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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:06:53

0001 //
0002 //  File:   (W.Badgett, G.Y.Jeng)
0003 //
0004 //  Some changs were made to publish PVs
0005 //  (Sushil S. Chauhan/ UCDavis)
0007 package cms.dip.tracker.beamspot;
0009 import cern.dip.*;
0010 import java.lang.Thread;
0011 import*;
0012 import java.text.*;
0013 import java.util.Date;
0014 import java.util.BitSet;
0016 public class BeamSpotDipServer
0017 extends Thread
0018 implements Runnable,DipPublicationErrorHandler
0019 {
0020   // Input parameters
0021   public static boolean verbose = false;
0022   public static boolean overwriteQuality = true; //if true, overwrite quality with qualities[0]
0023   public static String subjectCMS = "dip/CMS/Tracker/BeamSpot";
0024   public static String subjectLHC = "dip/CMS/LHC/LuminousRegion";
0025   public static String subjectPV = "dip/CMS/Tracker/PrimaryVertices";
0026   public static String sourceFile = "/nfshome0/dqmpro/BeamMonitorDQM/BeamFitResults.txt";
0027   public static String sourceFile1 = "/nfshome0/dqmpro/BeamMonitorDQM/BeamFitResults_TkStatus.txt";
0028   public static int[] timeoutLS = {1,2}; //LumiSections
0030   // Static variables
0031   public final static String[] qualities = {"Uncertain","Bad","Good"};
0032   public final static boolean publishStatErrors = true;
0033   public final static int secPerLS = 23;
0034   public final static int rad2urad = 1000000;
0035   public final static int cm2um = 10000;
0036   public final static int cm2mm = 10;
0037   public final static int intLS = 1; //For CMS scaler
0039   // Coordinate transformation from CMS RF to LHC RF (ref. CMS-TK-UR-0059)
0040   public final static double[] trans = {-0.09,-0.11,-0.12}; //cm
0041   public final static double[] angles = {-0.00002,-0.00016,-0.00122}; //rad
0042   public final static double[] rotX = {Math.cos(angles[0]),Math.sin(angles[0]),Math.tan(angles[0])};
0043   public final static double[] rotY = {Math.cos(angles[1]),Math.sin(angles[1]),Math.tan(angles[1])};
0044   public final static double[] rotZ = {Math.cos(angles[2]),Math.sin(angles[2]),Math.tan(angles[2])};
0046   // DIP objects
0047   DipFactory dip;
0048   DipData messageCMS;
0049   DipData messageLHC;
0050   DipData messagePV;
0051   DipPublication publicationCMS;
0052   DipPublication publicationLHC;
0053   DipPublication publicationPV;
0054   // Initial values of Beam Spot object
0055   int runnum = 0;
0056   String startTime = getDateTime();
0057   String endTime = getDateTime();
0058   long startTimeStamp = 0;
0059   long endTimeStamp = 0;
0060   String lumiRange = "0 - 0";
0061   String quality = "Uncertain";
0062   int type = -1;
0063   float x = 0;
0064   float y = 0;
0065   float z = 0;
0066   float dxdz = 0;
0067   float dydz = 0;
0068   float err_x = 0;
0069   float err_y = 0;
0070   float err_z = 0;
0071   float err_dxdz = 0;
0072   float err_dydz = 0;
0073   float width_x = 0;
0074   float width_y = 0;
0075   float sigma_z = 0;
0076   float err_width_x = 0;
0077   float err_width_y = 0;
0078   float err_sigma_z = 0;
0079   //added for PV infor
0080   int events = 0;
0081   float meanPV = 0;
0082   float err_meanPV = 0;
0083   float rmsPV = 0;
0084   float err_rmsPV = 0;
0085   int maxPV = 0;
0086   int nPV = 0; 
0087   //---
0088   float Size[] = new float[3];
0089   float Centroid[] = new float[3];
0090   float Tilt[] = new float[2];
0092   // Others
0093   boolean keepRunning;
0094   long lastFitTime = 0;
0095   long lastModTime = 0;
0096   BitSet alive = new BitSet(8);
0097   int idleTime = 0;
0098   int lsCount = 0;
0099   int currentLS = 0;
0101   public void handleException(DipPublication publication,
0102                   DipException e)
0103   {
0104     System.out.println("handleException: " + getDateTime());
0105     System.out.println("Error handler for " +
0106                publication.getTopicName() +
0107                " called because " + e.getMessage());
0108     e.printStackTrace();
0109   }
0111   public void run()
0112   {
0113     java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date();
0115     try
0116     {
0117       dip = Dip.create("CmsBeamSpot_"+now.getTime());
0119       System.out.println("Server Started at " + getDateTime());
0120       System.out.println("Making publication " + subjectCMS);
0121       publicationCMS = dip.createDipPublication(subjectCMS, this);
0122       messageCMS = dip.createDipData();
0124       System.out.println("Making publication " + subjectLHC);
0125       publicationLHC = dip.createDipPublication(subjectLHC, this);
0126       messageLHC = dip.createDipData();
0128       System.out.println("Making publication " + subjectPV);
0129       publicationPV = dip.createDipPublication(subjectPV, this);
0130       messagePV = dip.createDipData();
0132       trueRcd(false); // Starts with all 0.
