       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCalibEntryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22217     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22219     // Test Cc
22220     htmlFileC << "<h2> 1. Cc criterion: CapID errors for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22221     htmlFileC << "<h3> 1.A. Rate of CapId failures in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22222     htmlFileC << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22223     if (sub == 1)
22224       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCapCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22225     if (sub == 2)
22226       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCapCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22227     if (sub == 3)
22228       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCapCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22229     if (sub == 4)
22230       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateCapCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22231     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22233     // Ac
22234     htmlFileC << "<h2> 2. Ac criterion: ADC amplitude collected over all TSs(Full Amplitude) for each channel. </h3>"
22235               << std::endl;
22236     htmlFileC << "<h3> 2.A. Full ADC amplitude distribution over all events, channels and depths.</h3>" << std::endl;
22237     htmlFileC << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_C[2][sub] << " correpond to bad ADC amplitude </h4>" << std::endl;
22238     if (sub == 1)
22239       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistAmplCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22240     if (sub == 2)
22241       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistAmplCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22242     if (sub == 3)
22243       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistAmplCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22244     if (sub == 4)
22245       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistAmplCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22246     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22247     htmlFileC << "<h3> 2.B. Rate of bad ADC amplitude (<" << MIN_C[2][sub] << ") in each channel for each depth. </h3>"
22248               << std::endl;
22249     htmlFileC << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colours - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22250     if (sub == 1)
22251       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22252     if (sub == 2)
22253       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22254     if (sub == 3)
22255       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22256     if (sub == 4)
22257       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22258     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22260     // Test Wc
22261     htmlFileC << "<h2> 3. Wc criterion: RMS (width) of ADC amplutude for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22262     htmlFileC << "<h3> 3.A. W distribution over all events, channel and depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22263     htmlFileC << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_C[3][sub] << " and more " << MAX_C[3][sub]
22264               << " correpond to bad RMS </h4>" << std::endl;
22265     if (sub == 1)
22266       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistRMSCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22267     if (sub == 2)
22268       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistRMSCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22269     if (sub == 3)
22270       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistRMSCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22271     if (sub == 4)
22272       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistRMSCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22273     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22274     htmlFileC << "<h3> 3.B. Rate of bad W (<" << MIN_C[3][sub] << ",>" << MAX_C[3][sub]
22275               << ") in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22276     htmlFileC << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22277     if (sub == 1)
22278       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22279     if (sub == 2)
22280       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22281     if (sub == 3)
22282       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22283     if (sub == 4)
22284       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateRMSCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22285     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22287     // Rc
22288     htmlFileC << "<h2> 4. Rc criterion: Ratio ADC value sum over five near maximum (-2, -1, max, +1, +2) TS to ADC "
22289                  "value sum over all TS for each channel. </h3>"
22290               << std::endl;
22291     htmlFileC << "<h3> 4.A. Ratio distribution over all events, channels and depths.</h3>" << std::endl;
22292     htmlFileC << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_C[4][sub] << " and more " << MAX_C[4][sub]
22293               << " correpond to bad ratio </h4>" << std::endl;
22294     if (sub == 1)
22295       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22296     if (sub == 2)
22297       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22298     if (sub == 3)
22299       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22300     if (sub == 4)
22301       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"Hist43TStoAllTSCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22302     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22303     htmlFileC << "<h3> 4.B. Rate of bad Ratio (<" << MIN_C[4][sub] << ", >" << MAX_C[4][sub]
22304               << ") in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22305     htmlFileC << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22306     if (sub == 1)
22307       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22308     if (sub == 2)
22309       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22310     if (sub == 3)
22311       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22312     if (sub == 4)
22313       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRate43TStoAllTSCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22314     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22316     // TNc
22317     htmlFileC << "<h2> 5. TNc criterion: Mean TS position for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22318     htmlFileC << "<h3> 5.A. TN position distribution over all events, channels and depths.</h3>" << std::endl;
22319     htmlFileC << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_C[5][sub] << " and more " << MAX_C[5][sub]
22320               << " correpond to bad position </h4>" << std::endl;
22321     if (sub == 1)
22322       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22323     if (sub == 2)
22324       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22325     if (sub == 3)
22326       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22327     if (sub == 4)
22328       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMeanPosCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22329     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22330     htmlFileC << "<h3> 5.B. Rate of bad TN position  (<" << MIN_C[5][sub] << ", >" << MAX_C[5][sub]
22331               << ") in each channel for each depth. </h3>" << std::endl;
22332     htmlFileC << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22333     if (sub == 1)
22334       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22335     if (sub == 2)
22336       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22337     if (sub == 3)
22338       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22339     if (sub == 4)
22340       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMeanPosCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22341     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22343     // TXm
22344     htmlFileC << "<h2> 6.TXc criterion: Maximum TS position for each channel.</h3>" << std::endl;
22345     htmlFileC << "<h3> 6.A. TX position distribution over all events, channel and depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22346     htmlFileC << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << MIN_C[6][sub] << " and more " << MAX_C[6][sub]
22347               << " correpond to bad position </h4>" << std::endl;
22348     if (sub == 1)
22349       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22350     if (sub == 2)
22351       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22352     if (sub == 3)
22353       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22354     if (sub == 4)
22355       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"HistMaxPosCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22356     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22357     htmlFileC << "<h3> 6.B. Rate of bad TX position  (<" << MIN_C[6][sub] << ", >" << MAX_C[6][sub]
22358               << ") in each channel for each depth. </h3>" << std::endl;
22359     htmlFileC << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22360     if (sub == 1)
22361       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosCalibHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22362     if (sub == 2)
22363       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosCalibHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22364     if (sub == 3)
22365       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosCalibHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22366     if (sub == 4)
22367       htmlFileC << " <img src=\"MapRateMaxPosCalibHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22368     htmlFileC << "<br>" << std::endl;
22370     htmlFileC << "</body> " << std::endl;
22371     htmlFileC << "</html> " << std::endl;
22372     htmlFileC.close();
22374     //Response drift
22375     htmlFileD << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
22376     htmlFileD << "<head>" << std::endl;
22377     htmlFileD << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
22378     htmlFileD << "<title> Remore Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
22379     htmlFileD << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
22380     htmlFileD << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
22381               << std::endl;
22382     htmlFileD << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
22383     htmlFileD << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
22384                  "text-align: center;}"
22385               << std::endl;
22386     htmlFileD << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
22387     htmlFileD << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
22388     htmlFileD << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
22389     htmlFileD << "</style>" << std::endl;
22390     htmlFileD << "<body>" << std::endl;
22392     if (sub == 1)
22393       htmlFileD << "<h1> Response drift for HB: Current RUN = " << runnumber << ", Reference RUN = " << refrunnumber
22394                 << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22395     if (sub == 2)
22396       htmlFileD << "<h1> Response drift for HE: Current RUN = " << runnumber << ", Reference RUN = " << refrunnumber
22397                 << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22398     if (sub == 3)
22399       htmlFileD << "<h1> Response drift for HO: Current RUN = " << runnumber << ", Reference RUN = " << refrunnumber
22400                 << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22401     if (sub == 4)
22402       htmlFileD << "<h1> Response drift for HF: Current RUN = " << runnumber << ", Reference RUN = " << refrunnumber
22403                 << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22404     htmlFileD << "<br>" << std::endl;
22406     // test GS
22407     htmlFileD << "<h2> 1. Gain Stability (GS) </h3>" << std::endl;
22408     htmlFileD << "<h3> 1.A. Averaged channel response, collected over all TS, for Current run in each channel for each "
22409                  "depth.</h3>"
22410               << std::endl;
22411     htmlFileD << "<h4> Channel legend: colour means cooresponding value of mean response. </h4>" << std::endl;
22412     if (sub == 1)
22413       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22414     if (sub == 2)
22415       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22416     if (sub == 3)
22417       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl1HO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22418     if (sub == 4)
22419       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22420     htmlFileD << "<br>" << std::endl;
22421     htmlFileD << "<h3> 1.B. Averaged channel response, collected over all TS, for Reference run in each channel for "
22422                  "each depth.</h3>"
22423               << std::endl;
22424     htmlFileD << "<h4> Channel legend: colour means cooresponding value of mean response. </h4>" << std::endl;
22425     if (sub == 1)
22426       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22427     if (sub == 2)
22428       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22429     if (sub == 3)
22430       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl2HO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22431     if (sub == 4)
22432       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmpl2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22433     htmlFileD << "<br>" << std::endl;
22434     htmlFileD << "<h3> 1.C. Relative difference between Current and Reference run distribution over all events, "
22435                  "channels for each depth.</h3>"
22436               << std::endl;
22437     htmlFileD << "<h4>  Legend: Bins less -" << porog[sub] << "% and more +" << porog[sub]
22438               << "% correpond to bad relative difference position </h4>" << std::endl;
22439     if (sub == 1)
22440       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"HistAmplDriftDepthHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22441     if (sub == 2)
22442       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"HistAmplDriftDepthHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22443     if (sub == 3)
22444       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"HistAmplDriftDepthHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22445     if (sub == 4)
22446       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"HistAmplDriftDepthHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22447     htmlFileD << "<br>" << std::endl;
22448     htmlFileD << "<h3> 1.D. Rate of bad relative difference  (<-" << porog[sub] << ", >+" << porog[sub]
22449               << ") in each channel for each depth.</h3>" << std::endl;
22450     htmlFileD << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22451     if (sub == 1)
22452       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplDriftHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22453     if (sub == 2)
22454       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplDriftHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22455     if (sub == 3)
22456       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplDriftHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22457     if (sub == 4)
22458       htmlFileD << " <img src=\"MapRateAmplDriftHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22459     htmlFileD << "<br>" << std::endl;
22461     htmlFileD << "</body> " << std::endl;
22462     htmlFileD << "</html> " << std::endl;
22463     htmlFileD.close();
22465     // Pedestals
22466     htmlFileP << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
22467     htmlFileP << "<head>" << std::endl;
22468     htmlFileP << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
22469     htmlFileP << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
22470     htmlFileP << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
22471     htmlFileP << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
22472               << std::endl;
22473     htmlFileP << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
22474     htmlFileP << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
22475                  "text-align: center;}"
22476               << std::endl;
22477     htmlFileP << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
22478     htmlFileP << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
22479     htmlFileP << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
22480     htmlFileP << "</style>" << std::endl;
22481     htmlFileP << "<body>" << std::endl;
22483     if (sub == 1)
22484       htmlFileP << "<h1> Pedestals for HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22485     if (sub == 2)
22486       htmlFileP << "<h1> Pedestals for HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22487     if (sub == 3)
22488       htmlFileP << "<h1> Pedestals for HO, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22489     if (sub == 4)
22490       htmlFileP << "<h1> Pedestals for HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22491     htmlFileP << "<br>" << std::endl;
22493     // Pedestal:
22494     htmlFileP << "<h2> 1.Pm criterion: Pedestals for each CapID .</h3>" << std::endl;
22495     htmlFileP << "<h3> 1.A. Pedestal distribution over all events, channels for each CapID and all depths.</h3>"
22496               << std::endl;
22497     htmlFileP << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << Pedest[0][sub] << " correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>" << std::endl;
22498     if (sub == 1)
22499       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalsHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22500     if (sub == 2)
22501       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalsHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22502     if (sub == 3)
22503       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalsHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22504     if (sub == 4)
22505       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalsHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22506     htmlFileP << "<br>" << std::endl;
22507     htmlFileP << "<h3> 1.B. Rate of channels at very low Pedestals at least in one CapID for each depth.</h3>"
22508               << std::endl;
22509     htmlFileP << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22510     if (sub == 1)
22511       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22512     if (sub == 2)
22513       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22514     if (sub == 3)
22515       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22516     if (sub == 4)
22517       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22519     // PedestalWidth:
22520     htmlFileP << "<h2> 2.pWm criterion: Pedestal Widths for each CapID .</h3>" << std::endl;
22521     htmlFileP << "<h3> 2.A. Pedestal Widths distribution over all events, channels for each CapID and all depths.</h3>"
22522               << std::endl;
22523     htmlFileP << "<h4> Legend: Bins less " << Pedest[1][sub] << " correpond to bad Pedestal Widths </h4>" << std::endl;
22524     if (sub == 1)
22525       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalWidthsHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22526     if (sub == 2)
22527       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalWidthsHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22528     if (sub == 3)
22529       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalWidthsHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22530     if (sub == 4)
22531       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"HistPedestalWidthsHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22532     htmlFileP << "<br>" << std::endl;
22533     htmlFileP << "<h3> 2.B. Rate of channels at very low Pedestal Widths at least in one CapID for each depth.</h3>"
22534               << std::endl;
22535     htmlFileP << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>" << std::endl;
