File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:06:33
0001 #include "OOTMultiplicityPlotMacros.h"
0002 #include "DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/interface/CommonAnalyzer.h"
0003 #include "TFile.h"
0004 #include "TCanvas.h"
0005 #include "TH1F.h"
0006 #include "TF1.h"
0007 #include "TProfile.h"
0008 #include <iostream>
0009 #include <algorithm>
0010 #include <cmath>
0012 OOTSummary* ComputeOOTFractionvsFill(TFile* ff,
0013 const char* itmodule,
0014 const char* ootmodule,
0015 const char* etmodule,
0016 const char* hname,
0017 OOTSummary* ootsumm) {
0018 if (ootsumm == nullptr) {
0019 ootsumm = new OOTSummary;
0020 }
0022 if (ff) {
0023 CommonAnalyzer ca(ff, "", itmodule);
0024 std::vector<unsigned int> runs = ca.getFillList();
0025 std::sort(runs.begin(), runs.end());
0026 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < runs.size(); ++i) {
0027 char runlabel[100];
0028 sprintf(runlabel, "%d", runs[i]);
0030 OOTResult* res = ComputeOOTFraction(ff, itmodule, ootmodule, etmodule, runs[i], hname, true);
0032 if (res->ngoodbx != res->hratio->GetEntries())
0033 std::cout << "Inconsistency in number of good bx" << std::endl;
0034 ootsumm->hngoodbx->Fill(runlabel, res->ngoodbx);
0035 int ibin = ootsumm->hootfracsum->Fill(runlabel, res->ootfracsum);
0036 ootsumm->hootfracsum->SetBinError(ibin, res->ootfracsumerr);
0037 int bin = ootsumm->hootfrac->Fill(runlabel, res->ootfrac);
0038 ootsumm->hootfrac->SetBinError(bin, res->ootfracerr);
0039 delete res;
0040 }
0041 } else {
0042 std::cout << "File is not ok" << std::endl;
0043 }
0045 return ootsumm;
0046 }
0047 OOTSummary* ComputeOOTFractionvsRun(TFile* ff,
0048 const char* itmodule,
0049 const char* ootmodule,
0050 const char* etmodule,
0051 const char* hname,
0052 OOTSummary* ootsumm) {
0053 if (ootsumm == nullptr) {
0054 ootsumm = new OOTSummary;
0055 }
0057 if (ff) {
0058 CommonAnalyzer ca(ff, "", itmodule);
0059 std::vector<unsigned int> runs = ca.getRunList();
0060 std::sort(runs.begin(), runs.end());
0061 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < runs.size(); ++i) {
0062 char runlabel[100];
0063 sprintf(runlabel, "%d", runs[i]);
0065 OOTResult* res = ComputeOOTFraction(ff, itmodule, ootmodule, etmodule, runs[i], hname);
0067 if (res->ngoodbx != res->hratio->GetEntries())
0068 std::cout << "Inconsistency in number of good bx" << std::endl;
0069 ootsumm->hngoodbx->Fill(runlabel, res->ngoodbx);
0070 int ibin = ootsumm->hootfracsum->Fill(runlabel, res->ootfracsum);
0071 ootsumm->hootfracsum->SetBinError(ibin, res->ootfracsumerr);
0072 int bin = ootsumm->hootfrac->Fill(runlabel, res->ootfrac);
0073 ootsumm->hootfrac->SetBinError(bin, res->ootfracerr);
0074 delete res;
0075 }
0076 } else {
0077 std::cout << "File is not ok" << std::endl;
0078 }
0080 return ootsumm;
0081 }
0083 OOTResult* ComputeOOTFraction(TFile* ff,
0084 const char* itmodule,
0085 const char* ootmodule,
0086 const char* etmodule,
0087 const int run,
0088 const char* hname,
0089 const bool& perFill) {
0090 if (perFill) {
0091 std::cout << "Processing fill " << run << std::endl;
0092 } else {
0093 std::cout << "Processing run " << run << std::endl;
0094 }
0096 char itpath[100];
0097 char ootpath[100];
0098 char etpath[100];
0099 if (perFill) {
0100 sprintf(itpath, "%s/fill_%d", itmodule, run);
0101 sprintf(ootpath, "%s/fill_%d", ootmodule, run);
0102 sprintf(etpath, "%s/fill_%d", etmodule, run);
0103 } else {
0104 sprintf(itpath, "%s/run_%d", itmodule, run);
0105 sprintf(ootpath, "%s/run_%d", ootmodule, run);
0106 sprintf(etpath, "%s/run_%d", etmodule, run);
0107 }
0109 OOTResult* res = new OOTResult;
0111 std::vector<int> filledbx = FillingSchemeFromProfile(ff, itpath, hname);
0112 res->nfilledbx = filledbx.size();
0114 if (!perFill) {
0115 std::vector<int> filledbxtest = FillingScheme(ff, etpath);
0116 if (filledbx.size() != filledbxtest.size())
0117 std::cout << "Inconsistency in number of filled BX " << run << " " << filledbx.size() << " "
0118 << filledbxtest.size() << std::endl;
0119 }
0121 TProfile* itmult = nullptr;
0122 TProfile* ootmult = nullptr;
0123 res->hratio = new TH1F("ratio", "ratio", 200, 0., 2.);
0125 float rclzb = 0;
0126 float rclrandom = 0;
0127 float errclzb = 0;
0128 float errclrandom = 0;
0129 float nzb = 0;
0130 float nrandom = 0;
0132 if (ff) {
0133 if (ff->cd(itpath)) {
0134 itmult = (TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
0135 } else {
0136 std::cout << "In time path is not ok" << std::endl;
0137 }
0138 if (ff->cd(ootpath)) {
0139 ootmult = (TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
0140 } else {
0141 std::cout << "out of time path is not ok" << std::endl;
