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0001 # choose run in /store/group/dpg_hcal/comm_hcal/USC/
0002 #how to run: cmsRun
0003 #
0004 #
0005 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0006 from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras
0007 process = cms.Process("TEST", eras.Run3)
0008 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.GeometryDB_cff")
0009 process.load("CondCore.CondDB.CondDB_cfi")
0010 process.load("EventFilter.L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi.l1GtUnpack_cfi")
0011 process.l1GtUnpack.DaqGtInputTag = 'source'
0013 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0014     input = cms.untracked.int32(1000)
0015 # input = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0016   )
0018 # readme: on lxplus:
0019 # eos ls /store/group/dpg_hcal/comm_hcal/USC/
0020 # eos ls /store/group/dpg_hcal/comm_hcal/USC/run309445
0021 #result is  USC_309445.root
0023 process.source = cms.Source("HcalTBSource",
0024                             skipBadFiles=cms.untracked.bool(True),
0025                             firstLuminosityBlockForEachRun = cms.untracked.VLuminosityBlockID([]),
0026                             firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(328000),
0027                             fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring( 
0028         '/store/group/dpg_hcal/comm_hcal/USC/run331388/USC_331388.root'
0029 # eoscms ls -l /eos/cms/store/group/dpg_hcal/comm_hcal/USC/run331388/USC_331388.root
0030         )
0031                             )
0032 process.Analyzer = cms.EDAnalyzer("CMTRawAnalyzer",
0033                                   #
0034                                   Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
0035                                   #
0036                                   MapCreation = cms.untracked.int32(1),
0037                                   recordNtuples = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0038                                   maxNeventsInNtuple = cms.int32(1),
0039                                   #
0040                                   #recordHistoes = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0041                                   recordHistoes = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0042                                   #
0043                                   ##scripts: zRunRatio34.C, zRunNbadchan.C
0044                                   studyRunDependenceHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0045                                   #studyRunDependenceHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0046                                   #
0047                                   ##scripts: zerrors.C
0048                                   studyCapIDErrorsHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0049                                   #studyCapIDErrorsHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0050                                   #
0051                                   ##scripts: zrms.C
0052                                   studyRMSshapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0053                                   #studyRMSshapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0054                                   #
0055                                   ##scripts: zratio34.C
0056                                   studyRatioShapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0057                                   #studyRatioShapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0058                                   #
0059                                   ##scripts: zadcamplitude.C
0060                                   studyADCAmplHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0061                                   #studyADCAmplHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0062                                   #
0063                                   ##scripts: ztsmean.C
0064                                   studyTSmeanShapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0065                                   #studyTSmeanShapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0066                                   #
0067                                   ##scripts: ztsmaxa.C
0068                                   studyTSmaxShapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0069                                   #studyTSmaxShapeHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0070                                   #
0071                                   ##scripts: zcalib....C
0072                                   studyCalibCellsHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0073                                   #studyCalibCellsHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0074                                   #
0075                                   ##scripts: zdifampl.C
0076                                   studyDiffAmplHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0077                                   #studyDiffAmplHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0078                                   #
0079                                   ##scripts: zadcamplitude.C
0080                                   studyPedestalsHist = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0081                                   #studyPedestalsHist = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0082                                   #
0083                                   ##scripts: zamplpedcorr.C
0084                                   studyPedestalCorrelations = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0085                                   #         Normal channels:
0086                                   #
0087                                   # -53 for  BAD HBHEHF channels from study on shape Ratio
0088                                   #Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(-53),
0089                                   ratioHBMin = cms.double(0.70),
0090                                   ratioHBMax = cms.double(0.94),