22536     if (sub == 1)
22537       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedWidthsHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22538     if (sub == 2)
22539       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedWidthsHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22540     if (sub == 3)
22541       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedWidthsHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22542     if (sub == 4)
22543       htmlFileP << " <img src=\"MapRatePedWidthsHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22545     // Correlations of Pedestal(Width) and fullAmplitude:
22546     htmlFileP << "<h2> 3.Pedestal and pedestalWidths vs Amplitude .</h3>" << std::endl;
22547     htmlFileP << "<h3> 3.A. Correlation of Pedestal(pedestalWidths) and Amplitude over all channels and events .</h3>"
22548               << std::endl;
22549     htmlFileP << "<h4> Legend: colour - entries </h4>" << std::endl;
22550     if (sub == 1)
22551       htmlFileP << "<img src=\"CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22552     if (sub == 2)
22553       htmlFileP << "<img src=\"CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22554     if (sub == 3)
22555       htmlFileP << "<img src=\"CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22556     if (sub == 4)
22557       htmlFileP << "<img src=\"CorrelationsMapPedestalVsfullAmplitudeHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22558     htmlFileP << "<br>" << std::endl;
22559     htmlFileP.close();
22561     // TSs Shapes:
22563     htmlFileS << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
22564     htmlFileS << "<head>" << std::endl;
22565     htmlFileS << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
22566     htmlFileS << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
22567     htmlFileS << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
22568     htmlFileS << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
22569               << std::endl;
22570     htmlFileS << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
22571     htmlFileS << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
22572                  "text-align: center;}"
22573               << std::endl;
22574     htmlFileS << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
22575     htmlFileS << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
22576     htmlFileS << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
22577     htmlFileS << "</style>" << std::endl;
22578     htmlFileS << "<body>" << std::endl;
22580     if (sub == 1)
22581       htmlFileS << "<h1> ADC Shape for HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22582     if (sub == 2)
22583       htmlFileS << "<h1> ADC Shape for HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22584     if (sub == 3)
22585       htmlFileS << "<h1> ADC Shape for HO, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22586     if (sub == 4)
22587       htmlFileS << "<h1> ADC Shape for HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22588     htmlFileS << "<br>" << std::endl;
22590     htmlFileS << "<h2> 1.Mean ADC Shape.</h3>" << std::endl;
22591     htmlFileS << "<h3> 1.A. ADC shape averaged over all good channels, depth and events.</h3>" << std::endl;
22592     //     htmlFileS << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
22593     if (sub == 1)
22594       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistGoodTSshapesHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22595     if (sub == 2)
22596       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistGoodTSshapesHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22597     if (sub == 3)
22598       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistGoodTSshapesHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22599     if (sub == 4)
22600       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistGoodTSshapesHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22601     htmlFileS << "<br>" << std::endl;
22602     htmlFileS << "<h3> 1.B. ADC shape averaged over all bad channels, depth and events. Bad channels are selected by 5 "
22603                  "criteria: CapId, A, W, P, Pw </h3>"
22604               << std::endl;
22605     //     htmlFileS << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22606     if (sub == 1)
22607       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistBadTSshapesHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22608     if (sub == 2)
22609       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistBadTSshapesHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22610     if (sub == 3)
22611       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistBadTSshapesHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22612     if (sub == 4)
22613       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"HistBadTSshapesHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22615     htmlFileS << "<h2> 2. Occupancy and rates of non-zero amplitudes for separate TSs in Sub-Detector over "
22616                  "depth,eta.phi </h3>"
22617               << std::endl;
22618     htmlFileS << "<h3> 2.A. reminder:.......................... for HBHE, TS=2;...................................... "
22619                  "for HF, TS=1;..................................... for HO, TS=0,1,2  </h3>"
22620               << std::endl;
22621     if (sub == 1)
22622       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_mapDepthAllTS2_HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22623     if (sub == 2)
22624       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_mapDepthAllTS2_HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22625     if (sub == 3)
22626       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_mapDepthAllTS012_HO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22627     if (sub == 4)
22628       htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_mapDepthAllTS1_HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22629     htmlFileS << "<br>" << std::endl;
22631     /*
22632    htmlFileS << "<h2> 2. ADC in Time Slice </h3>"<< std::endl;
22633      htmlFileS << "<h3> 2.A. ADC counts  histogrammed over all channels, depth and events.</h3>"<< std::endl; 
22634 //     htmlFileS << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl; 
22635      if (sub==1) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HB_All.png\" />" << std::endl;
22636      if (sub==2) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HE_All.png\" />" << std::endl;    
22637      if (sub==3) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HO_All.png\" />" << std::endl;
22638      if (sub==4) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HF_All.png\" />" << std::endl;
22639      htmlFileS << "<br>"<< std::endl;
22640      htmlFileS << "<h3> 2.B. ADC counts  histogrammed over all channels and events for each depth separately. </h3>"<< std::endl; 
22641 //     htmlFileS << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22642      if (sub==1) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HB_DS.png\" />" << std::endl;
22643      if (sub==2) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HE_DS.png\" />" << std::endl;
22644      if (sub==3) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HO_DS.png\" />" << std::endl;
22645      if (sub==4) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_ADC_HF_DS.png\" />" << std::endl;
22647      htmlFileS << "<h2> 3. ADC Sum in Time Slice </h3>"<< std::endl;
22648      htmlFileS << "<h3> 3.A. ADC Sum over all channels histogrammed over all events for each depth separately. </h3>"<< std::endl; 
22649 //     htmlFileS << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22650      if (sub==1) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22651      if (sub==2) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22652      if (sub==3) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HO.png\" />" << std::endl;
22653      if (sub==4) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22655      htmlFileS << "<h3> 3.B. ADC Sum over all channels histogrammed over all events for each depth separately. </h3>"<< std::endl; 
22656 //     htmlFileS << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22657      if (sub==1) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HB0.png\" />" << std::endl;
22658      if (sub==2) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HE0.png\" />" << std::endl;
22659      if (sub==3) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HO0.png\" />" << std::endl;
22660      if (sub==4) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HF0.png\" />" << std::endl;
22662      htmlFileS << "<h3> 3.C. ADC Sum over all channels histogrammed over all events for each depth separately. </h3>"<< std::endl; 
22663 //     htmlFileS << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22664      if (sub==1) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HB1.png\" />" << std::endl;
22665      if (sub==2) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HE1.png\" />" << std::endl;
22666      if (sub==3) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HO1.png\" />" << std::endl;
22667      if (sub==4) htmlFileS << " <img src=\"Hist_SumADC_HF1.png\" />" << std::endl;
22668 */
22669     htmlFileS.close();
22671     ///////////////////////////////////////////
22673     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group:
22675     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Digis
22677     htmlFileM << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
22678     htmlFileM << "<head>" << std::endl;
22679     htmlFileM << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
22680     htmlFileM << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
22681     htmlFileM << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
22682     htmlFileM << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
22683               << std::endl;
22684     htmlFileM << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
22685     htmlFileM << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
22686                  "text-align: center;}"
22687               << std::endl;
22688     htmlFileM << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
22689     htmlFileM << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
22690     htmlFileM << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
22691     htmlFileM << "</style>" << std::endl;
22692     htmlFileM << "<body>" << std::endl;
22694     /////////////////////////////////////////////// RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
22696     if (sub == 1)
22697       htmlFileM << "<h1> Digis Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22698     if (sub == 2)
22699       htmlFileM << "<h1> Digis Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22700     if (sub == 4)
22701       htmlFileM << "<h1> Digis Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
22702     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22704     htmlFileM << "<h2> 1: R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>" << std::endl;
22705     htmlFileM << "<h3> 1A: eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes </h3>" << std::endl;
22706     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
22707     if (sub == 1)
22708       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22709     if (sub == 2)
22710       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22711     if (sub == 4)
22712       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22713     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22715     htmlFileM << "<h3> 1B: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta </h3>" << std::endl;
22716     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22717     if (sub == 1)
22718       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22719     if (sub == 2)
22720       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22721     if (sub == 4)
22722       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22723     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22725     ///////////////////////////////////////////   PositiveDirection:
22727     /////////////////////////////////////////////// R different Depthes:
22728     htmlFileM << "<h2>  Positive direction, R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>" << std::endl;
22729     htmlFileM << "<h3> 1C: R vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
22730     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22731     if (sub == 1)
22732       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22733     if (sub == 2)
22734       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22735     if (sub == 4)
22736       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22737     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22739     htmlFileM << "<h3> 1D: R vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
22740     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22741     if (sub == 1)
22742       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22743     if (sub == 2)
22744       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22745     if (sub == 4)
22746       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22747     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22749     htmlFileM << "<h3> 1E: R vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
22750     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22751     if (sub == 1)
22752       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22753     if (sub == 2)
22754       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22755     if (sub == 4)
22756       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22757     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22759     htmlFileM << "<h3> 1F: R vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
22760     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22761     if (sub == 1)
22762       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22763     if (sub == 2)
22764       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22765     if (sub == 4)
22766       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22767     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22769     if (sub == 2)
22770       htmlFileM << "<h3> 1G: R vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
22771     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22772     if (sub == 2)
22773       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22774     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22776     if (sub == 2)
22777       htmlFileM << "<h3> 1H: R vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
22778     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22779     if (sub == 2)
22780       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22781     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22783     if (sub == 2)
22784       htmlFileM << "<h3> 1I: R vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
22785     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22786     if (sub == 2)
22787       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22788     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22790     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
22791     htmlFileM << "<h2> 2: D(digivarianceSignalhe)   </h3>" << std::endl;
22792     htmlFileM << "<h3> 2A: eta/phi-plot: D(digivarianceSignalhe), averaged over depthes </h3>" << std::endl;
22793     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
22794     if (sub == 1)
22795       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22796     if (sub == 2)
22797       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22798     if (sub == 4)
22799       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22800     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22802     htmlFileM << "<h3> 2B: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta </h3>" << std::endl;
22803     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22804     if (sub == 1)
22805       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22806     if (sub == 2)
22807       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22808     if (sub == 4)
22809       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22810     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22812     ///////////////////////////////////////////   PositiveDirection:
22813     ///////////////////////////////////////////////D  different Depthes:
22814     htmlFileM << "<h2>  Positive direction, D(digivarianceSignalhe) </h3>" << std::endl;
22815     htmlFileM << "<h3> 2C: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
22816     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22817     if (sub == 1)
22818       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22819     if (sub == 2)
22820       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22821     if (sub == 4)
22822       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22823     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22825     htmlFileM << "<h3> 2.D. D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
22826     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22827     if (sub == 1)
22828       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22829     if (sub == 2)
22830       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22831     if (sub == 4)
22832       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22833     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22835     htmlFileM << "<h3> 2E: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
22836     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22837     if (sub == 1)
22838       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22839     if (sub == 2)
22840       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22841     if (sub == 4)
22842       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22843     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22845     htmlFileM << "<h3> 2F: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
22846     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22847     if (sub == 1)
22848       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22849     if (sub == 2)
22850       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22851     if (sub == 4)
22852       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22853     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22855     if (sub == 2)
22856       htmlFileM << "<h3> 2G: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
22857     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22858     if (sub == 2)
22859       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22860     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22862     if (sub == 2)
22863       htmlFileM << "<h3> 2H: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
22864     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22865     if (sub == 2)
22866       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22867     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22869     if (sub == 2)
22870       htmlFileM << "<h3> 2I: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
22871     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22872     if (sub == 2)
22873       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22874     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22876     ///////////////////////////////////////////   NegativeDirection:
22877     /////////////////////////////////////////////// RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
22878     htmlFileM << "<h2> 3:  Negative direction, R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>"
22879               << std::endl;
22881     /////////////////////////////////////////////// different Depthes:
22882     htmlFileM << "<h3> 3C: R vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
22883     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22884     if (sub == 1)
22885       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22886     if (sub == 2)
22887       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22888     if (sub == 4)
