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0001 </html><html xmlns="">
0002 <head>
0003 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"/>
0004 <title> Remote Monitoring Tool </title>
0005 <style type="text/css">
0006  body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }
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0012 </style>
0013 <body>
0014 <h1> Remote Monitoring Tool for Local Runs</h1>
0015 <td><a href="">RMT tool description</a></td>
0016 <br>
0017 <td><a href="">DetDiag link</a></td>
0018 <br>
0019 <h2> Reference to other Monitoring Tools:</h2>
0020 <table width="600">
0021 <tr>
0022 <td><a href="">CMT Tool for Global Runs</a></td>
0023 <td><a href="">AMT Tool for Local Runs</a></td>
0024 <td><a href="">RMT Twiki</a></td>
0025 <td><a href="">CMT Twiki</a></td>
0026 </tr>
0027 <h2> Run List </h2>
0028 <table>
0029 <tr>
0030 <td class="s4" align="center">#</td>
0031 <td class="s1" align="center">Run Number</td>
0032 <td class="s1" align="center">Run Type</td>
0033 <td class="s1" align="center">Num. of events</td>
0034 <td class="s1" align="center">Run Date</td>
0035 <td class="s1" align="center">Run Time</td>
0036 <td class="s1" align="center">Reference Run</td>
0037 <td class="s1" align="center">Link to RDM tool</td>
0038 <td class="s1" align="center">Link to DQM data</td>
0039 <td class="s1" align="center">Comment</td>
0040 </tr>