0091                                   ratioHEMin = cms.double(0.60),
0092                                   ratioHEMax = cms.double(0.95),
0093                                   ratioHFMin = cms.double(0.45),
0094                                   ratioHFMax = cms.double(1.02),
0095                                   ratioHOMin = cms.double(0.40),
0096                                   ratioHOMax = cms.double(1.04),
0097                                   # -54 for  BAD HBHEHF channels from study on RMS of shapes
0098                                   #Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(-54),
0099                                   rmsHBMin = cms.double(0.7),
0100                                   rmsHBMax = cms.double(2.5),
0101                                   rmsHEMin = cms.double(0.7),
0102                                   rmsHEMax = cms.double(2.2),
0103                                   rmsHFMin = cms.double(0.1),
0104                                   rmsHFMax = cms.double(2.6),
0105                                   rmsHOMin = cms.double(0.1),
0106                                   rmsHOMax = cms.double(2.8),
0107                                   # -55 for  BAD HBHEHF channels from study on TSmean of shapes
0108                                   #Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(-55),
0109                                   TSmeanHBMin = cms.double(2.5),
0110                                   TSmeanHBMax = cms.double(5.5),
0111                                   TSmeanHEMin = cms.double(1.0),
0112                                   TSmeanHEMax = cms.double(5.2),
0113                                   TSmeanHFMin = cms.double(1.0),
0114                                   TSmeanHFMax = cms.double(4.2),
0115                                   TSmeanHOMin = cms.double(1.0),
0116                                   TSmeanHOMax = cms.double(4.8),
0117                                   # -55 for  BAD HBHEHF channels from study on TSmax of shapes
0118                                   #Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(-55),
0119                                   TSpeakHBMin = cms.double(2.2),
0120                                   TSpeakHBMax = cms.double(5.5),
0121                                   TSpeakHEMin = cms.double(1.5),
0122                                   TSpeakHEMax = cms.double(6.5),
0123                                   TSpeakHFMin = cms.double(0.5),
0124                                   TSpeakHFMax = cms.double(4.5),
0125                                   TSpeakHOMin = cms.double(0.5),
0126                                   TSpeakHOMax = cms.double(7.5),
0127                                   # -56 for  BAD HBHEHOHF channels from study on ADC Amplitude
0128                                   #Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(-56),
0129                                   ADCAmplHBMin = cms.double(10000.),
0130                                   ADCAmplHBMax = cms.double(300000.),
0131                                   ADCAmplHEMin = cms.double(20000.),  
0132                                   ADCAmplHEMax = cms.double(300000.),
0133                                   ADCAmplHFMin = cms.double(50.),
0134                                   ADCAmplHFMax = cms.double(9000.),
0135                                   ADCAmplHOMin = cms.double(50.),
0136                                   ADCAmplHOMax = cms.double(9000.),
0137                                   pedestalwHBMax = cms.double(0.1),
0138                                   pedestalwHEMax = cms.double(0.1),
0139                                   pedestalwHFMax = cms.double(0.4),
0140                                   pedestalwHOMax = cms.double(0.1),
0141                                   #
0142                                   # to see channels for pedestal < cut
0143                                   pedestalHBMax = cms.double(0.1),
0144                                   pedestalHEMax = cms.double(0.6),
0145                                   pedestalHFMax = cms.double(0.8),
0146                                   pedestalHOMax = cms.double(0.1),
0147                                   #
0148                                   #
0149                                   #             CALIBRATION channels:
0150                                   # cuts for LED runs:
0151                                   calibrADCHBMin = cms.double(1000.),
0152                   calibrADCHBMax = cms.double(100000000.),
0153                                   calibrADCHEMin = cms.double(1000.),
0154                   calibrADCHEMax = cms.double(100000000.),
0155                                   calibrADCHOMin = cms.double(1000.),
0156                   calibrADCHOMax = cms.double(100000000.),
0157                                   calibrADCHFMin = cms.double(100.),
0158                   calibrADCHFMax = cms.double(100000000.),
0160                                   # for  BAD HBHEHOHF CALIBRATION channels from study on shape Ratio
0161                                   calibrRatioHBMin = cms.double(0.76),
0162                   calibrRatioHBMax = cms.double(0.94),
0163                                   calibrRatioHEMin = cms.double(0.76),
0164                   calibrRatioHEMax = cms.double(0.94),
0165                                   calibrRatioHOMin = cms.double(0.85),
0166                   calibrRatioHOMax = cms.double(0.99),
0167                                   calibrRatioHFMin = cms.double(0.5),
0168                   calibrRatioHFMax = cms.double(0.8),
0169                                   # for  BAD HBHEHOHF CALIBRATION channels from study on TSmax
0170                                   calibrTSmaxHBMin = cms.double(1.50),
0171                                   calibrTSmaxHBMax = cms.double(2.50),
0172                                   calibrTSmaxHEMin = cms.double(1.50),
0173                                   calibrTSmaxHEMax = cms.double(2.50),
0174                                   calibrTSmaxHOMin = cms.double(1.50),
0175                                   calibrTSmaxHOMax = cms.double(2.50),
0176                                   calibrTSmaxHFMin = cms.double(3.50),
0177                                   calibrTSmaxHFMax = cms.double(4.50),