22889       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22890     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22892     htmlFileM << "<h3> 3D: R vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
22893     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22894     if (sub == 1)
22895       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22896     if (sub == 2)
22897       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22898     if (sub == 4)
22899       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22900     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22902     htmlFileM << "<h3> 3E: R vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
22903     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22904     if (sub == 1)
22905       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22906     if (sub == 2)
22907       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22908     if (sub == 4)
22909       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22910     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22912     htmlFileM << "<h3> 3F: R vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
22913     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22914     if (sub == 1)
22915       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22916     if (sub == 2)
22917       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22918     if (sub == 4)
22919       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22920     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22922     if (sub == 2)
22923       htmlFileM << "<h3> 3G: R vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
22924     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22925     if (sub == 2)
22926       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22927     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22929     if (sub == 2)
22930       htmlFileM << "<h3> 3H: R vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
22931     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22932     if (sub == 2)
22933       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22934     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22936     if (sub == 2)
22937       htmlFileM << "<h3> 3I: R vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
22938     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22939     if (sub == 2)
22940       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"RdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22941     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22943     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
22944     htmlFileM << "<h2> 4: Negative direction,   D(digivarianceSignalhe)   </h3>" << std::endl;
22945     /////////////////////////////////////////////// different Depthes:
22946     htmlFileM << "<h3> 4C: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
22947     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22948     if (sub == 1)
22949       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22950     if (sub == 2)
22951       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22952     if (sub == 4)
22953       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22954     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22956     htmlFileM << "<h3> 4.D. D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
22957     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22958     if (sub == 1)
22959       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22960     if (sub == 2)
22961       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22962     if (sub == 4)
22963       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22964     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22966     htmlFileM << "<h3> 4E: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
22967     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22968     if (sub == 1)
22969       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22970     if (sub == 2)
22971       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22972     if (sub == 4)
22973       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22974     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22976     htmlFileM << "<h3> 4F: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
22977     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22978     if (sub == 1)
22979       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
22980     if (sub == 2)
22981       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22982     if (sub == 4)
22983       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
22984     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22986     if (sub == 2)
22987       htmlFileM << "<h3> 4G: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
22988     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22989     if (sub == 2)
22990       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22991     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
22993     if (sub == 2)
22994       htmlFileM << "<h3> 4H: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
22995     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
22996     if (sub == 2)
22997       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
22998     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
23000     if (sub == 2)
23001       htmlFileM << "<h3> 4I: D(digivarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23002     //     htmlFileM << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23003     if (sub == 2)
23004       htmlFileM << " <img src=\"DdigiNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23005     htmlFileM << "<br>" << std::endl;
23006     ///////////////////////////////////////////
23007     htmlFileM.close();
23008     /////////////////////////////////////////// end of Digi
23009     //
23010     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RecoSignal:
23011     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RecoSignal:
23012     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RecoSignal:
23014     htmlFileR << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
23015     htmlFileR << "<head>" << std::endl;
23016     htmlFileR << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
23017     htmlFileR << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
23018     htmlFileR << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
23019     htmlFileR << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
23020               << std::endl;
23021     htmlFileR << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
23022     htmlFileR << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
23023                  "text-align: center;}"
23024               << std::endl;
23025     htmlFileR << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
23026     htmlFileR << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
23027     htmlFileR << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
23028     htmlFileR << "</style>" << std::endl;
23029     htmlFileR << "<body>" << std::endl;
23031     /////////////////////////////////////////////// RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
23033     if (sub == 1)
23034       htmlFileR << "<h1> RecoSignal Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>"
23035                 << std::endl;
23036     if (sub == 2)
23037       htmlFileR << "<h1> RecoSignal Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>"
23038                 << std::endl;
23039     if (sub == 4)
23040       htmlFileR << "<h1> RecoSignal Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>"
23041                 << std::endl;
23042     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23044     htmlFileR << "<h2> 1: R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>" << std::endl;
23045     htmlFileR << "<h3> 1A: eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes </h3>" << std::endl;
23046     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
23047     if (sub == 1)
23048       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23049     if (sub == 2)
23050       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23051     if (sub == 4)
23052       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23053     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23055     htmlFileR << "<h3> 1B: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta </h3>" << std::endl;
23056     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23057     if (sub == 1)
23058       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23059     if (sub == 2)
23060       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23061     if (sub == 4)
23062       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23063     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23065     ///////////////////////////////////////////   PositiveDirection:
23067     /////////////////////////////////////////////// R different Depthes:
23068     htmlFileR << "<h2>  Positive direction, R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>" << std::endl;
23069     htmlFileR << "<h3> 1C: R vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23070     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23071     if (sub == 1)
23072       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23073     if (sub == 2)
23074       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23075     if (sub == 4)
23076       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23077     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23079     htmlFileR << "<h3> 1D: R vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23080     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23081     if (sub == 1)
23082       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23083     if (sub == 2)
23084       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23085     if (sub == 4)
23086       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23087     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23089     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23090       htmlFileR << "<h3> 1E: R vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23091     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23092     if (sub == 1)
23093       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23094     if (sub == 2)
23095       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23096     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23098     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23099       htmlFileR << "<h3> 1F: R vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23100     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23101     if (sub == 1)
23102       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23103     if (sub == 2)
23104       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23105     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23107     if (sub == 2)
23108       htmlFileR << "<h3> 1G: R vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23109     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23110     if (sub == 2)
23111       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23112     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23114     if (sub == 2)
23115       htmlFileR << "<h3> 1H: R vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23116     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23117     if (sub == 2)
23118       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23119     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23121     if (sub == 2)
23122       htmlFileR << "<h3> 1I: R vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23123     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23124     if (sub == 2)
23125       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23126     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23128     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
23129     htmlFileR << "<h2> 2: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe)   </h3>" << std::endl;
23130     htmlFileR << "<h3> 2A: eta/phi-plot: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe), averaged over depthes </h3>" << std::endl;
23131     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
23132     if (sub == 1)
23133       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23134     if (sub == 2)
23135       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23136     if (sub == 4)
23137       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23138     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23140     htmlFileR << "<h3> 2B: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta </h3>" << std::endl;
23141     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23142     if (sub == 1)
23143       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23144     if (sub == 2)
23145       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23146     if (sub == 4)
23147       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23148     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23150     ///////////////////////////////////////////   PositiveDirection:
23151     ///////////////////////////////////////////////D  different Depthes:
23152     htmlFileR << "<h2>  Positive direction, D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) </h3>" << std::endl;
23153     htmlFileR << "<h3> 2C: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23154     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23155     if (sub == 1)
23156       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23157     if (sub == 2)
23158       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23159     if (sub == 4)
23160       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23161     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23163     htmlFileR << "<h3> 2.D. D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23164     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23165     if (sub == 1)
23166       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23167     if (sub == 2)
23168       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23169     if (sub == 4)
23170       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23171     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23173     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23174       htmlFileR << "<h3> 2E: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23175     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23176     if (sub == 1)
23177       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23178     if (sub == 2)
23179       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23180     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23182     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23183       htmlFileR << "<h3> 2F: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23184     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23185     if (sub == 1)
23186       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23187     if (sub == 2)
23188       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23189     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23191     if (sub == 2)
23192       htmlFileR << "<h3> 2G: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23193     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23194     if (sub == 2)
23195       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23196     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23198     if (sub == 2)
23199       htmlFileR << "<h3> 2H: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23200     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23201     if (sub == 2)
23202       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23203     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23205     if (sub == 2)
23206       htmlFileR << "<h3> 2I: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23207     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23208     if (sub == 2)
23209       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalPositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23210     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23212     ///////////////////////////////////////////   NegativeDirection:
23213     /////////////////////////////////////////////// RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
23214     htmlFileR << "<h2> 3:  Negative direction, R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>"
23215               << std::endl;
23217     /////////////////////////////////////////////// different Depthes:
23218     htmlFileR << "<h3> 3C: R vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23219     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23220     if (sub == 1)
23221       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23222     if (sub == 2)
23223       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23224     if (sub == 4)
23225       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23226     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23228     htmlFileR << "<h3> 3D: R vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23229     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23230     if (sub == 1)
23231       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23232     if (sub == 2)
23233       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23234     if (sub == 4)
23235       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23236     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23238     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23239       htmlFileR << "<h3> 3E: R vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23240     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23241     if (sub == 1)
23242       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23243     if (sub == 2)
23244       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23245     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23247     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23248       htmlFileR << "<h3> 3F: R vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23249     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23250     if (sub == 1)
23251       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23252     if (sub == 2)
23253       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23254     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23256     if (sub == 2)
23257       htmlFileR << "<h3> 3G: R vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23258     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23259     if (sub == 2)
23260       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23261     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23263     if (sub == 2)
23264       htmlFileR << "<h3> 3H: R vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23265     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23266     if (sub == 2)
23267       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23268     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23270     if (sub == 2)
23271       htmlFileR << "<h3> 3I: R vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23272     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23273     if (sub == 2)
23274       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"RrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23275     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23277     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
23278     htmlFileR << "<h2> 4: Negative direction,   D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe)   </h3>" << std::endl;
23279     /////////////////////////////////////////////// different Depthes:
23280     htmlFileR << "<h3> 4C: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23281     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23282     if (sub == 1)
23283       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23284     if (sub == 2)
23285       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23286     if (sub == 4)