0133       publishRcd("UNINITIALIZED","",true,false);
0134       keepRunning = true;
0135     }
0136     catch ( DipException e )
0137     {
0138       System.err.println("DipException [start up]: " + getDateTime());
0139       keepRunning = false;
0140     }
0142     quality = qualities[0];
0144     while (keepRunning)
0145     {
0146       try
0147       {
0148         File logFile = new File(sourceFile);
0150     if (!logFile.exists()) {
0151         if (verbose) System.out.println("Source File: " + sourceFile + " doesn't exist!");
0152         polling();
0153         continue;
0154     }
0155     else {
0156       FileReader fr = new FileReader(logFile);
0157       BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
0158       lastModTime = logFile.lastModified();
0159       if (lastFitTime == 0)
0160           lastFitTime = lastModTime;
0161       if (logFile.length() == 0) {
0162           if (lastModTime > lastFitTime) {
0163           String tmp = tkStatus();
0164           System.out.println("New run starts. Run number: " + runnum);
0165           if (verbose) System.out.println("Initial lastModTime = " + getDateTime(lastModTime));
0166           }
0167           lastFitTime = lastModTime;
0168       }
0170       if (lastModTime > lastFitTime) {
0171           if (verbose) {
0172           System.out.println("Time of last fit    = " + getDateTime(lastFitTime));
0173           System.out.println("Time of current fit = " + getDateTime(lastModTime));
0174           }
0175           lastFitTime = lastModTime;
0176           if (logFile.length() > 0) {
0177           if (verbose) System.out.println("Read record from " + sourceFile);
0178           if (readRcd(br)) {
0179               trueRcd(true);
0180               alive.clear();
0181               alive.flip(7);
0182           }
0183           else fakeRcd();
0184           if (verbose) System.out.println("Publish new record");
0185           lsCount = 0;
0186           idleTime = 0;
0187           }
0188           br.close();
0189           fr.close();
0190       }
0191       else{
0192           br.close();
0193           fr.close();
0194           polling();
0195           continue;
0196       }
0197     }
0198     // Quality of the publish results
0199     if (overwriteQuality) publishRcd(qualities[0],"Testing",true,true);
0200     else if (quality == qualities[1]) publishRcd(quality,"No BeamFit or Fit Fails",true,true);
0201     else publishRcd(quality,"",true,true);
0203       } catch (IOException e) {
0204       System.err.println("IOException [Loop]: " + getDateTime());
0205       e.printStackTrace();
0206       };
0207     }
0208   }
0210   private void polling()
0211   {
0212     if (lsCount != 0 && lsCount%60 == 0) {
0213     System.out.println("Waiting for data..." + getDateTime());
0214     }
0215     try { Thread.sleep(1000); }//every sec
0216     catch(InterruptedException e) {
0217     System.err.println("InterruptedException [polling]: " + getDateTime());
0218     e.printStackTrace();
0219     keepRunning = false;
0220     }
0221     lsCount++;
0222     idleTime++;
0223     if ((lsCount%(timeoutLS[0]*secPerLS) == 0)
0224     && (lsCount%(timeoutLS[1]*secPerLS) != 0)) {//fist time out
0225     if (!alive.get(1)) alive.flip(1);
0226     if (!alive.get(2)) {
0227         if (!alive.get(7)) fakeRcd();
0228         else trueRcd(false);
0229         publishRcd("Uncertain","No new data for " + idleTime + " seconds",false,false);
0230     }
0231     else {
0232         fakeRcd();
0233         String warnMsg = "No new data for " + idleTime + "seconds: ";
0234         warnMsg += tkStatus();
0235         publishRcd("Bad",warnMsg,false,false);
0236     }
0237     }
0238     else if (lsCount%(timeoutLS[1]*secPerLS) == 0) {//second time out