0178                                   # for  BAD HBHEHOHF CALIBRATION channels from study on TSmean
0179                                   calibrTSmeanHBMin = cms.double(2.40),
0180                                   calibrTSmeanHBMax = cms.double(3.70),
0181                                   calibrTSmeanHEMin = cms.double(2.40),
0182                                   calibrTSmeanHEMax = cms.double(3.70),
0183                                   calibrTSmeanHOMin = cms.double(1.50),
0184                                   calibrTSmeanHOMax = cms.double(2.70),
0185                                   calibrTSmeanHFMin = cms.double(3.50),
0186                                   calibrTSmeanHFMax = cms.double(4.50),
0187                                   # for  BAD HBHEHOHF CALIBRATION channels from study on Width
0188                                   calibrWidthHBMin = cms.double(1.30),
0189                                   calibrWidthHBMax = cms.double(1.90),
0190                                   calibrWidthHEMin = cms.double(1.30),
0191                                   calibrWidthHEMax = cms.double(1.90),
0192                                   calibrWidthHOMin = cms.double(0.70),
0193                                   calibrWidthHOMax = cms.double(1.65),
0194                                   calibrWidthHFMin = cms.double(0.30),
0195                                   calibrWidthHFMax = cms.double(1.50),
0196                                   #
0197                                   # Special task of run or LS quality:
0198                                   #
0199                                   # flag for ask runs of LSs for RMT & CMT accordingly:
0200                                   #=0-runs, =1-LSs
0201                                   # keep for LED runs this flags =0 always
0202                                   flagtoaskrunsorls = cms.int32(0),
0203                                   #
0204                                   # flag for choice of criterion of bad channels:
0205                                   #=0-CapIdErr, =1-Ratio, =2-Width, =3-TSmax, =4-TSmean, =5-adcAmplitud
0206                                   # keep for CMT (global runs) this flags =0 always
0207                                   flagtodefinebadchannel = cms.int32(0),
0208                                   #how many bins you want on the plots:better to choice (#LS+1)
0209                                   howmanybinsonplots = cms.int32(25),
0210                                   #
0211                                   #
0212                                   # ls - range for RBX study (and ??? perhaps for gain stability via abort gap):
0213                                   lsmin = cms.int32(1),
0214                                   #lsmax = cms.int32(620),
0215                                   lsmax = cms.int32(2600),
0216                                   #
0217                                    #
0218                                   flagabortgaprejected = cms.int32(1),
0219                                   bcnrejectedlow = cms.int32(3446),
0220                                   bcnrejectedhigh= cms.int32(3564),
0221                                   #
0222                                   # flag cpu time reducing
0223                                   #=0-all plots, =1-optimized number of plots (for Global runs)
0224                                   flagcpuoptimization = cms.int32(0),
0225                                   #
0226                                   # flag for ask type of Normalization for CMT estimators:
0227                                   #=0-normalizationOn#evOfLS;   =1-averageVariable-normalizationOn#entriesInLS;
0228                                   flagestimatornormalization = cms.int32(1),
0229                                   #
0230                                   #
0231                                   # cuts on Nbadchannels to see LS dependences:
0232                                   # to select abnormal events,for which Nbcs > this limits
0233                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HBdepth1 = cms.int32(20),
0234                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HBdepth2 = cms.int32(7),
0235                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HEdepth1 = cms.int32(16),
0236                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HEdepth2 = cms.int32(13),
0237                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HEdepth3 = cms.int32(4),
0238                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HFdepth1 = cms.int32(10),
0239                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HFdepth2 = cms.int32(5),
0240                                   lsdep_cut1_peak_HOdepth4 = cms.int32(45),
0241                                   # to select events with Nbcs > this limits
0242                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HBdepth1 = cms.int32(19),
0243                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HBdepth2 = cms.int32(6),
0244                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HEdepth1 = cms.int32(15),
0245                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HEdepth2 = cms.int32(12),
0246                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HEdepth3 = cms.int32(3),
0247                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HFdepth1 = cms.int32(9),
0248                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HFdepth2 = cms.int32(4),
0249                                   lsdep_cut3_max_HOdepth4 = cms.int32(40),
0250                                   #
0251                                   #
0252                                   # cuts on Estimator1 to see LS dependences:
0253                                   lsdep_estimator1_HBdepth1 = cms.double(2500.),
0254                                   lsdep_estimator1_HBdepth2 = cms.double(2500.),
0255                                   lsdep_estimator1_HBdepth3 = cms.double(2500.),
0256                                   lsdep_estimator1_HBdepth4 = cms.double(2500.),