0142 }
0143 if (itmult && ootmult) {
0144 ootmult->SetLineColor(kRed);
0145 ootmult->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
0148 for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator fbx = filledbx.begin(); fbx != filledbx.end(); ++fbx) {
0149 nzb += itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx);
0150 nrandom += ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx + 1);
0151 }
0152 for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator fbx = filledbx.begin(); fbx != filledbx.end(); ++fbx) {
0153 if (nzb > 0 && nrandom > 0) {
0154 rclzb += (itmult->GetBinContent(*fbx) * itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx)) / nzb;
0155 errclzb += (itmult->GetBinError(*fbx) * itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx)) *
0156 (itmult->GetBinError(*fbx) * itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx)) / (nzb * nzb);
0157 rclrandom += (ootmult->GetBinContent(*fbx + 1) * ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx + 1)) / nrandom;
0158 errclrandom += (ootmult->GetBinError(*fbx + 1) * ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx + 1)) *
0159 (ootmult->GetBinError(*fbx + 1) * ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx + 1)) / (nrandom * nrandom);
0160 }
0161 if (itmult->GetBinContent(*fbx) == 0) {
0162 std::cout << "No cluster in filled BX! " << *fbx << std::endl;
0163 } else if (ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx + 1) ==
0164 0) {
0165 } else {
0166 float rat = ootmult->GetBinContent(*fbx + 1) / itmult->GetBinContent(*fbx);
0167 res->hratio->Fill(rat);
0168 }
0169 }
0170 } else {
0171 std::cout << "histograms not found" << std::endl;
0172 }
0173 } else {
0174 std::cout << "Input file pointer is not ok" << std::endl;
0175 }
0177 res->ngoodbx = res->hratio->GetEntries();
0179 if (nzb > 0 && nrandom > 0 && rclzb > 0 && rclrandom > 0) {
0180 res->ootfracsum = rclrandom / rclzb;
0181 res->ootfracsumerr = rclrandom / rclzb * sqrt(errclzb / (rclzb * rclzb) + errclrandom / (rclrandom * rclrandom));
0182 }
0183 if (res->ngoodbx) {
0184 res->hratio->Fit("gaus", "Q0", "", .01, 1.99);
0185 if (res->hratio->GetFunction("gaus")) {
0186 res->ootfrac = res->hratio->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1);
0187 res->ootfracerr = res->hratio->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(1);
0188 } else {
0189 std::cout << "Missing fitting function" << std::endl;
0190 }
0191 } else {
0192 std::cout << "No filled BX or strange filling scheme" << std::endl;
0193 }
0195 return res;
0196 }
0198 std::vector<int> FillingScheme(TFile* ff, const char* path, const float thr) {
0199 TH1F* bx = nullptr;
0200 std::vector<int> filledbx;
0201 if (ff) {
0202 if (ff->cd(path)) {
0203 bx = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("bx");
0204 if (bx) {
0206 std::cout << "Number of entries " << bx->GetEntries() << " threshold " << thr / 3564. * bx->GetEntries()
0207 << std::endl;
0208 for (int i = 1; i < bx->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i) {
0209 if (bx->GetBinContent(i) > thr / 3564. * bx->GetEntries()) {
0210 if (!filledbx.empty() && i == filledbx[filledbx.size() - 1] + 1) {
0211 std::cout << "This is not a 50ns run ! " << std::endl;
0212 filledbx.clear();
0213 return filledbx;
0214 }
0215 filledbx.push_back(i);
0216 }
0217 }
0218 } else {
0219 std::cout << "Histogram not found" << std::endl;
0220 }
0221 } else {
0222 std::cout << "module path is not ok" << std::endl;
0223 }
0224 } else {
0225 std::cout << "Input file pointer is not ok" << std::endl;
0226 }
0230 return filledbx;
0231 }
0232 std::vector<int> FillingSchemeFromProfile(TFile* ff, const char* path, const char* hname, const float thr) {
0233 TProfile* bx = nullptr;
0234 std::vector<int> filledbx;
0235 if (ff) {
0236 if (ff->cd(path)) {
0237 bx = (TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
0238 if (bx) {
0240 std::cout << "Number of entries " << bx->GetEntries() << " threshold " << thr / 3564. * bx->GetEntries()
0241 << std::endl;
0242 for (int i = 1; i < bx->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i) {
0243 if (bx->GetBinEntries(i) > thr / 3564. * bx->GetEntries()) {
0244 if (!filledbx.empty() && i == filledbx[filledbx.size() - 1] + 1) {
0245 std::cout << "This is not a 50ns run ! " << std::endl;
0246 filledbx.clear();
0247 return filledbx;
0248 }
0249 filledbx.push_back(i);
0250 }
0251 }
0252 } else {
0253 std::cout << "Histogram not found" << std::endl;
0254 }
0255 } else {
0256 std::cout << "module path is not ok" << std::endl;
0257 }
0258 } else {
0259 std::cout << "Input file pointer is not ok" << std::endl;
0260 }
0264 return filledbx;
0265 }