0239     if (!alive.get(2)) alive.flip(2);
0240     //if(!alive.get(7))
0241     fakeRcd();
0242     //else trueRcd(false);
0243     String warnMsg = "No new data for " + idleTime + "seconds: ";
0244     warnMsg += tkStatus();
0245     publishRcd("Bad",warnMsg,false,false);
0246     }
0247   }
0249   String tkStatus()
0250   {
0251     File logFile = new File(sourceFile1);
0252     if (!logFile.exists() || logFile.length() == 0) {
0253     return "No CMS Tracker status available. No DAQ/DQM.";
0254     }
0255     else {
0256       int nthLnInRcd = 0;
0257       String record = new String();
0258       String outstr = new String();
0259       try
0260     {
0261       FileReader fr = new FileReader(logFile);
0262       BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
0263       while ((record = br.readLine()) != null) {
0264         //System.out.println(record);
0265         nthLnInRcd ++;
0266         String[] tmp;
0267         tmp = record.split("\\s");
0268         switch(nthLnInRcd) {
0269         case 7:
0270         if (!tmp[1].contains("Yes"))
0271             outstr = "CMS Tracker OFF.";
0272         else
0273             outstr = "CMS not taking data or No beam.";
0274         break;
0275         case 8:
0276         runnum = new Integer(tmp[1]);
0277         break;
0278         default:
0279         break;
0280         }
0281       }
0282       br.close();
0283       fr.close();
0284     }
0285     catch (Exception e) {
0286         System.err.println("Exception [tkStatus]: " + getDateTime());
0287         e.printStackTrace();
0288     }
0289       return outstr;
0290     }
0291   }
0293   private boolean readRcd(BufferedReader file_)
0294   {
0295     int nthLnInRcd = 0;
0296     String record = new String();
0297     boolean rcdQlty = false;
0298     try
0299     {
0300       while ((record = file_.readLine()) != null) {
0301     //System.out.println(record);
0302     nthLnInRcd ++;
0303     String[] tmp;
0304     tmp = record.split("\\s");
0305     switch(nthLnInRcd) {
0306     case 1:
0307         if (!record.startsWith("Run")){
0308         System.out.println("Reading of results text file interrupted. " + getDateTime());
0309         return false;
0310         }
0311         runnum = new Integer(tmp[1]);
0312         System.out.println("Run: " + runnum);
0313         break;
0314     case 2:
0315         startTime = tmp[1]+" "+tmp[2]+" "+tmp[3];
0316         startTimeStamp = new Long(tmp[4]);
0317         //System.out.println("Time of begin run: " + startTime);
0318         break;
0319     case 3:
0320         endTime = tmp[1]+" "+tmp[2]+" "+tmp[3];
0321         endTimeStamp = new Long(tmp[4]);
0322         System.out.println("TimeStamp of fit: " + endTimeStamp + " [sec]");
0323         System.out.println("Time of fit: " + endTime);
0324         break;
0325     case 4:
0326         lumiRange = record.substring(10);
0327         System.out.println("LS: " + lumiRange);
0328         currentLS = new Integer(tmp[3]);
0329         //System.out.println("Current LS: " + currentLS);
0330         break;
0331     case 5:
0332         type = new Integer(tmp[1]);
0333         if (overwriteQuality) quality = qualities[0];
0334         else if (type >= 2) quality = qualities[2];
0335         else quality = qualities[1];
0336         break;
0337     case 6:
0338         x = new Float(tmp[1]);
0339         System.out.format("X0 in CMS RF   = %13.7f  [cm]%n", x);
0340         break;
0341     case 7:
0342         y = new Float(tmp[1]);
0343         System.out.format("Y0 in CMS RF   = %13.7f  [cm]%n", y);
0344         break;
0345     case 8:
0346         z = new Float(tmp[1]);
0347         System.out.format("Z0 in CMS RF   = %13.7f  [cm]%n", z);