0257                                   lsdep_estimator1_HEdepth1 = cms.double(2500.),
0258                                   lsdep_estimator1_HEdepth2 = cms.double(2500.),
0259                                   lsdep_estimator1_HEdepth3 = cms.double(2500.),
0260                                   lsdep_estimator1_HEdepth4 = cms.double(2500.),
0261                                   lsdep_estimator1_HEdepth5 = cms.double(2500.),
0262                                   lsdep_estimator1_HEdepth6 = cms.double(2500.),
0263                                   lsdep_estimator1_HEdepth7 = cms.double(2500.),
0264                                   lsdep_estimator1_HFdepth1 = cms.double(2500.),
0265                                   lsdep_estimator1_HFdepth2 = cms.double(2500.),
0266                                   lsdep_estimator1_HFdepth3 = cms.double(2500.),
0267                                   lsdep_estimator1_HFdepth4 = cms.double(2500.),
0268                                   lsdep_estimator1_HOdepth4 = cms.double(2500.),
0269                                   # cuts on Estimator2 to see LS dependences:
0270                                   lsdep_estimator2_HBdepth1 = cms.double(7.),
0271                                   lsdep_estimator2_HBdepth2 = cms.double(7.),
0272                                   lsdep_estimator2_HEdepth1 = cms.double(7.),
0273                                   lsdep_estimator2_HEdepth2 = cms.double(7.),
0274                                   lsdep_estimator2_HEdepth3 = cms.double(7.),
0275                                   lsdep_estimator2_HFdepth1 = cms.double(7.),
0276                                   lsdep_estimator2_HFdepth2 = cms.double(7.),
0277                                   lsdep_estimator2_HOdepth4 = cms.double(7.),
0278                                   # cuts on Estimator3 to see LS dependences:
0279                                   lsdep_estimator3_HBdepth1 = cms.double(7.),
0280                                   lsdep_estimator3_HBdepth2 = cms.double(7.),
0281                                   lsdep_estimator3_HEdepth1 = cms.double(7.),
0282                                   lsdep_estimator3_HEdepth2 = cms.double(7.),
0283                                   lsdep_estimator3_HEdepth3 = cms.double(7.),
0284                                   lsdep_estimator3_HFdepth1 = cms.double(7.),
0285                                   lsdep_estimator3_HFdepth2 = cms.double(7.),
0286                                   lsdep_estimator3_HOdepth4 = cms.double(7.),
0287                                   # cuts on Estimator4 to see LS dependences:
0288                                   lsdep_estimator4_HBdepth1 = cms.double(5.),
0289                                   lsdep_estimator4_HBdepth2 = cms.double(5.),
0290                                   lsdep_estimator4_HEdepth1 = cms.double(5.),
0291                                   lsdep_estimator4_HEdepth2 = cms.double(5.),
0292                                   lsdep_estimator4_HEdepth3 = cms.double(5.),
0293                                   lsdep_estimator4_HFdepth1 = cms.double(5.),
0294                                   lsdep_estimator4_HFdepth2 = cms.double(5.),
0295                                   lsdep_estimator4_HOdepth4 = cms.double(5.),
0296                                   # cuts on Estimator5 to see LS dependences:
0297                                   lsdep_estimator5_HBdepth1 = cms.double(1.8),
0298                                   lsdep_estimator5_HBdepth2 = cms.double(1.8),
0299                                   lsdep_estimator5_HEdepth1 = cms.double(1.8),
0300                                   lsdep_estimator5_HEdepth2 = cms.double(1.8),
0301                                   lsdep_estimator5_HEdepth3 = cms.double(1.8),
0302                                   lsdep_estimator5_HFdepth1 = cms.double(1.8),
0303                                   lsdep_estimator5_HFdepth2 = cms.double(1.8),
0304                                   lsdep_estimator5_HOdepth4 = cms.double(1.8),
0305                                   #
0306                                   # use ADC amplitude:
0307                                   useADCmassive = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0308                                   useADCfC = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0309                                   useADCcounts = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0310                                   # 
0311                                   # Pedestals in fC
0312                                   #usePedestalSubtraction = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0313                                   usePedestalSubtraction = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0314                                   #
0315                                   # for possible ignoring of channels w/o signal, apply same cut for
0316                                   # HBHEHFHO on Amplitude, usable for all Estimators 1,2,3,4,5:
0317                                   # forallestimators_amplitude_bigger = cms.double(10.),
0318                                   forallestimators_amplitude_bigger = cms.double(-100.),
0319                                   #
0320                                   #
0321                                   # if 0 - do not use digis at all
0322                                   flagToUseDigiCollectionsORNot = cms.int32(1),
0323                                   #
0324                                   #usecontinuousnumbering = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0325                                   usecontinuousnumbering = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0326                                   #
0327                                   #
0328                                   #
0329                                   hcalCalibDigiCollectionTag = cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'),
0330                                   hbheDigiCollectionTag = cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'),
0331                                   hoDigiCollectionTag = cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'),