23287       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23288     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23290     htmlFileR << "<h3> 4.D. D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23291     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23292     if (sub == 1)
23293       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23294     if (sub == 2)
23295       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23296     if (sub == 4)
23297       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23298     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23300     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23301       htmlFileR << "<h3> 4E: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23302     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23303     if (sub == 1)
23304       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23305     if (sub == 2)
23306       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23307     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23309     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23310       htmlFileR << "<h3> 4F: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23311     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23312     if (sub == 1)
23313       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23314     if (sub == 2)
23315       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23316     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23318     if (sub == 2)
23319       htmlFileR << "<h3> 4G: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23320     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23321     if (sub == 2)
23322       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23323     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23325     if (sub == 2)
23326       htmlFileR << "<h3> 4H: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23327     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23328     if (sub == 2)
23329       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23330     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23332     if (sub == 2)
23333       htmlFileR << "<h3> 4I: D(recosignalvarianceSignalhe) vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23334     //     htmlFileR << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23335     if (sub == 2)
23336       htmlFileR << " <img src=\"DrecosignalNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23337     htmlFileR << "<br>" << std::endl;
23338     ///////////////////////////////////////////
23339     htmlFileR.close();
23340     /////////////////////////////////////////// end of Recosignal
23341     //
23342     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RecoNoise:
23343     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RecoNoise:
23344     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RecoNoise:
23346     htmlFileN << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
23347     htmlFileN << "<head>" << std::endl;
23348     htmlFileN << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
23349     htmlFileN << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
23350     htmlFileN << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
23351     htmlFileN << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
23352               << std::endl;
23353     htmlFileN << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
23354     htmlFileN << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
23355                  "text-align: center;}"
23356               << std::endl;
23357     htmlFileN << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
23358     htmlFileN << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
23359     htmlFileN << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
23360     htmlFileN << "</style>" << std::endl;
23361     htmlFileN << "<body>" << std::endl;
23363     /////////////////////////////////////////////// RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
23365     if (sub == 1)
23366       htmlFileN << "<h1> RecoNoise Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>"
23367                 << std::endl;
23368     if (sub == 2)
23369       htmlFileN << "<h1> RecoNoise Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>"
23370                 << std::endl;
23371     if (sub == 4)
23372       htmlFileN << "<h1> RecoNoise Phi-symmetry for Calibration Group, HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>"
23373                 << std::endl;
23374     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23376     htmlFileN << "<h2> 1: R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>" << std::endl;
23377     htmlFileN << "<h3> 1A: eta/phi-plot: R, averaged over depthes </h3>" << std::endl;
23378     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
23379     if (sub == 1)
23380       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23381     if (sub == 2)
23382       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23383     if (sub == 4)
23384       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23385     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23387     htmlFileN << "<h3> 1B: R vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta </h3>" << std::endl;
23388     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23389     if (sub == 1)
23390       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23391     if (sub == 2)
23392       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23393     if (sub == 4)
23394       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23395     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23397     ///////////////////////////////////////////   PositiveDirection:
23399     /////////////////////////////////////////////// R different Depthes:
23400     htmlFileN << "<h2>  Positive direction, R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>" << std::endl;
23401     htmlFileN << "<h3> 1C: R vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23402     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23403     if (sub == 1)
23404       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23405     if (sub == 2)
23406       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23407     if (sub == 4)
23408       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23409     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23411     htmlFileN << "<h3> 1D: R vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23412     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23413     if (sub == 1)
23414       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23415     if (sub == 2)
23416       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23417     if (sub == 4)
23418       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23419     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23421     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23422       htmlFileN << "<h3> 1E: R vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23423     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23424     if (sub == 1)
23425       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23426     if (sub == 2)
23427       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23428     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23430     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23431       htmlFileN << "<h3> 1F: R vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23432     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23433     if (sub == 1)
23434       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23435     if (sub == 2)
23436       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23437     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23439     if (sub == 2)
23440       htmlFileN << "<h3> 1G: R vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23441     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23442     if (sub == 2)
23443       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23444     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23446     if (sub == 2)
23447       htmlFileN << "<h3> 1H: R vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23448     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23449     if (sub == 2)
23450       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23451     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23453     if (sub == 2)
23454       htmlFileN << "<h3> 1I: R vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23455     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23456     if (sub == 2)
23457       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23458     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23460     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
23461     htmlFileN << "<h2> 2: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe)   </h3>" << std::endl;
23462     htmlFileN << "<h3> 2A: eta/phi-plot: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe), averaged over depthes </h3>" << std::endl;
23463     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
23464     if (sub == 1)
23465       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23466     if (sub == 2)
23467       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23468     if (sub == 4)
23469       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23470     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23472     htmlFileN << "<h3> 2B: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta </h3>" << std::endl;
23473     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23474     if (sub == 1)
23475       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23476     if (sub == 2)
23477       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23478     if (sub == 4)
23479       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23480     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23482     ///////////////////////////////////////////   PositiveDirection:
23483     ///////////////////////////////////////////////D  different Depthes:
23484     htmlFileN << "<h2>  Positive direction, D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) </h3>" << std::endl;
23485     htmlFileN << "<h3> 2C: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23486     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23487     if (sub == 1)
23488       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23489     if (sub == 2)
23490       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23491     if (sub == 4)
23492       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23493     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23495     htmlFileN << "<h3> 2.D. D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23496     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23497     if (sub == 1)
23498       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23499     if (sub == 2)
23500       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23501     if (sub == 4)
23502       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23503     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23505     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23506       htmlFileN << "<h3> 2E: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23507     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23508     if (sub == 1)
23509       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23510     if (sub == 2)
23511       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23512     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23514     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23515       htmlFileN << "<h3> 2F: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23516     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23517     if (sub == 1)
23518       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23519     if (sub == 2)
23520       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23521     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23523     if (sub == 2)
23524       htmlFileN << "<h3> 2G: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23525     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23526     if (sub == 2)
23527       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23528     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23530     if (sub == 2)
23531       htmlFileN << "<h3> 2H: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23532     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23533     if (sub == 2)
23534       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23535     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23537     if (sub == 2)
23538       htmlFileN << "<h3> 2I: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23539     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23540     if (sub == 2)
23541       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23542     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23544     ///////////////////////////////////////////   NegativeDirection:
23545     /////////////////////////////////////////////// RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
23546     htmlFileN << "<h2> 3:  Negative direction, R = R_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi/E_depth_ieta </h3>"
23547               << std::endl;
23549     /////////////////////////////////////////////// different Depthes:
23550     htmlFileN << "<h3> 3C: R vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23551     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23552     if (sub == 1)
23553       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23554     if (sub == 2)
23555       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23556     if (sub == 4)
23557       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23558     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23560     htmlFileN << "<h3> 3D: R vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23561     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23562     if (sub == 1)
23563       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23564     if (sub == 2)
23565       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23566     if (sub == 4)
23567       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23568     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23570     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23571       htmlFileN << "<h3> 3E: R vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23572     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23573     if (sub == 1)
23574       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23575     if (sub == 2)
23576       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23577     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23579     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23580       htmlFileN << "<h3> 3F: R vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23581     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23582     if (sub == 1)
23583       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23584     if (sub == 2)
23585       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23586     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23588     if (sub == 2)
23589       htmlFileN << "<h3> 3G: R vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23590     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23591     if (sub == 2)
23592       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23593     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23595     if (sub == 2)
23596       htmlFileN << "<h3> 3H: R vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23597     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23598     if (sub == 2)
23599       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23600     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23602     if (sub == 2)
23603       htmlFileN << "<h3> 3I: R vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23604     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23605     if (sub == 2)
23606       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"RreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23607     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23609     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
23610     htmlFileN << "<h2> 4: Negative direction,   D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe)   </h3>" << std::endl;
23611     /////////////////////////////////////////////// different Depthes:
23612     htmlFileN << "<h3> 4C: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23613     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23614     if (sub == 1)
23615       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23616     if (sub == 2)
23617       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23618     if (sub == 4)
23619       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23620     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23622     htmlFileN << "<h3> 4.D. D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23623     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23624     if (sub == 1)
23625       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23626     if (sub == 2)
23627       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23628     if (sub == 4)
23629       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23630     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23632     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23633       htmlFileN << "<h3> 4E: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23634     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23635     if (sub == 1)
23636       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23637     if (sub == 2)
23638       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23639     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23641     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23642       htmlFileN << "<h3> 4F: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23643     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23644     if (sub == 1)
23645       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23646     if (sub == 2)
23647       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23648     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23650     if (sub == 2)
23651       htmlFileN << "<h3> 4G: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23652     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23653     if (sub == 2)
23654       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23655     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23657     if (sub == 2)
23658       htmlFileN << "<h3> 4H: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23659     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23660     if (sub == 2)
23661       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23662     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23664     if (sub == 2)
23665       htmlFileN << "<h3> 4I: D(reconoisevarianceNoisehe) vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23666     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23667     if (sub == 2)
23668       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23669     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23670     ///////////////////////////////////////////
23672     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIF
23674     if (sub == 1)
23675       htmlFileN << "<h1> Only for Noise RecHits these lines below, HB, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
23676     if (sub == 2)
23677       htmlFileN << "<h1> Only for Noise RecHits these lines below, HE, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
23678     if (sub == 4)
23679       htmlFileN << "<h1> Only for Noise RecHits these lines below, HF, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
23680     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23682     htmlFileN << "<h2> 5: DIF = DIF_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi - E_depth_ieta </h3>" << std::endl;
23683     htmlFileN << "<h3> 5A: eta/phi-plot: DIF, averaged over depthes </h3>" << std::endl;