0348         break;
0349     case 9:
0350         sigma_z = new Float(tmp[1]);
0351         System.out.format("Sigma Z        = %11.5f    [cm]%n", sigma_z);
0352         break;
0353     case 10:
0354         dxdz = new Float(tmp[1]);
0355         //System.out.println("dxdz           = " + dxdz + " [rad]");
0356         break;
0357     case 11:
0358         dydz = new Float(tmp[1]);
0359         //System.out.println("dydz           = " + dydz + " [rad]");
0360         break;
0361     case 12:
0362         width_x = new Float(tmp[1]);
0363         System.out.format("Sigma X        = %14.8f [cm]%n", width_x);
0364         break;
0365     case 13:
0366         width_y = new Float(tmp[1]);
0367         System.out.format("Sigma Y        = %14.8f [cm]%n", width_y);
0368         break;
0369     case 14:
0370         err_x = new Float(Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tmp[1])));
0371         //System.out.println(err_x);
0372         break;
0373     case 15:
0374         err_y = new Float(Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tmp[2])));
0375         //System.out.println(err_y);
0376         break;
0377     case 16:
0378         err_z = new Float(Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tmp[3])));
0379         //System.out.println(err_z);
0380         break;
0381     case 17:
0382         err_sigma_z = new Float(Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tmp[4])));
0383         //System.out.println(err_sigma_z);
0384         break;
0385     case 18:
0386         err_dxdz = new Float(Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tmp[5])));
0387         //System.out.println(err_dxdz);
0388         break;
0389     case 19:
0390         err_dydz = new Float(Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tmp[6])));
0391         //System.out.println(err_dydz);
0392         break;
0393     case 20:
0394         err_width_x = new Float(Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tmp[7])));
0395         err_width_y = err_width_x;
0396             break;
0397         case 21:                      
0398             System.out.println("EmittanceX");
0399             break; 
0400         case 22:                      
0401             System.out.println("EmittanceY");
0402             break; 
0403         case 23:                      
0404             System.out.println("BetaStar");
0405             break; 
0406         case 24:                      
0407             events = new Integer(tmp[1]);
0408             //System.out.println(events);
0409             break; 
0410         case 25:                      
0411             meanPV = new Float(tmp[1]);
0412             //System.out.println(meanPV);
0413             break; 
0414         case 26:                      
0415             err_meanPV = new Float(tmp[1]);
0416             //System.out.println(err_meanPV);
0417             break;
0418         case 27:                      
0419             rmsPV = new Float(tmp[1]);
0420             //System.out.println(rmsPV);
0421             break; 
0422         case 28:                      
0423             err_rmsPV = new Float(tmp[1]);
0424             //System.out.println(err_rmsPV);
0425             break;
0426         case 29:                      
0427             maxPV = new Integer(tmp[1]);
0428             //System.out.println(maxPV);
0429             break;
0430         case 30:                      
0431             nPV = new Integer(tmp[1]);
0432             //System.out.println(nPV);
0433         rcdQlty = true;
0434         if (verbose) System.out.println("End of reading current record");
0435         break;
0437     default:
0438         break;
0439     }
0440       }
0441       file_.close();