0332                                   hfDigiCollectionTag = cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'),
0333                                   #
0334                                   #
0335                                   #
0336                                   #
0337                                   #for upgrade: ---------------------------------------------------------
0338                                   hbheQIE11DigiCollectionTag = cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'),
0339                                   hbheQIE10DigiCollectionTag = cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'),
0340                                   # flag to use either only old QIE8 digiCollections or only new QIE10,11 digiCollections
0341                                   #=0-all digiCollections(default for normal running), =1-only old QIE8 digiCollections, 
0342                                   #=2-only new QIE1011 digiCollections, =3-only new QIE1011 digiCollections w/o new high depthes
0343                                   #=4-2016fall, =5-2016fall w/o new high depthes, =6-2017bebin, =7-2017bebin w/o new high depthes in HEonly
0344                                   #=8--2017bebin w/o new high depthes, =9-all digiCollections  w/o new high depthes
0345                                   # flag   HBHE8    HBHE11   HF8   HF10  comments:
0346                                   #  0       +        +       +     +     all
0347                                   #  1       +        -       +     -     old
0348                                   #  2       -        +       -     +     new
0349                                   #  3       -        +       -     +     new w/o high depthes
0350                                   #  4       +        -       +     +     2016fall
0351                                   #  5       +        -       +     +     2016fall w/o high depthes
0352                                   #  6       +        +       -     +     2017 &&  2018 && 2021
0353                                   #  7       +        +       -     +     2017begin w/o high depthes in HEonly
0354                                   #  8       +        +       -     +     2017begin w/o high depthes
0355                                   #  9       +        +       +     +     all  w/o high depthes
0356                                   # 10       +        -       -     +     2017 w/o HEP17
0357                                   # 
0358                                   flagupgradeqie1011 = cms.int32(6),
0359                                   # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
0360                                   #end upgrade: --------------------------------------------------------- end upgrade
0361                                   # flaguseshunt = 1 or 6 (6 is default for global runs) 
0362                                   flaguseshunt = cms.int32(6),
0363                                   # flagsipmcorrection: != 0 yes,apply; = 0 do not use;
0364                                   flagsipmcorrection = cms.int32(1),
0365                                   #
0366                                   #
0367                                   # for local LASER runs ONLY!!! to be > 0    (,else = 0)
0368                                   flagLaserRaddam = cms.int32(0),
0369                                   # for gaussian fit for local shunt1 (Gsel0) led low-intensity or ped ONLY!!! to be  > 0    (,else = 0)
0370                                   flagfitshunt1pedorledlowintensity = cms.int32(0),
0371                                   # for use in IterativeMethod of CalibrationGroup!!! to be > 1    (,else = 0)
0372                                   flagIterativeMethodCalibrationGroup = cms.int32(1),
0373                                   #
0374                                   #
0375                                   #
0376                                   splashesUpperLimit = cms.int32(10000),
0377                                   #
0378                                   #
0379                                   HistOutFile = cms.untracked.string('LED331388.root'),
0380                                   #
0381                                   MAPOutFile = cms.untracked.string('LogEleMapdb.h')
0382                                   #
0383                                   #
0384                                   )     
0386 process.hcal_db_producer = cms.ESProducer("HcalDbProducer",
0387     dump = cms.untracked.vstring(''),
0388     file = cms.untracked.string('')
0389 )
0390 process.es_hardcode = cms.ESSource("HcalHardcodeCalibrations",
0391     toGet = cms.untracked.vstring('QIEShape',
0392         'QIEData',
0393         'ChannelQuality',
0394         'HcalQIEData',
0395         'Pedestals',
0396         'PedestalWidths',
0397         'Gains',
0398         'GainWidths',
0399         'ZSThresholds',
0400         'RespCorrs')
0401 )
0403 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cff")
0404 from Configuration.AlCa.autoCond import autoCond
0406 # 2018:
0407 #process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '104X_dataRun2_v1'
0408 ######process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '105X_postLS2_design_v4'
0409 # 2019:
0410 process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '106X_dataRun3_HLT_v3'
0412 process.load('EventFilter.HcalRawToDigi.hcalRawToDigi_cfi')
0413 process.hcalDigis= process.hcalRawToDigi.clone(
0414     FilterDataQuality = False,
0415     InputLabel = "source",
0416     #InputLabel = cms.InputTag("rawDataCollector"),
0417 )
0418 process.p = cms.Path(process.hcalDigis*process.Analyzer)
0420 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
0421     cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(
0422         enable = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0423     ),
0424     cout = cms.untracked.PSet(
0425         WARNING = cms.untracked.PSet(
0426             limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)
0427         ),
0428         enable = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0429         threshold = cms.untracked.string('WARNING')
0430     ),
0431     debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('*')
0432 )