23684     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Legend: Bins less "<<Pedest[0][sub]<<" correpond to bad Pedestals </h4>"<< std::endl;
23685     if (sub == 1)
23686       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23687     if (sub == 2)
23688       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23689     if (sub == 4)
23690       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseGeneralD2PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23691     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23693     htmlFileN << "<h3> 5B: DIF vs phi , averaged over depthes & eta </h3>" << std::endl;
23694     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23695     if (sub == 1)
23696       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23697     if (sub == 2)
23698       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23699     if (sub == 4)
23700       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseGeneralD1PhiSymmetryHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23701     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23703     /////////////////////////////////////////// DIF  PositiveDirection:
23705     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DIF different Depthes:
23706     htmlFileN << "<h2>  Positive direction, DIF = DIF_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi - E_depth_ieta </h3>"
23707               << std::endl;
23708     htmlFileN << "<h3> 5C: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23709     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23710     if (sub == 1)
23711       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23712     if (sub == 2)
23713       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23714     if (sub == 4)
23715       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23716     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23718     htmlFileN << "<h3> 5D: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23719     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23720     if (sub == 1)
23721       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23722     if (sub == 2)
23723       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23724     if (sub == 4)
23725       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23726     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23728     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23729       htmlFileN << "<h3> 1E: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23730     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23731     if (sub == 1)
23732       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23733     if (sub == 2)
23734       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23735     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23737     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23738       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5F: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23739     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23740     if (sub == 1)
23741       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23742     if (sub == 2)
23743       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23744     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23746     if (sub == 2)
23747       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5G: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23748     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23749     if (sub == 2)
23750       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23751     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23753     if (sub == 2)
23754       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5H: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23755     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23756     if (sub == 2)
23757       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23758     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23760     if (sub == 2)
23761       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5I: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23762     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23763     if (sub == 2)
23764       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoisePositiveDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23765     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23767     /////////////////////////////////////////// DIF  NegativeDirection:
23769     /////////////////////////////////////////////// DIF different Depthes:
23770     htmlFileN << "<h2>  Negative direction, DIF = DIF_depth_ieta_iphi = E_depth_ieta_iphi - E_depth_ieta </h3>"
23771               << std::endl;
23772     htmlFileN << "<h3> 5C: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth1 </h3>" << std::endl;
23773     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23774     if (sub == 1)
23775       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23776     if (sub == 2)
23777       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23778     if (sub == 4)
23779       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth1HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23780     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23782     htmlFileN << "<h3> 5D: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth2 </h3>" << std::endl;
23783     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23784     if (sub == 1)
23785       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23786     if (sub == 2)
23787       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23788     if (sub == 4)
23789       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth2HF.png\" />" << std::endl;
23790     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23792     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23793       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5E: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth3 </h3>" << std::endl;
23794     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23795     if (sub == 1)
23796       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23797     if (sub == 2)
23798       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth3HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23799     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23801     if (sub == 1 || sub == 2)
23802       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5F: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth4 </h3>" << std::endl;
23803     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23804     if (sub == 1)
23805       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HB.png\" />" << std::endl;
23806     if (sub == 2)
23807       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth4HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23808     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23810     if (sub == 2)
23811       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5G: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth5 </h3>" << std::endl;
23812     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23813     if (sub == 2)
23814       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth5HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23815     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23817     if (sub == 2)
23818       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5H: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth6 </h3>" << std::endl;
23819     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23820     if (sub == 2)
23821       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth6HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23822     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23824     if (sub == 2)
23825       htmlFileN << "<h3> 5I: DIF vs phi , different eta, Depth7 </h3>" << std::endl;
23826     //     htmlFileN << "<h4> Channel legend: white - good, other colour - bad. </h4>"<< std::endl;
23827     if (sub == 2)
23828       htmlFileN << " <img src=\"DIFreconoiseNegativeDirectionhistD1PhiSymmetryDepth7HE.png\" />" << std::endl;
23829     htmlFileN << "<br>" << std::endl;
23831     /////////////////////////////////////////// end of Reconoise
23833     //
23834     //
23835     htmlFileN.close();
23837     /////////////////////////////////////////// end of Reconoise
23838     /////////////////////////////////////////// end of Reconoise
23840     //
23841     //
23842   }  // end sub  //for (int sub=1;sub<=4;sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
23844   //======================================================================
23846   std::cout << "********" << std::endl;
23847   std::cout << "************    Start creating subdet  html pages: - rather long time needed, waiting please"
23848             << std::endl;
23849   //======================================================================
23850   // Creating subdet  html pages:
23852   for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {  //Subdetector: 1-HB, 2-HE, 3-HF, 4-HO
23853     ofstream htmlFile;
23854     if (sub == 1)
23856     if (sub == 2)
23858     if (sub == 3)
23860     if (sub == 4)
23863     htmlFile << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
23864     htmlFile << "<head>" << std::endl;
23865     htmlFile << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
23866     htmlFile << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
23867     htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
23868     htmlFile << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
23869              << std::endl;
23870     htmlFile << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
23871     htmlFile << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
23872                 "text-align: center;}"
23873              << std::endl;
23874     htmlFile << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
23875     htmlFile << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
23876     htmlFile << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
23877     htmlFile << "   td.s5 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FF00FF; }" << std::endl;
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23880     htmlFile << "   td.s8 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #00FFFF; }" << std::endl;
23881     htmlFile << "   td.s9 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFE4E1; }" << std::endl;
23882     htmlFile << "   td.s10 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #A0522D; }" << std::endl;
23883     htmlFile << "   td.s11 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #1E90FF; }" << std::endl;
23884     htmlFile << "   td.s12 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #00BFFF; }" << std::endl;
23885     htmlFile << "   td.s13 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFFF00; }" << std::endl;
23886     htmlFile << "   td.s14 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #B8860B; }" << std::endl;
23887     htmlFile << "</style>" << std::endl;
23888     htmlFile << "<body>" << std::endl;
23889     if (sub == 1)
23890       htmlFile << "<h1> HCAL BARREL, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
23891     if (sub == 2)
23892       htmlFile << "<h1> HCAL ENDCAP, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
23893     if (sub == 3)
23894       htmlFile << "<h1> HCAL OUTER, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
23895     if (sub == 4)
23896       htmlFile << "<h1> HCAL FORWARD, RUN = " << runnumber << " </h1>" << std::endl;
23897     htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
23898     if (sub == 1)
23899       htmlFile << "<h2> 1. Analysis results for HB</h2>" << std::endl;
23900     if (sub == 2)
23901       htmlFile << "<h2> 1. Analysis results for HE</h2>" << std::endl;
23902     if (sub == 3)
23903       htmlFile << "<h2> 1. Analysis results for HO</h2>" << std::endl;
23904     if (sub == 4)
23905       htmlFile << "<h2> 1. Analysis results for HF</h2>" << std::endl;
23906     htmlFile << "<table width=\"600\">" << std::endl;
23907     htmlFile << "<tr>" << std::endl;
23909     if (sub == 1) {
23910       /*
23911        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23912        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23913        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23914        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23915        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23916        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_PhiSymmetryDigi.html\">Phi-symmetryDigi</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23917        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_PhiSymmetryRecoSignal.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoSignal</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23918        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB_PhiSymmetryRecoNoise.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoNoise</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23919 */
23921       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23922                << "/HB_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
23923       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23924                << "/HB_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
23925       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23926                << "/HB_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>" << std::endl;
23927       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23928                << "/HB_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>" << std::endl;
23929       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23930                << "/HB_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>" << std::endl;
23931       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23932                << "/HB_PhiSymmetryDigi.html\">Phi-SymmetryDigi</a></td>" << std::endl;
23933       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23934                << "/HB_PhiSymmetryRecoSignal.html\">Phi-SymmetryRecoSignal</a></td>" << std::endl;
23935       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23936                << "/HB_PhiSymmetryRecoNoise.html\">Phi-SymmetryRecoNoise</a></td>" << std::endl;
23937     }
23938     if (sub == 2) {
23939       /*
23940        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23941        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23942        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23943        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23944        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23945        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_PhiSymmetryDigi.html\">Phi-symmetryDigi</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23946        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_PhiSymmetryRecoSignal.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoSignal</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23947        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE_PhiSymmetryRecoNoise.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoNoise</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23948 */
23950       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23951                << "/HE_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
23952       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23953                << "/HE_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
23954       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23955                << "/HE_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>" << std::endl;
23956       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23957                << "/HE_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>" << std::endl;
23958       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23959                << "/HE_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>" << std::endl;
23960       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23961                << "/HE_PhiSymmetryDigi.html\">Phi-symmetryDigi</a></td>" << std::endl;
23962       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23963                << "/HE_PhiSymmetryRecoSignal.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoSignal</a></td>" << std::endl;
23964       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23965                << "/HE_PhiSymmetryRecoNoise.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoNoise</a></td>" << std::endl;
23966     }
23967     if (sub == 3) {
23968       /*
23969        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HO_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23970        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HO_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23971        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HO_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23972        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HO_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23973        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HO_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23974        */
23975       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23976                << "/HO_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
23977       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23978                << "/HO_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
23979       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23980                << "/HO_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>" << std::endl;
23981       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23982                << "/HO_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>" << std::endl;
23983       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
23984                << "/HO_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>" << std::endl;
23985     }
23987     if (sub == 4) {
23988       /*
23989        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23990        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23991        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23992        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23993        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23994        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_PhiSymmetryDigi.html\">Phi-symmetryDigi</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23995        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_PhiSymmetryRecoSignal.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoSignal</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23996        htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF_PhiSymmetryRecoNoise.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoNoise</a></td>"<< std::endl;
23997        */
23999       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24000                << "/HF_Tile.html\">Megatile Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
24001       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24002                << "/HF_Calib.html\">Calibration Channels</a></td>" << std::endl;
24003       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24004                << "/HF_Drift.html\">Gain Stability</a></td>" << std::endl;
24005       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24006                << "/HF_Pedestals.html\">Pedestals</a></td>" << std::endl;
24007       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24008                << "/HF_Shapes.html\">ADC Shapes</a></td>" << std::endl;
24009       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24010                << "/HF_PhiSymmetryDigi.html\">Phi-symmetryDigi</a></td>" << std::endl;
24011       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24012                << "/HF_PhiSymmetryRecoSignal.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoSignal</a></td>" << std::endl;
24013       htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24014                << "/HF_PhiSymmetryRecoNoise.html\">Phi-symmetryRecoNoise</a></td>" << std::endl;
24015     }