0442     }
0443     catch (IOException e) {
0444     System.err.println("IOException [readRcd]: " + getDateTime());
0445     e.printStackTrace();
0446     }
0447     return rcdQlty;
0448   }
0450   private void CMS2LHCRF_POS(float x, float y, float z)
0451   {
0452     if (x != 0) {//Rotation + Translation + Inversion + Scaling
0453     double tmpx = x; //*rotY[0]*rotZ[0] + y*rotY[0]*rotZ[1] - z*rotY[1] + trans[0];
0454     Centroid[0] = new Float(tmpx);
0455     Centroid[0] *= -1.0*cm2um;
0456     }
0457     else
0458     Centroid[0] = x;
0459     if (y != 0) {// Rotation + Translation + Scaling
0460     double tmpy = y; //x*(rotX[1]*rotY[1]*rotZ[0] - rotX[0]*rotZ[1]) + y*(rotX[0]*rotZ[0] + rotX[1]*rotY[1]*rotZ[1]) + z*rotX[1]*rotY[0] + trans[1];
0461     Centroid[1] = new Float(tmpy);
0462     Centroid[1] *= cm2um;
0463     }
0464     else
0465     Centroid[1] = y;
0466     if (z != 0) {//Rotation + Translation + Inversion + Scaling
0467     double tmpz = z; //x*(rotX[0]*rotY[1]*rotZ[0] + rotX[1]*rotZ[1]) + y*(rotX[0]*rotY[1]*rotZ[1] - rotX[1]*rotZ[0]) + z*rotX[0]*rotY[0] + trans[2];
0468     Centroid[2] = new Float(tmpz);
0469     Centroid[2] *= -1.0*cm2mm;
0470     }
0471     else
0472     Centroid[2] = z;
0473   }
0475   private void trueRcd(boolean verbose_)
0476   {
0477    try
0478    {
0479      // CMS to LHC RF
0480      CMS2LHCRF_POS(x,y,z);
0482      Tilt[0] = dxdz*rad2urad;
0483      Tilt[1] = (dydz != 0 ? (dydz*-1*rad2urad) : 0);
0485      Size[0] = width_x*cm2um;
0486      Size[1] = width_y*cm2um;
0487      Size[2] = sigma_z*cm2mm;
0489      if (verbose_) {
0490      System.out.format( "X0 in LHC RF   = %11.5f    [microns]%n", Centroid[0]);
0491      System.out.format( "Y0 in LHC RF   = %11.5f    [microns]%n", Centroid[1]);
0492      System.out.format( "Z0 in LHC RF   = %13.7f  [mm]%n", Centroid[2]);
0493      }
0495      messageCMS.insert("runnum",runnum);
0496      messageCMS.insert("startTime",startTime);
0497      messageCMS.insert("endTime",endTime);
0498      messageCMS.insert("startTimeStamp",startTimeStamp);
0499      messageCMS.insert("endTimeStamp",endTimeStamp);
0500      messageCMS.insert("lumiRange",lumiRange);
0501      messageCMS.insert("quality",quality);
0502      messageCMS.insert("type",type); //Unknown=-1, Fake=0, Tracker=2(Good)
0503      messageCMS.insert("x",x);
0504      messageCMS.insert("y",y);
0505      messageCMS.insert("z",z);
0506      messageCMS.insert("dxdz",dxdz);
0507      messageCMS.insert("dydz",dydz);
0508      messageCMS.insert("width_x",width_x);
0509      messageCMS.insert("width_y",width_y);
0510      messageCMS.insert("sigma_z",sigma_z);
0511      if (publishStatErrors) {
0512      messageCMS.insert("err_x",err_x);
0513      messageCMS.insert("err_y",err_y);
0514      messageCMS.insert("err_z",err_z);
0515      messageCMS.insert("err_dxdz",err_dxdz);
0516      messageCMS.insert("err_dydz",err_dydz);
0517      messageCMS.insert("err_width_x",err_width_x);
0518      messageCMS.insert("err_width_y",err_width_y);
0519      messageCMS.insert("err_sigma_z",err_sigma_z);
0520      }
0521      messageLHC.insert("Size",Size);
0522      messageLHC.insert("Centroid",Centroid);
0523      messageLHC.insert("Tilt",Tilt);
0524      //start putting values in DIP for PV
0525      messagePV.insert("runnum",runnum);
0526      messagePV.insert("startTime",startTime);
0527      messagePV.insert("endTime",endTime);
0528      messagePV.insert("startTimeStamp",startTimeStamp);
0529      messagePV.insert("endTimeStamp",endTimeStamp);
0530      messagePV.insert("lumiRange",lumiRange);
0531      messagePV.insert("events",events);   
0532      messagePV.insert("meanPV",meanPV);  
0533      messagePV.insert("err_meanPV",err_meanPV);
