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0001 #
0002 #  Load common sequences
0003 #
0004 from HLTrigger.HLTfilters.hltLevel1GTSeed_cfi import *
0005 l1RequestPhAlgos = hltLevel1GTSeed.clone()
0006 # False allows to read directly from L1 instead fo candidate ObjectMap
0007 l1RequestPhAlgos.L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool(False)
0008     #
0009     # option used forL1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = False only
0010     # number of BxInEvent: 1: L1A=0; 3: -1, L1A=0, 1; 5: -2, -1, L1A=0, 1, 
0011 # online is used 5
0012 l1RequestPhAlgos.L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32(5)
0014 # Request the or of the following bits: from 54 to 62 and 106-107
0016 l1RequestPhAlgos.L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string(
0017     'L1_SingleMuBeamHalo OR L1_SingleMuOpen OR L1_SingleMu3 OR L1_SingleMu7 OR L1_SingleMu10 OR L1_SingleMu20 OR L1_DoubleMu3')
0019 l1MuBitsSkimseq = cms.Sequence(l1RequestPhAlgos)