24017     htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24018     htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24019     htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24020     if (sub == 1)
24021       htmlFile << "<h2> 2.Status HB over all criteria </h2>" << std::endl;
24022     if (sub == 2)
24023       htmlFile << "<h2> 2.Status HE over all criteria </h2>" << std::endl;
24024     if (sub == 3)
24025       htmlFile << "<h2> 2.Status HO over all criteria </h2>" << std::endl;
24026     if (sub == 4)
24027       htmlFile << "<h2> 2.Status HF over all criteria </h2>" << std::endl;
24028     htmlFile << "<h3> 2.A.Channel map for each Depth </h3>" << std::endl;
24029     htmlFile << "<h4> Channel legend: green - good, red - bad (rate of failures at least 0.1), yellow - at least 2% "
24030                 "gain drift, white - not applicable or out of range </h4>"
24031              << std::endl;
24032     if (sub == 1)
24033       htmlFile << " <img src=\"MAPHB.png\" />" << std::endl;
24034     if (sub == 2)
24035       htmlFile << " <img src=\"MAPHE.png\" />" << std::endl;
24036     if (sub == 3)
24037       htmlFile << " <img src=\"MAPHO.png\" />" << std::endl;
24038     if (sub == 4)
24039       htmlFile << " <img src=\"MAPHF.png\" />" << std::endl;
24040     htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24042     htmlFile << "<h3> 2.B.List of Bad channels (rate > 0.1) and its rates for each RMT criteria (for GS - %) </h3>"
24043              << std::endl;
24045     //   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>"<< std::endl;
24046     htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24047              << "/HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>" << std::endl;
24049     htmlFile << "<table>" << std::endl;
24050     htmlFile << "<tr>";
24051     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>" << std::endl;
24052     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>" << std::endl;
24053     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>" << std::endl;
24054     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>" << std::endl;
24055     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>" << std::endl;
24056     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>" << std::endl;
24057     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>" << std::endl;
24058     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24059     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>" << std::endl;
24060     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>" << std::endl;
24061     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>" << std::endl;
24062     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>" << std::endl;
24063     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>" << std::endl;
24064     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>" << std::endl;
24065     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24066     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>" << std::endl;
24067     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>" << std::endl;
24068     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Cm</td>" << std::endl;
24069     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Am</td>" << std::endl;
24070     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Wm</td>" << std::endl;
24071     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Rm</td>" << std::endl;
24072     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">TNm</td>" << std::endl;
24073     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">TXm</td>" << std::endl;
24074     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s9\" align=\"center\">GS (%)</td>" << std::endl;
24075     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">Pm</td>" << std::endl;
24076     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">pWm</td>" << std::endl;
24077     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Cc</td>" << std::endl;
24078     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Ac</td>" << std::endl;
24079     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Wc</td>" << std::endl;
24080     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Rc</td>" << std::endl;
24081     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">TNc</td>" << std::endl;
24082     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">TXc</td>" << std::endl;
24084     htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24086     for (int i = 1; i <= NBad; i++) {
24087       if ((ind % 2) == 1) {
24088         raw_class = "<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
24089         raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s6\" align=\"center\">";
24090         raw_class2 = "<td class=\"s11\" align=\"center\">";
24091         raw_class3 = "<td class=\"s13\" align=\"center\">";
24093       } else {
24094         raw_class = "<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
24095         raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s7\" align=\"center\">";
24096         raw_class2 = "<td class=\"s12\" align=\"center\">";
24097         raw_class3 = "<td class=\"s14\" align=\"center\">";
24098       }
24099       const CellDB db;
24100       CellDB ce;
24101       if ((ce.size() >= 1) && (Sub[2][i] == sub)) {
24102         if (Sub[2][i] == 1) {
24103           ce = db.find("subdet", "HB").find("Eta", Eta[2][i]).find("Phi", Phi[2][i]).find("Depth", Depth[2][i]);
24104           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24105             //      cout<<"Error: No such HB, Eta="<< Eta[2][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[2][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[2][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24106             continue;
24107           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24108             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HB, Eta=" << Eta[2][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[2][i]
24109                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[2][i] << " in database" << endl;
24110           }
24111         }
24112         if (Sub[2][i] == 2) {
24113           ce = db.find("subdet", "HE").find("Eta", Eta[2][i]).find("Phi", Phi[2][i]).find("Depth", Depth[2][i]);
24114           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24115             //      cout<<"Error: No such HE, Eta="<< Eta[2][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[2][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[2][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24116             continue;
24117           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24118             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HE, Eta=" << Eta[2][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[2][i]
24119                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[2][i] << " in database" << endl;
24120           }
24121         }
24122         if (Sub[2][i] == 3) {
24123           ce = db.find("subdet", "HO").find("Eta", Eta[2][i]).find("Phi", Phi[2][i]).find("Depth", Depth[2][i]);
24124           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24125             //      cout<<"Error: No such HO, Eta="<< Eta[2][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[2][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[2][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24126             continue;
24127           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24128             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HO, Eta=" << Eta[2][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[2][i]
24129                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[2][i] << " in database" << endl;
24130           }
24131         }
24132         if (Sub[2][i] == 4) {
24133           ce = db.find("subdet", "HF").find("Eta", Eta[2][i]).find("Phi", Phi[2][i]).find("Depth", Depth[2][i]);
24134           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24135             //      cout<<"Error: No such HF, Eta="<< Eta[2][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[2][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[2][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24136             continue;
24137           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24138             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HF, Eta=" << Eta[2][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[2][i]
24139                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[2][i] << " in database" << endl;
24140           }
24141         }
24142         htmlFile << "<tr>" << std::endl;
24143         htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">" << ind + 1 << "</td>" << std::endl;
24144         htmlFile << raw_class << Eta[2][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24145         htmlFile << raw_class << Phi[2][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24146         htmlFile << raw_class << Depth[2][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24147         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RBX << "</td>" << std::endl;
24148         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RM << "</td>" << std::endl;
24149         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Pixel << "</td>" << std::endl;
24150         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RMfiber << "</td>" << std::endl;
24151         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberCh << "</td>" << std::endl;
24152         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].QIE << "</td>" << std::endl;
24153         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].ADC << "</td>" << std::endl;
24154         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].VMECardID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24155         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].dccID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24156         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Spigot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24157         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberIndex << "</td>" << std::endl;
24158         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrSlot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24159         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrTB << "</td>" << std::endl;
24160         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[1][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24161                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24162         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[2][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24163                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24164         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[3][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24165                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24166         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[4][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24167                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24168         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[5][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24169                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24170         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[6][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24171                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24172         htmlFile << raw_class3 << Map_Ampl[21][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24173                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24174         htmlFile << raw_class << Map_Ampl[31][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24175                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24176         htmlFile << raw_class << Map_Ampl[32][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24177                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24178         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[11][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24179                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24180         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[12][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24181                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24182         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[13][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24183                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24184         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[14][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24185                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24186         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[15][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24187                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24188         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[16][Sub[2][i]][Depth[2][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[2][i] + 41, Phi[2][i] + 1)
24189                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24190         htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24192         ind += 1;
24193       }
24194     }
24195     htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24196     htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24198     htmlFile << "<h3> 2.C.List of Gain unstable channels and its value in % (for other criterias - rate)</h3>"
24199              << std::endl;
24200     htmlFile << "<table>" << std::endl;
24201     htmlFile << "<tr>";
24202     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>" << std::endl;
24203     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>" << std::endl;
24204     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>" << std::endl;
24205     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>" << std::endl;
24206     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>" << std::endl;
24207     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>" << std::endl;
24208     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>" << std::endl;
24209     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24210     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>" << std::endl;
24211     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>" << std::endl;
24212     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>" << std::endl;
24213     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>" << std::endl;
24214     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>" << std::endl;
24215     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>" << std::endl;
24216     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24217     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>" << std::endl;
24218     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>" << std::endl;
24219     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Cm</td>" << std::endl;
24220     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Am</td>" << std::endl;
24221     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Wm</td>" << std::endl;
24222     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Rm</td>" << std::endl;
24223     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">TNm</td>" << std::endl;
24224     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">TXm</td>" << std::endl;
24225     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s9\" align=\"center\">GS(%)</td>" << std::endl;
24226     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">Pm</td>" << std::endl;
24227     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">pWm</td>" << std::endl;
24228     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Cc</td>" << std::endl;
24229     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Ac</td>" << std::endl;
24230     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Wc</td>" << std::endl;
24231     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Rc</td>" << std::endl;
24232     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">TNc</td>" << std::endl;
24233     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">TXc</td>" << std::endl;
24234     htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24236     for (int i = 1; i <= NWarn; i++) {
24237       if ((ind % 2) == 1) {
24238         raw_class = "<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
24239         raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s6\" align=\"center\">";
24240         raw_class2 = "<td class=\"s11\" align=\"center\">";
24241         raw_class3 = "<td class=\"s13\" align=\"center\">";
24243       } else {
24244         raw_class = "<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
24245         raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s7\" align=\"center\">";
24246         raw_class2 = "<td class=\"s12\" align=\"center\">";
24247         raw_class3 = "<td class=\"s14\" align=\"center\">";
24248       }
24249       const CellDB db;
24250       CellDB ce;
24251       if ((ce.size() >= 1) && (Sub[1][i] == sub)) {
24252         if (Sub[1][i] == 1) {
24253           ce = db.find("subdet", "HB").find("Eta", Eta[1][i]).find("Phi", Phi[1][i]).find("Depth", Depth[1][i]);
24254           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24255             //      cout<<"Error: No such HB, Eta="<< Eta[1][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[1][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[1][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24256             continue;
24257           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24258             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HB, Eta=" << Eta[1][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[1][i]
24259                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[1][i] << " in database" << endl;
24260           }
24261         }
24262         if (Sub[1][i] == 2) {
24263           ce = db.find("subdet", "HE").find("Eta", Eta[1][i]).find("Phi", Phi[1][i]).find("Depth", Depth[1][i]);
24264           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24265             //      cout<<"Error: No such HE, Eta="<< Eta[1][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[1][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[1][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24266             continue;
24267           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24268             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HE, Eta=" << Eta[1][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[1][i]
24269                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[1][i] << " in database" << endl;
24270           }
24271         }
24272         if (Sub[1][i] == 3) {
24273           ce = db.find("subdet", "HO").find("Eta", Eta[1][i]).find("Phi", Phi[1][i]).find("Depth", Depth[1][i]);
24274           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24275             //      cout<<"Error: No such HO, Eta="<< Eta[1][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[1][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[1][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24276             continue;
24277           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24278             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HO, Eta=" << Eta[1][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[1][i]
24279                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[1][i] << " in database" << endl;
24280           }
24281         }
24282         if (Sub[1][i] == 4) {
24283           ce = db.find("subdet", "HF").find("Eta", Eta[1][i]).find("Phi", Phi[1][i]).find("Depth", Depth[1][i]);
24284           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24285             //      cout<<"Error: No such HF, Eta="<< Eta[1][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[1][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[1][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24286             continue;