0534      messagePV.insert("rmsPV",rmsPV);      
0535      messagePV.insert("err_rmsPV",err_rmsPV);
0536      messagePV.insert("maxPV",maxPV);
0537      messagePV.insert("nPV",nPV);
0538    } catch (DipException e){
0539        System.err.println("DipException [trueRcd]: " + getDateTime());
0540        System.err.println("Failed to send data because " + e.getMessage());
0541        e.printStackTrace();
0542    }
0543   }
0545   private void fakeRcd()
0546   {
0547    try
0548    {
0549      Centroid[0] = 0;
0550      Centroid[1] = 0;
0551      Centroid[2] = 0;
0553      Size[0] = 0;
0554      Size[1] = 0;
0555      Size[2] = 0;
0557      Tilt[0] = 0;
0558      Tilt[1] = 0;
0560      messageLHC.insert("Size",Size);
0561      messageLHC.insert("Centroid",Centroid);
0562      messageLHC.insert("Tilt",Tilt);
0563    } catch (DipException e){
0564        System.err.println("DipException [fakeRcd]: " + getDateTime());
0565        System.err.println("Failed to send data because " + e.getMessage());
0566        e.printStackTrace();
0567    }
0568   }
0570   private void publishRcd(String qlty_, String err_, boolean pubCMS_, boolean fitTime_)
0571   {
0572    try
0573    {
0574      boolean updateCMS_ = pubCMS_ && (currentLS%intLS == 0);
0575      if (alive.get(7)) {
0576      if (updateCMS_) System.out.println("Publish record to CCC and CMS (beam spot scaler...)");
0577      else
0578          if (!alive.get(1) && !alive.get(2)) System.out.println("Publish record to CCC only");
0579      }
0580      DipTimestamp zeit;
0581      if (fitTime_) {
0582      long epoch;
0583      epoch = endTimeStamp*1000; //convert to ms
0584      System.out.println("epoch = " + epoch + " [ms]");
0585      zeit = new DipTimestamp(epoch);
0586      }
0587      else zeit = new DipTimestamp();
0589      if(updateCMS_) publicationCMS.send(messageCMS, zeit);
0590      publicationLHC.send(messageLHC, zeit);
0591      publicationPV.send(messagePV, zeit);
0593      if (qlty_ == qualities[0]) {
0594      if (updateCMS_) publicationCMS.setQualityUncertain(err_);
0595      publicationLHC.setQualityUncertain(err_);
0596      }
0597      else if (qlty_ == qualities[1]) {
0598      if (updateCMS_) publicationCMS.setQualityBad(err_);
0599      publicationLHC.setQualityBad(err_);
0600      }
0601      else if (qlty_ == "UNINITIALIZED") {
0602      if (updateCMS_) publicationCMS.setQualityBad("UNINITIALIZED");
0603      publicationLHC.setQualityBad("UNINITIALIZED");
0604      }
0605    } catch (DipException e){
0606        System.err.println("DipException [publishRcd]: " + getDateTime());
0607        System.err.println("Failed to send data because " + e.getMessage());
0608        e.printStackTrace();
0609    }
0610   }
0612   private String getDateTime()
0613   {
0614     DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z");
0615     Date date = new Date();
0616     return dateFormat.format(date);
0617   }
0619   private String getDateTime(long epoch)
0620   {
0621     DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z");
0622     Date date = new Date(epoch);
0623     return dateFormat.format(date);
0624   }
0626   private BeamSpotDipServer(String args[])
0627   {
0628     this.verbose = args[0].matches("true");
0629     this.overwriteQuality = args[1].matches("true");
0630     this.subjectCMS = args[2];
0631     this.subjectLHC = args[3];
0632     this.sourceFile = args[4];
0633     this.timeoutLS[0] = new Integer(args[5]);
0634     this.timeoutLS[1] = new Integer(args[6]);
0635     this.sourceFile1 = args[7];
0636     this.subjectPV = args[8];
0637   }
0639   public static void main(String args[])
0640   {
0641     BeamSpotDipServer server = new BeamSpotDipServer(args);
0642     server.start();
0643   }
0644 }