24287           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24288             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HF, Eta=" << Eta[1][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[1][i]
24289                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[1][i] << " in database" << endl;
24290           }
24291         }
24292         htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">" << ind + 1 << "</td>" << std::endl;
24293         htmlFile << raw_class << Eta[1][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24294         htmlFile << raw_class << Phi[1][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24295         htmlFile << raw_class << Depth[1][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24296         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RBX << "</td>" << std::endl;
24297         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RM << "</td>" << std::endl;
24298         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Pixel << "</td>" << std::endl;
24299         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RMfiber << "</td>" << std::endl;
24300         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberCh << "</td>" << std::endl;
24301         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].QIE << "</td>" << std::endl;
24302         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].ADC << "</td>" << std::endl;
24303         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].VMECardID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24304         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].dccID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24305         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Spigot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24306         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberIndex << "</td>" << std::endl;
24307         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrSlot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24308         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrTB << "</td>" << std::endl;
24309         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[1][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24310                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24311         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[2][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24312                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24313         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[3][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24314                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24315         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[4][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24316                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24317         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[5][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24318                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24319         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[6][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24320                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24321         htmlFile << raw_class3 << Map_Ampl[21][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24322                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24323         htmlFile << raw_class << Map_Ampl[31][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24324                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24325         htmlFile << raw_class << Map_Ampl[32][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24326                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24327         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[11][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24328                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24329         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[12][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24330                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24331         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[13][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24332                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24333         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[14][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24334                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24335         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[15][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24336                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24337         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[16][Sub[1][i]][Depth[1][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[1][i] + 41, Phi[1][i] + 1)
24338                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24339         htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24340         htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24341         ind += 1;
24342       }
24343     }
24344     htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24345     htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24347     htmlFile << "<h3> 2.D.List of channels with Bad Pedestals (rate > 0.1) and its rates (for GS - %)</h3>"
24348              << std::endl;
24349     htmlFile << "<table>" << std::endl;
24350     htmlFile << "<tr>";
24351     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>" << std::endl;
24352     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>" << std::endl;
24353     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>" << std::endl;
24354     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>" << std::endl;
24355     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>" << std::endl;
24356     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>" << std::endl;
24357     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>" << std::endl;
24358     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24359     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>" << std::endl;
24360     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>" << std::endl;
24361     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>" << std::endl;
24362     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>" << std::endl;
24363     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>" << std::endl;
24364     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>" << std::endl;
24365     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24366     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>" << std::endl;
24367     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>" << std::endl;
24368     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Cm</td>" << std::endl;
24369     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Am</td>" << std::endl;
24370     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Wm</td>" << std::endl;
24371     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Rm</td>" << std::endl;
24372     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">TNm</td>" << std::endl;
24373     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">TXm</td>" << std::endl;
24374     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s9\" align=\"center\">GS(%)</td>" << std::endl;
24375     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">Pm</td>" << std::endl;
24376     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">pWm</td>" << std::endl;
24377     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Cc</td>" << std::endl;
24378     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Ac</td>" << std::endl;
24379     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Wc</td>" << std::endl;
24380     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">Rc</td>" << std::endl;
24381     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">TNc</td>" << std::endl;
24382     htmlFile << "<td class=\"s8\" align=\"center\">TXc</td>" << std::endl;
24383     htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24385     for (int i = 1; i <= NPed; i++) {
24386       if ((ind % 2) == 1) {
24387         raw_class = "<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
24388         raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s6\" align=\"center\">";
24389         raw_class2 = "<td class=\"s11\" align=\"center\">";
24390         raw_class3 = "<td class=\"s13\" align=\"center\">";
24392       } else {
24393         raw_class = "<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
24394         raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s7\" align=\"center\">";
24395         raw_class2 = "<td class=\"s12\" align=\"center\">";
24396         raw_class3 = "<td class=\"s14\" align=\"center\">";
24397       }
24398       const CellDB db;
24399       CellDB ce;
24400       if ((ce.size() >= 1) && (Sub[3][i] == sub)) {
24401         if (Sub[3][i] == 1) {
24402           ce = db.find("subdet", "HB").find("Eta", Eta[3][i]).find("Phi", Phi[3][i]).find("Depth", Depth[3][i]);
24403           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24404             //      cout<<"Error: No such HB, Eta="<< Eta[3][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[3][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[3][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24405             continue;
24406           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24407             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HB, Eta=" << Eta[3][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[3][i]
24408                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[3][i] << " in database" << endl;
24409           }
24410         }
24411         if (Sub[3][i] == 2) {
24412           ce = db.find("subdet", "HE").find("Eta", Eta[3][i]).find("Phi", Phi[3][i]).find("Depth", Depth[3][i]);
24413           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24414             //      cout<<"Error: No such HE, Eta="<< Eta[3][i]  <<", Phi="<< Phi[3][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[3][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24415             continue;
24416           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24417             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HE, Eta=" << Eta[3][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[3][i]
24418                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[3][i] << " in database" << endl;
24419           }
24420         }
24421         if (Sub[3][i] == 3) {
24422           ce = db.find("subdet", "HO").find("Eta", Eta[3][i]).find("Phi", Phi[3][i]).find("Depth", Depth[3][i]);
24423           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24424             //      cout<<"Error: No such HO, Eta="<< Eta[3][i] <<", Phi="<<  Phi[3][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[3][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24425             continue;
24426           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24427             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HO, Eta=" << Eta[3][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[3][i]
24428                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[3][i] << " in database" << endl;
24429           }
24430         }
24431         if (Sub[3][i] == 4) {
24432           ce = db.find("subdet", "HF").find("Eta", Eta[3][i]).find("Phi", Phi[3][i]).find("Depth", Depth[3][i]);
24433           if (ce.size() == 0) {
24434             //      cout<<"Error: No such HF, Eta="<< Eta[3][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[3][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[3][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24435             continue;
24436           } else if (ce.size() > 1) {
24437             cout << "Warning: More than one line correspond to such HF, Eta=" << Eta[3][i] << ", Phi=" << Phi[3][i]
24438                  << ", Depth=" << Depth[3][i] << " in database" << endl;
24439           }
24440         }
24441         htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">" << ind + 1 << "</td>" << std::endl;
24442         htmlFile << raw_class << Eta[3][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24443         htmlFile << raw_class << Phi[3][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24444         htmlFile << raw_class << Depth[3][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24445         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RBX << "</td>" << std::endl;
24446         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RM << "</td>" << std::endl;
24447         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Pixel << "</td>" << std::endl;
24448         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RMfiber << "</td>" << std::endl;
24449         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberCh << "</td>" << std::endl;
24450         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].QIE << "</td>" << std::endl;
24451         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].ADC << "</td>" << std::endl;
24452         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].VMECardID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24453         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].dccID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24454         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Spigot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24455         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberIndex << "</td>" << std::endl;
24456         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrSlot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24457         htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrTB << "</td>" << std::endl;
24458         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[1][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24459                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24460         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[2][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24461                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24462         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[3][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24463                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24464         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[4][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24465                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24466         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[5][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24467                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24468         htmlFile << raw_class1 << Map_Ampl[6][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24469                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24470         htmlFile << raw_class3 << Map_Ampl[21][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24471                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24472         htmlFile << raw_class << Map_Ampl[31][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24473                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24474         htmlFile << raw_class << Map_Ampl[32][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24475                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24476         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[11][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24477                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24478         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[12][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24479                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24480         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[13][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24481                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24482         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[14][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24483                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24484         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[15][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24485                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24486         htmlFile << raw_class2 << Map_Ampl[16][Sub[3][i]][Depth[3][i]]->GetBinContent(Eta[3][i] + 41, Phi[3][i] + 1)
24487                  << "</td>" << std::endl;
24488         htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24489         htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24490         ind += 1;
24491       }
24492     }
24493     htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24495     htmlFile << "</body> " << std::endl;
24496     htmlFile << "</html> " << std::endl;
24497     htmlFile.close();
24498   }
24500   //======================================================================
24502   std::cout << "********" << std::endl;
24503   std::cout << "************    Start creating description HELP html file:" << std::endl;
24504   //======================================================================
24505   // Creating description html file:
24506   ofstream htmlFile;
24508   htmlFile << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
24509   htmlFile << "<head>" << std::endl;
24510   htmlFile << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
24511   htmlFile << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
24512   htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
24513   htmlFile << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
24514            << std::endl;
24515   htmlFile << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
24516   htmlFile << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
24517               "text-align: center;}"
24518            << std::endl;
24519   htmlFile << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
24520   htmlFile << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
24521   htmlFile << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
24522   htmlFile << "</style>" << std::endl;
24523   htmlFile << "<body>" << std::endl;
24524   htmlFile << "<h1>  Description of Remote Monitoring Tool criteria for bad channel selection</h1>" << std::endl;
24525   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24526   htmlFile << "<h3> - C means CAPID Errors assuming we inspect CAPID non-rotation,error & validation bits, and for "
24527               "this criterion - no need to apply any cuts to select bcs.</h3> "
24528            << std::endl;
24529   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24530   htmlFile << "<h3> - A means full amplitude, collected over all time slices </h3> " << std::endl;
24531   htmlFile << "<h3> - R means ratio criterion where we define as a bad, the channels, for which the signal portion in "
24532               "4 middle TSs(plus one, minus two around TS with maximal amplitude) is out of some range of reasonable "
24533               "values </h3> "
24534            << std::endl;
24535   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24536   htmlFile << "<h3> - W means width of shape distribution. Width is defined as square root from dispersion. </h3> "
24537            << std::endl;
24538   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24539   htmlFile << "<h3> - TN means mean time position of adc signal. </h3> " << std::endl;
24540   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24541   htmlFile << "<h3> - TX means TS number of maximum signal </h3> " << std::endl;
24542   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24543   htmlFile << "<h3> - m means megatile channels. For example Am means Amplitude criteria for megatile channels </h3> "
24544            << std::endl;
24545   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24546   htmlFile
24547       << "<h3> - c means calibration channels. For example Ac means Amplitude criteria for calibration channels </h3> "
24548       << std::endl;
24549   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24550   htmlFile << "<h3> - Pm means Pedestals. </h3> " << std::endl;
24551   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24552   htmlFile << "<h3> - pWm  means pedestal Width. </h3> " << std::endl;
24553   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24554   htmlFile << "</body> " << std::endl;
24555   htmlFile << "</html> " << std::endl;
24556   htmlFile.close();
24558   //======================================================================
24560   std::cout << "********" << std::endl;
24561   std::cout << "************    Start creating MAP html file: - rather long time needed, waiting please" << std::endl;
24562   //======================================================================
24563   // Creating main html file:
24565   htmlFile << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">" << std::endl;
24566   htmlFile << "<head>" << std::endl;
24567   htmlFile << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>" << std::endl;
24568   htmlFile << "<title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>" << std::endl;
24569   htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << std::endl;
24570   htmlFile << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"
24571            << std::endl;
24572   htmlFile << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }" << std::endl;
24573   htmlFile << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; "
24574               "text-align: center;}"
24575            << std::endl;
24576   htmlFile << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }" << std::endl;
24577   htmlFile << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }" << std::endl;
24578   htmlFile << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }" << std::endl;
24579   htmlFile << "   td.s5 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FF00FF; }" << std::endl;
24580   htmlFile << "   td.s6 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #9ACD32; }" << std::endl;
24581   htmlFile << "   td.s7 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #32CD32; }" << std::endl;
24582   htmlFile << "</style>" << std::endl;
24583   htmlFile << "<body>" << std::endl;
24585   htmlFile << "<h1> Remote Monitoring Tool, LED RUN = " << runnumber << ". </h1>" << std::endl;
24586   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24588   htmlFile << "<h2> 1. Analysis results for subdetectors </h2>" << std::endl;
24589   htmlFile << "<table width=\"400\">" << std::endl;
24590   htmlFile << "<tr>" << std::endl;
24592   /*
24593      htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HB.html\">HB</a></td>"<< std::endl;
24594      htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HE.html\">HE</a></td>"<< std::endl;
24595      htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HO.html\">HO</a></td>"<< std::endl;
24596      htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HF.html\">HF</a></td>"<< std::endl;    
24597 */
24599   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24600            << "/HB.html\">HB</a></td>" << std::endl;
24601   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24602            << "/HE.html\">HE</a></td>" << std::endl;
24603   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24604            << "/HO.html\">HO</a></td>" << std::endl;
24605   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24606            << "/HF.html\">HF</a></td>" << std::endl;
24608   htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24609   htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24610   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24612   htmlFile << "<h2> 2. Amplitude summed over all sub-detector channels vs first 1000 events of this Run </h2>"
24613            << std::endl;
24614   htmlFile << "<h3> 2.A. Total subdetector Amplitude vs iEvent </h3>" << std::endl;
24615   htmlFile << " <img src=\"EVENTDEPENDENCE.png\" />" << std::endl;
24616   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24617   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24618   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24620   htmlFile << "<h2> 3. HCAL status over all criteria and subdetectors </h2>" << std::endl;
24621   htmlFile << "<h3> 3.A. Channels in detector space </h3>" << std::endl;
24622   htmlFile << "<h4> Legend for channel status: green - good, red - bad, yellow - at least 2% gain drift, white - not "
24623               "applicable or out of range </h4>"
24624            << std::endl;
24625   htmlFile << " <img src=\"MAP.png\" />" << std::endl;
24626   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24627   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24629   htmlFile << "<h3> 3.B. List of Bad channels </h3>" << std::endl;
24631   //   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>"<< std::endl;
24632   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24633            << "/HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>" << std::endl;
24634   htmlFile << "<table>" << std::endl;
24635   htmlFile << "<tr>";
24636   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>" << std::endl;
24637   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>" << std::endl;
24638   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>" << std::endl;
24639   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>" << std::endl;
24640   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>" << std::endl;
24641   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>" << std::endl;
24642   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>" << std::endl;
24643   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24644   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>" << std::endl;
24645   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>" << std::endl;
24646   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>" << std::endl;
24647   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>" << std::endl;
24648   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>" << std::endl;
24649   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>" << std::endl;
24650   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24651   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>" << std::endl;
24652   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>" << std::endl;
24653   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">RMT-criteria</td>" << std::endl;
24654   htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24656   ind = 0;
24658   for (int i = 1; i <= NBad; i++) {
24659     if ((ind % 2) == 1) {
24660       raw_class = "<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
24661       raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s6\" align=\"center\">";
24662     } else {
24663       raw_class = "<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
24664       raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s7\" align=\"center\">";
24665     }
24666     const CellDB db;
24667     const CellDB ce = db.find("Eta", Eta[2][i]).find("Phi", Phi[2][i]).find("Depth", Depth[2][i]);
24668     if (ce.size() == 0) {
24669       //           cout<<"Error: No such Eta="<< Eta[2][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[2][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[2][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24670       continue;
24671     }
24672     //  else if (ce.size()>1) { cout<<"Warning: More than one line correspond to such Eta="<< Eta[2][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[2][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[2][i] <<" in database"<<endl;}
24674     if (ce.size() >= 1) {
24675       htmlFile << "<tr>" << std::endl;
24676       htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">" << ind + 1 << "</td>" << std::endl;
24677       htmlFile << raw_class << Eta[2][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24678       htmlFile << raw_class << Phi[2][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24679       htmlFile << raw_class << Depth[2][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24680       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RBX << "</td>" << std::endl;
24681       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RM << "</td>" << std::endl;
24682       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Pixel << "</td>" << std::endl;
24683       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RMfiber << "</td>" << std::endl;
24684       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberCh << "</td>" << std::endl;
24685       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].QIE << "</td>" << std::endl;
24686       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].ADC << "</td>" << std::endl;
24687       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].VMECardID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24688       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].dccID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24689       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Spigot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24690       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberIndex << "</td>" << std::endl;
24691       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrSlot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24692       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrTB << "</td>" << std::endl;
24693       htmlFile << raw_class1 << Comment[2][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24694       htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24696       ind += 1;
24697     }
24698   }
24699   htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24700   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24702   htmlFile << "<h3> 2.C.List of Gain unstable channels </h3>" << std::endl;
24703   //   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>"<< std::endl;
24704   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24705            << "/HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>" << std::endl;
24707   htmlFile << "<table>" << std::endl;
24708   htmlFile << "<tr>";
24709   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>" << std::endl;
24710   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>" << std::endl;
24711   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>" << std::endl;
24712   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>" << std::endl;
24713   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>" << std::endl;
24714   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>" << std::endl;
24715   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>" << std::endl;
24716   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24717   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>" << std::endl;
24718   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>" << std::endl;
24719   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>" << std::endl;
24720   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>" << std::endl;
24721   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>" << std::endl;
24722   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>" << std::endl;
24723   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24724   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>" << std::endl;
24725   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>" << std::endl;
24726   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Failed criteria</td>" << std::endl;
24727   htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24729   for (int i = 1; i <= NWarn; i++) {
24730     if ((ind % 2) == 1) {
24731       raw_class = "<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
24732       raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s6\" align=\"center\">";
24733     } else {
24734       raw_class = "<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
24735       raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s7\" align=\"center\">";
24736     }
24737     const CellDB db;
24738     const CellDB ce = db.find("Eta", Eta[1][i]).find("Phi", Phi[1][i]).find("Depth", Depth[1][i]);
24739     if (ce.size() == 0) {
24740       //          cout<<"Error: No such Eta="<< Eta[1][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[1][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[1][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24741       continue;
24742     }
24743     //  else if (ce.size()>1) { cout<<"Warning: More than one line correspond to such Eta="<< Eta[1][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[1][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[1][i] <<" in database"<<endl;}
24745     if (ce.size() >= 1) {
24746       htmlFile << "<tr>" << std::endl;
24747       htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">" << ind + 1 << "</td>" << std::endl;
24748       htmlFile << raw_class << Eta[1][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24749       htmlFile << raw_class << Phi[1][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24750       htmlFile << raw_class << Depth[1][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24751       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RBX << "</td>" << std::endl;
24752       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RM << "</td>" << std::endl;
24753       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Pixel << "</td>" << std::endl;
24754       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RMfiber << "</td>" << std::endl;
24755       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberCh << "</td>" << std::endl;
24756       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].QIE << "</td>" << std::endl;
24757       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].ADC << "</td>" << std::endl;
24758       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].VMECardID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24759       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].dccID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24760       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Spigot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24761       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberIndex << "</td>" << std::endl;
24762       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrSlot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24763       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrTB << "</td>" << std::endl;
24764       htmlFile << raw_class1 << Comment[1][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24765       htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24767       ind += 1;
24768     }
24769   }
24771   htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24772   htmlFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
24774   htmlFile << "<h3> 2.D.List of channels with bad Pedestals </h3>" << std::endl;
24775   //    htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>"<< std::endl;
24776   htmlFile << "  <td><a href=\"" << runnumber
24777            << "/HELP.html\"> Description of criteria for bad channel selection</a></td>" << std::endl;
24779   htmlFile << "<table>" << std::endl;
24780   htmlFile << "<tr>";
24781   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>" << std::endl;
24782   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>" << std::endl;
24783   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>" << std::endl;
24784   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>" << std::endl;
24785   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>" << std::endl;
24786   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>" << std::endl;
24787   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>" << std::endl;
24788   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24789   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>" << std::endl;
24790   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>" << std::endl;
24791   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>" << std::endl;
24792   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>" << std::endl;
24793   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>" << std::endl;
24794   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>" << std::endl;
24795   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
24796   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>" << std::endl;
24797   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>" << std::endl;
24798   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">Failed criteria</td>" << std::endl;
24799   htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24801   for (int i = 1; i <= NPed; i++) {
24802     if ((ind % 2) == 1) {
24803       raw_class = "<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
24804       raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s6\" align=\"center\">";
24805     } else {
24806       raw_class = "<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
24807       raw_class1 = "<td class=\"s7\" align=\"center\">";
24808     }
24809     const CellDB db;
24810     const CellDB ce = db.find("Eta", Eta[3][i]).find("Phi", Phi[3][i]).find("Depth", Depth[3][i]);
24811     if (ce.size() == 0) {
24812       //          cout<<"Error: No such Eta="<< Eta[3][i] << ", Phi="<< Phi[3][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[3][i] <<" in database"<<endl;
24813       continue;
24814     }
24815     //  else if (ce.size()>1) { cout<<"Warning: More than one line correspond to such Eta="<< Eta[1][i] <<", Phi="<< Phi[1][i] <<", Depth="<< Depth[1][i] <<" in database"<<endl;}
24817     if (ce.size() >= 1) {
24818       htmlFile << "<tr>" << std::endl;
24819       htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">" << ind + 1 << "</td>" << std::endl;
24820       htmlFile << raw_class << Eta[3][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24821       htmlFile << raw_class << Phi[3][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24822       htmlFile << raw_class << Depth[3][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24823       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RBX << "</td>" << std::endl;
24824       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RM << "</td>" << std::endl;
24825       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Pixel << "</td>" << std::endl;
24826       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].RMfiber << "</td>" << std::endl;
24827       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberCh << "</td>" << std::endl;
24828       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].QIE << "</td>" << std::endl;
24829       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].ADC << "</td>" << std::endl;
24830       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].VMECardID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24831       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].dccID << "</td>" << std::endl;
24832       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].Spigot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24833       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].FiberIndex << "</td>" << std::endl;
24834       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrSlot << "</td>" << std::endl;
24835       htmlFile << raw_class << ce[0].HtrTB << "</td>" << std::endl;
24836       htmlFile << raw_class1 << Comment[3][i] << "</td>" << std::endl;
24837       htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
24839       ind += 1;
24840     }
24841   }
24843   htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
24845   htmlFile << "</body> " << std::endl;
24846   htmlFile << "</html> " << std::endl;
24847   htmlFile.close();
24848   //======================================================================
24850   //======================================================================
24851   // Close and delete all possible things:
24852   hfile->Close();
24853   //  hfile->Delete();
24854   //  Exit Root
24855   gSystem->Exit(0);
24856   //======================================================================
24857 }